They Added HORRIFYING NEW LEVIATHANS to Subnautica and I Regret Everything

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so knowing what i know regarding what i've added to this mod pack i'm a little bit terrified new leviathans i don't know where they spawn i hope i don't run into them and of course uh of course i had to do it uh i installed a specific mod called the random creature-sized mod uh in which you can set a minimum and a maximum size which means you know bluntly the gargantuan leviathan can be in upwards of three times as big i didn't want to go too far because i know things are just gonna break if they're like a hundred times bigger than normal but i've made it a little bit more interesting in that every creature is at a minimum of 150 percent they're 50 percent bigger than normal so i'm even oh even this guy i mean you can't really tell on some of these jesus wait maybe you can there's a lot of you guys up here okay so we're here we need to get into the mountain because i need some water and [ __ ] and i can't see anything oh wait i could cut you right yes we can live vital signs stabilizing oh oh i could pick it up we can get in no oh this is bad all right let's use this purple thing let's get inside let's get inside we got 25 minutes to wait this structure is composed of a metal alloy with unprecedented integrity no match is found in database performing structural analysis um beautiful as always god i love this shader so much i wonder uh will the robo drones be big your best probability of interfacing with this facility is achieved by accessing the control room in the lower section cool i need a cyclops while they oh god one of the biggest mods that i've i haven't even touched is the it's the [ __ ] boat dude the voyager i got to see what after this we got to see what it is to build that i don't think it's gonna be that much oh isn't there isn't there also a mod where i can like use this the alien rifle somebody tell me down below i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure there is scans indicate the lies beyond this doorway yes i get self scan let me do that before we get up here i already know myself bacterial infection in your system is progressing detecting skin irritation and immune system response further data required to identify bacterial strain oh i knew i saw something i thought maybe it was just a graphical glitch oh he's so big okay let's just get in here i don't think he can hurt me through here right interact get stabbed oh god he's just swimming around i hate it i hate it i always love that animation is broadcasting a message translation reads warning infected individuals may not disable the weapon this planet is under quarantine that line right there too so dark i'm out of this room [ __ ] this reaper i know never to swim around here oh my god downloading summary to data bank oh where are we going research facility lost river we i got to get in my i heard my sea moth out of here dude is just going to straight eat me dare i go in the water i'm going in the water are you kidding me i'm in a good mood today we're going deep oh maybe never mind oh there we go okay i can see a little bit more ah the warpers are bigger too dude look at this school of [ __ ] titan this fish man those guys were already big to begin with oh god oh god oh god you know what's funny is that the warper is absolutely massive right like like if you actually look at the concept art and stuff like it's pretty big oh hello i feel like setting it to 150 minimum is it everything sending it if every fish is 150 i feel like that it seems like they're more appropriate in size look how big this [ __ ] thing has [ __ ] 18 minutes i probably should eat some bulbous trees stock up on water see moss stay safe hello hello we're going a little deep oh my god so uh where are we going underwater islands over here right does this thing is heck my sema i actually don't know [ __ ] oh i mean it's absolutely bigger than normal right oh this is so cool there's another one little baby one still oh [ __ ] okay where am i going where am i going here oh my god there's a ton of those [ __ ] eels around everywhere man underwater island oh my god oxygen efficiency decreased oh my god opened i don't care about that grappling arm i do care about that [ __ ] i'm not gonna make it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] there's some tentacles right there every tentacle now scaring the living hell out of me cut damn you cut exosuit oh wait i can get a stuff board yes man it's literal hell outside of this wreck so it sounds like it's just absolute hell fluid charge fans [Music] that might be the thing from uh oh no am i gonna die open the door hurry up oh my god i'm out i'm out don't touch me don't touch me i'm clicking i made it in no i heard the seamoth move you son of a [ __ ] oh hey at least i get my rubric oh my god let me grab that and head my way back now with no [ __ ] vehicle what do you got to say what nothing important oh this is gonna be absolute [ __ ] hell dude look at this look at the meat on that guy these peepers are [ __ ] massive dude oh man okay so we're gonna swim through an absolute museum right now with overseas [ __ ] okay i know we're gonna pass by probably we're gonna pass by um stalkers giant stalkers i hate this game i hate this game now holy [ __ ] okay i'm gonna take a quick look as to what this [ __ ] thing is what is that oh it's the goal for levitt no you sick [ __ ] i'm gonna die aren't i i'm gonna die where's the landing spot landing spot we got five minutes we're gonna go up here and wait i'm gonna feed myself watch the ultimate poor guys oh [ __ ] [Music] survivor we see you man i don't know how you held out down there we broke an atmosphere and we're descending towards the landing site is that a building down there what do you mean you can't identify it hold on don't turning back now positions everyone touching down is ten nine eight it's coming from the building change course 10 thrusters to full so you guys are smart does anybody remember what was said in the original voice recording for this before it was changed it was the same voice actor but prior i just remember it being much more epic uh like more involved in the scene type it into the oh [ __ ] tap it in the comments if you remember what it was or link a video i might have a video somewhere i mean it definitely would be one of my old ones but good luck scouring through those [ __ ] hundreds and hundreds of videos oh it's so cool okay we we need to where are we going oh the lost river right what's the quickest way the lost river oh probably down straight down here right through the blood kelp oh no what's my depth stuff looking like how are we looking 300 meters is not gonna cut it i need to make a moon pool do i have a moon pole thing no cyclops docking hatch [ __ ] yeah i think we need to get the cyclops down i mean we don't need it right i mean we need that for the lava zone 100 [Laughter] oh the posters i need to make those put them in altera c voyager we can make it already a large self-sustaining ship that specializes in quick transportation three titanium lubricant two floaters and glass that's all i need where am i gonna find moon pool fragments probably around here right hey [ __ ] oh my god you're massive jesus christ dude i'm like i'm petrified right now i don't want to before i mean this is beautiful there's a reaper around here man it's huge i do know over here too the gargantuan leviathans over here i'd hope that i mean it's already going to be 50 bigger that's just way too big you know okay see what are you that's the moon full fragment one pole what the [ __ ] is that did you hear that oh no oh [ __ ] one of them spawned we're gonna go look at it i don't know why it's here though oh my [ __ ] god yep that's it oh okay this thing is called the blue the blue the blue here full screen full screen view it's still chasing me oh no way it's got jaws in its choice it's just a big giant [ __ ] buffer fish dude i'm gonna steer clear of this guy i don't know what happens when i get sucked in i ain't about to find out i need this moon pool [Music] yeah wow i'm out there we go is this thing [ __ ] following me oh my god that one's bigger that one's bigger it's bigger than the other one holy [ __ ] no no way you move faster too stop going as fast as i can please don't please don't here suck up the gigantic reef back oh my god i was gonna build a basement i'm about to die i was gonna build a base around here dude that's a mistake come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on you stay here don't get hit why is it dark again okay i'm gonna need you to yep right there yep you're gonna stay there i don't think i can build that yet because i need to build this first just to have a fabricator actually yeah that's probably my [ __ ] god okay it's safer over here hang on a second oh it's beautiful so it actually charges it and heals it when i dock it i'm not going to color it though classic plastic's my favorite and we got the fabricator which means we can get some seamoth stuff like a laser cannon a laser cannon a missing computer chip wait i need table core samples hey mccorl what are you i completely forgot that that happened that scared the living [ __ ] there we go typical diamond and lead thermo bite cook them fish okay so i need in order to make that i need that plastic and get two magnets height and enameled glass oh my god oh does that mean stalker teeth does that mean i have to get stalker teeth watch to see if your teeth fall out buddy no need to worry dude you're massive suck man yes get me the [ __ ] out of here wait i saw i need your medal though actually i need i need the medal i know it's gonna make you angry but i need it i need it oh god i want to thank you that's definitely enough right okay can i make uh what am i missing oh lithium i need lithium nope i need one more magnetite god damn it magnetite where are you my friend oh god crab squid i'm squid i just need one and i'll leave i promise there's a magma titan this i'm gonna be oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god heal oh man you know how pissed i'm gonna be if there's no magnetite down there's here [ __ ] ghost leviathan out there i gotta get out of here i gotta get out of here i'm gonna die all right well i think it's safe to say there's no magnetite over here at all i'm gonna die i don't have enough resources to last this long i gotta go back i gotta go to the jelly shroom caves that's the only place i know for 100 certainty that they're there the wiki is lying to you by the way don't ever don't ever reference the wiki it's just a bunch of lies okay so the mod works properly i should be able why i gotta take wait can i i'm gonna take it out just to be safe but it should pull from all storages and my inventory uh including the storage on my [Music] oh i'm so happy yeah take your time that's a lot of ingredients i understand okay all right what's the depth though because i know lost river is like 600 meters 500 well [ __ ] me sideways wait you know what did we get enough ingredients for the next one because what did that entail oh i need three rubies so we just need three rubies and we can come back yeah yeah yeah this is perfect okay wait why do i have two sea glides which one am i using yeah this one where the [ __ ] did i get this one maybe it was when i scanned like the 90 different fragments did it automatically make it whatever put this all in here for now okay lost all river online okay uh i just made a huge mistake i was trying to go the back end the back door to the lost river which would be where the blood kelp is uh turns out that it's way too deep for my poor little sea moth i should talk this way too deep for my poor little seam off so uh we're gonna have to go the grand reef way which is the way we probably should go because that will give us some rubies which we can take back here make the mark iii and then get down to the lost river i think that's a good plan also i changed uh the graphic setting i apologize the color grading it was on filmic this entire time which as you could see it's really dark and so if you can't see anything uh on your screen trust me i couldn't see anything either so i'm gonna stay on neutral because it's easier to see and probably better for you guys i think though if you're playing the game you should definitely play on filming uh it's a lot more immersive it's a lot more as it should be i don't need anything anyway let's go to the grand read whoa oh i love seeing the giant reef backs coming to view is so good this is the green should be the grand reef oh what the [ __ ] was that yeah yeah what is that why don't i hear it why don't i hear it oh that poor reef back oh jesus christ spawns in the grand reef it's gone i think it is too big it's already 50 this region oh my god that is so [ __ ] terrifying in this specific shade oh my god dude it's it's literally the [ __ ] oh my god just don't get near me i don't even know where to expect them from you know oh its head is right there that's his head okay we just gotta get past it he doesn't even know we're here we are we are we are nothing we are so insignificant i actually wonder what that thing eats how the hell does it sustain itself dude i keep seeing what the [ __ ] are those i keep seeing like like hairs they look like [ __ ] sprouting like plants or hairs yeah what is that they keep spawning and then dropping inside the ground i don't know man that's a big ass wreck where is the [ __ ] brand reef okay it's getting a little dark for my taste i'm gonna change that to neutral now oh that's beautiful i can see everything now holy [ __ ] grand reef there we go okay we're here we're here we're here we're looking for rubies we got to get rubies and tight titanium rubies are attached to the sides right sides of the ground yeah yeah yeah you guys are beautiful that was this whole school of giant fish just bundled up together god warper i hate you oh my all right move ghost ray for real here it goes the fight it's over there stand over here stand here see treaders oh my god you guys are [ __ ] massive now aha i found rubies rubies what is that what is that is that the ghost it's the gorg oh that's horrible oh time capsule oh please give me something good something really good oh my god i mean useful i get batteries i got batteries from them you know that's cool i don't remember how many rubies i needed but i'm just gonna grab a bunch since i'm down here and safe like all the other these fish are still alive if i just live like them i'll be alive too oh my god it's just an arc where's my sea mother it's funny i haven't even started any of the gassy stuff so nothing's really like taking me down here story-wise okay that's about all i can find and now i don't think the color grading matters i think it's the shader [ __ ] man damage to plant life on the seafloor suggests this may be the migration path of a huge bottom dwelling [ __ ] you dude don't take me out over here there's something down there what is that what is that what is that next to me oh my god it's the guy it's the [ __ ] guard oh my god no no no please dude i was literally just driving alongside his head [ __ ] me holy [ __ ] dude all right that straight [ __ ] me up yeah oh my god look at that fella oh brightness there we go oh what's up guys we're safe for now i guess okay here we go with my metal scraps make that plastil ingot depth three which means lost river time oh yeah 900 meters this is gonna be hell like gargantuan leviathan's just [ __ ] sitting there dude but that's it for now we'll go back there in the next episode i appreciate the watch if you want to see more of their stuff all over the screen just click something i know you guys have probably already watched a few videos of mine you can subscribe get notified when i upload more but for now watch some of the other stuff i think you'll like anyway love you all
Channel: IGP
Views: 964,074
Rating: 4.8971038 out of 5
Keywords: subnautica modded, subnautica bloop leviathan, subnautica new leviathan, subnautica new leviathan mod, subnautica leviathan mod, subnautica bloop leviathan mod, subnautica modded igp, igp, igp subnautica, subnautica gameplay, subnautica modded gameplay, subnautica socksfor1 mod, subnautica socksfor1 leviathan mod, horror games, underwater survival games
Id: HgmwJK_pMGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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