The UNSPEAKABLE HORRORS of This Island Will Drive You to Insanity - The Shore (Full Release)

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you will find your best all right guys listen this is the shore welcome back i know so many of you have been waiting just like me impatiently for this game to finally come out and it's here the shore if you don't know is a lovecraftian horror game that is one of the best that i've played especially considering it's such a small team that has made this everything about this game is honestly incredible all of the visuals that you see the graphical effects the visuals the modeling the animations everything is done by one person whose name is eris and i'll put his credentials in the description it's really the selling point of the game unbelievable work it's a wonderful game especially if you enjoy lovecraft so it's out today i highly recommend you pick this game up if not to play it for yourself but to support the amazing hard work that's been put into this game over the past few years there's a link to the steam page down below anyway now i know a lot of you know we've played the demo a long time ago but we're actually going to start from the beginning for the full experience and because i know that a lot has changed since the demo now i don't think we'll finish this all in one video so if you do want to see more you can let me know you know you can hit the like button it's totally fine i won't judge you or you could just let me know in the comments or both either way i hope you enjoy this game i know i'm going to sit back relax let's begin oh my god dude i could live here i don't i know i know that there's a lot of [ __ ] going on in this island but i could live here oh hello been arguing with john about how many actual days have passed since we ended up here it seems that all of our hopes are drifting away like these bottles should do they always return to the island as if something is leading them back here if you are reading this we need your help right okay i don't remember that a shred of hope oh what a man needs to keep moving before he loses his sanity and his will walking along the shore reminded me of the walks i used to have with my wife oh my god yeah yeah tear jerker got it i'm i'm all in i am all in okay so i i know there's i know a lot of this stuff has happened before again there's gonna be new stuff i'm pretty sure there is i don't actually remember these bottles being here but they could have been we armed ourselves and walked along the shore to our surprise we came across other ships that had wrecked without any trace of survivors it was like a graveyard for ships our compass goes mad anytime we try to set a course off the island our captain says it's because of the volcanic dust we think he's gone mad sounds like the captain was right they speak of a fisherman who was lost in a stranded sea he never came back now i know where he lies misfortunes could have drove them here dude what is it about this guy's voice that is so like it's so sad it's ridiculously sad all right do we get to see the tower i don't know if that was visible from here before ooh music's kicking in all right orchestra chill out oh my god look who it is our dear friend i have offered my right arm and spoke the correct words in his absence only pain accompanies me towards my demise i was forced to leave the lighthouse there's something wrong in all of us only the slumbering god can save us now holy [ __ ] what god is he talking about what god is he talking about we know what god he's talking about cthulhu freezing i don't know what that says but yeah funny okay we know what god he's talking about it's a bird's nest all right to the lighthouse very important shift yeah yeah i've been doing that that's fine hello hello what the hell am i gonna put that on i like it okay i don't remember these either oh yep there it is those who have seen the uh the demo would know exactly what that is is this a [ __ ] is this bro what dude we just started no what the [ __ ] was that what in the [ __ ] was that okay i'm gonna go look i'm gonna go look it's very important what what all right back to the monolith dude we don't even need to start the game properly yeah this is definitely new unless i completely missed this before oh my god it's just a bunch of tentacles yeah [ __ ] strange ass reflective monolith and a big ol orb okay that's not [ __ ] [Music] weird stop it it's not my daughter's voice what do you mean am i supposed to be able to go here right now i'm touching it i'm touching it okay it's not doing anything all right well i mean this is what i get that's what i get for steering from the path you don't stick to the path follow the follow the road you're supposed to go on man like it's literally mapped out for you it's right here follow the sticks down to the lighthouse as we sink our feet in the sand for the last time she asked me to tell her one of my stories about the wild sea i could hear each of her breaths being shorter and shorter and by the time i finished my story you know in the same way that like the right piece of music can deliver an emotional like message right in a in a scene in a movie or in a video game i feel like the right voice saying the right words can do the same and that is that was unbelievably beautiful i'm not gonna gush over it too much because i've said i've said very similar things the last time we played it's the same the same voice line but jesus christ okay so as long as no tentacles are following me i will be fi damn [Music] damn what the [ __ ] is there anything in here i can't remember oh yeah the coin a point with the ominous phrase carved in one side in the cosmos there are things we know and things unknown and in between there are windows [Music] going upstairs forms of sculpture unknown to me can i take it i can't take it oh yeah oh i can take that one though no that's fine i'll just pocket that real quick what did i just get the artifact we found the statue it looks ancient our caption says we should take it back with us uh and that it could make us rich david on the other hand believes that a foul stench of evil dwells within it what utter rubbish when the moment we wrecked here he has to stop talking about bad luck and otherworldly omens [Music] no i was reading that dude god damn it aha here we go okay uh oh is that the thing i saw the concepts are concerning writes about being stalked by it being so complex you can't even describe it without sounding like a lunatic it is clear the writer was in deep psychosis and such a long time strange stress caused by the struggle to survive can break any man i'm not sure he made it out of here and if he did he no longer is the same yeah yeah so we've seen these he's obsessed with these disgusting leeches he found he can't stop talking about how these worms uh have at least nine stomachs and more than 30 brains at least 18 testicles he says that quality matters rather than quantity we couldn't stop making jokes about it last night for some time he took it personally thinking we were mocking him he moved to the third floor of the lighthouse to continue his little experiments oh and that's where i'm going cool i can't wait [Music] wait there's multiple straight in the center of the screen i'll zoom in on it that is another one of these jesus christ it's a it's a it's a thriving family oh what is this those uneducated fools they won't let me write for them they're all fishermen with dirty scuffed clothes their beards reek of alcohol and spit comes out when they talk i'd rather stay another four hours at this point take care of the problematic mechanisms of this handcraft construct do not regret this journey certainly made life more interesting since then not to mention the view from here all of the hatred was raised [Music] yeah dude like i i love the idea that we're we're coming to this place and there's been like history of other people who have experienced the horrors of the of this whole area you know what i mean and we're kind of seeing the remnants of that and the psychosis oh my god what the [ __ ] is this seem to be just an ordinary statue every part of it is very detailed i guess [Music] i swear i saw something towards the horizon behind the mist wasn't a whale or a great white shark its many legs stretched a hundred feet submerging its body into the sea not as if it was infected by a thousand parasites its typical mouth and spit out black disgusting and disfigured figures the moment they fell into the sea they swam away faster than a dolphin as the mist kept rising i could barely see the creature that wasn't a good sign i should start placing these talismans i found at the bottom of the lighthouse around the pathways we made yeah imagine okay what [Music] no no no no what do i [Music] jesus christ dude i'm hearing people i'm hearing chants of like children and stuff i don't like that stop it right now it's too much it's too much oh wait oh the pieces dude could someone make me this chessboard there's a piece missing oh what the [ __ ] ever dude no one cares about chess shut up dude this like so the first time i played this there was a lot more like build up to everything right like before we saw something and now it's kind of like am i seeing it i feel like because i played this before i know that that shit's like kind of there but i think i think what they're going for here is that if you obviously you haven't played this before you're gonna be like okay did i really see that okay oh he fell i like my legs dude sturdy man ah okay safe music right i have to go here see the crouch dead dead guy dead ass they managed to let him die in here what made them forsake their civil ways oh what the hell i had to hide i had to iran i climbed the rocks and tried to hide that's when i fell in the pit full of dead bodies their flesh looked rotten but petrified as if their souls sucked dry out of them the horrors in their faces touched the very void of my soul oh my god the void of my soul expressions as something horrific happened to them that's when the rest of the crew caught me they stripped me naked and they locked me down here they accused me that i was the one that brought the bad luck onto them by placing those talons for them this is the guy this is the artist up there [ __ ] man i'm sorry what what the [ __ ] just happened listen i've caught the crazies from you oh stop step down what's in here something is moving up there dude i heard it oh right right okay yes nothing happened okay it's not this one not yet i think we have to go down here first right this is that separate place yeah oh [ __ ] right right right okay the guy walked left remember there's something i would like to show you man i don't these guys aren't oh they are preserved oh [ __ ] there's also regular bones here that's not good proceed to the pit we're going here already is that what we're doing here we're going in already okay let's do it oh hello is the key of this island break it free yeah what is that what is that [Music] it doesn't move okay wasn't there there was a sequence i had to do this in what is that right there what is that oh okay activate that one first was it this one dude has been so long it works i'm assuming this one back here is the last one because i need to be able to view this thing right like that's the whole point okay yeah i did it right it's music dude this music is getting me that's the lighthouse okay so what is that rock that's gonna [ __ ] move dude i'm telling you [Music] there it is what's up buddy to see the world through the eyes of a god like a dream and a flash of light beware the existence of mine and grasp time in your conscious mind [Music] okay i don't remember the music being this creepy hey buddy [ __ ] this is so [ __ ] cool i also forgot where you end up going you're going that way but i think the other one of you is over here so cool okay let's get in let's get out of here out of here we don't need it we don't oh my god you guys are so tiny though what the [ __ ] okay i don't even are they even that's probably not even these probably the deep ones right the dead deep ones is that the one moving i think it is now what now what do we go to the other place here oh wait let me go back to the monolith so go back to the monolith hey it's beautiful again yeah i will say that i i'm like seeing things in the very beginning like right away kind of breaks it but at the same time it really doesn't we're already like by the time we're on the shore we know what we're in for like there's speak of madness and that like you know what cra what madness brought this person here oh they said he was mad and everyone ends up here and then the bottles keep returning and everyone keeps being called back here so like we feel like we're already potentially going mad i'm waiting for that thing to come back what do you have to say for yourself my friend dude this sounds like something out of a [ __ ] observation do you guys remember that game with the [ __ ] fourth dimensional oh my god that's probably what all this all this [ __ ] is dude all these fourth dimensional creatures man just [ __ ] with us beautiful i'm so glad you're free key now all hell is going to break loose all right does this work now nothing happened what oh there's this one duh jesus how could i forget that do your thing [Music] thank you as a young boy i remember my father talking about this island he described it in a way that would scare the listener he spoke of black butterflies corpse candles and broken compasses yeah this guy's remaining calm and almost am i am i supposed to be in my own head i can't remember five there was a man aboard named allen who went missing after we shipwrecked one night we found him walking alone across the beach as we approached him to our surprise we saw that he had this fixed expression on his face as if he had seen something horrifying his hands his hands and arms were paralyzed in a position like if he was protecting himself from something we tried to ask him questions but he didn't reply now he's sitting by the shore singing songs to the rocks about her sidewind feels like it's maintained untouched by time the wind and the waves pause for a minute to rest don't say that i'm sending this message as a cry for help may the waves of the sea be kind trying to find where this island is on the map this doesn't make any sense the sun is setting in the east and the fog won't allow us to see through the scope that far the odds are against us there's something strange about apollon he keeps going on about how he's reliving this moment i noticed how much he scratches the back of his head it's gotten to the point where his hair is beginning to fall out if you are reading this we need your help dude all of these bottles washed back up you know i never understood the physics of sending a bottle a message in a bottle outshore because that's going to just wash back like isn't it like how like you probably have to dump that far out in order for it to be carried out right you can barely describe what i have witnessed today bull alex suddenly went insane he started stuffing his mouth with rocks and kept doing so until his cheeks were completely torn you had to tie him down if you're reading this send help there's definitely something wrong with this guy she yeah i'm reading this sentence i recognize this boat it was made by an artist to represent our greatest catch and up here this was meant to be completed by december it's still september miraculous catch nice okay okay okay despite his fear about the island he would often come here fishing some very colorful fish oh i remember finding myself quite disturbed as i watched him stuff his mouth with their raw meat [ __ ] christ dude what the [ __ ] just happened is that who i was looking at [ __ ] hell where are you going okay do i have to go there is that where i'm going i hear you i hear you i'm going i'm going the ocean is calling me never mind you know of all the life that could be permitted to live to stay alive on this island it's certainly not humans oh [ __ ] me it's the birds i haven't seen one living sea creature side aside from those things come on now sea creature oh wait i'm back up here okay yeah yeah yeah yeah what's up what do i do [ __ ] god and who might you be that's violating me ever so slightly who the [ __ ] okay yeah i'll just step on it that's fine oh okay so can i i can't get back oh that's a different path i thought it was the same path never mind i gotta go back i gotta go back and put this coin in okay here we go there you are this place feels like it was always a part of me as if it has taken a hold of me and won't let go another foot in the sand but this time sink deeper beneath the shore um ah guy knows exactly what to say read me a story andrew please elliot is trying to put together the broken parts on a boat we found if he manages to build it then we might have a chance of escaping this place we have to try at least there's only three of us left now in our crew we can't afford to waste any more time here see how that turned out as if time exists in this place i think i'm starting to lose my mind i can hear my breath after a screeching sound pierces my ears if you are reading this then don't look for us oh man the giving up it's like the the different stages of grief right that sucks man do not dare walk the shore when the night comes something in the dark seemed to follow us in great speed we hid inside the small cave we had to stay there for the rest of the night we begin to fear that we are no longer safe on this island we have to leave but seems everything works against us its long tentacle legs seem to be very strong a boulder before it shattered into pieces with a single strike my other half mind tells me i should stay behind and study them and the other half tells me i should leave now join one of the crew members found a camera if we get it to work we should try taking a few pictures oh my god did you get a picture of it i'm pretty sure i saw the same thing dude i feel you man i feel you who the [ __ ] decorated this why would you do this how has the wind in the storm not oh cause time stands still never mind oh eggs thanks look life dude life continues where do they find food i'm telling you man it's weird oh god it has an eye in the middle looks like an organic star-like figure yeah imagine me running into that thing okay so there's the airplane the boat dude this is the island of lost i'm telling you man that's what lost is about nobody believes me oh who took the puppy why would you take the puppy on this dangerous trip on my daughter's toy gave me some sort of happiness and i can't take my mind off the idea she's been taken by one of those creatures yeah well i'm pretty sure i said this before but if that's the case it probably did it's safe to assume okay save you soon been for yourself right now it's not my fault a person has already died here jay spoke about a shadow whispering between the rocks we can't stay on this island anymore oh [ __ ] to leave now oh [ __ ] oh yeah there's a lot of dead people solitude and peace is what a soul seeks after being free did they die in vain it appears they were murdered what a horrible way to find solitude it's like it's like a like whatever this weird statue represents seems like they value this he has like a trophy like deep one of the month you know what the [ __ ] oh here's the pictures okay yep they're standing right behind you my good friend camera's still here and working birds there can i get on this boat i think i was able to right oh i can jump now holy [ __ ] i got ups man also less gravity okay what do we got yeah there it is yep uh-huh yeah yeah yeah i know you're gonna be out there [ __ ] freaky ass doll you're not out there that's incredibly surprising wait is my daughter yeah like i'm gonna follow that what is this look at my clothes what time period am i in and what is this okay well i mean what do i know time stands still dude i'm probably i'm an idiot he was just talking about how people say like i've like they've seen this before like it seems like the days are repeating and that they're stuck here i i've i just woke up on the shore saying i need to find ellie and this is probably the millionth time that's happened i'm gonna rediscover all of this over and over and over again and that's my that's my hell that's my purgatory that's the rest of my existence hi little girl i saw you all right oh don't [ __ ] me up bro what is this so i just gotta touch it right oh i got the thing put the thing in yeah hello i just got like nope oh boy do anything anything just yeah i think that's where we're at i think he's stuck here in purgatory can i touch you hello oh oh no i mean it's kind of cute what yeah i hear i hear you whispering i want to talk to the cute little cthulian creatures oh my god i'm in love they're so cute i wonder what i wonder if happens to cook and eat one that's a horrible horrible thought dude they're cute oh my god dude it's nothing it's the thing from the [ __ ] is the thing from the mist [Music] oh my god dude this whale dude [ __ ] blue whale don't do that to me man don't do that to me stop oh the deep ones they're gonna be here i have to kill them right holy [ __ ] dude oh my god dude they don't look the same the [ __ ] chase scene are you kidding me i was just trying to admire the beauty in the distance that's it oh god [ __ ] okay a little bit unexpected [ __ ] ran from the deep ones huh oh there you are yeah i'm just trying to admire you dude from afar from afar [ __ ] hell man where's my painting friend to paint that one upon okay all right all right all right all right oh here we go yep so okay i no longer have to fight and kill them i have to run from [Music] i love that now is the time that i have to go deep in this water oh boy i can't through wait deaths you will find your destiny we're deep oh it's not that deep let's be honest here not that deep that is a [ __ ] submarine flipped around the other way okay yeah yeah so okay i didn't kill the deep ones therefore the ones that were in here before are not gonna be not gonna be here right they're not gonna fear me they do they do fear me okay these look more humanoid than the one that was [ __ ] chasing me that's what like i imagine a deep one to look like yep yep yep i see i see what we're doing here oh that's moving oh [ __ ] okay oh okay oh i see i have to match it that looks right um there it is that one's locked in cool oh yes perfect i got lucky with one of them there it is ah oh man what is that red thing right there what is that the shadow and i came to a curious sort of an agreement yeah my lack of empathy has phased out any trace of fear how did my monotonous self come closer and closer to the fact that nothing surprises i would fall into the darkest pit to save her holy oh no okay all right yo let's give me goosebumps okay okay okay i see you eel tentacles i'm i see tentacles in front of me giant ones and i'm worried about a [ __ ] eel okay i'm going around here on this boat oh absolutely not ah that is a no for me that is an absolute [ __ ] no oh my god you've got to be kidding me okay all right fine fine fine fine fine fine fine we're going in what's up dude dude that looks like [ __ ] hell again i feel oh [ __ ] there's multiple there's multiple mouths can i get past this one oh my god again i think i think i have to go through this one okay all right this is fine this is fine i'm just gonna go my buddy oh my god i'm getting killed i know what this is nevermind i thought this was the one thing that i was doing before it is not not the same run dude running that water right now run holy [ __ ] hey buddy hey buddy chill out what are you okay come on i'm seeing way too many entities right now holy [ __ ] thank you dude what's up [Music] me too i will touch the relic i will touch it right now don't you worry dude oh my god yes cthulhu it's literally him where the [ __ ] am i hello oh can i like pier oh hey look behind you this is [Applause] foreign
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,814,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the shore, the shore game, the shore gameplay, the shore full release, the shore full release gameplay, the shore igp, the shore update, the shore release date, the shore review, the shore walkthrough, the shore playthrough, the shore part 1, igp, lovecraftian horror games, horror games, cthulhu games
Id: cO5zZDBa5z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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