Subnautica - WE FOUND THE END! Building & Exploring Beneath the Void - Subnautica Gameplay

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as soon as I see the land start turning outward oh boy here we go is this it holy guys we found it yes this is not all in vain [Music] what's up people I'm IGP and welcome back to subnautica so listen up I got a data download as soon as I open the game which talks about the void but it actually gave me a tiny bit of chills and we're gonna read it even though you probably already know about this the dead zone geological scans of this area show a steep decline in all directions this data is consistent with the theory that the aurora crashed on the edge of a two-kilometer by two kilometer volcanic crater it has likely been millennia since an eruption reached the surface encouraging the ecosystem within the crater to flourish the ecology of the trench surrounding the crater supports only two kinds of life microscopic and Leviathan class exploration is ill-advised now this is supposed to set up the idea that the reason why there are steep drop-offs on the edge of the playable map is because we're actually on a volcano that has not erupted in a very long time in life has flourished on top of it I guess it's safe to assume that the rest of the planet is completely underwater and deep as hell which this being here can set up a whole book full of theories right could life have formed from other extraterrestrial life from different planets different galaxies was this planet originally uninhabitable but now it is because of this particular area now I know this information is not necessarily new I know a lot of people have been talking about this for a very long period of time I think this is actually a good whoa okay way too dark I think this is actually good to implement into the game this idea because it does give a little bit more realism to the void or to why this drops off so suddenly and the fact that only microscopic and or it's aside there's the tiniest of tiny or the biggest of the big live out here and either way there's just nothing for you to do out here right there's literally no point for you to be on the void and this helps solidify that idea now what everyone's been talking about lately I'm assuming it's because of this this data download being added in I don't know if this is something that everyone else has already been talking about years ago but recently I've been noticing people are saying that there's a bottom to the void but I've been told that it surrounds this in higher playable area so what we're going to do today is expand upon our base but we're gonna try to do that by going to the bottom I really think we should venture to the bottom now I know this is quite daring but I've done a lot of crazy [ __ ] in the last like month and a half in this game so this isn't gonna be a problem first we have to make sure that the bottom even exists and in order to do that I'm going to make a suicide trip just going straight down I know the Leviathans are gonna try to attack me but I have to make sure that there's something directly underneath me and if I do find it what I'm then going to do is build a ladder straight down with the vertical connectors and what I could do is go on the outside let's say build as many as I can before the ghost Leviathan comes and eats me and then I can just build a corridor with a hatch on it and get inside to be safe the oxygen will transfer over and so will the power so I won't have to worry about dying and I can just repeat the process until I reach the bottom sounds pretty cool right but we need to make sure that this even exists before we do anything so I'm probably gonna die and that's fine but we've secured our inventory let's just go straight down let's just get to it if you guys are still enjoying the series let me know in the comment section below and let's go ahead and get started so I'm just gonna go straight straight down oh yeah I dropped all of my useless signals over here by the way I'm gonna try to stay as close as possible I mean make sure I'm not in the void yet okay still in the mountains as close as possible to right here as long as something facing almost Northwest we're good to go let's just go straight down as soon as we stop hearing any ambient rumbling we know we've entered the void it could be a thing where I'm in the mountains the entire time that would be beautiful oh by the way for those who are wondering last episode we got the cute fish the cute fish is not dead I didn't save so don't worry about that the cute fish is alive and well in my tank and we'll see it when we go back apparently there's another one by the way oh we're in the void we're in the void nope yep yep we're in the void okay just keep going down dude I don't know how deep this goes boom oh okay you guys are really close anyway so this there's a second uh there's a second cuttlefish who I'm going way too far out by the way there's the second cuttlefish I think in the gasps II base that was in the grand reef or someone said something like that we're gonna have to find it to have two of them and have them multiply you know that'd be sweet hey I know you don't like me being here but shut up you know I really appreciate the sound choice for the ghosts Leviathan if they really want to deter you from going out into the void you do a damn good job of doing so I'm just stupid see this is not what a normal player would do and developers if you're watching don't bass player tendencies on what I do because I'm really just an idiot I'm going I'm pushing boundaries here this is not average gameplay all right so I have no idea how deep this actually goes I'm pretty sure it was somewhere around like 2500 meters if I recall correctly I don't know my god oh [ __ ] dude he hit me okay I mean I even make it down here dude boy this is gonna be tough at 60 but a minute left I don't know how far I can make it all right just stop Oh God okay I need I need health get thank you I'm not gonna make a dude I'm not gonna make it now I believe you guys I believe you guys when you say that there's a bottom to this but I'm starting to have my slight doubts I only got 20 seconds left this doesn't look like it's gonna end anytime soon 20500 wait wait oh wait no wait go down down - down - down down - down there is there's a bottom view there has to be I think there's a bottom I'm counting that as the bottom the only problem is there's always going to be that goes the violins with us and we're just gonna start building dude why not why not be I would love to just go that deep regardless so I guess what we need to do now is collect a whole bunch of titanium which I'll go do off camera real quick I'll gather some scrap metal I think it all probably respawned with the latest updates I shall see you guys off I don't have a seamoth do I sign up dude I hate I hate this I need to see moth oh yeah wait I got this nevermind I'll take the pro boat or do some work we haven't used this thing forever all right but I will see you guys when I get back so you guys will be happy to hear that I no longer will need any more titanium this trip was super successful I got a few here but check this out two entire lockers except for I mean actually technically that is a scrap metal two lockers full and then all the lockers down here are filled with titanium will scrap metal so they're not completely full they're just three apiece I could have probably filled a little bit more titanium up in that but you know what I think I have enough so I'm fully recovered at this point also what's kind of cool is that the see Clyde now seems to have two options and you can't have both you can either have the light on or the powers being used to show you a topographical map of the area you're in I have no room for anything let's just build another just to make this so much easier and I can stop looking like an idiot all right so we are good to go I think yeah yeah this is gonna be good I'm gonna quickly save and we're gonna get started so vertical connector let's go baby let's go oh my in void no I hear rumbling so I'm not in void yet let me actually just make sure this works real quick let's build this compartment right build a compartment right here does it connect yes it does and we'll build the hatch cool get in the hatch and yes right I have to make sure I have enough for the ladder too cuz otherwise I'm screwed okay and this should go all the way up oh babe this is perfect God stay healthy man gotta stay healthy well actually I think we have to we're gonna have to get rid of the ladder get out get rid of the hatch this is gonna take a long time guys this is gonna be super dangerous when the Leviathans are out man right now we don't have to worry about that let's just keep building these vertical connectors dude I completely forgot about the whole reinforcement so let's quickly go back up and build up some inside right here another one right here and probably a bunch up here probably yeah right here would be good this one too all around up here round our little friend all right so I got all of this I got to leave one two three four five six that's fine and we should be good to go should be good to go should be good to go no power get out of here are you kidding me wow I didn't get anywhere I was like dude I'm like 500 meters deep that's far but then I realized I was already almost 400 all right well I need a regular battery apparently that has good amount of charge because it doesn't take an ion battery I build this freaking battery charger gonna be the best thing for me right now now we can get all these extra batteries out and charge them up okay let's continue holy crap so I thought I had enough titanium turns out I didn't so take a look at this so we went down also if you haven't noticed I actually had to move it back one I started early because I was like alright look I'm not redoing this you know once I have all of it set down so I scooted it over once but it was still too far inland so I had to extend it out and now we go down to the bottom and we're only 690 meters deep and this is all the titanium that I have left I am closer now I could survive longer with my HP so I can actually verify that there's a bottom for sure so our inventory is secured let's go and take another quick dive just to see what we come to we have a way better head start about 300 meters or so it should be enough to test this we are now in the void there dude this is gonna take so much titanium it's ridiculous this is the kind of stuff you do in creative mode but I feel like it loses all of its value I didn't bring a health kit with me son of a [ __ ] well that's it gang it's all over now don't worry about it dude you do not have to attack me at all oh that one got me these guys are relentless man these guys really don't want me to see the bottom they do not want me to see the bottom Wow god dammit dude I was right there all right let's try this one mole gain I know it's annoying but I really want to see the bottom here legitimately oh hey my titanium that I threw down that's nice dude this is like the most terrifying sounds I've ever heard this is just absolutely disgusting okay so as we get about the 2500 meter mark we're seeing some changes in the terrain over here I'm trying to escape them if I can 2,600 meters 27 we got about 40 seconds left please don't hit me like all of you guys are chasing me right now it's okay as soon as I see the land start turning outward oh boy here we go is this it holy [ __ ] guys we found it yes this is not all in vain Jesus okay yeah I knew you were behind me but damn this is awesome though look at this it's all the whole bottom dude all right now Winston we we know it's not in vain let's just keep building dude I gotta go get more scrap metal or some we're gonna find a massive amount of scrap metal oh do you know what by the crud behind the behind the crash site right the crash site or the the Reaper leviathans harsh I'm not even scared of them all right well go collect some more scrap metal will come back continue building and hopefully we can have an established base down at that bottom I'll see you then well [Music] yes this is exactly what I asked for okay fill out dude I just gotta get some quickly gotta gather some scrap I don't even know if there's a lot back here no no no no no I'll do this mistake this is a big mistake yeah no please don't please no I didn't bring my stasis rifle with me what the hell is wrong with me it shouldn't be a difficult trip at all not at all I'm having tons of fun I know I said I'd be back when I'm done but just one let's you know getting really fun out there but we are loaded back up with the same amount as before actually I think I have a little bit more the crash site you know what I did was I went back to the the safe zone before because that's usually where you find a lot but no you guys need to go back to the crash site all around the Aurora which does make sense and I'm stupid for not doing this before but you get a lot in a lot faster so for future reference if anyone else is looking to build anything down in the void I need a lot of titanium that's your best bet I got probably like three or four more scrap metal on there I got all these lockers full of stuff and I honestly don't think we're gonna be able to get out there with this I might have to make another trip out but don't worry this video so far for you guys is probably only like 10 minutes or as I've been playing for about three hours or so probably a little less than that I'm over-exaggerating it's been like two hours and 50 minutes so we're out here and busting our balls to make as much as we possibly can all right well let's continue doing this I don't believe I'm in the void just yet it's gonna get really tough when we get down there all right so we're still in the mountains but we are out currently oh wow look at this we are out currently of titanium so I gotta make sure I keep six on me I can do this with the hash on the bottom I forgot I can do that but does that mean I can put the ladder at the bottom yes yes I can very very good so we're back up here gather a few more titanium and we'll keep on going oh we might be cut off again come on I mean I give it some Mountain and it goes up at a curve but seriously yep I cannot build here any more crab dude oh I don't like that that was definitely the void yes this might be a thing where we have to constantly extend dude like shift all of them over completely but we are right at the void so about 800 leaders deep is where we're gonna have our problems so what I'm gonna have to do is get rid of some of these and then just extend it over there we go okay this is as far out as it can go and this is where I will continue building right here it's one step out oh boy we're in the void considering how much I've done oh crap considering how much I've done and we're only like 400 meters deeper this is gonna be impossible dude I can hear it we're right here yep this is gonna be damn near impossible dude just gonna have to keep swimming back up to make sure they don't come out yep it's going at an angle I'm getting closer and closer that's why it turns into the void eventually so I'm gonna have to make another one right here if I can oh it's the void it's the void swim up swim up we're in the mountains mountains go away this is ridiculous okay so I just got to get a hatch oh wait no I got to steal this hatch up here that's right okay this will be safe I got to remember to try to - oh my god what alright if I go up I am still in the void still in the void Mountains okay so I have to come all the way up here to make them go away [Music] well I mean if I die this is that's it Oh No stop it you stay right there stay right there hey this might work oh wait no I was supposed to extend this out I was supposed to extend this out my bad my bad my bad nope stay right there buddy you what okay stay there okay I don't know I don't know where the other one is no bueno oh boy this is a feat I don't even know why I keep looking oh okay alright so I guess I just let them all build up and it'd be easier if they all just attack at once let's build up we got a bill of some defenses first and there we go that's a hundred and five strength I think that's plenty oh man this is this is a task and a half okay so I think they're all here now I wanted to build Windows but I forgot to bring more glass I'm gonna build Windows from now on so I can see when they're all here cuz I can barely see out here so we're just going to equip this come out and shooting yes yes stop it yes it did it didn't okay what was I doing okay hmm that's dangerously close all right you're gonna have to stop okay perfect don't get too comfy guys not get too comfy oh my god dude this is getting insane how much titanium do I have left oh I got plenty I got plenty I got plenty all right we're going down the next time I do this I'm gonna have to extend out pretty far Oh one of them's free though one of them is free for sure damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it now with this will this send the guy away yes oh my god I am so smart I forgot about that glitch dude well I'm kind of dumb for forgetting about it but it does work I actually don't know what it does to them but I'm sure it'll come back eventually okay let me try to build a room real quick can i yes just build the room maybe it'll get rid of it oh no power oh no no no no no no stasis rifle take the power oh I'm so screwed I'm so screwed I'm so screwed I'm dead oh wait okay I screwed up I forgot to put an ion power in this one God dang it so my battery's dead I forgot to bring more okay well we're gonna bring some more glass this is a good idea I wonder what happens to them when I do that I don't know do you guys consider that cheating is that cheating or something I construct that and then one more window right here would be perfect Jesus Christ these guys are supposed to attack bases later on in the game right am I not highly mistaken okay they're all three out and let's actually let's deconstruct this and put the hatch down at the bottom right here there we go that'll be a little bit easier hello oh that's not good that's not good let's try and build something real quick what happens when I do it come on come on build it what what the hell no no nope did not do anything deconstruct that deconstruct that we are so screwed anything I need to take this health getting right now okay give me this back give me this back give me this back come on okay oh yes just build it right there get rid of the guy you're rid of the guy yes yes yes perfect built that son of a it's not gonna let me is it come on yes come on just build it on top of them make them disappear that's what I'm talking about whoa why is its head what hell what has happened to you why is there this big empty space on this thing up is back it's back there back there's no getting rid of it you oh dude this is so freakin bad there's like nothing I can do man you can get stuck too actually you can stay right there are we good oh this one's back here what is that okay you know what I'm not questioning anything anymore I have no idea this is ridiculous man this is gonna be more tedious than anything else I know this seems exciting but it's certainly not oh no I forgot I forgot wait where the hell is the one that's right here all right oh yeah oh yeah hurry up hurry up hurry up get in yes okay now I could just extend this out farther we'll just extend it out quite a few because I know I'm going to need to do that and then I'll connect down from there I don't think we go out farther than this least I hope not but the hatch on the bottom right here and we're good to go so let's let's go in to save I think it's a good time to save huh hi thank you oh my goodness alright y'all back up please oh my god dude [ __ ] oh please get rid of him dammit it didn't work oh my goodness dude I'm only like a thousand meters deep what the hell this is uh this is a terrible adventure I don't know why I agreed to do this alright that is the last of it that is the I think the last of it come on yep that's it you got something for me dude you take forever seriously all right so we're 977 meters deep at this point we can take one more look down here with a little bit more oxygen than before and and see what we're gonna be dealing with down here there seems to be a lot of rocky areas I don't think there's gonna be resources of any kind obviously but let's just check it out alright well I stasis rifled them I'm sure that'll keep them at bay for a little bit no I'm just kidding just kidding there we go I don't work how to combat oh hello you're back from the dead I see thank you I actually may not have enough oxygen to do this I miss the days when the tanks would stack you know when they used to be able to stack all of them what what what was that nonsense okay I got in with the stasis rifle you know I'm really tempted you know what I don't care you know what I don't care I really want to explore this okay this is something pretty new to me and I'm sure you guys really want to see it as well so we'll just do a quick creative mode exploration of this oh I forgot about this this will be super helpful so it's about 3,000 meters deep basically no none of our vehicles can go that deep and I'm pretty sure actually I'm not pretty sure but our basis will probably take a lot of damage from this right here we are the fields hello y'all we have a long way to go but we are going to build that ladder oh wait what okay so this is the official official drop-off is there anything below here dude what alright this is uh my helmet is starting to jitter a lot do you see that you know what would be cool is if we finally get our base down here and then we like take the ladder straight down and they start spawning below this they wouldn't be able to come through this right this is solid ground might be safe from them in a certain point never mind they go through it great dude this is very large I wonder if this goes all the way around I would assume so right so this is what we would call the bottom of the void holy crap look at this mapping this is absolutely this this is game-changing right like story-wise doesn't this like change pretty much everything this is magnificent I can't really see much there we go okay so just does the daytime matter no it actually does not change anything down here yeah I'm not surprised yeah that's like pretty much right at 3,000 meters and then it's just an endless plain of nothing so yeah evolution took its course and on this planet as it's been described many times the evolution is pretty pretty extreme just the simple tweak in the genetic makeup of and of a creature will completely change it and that could be introduced just by being in a different environment let me know you guys thoughts do you what do you think about this what do you think about this is to change everything or is something that we've already knew or pondered I know it's something that a lot of people were speculating because of the active lava zone in the inactive lava zone it would only make sense I feel like this is a nice cover up for the the drop off because you don't want to go on to the void there's it's nothing this is all by head all by chance this entire planet is just completely underwater filled with microorganisms that don't matter right let me know your thoughts I'd love to talk about it so that is pretty much the extent I would love to continue my base down here I'm a third of the way I'm at a thousand meters and I've really only done like seven hundred meters or so six hundred seven hundred meters which isn't too bad hopefully there's enough scrap metal to do this otherwise I'm probably gonna have to wait so the game resets and I can I could just delete the files right is that cheating now because we want to build this thing right and we want to do it legitimately in survival mode the whole point is to observe and be afraid of these guys anyway on that note I am going to go ahead and call it here thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video if you did be sure to hit that like button let me know the comments section below subscribe already if you haven't hit that Bell I think twice now to get all notifications you'll be notified as soon as I upload the next video again I want to thank you guys so much for watching I love you all and I will see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: IGP
Views: 2,140,044
Rating: 4.8540058 out of 5
Keywords: Subnautica, Subnautica gameplay, let's play Subnautica, igp, igp Subnautica, Subnautica void, Subnautica void bottom, Subnautica void floor, Subnautica beneath the void, Subnautica void exploring, Subnautica void exploration, Subnautica void base, Subnautica base in the void, Subnautica bottom of the map, Subnautica bottom of the world, Subnautica end, Subnautica ending, Subnautica volcano, Subnautica story
Id: 2k4gV1p70x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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