Subnautica - WE FOUND THEM...THE ANCIENT PREDATORS WERE DOWN HERE - Subnautica Full Release Gameplay

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nope excuse me what would be nice to have a little treat in here somewhere safety is a nice one can't go wrong with some safety some free safety I'll pay I'll take any I'll take bunch of free samples of that safety stuff oh yeah we're gonna take a trip down crazy Lane dude welcome to the river [Music] what up people MIG P and welcome back to subnautica last episode we explored it the grand reef and the deep grand reef ran into a few enemies that we didn't like so much and we also explored the final base of the degasing and learned their fate absolutely terrible I believe the wiki said it was a reaper but the sound didn't sound like a reaper I don't know what do you guys think anyway today we're gonna head down even deeper than deep we're gonna head down to the disease research facility to continue our main quest of finding out what the hell's going on with our skin and of course trying to find a way off this planet if you guys are still enjoying subnautica let me know in the comment section below and let's begin now I wanted to start off by building real quick a communication relay because as you may have seen I have a message waiting for me BAM now the life pod is essentially useless oh good lord what a way to start so that is a warper if you guys haven't figured that out the one that we scanned in the one we also saw one it might be the same one it could be a different one they said there were nine agents so but we saw another one in the the grand reef which wasn't too Pleasant wasn't too Pleasant of a sight also I wanted to address something you guys were telling me hey idiots they don't reproduce in the aquarium they have to be in an alien containment well I will say this I believe I'm pretty sure you were able to do that like way back in the day I'm pretty sure I had reproducing fish on my Cyclops and the only way you can have that on the Cyclops is if you have this little tank the aquarium this is water this is an aquarium they can very much reproduce I don't see why not but I guess that's just part of the game alright so we are pretty much well-prepared I don't want to have to wait for water it's only 24 percent done but I'll eat some of this stuff if I can laughter there we go we're pretty much full up I'm stuck also you guys said that I should plant the seed the creepvine seed cluster instead of the creepvine so that we can get seeds as well so I don't have to go out and get them smart you guys are geniuses alright so and we're going down the way down to the disease research facility is actually back through where that the gassy base was I showed you guys last episode there's an entrance down there straight to where we need to go and our seamoth can make it so we should be good turn off my lights it's a waste of be a tree uh and actually you know what I'm heading this way and I didn't even check if this is the right direction cuz it's probably not nope already at eighty six health my man it's great to be a glass ship alright so I know mister ghosty pants is over here too we're probably gonna run into a lot of them in this episode so be prepared you know don't sit down too hard uh this is not the right spires I was looking for I thought I was going to the grand reef I was going the right direction God dang it hang on a second oh oh oh I'm wait okay so it's like this way oh god get away from me please well since we're here let's take a quick detour because that's what this game is all about taking detours anyway this is the crag field biome there is oh there's the grand reef it's right there cool wait ooh you are a hell infected I know there's a light pot here that contains something cool that everybody is going to enjoy if I could find it I have no idea where to look I'm also very terrified of what could potentially be in here we are very close to Reaper territory ah ha there we go so this is that paunch seven toy car let's go and we got ourselves a nice little markiplier doll bet y'all weren't expecting that y'all probably expecting an AGP doll we'll win a cap I'll take a captain alright let me see what this is by part 7 we could voice I've tried everything the analysis circuits of the fabricator are fried can barely manufacture the most basic materials what a battery here have a children's toy need deep-sea diving equipment have some lab tech hungry I'll turn that fruit into dust for you going forward with trial and error I hit every button errors got to make something useful eventually I wonder why they had the markiplier doll though hmm highly suspect whose silver or special equipment is required to collect this resource damn right it is I'm like way behind on via vehicle building I only have the seamoth should have more but you know what I'm lazy I mean I already can go pretty deep with this thing and then again I could go a bit deeper if I just make a cyclops because I already have the best depth module for it so lucky lucky me oh wait speaking of this might be a cyclops part I can't even build the Cyclops because I don't have enough stuff shut oh my goodness oh no I'm not done at all we just got all we got the Cyclops engine blueprint we have a lot to do I'm pretty sure there's one more thing that I haven't even found yet - oh I didn't find that cave hang on a second I'm pretty sure there's a cave in here I might be mistaken but I'll take I'll take a quick look around holy crap it's dark shut up shut up it's like I know you're there you just jump scaring me on purpose up found it found it now we might have to have something special to get in here but that's okay hello that's a nice little I can't crouch so what's the point in that whew just place this beautiful let me add him what is this a pink cap I don't need it uh okay so it's just a teleporter I thought maybe it was uh I can get some information out of it but I guess not hello and you are a slave teleporter too so I can't I can't go anywhere alright celscan was it's a infected no bueno well this is pretty cool it's a nice cave I could have build a base here wait can I build a base here due to be sick yes oh my goodness I could build a base in here that's maybe I'll do that eventually it's a nice secluded place you don't have to worry about enemies too much except for these guys but you can kill them off you know population control and whatnot alright back to our seamoth we got to go to the Gold we're gonna go back to the grand reef which i think is west of here but I'm like right on the edge of the world I'm a bit terrified so I'm just gonna scoot a little bit in there we go it's not as dark as it once was oh I should probably collect some rupees I'm eventually gonna need an aerogel I believe for the the pronti pran man the prong suit okay where is that bastard I know you're over here somewhere you piece of filth hello warper okay oh there's two of them right there damn they've they've ganged up dude which way do I go it's gotta be over here right Oh see Turner's okay this is not through that is not the way that is not the way the crabs squeeze no I was a brain coral man you're trying to trick me oh here we go hello wait no this is where I was what the hell are you starting to confuse me I don't like being confused I actually remember there being wrecks down here does anybody else remember that oh yeah so yesterday I just finished watching a movie with the gal Godzilla 2014 and I watched it mainly because the Bryant Kristen was in it and I love that dude but oh goodness so watched it because of that but I noticed that the what they call the mute oh the like Mothra looking hello the moths are looking guys they they sound exactly like the crab squid which is interesting because that came out in 2014 and the crab squid or the crab squids noises weren't actually developed until much later so I'm assuming it there's been some heavy inspiration drawn from it it's a very creepy sound I really appreciate it and here we are me talking has brought us here quickly so this is the River of Bones aka the Lost River this is brine for those who might be confused as to why there's a river under water this actually happens in in our world as well it's much more dense therefore it sinks to the bottom and still has a wavy property to it now this guy this is a beauty wait is there crab squid in here go away nope I knew it there you are that might have to end you because I want to take a look at this guy I think we all do ha ha wait I could use this I can kill him with the first though hey little crabby boy you ready for this but a fling some whoo piece at you got him got him again come on dude this weapon is Opie I think I got him is he dead dude the crab squids are so easy to beat what in the world this should not be happening also what the hell is that why is there another entrance in here I don't remember this being in here this was actually a secluded cave that was supposed to be kind of off the beaten path why is there another entrance holy crap all right well let's scan this bad boy in and learn about him look at this sting still amazes me every time I see it ancient skeleton thank you oh it has a picture dude that's nice let's see ancient fossilized skeleton the skeleton of a million year old armored carnivore projections suggest this life-form would have been larger than any living creature encountered on the planet the oceans of the time would have been very different to support life forms of the size with more open geography and many more individuals in Leviathan range there were many like this likely not alone in its class look at this just it's like gill or whatever you want to call this holy crap it's like sitting and brine to them surprise it's not oh Jesus Christ I forgot why aren't you getting damaged her too deteriorated god that's awesome all right so this is the alien sensor which is basically a light the prominence and facing of these alien devices suggests they are some kind of probe or sensor their subject would seem to be the vast skeleton in the center of the cavern the attached cable that worked mainly to a remote power station or data hub investigate yes so we are supposed to follow that blah blah blah follow it goes inside and goes nowhere actually never mind the cables go over here and then they connect to this door which we can't open because I don't have a key with me we will get a key ashore we do I have a key with me that'd be awesome I do not okay what kind of key do you need orange okay so we need an orange artifact to get in there which we will do eventually for now let's go back on the regular path I gotta see where this goes it looks like it goes to the Blood kelp hello there what moonpool fragment okay let's go yay we cut the moon pool so we are straight in the blood kelp oh well good sir oh my goodness look at this beauty let me turn it to brightness for you guys there we go what the hell is hitting me hey you serious stop it look at this gorgeous absolutely gorgeous alright let's go back before I'll oh I already lost my way son okay it's this way right what is this does this go back into it also oh it does okay cool alright this is the main entrance okay so there's literally just - it's just split wait wait up okay what in the hell what is all this they must have changed a train or maybe I'm just not used to it anymore oh my goodness another one of you huh I wish there were statistics like how many crab squids have you killed I would be the Slayer of crab squid always attracted the light holy crap it's too hot no no no no man don't worry about it don't worry about I'm just getting the rupees okay let's get back in hello oh yeah you thought that guy was big shut up what you see him that's like the strangest attack pose I've ever seen in my life oh yeah we're gonna take a trip down crazy Lane dude welcome it to the river of bones yeah you're telling me uh-oh oh no oh no okay it's attacking something else it's attacking something else I've totally freaking forgot about that look at this dude you thought that one thing was big look at this gargantuan I want to see if they've actually added in the don't go too far they've that in the data please yes they have come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on quickly where is it don't mess me indigenous life forms gargantuan fossil the fossilized remains of this extinct super predator shut up its sheer size would have prohibited it from entering such an enclosed space suggesting the geography of the planet has shifted around it over time a true apex predator dated at approximately 3 million years old ribcage measurements suggest the creature was ill like in structure calculations suggest this was only the front third of the specimen scaring the hell out of me the remains now support a vibrant microcosm of life there's there are a series of precise angular indentations on the ribcage suggesting a third party has taken samples from the specimen at a previous time only the front third dude that is ridiculously long not just that they're not talking about just the skull man they're talking about the skull and this part just the third can you imagine I don't want to I really don't want to imagine that is whoo-hoo goosebumps that's what that is goose bump inducing I need this rupee come here see he's actually pretty tiny he's a pretty tiny tiny it's really tiny I'm going back up here because this is was the path I was supposed to take I guess I don't think there's actually any point nope there's not okay never mind anyway so let's continue on there's a bunch of stuff in here we can't actually go and get because I need an exosuit like there's a bunch of okay there's like nickel and holes down here and other things but we got to go this way to get to where we need to go since I have an infinite amount of you guys I'm gonna collect more of you guys for aerogel just realize I'm dying of dehydration suck that water up well I'm actually pretty low on everything some reason hey another ribcage can I scan this one nope I'm assuming it's the same as the other Oh another skull oh wow dude holy crap dude it's like literally on display that is so awesome sixty-eight degrees Celsius right now so I'm gonna start burning but I don't want to start burning whoo I'm good and they go there we go Leviathan the skeletal remains I get back on my steam off to read this lots of Bones down here people lots of bones the sea dragons skeleton a semi intact skeletal structure of a Leviathan class predator head trauma there is clear evidence of massive physical trauma to the head the damage is so severe it was likely the cause of death and must have occurred somewhere nearby damage is consistent with a high-speed collision with a solid object age something in the environment has helped to preserve these remains but calcium decay suggests an approximate time of death 1,000 years ago bone growth suggests the creature was in the egg laying state of its lifecycle now we will learn more about that as we venture on into where these monoliths of sort are leading us to [Music] is that a spiny alright here we go look at this bad boy but you ain't never seen anything like this in your life this right here my friends is an alien base so this place has collapsed was once suspended excuse me well that's awesome Wow we got an eye on Cuba give me that alright so we're gonna finish our in this is the disease research facility crap I need a tablet indicating the designers clearly oh I don't like that base Rumble look at this sea dragon egg excellent this large egg is held in a hermetically sealed environment and has been chemically sterilized now the means at the facility to house a fully grown sea dragon specimen it is possible to alien saw to a study instead the egg laying and incubation process to what end is unclear yeah they'll go to any end really well what a display case containing an array of rib cages harvested from the indigenous life forms there is a particular focus in this instance on vertebrate skeletal structures while some of these skeletons match organisms encountered on the planet so far most cannot be matched with confidence suggesting either that there are species out there and not yet accounted for or that they have become extinct since these samples were collected possible I mean we're talking a thousand years ago that that ones out there you know who knows different species of Ray indigenous to four five or six B and each adapted to different environments the specimens are about 100% genetically identical to those encountered on the planet today suggesting the Rays in particular have undergone little evolutionary mutation in the past millennium ghost rays jelly Ray's comes to raise and rabba rays likely all share a common evolutionary ancestor the alpha ray would have evolved deep in the ocean trenches quickly growing in line with available food supply I would have most resembled the ghost ray in size and appearance with translucent skin for camouflage and Ford mounting eyes for hunting a fast and fearsome stalker of small creatures in the dark do that sounds terrifying while some Ray's have stayed within the limits of the cave systems where they were first evolved others are relatively more recent adaptations to new environments likely the results of overpopulation all the Rays on 4 5 4 6b have given up predation in favor of herbivores scavenging and use poisonous flesh to protect themselves I'm dying well those all those things all sound scary I don't know how I feel about them I'm certainly glad that I'm confident that I won't run into one of those things but maybe I will maybe there's a big old surprise waiting for me anyway let's get down to business keep exploring around here what do you guys and scan that okay yeah high data download damage report Leviathan detected at facilities closing at high speed exterior anchor cable impacted with massive force exterior anchor system buckling facility sinking collision with seafloor breaches detected in containment unit seven the Leviathan takes immediate specimen destruction protocol initiated 1314 specimens destroyed one specimen unaccounted for evacuating staff to off-site sanctuaries planetary quarantine protocol initiated and effective dividuals may not leave the planet oh boy it went down hard I'm wondering how I'm getting that information like if the aliens are speaking in their language should I even be able to understand that look at this guy more skeletal remains all right so remains of research specimen the skeletal remains of a vast predator housed within an artificial habitat habitat the environment constructed to house the specimen suggests it was kept alive in containment for research purposes for months or even years organic matter indicates the habitat once supported extensive plant life though it has since decayed when the facility collapsed the specimen was either left to die or killed on the spot evolution while it shares some skeletal trades with the biter and sand shark including its distinctive double eye sockets it's fossilized specimen is significantly larger and features unusual fourarms rarely seen in aquatic species the species had likely gone extinct in the past thousand years and his evolutionary relatives have evolved almost beyond recognition I'm running out of oxygen yeah let me get this warper I thought I already unlocked it but I'll read that in one second can't dive right now can't die right now gotta get back to the scene mom there we go so self warping quarantine and Forrester units life-form shows signs of heavy genetic modification and extensive mechanical grafting its digestive and pulmonary systems have been replaced by an onboard battery receiving energy directly from the main grid and distributing it around the body miniaturised phase technology has been implanted beneath the skin and is triggered by the central nervous system allowing the construct to teleport at will the brain of the nervous system have been digitally augmented with advanced processing power and remote communications assessment programmable hunter slash the killer avoid of course oh wait what am i doing I can't take that in here I'm an idiot so that's the warper we kind of got some more information on that the warper is something designed it wasn't something organic and I think there was a lot of hints towards that when we when we found it in the first place biological matter what is this warper parts the organic parts on display contained DNA from dozens of different organisms largely originating offworld they are in varying states of augmentation with advanced technologies this production lineup setups suggest these self warping constructs were built maintained and deployed by the aliens that designed this facility so this was offworld creatures dude that is actually really awesome to know what is this amoeboid oh that's cool a simple non-sentient organism found attached to land with high levels of fossilized organic matter it feeds on the matter until it reaches maturity at which point it divides to create two new genetically identical offspring and the cycle continues why are you attached to the never mind so some offworld creatures ended up being this guy I always thought it was maybe some of the creatures that are on here you'll see later good resemblance Italian is being downloaded caution detecting atypical fluctuations in blood plasma proteins as self scan is strongly advised oh yeah that sounds great all right so here we go the con our contingent profile this terminal contains extensive data regarding the bacterial contagion identified it's karach discovery first encountered during routine Network expansion on outer worlds pandemic developments Network error resulted in routine quarantine procedure failure contagion was uploaded to and spread quickly through the core world's confirmed deaths 143 billion individuals bacterial mechanisms attaches to healthy living cells and mutates the basic genetic structure symptoms stage 1 a gradual immune system failure stage 2 green skin lesions and flu-like symptoms stage 3 unpredictable alterations to biological structure stage 4 complete shutdown of executive function emergency steps taken core world's quarantined bacterial samples distributed to isolated disease research facilities for vaccine developments treatment procedure is unknown so that's what they're looking for they figured out that we's done be infected and wheezed on diet bacterial infection has spread to the skin and pulmonary system medical report recorded to databank it is imperative you find a way to neutralize the infection [Music] mmm the pain I love how he took off his gloves just to show us anyway so we're dying oh we got it we got it advanced theories bacterial okay wrapped up getting our seam off real quick oh there's our hands cute bacterial infection report you have been infected with a previously unknown waterborne bacterium it is currently multiplying in your bloodstream estimated incubation time two weeks your immune system is currently combating the infection at low efficacy you may already be experiencing flu-like symptoms and skin irritation these will likely be exacerbated as the bacterium takes hold your immediate priority should be abatement and eradication of the infection of recommended steps Salvage further alien research data on possible vaccine investigate the mechanisms which have enabled the indigenous ecosystem to inhibit the symptoms of the infection yes so search for a cure basically get ourselves cured I got a heal my frickin seamoth that's dying there we go okay so this is the disease research facility we got to come back and get that I can't actually remember what that data download is now I'm confused a bit because this uh how do where am I going did it direct me somewhere did it give me a something I guess at this point what we need to do is head deeper into the Lost River oh boy nope nope nope that's not the right way either so likely what happened is that sea dragon egg is what that sea dragon wanted the one that's dead alive done oh my god the warper you scared the living crap out of me all right please let me go I'm just trying to go I know I'm infected all right so I actually have to go deeper so what I need to do up there is some good info and down here some good info - hello beautiful tree Wow the music is perfect let's go alright Giants Cove tree a vast tree encountered in a deep cove and the only one of its kind encountered on the planet the tree is surrounded by raised grazing on its pink outer leaves bark a hardy fast-growing Bart covers the outside of the tree minuscule organisms inhabit the notches of the surface ghost Leviathan eggs the trees branches are wrapped around a number of maturing eggs belonging to the species designated ghost Leviathan that's crazy right such a peaceful place for something so deadly this tree appears to be an ancient nesting ground the eggs were laid when the tree was young and now the branches protect and grow with them as they waits the right conditions to hatch but you guys are absolutely cute but I would rather you not hatch be really cool if we just witnessed one hatch flower here oh my guy I started I started swimming off without my Seema what in the world I must be crazy all right so down there is leading to an even deeper place whoa whoa whoa whoa yep so now is when we have to build the Cyclops fantastic I'm dying a thirst again do I have enough water only one know why heat blade I can cook some fish should help a little bit there's another part up here I'm gonna go to real quick I think I also need another key so I need an orange one and a purple one in order to get one I need to back down here so once I come over here to go to where I need to go I'll bring those Jesus Christ dude I just wanted this please let me go where's my seamoth dude if you destroy this alright so up here is pretty dangerous so I'm actually gonna get out and heal myself all not myself but my seamoth hey hey back up what a beautiful this is my favorite biome by the way this is my all-time favorite biome there's an egg down there it's not anything never mind so here's a skull so it's a very small version of the one we've already seen Gai scam it nope same thing an apex predator and it's baby size oh there it is please get away from me there's a where is he protecting that area are you kidding me this is gonna suck this is gonna suck bad please don't destroy my seamoth I think we're good now yes okay so I don't need a key I think this might be an area for a teleporter more than likely I think they're all pretty much the same they have an entrance from underwater to standing up yeah there's a teleporter I don't think that there's anything else down except for that but anything else of importance yep another slave teleporter and I think I know where the master is for this one that's pretty much it in this cave I wish they would add a few things in here to make it you know we're I mean aside from that that's super helpful but you know early game when you don't have access to the teleporters would be nice to have a little treat in here somewhere safety is a nice one can't go wrong with some safety some free safety I'll pay I'll take any I'll take bunch of free samples of that safety stuff OOP another jewel rupee give that to me please thank you okay so now we can actually exit through the gift shop I mean the blood kelp it's over there stay away stay away oh they're just attacking they're just gonna attack nope leave me alone holy crapola that thing yes if this goes up to the blood kelp I am so scared I'm so scared from a life all right so from this I don't think we're in oh my god there's another one Jesus cold look alive fine hello what happened here have already been here life pod - interesting stay away from me I must have already been in here way have I have I come this far all wait maybe I did oh okay so I have been here that's where that's the same ghost Leviathan alrighty well that's neat hey at least we're back out we gotta go back to base cuz we need some stuff and we got to start building that Cyclops oh that's gonna be great what in the hell is that that please tell me that's an island is it an island god I hate these things dude it's so ridiculous music is the only thing calming me down right now oooh hello oh yeah dude look at that alright see if you guys can see this look at those eyes do you see those eyes can you imagine they did that on purpose they for sure did that on purpose I know I would have done that on purpose if I was designing this game for sure holy crap well we're infected a terribly we're dying we need to find a cure we need a we need a Cyclops a lot of stuff we need to do so I'm gonna head back home real quick alright so this stuff should be done right so now I can get rid of this I think yes okay now I could plant the seed that I picked up yay and then if that grows you know I'm just gonna get rid of it I'll grow a blood one Oh what dude that was this weirdest I've ever heard of my life please don't do that again alright blood oil put that in there too awesome alright well we are home I honestly I don't even know where to start well we have to go and look out for some Cyclops parts which we can do but we'll do that in the next episode I think I'm all done for today so thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video if you did enjoy it be sure to hit that like button let me know the comment section below if you have any tips or suggestions all the feedback is much appreciated thanks again for watching I love you all and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: IGP
Views: 2,300,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Subnautica ancient skeleton, Subnautica ancient predator, Subnautica ancient creature, Subnautica biggest leviathan, Subnautica biggest creature, Subnautica skull, Subnautica leviathan skeleton, Subnautica lost river, Subnautica lost river creature, Subnautica lost river skull, Subnautica lost river leviathan, Subnautica lost leviathan, Subnautica super predator, Subnautica biggest leviathan alive, Subnautica, Subnautica gameplay, igp, Subnautica igp, let's play Subnautica
Id: ms73XHYKwPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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