These spooky stories are 100% True (r/AskReddit - Reddit Scary Stories)

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what's your best true spooky story serious at the time I was around 14 I'd ask my dad to wake me up early that morning at about 5:00 a.m. because I had some work to get done that morning I was woken up and I flung my legs over the side of my bed I felt a tug on both of them what I thought at the time was just my dad trying to get me to hurry up I reached over to pick up my phone and turned it on 3:30 a.m. and I looked over at the black figure I assumed was my dad and it was gone I've posted this on my other account copying and pasting it here the scariest thing I've had happened while camping so I live in Eastern Oregon and my mom lives in Western Oregon I went to visit her for the summer and she's very outdoorsy so we decided to take the one hour drive from her city to the coast we end up at this free campsite at the top of this hill huge foothills of the coastal mountains about a 25-minute drive from the top where the campsite is to the bottom where the main road was and we were the only campers there we relaxed for the rest of the day made food etc a truck full of men drive up the hill and talk with my mom like what about wasn't suspicious at the time and they leave us fast forward to the middle of the night I wake up to my mom sitting straight up in the tent I wake easily so I heard her gasp and it woke me as soon as she saw I was awake she put her hand over my mouth because I was starting to ask her what's wrong it was dead silent and all of a sudden you hear footsteps right beside the tent the little flap that covers the zipper was even moving thankfully my mom has quick wits and said very loudly can he grab the gun Kenny is my dad although that doesn't matter and mind you he was not there just as girls like I previously said they left no harm was done thank the Lord for my mama four years ago I lived in a very large farmhouse that was converted into two apartments the house was known as the old boys home it was used to house boys with behavioral issues but was closed due to allegations of molestation anyway I was living with my boyfriend and three year old daughter at the time my bedroom had a large fireplace that had been boarded up and painted over I decided to push my bed up against it one day while I was rearranging things it was like a headboard that night around 1:00 a.m. I had heard a small voice saying mom mom mommy I had sat up in bed but didn't see anything so I reached over my boyfriend trying to grab down to grab my daughter and put her in our bed I kept feeling around and I was still hearing the voice but I couldn't feel her my boyfriend woke up and turned the bedside lamp on asking me what the hell are you doing I explained that Amelia was trying to get in our bed and I was reaching for her there was nobody there my daughter was sound asleep in her room then the next night came around 1:00 a.m. again my dog had started to whimper at outdoor so my boyfriend got up to take him outside you know that feeling in a bed when someone lies down next to you where the bed pushes in and there is a warmth in your back I felt that so I assumed my boyfriend had come back to bed I rolled over my boyfriend wasn't in the bed and I felt the freaking bed release pressure whatever was laying next to me has gotten up in that second I moved my bed the next day to the other side of the room and I never had another incident in the two years I remained in that house when my grandparents bought their house for a family of 10 my grandpa found a fake wall upstairs he tore it down to make more room for the family behind the wall where children's clothes and play toys almost like they walked off the room in a hurry my mom told me stories of sitting in her room and something circling the walls around her sounding like wallpaper being torn when she moved out my aunt moved into the same room she would wake up with pictures she hung up laying on her chest in the morning my cousins also have stories of hearing footsteps coming up the stairs and stopping outside their door in the middle of the night I still don't go upstairs at their house because it's always cold and I get weird vibes up there even in my adult life I have scary dreams that take place in their upstairs I posted this in a thread a while ago but gonna do it again because it applies here when I was in high school my uncle would throw me a couple bucks to help babysit his kids with my aunt they lived in a two-story house by the water nice area the kids were about three and six one day I was sitting in their den on my phone when I started to hear a baby crying thinking it was the three year old I headed to the bottom of the stairs to check and see if my aunt was up there dealing with it I called for her a couple times with no response the baby kept crying I called for her one more time and when I got no response I started walking up the stairs then I heard my cousins and aunt playing outside all the hairs on my body stood up and I literally felt a chill run down my spine I quietly turned around walked down the stairs got in my car and drove away the baby was still crying when I closed the door behind me a few years later I was drunk at a family party and told my uncle the story he told me that he and his wife used to hear the baby - and apparently the previous owners had a kid died of SIDS in that room upstairs he's uber Catholic and had a mass said for the baby he said after that it never happened again still gives me the willies when I talk about it though back when I was a kid my grandmother had a really close friend who used to help her babysit us one day she goes missing family doesn't know where she is and we don't either about a week later police find her body in a dumpster she had been dead for four to five days she had been mugged and had several stab wounds incredibly tragic who would mug an old lady here's the spooky story a few days just before she was found my three cousins swore they saw her walking around in their backyard and knocking on their window the following day had searched going through the area it wasn't until the body was found that we realized what they saw couldn't be true according to police timeline but they swore it was her I have a bunch but I think the best one I have actually happened to my mom we lived in a very creepy very old house when I was little one day my mom was cleaning my little brother's room while we were at school and every single one of his electronic toys turned on all at once two of them did not have batteries in them she was so freaked out she had us camp out in the living room for three days because she didn't want my brother alone in his room up until we moved that would occasionally happen either one or two toys at a time freshman year at my university we had a creepy old dorm on campus that no one was living in everyone generally avoided it because it just had an uncomfortable feeling when you got close to it and felt like you were being watched there are rumored stories about two women dying there on separate occasions one murder one suicide and they're the ones who haunt the building one night a friend was in a bad mood because his girlfriend had broken up with him so I was walking around campus with him to let him get it off his chest and just trying to help him feel better we walked past the dorm and I brought it up about it being haunted and was telling him the stories to try and take his mind off it so the way the bottom floor was set up there were two doors on both sides of the building and the hallway ran the entire length of the building and you could see the other door we walked up to one of the windows and were just looking down the hall when two girls walked out of a room wearing clothes that looked like they were from the 70/80 s and stood there in the hall looking at each other not speaking then one girl slowly turned her head and looked straight at us slowly turned her head back then turned and walked the opposite way from us down the hall so we ran to the other side of the building but we couldn't find them we came back to the original door and watched them do the same thing all over again we looked at each other and ran this freaked me out for a while especially after when I was sleeping in my room and all my posters fell off the wall at the same time after telling this story to another friend he convinced me to go back with him and try to find a way in we found an open window which we later found out was the room the girl hung herself in and climbed in and started walking down the hall we wandered around the building a bit and just started to notice generally creepy things water faucet started coming on we'd walked through one room and then back through in a chair would be moved on the first floor a desk was turned upside down under the stairwell as we were getting close to leaving a lot more water faucets came on and kept getting louder and louder then when we got back to the room to go back out of the window and as we put our hands on the window the door slammed closed so we ripped the door open dove out and ran back to our dorm and never went back my high school used to be a giant mansion before it was converted into an orphanage and then a high school one section of the school the third floor was inaccessible the staircase which lead to the floor was blocked off with wood and painted black to match the chorus room where it was located in 2003 during the fall school show of lame is they had to remove the wood so they could replace the windows on that third floor we even ended up using some of the removed windows for our barricade we had play practice most nights and if you lived far enough away usually you would just stay at the school and wait rather than go home just to come right back up while waiting for practice to start one night myself and three friends Ryan Mike and Michelle decided to go up the staircase to check out the third floor the staircase was rotted and falling apart from years of disuse so we carefully went up one at a time to find an unremarkable hallway with some even less remarkable rooms off to the sides all of this led into a big open area with old stacked desks and folders full of test papers from like the 80s or something the four of us were a bit disappointed because the rumor was that this section of the school was not converted from the orphanage that occupied the space several decades earlier and the ghosts of orphans still haunted the place since we didn't get spooked we ended up just digging through the old papers while Michelle was looking through the papers in a side room with her back to us Ryan pushed Mike and myself out of the room quietly and into an adjacent room to scare Michelle into thinking we disappeared sure enough she comes bolting out of the room screaming at us throwing out screws you guys and this isn't funny we had to muffle our mouths to keep from laughing when all of a sudden one of the people in the room effing ruined the whole thing by giggling like a little girl I turned to Ryan and Mike to see which one of them ruined the joke but both of their hands were over their mouths and their eyes were wide as dinner plates this room we were in hiding behind the door was small maybe the side of a small one stall bathroom maybe that's what it was once upon a time and somebody in this God darn tiny room was giggling and it was none of us this whole plot played out and probably like ten seconds between leaving Michelle and hearing the giggle so we stood there staring at each other waiting for something to happen that explained this it was like 4 or 5 p.m. and we were the only ones in the chorus classroom the entire day we would have seen someone go upstairs we would have heard the stairs creaking as they went up there whoever giggled at us from inside that room was up there already unfortunately we didn't get the explanation we needed because a second set of giggles started happening this time more than one person making them that was it for Ryan a big tough former athlete turned show kid who screamed the highest pitch scream I've ever seen a guy that size make it would have been funny if we weren't terrified he pushed past us ran screaming out into the hallway scared the daylights out of Michelle on his way down and we bolted down the steps this time we did not take them one by one and actual chunks of rotted wood started falling off we explained what happened to Michelle and then went somewhere that was not the Chris classroom until play practice started the maintenance team must have known we were up because we all collectively got a talking to about going up there safety concerns with the rotted steps so of course people started going up there willy-nilly hoping to see a ghost there are more stories about that third floor during that year that promptly stopped once they replaced the windows and sealed the room back up now the school is closed and empty so whatever ghosts were having a good time are now free to do so without the living getting in the way about five years and two boyfriends ago I moved into an old farmhouse with my then significant other he was a hoarder and was embarrassed about the state his house was in after his wife left him he had an RV and that's where he slept because there was just crap garbage clothes boxes up to your knees in every room of the house me being extremely distressed by clutter cleaned that house down to cobwebby corners of the ceiling it took me weeks but I murphy's oiled every inch of wood filled his truck with over ten loads of garbage the very first night I was there things were weird at that point I had only cleared part of the living room the boyfriend snored unbearably loud so I opted to sleep inside on the couch while he slept out in his camper I had just had a fight with my mother and was lying awake around 4:00 a.m. fuming about it I heard my boyfriend come in the back door muttering to himself as usual he was opening and closing drawers and cabinets in the kitchen figured he was searching for something finally I got up because hell I was already awake maybe I could help him find whatever it was the kitchen was five feet from where I was and when I walked in there was no one there I looked around and called for him but he wasn't there I don't get scared easily and at this point I was just curious about where he was I went out the camper and could hear him snoring hard before I even got to the door I shook him awake and asked him gently what he had needed in the house he said he hadn't left the camper all night I thought eh he was sleepwalking when I went back inside though I noticed it had snowed lightly in the night and the only tracks leading up to the camper were mine couple days later I moved my two cats in they are super on edge a lot of growling acting out of character especially in the middle of the night I completely dismissed that as it was a new unfamiliar place obviously they were uncomfortable I had finally gotten the bedroom habitable and they would not cross the threshold into it the first night we slept in the bedroom was when I started to fear the house the bed was up against a window that faced out to the cornfield and my guy insisted on sleeping on the outside of the bed leaving me pressed against the window I got this horrible feeling something was right outside the window and I was frantic to the point of Tears I kept telling him there was something out there and he said I was being dramatic which was stupid because I'm just not you spend your whole life being logical and calm and when something weird happens no one believes you I slept on the couch the next day I noticed a handprint on the top of the bedroom window that I had just cleaned the day prior I held my hand up to it and it was thrice the size of my own hand bigger than any persons handprint I've ever seen it wasn't just a print though it was elongated as if the hand had dragged down the window still could be an explanation even though I had cleaned that window the day before and would have noticed except that print was over 9 feet off the ground directly over an open coal cellar I showed my boyfriend and he told me something surprising his ex-wife thought there was something wrong with the house too she was making dinner one day and he had gotten home from work her back was turned to him and they had a full conversation then she looked out the kitchen window and saw him pull up in his truck he still blew it off with me just telling me I was paranoid and such all this time I assumed he was right dismissed my instincts and went about things normally then one morning in the spring I got up to use the bathroom it was 446 in the morning and I knew the time because I checked my phone when I got up the whole bedroom was lit from the sunrise and I quietly climbed back into bed the house is all wood paneling and because of my arachnophobia I had the bed scoot at about 5 inches away from the wall where our heads were I laid down and tucked my arm up under the pillow with my hand over the edge the second I closed my eyes an icy cold hand grabbed me by the wrist and yanked down hard I bolted up and in a state of complete terror shook my boyfriend awake and asked if he was screwing with me he wasn't I will never forget that grip because I had to struggle to get my hand back I called my close friend and she said you know that there's a cemetery within view of your bedroom right I had forgotten but being a practical person it had never occurred to me that there might be a connection she said let's try something came over with a sagebrush and we smudged the house we were both laughing at ourselves as we did it but the thing is nothing weird happened after that well except me falling into a hole in the floor but I blamed that on my own clumsiness the relationship wizard I moved out but we remain friends he says nothing strange has happened since I left in high school my friends and I were messing around with a Ouija board one night we had done it before and nothing remarkable had ever happened we usually did it to try and scare each other or our girlfriends we all thought it was a joke that night there was no one else home except the 7 of us and we were all together around the board one of the girls there wanted to try it she had never done it before this time was different the board misspelled some of the words the same way every time it gave answers that seemed really historically accurate for our town things we neither knew or cared about long story short the spirit claimed it was a ten-year-old boy who had died on the property in the 1800s and was buried there - in an unmarked grave my friend's house was on a farm in the edge of town we were all a little freaked out because the board had never been so detailed and consistent however we were still skeptical and we were all assuming one of us was trying to scare the rest finally my friend asked if the spirit could do something to prove he was there with us it went - yes and then spelled out knock then the planchette stopped moving we just all stared at it silently and then there was a rap rap rap on the window right next to us the lights were on outside and there was absolutely no one out there we never touched that effing board again [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ReddiTV
Views: 39,584
Rating: 4.8866396 out of 5
Keywords: spooky stories, ghost stories reddit, true creepy stories, scary stories, reddit stories scary, askreddit, reddit stories, askreddit creepy, spooky stories reddit, scariest stories, creepy stories, scary
Id: rYfF4-flBB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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