Paranormal Ghost Activities that happened to Redditors (r/AskReddit - Reddit Scary Stories)

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dot what's your ghost / creepy / paranormal story my great-grandmother watched my great-grandfather die they were truly in love forever after he died she woke up every morning and said darn it because she was ready to pass away my great aunts would hear her talking on a baby monitor they set up talking to members of the family who had already passed finally one afternoon they heard her go John finally why are you always late they were frozen as John was my great-grandfather's name they walked in ten minutes later and she passed away she was just waiting for her husband to come get her this is one my grandma used to tell about one of her aunts they lived in Laos during the secret war her aunt started talking with one of the American soldiers and he started learning basic Hmong after some time though he stopped showing up the basic consensus was that he was dead but she kept waiting for him when things got really bad and the bomb started dropping they fled to the caves for shelter one night as everyone is sleeping she hears a familiar voice it's the soldier he's mumbling in a very broken mug I'm back for you over and over again her eyes are still closed until she feels something reach out and grab her shoulder and slowly moved down to her hand when it reached her hand she said it wasn't a human hand at all but like a large animal paw she briefly opened her eyes to see a dark figure clearly not human though standing over her then she heard her aunt get up something was said but she couldn't make what it was the figure then left in the ant followed this was still in the middle of the night mind you the ant was never seen again the story is that the dead soldier came back to take her with him or something else imitated him in order to take her there's a bridge near where I grew up in bum F Tennessee that is notorious for screaming at people at night the screams aren't audible to the houses nearby and supposedly you have to sit on the actual bridge to hear it at all though I personally haven't tested it or anything the common explanation is that it's a bobcat that lives under the bridge but people have checked with dogs and such and never find signs of any well some friends and myself had heard this story for years all growing up but never tested it so one night after a few beers we get up the notion we're going to go test the thing so five drunk guys pile into a beat-up car and we drive down and park on the bridge this is 1:30 a.m. and it's dead silent out we set there for a good 45 minutes and nothing happened we had the windows down and had started debating whether or not it was all bullcrap when the scream happened we had the lights off and there was a moon so you could see pretty well and there for sure wasn't anything outside the car but it was effing loud and it sounded just like a woman with particularly powerful lungs having her skin ripped off right outside the window on the rear passenger-side that faced off the edge of the bridge now I've heard Bobcats in heat while hunting and they do like a scream scream scream kind of thing it's hard to describe but they do it in little repeating bursts this was a good three to four seconds extended scream at incredible volume we tore out of there like a demon was chasing us a couple of miles down the road we finally stopped and actually processed what happened my adrenaline was going so badly and I was so scared I was just shaking uncontrollably one of my friends had actually pissed himself which I'd never seen anyone actually do one friend immediately left the car and vomited to give what I think was a good frame of reference to how actually terrifying this was my friend whose car we were in wasn't even mad at the friend that pissed all over his seat it was insane to this day I have no explanation for it a girl I knew for a few years and was very good friends with passed away in a car accident a few days later I have a dream that she's standing in the centre of the road and I'm barreling towards her I run into her but then she appears in the seat beside me she forces my head toward her abdomen where her stomach would be there's a large mouth the teeth are made of broken glass and sharp metal she's keep saying shush I wake up from the dream and I'm still hearing shush I look at the foot of my bed and she's standing in my room she walks through my door and into the hallway I follow her she walks down the hallway and vanishes through the front door of the house I didn't realize at the time but my dad was on the couch he asked me if I was okay and asked if the flickering lights are what woke me up he didn't see her and I never noticed the lights flickering my good friend shared this story with me and I've never been able to shake it or retell it as well as him it's a long story so I'll just tell you the first part which I find the scariest he's about 40 and divorced back when he was married with a one-year-old daughter he and his wife bought a house and moved in it was apparently an old house that needed some fixing up but they got a good deal and were ready for the work after a week or so there he notices a life-sized doll in the corner of the nursery where his daughter sleeps it creeps him out because he's a normal human being so he turns it around to face the corner so it stops staring at him after putting the kid to bed he goes downstairs and asks his wife about it where did we get that doll she looks at him and says I don't remember I assume someone gave it to you for our daughter and we moved it here he's a little weirded out because he didn't remember moving the doll and wonders if maybe it was in the house when they moved in and he didn't notice it the next morning he goes to get the kid out of her crib and notices something the doll isn't facing the corner anymore it's looking at him again I'm getting shivers already just remembering him tell me this that's enough to creep anyone out so he throws it in the closet and shuts the door that night he has an argument with his wife I don't remember what it was about and it's not really relevant but the point is they were getting into it a bit loud and focused enough that they didn't notice their daughter crying upstairs at a lull in the argument his wife hears her and says she's going to go check on her but he just tells her she'll be fine let's hash this out another minute goes by and suddenly he realizes he's practically having to shout over the noise of his daughter screaming from her room it sounds different it's not a normal cry he glances at his wife and quickly starts up the stairs what he saw when he opened the door literally makes my eyes water with fear when I think about it the closet door is open the life-sized doll is sitting next to the crib motionless and its arms are reaching through the bars towards his daughter just stiff and motionless like it was caught in the act before returning to a doll state needless to say the doll was thrown out and I believe even burned there's no explanation for that other than something seriously demonic the story of that house goes on for much longer but that's all I have time to write at the moment I personally do not believe in the paranormal but some of the experiences I had at my dad's house as a teenager sometimes make me think otherwise my whole family experienced plenty of strange happenings at this place but the most jarring occurred when I was 17 years old I rarely visited my dad's but whenever I did make that our long trip into the nothingness of Wisconsin I was always uneasy of what I might see or hear that night the house had some very unique features that always struck me as strange the most notable being a small crawlspace in my bedroom that connected to my sister's bedroom adjacent to mine both sides of this crawlspace were fitted with a small door we never really knew what the purpose of the tunnel was as it was far too small to use for storage and even too cramped for a grown adult to comfortably navigate anyway this particular night when I went to bed I heard some very strange noises almost like a faint whimper or crying I didn't think much of this because it wasn't uncommon for coyotes to come by the house at night looking to prey on our poor barn cats the night went on and the noises came and went struggling to sleep I went downstairs to grab a glass of water from the kitchen when I came back into my room I noticed that the door to the crawlspace was now a and the whimpering had stopped more than a little startled at this point I quickly got back into bed and tried my best to fall asleep eventually I was able to fall back asleep but was later awakened when I felt a sinking feeling at the foot of my bed I assumed that I must have left my bedroom door cracked and one of the house cats had climbed on my bed I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep and was forced awake by the sound of a slamming door I opened my eyes and noticed that the door to the crawl space had been slammed shut then I quickly glanced at the foot of my bed and saw the outline of large figure staring at me from the end of my bed the figure was all black with bright white eyes I got out of my bed as fast as I could and ran downstairs I spent the rest of the night awake on the couch I still don't know what I saw or if it was even real I was ready to chalk it up to sleep paralysis but my sister told me the next morning that she also was woken up by the sound of the crawlspace door slamming that was one of the last times I spent the night there and if that wasn't bad enough five years later my dad and stepmom decided to add an extension to the house and when they were digging the foundation for the extension they uncovered gravestones from the 1800s no thank you I've got a few experiences most of my current house when my family and I moved and I was around seven years old I'm 20 now I don't remember how soon after we moved and this happened but I was laying in bed one night just about to fully fall asleep when I crapped you not something grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me a few inches down the bed I didn't fall off the bed but I sure as hell did not sleep that night another time I probably would have been 1314 I was playing Battlefield and fell asleep while the game was still going and woke up at about 1:00 a.m. turned around to get my bearings and in the kitchen doorway about 20 feet from me there was a tall dark shadow not a transparent figure it was solid as effing night standing so tall in fact its head was crooked against the ceiling at a 90 degree angle I froze for a moment and inspected it making sure it was there and it was there I stood up with the TV and Xbox still on to provide some semblance of light in the room so I could turn on the stairway lights that lead up to my room when I went to turn off the Xbox I looked again to see if it was still there and it was not I used to live in a one-bedroom apartment a number of years back one night I came home roughly about 2:30 in the morning and was exhausted so I decided to go straight to bed as I laid in bed trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep I heard a rather loud noise coming from the living room kind of like what would happen if someone jumped off the couch and landed on the floor I lived in an apartment building on the top floor so I knew it wasn't coming from below me on edge now I continued to lay there listening for any further noise suddenly whatever created the sound in the living room made a thundering - towards my room it didn't sound like a person running more like something four-legged it was inhumanly fast and the noise was deafening ly loud until whatever it was stopped on a dime what I assumed was about a foot away from my face I refused to open my eyes just on the off chance that something was there the sound ceased but there was an incredible feeling of dread and darkness that radiated throughout my room for approximately five minutes but then it simply disappeared instantly and the aura of the room returned to normal it never happened again the entire time that I lived in that apartment but it was certainly a wild sequence I've told this before on another thread but here it goes anyways last Christmas I was over at my fiance's place the two of us were doing homework and just sort of hanging out during a lull in the conversation I heard what I thought sounded like tires screeching on the pavement it was very far away and given that downtown was nearby and I'm partially deaf I shouldn't have been able to hear it I didn't mention the sound because my fiance didn't seem bothered so I brushed it off a sound traveling wired in the city five minutes later it happens again but closer this time she looked over at me with her eyebrow raised again downtown is closed and we brushed it off as noise coming from there the next time was about five blocks away it happened thirty seconds after the other which is way too fast for anybody to travel from downtown to where we were we both noticed something this time first the pitch was changing continuously so it couldn't be a recording second it wasn't a screech of tires but an undescribable inhuman scream we looked at each other and laughed sort of half heatedly while trying to still make light of our situation only to be cut off whatever was screaming had gotten to the end of our street in ten seconds we both jumped into action started locking windows and doors and were halfway down the hall to a room when the fifth and final wail sounded I crap you not this thing must have been at the apartment steps we bolted into a room and she ripped an older book off her shelf I've never seen someone skim through pages so fast next thing I know we're taking protective measures and actively trying not to think about what just happened a few hours later with us not making a sound during that time her mother comes home and we raced to tell her our story it takes her about ten minutes before she looked us both in our eyes and say sounds like a banshee I don't know what it was or what happened to it but that is hands down the spookiest thing that I've ever experienced to this day oh I have one this happened when I was around five or six ish I lived in this isolated house so there was pretty much no one around for miles we had a car garage and me my sister and cousin were playing at night around 10:00 p.m. at one point me and my sis were trying to hop on my cousin's back since he was the tallest and we all ended up facing the garage wall at this point I felt like someone was watching me so I turned I kid you not there was this transparent looking man standing in front of our house just staring at me I froze and stared back to see what I was seeing was real we are locked for at least four seconds which felt like eternity my plan was to keep an eye on him until the others also turn and confirm what I was seeing was real but at this point I couldn't hear my sister laughing or my cousin it was super quiet I kept on calling my cousin's name but I didn't hear back at this point I thought they were dead I freaked out lost my eye contact with the ghosts turned and screamed my cousin's name again all the sudden I could hear them laughing I quickly turned back and he was gone I cried telling my cousin to go back in the house and it isn't safe outside all he did was giggle I told my mom about this years later and she said we had two different mates that lived in GuestHouse who started screaming in the middle of the night because they saw this ghost looking man I don't know still to this day I am afraid of ghosts and thank God I left that house I had so many weird dreams and experiences in that place I have lots of stories for now I'll share the one from when I was Tannen on a field trip so I grew up in Northern Virginia and we had plenty of battlefields and such to visit for school field trips in fifth grade my class went to the bell Grove Plantation which was at Cedar Creek battlefield cool house still has damage to her columns from gunfire from the battle anywho my class was in the kitchen of the plantation listening to the tour lady talked about whatever it is you tell a bunch of ten year olds about plantation life there are these big double doors on each side of the room and they are open and then we hear humming coming from outside the teacher's aide who all call bulldog because she looked like one told us that whoever was humming to knock it off but that's the thing it wasn't any of us and it was coming from outside Bulldog goes out one side of the kitchen comes back in and goes out the side that leads to the garden she comes back in says to the tour lady no one at all is out there but she could hear the humming right there in the garden doesn't sound like much right well fast forward a few years and I'm reading a ghost's of Virginia book there's a story about Belle Grove in it apparently the lady of the house was found in the smokehouse one day badly beaten half in the embers with clear fist imprints on her face she dies just a few days later a slave girl was accused of the beating and murder and was hanged for it and the lady of the house liked to walk in the garden and was always humming and various people over the years was witness I guess you could say to the ethereal humming that would take place in the garden that just thoroughly freaked me out when I realized I got to witness it too you mentioned you had more stories yep sure do so when I was 14 my dad died no need to be sad about it he was in a hole when he was alive he loved to sneak up on people and scare the crap out of them one of the ways he'd do that was to silently creep up and chill out in the corner of your vision till you realized there was this a-hole staring at you after he passed away I'd be sitting in the living room watching TV and I would see him just glide up into the corner of my vision across the room and stand and stare at me from the front entryway I'd look over and puff nothing there now this can be easily written off as me being tired mind playing tricks on me etc but that isn't all of it dad loved to watch history and nature shows and this was back when the history discovery and A&E channels actually played decent docs and biographies and the like he was an insomniac so he'd always be up late with one of these channels on and the walls were incredibly thin and I'd always have to beg him to turn the darn sound down so I could sleep when I was a kid after he died for a few months at least once a week I'd be in bed and all of a sudden hear the TV in the living room and it would be a documentary on ants or a biography of Churchill and other things it had spooked me definitely my brother wasn't doing it because for one he's deaf and if he were to watch TV he'd mute it and also he had his own TV my mom worked nights and it always happened when she wasn't home and at this point my sister had been living on her own for quite some time I'd get up to see what happened maybe the cat had turned the TV on yeah but nope Mack's the tuxedo was usually with me in bed or outside and I'd be able to hear the TV drone on about worker ants as I made my way down the hallway through the kitchen and dining room to the front entryway and once I get to the spot where I could see the living room and the TV all noise would cease it would be dead silent so quiet you could probably hear a spider fart but wait there's more after he passed the locked chained and dead bolted front door would open all on its own to let the cat in this one happened in front of everyone at differing points over the winter after dear old dad had kicked the bucket but the thing that really got me is this event I'm about to tell you about I was down in the basement one night watching TV my mom was home and in the living room whenever she needed me she'd stomp on the floor to get my attention and that night she stomped something furious I raced upstairs and she's sitting in a chair with a wooden TV tray table in front of her on the table was a Styrofoam cup and it was shaking violently there were no open windows there were no fans I picked up that effing Cup and checked for wires and strings absolutely effing nothing was attached to it making the darn thing move I put it back on the table and it would shake again mom of course is saying it has to be dad doing it and nothing else the creeping bees on the cat coming in through a bolted and chained front door and the documentaries about ants being heard at all hours of the night freaked me out as much as that darn cop freaked me out I knew my mom wasn't doing it I checked and double-checked the table was perfectly flat on the floor didn't wobble there wasn't a way to make that cup move and not the table itself you know it just thoroughly spooked me and mom kept saying it had to be dad he was a trickster yadda yadda yadda so I just shout out if that's your dad knock at the f off and it stopped I didn't even finish saying it when the cuff stopped shaking after the cup incident the cat had to wait for a real live human to open the door for him I heard no more documentaries in the middle of the night and I didn't ever see dad creep up in the corner of my vision to stare at me [Music] [Music]
Channel: ReddiTV
Views: 157,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: askreddit scary, paranormal activities, paranormal stories, paranormal, paranormal reddit, scary stories, reddit stories scary, askreddit, reddit stories, askreddit creepy, ghost stories, real ghost stories, scariest stories, creepy stories
Id: O4ehwftg1tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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