Creepiest Paranormal Activities that happened to Redditors - (r/AskReddit - Reddit Stories)

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what was the creepiest or most paranormal thing that's ever happened to you one afternoon in college I came back from classes and decided to sit on the couch and have a snack after that I just passed out I had a nightmare of some bloody face to Mohnish things screaming in my ear at the top of its lungs woke up and went about the rest of my day my roommate comes back later that night and goes into his room as I'm sitting in the main living area at some point he lets out this random startled scream which leads to me running down the hall to see what's going on he looks at me and goes I swear to God someone with a bloody face just walked from your bedroom into the bathroom I never told him about my nightmare I had earlier in the day I didn't sleep for two days nothing ever happened again when I was in college I house sat for my parents I'm a bit of a scaredy cat so I locked every door leading up to the bedroom when I went to bed at night I had the weirdest dream that someone unlocked each door and turned on every light I felt cold and woke up to my dog barking all of the lights in the house were on and every door open and unlocked my dog wouldn't stop barking at nothing in the hallway i sat in the shower with my dog and a phone the rest of night scared to death not paranormal but definitely creeped me out I was walking home one evening and was up the road from my house about five minutes walk away as I'm walking I see this guy go up an alley apparently not see something he was hoping to see and turned around we briefly made eye contact but there was nothing to it and he was walking really slowly by the time I'd walked another thirty seconds down the road I look back as I was turning the corner and he had only just emerged back from that alley I'm now heading down the road leading to my street and there's a guy getting into his truck with his wife the truck is facing up the street in my direction he flashes his headlights which I didn't quite understand then I hear a scuff behind me the effing guy from the alley is right right behind me like within arm's reach even though I heard nothing until he was right there I'm pretty sure I visibly jumped upon seeing him so close and he's walking like an absolute demon i mumble a greeting out of pure reflex and start to cross to the other side of the road removing my backpack in the process he doesn't respond to my greeting or even look at me he's just looking dead ahead like I'm not even there he just starts running as soon as I moved he bolts down the road and turns right into another alley and I hear some banging on a wooden fence as I walked past the alley about thirty seconds later I take a glance and it's empty he must have vaulted a fence or something like I said not paranormal or anything like that but it creeped me the hell out I still don't know how that guy moves so fast to catch up to me in such a short space of time nor how I didn't hear him I've got pretty good hearing and he must have been sprinting to catch up to me weird stuff my boyfriend and I woke up in separate parts of the house in hysterics naked and covered in sweat when we both finally calmed down and talked we realized we had the same dream of being surrounded by a group of black and white people with no mouths somewhat ironically something happened to me last night I got home from work very early in the morning 2:30 a.m. my house has an entryway or mudroom before you actually get into the house I open the front door step inside close front door and proceeded to try and find the key to get through the next door to get into my house so the only light in this entryway is through the glass on the front door the rest of the room is completely black and I can barely see my hands in front of my face all of a sudden I start to hear this buzzing / vibrating noise behind me off to the right house is old so maybe just weird house noises still looking for the key when I noticed that the noise is getting louder closer and it has risen and pitch to something like of a woman was humming loudly maybe it's just ringing in my ear out of the corner of my eye I see a shadow that I thought was from light reflecting outside move towards me creeping along the wall that's when I noticed the vibrating noise was also getting closer to me and it seemed to be coming in the same direction as the now moving shadow I'm crapping my pants trying to open this darn door and when I finally do the noise stops the shadow disappears and I'm hoping it was all in my head I was sleeping in my basement pretty much my bedroom and I woke up at some random time in the night for no reason rolled over and saw a black figure probably around 510 feet and typical male physique standing at the side of my bed it was standing between the bed and the stairs so there was no way to know pout I just rolled over and straight up started praying I rolled back over and it was gone the next morning I was in the shower also in the basement and the curtain was pushed to the side not like all the way but it noticeably moved then when I got out of the shower my cellos d-string was plucked three times then wrung out which was laying against my chair in the basement then I went upstairs and my brother had a handprint that reached across his neck and cheek it was too big to be his hand but he was perfectly fine and he slept through the night uninterrupted as a child I moved around a lot army brat and I insisted that every house I moved to was haunted nothing major ever happened just weird noises opening doors things being in places that makes no sense it wasn't until my second year at uni that I clocked on that I was haunted not the houses after my housemate suggested it anyway last year I was on the way to my uni house from my job at a bar at about 3 a.m. to get into the house you have to walk down a privately-owned alleyway just as I reached the entrance to this alley a man runs up behind me and spins me around he's clearly had a bit too much to drink and starts trying to grab me touch me up and convince me to remove my t-shirt naturally I'm very uncomfortable and scared I remember that the window to the house had an alarm that went off if the window was hit I figured if I could get down the alley and hit the window my two male housemates would wake up and help only issue every time I walked down the alley he'd grab me again after maybe five minutes of a struggle the man hit me next thing you know the alarm on the window goes off waking up my housemates and scaring off the man next day the police were called we gave them access to the CCTV footage at either end of the alley the man was caught on tape but since most of the incident occurred in the alley there was not enough evidence to charge later that day my housemates and I decided to check the footage to see what caused the alarm to go off there was nothing no bird cat or any other animal the alarm just went off this had never happened before and didn't happen any time after either I'm convinced it was my ghost it used to freak me out but I'm kind of glad it's around now in the house I grew up in it always felt like you were being watched I'd see shadows out of the corner of my eye and darkness that would dissolve when you look straight at them my older sister was always scared of the Attic especially she would barricade the door when we were left home alone I went in the Attic quite often to get various things it's where we kept large toy containers old clothes and stuffed animals and I just liked seeing what I could find it always felt like I was being watched though one time I went up there and as I reached the top of the stairs I saw large translucent alien shaped white head looking at me from behind a box I froze terrified and locked eyes with it for a few seconds before it slowly lowered itself down to hide I turned right back around and left telling myself I had imagined it but scared to go in the Attic for years after that I didn't tell anyone for years my parents eventually sold the house and we moved and I've never felt the same way anywhere else I've lived I used to have this reoccurring nightmare about this lizard man type monster who could see what I could see out of my eyes so I'd run and hide and he didn't know where I was but then as soon as I peeked to see if it was safe he'd know where I was so I'd have to leave that hiding spot and go find a new one and then it would happen over and over and over again a literal nightmare very Kafka asked but here is the real spooky part I once mentioned the lizard man to my dad and he got super white in the face and his voice was all shaky and he just said this dream took place at our house in East Saint Paul the one with the apartments right behind it and I said yes that's where I'd always go to hide how did you know that and he said because I have the exact dream and I didn't know if it was just the way he said it or just the overall situation or both but I still get goosebumps thinking about it it's quite chilling mmm nurse have all kinds of creepy as health stories one of the most unsettling we had this very needy patient who was on his call light every 10 or 15 minutes for the goofiest stuff fluff my pillow more ice in my water I forgot etc hell one time he hit his call light we go in there he says I dropped my call light anyway one night he died thing is that mother and call light kept going off all night every 10 or 15 minutes while his body lay in the bed and we waited for the mortician to come get him the very first hotel that I worked at I started at the front desk and worked 3 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. shift there was someone there with me from 2:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. so I always had a little more than an hour where I was alone at the desk our kitchen closed at 10:00 p.m. so usually by 10:15 p.m. it was only the bartender and I still there one night it was almost 11 p.m. and there was a huge noise that came from the kitchen area the bartender and I ran back there and saw that every single pot pan ladle spoon everything else that was hanging from the ceiling racks were on the ground after our shift we watched the camera back and there was n1 in the kitchen when it happened I have no explanation for it other than it was one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me and I could not get out of there fast enough did you see all of the things fall to the floor by themselves in the video that is super scary reminds me of that scene in Paranormal Activity Lowell yes I was able to see every single item hit the floor at the exact same time I said the exact same thing I looked at the bartender and told her that it reminded me of those movies she claims to have a lot of experiences with ghosts / spirits and said that she knew there were several at the hotel but that was the only time I was ever a witness to any of them I was living with my now mother-in-law in a house she had just purchased a few months before we had all had various weird feelings or experiences in the house but to really really stick out collectively there were three dogs living in the house at the time one evening we are all sitting with our backs to the hallway this is significant watching a movie all the sudden my German Shepherd and my Terrier both perk up their ears and start staring down the hallway behind where we are sitting I mean full attention I notice and turn around the light in the hall was off it was dark but of course don't see anything five mins later they're still staring and now growling this time my wife and I turn around and we both watch as the light switch on the wall gets flipped - on dogs went crazy and so did we a few weeks later same scenario light is off and we are watching a movie my German Shepherd loved to play fetch and we always had a million balls around to entertain her this time she's staring down the hallway and wagging her darn tail this time we all notice again and start to watch I swear to god a ball single orange tennis ball came rolling down the hallway towards her we all went white there were a few others but Jesus I hated that hallway it never felt like a bad energy but my feeble little brain was still scared nonetheless edit one more story my mom in law was having these dreams a few weeks after moving in about the house catching on fire and burning to the ground with us all inside horrible about three weeks after these dreams we woke up one morning and distinctly smelled smoke coming from the house somewhere panicked we all started searching and eventually came to the garage on a rafter we noticed a smoke coming out from around a flower CSAT light fixture at that moment I realized my god it's attached directly to this old dried-out beam the light was left on all night and it was clearly burning the rafter ever so slightly lights are not supposed to be secured / screwed on to a rafter like that so we like to think our ghost hosts were looking out for all of us after that her dream stopped thanks ghosty this one isn't the worst but it's always left me with a bad feeling thinking back to it I used to live out in the country way back almost to the end of a long dead-end road there were only two houses that were actually lived in that far down my dad's in the old lady at the very end of the road there's my dad's house and around it kind of off to the side were a bunch of old medium-sized bar and slash sheds I used to let my cat out sometimes and she would roam around the yard and come back up and paw at my window when she was ready to come in one night I had done just that but after a long while I got a little concerned she usually only stayed out for an hour or two tops but it had been way longer I decided to go out and get her I go out through the side door on the house and immediately felt off like something was there I needed to get my cat though and if something was there I chalked it up to a raccoon or other critter I grabbed the Maglite and set off for the barns calling for my cat I found her huddled up in one of the barns and she did not want to leave it was like she was terrified of something and was very stiff when I picked her up I haven't taken but two or three steps when this light shoots across the sky directly over me illuminating everything almost like lightning it made this odd woowoo mound as it passed my cat freaked out and started growling and clawing at me which she never does I actually dropped her because of it and she took off towards the house as though she were running for her life I did the same I've never figured out what that was I've read about comets and things like that but nothing says anything about the odd noise I heard or the reaction my cat had it could have been something simple and explainable but man did it freak me out at the time for the longest time I thought I was haunted every day every time I was alone I'd hear something it started out pretty innocuous a few footsteps nearby or a slight rustling of leaves but as time went on it got more intense the footsteps got louder closer to the point where I could feel someone on my heels bushes that used to lightly rustle 20 feet away were perfectly still until I was inches from them at which point they dial a clump neetu hell out but then something changed one day I woke up to find a note slipped under my bedroom door can we be friends at this time I lived alone and you couldn't get to the outside of my bedroom without having keys for both the apartment complex in my unit nobody besides myself and my landlord had those keys not really knowing what else to do I grabbed a pen and wrote back okay from then on I didn't hear the footsteps anymore no more rustling of leaves either but every now and then I'd be thinking though something or talking to myself in my head and I'd hear this wonderfully sweet little giggle it never surprised me and it never felt wrong to hear honestly it kind of felt like when you'd make your crush giggle there was the same warmth and satisfaction whoever this ghost was we were friends over the next several months we became better friends actually talked and eventually started to see her supernatural right no turns out I'm just mildly schizophrenic take care of your mental health y'all [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ReddiTV
Views: 36,026
Rating: 4.8866396 out of 5
Keywords: paranormal activities, paranormal stories, paranormal, scary stories, reddit stories scary, askreddit, reddit stories, askreddit creepy, scariest stories, scary things, creepy stories, scary
Id: l4_Nfd3hHko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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