These Soldiers Enjoyed Killing - AskReddit

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warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences I'll be right upfront with you it's fun to shoot certain people soldiers have you worked with anyone who clearly enjoyed killing what is your story I had a close friend who was infantry and confessed to me when he came from Iraq that he enjoyed killing the enemy he said it was a Russian just knowing that the person he just killed would never kill one of his friends made him feel amazing he also said when he was engaged in a fight it was the only time he wasn't afraid on account of the adrenaline he said every other second he was in that country he was afraid and just couldn't shut the fear off now as a civilian back in the States he has struggled he feels very guilty not about the killing but about how much he misses it and how much he wants to go fight again he's on a lot of meds for anxiety and depression and I know his self-medicating too he has talked to me about not being able to ever shut the fear off cause it's so quiet here and how frustrated he is all the time I really worry about him actually he's not the same guy he was before he has a hair-trigger temper now and goes into funks a lot I just sit with him and let him talk cause he says it helps and I've been trying to really push him to some vet support groups he said the VA services suck all they wanted to do was up his meds I've never been in combat so I feel like maybe talking to people who actually understand may help short answer yes there are certainly people that enjoy killing but most other people just see it as something that needed to be done I currently serve in a non-combat role which means I don't really see much action this one guy I went to high school with would not shut up about how much he would enjoy killing people and how fun it will be once he joins the military he is currently serving in a light Infantry Regiment and cannot wait for a combat deployment of some sort it's difficult to explain the mentality if you've never been there but I'll do my best my drill sergeant described the Army's essential mission thusly we kill people and blow stuff up and that is pretty much the truth you are programmed to seek out the enemy and ruin his day this leads to a culture a mentality where killing other people is celebrated and joked about from the outside I imagine it appears we are bloodthirsty Psychopaths however nobody I served with was actually happy about killing outside the heat of the moment I saw a guy empty a mag into an already dead guy after an hours-long firefight and I don't blame him I wanted to just beat someone to a bloody pulp too but that was in the moment outside of that the only soldiers I've ever heard talking fondly about killing our pugs or buck Pvt s who have no idea what they're talking about I was working a hot dog cart when I was 19 was curious about joining the military back then served seven and a half years starting a year later and I served a hot dog to a former Marine I asked him if he'd enjoyed his time in he said it paid good it was a good time if you wanted to kill people he offered that to me easier than I offered the hot dog he was eating he asked me if I didn't believe him because of the shock on my face he pulled out his ID - proved it kind of a difficult question to answer I was Field Artillery in a fairly quiet area of Afghanistan in 12 quiet in that nobody really popped shots at us but there were plenty of bombs in the roads I think what you're asking about is more in line of the slathering monster who can't wait to a fix bayonets and rip someone apart as close as possible I never met anyone like that but after seeing the carnage the locals dealt with from these a-holes planting explosives in the roads and losing some friends - same you bet there was some cheering at the shadow captured footage of some dudes burying stuff in a road at 2:00 a.m. catching an Excalibur I was Marine infantry and fought in Afghanistan in 2009 - 2010 I would say without a fraction of a doubt that everyone I served with liked fighting the killing aspect I can't say none of us ever had trouble sleeping about it I would say I feel kind of neutral about it I will say most of us had the blackest humor imaginable about the whole situation but I think you kind of have to but the actual fighting portion was the most fun I'd ever had in my entire life I watched documentaries like Restrepo or movies like lone survivor or just YouTube videos or my own videos and pictures nothing more but just picks up being in country and I miss it there's videos of us in a fight laughing our butts off because it was just fun I can't describe why unfortunately the fun stops when someone dies or gets seriously injured I never lost anyone in my squad but knowing a 19 year old I went to boot camp and sois with just stepped on an improvised explosive device and is gone really shakes you the fun factor is still there but you remember this as a [ __ ] Warren it's scary it comes to a point where killing isn't done forever or for country but for the pragmatic reasons of staying alive and keeping other people alive to that end I hate saying it's enjoyable but there is a sense of satisfaction I killed him and now he can't kill me or my friends when I was a young men in 1985 I fought against the communists in Afghanistan part of the Islamic Revolution movement in the Squa was a man from Nura stand province named our loot fake name daaaad was the most zealous man I've ever met and not good zealous he believed it was his righteous duty to kill every socialist in the country and he enjoyed it I was scared to fight and I don't believe I killed anyone and if I did it was maybe one enemy total dough would killed a few and was more happy than I've ever seen a man be on a battlefield some brothers were happy fighting or at least were fine with the fact but he was in love with it doe who died two Russian planes though his quest to kill every communist did not work out too well you go into Afghanistan you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil you know guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway so it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them actually it's a lot of fun to fight you know it's a hell of a hoot it's fun to shoot some people I'll be right up front with you I like brawling general Mad Dog Madison being in Vietnam he's told me some pretty messed-up stuff and I'm 100% sure he enjoyed what he did he's not a huge guy but I've seen a couple drunk guys try to fight him at a bar one time bad idea he doesn't fight he's a killer punched both guys right in the throat and a group had to stop him from stomping them to death the missed up part he's a super nice guy he's shown me pictures of him sawing off people's heads he burned villages he shot people he has stabbed people too death he's killed people in unorthodox methods from what the military should do as far as my personal opinion on him and the fact that I grew up with a trained killer as a role model it's just strange I could never imagine me doing the things he's done I look at criminals who murder with disgust but when I hear him talking about it I don't think like that I listen intently as if I'm learning something important like someday it may save my life in a fight or flight situation just listening to this guy talk about killing people war is messed up been in for four years now and yes you meet a few people like that I recently posted a story about a tank commander my old platoon sergeant had long story short the TC used the severed arm of a suicide bomber to slap his driver silly I'm sure he falls in the category that you're asking I've had more experienced soldiers dropped hit bits of wisdom like use infrared when you're shooting they look less like people and it's a lot easier to live with afterwards in regards to gunning on a Bradley I've heard pride in voices when they talk about taking a city or town I know one guy who took part in revenge killings after getting blown up again on his return from the hospital after hitting an IED earlier he wasn't thrilled about it he didn't revel in it he just stated it as a hard fact but as the other posts have stated usually the guys who say all they want to do is shoot people in the face they haven't done it part of it is getting in the mindset so that when the time comes you're already mentally there part of it is innocence in bravado and not wanting to seem like a wimp to your buddies and I think some people do genuinely enjoy it though they're not as common as you think generally if the dude at the bar is happily talking about all the people he killed he's a dirty liar I'll be honest here I was a Marine grunt and my experience was that it's different for everyone some guys hated killing and it bothered them other guys would pick up body parts and play with them I had a squad made wave hello at the blown off hand of an enemy combatant because he saw it on a movie or something and thought it would be funny at the time it was pretty funny in country it's not hard to kill that's your job and they are trying to kill you or your friends so it comes easy it's when you get home and you have all this time to start thinking about it that really messed me up should we have even been there was that guy really a bad person wouldn't I have done the same thing if someone invaded my country I can't justify my actions in my head anymore and I don't feel like I fit in with normal people anymore if I told someone that I laughed at a dead person's hand being waved at me they would probably think I'm a sick piece of [ __ ] Am I sometimes I really think I am a piece of human excrement and I don't deserve to live I try to make friends now but I just don't feel right around other people I've done this horrible thing that they will never get the smell the way the corpse feels bright red blood bubbling up from huge holes in people I've felt brained for hell's sake the intense fear all of that is at the front of my mind every day of my life it's been a decade now and I think about it every day I really just don't know what to think sometimes I want to eat a bullet other times I wanted to fit in some days I wish I was back in combat I was in a class about addiction counseling in college there was only one man in the class and he was much older than the rest of the students and the professor he had served during Vietnam and he might have been in other wars too I know he was involved in the military by choice he had a job working with veterans and I guess was taking the class to get some extra insight one particular class period we were discussing PTSD among soldiers his mentality was that when there was a draft there were just guys who couldn't handle combat and people who joined the military by choice could always pick out the guys who were forced in by the draft he didn't think PTSD was real he just thought certain guys were tougher and more fit than others he said there were plenty of saying people who enjoyed combat his example in defense was a guy who liked to go through villages and rope women and kill villagers and children for no reason apparently otherwise he was a completely normal guy who the guy in my class felt safe around his justification for why this was normal the guy only targeted Asians so white people didn't have to feel scared around him he considered this guy sane and the people came back with PTSD as crazies who were elected to begin with because they were too wimpy for combat I'm sure ideas within the military have shifted since the guy was active but this story always sticks out in my mind just gonna throw this out there but you do know only about 8% of enlisted personnel will ever be given an assignment that is expected to see combat right and then on top of that a lot of that is shooting at each other from across the valley or from 200 meters away very little of that is breach and clear CQC or the type of situation where you would consciously be killing or able to tell the difference between combatants and non-combatants and even then taking the time to check whether or not they are combatants is a good way to lose a quick-draw former infantry squad leader with tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan here nobody except for sociopaths and Joy's the taking of another human life the unfortunate truth though is that you're trained to desensitize yourself to the idea of killing and dehumanize your enemy ever wondered why every American generation of wartime soldiers has a generic if not completely non-human nickname for the enemy most recently terrorists or [ __ ] but VC for Vietnam Jerry in World War two and I'll skip to the very beginning for brevity's sake - Lobster back in the Revolutionary War this process of conditioning continued through and beyond the actual act of pulling that trigger in my opinion this process is unfortunately utterly necessary without it many more soldiers could not consciously accomplish their mission when that mission involves killing the enemy I had a friend when I was teenagers whose father was he was door gunner on the blackhawk helicopters in his spare time he built weapons for accuracy international he did five tours over the course of the earlier years of the war and I know he loved to kill he rarely spoke about it he would quickly tell you his job and what he did how many tours he went on and nearly everything else except when asking about him killing anyone he would always just stare at you on very rare occasions usually when drunk he would admit to it but never go into detail we were fairly young teenagers in the beginning but nearing his fourth tour his son and myself were approaching 16 and 17 years old respectively we both were considering joining the military for different reasons this is around the time he started becoming more vocal I can't recall specific conversations but the underlining and and pride he felt was very obvious when he was talking about his crew and mowing down buildings infested with baddies his son and myself walked into his shop one day and caught him watching videos of combat they were based out of a helicopter he quickly shut it down and didn't say much I've always been good at hacking so at the first opportunity his son and myself hacked his computer in his workshop his shop was behind their home and it was a folder that contained hundreds of videos of him and various other helmet cam videos of his crew and they were all videos of kills hundreds upon hundreds of them I don't know the legality of him owning these videos but he had them and he clearly kept them as mementos very shortly before his last tour fifteen thousand dollars in cash was stolen from their home it was their daughter's college fund his father was understandably livid and suspected everyone the look that he gave me the day he told me if you ever step on my property again I will split you from groin to head and no one will ever find your body made me absolutely believe him I also remember a later statement saying that I can't wait to get back to relieve some stress he clearly meant his next tour which was fast approaching and his urge to kill someone I was that person I always had a fascination with killing animals as a child in teen and had a lot of curiosity about what did it feel like to kill someone although I'd obviously never do this as I don't want to spend my life in jail after starting college and realizing it wasn't a fit I enlisted I kept my desire to kill something to myself as that it likely not sound well and was eventually deployed in combat killing was different it wasn't as personal as I'd hoped but definitely very adrenaline fueled I wouldn't say it was something I enjoyed but it wasn't as upsetting as most think it'll be I don't really mind that I killed people I still sometimes wonder what it would be like to kill something without a gun I think I'd have enjoyed it more if it was hands-on I know it's probably a messed up thing to say again I don't plan on doing it as no one really gets away with that type of thing I worked in office job but I had a bunch of people who had done the hard charging combat arm stuff there were guys that felt horrible guilt and there were guys that acted like they liked killing but if you talked to them they didn't really like the killing they liked the fight and they liked the camaraderie and the fact that every second was meaningful but they just acted like they enjoyed the killing as a coping mechanism most people though just didn't really feel much either way just it was them or me and I'm gonna make it home damn it thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more controversial videos click the right box for the military stories of reddit playlists let us know what you think about soldiers that enjoy killing share your opinion in the comments below [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 522,889
Rating: 4.9358582 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, reddit cringe, radio tts soldiers, radio tts military, reddit military stories, askreddit military, reddit military experience, reddit military horror stories, reddit soldier stories, being a soldier reddit, soldier eminem reddit, reddit soldier killed, psychopath soldiers, soldier stories
Id: EFv7mNtdCZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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