Vietnam Vet talking about his brutal war experience

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they called me maggot and the nickname was maggot there's a little little work you had to prove himself as small was kind of company sometimes there was conflicts amongst the company and most the time they wouldn't because we was all after did the same thing to be a tunnel rat yeah as president would have done kiss until one very many people could do it so why did you want to go to Vietnam well my father had been a World War two veteran and my brother was in Vietnam and I couldn't let him at deme there was sort of a conflict between me and my brother of who was better at what and I had to go because he was over there wasn't no way around it I quit high school and went yeah jealous of what they was always saying how proud they were living and stuff like it and then I never got no recognition for things I'd do even at school I never got a little recognition they don't want to know the real me they want to know the Billy that was there before and he John Terry what happened to him he died in Vietnam well what kind of Billy was that evil the real reason they'd only hear the stories because most students to girls they thanked egos you know I don't want to hear that you know it bothers them they might have a dream about it every killer you made seemed like it made you feel a little better in other words there was a place that it sort of cheered you up to a certain extent I mean you didn't jump up and down or you know with Joey and all this but it was a place in your heart that it just made you feel good could you compare it to anything sex you know that sound bad it sounds bad because you know can I say this on camera sex is such an enjoyable thing you take it and you compare it to killing somebody and having the same feeling and that's where is that and that's why you do it everything yeah how many people did you kill 36 and how did you keep that getting their ears of what you do you know you shower rods that have the metal clips on them that look like a keychain kept them on them hook them on your bed Lube why did you take them was it like a trophy yeah you could show them all look how many I got you know and what would their reaction be some people thought it was shake goat ask goose on they felt like you did it already you didn't have a heart hmm what did you do with the ears they took him away in customs guards do have them and I could have grown with me use a sense of satisfaction - you could look at him and thank you there was that many answered that ain't gonna be after her more we had our company had to house body camp and a battalion excuse me but can you imagine that I could be able to do it I could become a cleaner sure how about doing it if I would be in that situation yeah it's not so hard I need you to do is pull trigger gun does the rest there was two sides to every person over there you had good times you had time to relax to be yourself what you thought were yourself but still hidden inside of you was that killer instinct you could turn and do it in a minute well weren't you singing a lot of your buddies building half and killed and stuff I started drinking a lot here's your fifth of whiskey with me all the time and I carried at least a pound of pot with me wasn't supposed to have any of that but I smoked it on the trail you know everybody didn't a lot of guys shot up with heroin coke every guy that used different narcotics made him able to do his job a little better because everything didn't work for the same person that a lot of guys could smoke pot and it making paranoid well me it made me want to go I saw some times that when you kill people you put playing cards yeah why I just paid weed cut your head off and put it on bamboo pole and put ASA spades at first nine chances out of 10 when you've done that the gooks wouldn't come back to that it hurt it was something religious they wouldn't come back to that area was it like a ritual yeah however everybody said about the bed [Music] a better fan fan fan is a way to whether bad man we'll have a baby we're now in a bath the babe now [Music] [Music] that machete I got it home that I customized I've cut many and heretofore that that's what means too much to me after a while after about a month of seeing found that it just it became natural you know it was a natural thing to do as a sergeant tell me when I first come over here they tell you green seed he told me stick with me and he said I'll teach you the ropes and you make it home so I stuck with him I sing things he done that I thought were wrong but I thought the fist is a way I got to stay alive so be it and I've done what he said and I made his own that's your main home because you stepped over the line yeah I swore I'd never do that I made a promise to myself I never step over the line but it did is it easy yes and no it comes very natural it's just a little little step further you know just a hair you know it there was it it was like there was the right and there were two wrong but it didn't seem like the wrong was that far away from the right just stepped over line and it didn't feel no different I've often wondered if I'd go to hell friends have told me no you won't because in the Bible it speaks of wars Oh what did I say about it I'm not sure but it's all right in a time of a war you won't go to hell but I think for some of the cruel things I've done did a will I still dream of Vietnam I still want to go there but I don't want to return the ways are going over there now I want to go over back over to kill why I'm mission
Channel: Goliat eXperience
Views: 1,499,511
Rating: 4.853179 out of 5
Keywords: Vietnam Vet talking about his brutal war experience, Vietnam veteran talking about war, 36 kills, 36 kills in vietnam, war brutality, war veteran talking about killing, war stories, vietnam war stories, First kill, first kill documentary war story, vietnam veteran story, brutality of war vietnam, horrific war story, vietnam brutality, vietnam 36 kills, tunnel rat, tunnel rat brutal story, brutal war stories, psychopath vietnam story
Id: i4xt5DolcSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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