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everyone welcome back to my channel so today we're doing another anti gamilon video and today we are going to try to answer the question that is on everybody's minds it is what the hell do these people do all day because we already know a majority of them are not making money and by majority I mean ninety nine point four percent of them I'm pretty sure is the thing okay so these people aren't making any money so what are they doing all day long to occupy their time or to fill the space and in particular what are the up lines doing ever since I became anti MLM definitively I've been trying to articulate why I don't like these things because instinctively and intuitively I know they're sketchy something doesn't feel right they're clearly unethical and they're clearly a scam so what are those things because beyond saying it's a scam and beyond saying it feels shady I need to articulate why right and I think that I've pinpointed one of the reasons and today we're gonna kind of look at why I think that they're very shady and this is a point that I touched on in my last video if you watch that one I'll put a link down below or at the end of the video but I talked about why the business model is skewed and there's a thousand reasons why and we've gone over a couple of those but one of the main reasons is that it seems like the up lines the people at the top the people who make all the money the people who got in five years ago three years ago if it's a newer MLM those people don't seem to be doing anything and just seems like they're kind of barking orders at people and their little cronies and the people at the bottom are doing all the work killing themselves to make sales and to find you know their friends and their family and eventually leading them to go prey on vulnerable people and that's what it seems like and you know speaking with people who have exited MLM and have finally gotten out and they've seen the light you know that's exactly what they relate to me as they say yeah like my upline was telling me I need to do this this and this the reason why uplines need the people below them to do well is because they get a majority of this person sale so for a lot of the people that are at the top they get to kind of kick back and not really do anything and we're gonna look at some of that today so let's say that I am a part of an MLM I never would join one but let's say that I am right what would i look for in an upline who would I hope my upline would be what kind of person would I hope they would be I would hope that they would have some expertise that I don't have in knowledge I don't have an experience I don't have in order to say that they're mentoring me because a lot of these women say that they're business mentors to their downlines okay I would hope that this person would have more responsibility than me more hours than me more risk than me because they're there my upline there telling me what to do they're making way more money than me and they're making money off of my sales so hopefully they would have maybe even higher education than me because in a traditional business these are all the things that your supervisors should have they should have more expertise more knowledge more risk more responsibility and they should be working proportionally as hard as you are or if not more right so we're gonna watch some videos today from people who are actually very high up in Beachbody now so let's watch our first video and this is from somebody by the way I want to remind you these are from full-time coaches so this is their only job this is the only thing that they do self proclaimed and they posted these videos themselves these are just a day in the life and I you know I'll give them that it's a it's a day in their life and I'm not every day is gonna look the same but these are days that they decided to post to themselves okay so we're gonna watch the first one she says I'm a full-time Beachbody Coach and here's a normal workday for me okay here we go morning I figured that I would do a kind of like day in the life as a coach so this morning I woke up took you know made fast took him to school came back constructed a post that sometimes takes a while I was thinking about it last night because today's Thursday so transformation throwback Thursday so I had found a picture on my computer of when I was in Tulum three years ago and so last night I was kind of thinking about doing a transformation photo so like a throwback things so I spent a little time this morning working on that and I definitely put time and think the things that I want to say because when I'm constructing a post I'm thinking about you know like speaking to the old me I guess try to be very very like aware and conscious of body positivity because a lot of people will be like oh you look good in both pictures and I'm like that's not the point the point is not that I how I looked pictures obviously are going to convey image so I try to pick my words to you know express like how I like changed in other ways and so that's what I'd spent some time doing I actually have a call that I need to jump on with corporate and I'm gonna be late because it starts in one minute but I need to make a shake because I haven't had nothing today but coffee and it is almost 10 a.m. so I'm gonna take you so let's break this down so she started her day by taking her kid to school making him breakfast okay great so it's 10 a.m. and she really hasn't completed anything besides crafting an Instagram post ok great that's fine but then she says now she's got a call with corporate in one minute in any other business this is a really big deal right getting out of deal you're on a call with corporate like holy like I gotta get ready I'm gonna wear something nice I'm gonna be on a video call with corporate and she says I got a call in one minute so you would think that she would go get on this call right away right so she's not late because if I'm gonna call corporate I'm getting there early that's just me I'd be waiting on there 15 minutes before so no right now she's about to go make a shake even though she said she's got a call with corporate in one minute with me to make it shake really quick and I'm gonna hop on this call this morning where for breakfast actually had daily sunshine which is for kids it's organic so they were able to certify it organic which is awesome because they can't really do that with Shakeology because of all the sourced ingredients from all over the world it's too hard and too expensive to be able to like actually certified organic but daily sunshine is as she goes to make her shake she admits that it's too hard and too expensive for Beachbody to get these certified organic because it's outsourcing so many products if your whole company is built around Shakeology which it is and that's how people make their money is by getting people to auto-ship Shakeology to them and like so they forget about it it's like $100 a month if your whole business is built around the Shakeology why would you not spend the money nothing's too expensive to get certified okay often add extra protein so Shakeology has protein in it but this will add some extra protein beef collagen another bad look but she said now we're ready for the Shakeology has protein but not enough for her so she adds not sure how long that took but definitely not very long to have a very like filling nutritious breakfast doesn't know how long that took but not very long I mean it obviously took more than a minute so she's now late to the call of corporate just letting everybody know we're doing um going over the launch of 80 the obsession okay so she's on this call she's already late and she has to skip through and there's people already on it this person's already in the middle of talking and she joins in the middle of it but here's another thing that bothers me and I've been wanting to talk about this for literally weeks now these team calls are the biggest time torture I've ever seen in a business and for people who are doing this part-time and for people that are doing this you know as they say in pockets of time as a side hustle these team calls are such time wasters basically like these people who are already hurting for money you know and trying to find anybody to buy this stupid Shakeology and these workouts it's like these things do not make you money they don't like in another business like if you're on all of these calls if you're on a conference call traditionally you'd be paid either hourly or your salary to be on these calls so it doesn't matter you're making money while you're on them yeah they waste time in traditional businesses as well but in Beachbody when you work for yourself all these things do is waste time and these are a huge part of the businesses are these zoom calls and across every single one of these MLMs by the way they have like team called Thursday night to all these different trainings they have from people who are less qualified than you are even and try to tell you how to grow your social media trying to tell you what's new buh buh buh buh buh and it's like what the hell these people are just wasting time no one's making money while you're on these calls except for your upline by the way because they're just making residual income pretty much off of whatever you're doing and whatever everybody else is doing so we finished the call with corporate learned a lot about 80-day obsession which is coming out very very excited about it it's a new program coming out in January 80 days okay so now I have to do I did spend some time replying to some messages on Instagram and on Facebook and now I am going into my coach um sponsorship drill-down which is like these are all of my coaches and then I'm looking here to see current success Club so basically I do recognition on Thursdays Thursday's our payday and it's also recognition for my team so if anybody rank advanced anybody sold any challenge packs a que helped somebody get started on a health and fitness journey um I like to shout people out so I use canva and then like this is last week's that's that's gonna spend some time doing that and then I drank my whole shake pretty much and um I need to work out and then I'm gonna have lunch it's 11:00 a.m. right now basically what she's done since she got off this call of corporate is she's now answering some Facebook messages answered some Instagram messages answered some emails okay this takes minutes of your day like maybe 20 minutes okay not that much time then she goes through and she's got the the mother lode of coaches she's got the longest list ever and she's scrolling through and she's seeing who has rank advanced who's gone up who's gone down whatever okay she goes into this like editing program that basically does it for you as a bunch of templates and she's making shoutouts for social media so by the way and no point has she talked even about like clients and customers she's only talked about her making a smoothie her doing a post and then her other coaches like these businesses do not revolve around the customer well let me tell you I'm gonna meet a friend around 1 o'clock I'm gonna try to get her to go to Ikea with me because I still need some things for the house I need to get caught up on my nutrition school so I usually spend some time doing that I also wanted to I have like a bunch of like Coach gifts like things that I want to like give to my coaches so these pencils say badass [ __ ] and bracelet she believed she could so she did phone cases cute little team TCB hair bands you know things like that so and I have cards made that say heck yes so and I have some like thank-you card so I need to send another thing to do on my list just to send my coaches gifts for hitting success Club which is like working their business essentially for the last two months I have to get caught up and then also sending thank-you cards and recognition to my current challengers always have a lot of things to do but it's never boring she's only talking about this by the way she never actually does this today but she talks about how she needs to send her coaches that hit certain ranks or hurt hit success club pencils just as another way to get people to stay in the business that maybe you're on the fence like you know and encourage them because they got free stuff so she doesn't even knew this though she's just just talking about it okay and then I'm gonna do a workout on bots Pilates from the array original fix so I just changed something go pick up we're gonna go have lunch and go to Ikea and go to Target if there's time okay so she works out for the 30 minutes she has yet to even talk about clients that she has that's the the what they say is the main part of Beachbody as you help other people reach their fitness goals okay and their health goals you're their accountability partner essentially people basically pay for you to check in on them and make sure they're doing their stuff like an online trainer and she hasn't spoken about that at all today and now she's at IKEA with her friend okay I like eeeh with getting stuff for my apartment where somehow I'm gonna try to do this and target and home goods I don't know if it's possible but this is gonna try on by the way get a good start from what you saw I ran around with and did like bunch of crazy shopping as fast as we could then we had to get her I had to take home we literally were in traffic for like an hour so real life I stopped and got us burritos I have a call that I'm going to hop on but even though it's a school night and then after he goes to bed back to some emails but that's basically the day in the life of a coach I mean that the amount of work that I did was spread out through the day and I was still able and I still need to check in with my challenge group which I'll do a little bit so he's the top coach she's been with a company for six years she is my grandma coach and so we go live or she goes live and we listen basically training stuff like that um still never got to that today but that will be for tomorrow fine every day chip away at the list of things to do so okay so she went to home good she went side key oh there friend she got back super late with her son they stopped at Chipotle then they got back and then she had one more thing she had to do that night which was go on a team call again another training from her upline where they just sit and listen to them talk again nobody's making really any money when this is going on right nobody can be on their phone trying to find new clients trying to make new sales nobody's like out doing anything she certainly didn't do one single thing today and she even mentions offhandedly oh I still got to check in with my challenge group which those are the clients okay those are like your bread and butter the people that are buying Shakeology you're supposed to be keeping track of them that should be a main job throughout the day and she finally talks about it it's an afterthought at the end of the day okay come on guys yeah then she's like yeah my work was spread out throughout the day here's the thing about these things which is host hilarious to me you don't film these kind of videos like I can say this is a youtuber okay you don't film these kind of day-in-the-life like what I do in a working day videos unless you've got like what you foresee is kind of like a half-day so or like a more interesting day than most because I'm not gonna film like Oh day in the life of a you know blah blah blah especially when I'm trying to sell a lifestyle to people which I never am but these people are this is a day that I can only assume because I don't have any other videos to go off of any other day of the life videos to go off of that doesn't jam-packed a for her like so you can see how these things are skewed okay you're busting your balls out there trying to find a single customer you're beating yourself up you're they're telling you you suck like it's all it's all on you if you don't do good it's your fault you can't make the sales there's plenty of people these things are the greatest product if you can't sell it it's because of you you're not working hard enough blah blah blah meanwhile these people are at Chipotle okay come on so anyway that's our first video we have another one this is actually from a few years ago but nevertheless still a good video to look at and we're just gonna go through it okay and this is by the way another full-time Beachbody Coach good morning I am breaking the silence of the morning it's about 6:00 a.m. and I am drinking my hot tea and about to start my morning I read at least 10 pages of a personal development book and that will help me strengthen myself as a leader as a wife as an entrepreneur so that by the way this is part of a lot of these MLMs daily trackers or what you're supposed to be doing is you're supposed to do like at least 10 minutes a day of personal development and they have a lot of these across the MLM so that's what she's kind of following a Beachbody Coach I like to wake up before my boys wake up so I wake up at 6:00 my two-year-old usually wakes up around 8:00 so I have two hours of me time so that me time consists of filling me up and then I do my workout I can't wait to introduce you to the world of me as a full time Beachbody Coach Hey it is about 7:00 a.m. and I am about to start my workout finished my workout and before I wake up my boys or before I get ready myself I'm gonna drink my breakfast aka prenatal vitamin okay and now I get to wake up my little man he already so so far she's done she's had her mean time okay that's fine whatever you know do what Wendy can I suppose but there's no been no mention of I gotta check in with people I got a do hit with my clients see what's going on you know check in with them make sure everything's fine make sure they've got all their questions answered whatever right there's no mention of even my other coaches got to see what they're doing she's just made Shakeology and she's done her quick workout it's 8 a.m. now and she says 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. be mom so 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. be mom for the morning we usually obviously would eat breakfast play run errands do have stuff so it is a little past 1:30 and typically I start my section of work around 1 o'clock during my son's naptime so today so far you saw that I woke him up around 8:00 and then we had breakfast we ran some errands we had lunch so now I'm gonna start my work it's you know pretty okay to do work during nap time so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get started on the day and if I have any other ideas of what I break down to focus on I'm gonna post a little video I'm gonna add to it so that's a little start ok ok so it is about 3:30 and I've had a meeting a great meeting with a coach I spoke with a customer who was excited about joining our team and starting her own adventure you guys probably hear that background noise and during my hours of work I hire a cute boy to play the guitar for me and this is him hello cute boy otherwise known as my husband and said I told him not to not to stop playing even though I was listening to my video so far we she's finally started working and she went from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. that's the first work that she's done all day she finally checked in with everybody at 1:30 till 3:30 so she's got 2 hours under her belt of working today so she basically checked in with a coach and had a meeting with them and also had like a training call type of thing another call which was again a time torture and then she talked a sorry person into joining Beachbody I like to stay organized I'm not always the most organized person but during my work hours what does it look like I lead monthly challenge groups so I check into that every single day I lead monthly coach training so I check into that every day I try to think of new and creative ways to reach more people and to share my story I make sure that the content I provide is quality so I might have to spend some time researching I might have to spend some time making new graphics so a lot of that takes time especially when we're dealing with people because building relationships that are genuine and you're listening and you want to help that takes time so it's kind of fun that is what I typically do in my son's naptime and all right until next time once my two-year-old wakes up from his nap we like to have TV time whoo what an evening okay so after my little man woke up my husband and I we just hung out with him we had that TV time we ate dinner just natural really normal family stuff and I just wanted to go over some things that I did today I made a lot of new graphics that took a lot of time I checked in with my challenge group I checked in with my coaches see if they had any questions how I can support them how I can help them answer their coach's needs I also started brainstorming on how I could expand my blog and make it more valuable to the readers my husband and I are actually leaving for a trip tomorrow or we've been invited to a leadership retreat with Beachbody so we are going paid for to a five-diamond resort in Arizona for a couple of days for training so I'm really excited about that I think that today has been very productive and I feel really good about it because one huge project is even making this video and I made a couple other videos and a couple other graphics and I just had a really good time so I I hope that sums it up so let's tell you how long she worked today two hours okay she worked for two hours two maybe two hours and 30 minutes the whole day and this is a full-time coach who's going to a retreat in Arizona fully paid for which by the way that's like the elite coaching trip that everybody gets going if you hit like elite I'm pretty sure cuz they just had one in Scottsdale which I'm assuming they've been doing this for years so this is somebody who's got a lot of people under her and she got in a long time ago okay so how does that work okay you work for two hours I've never heard of a job where you get to work for two and a half hours a day and that's all whoo a long day whoo what an evening huh hey huh what do you thinking mean these people do nothing and again made some graphics checked in with my coaching checked in with my challenge groups which is her clients hello what in by the way those that's not even clearly defined what that is she's saying oh I checked in it could be like hey guys me anything how long does that take this is so skewed okay I hope that you're realizing through watching these because these are like the ones I found me but these were like true Dayna like vlog type they set it up they knew they were having a pass jampacked whoo-hoo day huh if you could be a fly on the wall for these people you're in a downline you're busting your ass you're running yourself sick because you're so exhausted and just overwhelmed with all the things that you have to do in a day what you're supposed to do is be proof the products work which is yep did you workout drink Shakeology every single day you have to spend an hour and 40 minutes a day connecting inviting and following up with people on social media then you have to do 30 minutes of getting people results meaning you have to contribute to the challenge group recognize achievements and respond to questions from customers and coaches and then you have to do personal development for 15 minutes so overall okay let's add this up really quick so this whole thing if you follow this every single day it should take you about three hours to do it so she's not even doing that by the way she didn't even spend three hours in the entire day working yet somehow she's going on this trip how does that work this is a Team Beachbody developed business activity tracker okay team each body developed business activity tracker and she didn't even do three hours of work which it says that this is on average what it should take you even though it takes much longer to do all these things and she didn't even do that yet she's going on this retreat and everybody else has to stay at home who's struggling to make ends meet that is so dumb if you could be a fly in the wall to see these people how could you not be mad that your upline is hanging around not doing anything eating dinner listening to music going to Ikea eating burritos like they say okay you're making somebody else money corrupt CEOs your business is more of a pyramid scheme than anything and then this is what they do you're doing they're doing nothing and you're doing everything come on guys watching these videos has made it so crystal clear for me why these are so messed up I hate these things I do not hate the people in them I want to be very clear I hate the way that these operate they're so skewed okay every single one of them it doesn't matter if you think yours is more ethical than the next one it's not okay the people at the bottom are struggling and the people at the top are doing whatever they want to do making a living doing by barking orders and other people hanging around not doing stuff that's not fair okay that's not fair and they don't get to tell people that they are not trying hard enough when they don't do anything in a single day okay I had another one this is another this is a super top coach by the way super top coach in the company and here is what she posted the other day to her story because somebody asked her what's her daily routine like so I'm just gonna read this to you because this is what she said her daily routine is and she has timestamps okay so 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. work out and work 7 a.m. breakfast for baby mom and dad 9 a.m. nurse and down for a nap by the way why his breakfast taking you two hours um 9 a.m. nurse and down for a nap and she says she works all of the naptime which it would be 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. so she's working for hour and 30 minutes 10:30 the baby wakes up and nurse 12:00 lunch from baby mom and dad to 2 o'clock nursing down for a nap and then she says I work again from all of naptime so 2 to 3:30 then the what maybe wakes up again so again that's another hour and 30 minutes so so far we have three hours total of working and then it says dinner 5:30 dinner for me and Hubbs 6:30 bedtime routine starts 7:00 a.m. baby is down mom and dad party which means watch Netflix and play cards so she worked for a total of 3 hours in the day and if you count the morning time I guess you can add up another hour and 30 minutes to that which would be 4 hours and 30 minutes these people are not even making let's say ok let's say 4 hours in an entire week 28 hours a week you're working is my math wrong here guys this is by weight comes from a girl who claims she makes six big years six figures a year doing what I'm so frustrated by this there's a point that I'm trying to make here that I don't feel like is articulated very well so I'm just gonna put it in here but what I'm trying to say is that these people are masquerading around as if they're full-time employees when in reality they're only work part-time hours and meanwhile they're getting all these kickbacks they're getting to go on these trips making all this money and the only way that they're doing this is because they're selling this fake lifestyle to people who wish that they could have this life of going on these trips and making all this money and being financially free and they're doing this by screwing over hundreds of people below them who are all falling into debt and it is so morally corrupt and it makes me sick but they're doing this on the backs of other people and that's the point I'm trying to make I think in this moment it looks kind of like maybe I'm jealous or something that they can work a small amount of hours and still make a lot of money and that's not true it's that they're making this much money by knowingly sending other people into debt when they know these people are not making any money at all that's what I make it I hope this video gives you some very necessary clarity and it's a huge wake-up call of like okay these are people who are forthcoming about what they're doing in a day and by the way this is on their best day there these people always try to like make everything a nine by ten glossy of their life and everything like when they say social media is a highlight reel it's because these people are peddling the fact that they're living their best life and you're not and it's because you're not in the network marketing business okay where's the social selling that's going on it's nowhere nobody's doing any selling that I can tell except for the people at the bottom by the way just saying like I was saying this is what people put out there unsolicited okay so they've answered the question here's what I here's what my day looks like on a busy day and these are all by the way people who are at the top of Beachbody every single one of them I've checked them all out they're all at the top of each body still to this day at the top of Beachbody okay all elite coaches all going on the trips how ask yourself how I mean is that is that a world that you want to live in is that a fair it does that seem fair to you and if it does then okay but it doesn't seem fair to me and I'm not gonna sit around just like say oh that's fine it's not fine okay it's not you know I think another day this is a huge scam and I really just want you to be more aware and any way I can do that is like what I'm here for so anyway hope you enjoyed this video he always kind of a different topic but it was one I've been really itching to talk about for a while but I hope you liked it if you did please leave a like and if you want more videos like this please also leave a like don't forget to subscribe and I will see you guys in my next video bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Kiki Chanel
Views: 294,515
Rating: 4.8803959 out of 5
Keywords: monat, anti-mlm, r/antimlm, antimlm, anti mlm, mlm, network marketing, exposed, team beachbody, lularoe, scam, mlm scam, mlm documentary, mlm scams, mlm john oliver, mlm cringe, mlm horror stories, anti mlm stories, anti mlm posts, documentary, lularoe documentary, kiki chanel, kiki chanel mlms, anti mlm cringe, honest, crazy, stories, storytime, anti mlm reddit, reddit, mlm fails, top mlm fails, compilation, mlm fail compilation, 2020, day in the life, scammer, get a job, beachbody coach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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