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[Music] everyone welcome back to my channel so today's anti MLM video is actually a video about my personal experience with MLM and I think a lot of people wonder why I'm so I guess passionate about MLM Zoar anti MLM and what's my relationship to them and what's funny is that it seems like everybody has a story in some capacity to MLM and we know somebody or we've been in one and I just wanted to talk about mine because I think it will give you a lot of perspective on why I continued to make so many videos and why it's important to me and I just wanted to clarify that and it's kind of a fun video sit down and just chat because the next video I plan on doing I've been stewing over for a while so that one's a little bit more serious so this one's a little bit less so so anyway I wanted to first clarify that I've never been in an MLM before and I've got a couple comments of people are asking me were you a part of Beachbody I don't know where the confusion came from because I got a lot of people asking if I used to be a Beachbody Coach and I got a couple like publications when that publication's they weren't even huge but I had a couple people like reporters not reporters but journalists I don't know what they were honestly but they were asking me to give my story on being a Beachbody Coach and I was so confused I'm like I was never what did I say that I was I never was so yeah I've never been in one and I also got a couple comments - this is just funny index are they I guess you can hear but when I made a video but I Cameron Bure who it was it was somebody I made a video about and they were kind of they were upset about it of course they were mad at of course but they said oh she's just bitter because she tried this MLM thing and she failed and it's funny to me because I just I've never you know I've never been involved in it you know but even if you are I just don't I don't think those people are evil it's it's important for me to to point out that the the thing I don't like about on alums is the structure if it's the MLM itself it's not the people inside of them so I have to tell this story because this was my very first ever interaction with an MLM and Jarvis said I told this before but I swear our habit so anyway this is so bizarre but on our very first date me and my boyfriend this was three and a half years ago we went to this like winery place and we were you know having a great time neither of us drink wine so it's kind of weird that we decided to go there but we went there and we were sitting down we just met each other we had been talking like we were introduced through a friend and we met that way but like we were introduced in a really weird way where like she was like this she would always put people like texting groups and like her friends from high school would become your friends I know her from college but she just like made people friends with each other so anyway somehow she connected the two of us and then he kind of like went off he went rogue and like started talking to me and we would like text each other all the time and then he finally was like came up to visit me and like taking me on a date and we went to this first place so this is the first time we ever met in person ever and we were at her date sitting at the table and we were about halfway through eating like we had our food in front of us we were eating talking to each other you know how awkward first dates are they're miserable and they're they're the source so we're sitting there and someone comes up to our table and it was this lady it felt like I had almost paid her to do this because it was so bizarre but she came up to me and she started talking to me and saying oh my gosh are so beautiful you're so like your skin is amazing you look amazing you know what do you do you would be so great at what I do and she which then she turned to my boyfriend or not my boyfriend at the time but Jarvis and she said you are so lucky oh my gosh you must be so happy to be dating her like she's so beautiful like movie and I'm just like you know we were it was very it felt very jarring and inappropriate even at the time because she had not only interrupted our meal but she was so out of nowhere coming up like you would never go up to somebody's table I don't think I'm that great looking where you would come up and like interrupt somebody's meal just to tell somebody that they look that great like I don't think anybody looks that great to do something like that right so she's like anyway I have my own skincare business and I would I think he would be really great at what I do turning to me now and I said oh okay thank you and so she gave me your business card and she said well you know you guys have a great rest of your day and she said a couple creepy things like oh my gosh you're gonna be you know something about us dating or like being together I don't know what she didn't know obviously is that we weren't even dating and this is our first date first time meeting each other how embarrassing we like to say things like oh my god you're so lucky to be dating her at uh-uh anyway I look at the card later I didn't even look at it because we're in the middle of a meal I look at the card later and it was somebody from Rodan and fields and if that doesn't tell you what people will do it's so bizarre okay no other company do you work for where you have to go up to other people and interrupt them I think the one thing in life you shouldn't do and this is just to anybody is interrupt somebody when they're in the middle of eating or at a meal especially in a restaurant it's just very inappropriate very rude and what she did was completely rude and it made it so awkward but luckily it like you know we got over it obviously because we're dating here we are three years later but yeah it was so bizarre so that was my very first interaction with anyone without MLM and from then on I was like that person acted so weird but it was very weird that it's like it happened on our very first date like it kind of feels like fate a little bit so anyway that was my first interaction but then my next one I didn't know at the time even after that though I didn't know what an MLM was which is multi-level marketing I need to clarify that more but I didn't know what an MLM was I didn't even know when my brother came home and my brother was in high school at the time and he was so I think he was like 17 or 16 or 17 I don't remember what year he was but he was really young and my parents had told him that he needs to get a job because he he had gotten a girlfriend and he was taking away parents money to take her out and stuff so I think he was probably 17 but they said you need to go get a job so he was tasked with getting a job and he came home one day so excited and but one thing about my brother is he's very charismatic he can sell you anything and people really like him he's like he's very personable and people tell him that all the time so it's not out of the ordinary for somebody to say oh my gosh you should go into sales or you know whatever but he came home and he was so excited because he said I got a job and we were like great what is it and he goes I'm gonna sell knives guy he was like one of the dads like that was involved with his baseball team or something I think I'm not sure it was something like that and this dad had pitched to him saying you can sell for Cutco and you'll be like your own entrepreneur in sales and you'll make all this money because you're so great at it and you can sell anything which you can but even like my brother who I think can sell anything and cancel anything wouldn't be able to sell this because it's it's set up against him you like these MLM czar rightfully he came home he was so excited in a high schooler saying I'm gonna sell knives and I'm gonna be so great at this I'm gonna make so much money I'm gonna be financially free I mean they're saying this to everybody right I didn't realize it at the time but I look back now knowing when I know and I just realized how inappropriate it was that somebody would tell a high schooler and like involve a high schooler in this it's so inappropriate again I mean there's so much inappropriateness with this but that was the second time that I came into contact with these then my brother my other brother my older brother at the time he was dating this girl she was very pretty and she was like one of those kind of like all-american kind of looking girls and I think she was a little Kyle I think she was like a freshman in college at the time but my brother texted me on her behalf and he said hey you know blah blah blah just got a message to be like a product you know influence her or something and like they said that they would pay her if she would sell stuff like she'd be basically be on Commission like what do you think of this and I was looking at it and I didn't know what it was at the time again I apparently I was missing every sign which is why it's so important that I make these videos now because you unless you know like the names of all these you might not know right away or in the moment that it's an MLM because they're very sneaky and and kind of you know thinly veiled or heavily veiled sometimes mostly heavily veiled but anyway so he was like well what do you think and I and I was just me thinking oh she's gonna be you know like a do what I do because at the time I was I was doing YouTube already I was already doing like sponsorships and stuff and I go oh like you know here's what she does if she just makes Commission she can make a lot of money cuz I was making money doing commissions and stuff and like you know sales and links and stuff like that and I was making good money doing that and so I just basically told him you know here's what she needs to do but I didn't realize that it wasn't the same thing what she had got approached for was it works and those products I don't know how I knew one could ever sell those it would be very hard to sell that kind of stuff so but I didn't realize that but they they they kind of present it in a way where it's like you think you're gonna be an influencer which is the the big thing right now is you know everybody wants to be you know I didn't fluent sir you know Instagram star whatever I didn't realize it at the time but I look back now again you know I wish that I knew back then what I know now and that's why I try to tell you guys you know it's important to be up-to-date on this stuff it's important to know the names of these things and be aware because you never know and people present it like it's something that's not they presented like you're gonna be financially free and it's going to be very easy to sell but these are not easy to sell products it's very hard you're not gonna make money and you're gonna break a lot of relationships up and ruin relationships and you're gonna ruin the relationship with yourself because your self-esteem comes down when you can't sell something and people are telling you you should be able to sell this come on is it so great it's so great oh my gosh I'm making so much money you should be doing the same and you need to be working working working it's not your problem you know but I wish to looking back that could have said in those moments to my brother to my brother's ex-girlfriend like don't get into this you know this is this is something dangerous right so we all have a story in some capacity with these things and we all know somebody who's been involved in it we know although somebody who's been approached so anyway I want to get into why it's so important for me to talk about it and why I feel so emboldened now to speak out more than ever is because I truly see it as something that is in a legal practice okay if we boil it down to a singular question of do we want people to be scammed I think we can all agree no you know do we want people to lose money we can all agree collectively no we don't want people to lose money do we want people to feel bad about themselves do we want relationships to be broken up do we want you know tension to be in there do we want to have to sell things to the people we love no no no no and when you isolate it to these singular questions it becomes very clear like it's a very clear picture to me and that's what happens in these M alums and again I want to make it very clear it's not the people inside of them you know I think these MLMs make people do things that they wouldn't normally do and I see that a lot from people who message me saying I was a part of one and you're totally right and you know I was this way and I didn't know it at the time and just like I didn't realize all three times then I came into contact with these MLMs what they were you know you realize later on when you know more and you educate yourself more and to me MLM is trying to get them out and eradicate them matters because it's breaking in my opinion like a law you know it's it's unlawful to be operating these types of schemes to the operating pyramid schemes and and the reason why they are truly they are is because people are getting scammed out of money and they're being pregnant they're being promised financial freedom and they're not getting that and it's deceitful and wrong when you go into something thinking you're gonna get something and you end up not getting that thing and you know to an extent right and that's that is what constitutes a scam so like for example the Sunday Riley thing where they were instructing their own employees to make fake reviews and to delete negative reviews on the sephora website that is illegal according to the FTC it right so that's why it upset me so much because when there's there's things that are essentially scams cheating people and lying to people on being asleep on in an illegal way that's kind of what is important you know and it's hard to keep track of them all but it's important to know what to look for and I hope I can kind of show you that in these videos of these people follow a very similar trajectory and they follow very similar script and they do a lot of the same things and what's interesting is that they also all have a very similar income disclosure statement which tells a very similar story and again that statistic the the one that we all know is that less than 1% of people ever turn a profit in these and that's very scary right and that's something that you should that you should look at objectively and say this is not a good opportunity for me and I want you to be able to take that and tell other people and tell the people you love and tell the people in your life like look here's what I know and you know you can take it or you don't have to take it but at least I told you that anyway that is my relationship and my personal experience with MLMs but I'd love to know yours down below but the last thing that I want to end on and the reason why it is a good thing that I was never a part of an MLM and you not probably for the reason you think but the reason the by its very good is is because if you didn't know a lot of the MLM companies have in their contracts rules against former distributors speaking negatively about the company so a lot of people don't see this when they're signing up they kind of do the oh I read the Terms of Service you know type of thing but a lot of they'd be surprised contracts you can't say anything negative a lot of the people who are in the company like to use this as a tool to market the company and speak highly about the company they say oh well we have so many positive reviews we don't get that many returns we nobody says no anything that I get to look it up you know Better Business Bureau whatever whatever well these former employees who are you know potentially disgruntled who have lost money obviously they're not with the company anymore which is not a good sign they can't say anything so you know and somebody who's outside of it all and has never been a part of it I kind of have this I'm almost immunity you know within the confines of the law but I have this kind of you know this ability to speak out against these things whereas other people can't and you can do the same through watching these videos and you can go on and help people get out of them or help inform them or help inform yourselves but in general if something seems a little bit weird about the approach about the business model or it feels like funny where you're like I don't want to sell you know this thing I don't think I would be able to sell this thing I don't want to sell to my friends and family I don't want to do this it's probably what you think it is okay so anyway yeah we've done below your personal experience I think it is so interesting how every single person has the story related to MLM in some way shape or form anyway I hope you enjoyed this video another MLM video is coming very soon like subscribe and turn your notifications on for more anti MLM videos and I will see you guys in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Kiki Chanel
Views: 213,920
Rating: 4.907702 out of 5
Keywords: monat, anti-mlm, r/antimlm, antimlm, anti mlm, mlm, network marketing, exposed, team beachbody, lularoe, scam, mlm scam, mlm documentary, mlm scams, mlm john oliver, mlm cringe, mlm horror stories, mlm 2019, anti mlm stories, anti mlm posts, beachbody scam, beachbody, documentary, lularoe documentary, kiki chanel, kiki chanel mlms, anti mlm cringe, honest, crazy, stories, storytime, anti mlm reddit, reddit, mlm fails, top mlm fails, compilation, mlm fail compilation, personal experience
Id: hsupdvq8CMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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