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I would make a list of every single person that sits at your Thanksgiving table we're around the we're around the corner from Thanksgiving so anyone who's going to Thanksgiving should receive a call from you because you care that much about them that you want them to be on a health and fitness journey oh my god every person I your Thanksgiving table needs to get a call from him because you care so much about them stop this oh my god stop this stop it stop stop enough oh my god oh my god this is why people's relationships just fall apart okay and my limbs are the destroyer of relationships destroyer if you are going to Thanksgiving dinner and you're calling everybody up saying can you buy something from me oh yeah people are really gonna want to go are you take it no advice from anyone in an MLM about any sort of relationship please hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel today we're doing another anti on the last video everybody's favorite video but before I begin all I want to say is I'm back baby so I took a month-long break okay you noticed maybe you didn't it's totally fine you didn't notice probably dinner there's really no melodramatic reason for me taking a break other than the fact that 2020 is the worst year ever I mean this is the worst year ever I can't even um I just I can't even believe it like there if there's no end in sight is this ever gonna end like I wish we could get a resume but it's too late it's July so yeah I mean come on this is just this is not good feels good to just live your life offline for a moment and I recommend it to everybody so if you are feeling overwhelmed by this year log out that's what I had to do try to log out so anyway speaking of logging out I'm logging back in because we've got to get back to business here and I have a nice little video tune up for us today boy I've been sitting on this one for a while I have been sitting on this one because this is a video I was sent a while ago and it's an absolute gem today's video that we're gonna be watching is an emerald workshop for Team Beachbody so what the hell is an emerald workshop so basically how this is set up is a bunch of Team Beachbody Coaches get on so in this one I think they said that they had like 94 people on and this is being led by a couple of like the top coaches in the network or you know some of the higher up coaches in the network who've been in it for a while so they're leading this call and they're trying to kick-start these people and get them moving you know and like ranking up and recruiting more people so there's 94 people on the call they want all 94 people to hit emerald the rank which is below diamond rank in Beachbody okay so what emerald the rank is is basically you are beginning to form the pyramid okay so you have to find two more people so you have a weak leg and you have a strong leg and you're forming that weak leg and strong leg so you have to find two more people to become coaches okay coaches not customers not people you know that you sign up for your challenge groups or whatever to coaches who are going to be coaching right so this is the beginning of forming the pyramid and then those people will eventually hopefully in a perfect world we'll find two more people who find two more people who find two workable okay we got it so anyway the reason why I even have this video my possession is because I was set this by somebody who was sent this video in order to kind of help that person hit emerald or whatever it's very just weird like this weirdos kind of weird to be honest with you in this video completely reeks of desperation in my opinion it's just these coaches who are just desperate to get you know these new coaches to rank up so they can rank up and make more money so anyway let's just get into the video with 94 peeps day where much we pop in emeralds I'm just gonna kick so quick so basically the point of this call is to get you guys to emerald and on the first promotion in your business business but one thing I like to tell my coaches too is like when you're pushing for past emerald like diamond and one star is basically just kidding emerald over and over and over again so me Carly Brie Courtney and Kate are going to just kind of walk you guys through how to get to emerald quickly so I'm going to pop it over to Connie I just want to say before this video starts we've got a lot of our reoccurring characters in this video okay which I love so you'll remember this girl as the one who used miscarriage to boost her business right she used that to connect with people we gotta love that video gotta love that video so yeah we've got her and I'll let you know who the other people are when they come up sweet what is up you guys we're so excited about this call so I'm just going to go over a little bit about what is number will be each have a topic and then we're gonna circle back through and we're gonna share our stories you guys I rolled you guys can all hit by tonight really set yourself up for success in this business whether you sign up your door you sign up yesterday I having a sense of urgency with this you guys are really creating like the resume for like your team and your future team and how they're going to act you really build their businesses and so by you taking action and having urgency and hitting emerald sooner rather than later proves to your soon-to-be team of people that you're going to be mentoring that they can do this and they can do it quickly just like you okay so making sure that you remember you're building your resume your Cigna standard for your team set the bar friggin high by owning it and making it happen and it's so so simple so what is unreal kids are a brand new coach and real just means that you have two people on your team of coaches now this doesn't have to be business builders who are signing up ready to quit their jobs making million dollars these can be discount customers who just want to sign up as a coach coach discount or they can be people who you know actually do want to build business but regardless emerald means you have two coaches on your team one on your left leg one on your right leg and emerald also unlocks additional stream of income for you and your coaching business now you guys this is key the coolest thing about coaching is we get to promote ourselves we get to choose when we give ourselves raises and you get to choose how much money we decide to earn and if you're not happy with the level of income you're making with coaching promote yourself hit emerald hit diamond hit one star so emerald pretty much is just that first basic rank in your business and it's unlocking this additional stream of income so I'm not gonna dive into how that income is provided because really I tell my coaches get there and then we can talk about it get there and then we can talk about it because I'm not gonna see here and read you off like a whole book of like all the things that are gonna happen because unless you get there it's not applicable so I just want to point out that the shenanigans don't stop once you become a coach the desperation that you see in these coaches when they're trying to recruit people does not end okay so once you become a coach it only gets worse from there because these people have already signed up for the coaching opportunity they're ready to be business builders you know or you know or whatever and rank up and try to earn an income with this business and these people are still sitting their asses on these dumbass unproductive Xoom calls and just barking at them telling them what they need to do creating just anxiety in these people's lives like you got to do this you got to do that this is what you got to do by this time bla bla bla you know it's craziness and it does not end okay it does not end you are going to be a slave to your upline for the rest of eternity basically okay just want to make that very clear throughout the video these people are desperate for you to rank up because that means that they get some extra you guys but why fill only grabs the squeaky toys when I'm literally on a call so sorry about that but I'm gonna talk with you guys about why I melt important what it means for you and like a couple really big things to take note of when pushing for this phone that's why it's so important and like they said you know it's two people it's nothing crazy you can literally if you really wanted to go diamond tonight and I know emeralds the gold for tonight but if you want to go diamond you can literally go to Walmart tonight find your people and you can build a diamond team like it's not hard it's just your mindset um so the first like big thing that happens when you emerald is you unlock the other half of the compensation plan like Carly was talking about so as a coach rain coach you are working for commissions right now which is great you know the sky's limit there but like let's be round who wants to be working for just commissions forever team suck up bonuses that's what you unlock when you become an emerald coach the other half the compensation plan out this is the income that it's gonna grow and build as your team gets out there and helps more people this is what creates the freedom this is the income that's me coming in this is what creates the pyramid okay this is like the other half of the compensation plan what she's referring to is basically you start making money off of other people's work you start profiting off of other people's work and that's the whole part that's basically unethical about these businesses well just one of the reasons why but anyway whether or not you sell a challenge right so if your big picture goal is to be a part-time coach or a full-time coach emerald is at first Madison because you're unlocking the other half of the compensation plan for example a few months ago my dad was in the hospital and because of coaching I was able to be working by his like hospital bed all day every day like lifting him up and you know keeping his morale high they're in a really tough time and I didn't have to worry about missing a paycheck or calling off work or any of these things because I have built up the team cycle bonus is obviously team beach fighters and guarantee a little success each coach's income is based on my own hard work diligence and skill but you guys that's the beauty of this business is that a couple things are break down first of all she I just never think that's really a great sign when you've memorized your company's disclaimer just say okay just say I don't know the YouTube Terms and Conditions right off the top of my head here's the other thing too I feel like we learned a couple videos ago that when these people say that oh they get to take off for family crisis and they get to be present in the moment doesn't mean that they're not working during a crisis I think saying stuff like I got to be by my dad's bedside when he was so sick and helping him up I think that is so manipulative and obviously it's just playing into people who also might have sick parents I mean it's disgusting it's deplorable absolutely disgusting to use your your own father to aggrandize yourself and get yourself more money and sell more things anyway when something happens in your life and you like god forbid you have to be there for someone you have the ability to because of the freedom that you're creating with this business like if I worked a job where I was trading time for money and I had a call off work or miss a shift or worked in 9:00 to 5:00 and had to pray that my boss could have let me off oh my god I just don't get this I don't understand what somebody in MLM says said this and then everybody else just regurgitated it I don't understand this where you're working a job where you're trading time for money it's like everything is time for money everything is time for whatever you're doing time is is everything right but what's disgusting and what makes these things so unethical is what she's explaining right now is that okay she's saying that she can go and like not have to work and she's still making money while she's with her dad in the hospital because other people are on her on her team are still working and she's making money off of those people did I'm saying it's like I feel like oh it would have literally killed me to not have been able to be there for my dad during that really really tough time and so you know it's kind of extending big-picture it's thinking like like when something happens you want it you want to have you know financial stability whether this is your full-time angle or not it doesn't matter a financial stability having extra streams of income is always a good idea so that's the first reason is a first income number two is this builds street-cred guys take your business seriously we need to come an emerald coach you are like Carly said building that resume this is your street cred you're gonna get a shout out from your coach on social media and guess what your prospects are gonna see said shout out and they're gonna be like because maybe you just made your first coaching post everyone saw it and you know everyone's like well Bri just said she's doing this thing like is she really doing this thing or is she like five other people that popped up but they're committing to something and they quit the week later I guess are you actually serious is she actually committed then they see I went emerald I got a public shout out from someone I don't think she understands she crashes Christopher it's a bizarre point to make oh you're getting street cred cuz somebody gave you a Facebook post yeah all of my prospects see that like oh but Bri is actually doing this like she's taking it serious that is someone I want to join because I know she's not would it I know that she's not gonna be like the other five people who popped up my timeline starting something but want they're like a one-hit wonder one post and then they're gone do you want to be the person that they're you're building that street cred and then like taking this serious right Emeril is that first step to building your goals right you don't you don't get to Emeril and stop you get to emerald and then we go momentum is built you're building that momentum it's emerald shows that you are taking this seriously your upline coach is going to give you more time if you're proving to them that you're actually putting the time in you're building your business you're working for these goals your man she puts a lot of value in people's upline she's like man you're gonna get to spend more time with your upline you're gonna get a frickin Shay it's like uh are those really motivating factors not for me they're gonna take you more seriously as well my self passes to the next all right you guys I'm Courtney I'm gonna be talking about how to go emerald you understand what emerald is you understand why you should go emeralds which are super important points if you're gonna understand how to enrolled I'm going to share my screen with you for a second because I have a really cool document it's basically going to walk you through how to hit emerald two nights or in one day and these are questions that you need to ask yourself and then you ask your coaches to go through the same questions this whole business is all about doing and then duplicating you want to do it first and then you want your team to duplicate so step number one you need to ask yourself do you have a spouse or a significant other that you're in a serious relationship with if you say yes then you need to have a conversation with them about the importance of being on your team because they are your number one fan if you're in a relationship with them hopefully it's not the get out of that relationship dangerous I I can't I don't even know what else to say okay so first of all what kind of business are you starting if you need to go to your significant other and say hey in order for me to succeed I need to cheat the system and sign you up as an artificial coach okay because you're not actually going to be coaching at all you're just gonna be I'm gonna be doing double the work I need to sign you up as a coach so I can hit a rank is that okay with you that is so ass-backwards and it's so dishonest it's so [ __ ] fake and it's a way for these people to cheat the system but think about that the number one way to hit emerald in one day is do you have a spouse yes or no and then you have to go ask them and then she says if they don't support you get out of that relationship that's dangerous because they don't support what the [ __ ] is wrong with you you should be ashamed of yourself here's the big problem this whole thing was signing up a spouse okay that people really really really really really really need to understand because this is something that people do across all MLM and you are pushed to do this by your upline when you and your spouse are signed up you both have to do this Shakeology to stay active or you have to have a certain amount of personal volume which basically you can hit that with the Shakeology every month on auto-ship so Shakeology is a hundred and sixty dollars a month right but when you have your spouse signed up that's also a hundred and sixty dollars a month on top of that plus most of these people if not all of these people that I've seen also do like the energize which is their pre-workout a lot of them do the post workout too and they also do that on an auto-ship like a monthly you know membership type of thing so that's like 40 bucks on top of that so you're sitting on basically a car payment that's how much you're paying to be to be an active Beachbody Coach there's not a job in the [ __ ] world that I would pay a car payment to work at okay that's something you have to understand and it's very important to look at this through the lens of somebody who is struggling with money which most of these people are they joined this business opportunity to try to make money and by buying all this stuff and signing their spouse up they are taking on a car payment okay kind of long-winded but that is my stance on this whole spouse thing and this is pushed majorly okay majorly pushed and here's the other thing too it's like if you went to your spouse and you explained to them hey we're gonna have to pay you know upwards of two hundred forty two hundred fifty dollars a month for my business to thrive you know what does that say about your business and if they're not supportive of that then they shouldn't be supportive of that because it's weird but Josh being my husband I want him to be my biggest supporter I want him to be on my team and I want him to be my first coach on my team even if he's not going to actively pursue coaching I want him place on my team for support for him to be healthy receiving his own supplements for me to be healthy receiving my own supplements it's the first step so if you have a spouse or significant other have a serious conversation with them explain that you want to open your business as an emerald coach by signing them up as one of your new coaches if you do not have a spouse or a significant other then you need to focus on moving to question number two which is going to be do you have a family member or a friend who currently is on a health and fitness journey or wants to be on one guys if you were to open up a restaurant who would you tell first it would be your family it would be your friends it would be the people that you currently have relationships with let me explain to you why this is the worst analogy I've ever heard so she says well if you're gonna open a restaurant then who are you gonna tell about that who are the first people that you're gonna tell and have sit at that restaurant yeah sure your friends and your family but you're also not asking your friends and your family to also start their own restaurant okay you're the ones starting the restaurant you are the one that invested all the money you open up the doors you're making the [ __ ] food okay that's you okay you're not asking them to go into business with you that's completely different okay so and you know what it's funny that she even brings up something like a restaurant business and like you opening it and who you gonna invite to your table because that's the way that a when you start a business it should be okay you shouldn't be asking people to also go into business with you like your friends and your family and saying I need you to do this and if you don't then I'm apparently in a dangerous relationship according to her words not mine right it should not be like that as a general rule you should not be mixing family and business family friends relationships should not be in business together that's just a general rule you know it will not lead you astray let me tell you this is very ironic so it's so silly for us to come into this business and be like oh please don't ask me to ask my friends are my family like are you kidding me this is their health and fitness the quality of their life why on earth would you want to withhold that from them because you're afraid to ask them for something or afraid to put this out there some people believe it or not don't want to abuse their relationships they have with their family and friends they don't want to can ask their friends and family for money they don't want to force them into something that they are not even gonna want to be doing so believe it or not that's the truth you don't want them thinking that you're trying to take advantage of them or they want to you know you want to take their money or whatever it's not about taking their money this is money that they're investing into their own health and fitness into their quality of their life it is so dishonest to say it is not about money and at any point of this call because the premise of this call the reason why anybody is even on this call is all about money it all revolves around money about you making more money then making more money bla bla bla bla bla it's all about money so to say that it's anything but that is just downright dishonest if you see the value in it then the people that are closest to you should be your top priority to getting signed up and plugged into these workouts and these supplements so have a conversation with them I would make a list of every single person that sits at your Thanksgiving table we're around the we're around the corner from Thanksgiving so anyone who's going to Thanksgiving should receive a call from you because you cared that much about them that you want them to be on a healthy fitness journey oh my god every person I your Thanksgiving table needs to get a call from him because you care so much about them stop this oh my god stop this stop it stop stuff enough oh my god oh my god oh my god this is why people's relationships just fall apart okay am i lems are the destroyer of relationships destroyer if you are going to Thanksgiving dinner and you're calling everybody up saying can you buy something from me oh yeah people are really gonna want to go are you take it no advice from anyone in an MLM about any sort of relationship please and if they already are on one thing you want them to have the best supplements to support that or the best nutrition or even just the accountability to support that I can't tell you how many times I have seen people in this business who have literally their lives have been saved because they were a part of the body I don't think my eyes can roll any further back into my head their lives were saved because they were part of Beachbody did you hear that because they're paying at least $160 a month their lives were saved [ __ ] kidding me are you kidding me because they're part of Beachbody oh my god we had a fellow coach friend of ours who had a heart attack a massive heart attack a couple weeks ago his both of them our coaches the husband and wife the wife performed CPR on her husband that saved his life do you think she could have done that if she was not working out consistently probably not I know for a fact that the endurance of that saved his life because she was healthy and then him surviving in that heart attack was a result of him taking seriously his health and wellness because there was like I think it was like a 94 percent survival rate or not survival rate on something like that I'm not gonna say anything I'm not even gonna say anything you just fill in the blanks what do what am I thinking right now what am I thinking right now okay no no no no it's unbelievable you guys our family and friends should be our top priority so call him up explain that you just opened up your you know what's so [ __ ] funny about this oh my god now I'm really getting mad I'm I can feel myself really getting mad okay all of that work I just did for the last month to do stress it's back baby okay so so she's like yeah our friends and our family should be our top priority meanwhile she's sitting here on a [ __ ] team call using two people in the Beachbody communities horrible situation where someone had a heart attack okay and the wife had to save him from that then something traumatizing and horrible it's said that it happened to anybody and she's using that to sell to people and to push people to make more sales so she can drink up it's deplorable you should be ashamed of yourself shamed of yourself you want to plug them in with the same programs that you're using the same supplements that you're investing into you and you want to hold him accountable so that they can be your first success stories if you are not super close to your family which that happens sometimes check your friend list check people that you work with expand your network make a list of all the people that you're interacting with throughout your day and go invite them write down 30 to 50 people that you work alongside that you care enough about that you want them to be a part of this and if you're still in that boat of like Courtney I literally know no one and I don't talk to anyone which is false because you're signed up on this team on these team so you obviously interact with people I want you to start having conversations with people through social media the next step is to get in a habit of connecting with five to ten new people every single day to plug them into either the boot camp or coaching which is going to be that next step of hitting emeralds all right so that is your go-to sheet on how to get to sign to people signed up by end up tonight because you can make that happen no problem did you hear that you just gotta get your husband and your mom signed up then you're gonna go then your business is taking off okay do we want to go around and share um you guys will remember this one from when she said infertility is her brand gotta love that right now how we all hit Emerald Isle break the silence so it's not awkward okay if you don't know who I am I'm Kate and you guys like when I started coaching I had five hundred and Stram followers I was at my heaviest weight I have ever been um you guys hear me like everyone's just like staring I couldn't I was under not so I was 30 pounds heavier than I am today I had never completed a Beachbody program I was five I had 500 Instagram followers I had didn't have a transformation um and I had no freaking idea what I was doing but my coach said hit emerald and so that's what I did so in my first week as a coach which is what your guys's goal is and what you're going to make happen I signed up Curtis who's my husband and we signed him up with the performance stack because I was gonna use Shakeology in my account we might as well signing him up with the pre and post workout because I was going to use that too and that benefits you in the long run and then I signed up well I just almost felt a ton of energized everywhere that would have been not fun to clean up um and then on my other side I signed up my co-teacher so I'm a former teacher and the girl that I worked with in my classroom I was like dude I'm gonna do this program you should do it with me we can hold each other accountable and I can get you a discount and she was like some yeah okay that simple it happened within an hour so but you can 100% do this you just have to think of like seriously that document that Courtney just went through like that's it that's all you need to pay attention to you um Sammy you want to go hey guys can you hear me yes yes yes okay perfect um if you guys don't know who I am my name is Sammy and I was somebody that came into this business kind of I was like a glorified discount coach for a year and so when my sister told me that I needed to emerald I waited for it to happen for a really long time and I just kept saying I'll just post in social media and at some point I'm gonna have two people that want to do this with me that didn't happen okay I waited for a really long time and so what I did was I went to the people that I was talking to on Instagram and coldest of cold market I signed up a coach and then what I did was I went to Adam and I went to him and I basically just put it on the table and I feel like when you have those conversations their significant other come into it with the idea that you need to tell them why why you are doing this because if you just go over there and say hey I'm gonna sign you up as a coach this is important for my business my upline wants me to do it they're gonna say whoa whoa whoa what are you talking about so I sat down and I basically said hey this is what I'm doing this is why I want to do it by Thursday and where I saw myself in Beachbody in the next couple of years you know what's hilarious to me is these people act like and they are the biggest boss babes don't they I mean they act like they're just kicking ass taking names snapping necks cashing checks and meanwhile they're signing up their husband and their mom it's like oh that's hard you know I'm saying like oh that's really crazy you know you're taking money from people that you know you're you guys think you're so cool it's so lame it just flies in the face that these people are some being entrepreneurs okay the antithesis of entrepreneurial and it's having to force your friends and family into a business opportunity get a life maybe you see this as a part-time job maybe you see this is a full-time job maybe you just see this as more of like something that's gonna create positivity in your life that's what I explained to him we signed him up Wednesday at about 5:00 p.m. I hit emerald it was a decision I truly believe emerald is a decision Amanda I'm gonna pass it to you all right thank you um so like Courtney was saying I love the analogy if you're gonna open up a restaurant like who are you gonna tell tell about that so she likes that analogy even though I pointed out it's the worst analogy when I signed up I signed up as a discount coach but I fell in love with the 21 day fix and I just wanted some people to do it with me to feel as good as I felt so my first coach was my mom because she was kind of looking to get healthier and she's not really big and working out so she kind of focus more on the nutrition side what we really focused on it and worked on it together so she was like more than happy to you know help support my business and helping me get started but then also it was something that we got to do together so my mom was my first person my second coach that pushed me to emerald was my best friend you have to look at Beachbody and go wait a minute they have their workout programs I hear are decent they're fine right it's a workout program okay but it's like why can't it just be that why can't it just be if you want to work out then you work out why do you have to sign up your mom your brother your sister your [ __ ] a significant other your dad your grandma I hear people saying up there grandma all the time it's like what the hell's going on here but if your mom wants me in a health and fitness journey why can't she just be a health and fitness you know in a challenge group or you know why does she have to be a coach that's what I don't understand I don't understand that you hear same idea reached out to her and was like hey I just did a round of 21 day fix I feel awesome you saw my results do you want to join me and I mean as as a best friend I know some people's friends are a little like if he at first thought she was like hell yeah if I can get results like you got like I want to sign up too so mom best friend first two coaches I'm gonna pass it to you breathe currently doing to go really quick and I have tip up on your teeth oh yeah I can hop on purse so I hit emerald with a fan like my first month of coaching when I actually I started working misses night thank you guys I signed up like eight people my first month and they were like my six best friends my aunt and my boss like it was all warm market and I think so often drives me nuts and I coaches like well what to say I don't know how to invite somebody I'm like girl like do a program results and people are gonna want to join you and you have bad ass results like you guys Amanda's results were insane like I would have resigned up just by seeing the picture because I knew she crushed the program she took her nutrition seriously and whatever she did I don't even care what she did I'll just do whatever she did because her results were amazing so if you're like not feeling super authentic about inviting you're not really sure how you're supposed to get you know your family members on board or you're wondering why your friends and family are not more like are you getting results like are you committing to a program and following in your nutrition because you're signing up to be a health and fitness coach so and I'm not saying you have to have like a six-pack or anything but like you need to have a transformation because you're asking people to transform their lives with you but the same part the second part of that really focusing me on my more market if I push the 30-day money-back guarantee dude do this for the next thirty days drink Shakeology for the next thirty days you don't love it you can get your money back so when I have coaches come to me and they're like my family won't support me I'm like okay family literally doesn't have $140 or mean-girl literally does not have a hundred and forty dollars even the most loaded people I know I don't have a hundred forty dollars for some [ __ ] shake okay [ __ ] shake these people are so far out there I'm gonna ask this dude they like do they really not want to support you even with that guarantee of like they could like ask them that like it should not be this thing where you have to go search your Instagram friend feed of like random strangers like you should get at least two three four people signed up who would buy dirt from you or would sit at your restaurant if you open the restaurant even if it was really crappy right so like really pull on that and use that to your advantage and that's why I'm ruled it can happen tonight do I need to say anything else you're not going to fish for random people you call up your mom you pull up your grandma you go up somebody and say hey driver do business I'm super passionate about it you're not passionate I you're not gonna do it so check yourself but like everybody on this call should be hitting emerald tonight from there were market Tuscola is a roller coaster if you're not passionate right then you're not going to do it so check here so okay so check yourself my emerald story is kind of similar to Sammy so I was coach and then I was signed up and I was like oh recruiting people to the businesses see area I'm just here on challenge then I was in an emerald group and I was like I didn't understand the business that was that easy to hit emerald so as soon as I watched that call I call up my mom haven't your parents done enough hold on a minute okay you know we just passed Father's Day Mother's Day was just not that long ago having our parents done enough okay haven't your parents suffered through enough well give him a break geez I could sign him up for your prick a pyramid scheme I'm saying this on behalf of all the parents you're welcome now I was like well but I called him up and I was like hey babe started this new business like will you be my first coach and support me he's like sure I didn't really go through the why so that's a better tip that sandy had like share the why and like where you see yourself I was just freaking pumped I was like I'm going over all be my first coach is like okay and I called my mom and I was like mom I'm going emerald like be my second coach and she was like okay and like so that's how you went emerald like literally it's a 30 minute decision like I saw the video and I was like getting into action called my two peeps and then it didn't stop there obviously like that's where it started and I'm one dose really just that boost of confidence like I was saying I got the shout out which was the street cred also build my confidence I could do this guy like a paycheck which was awesome and so really just like kick selling the momentum so don't like go emerald member like I did it like go emerald and half yeah you did it but like let's keep on going let's keep on grass so why I went emerald was because I well first of all I couldn't sign up my husband at that point cuz he's Australian so he literally didn't count so I feel like I had that you know obstacle in and of itself huge after all the same time as I did she went enrolled and I was like no no I'm super competitive so I was like okay game on I'm going diamond first so then I just kind of like I went diamond I was focused on going diamond and emerald was just par for the course if I wanted to be building a successful business then I had to emerald first that's the first step I actually just kept sending cold invites on Instagram until two people signed up and one of them is still a coach on our team today she was one of my first girls my first business builder so both of the girls that signed up as emeralds were business supposed to be business builders right one of them is still here one of them is not but the whole point is that if you want something just go do it like I literally was sending messages until my fingers were gonna fall off because I was so committed to finding the people that wanted this that we're ready to say yes because every no that I got every like ghosted message every response that no one responded to her said yes and then didn't follow through or whatever they led me to the people that needed this and they led me to the people that were going to say yes okay did everyone share their emeralds that okay cool so minute as that I'm gonna kick yourself I'm gonna make you kick yourself in the pants a little bit because that that's what I do and if you don't know who I am you about to learn and find out Oh big time heart oh and turn the ring but here's the deal stop overthinking it it's too freakin people you guys we're not saying go out and get two hundred people tonight or 20 people this month we're saying go find two people that want to do this with you like I know that we talked about like results and how they speak for themselves and hell yes they do heck yes sorry there's children um but I didn't have that I didn't have results I was 30 pounds heavier than I am now and I but I went into it like who wants to do this with me I'm about to change my life and you're either coming with me or you're not and those are the people that you know help me hit diamond and um emerald was just a part of that so the way I like to think of emerald is like think of like a vehicle okay think of a like a car like think of your dream car like in the comments for your dream car just for fun like is it a Range Rover is it a 4runner what's your dream car everyone's like Range Rover all right so oh Tesla let's go okay Courtney yeah that's fine mine was literally a forerunner and then I drove a forerunner and I was like no and now I have a rav4 which is like my dream car Toyota for like um I just felt my soul leave my body and guess what it ain't coming back okay I just had an out-of-body cringe experience that was just not okay okay so think of your dream car and you're sitting in it okay you're sitting in your dream car because you went unrolled you had diamond then you wet time sitting in a 2003 Ford Taurus 2 star 5 star and beyond so you got yourself your dream car but it all starts here you're sitting in that dream car Kay emerald is you put the key into the ignition that's what emerald means emerald means that you put the key into the ignition but you haven't quite taken off yet diamond is when you turn it on and you start to hit the gas wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute this analogy in sucks she said the goal is your dream car but she said we're sitting in the dream car ready what is going on with this analogy emerald is not the destination diamond isn't even the destination but these are the stepping stones that are going to get you from your be it like to the vehicle of your dreams we are sitting in the vehicle of our dreams you said we were sitting in it sweetie and really like get you on the path to hitting the bulls in you know giving getting the life that you really deserve no matter what why you're in coach a but none of the really fun cool stuff can happen until you hit emerald um but you guys you just have to make it happen like you just have to make a decision and someone already mentioned it but for me the people that go emerald fast are the ones I spend my time on because those are the people that tell me that they're serious and that they want to do this business so the people that take action and the people that are going to go talk to people and not get discouraged it knows because you guys if you don't know me I talk to a lot of people all the time because I'm an inviting maniac and I promise you I will always get more than you ever will because I'm talking to more people but because I'm getting more nose I'm getting more yeses than you are to okay this just gave me like a flashback to the Rachel Hollis video where she said I will out work all of you heading Beachbody Conference and you're saying front of all these people like something hard oh this kind of behavior this bragging is hilarious to me because you guys look like getting clowns okay you look like a Ken clown and this is so funny to me because if if you're really getting inviting the most people and you're getting the most yeses and you're getting more nose than anybody bum ba bla then why aren't you the freaking top of the company oh that's right you're not you're stuck at a pyramid scheme and even if you do the thinkin if you're allegedly doing the most work of anybody out there as you say you are then you would be at the top of the company with that logic but you're not you're stuck in somebody else's downline and you always will be so get your head on your [ __ ] ass these people who brag bragging on the internet bragging at all it's the dumbest thing that you can do bragging is the dumbest thing you can do let me just give you a piece of unsolicited advice stopping bragging altogether stop bragging don't brag about yourself [ __ ] brag because there's always gonna be somebody who is doing better than you are and then you look and um you invalidate yourself in every way when you brag especially when you brag on the internet because when you're on the internet you're on the internet with everybody else in the Kin world okay and there's somebody who else who's out working you in someone if somebody who's more beautiful more rich more successful working everything that you aren't so when you brag you look like a clown okay stopping bragging and I cannot stand when people who are like thinking that they're so cool are bragging to these other people saying I'm outwork everybody I invite more people and you're saying this to a group of people who you rely on you rely on everybody in this [ __ ] Emerald team call otherwise you wouldn't be on here you need these people to do well in treating them like garbage is not the way to go rant over so you have to people like don't you know say oh I invited five people and no one wanted to join invite more people is the solution okay you just have to talk to people and stop over complicating it stop wondering if you need to say the right thing or do the right thing like just talk to them like you're bet you're their best friend like how would you ask your best friend to do this with you and talk to people like that and and you guys just have to make the decision because it's gonna be exciting when we all wake up on Thursday and we are going to have like almost a hundred emeralds popping like that's gonna be incredible and I think that so often people just overthink it they overthink it and think that it's this huge thing and it's not it's simple it's two people it's your aunt and your mom it's your husband and your best friend it's the person you work with and maybe your neighbor or like it's you know all that you know plenty of people it's just a matter of taking action and asking them all right who's gonna hit em roll that see it in the shot who's hittin emerald tonight actually in the chat told me or two people who are the two people that are going to get you to emerald husband cousin best friend mom dad grandma we're your peeps has been best friend okay so that's pretty much it but let me end on the snow ask yourself guy why these people would have a vested interest in you hitting a certain rank in the company when you're supposedly all on your own starting your own business you're an entreprenuer boss babe why do these people even give up what you do because they make money off of you there's a lot of value and seeing what's going on behind the scenes seeing that the terror does not end once you become a coach you've finally been bullied or you know harassed enough to end up being a coach it doesn't end there you are gonna be in this this wheel of your upline telling you that you're not doing enough blah blah blah you got to hit this rank this rank hold this rank for this long so they can hit their rank so they can cycle bonus so they can do this that and the other thing this is just a mess to find yourself in I keep making these videos because I really want to prevent people from finding themselves in the situation I had tried to prevent people from getting scammed so anyway I hope that you enjoyed this video please leave a like if you did for more MLM videos it helps me out helps the channel grow please subscribe also if you like these kind of videos so anyway yeah I really appreciate you watching and I will see you guys in my next video bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kiki Chanel
Views: 292,660
Rating: 4.9517546 out of 5
Keywords: monat, anti-mlm, r/antimlm, antimlm, anti mlm, mlm, network marketing, exposed, team beachbody, lularoe, scam, mlm scam, mlm documentary, mlm scams, mlm john oliver, mlm cringe, mlm horror stories, anti mlm stories, anti mlm posts, documentary, lularoe documentary, kiki chanel, kiki chanel mlms, anti mlm cringe, honest, crazy, stories, storytime, anti mlm reddit, reddit, mlm fails, top mlm fails, compilation, mlm fail compilation, 2020, monat fails, monat hair loss, beachbody fails
Id: 3LJZR-YheLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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