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a lot of these times people say these things oh you know what i don't really have the time they're saying it to be nice to you you know what i would say to you you don't even want to say because i have a list of pejoratives right now that i could list off about why i would never join one of these god forsaken businesses they're so disgusting hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel this is the first video of 2021 and the first mlm video of 2021 so big plans for this year i want to definitely do more mlm videos um the reason why i've been posting sporadically and sparsely on this channel is because i have a vlog channel where i've been posting a lot i just did vlogmas and i've just been complaining a lot over there about everything in my life it's just what else is new you know what i mean um yeah so i've been over there but i'm gonna be posting here more hopefully we'll get a lot of videos in this one today i would consider this to be an urgent video because as everybody knows a lot of people in the united states are getting stimulus checks provided by the government a lot of people are getting at least six hundred dollars when scammers find out that you have guaranteed money coming they start to like turn it up a notch and we're seeing some of the huns already trying to go after people's stimulus checks trying to tell people what to do with their money which is you know obviously concerning its very desperate behavior it's very inappropriate behavior for other people to tell you how to spend your money all that jazz and then we also have another topic that i want to cover today um so we're gonna have three different mlms in this video that we're going to cover i know i usually hit beachbody a lot um but we're gonna do arbonne today and we're also gonna do it works lots of business hope you enjoy leave a like if you like these kind of videos subscribe if you are not already okay if you're not already hit the subscribe button we're trying to get to 10 mil and i think we're gonna hit it by the end of the year no joke okay anyway all right so first video i want you guys to watch this was sent to me by one of my friends actually and i don't know how she found this but this is absolutely disgusting and it's a scam within a scam that's going on right now in arbonne and i believe this is a relatively new product so i wanted to break it down i've been doing a lot of like just minor research on it behind the scenes and it's very intriguing to me hopefully it is to you i don't know this is an arbonne hun who is doing an experiment on her igt live or whatever igt i don't i mean igtv i don't even go on instagram i don't know what's going on of an experiment using their digestion plus which is basically like a digestive enzyme if you haven't heard about that we will get into what those are but we're just gonna watch her i guess explain what it is here we go so if you guys you can see it's just in the bowl big old chunky jelly jam whatever you want to call it we add our digestion let's see what happens okay first i want to say why is it that every hun uses this orange filter over all of their videos it's like the dead giveaway every time i see somebody with one of these orange filters i'm like oh they're in a pyramid scheme they're it's like the official filter of a pyramid scheme person i mean it's just really annoying but anyway okay so she just put the digestion plus into like a big bowl of jelly which i don't know in what circumstance you'd be eating that much jelly but uh okay so it's harder to mix honestly let's see let's watch that jelly oh my gosh you guys it's like instantly liquid what [Music] look this this whoa that is the power of having digestive enzymes and a pre and a probiotic you guys i don't even know if you can like how crazy is this literally shows you the importance of having good gut health right here and that's one pack looks like a syrup like a medicine oh it's crazy that's gonna digest so much better in your gut than if you were to not use a probiotic and all that goodness you guys how wild is that okay that's disgusting this next one is my favorite just pay attention to her reaction uh when she's talking about cookie dough but she's got like this big chunk of cookie dough she's gonna do the same thing to this one say you had a cheat day or you ate i don't know you just ate really bad or who knows i want to show you the power so i have i found this at my parents it's just like cookie dough and a bowl that's disgusting i would never eat this um so i'm just going to put it in this bowl okay she found it at her parents house okay i think i'm really getting triggered by this orange filter i'm not gonna lie and then i'm gonna add our digestion plus and let's see what happens this one's hard to mix oh my gosh you guys are gonna freak out did you guys see that splash it's literally turning into a liquid oh my gosh you guys this is the power of prebiotics probiotics and digestive enzymes like imagine that chunk of cookie dough trying to digest versus this oh my god it's you guys it's liquid that is the power of this packet and why this is so important to stay consistent with like that is crazy to me get some digestion plus people okay so that's the end of that video thank god i see a lot of these pyramid scheme puns doing these experiments on their ig tv and i think that a lot of people could get sucked in by them honestly like that video had 135 000 views on it and i guarantee somebody was like oh like i need that even though that little experiment was far from scholastic so anyway i wanted to kind of go over why these are not necessary to your routine and you don't need these whatsoever so you pay 53 for 30 sticks so it'll last you a month and you paid 53 for that stupid thing and you definitely should first of all should not be using that regularly she was like you need to use this consistently i would not use that consistently and basically it seems to me like you're paying 53 for diarrhea like let's get totally honest here let me first start by saying that this is arbonne's digestion plus and no i'm not a gastro a neurologist i am not like a biologist or anything like that but you don't need to be to understand the basics of these kind of things um but i did do some light research here so first thing i found my english teachers would be proud because this is from okay i'm not using wikipedia even though i do like wikipedia this is what dr kyle staller says he's a gastroenterologist at harvard affiliated massachusetts general hospital okay so it says the supplements are so popular global sales are expected to reach 1.6 billion by 2025 according to recent market research but don't be too quick to reach for them some of them are clearly beneficial in certain situations but enzyme supplements are also often used in situations where there is little evidence that they do any good i want to also remind you that your body naturally makes digestive enzymes these are things where it's more of like a tweak of your diet that's going to help you more than anything you don't need to spend any money but once again you know arbonne huns stop at nothing to scam us and try to take our money in any way possible that they can so basically to summarize the articles that i've been reading and i will once again i'm going to link all these down below but basically you don't need a digestive enzyme prescribed to you or at all unless you have a like a rare condition where your body's not digesting certain items okay certain things it's usually like a specific thing so here's what i think is very interesting about this just reading about this is very interesting to me i don't know about you guys but he said basically he listed two conditions where a digestive enzyme would be even beneficial or necessary and it was chronic pancreatitis or cystic fibrosis okay those are not very common issues to be having certainly you would not be going to an arbonne hunt to figure that out and an arbonne hunt would never be able to diagnose you with that you would have to go to a gastroenterologist to figure that thing out and what's even more interesting just in doing like the research that i did you also need to get a digestive enzyme that is specific to what your body is not able to digest well so for example let me just pull this other one up really quick it says an important thing to know about enzymes is each one is specific to a particular type of biochemical reaction in other words a protein-digesting enzyme called protease cannot break down things that aren't proteins like carbohydrates fats sugars or fiber so you would have to be getting a digestive enzyme that's specific to your issue that you have and another thing that i find very interesting is that the harvard doctor also said other common gut problems like probably ones that we would all be having like heartburn or ibs there's little evidence he says that digestive enzymes are even helpful for that here's this other article too just related to that by dr ken berry who's a family physician he says if you don't have a definite enzyme deficiency or your symptoms are more of a nuisance than severe it might be easier on your wall to simply remove any foods from your diet that are causing digestive stress in the first place so basically in short these are a gigantic scam i just wanted to kind of go over that because i think when you see like these kind of sensational videos where you're watching a bowl of jelly or a bowl of cookie dough to literally be disintegrated into liquid you're like oh that'll probably help me lose weight or that'll help me digest or whatever there's not a whole lot of even research that that would even be helpful you don't even really know i mean it does say what the ingredients are on arbonne but you don't know what's specific to you there's a lot of stuff in there that you probably don't need here's two more problematic things that i find with this video first being that a lot of people most people i think struggle with their weight and i think a lot of young girls especially girls that are probably watching that video are people that are prone to eating disorders and wanting to lose weight and wanting like a quick fix and i think that you know even though she's not saying oh this is going to help you lose weight i think you see in some of the things that she's saying like oh this disgusting you know cookie dough ew i would never eat this if you have a bad cheat day or if you're eating bad food then you need to use this regularly and consistently is what she said i think people would mistake that as like a weight loss supplement or a weight loss thing that they can use regularly and i think it'll really mess with your system you know i i think that it sets a bad precedent for people because these are not products that you need at all you don't need to be spending money on these things you don't need help most likely digesting things if you have a problem with digesting protein or if you have a problem digesting lactose it's easier for you to omit those from your diet and listen and like you know do these things that are more natural for you and they're better for your body than buying these scam products that you don't actually need so that was one thing so the other thing that i find to be you know problematic i guess about this is just that this is a scam product and the reason why i'm saying that is because the only defense that pyramid schemes have is that they are selling product they always like to say well pyramid schemes don't sell or have actual physical products and we all know that pyramid schemes still can exist with products and i think what we consistently see amongst all mlms is they have a very bad product that it's just it's not really about the product it's it we all know that it's about recruiting but these products that they sell don't hold their own weight and are not actually useful or good or well made or even beneficial to our everyday routine they're certainly not things that we would ever deem essential i think that's something important to point out when you're thinking about pyramid schemes and understanding like the broader spectrum of what a pyramid scheme is is all of these are products that are not necessary and i think this is just a perfect example that i want to just i guess shine light on because it fits the description you know it's like this is something you don't need they're trying to sell this to you like at a super bumped up price the reason why it's so expensive is because it needs to account for the seller commission so like the the prices are always so high they're always inflated because they're always accounting for the commission that they have to pay out to their consultants so anyway yeah i just wanted to go over this because it's interesting to me it's important to realize that you know it's important to not get sucked in by these viral or sensational videos and kind of take a step back and be like okay this is what these things are i don't need them i don't need to spend my money on them and i need to be aware and always on my guard because these people are always scamming so yeah this next one is like a precursor to our final video that we're going to watch and it's very alarming so anyway this is from an it works hun and i found this to be one of the most disgusting things i've ever seen on somebody's story but i think it just it just encapsulates everything that i've ever spoken about ever ever ever in these mlm videos and if this doesn't convert you into an anti-mlm er i don't know what does so this was in her highlights like you know when you go on instagram there's like the highlights and this was like her my story about getting into it works and i don't know how far up this person is i have reason to believe that she's like higher up and like she's like one of the higher up people but this was on her story okay and it says one of the biggest objections i hear on a daily basis is i can't afford the 99 to start my own business and i get it because i didn't have a hundred dollars laying around either in fact most people who start this business don't just have a hundred dollars just laying around but let me show you what someone who wants to all caps change their situation so bad is willing to do to start bringing in an extra income so she has two screenshots she obviously had posted to her downline somewhere i think this is facebook but she posted what did you guys do when you didn't have the money to sign up for this like basically what did you sacrifice which is sad that i'm even saying that and that there's all these people that have these stories okay and they're alarming by the way so basically she's asking what did you sacrifice to any in order to sign up for this business okay and i'm just going to read these to you okay all right first one maxed out my credit card second one skipped a bill okay skipped my car insurance next person i used my taxes next person used my credit card and paid myself back next person skipped my electric bill made my money back in five days selling my wraps to pay it next person waited for my last 100 check from my tour guide job next person different person by the way than the first person maxed out my credit card these are all new people just so everybody knows this is two pages of this maxed out my credit card next person tax refund skipped my phone bill extra nanny shifts every weekend while everyone else went out and paid my sell bill two weeks late next one i pushed a cell phone bill back two weeks used my credit card to start wait until i got paid on babysitting on a friday she has a whole nother one by the way so here's a new one okay credit card she says sold my tv and she has now next to it sold her tv and now makes six thousand dollars average a month next person use my last ten dollars to sign up okay final person i joined in february during the winter i skipped getting new tires that i really needed five months later because of this biz i brought i bought a brand new suv okay and then at the bottom it says bought herself a new suv and now makes 2k average a month okay first of all the fact that there are people sliding around the road not getting tires that they desperately need in order to sign up for a pyramid scheme makes me sick at night okay that's disgusting to me bought herself a new suv how did she buy a new stv with only 2k average a month that she's making from this business i mean and you know what's interesting about this too she circled the people that she thinks are that are like obviously higher performers in her downline and one of them is only making 2k average a month one of them only one the other person's making 6k average a month that's good if that's even true but she's probably very high up but bought herself a new suv it only makes 2k average a month but she's bragging about that to our other downline so you can only infer from this brag that other people that wrote that they use their credit card or the what was it maxed out my credit card skipped a bill skip my car insurance use my taxes pushing phone b pushing bills back i mean i've never even heard of something like this this is disgusting i honestly haven't heard of this until just until now i'm not kidding so it's you can only infer that those people are making even less from this and we know that because of statistics and we know that by looking at income disclosure statements and we know that because we know what's going on with these things and we cannot be fooled by these people and we certainly will never be then she has over the next slide what's holding you back you guys i am so uniquely disturbed by this and it's a problem especially when people like i think about these people who are obviously so desperate and desperate enough to max out a credit card desperate enough to skip a bill which is can be very very bad for you by the way if you in case you didn't know which i know everybody knows that but skipping a bill pushing phone bills back maxing your credit card out using your last 10 dollars not getting tires and you're sliding around the road i mean this is really a problem and i think of times like this this is why it feels dire to me to say these things and to make these videos because you know obviously we're in a pandemic and people are obviously struggling really badly financially and they're super desperate for money it's just sick to me i i can i can see people being like the end of the rope and somebody who's telling them that they can make money and promising them they can make a you know unlimited money that's a problem and i can see people being sucked in right now and you have to be strong and understand that you're not going to make any money you're actually going to lose more money and i don't want to see people especially right now now more than ever to lose money in these things okay it's very very important that you do not get sucked in and you try to help other people not get sucked in we're going to move on to our last one it's our most gruesome video that we have ever had in all of our lives so keep in mind everything i just said but we're gonna move on to our last video which is from our very favorite beachbody hun who is just she just doesn't stop and it might seem like i'm picking on her but truthfully i'm not i just think that she's like the best example i can give of someone who is so who's fallen so far into these pyramid schemes like this is what can happen to people and i see this happen on you know like smaller scales all the time but there's she's not the only person that's like this and who's been kind of made to be this way by she's like a product of a you know these this bad environment and these bad circumstances in my opinion you know i'm not going to say anybody was ever created this way i hope they certainly weren't this is what happens when somebody's been fed every single lie from her upline that you could possibly be fed and buys into it so hard and yeah so here we go okay and one other thing i have to share with you guys i had shared this with a few girls who i've been talking to who are planning on joining our new year challenge which i'm super excited about but i wanted to make it public and instagram stories um so if you've been thinking about joining us first i have to say i got my stimulus check today 600 of free money that i was not expecting i didn't even know that i was getting it i'm putting that money towards my debt which is amazing but if you are someone who is wanting to invest in your health and fitness journey and you're the person who always uses the excuse of so there's gonna be lots of unpacked with this one i'm telling you just buckle just buckle in right now okay so here's what it says on the screen if you can't read it it says 600 stimulus check say what how are you going to use that money blow it on you don't need save it pay off debt invest in your health all caps so what's kind of interesting to me is i mean what a humongous liar because anybody that received the first round of stimulus checks also is gonna receive this one so if you receive the first one which you def which was twelve hundred dollars you know you're gonna get this one okay you automatically qualify so don't say that you oh my god i had no idea i was even gonna get this okay second of all i think it just it explains a lot because this is somebody that's also proclaimed that they have a six figure business and you are not making six figures if you are getting the stimulus check and there's nothing wrong with getting the stimulus check people that made 75 000 which is a lot of freaking money get the stimulus check so it's not like you're poor if you get it i'm just i'm just pointing out that she's not making as much as she's saying she is and it's something that i want to point out also because a lot of these huns do this they'll say i'm a six figure business owner or i am in the millionaires club or something like that it doesn't mean that they're a millionaire and it doesn't mean that they're a six-figure earner it means that they have either like you know sold that much or like their team volume has hit over a hundred thousand that's what it usually means or they're lying because they just like to lie and they lie and they lie and they lie without repercussion but it's just very interesting and then like the disdain always the contempt always like the the passive aggressive just disgusting things that she writes blow it on it you don't need interesting also another thing i want to break down she said that she's going to use it towards her debt how do you have any debt if you're making all this gd money i mean it's like very interesting to me that you have all this debt even though you're saying you're swimming in cash and i mean these are things that they say so it's just interesting to me that you've got debt i mean you're the person who always uses the excuse of i don't have money the other main excuse i have here is i don't have time which check your screen usage your screen time i promise you have 30 minutes a day and see when it comes to money you guys like when i joined i did not have the money either i bought my challenge pack on a credit card i paid it off later let's break this down again oh my god okay so she's saying the two biggest excuses that she hears are people who want to make a change are struggling with their health but they let their excuse to control their life i don't have money and i'm too busy and then she taunts people by saying well check your screen time sweetie because you're definitely on your phone all day you have time to be doing this okay you know what i i've always i've said this once i've said this before people use these they're not excuses these are like you know if somebody doesn't have the money and they don't want to charge it to a credit card and they don't want to put themselves in like credit trouble or do things that like selling their tv or pushing bills back like we just read in the last one then they shouldn't do that that's called being financially disciplined and financially smart to not push yourself into dangerous financial situations and to not jump into a scam okay a lot of these times people say these things oh you know what i don't really have the time they're saying it to be nice to you you know what i would say to you you don't even want to say because i have a list of pejoratives right now that i could list off about why i would never join one of these god forsaken businesses they're so disgusting but anyway i'm getting so mad this girl triggers me but anyway so did you catch that at the end she said you guys i put mine on a credit card so it's no excuse just because you do things that are stupid financially and charging things to credit card and using money that's not money that you have okay you don't have that money so don't spend money that you don't have just just unsolicited advice from me please don't spend money that you don't have i did not have the money either i bought my challenge pack on a credit card i paid it off later because i knew that my health was an important investment and you know we say we don't have money but we're choosing to spend our money on other things that aren't going to better us or better our life so why not invest in your health it's not very expensive for the entire year and considering entering all the tools and resources that you get why do you join me so like before i joined i paid you guys like 50 for a gem membership which adds up to be like 600 a year to join my community where you get access to workouts that you can do from your home you don't have to commute you don't have to wear a mask which sucks i hate wearing a mask especially when i'm at the gym and i'm sweating i'm breathing heavy um and you get like 70 plus fitness programs thousands of workouts like surprised that this girl doesn't wear a mask um yeah that's breaking news literally every type of like fitness style you can think of um which i love there's such a variety you get access to my community with daily check-ins so many amazing prompts just all around like fitness and nutrition and healthy living and mindset um also get access to 60 plus like meditations um and two comprehensive nutrition training programs so you get all of the training videos that walk you through like how to feel your body for your life so you can really stop like dieting and binging let me point out something too that just came to my head which is the most obvious thing i could have said but i just didn't say for some reason you never need to pay for workouts ever okay you just you just never do because there's so many there is a plethora of information on youtube right now i've heard whitney simmons be posted a lot i don't know i haven't watched any of these people because i don't work out but i've heard whitney simmons there's like blog people there's um somebody named amy i think sorry i don't know any of these people you can drop them down below if you know people that are good that you watch for free workouts on youtube free completely free blog a lotties i heard of somebody i think but there's so many people that will give you free workouts there is so much information on youtube where you can watch you can watch actual doctors talk about a nutritionist talk about what's good for you to eat you don't need to pay for any of this stuff especially now like i said in a pandemic where money is tight and you want to get healthy and you want to be you know a healthier version of yourself save the money you don't need to buy any of this stuff you don't need to buy workouts it is 20 21. you don't need to do it anymore okay you don't you really really don't you don't superfood or you get the pre and post workout which is the all-natural pre-workout that i use and the post-workout for muscle recovery um literally you guys all of that for 160 160 take that out of your stimulus check and now you have 440 wow i'm good at math today i think that's right um and you've invested in your health and you have a plan for the entire year and the tools and resources god all right hold on i are these people so out of touch are they so off base the six hundred dollars for your you know as a stimulus check by the way which is i don't even think is enough money for people like to get themselves out of dire situations like it's not nearly enough but the hundred dollars is to help people who are unemployed who have no money like it's not for like oh you have a extra 440 and laying around but it's for people that need they need the money it's emergency money i mean you're so out of touch if you think oh 440 dollars just extra because you can use this semi you know whatever and and once again i've told you this i'll tell you again i'm like very heated right now don't let other people tell you how to use your money okay do not let other people tell you how to use your money unless they are a financial advisor that you have hired for you actually get your results and keep you accountable and like focus and moving forward on your health and fitness journey so you're no longer wasting a gym membership or going to the gym and spending hours in the gym but not seeing the results sorry this is long i just wanted to share all these with you i know there's a lot of you who are on the fence and are thinking about joining us so with your stimulus check are you gonna take that money and just go and blow it or are you gonna invest it in your health and making a change for 2021 so that you can feel good and confident and strong like there's literally no better gift that you can give yourself you guys than the gift of health like better energy sleeping better better relationships it truly changes every other aspect of your life so invest in your health make a change like so many people said new year's resolutions eighty percent of people who make new year's resolutions drop them within the first three weeks because number one they don't have a game plan they don't have like any plan of action to actually step behind those goals and number two they don't have the accountability or the commodity piece so when you join us you get both of those things don't set a new year's resolution that you're just going to fall off from like you have every single year make a plan pausing again did i just hear that i actually haven't watched this clip all the way through yet and i this is the first time i'm hearing it if somebody ever said that to me let me just think about what i would do i think this might be the worst salesperson that i've ever seen because insulting people saying that they have never been able to stick to a new year's resolution any year before so you should join me and start a new year's resolution with me i mean insulting people is just not the way i mean it's just not the way this is it doesn't it's like unbelievable to me really it is don't set a new year's resolution that you're just gonna fall off from like you have every single year make a plan join us get access to these tools and resources that radically changed my life and have changed the lives of thousands of women in our team a part of my community and that will also change yours so only three spots left dm me this weekend to get plugged in and to get all set up and ready to go for monday being day one so anyway yeah that's the worst video of the year i mean it started it's already the first video of the year for sure it's just like i i just don't i don't understand where these people get off i really don't you know i'll say it once i've said it a thousand times don't fall for this please i mean i don't think anyone's falling for this because like i said she's just insulting everybody along the way so you know it it is what it is but you know i think a video like this might be important to show your friends also who have not looked into mlms at all because i think this video hit on a lot of different things that these people do and they pray they just pray on desperation they prey on people who are desperate to be healthy or thin or make money and they're in desperate times and they make people do things that are just sick like you shouldn't have to pay to work somewhere that's just it's just insane to me it really really really really is and it's like i can't even believe that this is even still going on um but i did hear that tick tock band all mlm content so that we can be very thankful for and it does feel good to like be on there and just not see any of that stuff anymore because it used to be really bad like i would get stuff a lot on my for you page where it was just people like just being the biggest like scammer shadiest scammers in the entire world but so anyway yeah i hope you guys found this video informational i hope you found it helpful and you know as always don't join a pyramid scheme and if you like these kind of videos if you want to see more of these videos leave a like subscribe if you're not already and i will see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Kiki Chanel
Views: 270,892
Rating: 4.9603419 out of 5
Keywords: monat, anti-mlm, r/antimlm, antimlm, anti mlm, mlm, network marketing, exposed, team beachbody, lularoe, scam, mlm scam, mlm documentary, mlm scams, mlm john oliver, mlm cringe, mlm horror stories, anti mlm stories, anti mlm posts, documentary, lularoe documentary, kiki chanel, kiki chanel mlms, anti mlm cringe, honest, crazy, stories, storytime, anti mlm reddit, reddit, mlm fails, top mlm fails, compilation, mlm fail compilation, 2020, monat fails, monat hair loss, beachbody fails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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