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hey guys welcome back to my channel so today we're doing another anti MLM top fails video when I do some more specific MLM is that you guys have been asking me for and my demons are in comment coming up here but I wanted to do another MLM fail because I had a lot of them that I wanted to talk about but they're not really enough to center around a whole video so got some good ones here and I've been kind of compiling them over you know the last few weeks because it's been a while since I mean one of these kind of videos and so I'm gonna try to push out a lot more just I I got so sick the past week and I was already like I hadn't posted for a while and then I got sick and so I looks like an even bigger lazy person so anyway I'm finding up lots more anti MLM videos coming trust me we've got a lot I'm sitting on a lot of good videos right now so anyway let's get into the video all right so to start off this MLM fail video I have a personal one that I would like to contribute and if you follow me on my blog channel which is a completely separate channel and I've been posting a lot on there during vlogmas i got a copyright infringement notification i might email yeah and I actually had it live like I was filming and I had like my live reaction to it but I got a copyright infringement email from an MLM hun who I made a video about it was the Monat scammer tries to tell you why your job sucks video and I'll link it below but yeah it was from that video the same girl in that video who I even had the courtesy to blur her name out I mean blur her face out and everything that was one of my more favorite videos you know great video all around she was just she was the one that said that you need to basically suck to move up in the corporate world and she was she was kind of talking about like why the corporate world was different than an MLM and how corporate world's worse than an Emer MLM and it was coming from somebody who obviously had never been in the corporate world never worked a corporate job and had no clue um she's actually in college so I don't even know you know when she would have worked a job like that so anyway it was basically like a lot of regurgitated stupid stuff that she had heard from other people in the business so anyway whatever months later I get the email and I'll share with you in the what was in the email because it's funny because of course I know that what I'm doing is falling within fair use and I know all of the rules and regulations regarding that I know about the if you watch another youtube channel which was h3h3 they were in a [ __ ] several years ago a landmark case where someone who they had made kind of a critique parody video of he had sued them for copyright infringement same exact thing that this girl is it kind of accusing me of doing because if we watched her video and critiqued it and I you know separated it broke it up you know completely transformed it plus her face was even blurred so anyway in the in the h3 to the case it was basically it cemented what fair use sort of a looks like that's why I say was a landmark case and it really clarified what that looks like on YouTube and it's exactly what I'm doing it's kind of like commentary style you know critiquing and you know different types of things whatever so I know what I'm doing is fine you know tons of people do it there's hundreds of thousands of YouTube channels that do this every single day but it's funny because this girl just the way she filled out the form just it makes me laugh because she just doesn't know what she's doing and obviously it's like just trying to strike stuff because they just don't want this stuff to be out there but I'll just read it to you because it's just it's interesting to me it says hello we're eve that received the copyright infringement notification below regarding your videos we believe your content is protected by fair use fair dealing or a similar exception to copyright protection we are writing to let you know we do not plan to remove your videos at this time you have control over the availability of your videos on your channel including the ability to delete them if you choose it gives me the video that's in question which was the video that we all watch this is please be advised as possible the copyright order will approach you directly to remove it these people I don't see her doing that but we'll see if she does I'm not afraid of that and it says not intend for legal advice bah blah blah please no complaints physical address and phone number have been redacted from below but they do give me a copy of the notice which i think is just interesting to me overall so I have the I'm not gonna show you this obviously but it's just funny because in here it's it's like gives me a lot of information interestingly so but one thing that she did that I thought was funny was she was supposed to fill it out so you're supposed to fill out copyright owner name your full legal name your job title and your email address bubble blah right pretty simple it's like going to the DMV she put as copyright owner name my name simple you're saying it's my stuff like I own the copyright but you're also saying I'm paying friends done your copyright so she filled it out room okay then it goes into her full legal name and this is the girl's name so I definitely know it was her that filled it out and then it says what is your job title or position she just puts her name again so she doesn't put I'm a CEO of my own hair care biz this is a bony girl it doesn't put network marketing or you know market partner whatever just puts her name again so you know okay sure to continue that on it says title of original video MLM first pyramid schemes of course I went back to look and see what the actual title was because I still have a video because I don't delete anything of course because in case something like this happens I have it more in case they delete it I keep them funny because she put the wrong title she said it was MLM verse pyramid schemes that's not what the title was it says okay provide a link to the video that you are saying I copyright infringing her and she put I deleted it a few months ago so you're asking for a copyright infringement strike against my channel which by the way three-strikes-you're-out right and it's a big problem it can become a very large legal problem as well if it if you are in fact found to be infringing on people's content but it says link to video I deleted it a few months ago so you're accusing me trying to strike my channel get my videos taken down but you don't even have the video in question anymore you deleted it and then she says where does the content appearance she says the entire video and then she signs under penalty of perjury that blank she's the owner she authorizes everything signed sealed delivered right to my email first time alone failed can't even figure out how to do it right and it's just an overall big old yikes so I wanted to put that I thought it was kind of funny I'm over it now I was really mad before but you know gotta move on right so anyway we've got another good one come in here so this next one is completely awful and this is a DM I got from a former it works distributor and she said hi Kylie love your channel unfortunately I got sucked into being in an MLM earlier this year and I highly regret it anyways we used to have that do this thing called a six list and you message a hundred people on IG ad 200 people on FB post on your story ten times do ten minutes of self-development meaning justifying the stupid MLM scam and then follow 150 people on IG and something else probably stupid and crazy I can't remember right now she says so after the first week of doing the six list I felt completely horrible about myself I was mentally drained and just wasn't doing well at all not to mention we had to screen record everything and send it to her so she knew you're actually doing it this she had said it to her upline so she I messaged my upline that was higher than the girl who I initially signed up on her because she kind of led all of this and the messages go as follows and she says I also quit the same day by the way lol it says hi blink I just wanted to shoot you a message because I've been feeling extremely drained and tired I have also been so stressed about my wisdom teeth surgery I just need to take a mental break and focus on myself that doesn't necessarily mean I'll be stopping my business I still plan to do the six list I just can't mentally keep up putting this pressure on myself I know that I can do this and I know how it will benefit my business but at the end of the day I have to make sure I keep my mental health up to par and I can't keep putting that pressure on myself I hope you can understand and see where I'm coming from thank you so let's talk about really quick it's very difficult to send that kind of message to like your authority figure or you know whoever signed you up or somebody who's counting on you or like the leader you know what I'm saying to admit that you're mentally drained this is like too much from me I'm stressed out like imagine where you have to be mentally to have to send a message where you're so drained that you have to take a step back okay so put yourself in her shoes so this is the response from her upline and it just goes to show these people are there's something wrong with them so she goes girl we are all drained and tired if you truly know how it will benefit you fight for it people who gets a diamond double triple push even when they are tired and drained the people who are willing to do what others won't live a life that others can we have a very easy and simple job it's just being consistent if you step back your check will step back keep that in mind and all this hard work you've been putting in will be for nothing and then she says I understand that but I don't want to feel like I'm rushing to get this list done like homework in high school you know I want to love my business and this is going to make me resent it I'm not quitting I'm going to keep pushing but the pressure of getting this done and reporting that somebody is too much for me it's not helping my anxiety at all I'm my own boss at the end of the day and I just don't think the push chat is motivating me it's actually doing the opposite and she just replies whatever you think girl I uh I she says this is it works by the way you know what makes these multi-level marketing companies so frustrating is all this pressure that's put on the the lowest level employees of the company right so there's all these up lines who are like not doing anything ordering people around sitting around telling them you need to you need to add 150 people to Facebook you need to add 160 people to your Instagram you need a message 35 people a day take 10 minutes to do this and record it and send it to me making sure you're doing it and meanwhile are they doing the same thing no they're really not and I'll do another video on that it's coming but they need these people at the bottom level who just got in to just kill themselves it's so these people can get an easy check and sit around and order everybody around while everybody else does like the grunt work and it's upsetting to me and that's not how company should work you know when when these people in multi-level marketing companies say oh you know your corporate job is more like a pyramid than anything because the CEO is at the top and you know all these people are at the bottom well that's because the CEO has proportionally more risk than anybody else in the company right so these people have undoubtedly in a you know in a very fair business which most probably are and they operate within the rules I'm sure but like the CEO they were charge of firing people all the decisions are on the weight of their shoulders the lives of people in the business and like if they get paid and it's all waited on them right so these huge decisions that they have to make they have higher risk than somebody who's just you know working at the very bottom they just got in there they're just doing office work or something do you know what I'm saying they have proportionally higher risk that's not the same way that a multi-level marketing company works it's all skewed so the people that are at the top are not doing as much work as the people at the bottom the people at the bottom are actually doing the most work that's to me a major defining characteristic between the two so it's upsetting to me when I see these kind of people like ordering everybody around oh we're all tired and drained but you know because somebody else is tired and drained you shouldn't be like you're gatekeeping being tired so because you're tired or other people are tired I can't be tired I can't be mentally exhausted it's just I would be so competitive I don't blame her finally we have one final video and I had a lot of people sending me this this was made on New Year's Eve this is somebody who's doing kind of like a last-ditch effort to get people involved in Monat and what's interesting that happened on New Year's Eve you don't follow this stuff and your free time and if you don't I totally understand you probably have life but I was following this because there was this founders program that's been going on and it's basically like a scheme to get people involved in the business but if there's a lot of stipulations to qualifying for founders shares of the company of Monique basically the way they were saying is you can earn a certain amount of shares and then those shares will pay you out for life okay things are not always as good as they seem right so of course there was a thousand stipulations to them and they were saying how December 31st 2019 was the last day you could sign up in the business to qualify or potentially qualify for founders shares so a lot of these Monat hunting big push at the end of the year to get people to sign up as many people as they could to sign up for founders share opportunity which they had hyped up all throughout the like end of the year pretty much this is what this girl is doing in the video she's making a you know New Year's Eve video and she's wearing a very you know newsy vest outfit she's trying to get people to sign up to Monat as a like at the last second right and she's talking about why you should do that so here is the video here we go hey guys I thought I would jump on here and just tell you a little bit about why this New Year's Eve is so so crucial for so many people out there um this video is probably gonna get shared a lot just because so if you're watching this you're like who is this person um it's probably gonna get shared quite a bit because I want to shout to the rooftops what opportunity we have with Monat that you could be a part of and it's something that you may not even know about yet and you're watching this and you're like what is she even talking about just listen just listen to me for about five minutes okay I want to let you know that tonight December 31st 2019 could be the most crucial night of your life it could be the most exciting thing that you've ever done and it's huge it's so so so huge what could happen for you when join mo Nate tonight okay so we are a five-year-old company were established we're debt-free most the time when companies open up they have a founders program okay ironic she says we are a five year old company we are established to like five year old companies they're not established okay that's not established but okay you can become an emerging founder and tonight is the last night if it's your last one hundred and ninety-nine dollars I highly encourage you to make the decision to do this not everyone that enrolls tonight is obviously going to become a founder it takes hard work it takes persistence it takes consistency it takes learning how to work this business and just doing it so she says if this is your last one hundred and ninety-nine dollars I highly encourage you to do it I would never highly encourage someone who is has is down to only $200 okay I would not encourage somebody to join something if they ain't bowing out 199 dollars left in their bank account makes no sense and then she does say though you know you're not gonna be a guarantee to find her spot she has to say that this is the way I see it going hardly anyone is gonna qualify for whatever this is okay just doing it the doers are the people who succeed in network marketing people who try to plan it out or they just hope that it's gonna work or whatever they don't succeed okay and I'm just being completely honest with you I was in five other network marketing companies before Monat I never made a dime not a single stinkin dime in the other five companies I was with mone is my sixth company so if you're watching this you're like I've tried network marketing it didn't work for me build above whatever okay don't hear it it's not the company it's it's you I promise um okay so there's not unpack here five network marketing companies before this and none of them worked out you've never made a dime but I'm sure that she was telling people you're gonna make so much money you're gonna be financially free you know in all these other ones what is going on here that's a red flag okay but then to go on to say to people who you're trying to recruit to this business it's not the company it's you trust me it's the stick mentality of where they they put all the pressure on you and it's like if you don't succeed it's oh it's you that it's you know it's the company you're not meant to succeed in these things okay all the people at the top are making all the money the people at the bottom are all scrounging around for cash for last dimes for customers it's oversaturated you're obviously set up to fail nobody's making money in these businesses hardly anybody is only people that are making money really are the people that got in like five years ago three years ago stuff like that right so it's not you I'm here to say if you're you know and if you're in a network marketing company or if you were and it didn't work out it is not you okay your upline will tell you that over and over and over and I hear this all day long from every single person who's ever been in in an MLM that didn't work out their upline told them it's you it's you you didn't work hard enough you didn't put in the effort but they also simultaneously tell you you can work this in pockets of time it could be your side hustle you don't have to put that much effort into it it's not that hard if I can do it you can do it type of thing like their country team himselves always so it's just very annoying it's sick that they say that they say things like this it's you but she you know that in this moment she's making a point that I was in five different ones and this is the one that works because it's the best you know mo Nate's the best in her eyes but she's also saying that it's not the company's it's you so I don't understand what she's trying to make there maybe she misspoke so back to founders opportunities this is it when you joined tonight you are eligible to become a founder doesn't mean you are gonna become a founder joining doesn't mean you are a founder right so you have one whole year to hit a certain rank and again the founder in the company it took me three years to hit that rank or three months sorry not three years due me three months to hit that Frank you guys can do it okay if I can do it with a 1.8 GPA in high school you guys can do it never went to college I was a hairstylist before money but I retired in six months after joining money you guys can do this I promise okay if I can do it you can do it okay it's not that hard it really takes care not caring what people think when you're sharing your opportunity if you're already out there sharing your favorite movie and your favorite restaurant you're telling people to go eat there to watch that movie you're not getting paid for that okay if you're sharing like oh I love this mascara its Giorgio Armani and you can go get it at Dillard's or Nordstrom or whatever I don't get paid for that okay um but you can get paid for sharing products that you love it's not dropping except you get paid for sharing what you love and then when people join you and they share it you get paid for their sales - it is an incredible opportunity I will never do anything else you guys network marketing is the best and smartest way to do business network marketing is the best and smartest way to do business but I was also in five different network marketing companies and I didn't make a dime in any of them Tilman a best and smartest way to make money but less than one percent of people in network marketing ever turn a profit okay when people tell me they're like $199 why and I'm like girl the biggest risk in this is you're getting a bunch of product at a really big discount that's it literally that's it and you have a 30 day money-back guarantee if you want all of your money back in 15 days 30 days whatever they're gonna give you all your money back and you're gonna send the products back to the company okay less than 1% of people have done that so I promise you you won't but there's no risk it's my job to teach you how to talk to people how to go about it the right way and not be spammy and we don't cold message and all that crap okay a lot of companies do that and that might work for them that's not what we teach and I think we've already had 8,000 people join just this month in my downline is that not insane people are snagging this opportunity like they understand that a founders opportunity is huge people coming over from other network marketing companies that are high up in the company it's just crazy right so I forgot what I was saying it's really scary whenever you join a company okay you're not gonna be like super over the moon like excited when you join you're like holy crap what did I just do I've got to figure out who's gonna buy shampoo for me so I can make my money back like that's your first worries right I understand I signed up just like you are gonna sign up okay and when I enrolled I remember being like well that was five hundred dollars because I bought the biggest kit at the time um and let's hope I can sell it all right so that that's everyone's mindset is scared jumping in with two feet completely scared and terrified is so normal so just know that I'd love to talk to you I will talk to you today whenever tonight but this is it this is the last day to become a founder with Moni but tonight is something that will go down in history with a lot of people who are joining so but what's interesting though about the Monat new year's eve talk that she's doing one thing I found out which was much later and I found this out actually because someone sent me I don't know how they got this but they sent me a zoom call that they were on it was like an onboarding they were pitching the idea or pitching to a bunch of people who were not already in Monat and I got access to this zoom call and I watched the entire thing so the past few weeks don't worry but I've been sitting around on zoom calls for pyramid schemes he'll anyway I listened to this entire zoom call and I found out something some alarming things which I thought were interesting so one of the things that you don't realize when these people are saying oh you can join and you'll be a founder and you'll get access to these shares is number one you are not gonna be able to qualify for a founder you know shares until you hit a certain rank in the company which is very difficult to hit especially now okay especially now if you join like in 2019 end of 2019 December it would be so hard to hit it because these are people that have been in the company forever you know it used to be very easy to kind of rank up when it's a very new company know now it would be very hard okay cuz you're under a lot of people you're under a lot of doubt mines so you have to do double the work that's the first thing I found out the second thing I found out is that you can't even qualify for this founders program unless you sign up and by the $1.99 starter pack and that is not the cheapest one you don't even get it if you sign up with the $99 one so the cheapest one is a $99 one which is okay you know that's expensive but not as expensive as $1.99 and not as risky as $1.99 so okay so the $99 starter kit please I beg you guys if you are joining if you decided that this call was the thing to make you join do not lose do not sign up with the $99 starter kit okay it gets you no products it makes you you don't even become considered active in the in your back office you will not be able to become a founder I know I didn't talk about becoming a founder but basically our company is offering right now the opportunity for you guys to earn shares of the company's revenue at some point and when you join your sponsor can explain this more in detail but basically if you join and hit a certain rank within your first year you can become a founder if you join with that $99 pact you won't be eligible to be a founder so just splurge that extra $100 like I said if you have put on a credit card like because the $99 pack is essentially worthless we actually only have that pack because we are required by law to offer a start-up fee for less than $100 so it really is just kind of like it makes no sense to start with that so you know there's cheapest pack they just have it just kind of as a buffer like they just have it for legal reasons and me having looked into the law surrounding these things and what you know what differentiates them I've done hours and hours of research on this in my free time because I have nothing to do and this is all I think about all day but basically people have been sued for being a pyramid scheme over certain things like the entry cost is not low enough so a $99 pack is their solution to not being accused of being a pyramid scheme because they have a low lower tier starter pack to start the business and invest in the becoming a business partner or market partner or whatever so that's the way around being literally being accused of of being in a pyramid scheme that it's a solution to that okay those companies don't have to worry about oh you know what's what can we put in so we're not accused of being a pyramid scheme and so we were just slightly differentiated from being a pyramid scheme here's the differentiation you don't know saying and there's a couple like things that people can do and certain things that are in that I see people doing now which are obviously like they've been instructed to do that by lawyers to avoid these lawsuits and stuff so anyway the $99 ones she is hot video admitting to people who are not even in the business yet don't she says please don't buy that one you barely get anything in it and it's it she says in quote it's just there because we needed to have a $99 option o initial investment oh my god I'm so sorry that I missed that because that's a big thing to talk about so hey I hate calling an investment honestly because when I think investment I just think money that's going to something and not getting anything in return right so I like to call it your initial purchase because you are purchasing a product pack that is basically the supplies to starting your business right like so with this business you're basically purchasing a package of products that you're gonna try on yourself they're yours to keep you would not sell the products that you get you're gonna sell everything from your website online the initial fee so there's different packages and whoever got you onto this koala but definitely chat with them about which package you think is best for you but they range from $1.99 the next one is 349 and then I believe it's $5.99 and seven $7.99 749 something around there $7.99 so we most like most of the time I have people invest in the 349 because I do believe it's the best bang for your buck or I'll do the $1.99 and have them add on some products that I think are really important for them to try out so that is your initial you know investment if you want to call it that but you also have a 30-day money-back guarantee on this product pack okay so you know what I'm talking to people about this like I'm talking to you guys right now there is literally no risks to this you either get involved you you front your money and you get your products you love it you sell it you take off you make five hundred dollars in your first month a thousand dollars in your first month and you are like you know on the road to success or you start you decide for some ungodly reason that this isn't for you and that you can't see yourself succeeding in this and you return your package and you get all your money back so like there's really you have nothing to lose like the only thing honestly that you have to lose is the potential to change your life so I started with so when I started two years ago they're a different product packs so I started with the 299 which is now equivalent to our 349 um I wish I could go back and start with like the 599 because you just get such a bigger discount on the products when you're first getting your product back and I I went and bought you got I wish I could show you guys like I have so many products I don't even know what to do with them because I own every single product because I always want to try them so I would suggest like if you guys can afford it go for a bigger pack 349 is totally fine but if you're you know a little bit strapped for money and you feel like you don't have that much to spend the 109 is great too I threw mine on a credit I had just come home from like a two-week vacation so it was definitely not the time for me to be you know spending $300 on something but like I said there was just something in me like that was like just try this of course want everybody to sign up with the most expensive or super super expensive one because they make money off of that and that's like a huge chunk that's a huge payday for them okay if you buy the $500 pack so by the way those are not products to you devices you those are not products that you're selling those are products that are supposed to be for you so you can try them out why would you go into a business and you're drawing your line in the sand and planting your flag and you're saying I'm only gonna sell these products for the rest of my life to make money and you haven't even tried them yet that is so ass-backwards right it's just it's all sketchy like us it's just sketchy and there's all of these stupid little plot holes and you oh you didn't make it because you needed to do this or you needed to do that and it's on you and it's just it's so yuck I I hate these things I hate these things I hate these things I hate these things so you know again I'll say it again don't go into one of these I know it's the new year and you maybe want to change your whole life and it's a new decade and there's lots of new things on the horizon next it's exciting and you want to change your life or maybe you're stuck in a rut or whatever we've all been there most people go through those times in their life but I can tell you joining a pyramid scheme or you know network marketing company direct sales is only going to detract from your life and it will complicate things it will make you embarrassed shameful regretful it's it's very difficult you it's very difficult to succeed you know the statistics are out there I'll say it again less than 1% of people ever turn a profit in these things so be very careful sometimes they're disguised and just make sure you do a lot of research think about it they were there encourage you to just jump in and have no inhibitions and and know don't trust your instincts and just jump don't do that you don't rush into anything this year do what feels right to you if something doesn't feel right or if you feel like recruiting your family and your friends doesn't feel right don't do it right so anyway hopefully enjoyed this video hopefully you found an informant him please subscribe for more insight MLM content and I will see you guys in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Kiki Chanel
Views: 355,249
Rating: 4.9118118 out of 5
Keywords: monat, anti-mlm, r/antimlm, antimlm, anti mlm, mlm, network marketing, exposed, team beachbody, lularoe, scam, mlm scam, mlm documentary, mlm scams, mlm john oliver, mlm cringe, mlm horror stories, anti mlm stories, anti mlm posts, documentary, lularoe documentary, kiki chanel, kiki chanel mlms, anti mlm cringe, honest, crazy, stories, storytime, anti mlm reddit, reddit, mlm fails, top mlm fails, compilation, mlm fail compilation, 2020, nye, new years, it works, it works scam
Id: MfIuglFeksE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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