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I listened to this while I was getting ready this morning! I could not believe how RUDE and mean the team leaders were!! If my supervisor spoke to me that way I would immediately report him. I also find it interesting like she pointed out how they are saying you have to be cold messaging people all day every day and miss out on family time for it to work even though when they recruit you a main selling point is that you can work your own hours, do it in your free time and spend more time with your kids and family. The hypocrisy is unreal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 221 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FatFruityPebble πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just goes to show how predatory this shit is. I cannot believe they were advocating to recruit people with cancer into their pyramid scheme by saying they needed it to get better. These people are sick

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 118 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/doctor_please πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I encourage anyone to watch this. The tactics used by the "leaders" in this team call is highly disturbing. Kiki once again breaks down all their predatory and limit-abusing tactics on their recruits.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 189 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bettyenforce πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

When they are basically like ignore everyone who cares about you including your close family members sounds more like a cult than a business

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 93 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pinkpuppy0991 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have been binging her videos for a week straight. HIGHLY recommend.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kolbin8r πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This makes me sick. How any self-respecting person could let their "boss" talk to them that way is beyond me. They seem brainwashed! I'm glad Kiki is doing this series, people need to know about these companies, especially Beach Body (which is the company in her video) and Faster Way to Fat Loss because they've been clogging up my IG and Facebook lately due to staying at home.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had a β€œfriend” contact me while I was undergoing cancer treatments saying how her drinks will help me fight cancer. I was also told that my cancer was caused from poor gut health (my cancer wasn’t even gut related.) I was appalled!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hic-et-nunc- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know that telemarketing isn't really the same as the MLM-industry, but a lot, and I mean a lot of what I saw in this video is extremely familiar to what I've experienced in the telemarketing jobs I've worked in. My managers and team leaders would be extremely condescending to me, they would belittle me, yell at me, claim I didn't do my best, yada yada. Kind of led to me snapping back here and there, and now I'm out of that business for good 😌

But yeah, long story short, I'm super familiar with a lot of these tactics, though thankfully, telemarketing is a job you can easily escape from as it won't be indebting you. An MLM-job, on the other hand...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/oncapintadas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video was fucking WILD! I can’t believe how unprofessional and disrespectful the speakers were!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MustangAlexa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
um first of all someone that has cancer guys like this can help people and if someone has cancer be kind but also still invite that but here's the thing she has cancer and that alone is why she needs to be doing this the reason she needs this is because she has cancer that's what you say to people so many people come to me all the time thing I have Crohn's I have you see I don't know if like it this is that's you need this because you have fun you think so do not even hesitate to say that guys people need to hear that isn't there anybody else you can take money from besides people who are chronically ill anybody else say you could sell to No disgusting disgusting you should be ashamed of yourself hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel today we're doing another anti MLM video and it's been a while some of you may have noticed since I've made an MLM video so there can only really be one reason for my very mysterious absence and look I'm just gonna be straightforward and honest with you um I found something okay I found the video the video and I've just been kind of stewing about what do I do with this because every week I'm like there's no way how many times always say here there's no way so this week I mean we got a good one okay we got a good one buckle in because today we're attending our very first MLM power hour if you're unfamiliar with what an MLM power hour is basically the MLM people get on a team call usually like don't even talk and they just invite invite invite all day so they send as many invites as they can in an hour and they all just sit on the Xoom call this is just what I've noticed personally in all the power hours that I've been watching lately this is the dynamic of it the upline like the top person who's like leading it all she usually whoever it is gets on there to talk about how everybody else in the downline is not working hard and everybody else like doesn't know what they're doing or not putting in the effort it's basically like to try to jog the productivity of your downline because they're not doing sales or they are not inviting enough or whatever you know because hello that's the nature of MLM business it's the people at the bottom are just not going to be doing as well overall as the people that were in for seven years right so the upline gets on and just yells at these people and they're like I know what I'm doing I'm working hard nobody else is working hard it's alarming okay this video is no different so yeah we're gonna be attending our first Power Hour it's gonna be it'll be wild it'll be crazy it'll be yeah nothing new so let's just get into it let's begin quick couple things the main person is this person who's ironically wearing a dare t-shirt dare should also include besides resisting drugs and alcohol pyramid schemes but anyway we're watching the person the Dare shirt the red and the blue sleeves that's the top upline person and by the way this is a Beachbody Coach look they're always up to no good you can always count on the Beachbody Coaches to be up to no good so no different today and she has an interesting little henchman who makes the video a lot more interesting who is like I guess her probably second in command and she's she'll know who that person is she's the waluigi to the Wario so here we go you guys are so happy to be here this makes me happy but [ __ ] drumroll I love it sup [ __ ] love it that's me never to hear me yeah sweet all right what time is it six before I literally haven't even started priming it and I'm sitting here and I'm like that's how excited I get for it okay if you've never primed with me before welcome gonna be a little weird I'm a little weird used to it it's gonna be uncomfortable that's okay it's about changing your state okay okay so we're gearing up right now for a like a warm-up okay we're doing a warm-up with the henchmen and uh I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it too I hope you're doing at home I hope you're doing you know but this is all to get geared up for a pyramid scheme team call okay and what I mean by that is your state of being your state of mind if you're sitting there and you're everybody saying no and my family is telling me no and my husband doesn't believe in this and maybe I don't even believe in this and you know maybe all those [ __ ] I went to high school with her right and I'm gonna fail at this raise your hand if you thought that at least one time today you're not alone guess what they're wrong they're [ __ ] wrong stand up I'm going to show you how wrong they are take your hands put them up in the air and you're gonna be pulling energy from the universe into your body and you're gonna breathe in when you're up and how do your nose on the down okay and it's not gonna fly just wipe it off move on pretend that you're wiping it on those [ __ ] safe that I just talked about okay so hands up I'll count you in and you'll just do it while I breathe and then we'll stop and we'll move on right hands up go your eyes are still open you already know what you're doing close your eyes and keep going and down pombe take your sleeve wet your nose take that hand and put it over your heart blood it's Tom Paine beating pretty fast right a little bit freaky you didn't have to do anything for it actually I did I just had to make off fool of myself on the internet to get my blood pumping okay yeah I just wanna remind you guys okay we're doing this to get yer enough to send hey girls on Instagram okay even have to beg for it you didn't have to borrow for it you definitely didn't have to steal for it we're about to beg borrow and steal in the dance you were born into this universe whether you want it to be or not and you were given that purpose every single day if there is blood pumping in there you're alive you have a gift to give the world and it starts with you you will forget to give your [ __ ] damn self forget about everybody else it's about you right now okay feel that blood flow kinda out of breath kind of weird kind of uncomfortable every single time keep your hand there every single time that you sit down to do this job this is gonna start to happen whether you pull energy from the universe or not okay and I want you to remember right now and how energized you feel and how positive you feel and how I've started this by telling you that you were gonna prove somebody wrong and you want [ __ ] pumps and you were ready now you've got your hand on your tit you feel a little little ridiculous right hell yeah every single time you invite to this business you're gonna feel [ __ ] weird and you're gonna feel uncomfortable and your heart is gonna want to burst out of your body can I share something with you you can sit down now and relax I'm gonna keep my hand here for a reason okay you feel that way because that you believe in it and you have something to give and you have something to offer people which isn't slim-fast or Nutrisystem or Weight Watchers or whatever [ __ ] is out there that's why you feel this way not because you don't believe in it but because you wholeheartedly do and you don't want to be proved wrong this is a speech for like people going to war I mean we're about to son hey girls in the DM I feel like I'm watching the movie miracle great moments are born from great opportunity this is your time wait what's this I mean this is so this is goofball [ __ ] quite frankly it's goofball [ __ ] have news for you the only person that can prove you wrong is you not anybody else grab your tit and remember who the [ __ ] you are every time you hold yourself back every time you get in your way and don't send an invite because of what your dad's mom's sister's dog walker might think about you keeps up [ __ ] about that [ __ ] seriously how bad do you want it let's work okay hmm let's get to work ladies okay here's the thing I feel like I've been helping you guys play it safe by let's engage with people let's connect with people let's get my team warmed up because inviting is scary yeah well guess what inviting is the only way you were gonna grow this business the only way so guess what we're gonna do for an hour invite do [ __ ] else you're not gonna go and scroll through people's feeds to say oh my god well maybe they'd make a good coach maybe I'll message them one day you're not gonna go through and say you know oh my god well maybe like how is your job like what breed is your doubt like we're not doing any of that [ __ ] today because that is the comfortable work I have come to the conclusion based on numbers based on strong facts based on strong results that nobody's actually doing the work right people are very comfortable adding people to their network people are very comfortable making connections people are very comfortable posting on social media sharing your journey and doing all of those things and while those are all great those are not making you money and moving your business forward today how many people are here to make money it's not a bad thing okay but you have to show up to this like it's your job and no one is showing up to this like it's their job okay so if I ever got on a team call where someone was telling me I'm not working and I'm not showing up like it's my job talking to me this way like so patronizing I would exit out and cancel my Beachbody just even being told this one time the fact that no money clicks out for this entire video astonishing to me you gotta have more respect for yourself than just sit there and let someone tell you you're not working hard enough because this is the thing people and MLMs here like who are at the bottom levels here all day long you're not working hard enough you're not doing the right things I'm doing more than you nobody's putting in the work only me I would never let somebody talk to me this way just saying I love everyone on this team I would not be here taking time away from my family taking time away from my kids I could be cooking dinner right now I could be doing a lot of things but I'm here investing my time energy and effort into you guys because I believe that every single one of you can do this but guess what 2% of you are showing up and actually doing the work that it takes again saying 2% of you are doing the work that it takes no guys you can't let people talk to you like that you can't you can't you can't okay please have some more respect yourself than that and this there's this false premise that she's put forward here I'm wondering if you caught it but she's saying look I wouldn't be here right now you know I wouldn't be taking time away from my family I wouldn't be taking the time out if I didn't believe in you guys you know and it's like this fig thing because first of all you would because you rely on everybody below you in this team call okay there's actually like two more pages of people you can't see but you rely on all these people so you're here because you need these people to work otherwise you don't make money okay these people are your business and the way you talk to them is indicative of the way your business is set up okay the culture within your business these are the people that you are relying on and you treat them like [ __ ] I mean it's this is the first few minutes of this video and you've already told them that they're not working and only 2% of you even put in the effort like who wants to hear that from their boss or you know somebody that's higher than them I wouldn't guess what that 2% is making money that 2% is rank advancing that 2% is showing up every single [ __ ] day whether they feel like it or not because they're treating this like it is their job this business is hard guys I'm not gonna sugarcoat it this business is hard it takes time it takes effort it takes energy and I need to do a better job of showing that time effort and energy that I put in before I earned the ability to take a step back you see my lifestyle now you see what I have now you see the the freedom I have and the traveling I get to do and you probably sign that because you were like I want that for myself yeah guess what I worked my [ __ ] ass off for it I am not exaggerating when I say that I was in a shitty-ass relationship and this was my escape I sat down headphones in with the computer in my lap next to him to show presence to be there with my family because they didn't support it I put my headphones in and I listened to YouTube videos on how to grow my business while sending invites I wasn't listening to YouTube videos on how to grow my business and connecting I wasn't listening to videos and following people I was literally sending out as many invites as I could until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and then around 2 o'clock in the morning I would go to bed and then I would wake up at 6 do the kid thing do the wife thing and then do it again every single night guys I was exhausted here's another thing I want to point out so again these are all coaches who said yes to the opportunity right so these are all people that have been sold something about this that they probably likes but what did these people what were these people probably likely told they were probably told you can do this in pockets of time do it at your own pace passive income side hustle right that's that is what their pitched but then it's interesting once you get into this team call and these coaches and you're talking to this person your upline she's telling you you have to do this till you can't even keep your eyes open anymore and you have to do that every single day so I want to just point out to you that there is a very stark difference here between what they tell you is the reality of this business all pockets of time whatever you want to do it Mahalo and make money and then there's this the reality which is you have to be sending invites all day long all the time till your eyes are believing if they heard that how many people do you think would want to sign up if you heard that right it's just very interesting this is something that you see because we're on a team call where they think that this is only Beachbody people watching them so I think it's you know something that be aware of if you're on the fence of joining one of these things or you know you're still not sure then you know keep that in mind right yeah I was exhausted did I make money straight out of the gate six figures hell no it took me years but I did the things every single day for years I did not even take one second of a day off not one second of a day off boom mmm good some would say I was obsessed some would say I went a little crazy with it but guess what it makes seven figures doing this [ __ ] now and who gives a [ __ ] what they think okay so I am asking you guys to make a sacrifice for yourself I don't care if your spouse support you I don't care if your mom hates what you're doing you shouldn't care either this is your business okay and if you want to make a change if you are not okay being comfortable where you are then you have to show up and I don't want to hear excuses anymore guys it's it's exhausting to me to have to get a message saying well my dog was sick and I had I don't care you should have been sending invites from the [ __ ] vet okay I don't care if your dog's sick you should have been sending invites from the [ __ ] bet not only is that one of the most heinous things I've ever heard somebody say but for again it's this stark difference okay between what people are told about working this and pockets of time do this whenever I just work from your phone and it's kind of like a passive easy thing and then there's you need to be sending invites while crisis is going on right there's all these people that brag we saw in the last video I'm so thankful I get to take time away and just be with my family and spend time with my family members and and not have to worry about crisis and taking time off but then there's this your dog sick at the vet sick enough to be at the vet and you should be sending invites from the bed and everybody here is complicit in this okay how how if I hear that I'm click I'm exiting out you guys you gotta have a little bit more autonomy here than just sitting here and taking taking this [ __ ] I mean you have where's the meter here of like hey that's not really something that you should be saying it's like who wants to live this life it's just that is disgusting okay you should be ashamed of yourself for saying something like that it's disgusting Sunday I don't care for dogs see you should be sending invites from the vet she really shows how much she cares about these people guys this is the reality of it I'm I'm a good person I started her I'm a good person and I have peace I have to say that probably arc and I have a big heart and I'm only this passionate because I care about your guys's success it is so hard so hard and one day you will realize and you will message me I remember on that one Power Hour when you said this and now I get it it is so hard to recruit people to this business guys there's twenty nine people on this call and there's thousands on our team [ __ ] thousands that alone is hard to see but what's hard to see and hear is recruiting people like you guys on this call and hearing how bad you need this to work your life is a mess you're drowning in dread debt right you're you're so sick with Crohn's or use and you're miserable in your relationship chips are terrible and all of these things that you tell me when you sign up right and then to sit back for months and watch people half-ass this when this is the answer and I god I hope you believe that is it is so hard to sit and watch people just half-ass this business when it is literally the answer to your problem you just have this fear of being successful or whatever whatever the [ __ ] that even means yeah what does that mean if you're being successful don't think so so many people have a fear of being successful right so many people have a fear of being uncomfortable so many people have a fear of what their family's gonna think you are letting that fear paw Paw's your success and pause your future because guess what I want you to close your eyes and think about it a year from now if you keep doing exactly what you did today where are you gonna be a year from now exactly what you did today just today how many invites did you send how many coaches did you work with how many new people did you recruit if you did exactly what you did today every single day for a year close your eyes and where would you be exact same spot probably so patronizing you'd probably be in the same spot because you're really not doing anything not even moving forward you don't even working hard two percent of you're working hard people aren't just putting in the work like how do you listen to somebody tell it talk to you like that really I'm shocked ma'am probably okay I'm not asking you guys to eat sleep and breathe Beachbody I did and it worked for me she is kind of asking people to do that I mean when you're at the vet when your dogs sick and you're still sending invites you're you gonna probably get a problem yeah but I'm asking you to give this a little bit of effort okay that means getting uncomfortable that means sending an invite to the people that you need to send invites to even though you don't want to okay fast forward a year from now where do you want to be are you okay being in the exact same spot or are you needing that to change that's what you have to ask yourself and if you need it to change stay on this call and let's work and let's do some invites if you're not ready and you're already pissed off at me get the [ __ ] off the call okay I'm over it Oh burn it guys really get the [ __ ] off the car I mean this is a business call from someone who I legend Lee makes seven figures in the business and we're being told to get the [ __ ] off the car I know that it's like this weird power trip kind of motivational strategy that these people take or it's they think they're like so badass and cool but it's just not appropriate there's holding people accountable but then there's just this like this is just belittling and patronizing and I don't know how you could have respect for somebody like this who talks to you like she obviously has no respect for like anybody on this call head off and I am NOT gonna run with people anymore that are slowing me down okay because I want I would [ __ ] love for all 32 of you to be like hit diamonds diamond in October I [ __ ] did it I'd be like [ __ ] let's have a 32 people party in Denver yeah I would love to do that now make me do that okay let's [ __ ] work let's send some invites not even gonna walk you through an invite guys you guys know how to invite okay I'm over it I'm over it you know how to invite you know who to invite you need a place to start go to Facebook and started a a okay Aaron's gonna come up and he needs an invite okay you've already gone through all of Facebook go to Instagram and start it one two three four Joan whatever the [ __ ] their name is okay start inviting people I don't care if you think they would benefit from coaching or they would benefit from a group I want you to talk to them and I want you to invite them okay everybody I'm gonna sit I'm gonna do the exact same thing not even gonna play music you want to chat if you have a question please unmute yourself literally I want you all to just sit and do invites all day long now I am here to help walk you through them yes if you get in if you send an invite or you have questions or messages in your inbox and you have a question about one of them or you need help with what to say to one of them I am so happy to help okay I'm you and please let me help you walk through those conversations because guess what as new coaches you really do not have any idea how to talk people okay you might think you do but you don't so I want to help walk you through those conversations hopefully you guys can you know sense how manipulative that statement is right there okay and it's it's a conundrum that a lot of people in MLM get caught in with their upline it's it's just this very strange and confusing dynamic that I can imagine is happening because their upline is telling them and acting like they are just like this Messiah who knows more this all-knowing savant that knows everything about MLMs and how to be successful and they hold the key to these people's success cuz she's even saying these people look just because you're new you're just you're not gonna know how to talk to people I know how to talk to him so ask me the questions right but it's like maybe these people do they probably actually do know to talk you know I'm saying it grabs a hold of certain people I feel like this dynamic probe people from leaving because these the upline acts like they know it all and like they've got a secret to success like some secret sauce that they're just holding like they're dangling it right over their head and I think it's very damaging to these people because the truth is these people don't hold anything and don't really know anything more than you do besides they got in seven this girl got into seven years ago okay seven years ago so things were different then it's not that she's you know you know better obviously she's been doing it for more years but just because she's been doing it longer doesn't mean that she's any better than these people it's just inviting people it's not again it's not like we're going you know we're going into brain surgery here we're sending hey girls on on Facebook okay it's not that hard so it's just manipulative it's patronizing yes but guess what you have to start it with an invite yes are we ready to work we're ready to invite we're gonna be here until six o'clock mountain time I'm here to work with you guys so let's [ __ ] work inviting starts now and it's gonna be weird awkward silence so just work okay one more thing before the call gets to the weird awkward phase where we all begin to start inviting people on Facebook like as many as we can we're gonna be inviting as many people as we can that's the intent of a Power Hour right so if there's ever been a point in your life where you thought you were like super special this person in an MLM picked me to be one of their business babes boss babes with them I just want to let you know these people say the same thing to just about a hundred people a day okay I don't remember if in this team call if they talk about how many people they've invited I think there might be one time where they smell [ __ ] like oh yeah I did I invited 60 people 120 like there was a lot of different numbers I can't remember though but that's how many people they can invite in an hour okay so it's a lot of people so I just want to make it very very clear if you've ever been on the fence or if you've ever gotten a message and felt like oh wow this person curated me you know I don't want to make you feel that because I know you're an awesome person you're the best okay the number one best but they didn't pick it's not because they think you're like amazing and you have all these redeemable qualities and you're gonna be better than everybody else and you'd be perfect for the job and you just popped into their mind and they can't stop thinking about you like I'm sorry but they've said that message to about a thousand people and I know that's obvious for some people but you guys for some people it's not okay a lot of people join these businesses every day of thinking that they were the chosen one right whoa chosen one it's not the way it goes okay so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna invite about a thousand people right now and we'll catch you on the flip side okay so we've been inviting for a while okay I have been on tik-tok but so somebody asked a question in the chat and the henchmans gonna answer Ashley rien vite always so if it's on social media and they're still watching I'll go back in three days later what's up still watching my stuff why aren't you doing this with me and I'll send a video of myself saying that too in that tone of voice if it's an email a week two weeks three weeks four weeks but honestly I'll follow up every week with somebody because if they gave me their email it means that they actually are interested even a cut hair and you're an idiot if you give your email to someone and don't get spammed like I don't know what to tell you commit go all into this business be a network marketer be okay with me emailing people so I just meant like they're in my Instagram they're not even engaging my stuff but they're still following me so message I'm gonna be like literally a video of yourself like video yourself be like you know what's up I see you watching all my stuff how can you not do this with me yet okay they're gonna be like oh my God thank you for sending me a personal message save that message by the way when you record the video and send that to every single person that keeps watching your stories because they will think it's for them and it is for them remember that thing I said about look sorry but you're not that special the proof is in the pudding sweetie so so first of all is that somebody sent me a yo what's up why'd you doing this with me I would be so [ __ ] spooked I would probably change my name in most states that is so [ __ ] creepy and I wouldn't I don't know who that's gonna work on but maybe it's just I don't know maybe I'm different maybe I'm different maybe I'm a little bit of an oddball but that's just creepy to me so then she's like oh my god this is gonna work because it feels like you know to that person it feels like you sent that just to them but then she says oh but by the way save that and send that to everybody so you can fake and pretend like you're being authentic people are so dishonest so your invite come with a couple of different ways like if you're inviting to a challenge group hey girl I am starting a group on November 1st and you're the first person I don't care if you have to like the first person that came to my mind I think you need to join my accountability group I have it starting in November first I'd love to chat with you more about it I don't care if you have to lie again these people are so dishonest so dishonest there's nothing I mean I'm sorry but please don't fall for like I was chosen by this person and who thinks I'm amazing this is especially difficult when the person that's contacting you is like really good-looking or they're really rich or you know that's like the allure of the lems is like oh my god this really attractive person who's got their life together thinks I'm gonna be the next big thing and you cannot fall for that because they've sent that same message to a thousand other people that day so here's a really interesting part of the video so the henchman says can she do responses so these people are now it's like asking the group they're inviting and then they're getting like negative responses or like objections that they're trying to overcome so this girl is telling them what to do how to get over certain things can I do responses please please yeah I would love for you to do that go girl okay every person is going to message you with some nonsense whether they have a chronic illness or not us with chronic illnesses are gonna send you the most nonsense because we identify with it until we learn not to anymore so I would write back to that oh man so does my coach I would love to give you more info about how this lifestyle has completely changed both of our lives what's a good email to reach you at probably easier there I like they literally can write back to me unless they write back to me that they are unable to eat and breathe then I'm inviting them and saying oh I'd love to give you more info and I'll put like a little thing at the beginning if they write a sob story just because I'm not an awful person because I remember that my first message that was I can't do this so like I remember that but I'm also like why limit yourself I'd love to give you more info just a conversation what's a good email to reach you at okay mmm the thing that scares me about this is you know she's this person obviously has like a very I don't give a [ __ ] I'm unfiltered I'm an edge Lorde attitude which is fine I think you can be an edge Lorde like in your personal time but like when it comes to business maybe don't say these certain things like the only way I'm not gonna invite somebody as if they're telling me that they're not they candy and they can't breathe like that's just a I mean you have to recognize that that's a very inappropriate thing to say and to be advising other people because obviously this person is in a position in the in the company I don't know where she is exactly or what her ranking is but like these people all below her so they're all like okay she's doing something and she knows something that maybe I don't know and she's giving advice to people on how to get over things and she's just so inappropriate like you should never run a business this way talking like this and it's very scary to me that you can say you know certain things about oh I have a chronic illness and I see this all the time by the way I have a chronic illness blah blah and these people will still push you and try to get you to join in fact they like when they see that you have a chronic illness because then they think that they can use that and say oh yeah my coach has that or oh this changed my life and oh this balance something and they'll make unsubstantiated claims that are oftentimes illegal by the way according to the FTC but they'll make these claims to try to reel you in and it's just disgusting so here's another this girl's gonna handle another question some no I don't want to buy your products okay well [ __ ] you then just don't say that okay listen everyone's gonna tell you they don't have money because everybody has the money they all just got denied it's not that they like don't have money they're following you on Instagram which is a free app that's only downloadable onto a smartphone so they have [ __ ] money it's not like they're at the public library falling okay so call themselves out on the [ __ ] you to this idea this this thing that these people have latched onto like oh you're on an iPhone you're on a thousand dollar smartphone you're on a you know whatever so therefore you must have the money to join my pyramid scheme know the one thing of advice that I was given before I started working at Sephora which always helped me and I think it's just a great thing in life if you're in sales is to never determine somebody's budget for them right so you should never assume somebody has more money than they do you should never assume somebody doesn't have money who might have money it goes both ways you can never assume that people have money just because they have an iPhone so this next one though this next part is wild um first of all someone that has cancer guys like I don't have cancer but I have chronic illness and this has helped my health I know that FDA doesn't claim it I don't care this has helped my health significantly I mean so guys this can help people and if someone has cancer be kind but also still invite that but here's the thing she has cancer and that alone is why she needs to be doing this that alone that's weak guys so much stuff is related to the way we're eating like if you didn't hear Carl and Isabel talk about it on stage about how we're exposed to all kinds of [ __ ] by walking outside like inhaling this and things in our skin in her mind in her body and all these Rays of this and UV it all this [ __ ] the reason she needs this is because she has cancer that's what you say to people are these two scummiest people on earth let me know are these the two scummiest people on planet earth first of all neither of these two people are a doctor neither of them are health professionals not even close and did you notice what the one girl said in the red she said did you listen to Carl on stage talk about this their CEO so all of this information they're getting is the CEO is telling it okay I'm gonna say this again leave people with cancer alone please please leave cancer people alone please please don't bring somebody with cancer into your pyramid scheme where less than 1% of people are gonna turn a profit please don't scam people with cancer okay please don't please don't make people with cancer who already have crazy medical bills pay for workouts and that could be and should be free okay free free okay I'm YouTube check it out on YouTube free okay free nutritional advice free okay people give that out for free nothing Beachbody offers is necessary and that's obvious right and that's obvious so this is the this is one of the more deplorable things that I've ever heard people say and I don't think you would be able to hear this unless you got a hold of one of these kind of team calls just saying this is what goes on when all the doors are closed and they think nobody's watching it's just the inner group right what the [ __ ] is going on so many people come to me all the time and I'm sure Lindsay gets the same thing I have Crohn's I have you see I don't know if I get this is that's you need this because you have do not even hesitate to say that guys people need to hear that too many people are like what's this pill I can take to cover this up or maybe I'll go what's this shake you've got cuz it might help No you need this because you have that illness and that disease isn't there anybody else you can take money from besides people who are chronically ill anybody else that you could sell to no really that's your pool of people you can't find healthy people to do this disgusting disgusting you should be ashamed of yourself I get sick watching [ __ ] like this and every single week I don't think that [ __ ] like this can come out of people's mouths and it does and I'm just sitting here like how does this come out of people's mouths how do people think of this up I couldn't dream this up if I wanted to disgusting okay recognize that so to follow that one up we've got another great clip from our fearless leader so if you are on my team and running a free group I don't know where the [ __ ] you learned that but you need to unlearn it right now okay here's the thing free groups do not work they are going to of your time effort and energy that could be spent showing people valuable things like your workouts and your Shakeology and your nutrition plans and all of these things and creating value because guess what if you're inviting enough people that price isn't gonna matter so why the [ __ ] are you offering a free group all these people down here can I speak directly to you please why are you still on this call why are they on this call I don't know where the [ __ ] you learned that we need to unlearn it somebody spoke to me that way you don't want to know okay here's another favorite part of this call one of the girls gets blocked you got blocked me so can I ask you are using quick replies are you copying and pasting um I'm using quick replies but I've been going probably for two hours before this nevermind good job good job good job so here's another little clip I like you guys also have Facebook right so like I was doing Facebook and I got blocked a few hours ago so then I went to Instagram and then I got blocked so I went back to Facebook like [ __ ] you algorithm okay then I got blocked from both and guess what I did a sauna there is always something to be doing if you're doing I promise you so she says she got blocked on Facebook and Instagram right the reason why I showed that is because I think that getting blocked is almost seen at least in this group but I've seen it in other MLM groups too is like a sign of oh that's an achievement I got blocked I'm doing I'm going so hard I got blocked right and at least in this group it seems to be an achievement they're all celebrating getting blocked and she's thinking like oh I'm such a badass I got blocked but I think getting blocked is an indicator that you're doing something wrong on the platform like you're misusing the platform and you're abusing you know relationships and boundaries and certain things like that right I think what they're talking about like getting blocked from Facebook and having to move over to Instagram then they're not talking about like getting blocked by one person I think they're talking about like they're getting sort of temporarily suspended off of Facebook and so that's why they're moving over to Instagram so I think that's very weird I know Facebook and Instagram have certain mechanisms where they can detect when people are adding too many people in a certain time that it's built in there because you're not supposed to be doing that right so anyway this girl is going to talk about it in a second here too so a quick question your gufu form I jumped over to it real quick because I got blocked on Instagram and Facebook so yours is multiple things the one that I have it will only let me put tin so here's another great clip let's watch it you guys see me laughing right okay every time I learn something at Tony Robbins as well as priming I'm gonna teach it to you right now when you get a response and it's some [ __ ] I want you to plug your nose and this is literally Tony Robbins stood on stage and did this and this is like why if you watch in the call you see Carly's face she's probably cracking up cuz she's reading it doing she was there okay this is what we hear when somebody messages us when a grown up message is this no thank you thanks for thinking of me but I'm I'm really good with my roots no no okay so like that's why I laugh so that's what you need to do instead of getting frustrated or annoyed or oh my god in order see only this person doesn't care about their health nobody cares about their health okay just look at it and write back oh are you sure cuz I'm having the most fun and I would love to share more info with you about what I do so her advice is to mock the person that's told them no Mock the person that they told him no huh necessary her advice by the way that she gives on a team call to all these other people below her gotta love it yep these people are super nice super cool would love to hang with them any day of the week this is the closing clip from our fearless leader so let's watch this has to happen in the privacy of your own home with your dog on your lap with your kids running around like [ __ ] crazy with your husband rolling his eyes because he doesn't support this says it has to happen through all of that too it can't just happen by weekly on a Power Hour okay it can't it has to be an every single day thing and unless you are willing to force it to being an everyday thing to making it a priority to sacrificing guys listen to this - sacrificing time away from your family to make this work it's not gonna work guys I didn't go to family events so that I could sit and work my business I didn't go to birthday parties so I could sit and work my business I didn't go to pool parties with my family I didn't do this I didn't do that I gave a lot uh and the fact is that a lot of you aren't willing to do that yet but until you are willing to do those things your business isn't gonna be where you want it to be so this is a nice full circle piece here because she's saying look you got a sacrifice and take his time away I didn't get to go to pool parties like who cares but I think it's got a family event I had to sacrifice all this stuff and she's saying if you don't sacrifice your business is not gonna take off and you guys aren't willing to do that like these people just sat on here for an hour with these goofballs okay what do you mean they're not willing to do it they set out here for an hour inviting till they got blocked right they just put in an hour of work right here with no guarantee of pay right but it's again this false narrative that these people push to try to get you to join small pockets of time side hustle do this work when you want when you want I don't have a boss I can do things when I want to do it and I can make a full time income still I can make side money whatever passive income right these are all things that make it seem like it's gonna be easy and then you get on this call you're already a coach this is the reality you signed up you paid the hundred and eighty dollars whatever it is to become a coach and then this person tells you look you will never be successful unless you sacrifice it all right that is the reality that's what you see when you become one of these people not before they don't say this to you before you're going to sacrifice right we do not say this to before so anyway I just want to make that very clear you know if there's still people who are on the fence here because you know what a lot of people are still joining [ __ ] Beachbody money these people these businesses right now during this pandemic are having some of the best months that was probably the one of their best q 2 q ones that they've ever had you know I'm saying so so seeing the reality of these things is more important now than ever right so anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video that was like a behind the scenes look you know we just did our first power hour together many more to come hopefully but yeah I hope you found this again you know educational send this to your friends share it and like this video if you liked it don't forget to subscribe it really helps my channel out it helps me out if you can turn on vacation zone from when I post that'd be awesome and yeah hope you guys enjoy it I'll see you guys in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Kiki Chanel
Views: 719,809
Rating: 4.9424014 out of 5
Keywords: monat, anti-mlm, r/antimlm, antimlm, anti mlm, mlm, network marketing, exposed, team beachbody, lularoe, scam, mlm scam, mlm documentary, mlm scams, mlm john oliver, mlm cringe, mlm horror stories, anti mlm stories, anti mlm posts, documentary, lularoe documentary, kiki chanel, kiki chanel mlms, anti mlm cringe, honest, crazy, stories, storytime, anti mlm reddit, reddit, mlm fails, top mlm fails, compilation, mlm fail compilation, 2020, monat fails, monat hair loss, beachbody fails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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