all Minecraft Enchantments BREAK at 2,147,483,647?!

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so you see the title you saw the thumbnail how how did i get an item with 2 billion 147 million 483 647 levels otherwise known as the signed integer limit within minecraft 1.16 i mean it's been pretty well understood that the highest level enchant you can modify an item to have is 32 767. if i try to use an nbt editor to modify my items beyond this point it just tells me that anything above that is outside of the acceptable range but what if we could change the range what if instead of saving this value as a short value which maxes out at 2 to the 15 minus 1 which is 32 767 we could just delete the value and then save it as something higher than that within nbt explorer these six buttons allow me to create new tags each of which have their own distinctive limit bytes max out at two to the seventh power minus one or 127 shorts max out at 2 to the 15th minus 1 integers at 2 to the 31 minus 1 floats at 2 to the power 128 and doubles at 2 to the power 1000 does that mean we can get item enchantments that have a level over 300 digits long well no no matter how you store it the maximum item enchantment that minecraft can understand is the signed integer limit of 2 to the 31 minus 1. still though it's pretty insane with that i can one shot all of these withers without even concerning myself with my attack cooldown but what about the other enchantments i mean there are 38 enchantments within minecraft 1.16 what happens when we set all of them to the signed integer limit do they all become incredibly overpowered and stupid are there any unexpected results well let's go ahead and let's check it out today's video is brought to you by core have you ever wanted to take a swing at creating games of your own does having a platform to easily create and publish your own games using the unreal engine sound appealing if you want to give their game construction tool a try for yourself or check out the thousands of free pc games designed with course platform be sure to check it out in the link in the description down below so short and sweet you might be asking why not just give myself the items with the enchantments in game instead of using nbt explorer i mean in game anyways you can run a command to give yourself enchanted items with whatever level you want up to the signed integer limit well this is why automation it's way easier to give myself level 1 enchanted items in game and then replace them all with an nbt explorer at the click of a button so we have all the items onto testing i'm gonna split this video up into three different segments offensive defensive and miscellaneous enchantments because there's so many enchantments to go over from this point on i'm mostly just gonna rapid fire through the whole thing we're already 3 minutes and 41 seconds into this video so yeah first up offensive the offensive melee enchantments are all easily the most impressive items on this list sharpness 2 to the power 31-1 deals just over a billion damage to its target or about 0.492 damage per enchantment level and then smite deals 5 billion 282 million 809 760 damage to undead targets along with bane of arthropods which was even more impressive dealing 5 billion 368 million 709 248 damage to this spider or exactly 2.5 damage per level using netherrite swords i was only able to figure these numbers out by giving these mobs 10 billion absorption points and then seeing how much was left after i landed a hit nine more offensive enchantments to go the first eight of which act kinda different from this point on many if not most of the items on this list do not behave as if they have an enchantment level of over 2 billion many of them have no additional effect beyond a certain level and some of them just break beyond a certain level so the three remaining offensive melee enchantments are fire aspect sweeping edge and knockback fire aspect peaks at level 255 causing the target to burn for 20 392 ticks or almost exactly 17 minutes sweeping edge only causes the damage dealt to other mobs to equal the damage dealt from the primary blow maxing out at level 15. however with sweeping edge the damage added on from other enchantments do apply here so with a maxed out sharpness enchantment i can wipe out this entire pit of zombies all of which have 4 billion absorption points in one felt swoop or sweep and then there's knockback which peaks at level 255 allowing for a pig knocked off of a maximum height block to sail for about a thousand blocks or so the six remaining offensive items are all range related in some way the first three of which are bow related the flame enchantment maxes out at level 1 only allowing the target to burn for a maximum of 5 seconds power is limited to level 255 dealing somewhere between 400 and 500 damage depending on how fast the arrow is moving when it hit the target and punch was also limited to 255 acting pretty much the same as knockback allowing for this pig to sail about a thousand blocks or so and then there's the crossbow with multi-shot there's no difference beyond level one because the enchantment itself just causes three arrows to be fired that amount doesn't increase with higher levels or anything this next one however might be one of my favorites piercing while only maxing out at level 127 and breaking at any level beyond that piercing 127 allows for me to hit somewhere between 30 to 35 mobs in a row with a single shot it looks pretty hysterical and finally we have the impaling enchanted trident which is not level limited at all actually dealing about the same amount of damage as bane of arthropods but to water creatures instead all right 19 items down 19 to go first up the four protection items most of which are actually pretty interesting so first up protection this one caps out at level 20 wherein you get an 80 damage reduction while testing this i also figured out that if the armor piece breaks you are not protected on the hit that the armor piece breaks fun fact in order to test this i gave myself super high absorption levels but i observed that the game tries to render the hearts for any absorption level below 2.147 billion so as you could imagine when the game tries to load a literal billion hearts on screen it crashes immediately so next up fire protection for any fire protection level beyond 7 you quite simply will not catch on fire at all ever that doesn't stop lava from hurting you though for blast protection level 10 and beyond causes a tnt blast to the face to hit me for half of my health so beyond level 10 it seems to make no difference same thing with projectile protection actually which has no additional effect beyond level 10 where i'll take at most half a heart of damage from an unpowered bow and finally there's the thorns chest plate which is not level limited at all dealing 2 billion 113 million 123 968 damage to the target or 0.984 damage per thorns level and finally there's feather falling which is unfortunately level limited to 7 or allowing me to take one heart of damage per 10 block fall allowing for me to survive a 95 block fall or so alright from this point on we've got the miscellaneous effects some of which are actually pretty fun but all of which are unfortunately level limited to level 255 or lower but don't worry most of these are actually pretty fun respiration maxes out at level 255 which lets me breathe underwater for about 50 to 100 minutes or so without needing to take a single breath deathstrider has no effect beyond level 3 since this enchantment only matches my walking speed to begin with and doesn't let me exceed it efficiency which while it will break through obsidian immediately with a wooden pickaxe at this level that'll also happen with a level 71 wooden pickaxe so it's effectively capped at level 71 and then there's fortune and looting both of which are unfortunately level capped at level 255 i was really looking forward to this one being uncapped but as it stands at best it'll allow you to obtain about four stacks of items from your target still not bad though frost walker is unfortunately another disappointment being level limited to level 16 which causes a 15 to 16 block radius circle of ice to appear around you as you walk and then there's the quick charge crossbow which instantly charges the crossbow at level five and refuses to work at level six and beyond so four more items to go three of which are actually pretty awesome before getting into the final and legitimately most interesting items on this list i want to take a second to thank the sponsor for this video core core is a platform that makes it easy to play share and even create your own games easily and for free if you've ever wanted to make your own game but had no idea where to get started consider giving core a try and as well try out one of the thousands of games already published to the core platform shooters rpgs sims you name it core's got it core is also a social platform where you can hang out with tons of other creators and players as well core is also hosting a screen run speedrun tournament from october 29th to november 1st wherein you can compete for 6 300 in prizes by playing for the best time in three core games play at core is also completely free so be sure to check them out by clicking on the link in the description down below so alright first up and definitely least interesting of the final four items is unbreaking which is awesome as it would be to have it totally uncapped it's unfortunately level capped to 255 still though your items are going to be virtually indestructible with it and then there's soul speed while also capped at level 255 this one allows you to move hilariously fast on the ground but not as fast as riptide which again is limited to level 255 but this one just look at it combined with an elytra you just go stupidly fast this one is easily one of the absolute most fun items to mess around with and then last but certainly not least is loyalty this one is level capped at 127 and the tridents are only collectible up to about level 110 or so but between that and 127 instead of picking up the tridents as they fly back at you yeah what they infinitely float above your head even if i log out and log back in that's just weird so yeah that's it that covers everything while there are seven more enchantments in the game as of minecraft 1.16 aqua affinity channeling cursive binding cursive vanishing infinity silk touch and mending all naturally don't do anything different at any higher levels so wow this video was actually an enormous amount of work to put together at first i thought it was just going to be a silly little video where i would just try out all of these enchantments and just have fun with them but the amount of idiosyncrasies involved with this project made it a lot of work to tackle so please if you enjoyed this video especially this time please consider leaving a like on it because it would really help out myself the channel and the video quite a lot so i hope you all enjoyed my name is ant venom and i bid you all farewell thanks so much for watching
Channel: AntVenom
Views: 974,176
Rating: 4.9372787 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, antvenom, breaking minecraft, minecraft enchantments, minecraft enchants, enchants minecraft, enchantments, minecraft tutorial, minecraft guide, antvenom minecraft, minecraft 2147483647, highest enchantments minecraft
Id: HEsJi3caJeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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