These Football STARS Are Just DIFFERENT! The Stories Behind Deestroying, an 8 Year Old Phenom & MORE

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the best rewards is going to come to the people who take the biggest risks nobody would have been willing to take that risk nobody other than myself oh man that was good from distance money boy that's good bro what's good how are you doing i see how you kicking that thing it looked pretty good you already know man got a little leg on me a little something as a quarterback man we never really appreciate how special you know you guys are kicking and punting but your feet look pretty good man i see you got a little bit of soccer skill in you actually yeah i grew up playing soccer bro oh you had the cheat code to life right there right yeah a lot of kickers transitioned from soccer growing up to kicking so hey i mean how did you get into it if somebody was like yo like i see you doing this little juggling thing you might as well come on football my next door neighbor he used to play football yeah brett's my best friend bro we used to hoop outside and one day he decided to go to football instead of you know meet me outside the court so i was bored at home so he told me just come out and i ended up trying out for receiver after practice coach was like who knows how to kick so you know like yeah i'll try it so i kicked and ever since then it's been history so how long did it take you get the hang of it i know you probably played early as a freshman it was quick i i learned things pretty fast i started watching football highlights oh you didn't know nothing about no bro no i was costa rica and i played soccer most of my life i ain't i wasn't keeping up with football like that yeah football baby killing me right now i know so how'd you get a scholarship with i mean all the circumstances were against you it sounds like getting recruited as a kicker is a little different i feel like you can't just perform in games and expect a scholarship you got to go to the camps get your name out there and stuff like that so i mean the work ethic seems like it's solidified in your foundation see how hard kickers got to work i mean it's not easy but you know now that i'm from l.a and we bringing you to la i got to show you a little bit more about my city oh yeah let's get it i'm claiming the city now anyway let's get it are we going right now man you know i told you in l.a now so we got to take you to the authentic la food spots it's all about the food trucks out here so football though i mean you grew up a soccer fan what is it about football that like made you be like oh football is where it's at for me i don't know but i just fell in love just watching games on sundays i'd be like bro this is like everybody's watching the whole america i mean i moved to america all of america is watching this sport so in a sense football was the american dream for you it was the american dream for me though did football change for you when you went into college football football changed a whole lot a whole lot what they say about college is it teaches you a lot of accountability and it turns you into a man so i kind of grew up and i turned into a man in that sense you know i had to be up on time six o'clock 5 30 in the morning i had to be at practice on time if i missed something i had to be held accountable was punished so how did that translate into your youtube creation there's times where i start slacking then the football mindset come in it's like bro come on now you got to get right you got to work you got to grind so football was a mentality that kind of like locked you in yeah yeah yeah you're right you get to college it is uh it changes you know whole other world but we pulled up to the food trucks now we get the experience this even better get it leo's taco truck one of the most famous taco trucks in all of california i get three chicken and three asadas cheese and lettuce on them only how you gonna take me to the best spot but not even get the best ingredients well i did chicken cheese and lettuce that's all you need what do you think man i didn't even try yet it's time to see i need a drum roll bro delicioso fire didn't even drive this truck down on orlando i parked it right outside of my house sounds so good make you want to speak spanish i don't know you know a little bit don't you i know a lot of it how you say these tacos are ah estes tacos esto tacos estan delicioso thank you to spanish lesson win cheers so ucf you get there you're making the videos and you started popping on on instagram yeah and you started to see you got like what 20k you said yeah and they're just vlogging your college yeah experience just enjoying myself bro you know i kept it clean i knew i was a role model because i was an athlete so i had to represent myself the right way when did it turn bad for you money start coming in the followers start coming in people start noticing oh who was donald delahay this ucf kicker he's making videos you know this i guess is where i messed up we got our bowl of gifts and i made this post and i was like all right i got this jacket and hat that i'm not gonna wear if y'all tag me on instagram repost this photo you know pick a winner and you know give it out i wasn't gonna give it out though cause i knew it was like some illegal stuff behind that yeah it started popping blue yeah i'm going crazy the post got like 20k likes hell of people resharing and i get a phone call from my compliance officer tommy are you making money i was like maybe no but at the end of the day they're like nice either you donate all the money you made back delete your channel just associate yourself with all the social media stuff you made to keep your eligibility or keep your channel keep doing what you do but now you're not eligible you can't play football again so what'd you do i'm here i'm here you've actually found a new way of for student athletes i think exactly to kind of express themselves not even just through the athletes you see all these nfl guys out here trying to make youtube channels and yeah it's everybody well you definitely deserve credit i mean you took all the brunt force now everybody's celebrating yeah where you was hated for doing exactly so i mean that's something to stand tall on that's why they said ten toes down since it was down you see it's on the shorts man let's slide over to the fairfax man we gotta see if that swag is gonna be straight over there they like shoes hopefully they got some shoes out there oh yeah if you want to spend some rent on them oh man i don't know about that all right we pulled up the flight club man let's go in and see what they got that's it oh my god oh yeah i already know you probably rock something like this man nah that's too much that's you that's too much too much songs that's too much we might as well just show people how you shop hey man i don't know if you're ready for this bro shield your eyes we got them fire at five to kill me now why the fire red fires when you already got five i mean i just got these and i love them so why not get another color you feel me now before you came out here i of course watched your videos yeah and you're pretty natural in front of the camera so like is that something that you've always had like can you show me a little bit of tip from a jump bro i was very shy with more practice and just being yourself it comes naturally you feel me oh yeah we think you showed me something yeah you just got to grab the camera yo what's good y'all boys boy just showing back for another video here with that man lucky lucky teach them how to vlog just like that hey grab it teach you how to blow yo lucky lefty yo what's good i'm with my boy you know we out here yeah vlogging that's pretty natural okay i like it i mean look at this place man you ever thought you would be somewhere like this never in a million years bro this is beautiful man we talked about being great and being great requires a lot of sacrifice and you had to give up a lot but the dream is still alive just in a different way live exactly i mean you get your friends there be like oh you're doing you know youtube you you doing videos you hanging out with all these people like what do you even do i don't even know i can't even describe it to you the whole time in the back of my mind at least i'm like man i just would die to be on the football field there's a lot of people that would die to be in the position that we in every day i feel like that's that's one thing i kind of take for granted a lot and i catch myself sometimes i'm like dude you're living a dream right now to any regular person like i'm 22 right now to be graduating and i have no idea what i want to do yeah you know you invest your whole life and soap in football yeah and when it doesn't pan out like you want to you kind of feel lost a little bit but but see here's the thing though we still can make our dreams happen you can still make the dream you just can't still make the dream come true so what's the next step for you man i mean you living in california you might as well just stay out here man oh i want to come out here eventually man but like i said i couldn't have planned this two years ago what i'd be doing right now so i just live life in the moment man i'm just waiting till i'm just rolling with the punches going where the wind takes me man like this power man you know it's the lucky lefty oh man destroying how were you out oh man i'ma enjoy this view bro for a little bit longer though i've been in the gym for as long as i can remember people say my workouts are crazy that i need to just be a kid but i love the grind and i love this game it's paying off on the field and it's going to give me the future i want i'm flashing i'm eight years old and i'm different today was working on speed and agility position work which is his running back and we're also working on strengthening training there you go job so this right here we got a contact drill you're preparing yourself to run the ball you're not gonna sit there and wait on the line back you're gonna do your job you gotta run you gotta hit the hole you gotta secure the ball once you get it and you need to go if you don't don't get clobbered some days we'll do chest workouts where we'll do bench we'll do kettlebells and then different days we'll do leg things we'll do extensions we'll do curls squats it's not the touchdowns it's not the exercises it's his mentality and his approach to the game it's the way that he walks in the gym it's the way that he walks on the field go back go back i'm already here flash anytime he does bad i'm on him he's basically giving himself an opportunity to get hit some people say it's not cool for kids to lift weights it's what he's lifting we're not talking power lifting i think a lot of people get a misunderstanding to think that his 24 hours is consumed with training because that's all they get to see we're talking stan action stand fitness actually children's supposed to be active at least 60 minutes a day and this is what kids do it's just we have a more of a structured controlled environment you know we're comfortable we're doing it and we get results for it i see a lot of results i see the speed i see the power in my legs i see all different kinds of results and two out two and two one two one two lateral to the right side up hard jab with the left corner move i don't think he gets nervous i don't think he's getting scared he practice scoring touchdowns he's practice juking guys he's practiced stiff on me guys so when he gets to the game it's time to play it time to have fun trying to put on the show this is our hill that we come to we get here like twice a week today we just did some straight runs up and down a lot of times i try to like isolate and get uh individual single legs it's a nice here to work on we get better on this hill page off on the field if i'm running and someone grabs me by my legs i can drag them that's all that leg strength we do back pedals bear crawls and sometimes you know when i bring my girls out here put one of his sisters on the shoulders it's it's hard it's a good workout for me because i have it on my back and i get to walk up the hill so it's a good leg workout as you can see right now it's raining a little bit and actually that's one of the methods and tools i use to train him is i always try to keep him in uncomfortable conditions when it's hot when it's cold when it's rained and i just do that just to groom and breed him just to be able to function and still give his best efforts you know regardless of the conditions we get out here rain sleet snowman you know so we put the work in this is like our prize possession right here though like this is where we spend like literally the most time you know if we don't have no equipment no facility to go to you know this is where we really be that was our hill workout man so now we about to go to the next spot so let's get it they drive me crazy with this sometime i know all these songs in the back of my head this is my room right here we have a big picture of me holding up the muscles right there a picture of me right here i'm running my face does look aggressive this is my dad's helmet when he used to play football he was wide receiver and quarterback and this is the helmet that i used to prac i used to wear in my games last year it's a bunch of scratches on it i used to go to battle with this one i play running back and safety right now at safety my main goal that i can't let nobody do is get behind me that is the main thing that safety cannot do in a running back i'm just working on getting out the backfield full speed hitting my holes and just getting out to the ground if anyone gets in my space give them some attention pass blocking i go if i'm in the backfield i'll go and if anyone gets in the backfield i gotta protect my quarterback so i gotta i gotta block them this right here is not just a regular trophy this is the highest award that you can win right now in 7u b2c stands for born to compete and this is the trophy for the player of the year winning a trophy like this in georgia is really big because georgia is a big football state to be the best player in georgia right now feels really good and i know that i've worked hard for this and i know that all this training pays off on the field we john's family from new jersey my favorite player is saquon barkley i watch his games on youtube sometimes i just take advice from him he's elusive he'll shake you up he'll outrun you he'll run you over he'll jump over you he'll do a lot of different things these right here are my last year goals these are the goals that i accomplished for this season my new goals are going to be to win nationals be the b2c player of the year and win gold in the 100 and win gold in the four by one right now i'm just working on my plants working on getting away from people and when i get to the sideline just turn on the jets he's a very dynamic explosive very smart not too many things that he can't do has tremendous speed one of the fastest kids in the country and can make anybody miss on one-on-one open field cut it up oh good cut i remember way way way back when i wasn't as good as i am right now i just remember i would get the ball and i would just run like straight out out of bounds and i felt good i just didn't really know how to play the sport i was just out there and then i just look at that and look at how i'm doing right now and look at how much work i've put in i've never seen a child with his workout he's willing to do anything you ask him he's willing to work as hard as you ask him as long as you ask most kids you'll complain they'll cry or they just don't want to do it flash is going to do whatever you ask them to do like i said as hard as you want to do last year was tremendous he was a breakout stud everybody knows who he is and of course like i tell them this year i expect nothing but more you know if you have 50 i expect 60 touchdowns if you had a thousand i expect 2 000 yards so anything you did last year needs to double it this year i just think it's things that you can gain and learn from the game of football that you can't really duplicate without it and i use it as a way in teaching him just about life in general just about teamwork and unity and camaraderie and trust and being relentless and fearless so many things that the sport when your child engages in it you know it pulls certain things out of them you know he has a great upbringing his dad stays on him making sure he's going in the right path making sure he's learning everything he needs to do so if i had to choose one thing i would definitely put that on his father you know he has a great role model got to make contact with the shoulder pads man you came up like this you came on the side of the man you need to be right here right here you ain't make contact you owe me two for that flash is always full speed sometimes he has to slow down and see the game a little bit a little slower all right all right he's on everybody's radar right now i'm pretty sure everybody knows about him there's nothing that he won't do it's not a level that he won't achieve so i mean nfl workout athletic director anything he aspires to be i'm pretty sure he'll put his mind to an achievement i've been running track for two years now i started track to help me get faster in football i just work hard i stay in the gym i keep my grind up and it pays off on the track in the field every great football skill position player that i know of some point in time they ran track i think track definitely complements football football compliments track and flash's age when he's young seven eight nine ten years old the only thing they have to remember is kind of get out of football mode with their feet because with track you still have a quick feet but you still have to be able to open up your straw people think i'm in the gym all day but i want people to know that i travel i've traveled to california alabama florida me and my family we also go out go to water parks have fun just do what we do out there and then we can get to the work we play hard we work hard so we're getting ready for aau nationals and where flash is sitting at right now he's expected to finish top three in the nation in his events with the opportunity to win it all in 100. my goals are to win the 100 the 200 and our 4x1 let's start lining up i know me and his dad you know text me call me send me a message here's what we're looking to do here's what we're trying to do this weekend at this meet we'll talk about it we'll discuss it we'll work on some things in practice and nine times out of ten flash will accomplish that when i'm like an adult and stuff i want to be the biggest fitness trainer in the world and own my own gym and train pros i like helping people like how the way their body looks so i want them to be happy about how their body looks whatever he wants he's going to be able to do hands down i believe in that i know he can handle adversity there'll be ups and downs there's a lot of years left what motivates lending all the adversity he go through his life his parents both are deceased he's gonna lower his shoulder he's gonna outrun you he's one of the hardest working people i know my name is lammy i play running back in strong safety i was born in haiti a lot of violence i knew that like you could be here one day the next day like you might not it's like i became directed towards football and i was really like to focus on that because i felt like that was my escape yeah you go hard i mean you would think he would be cocky or full of himself not at all off the field he's a he's a jokester he's a clown like always making jokes oh you think you're a rapper yo you talking about he wants to be a professional football player that's what he wants my film this year is about to be crazy a lot stay tuned stay tuned i'm slowly taking over really slow but i'm getting to it i just woke up so it's like 6 45 i'm just about to like get ready to get out and like work out so i could get the day started when me and my little brother is kind of like i don't want to say pad that's weird but like all over the area yeah so this is just like a living room type situation we just have that's my little brother he's faking right now he's not really asleep we live in east orange it's kind of quiet i've been around here for like four years now to lose your parents at 10 is like it's terrible for like a kid to go through that i gotta let 50 because i really didn't have like a reason to be there anymore like like i came here like with my parents already and they went back just to like just visit and then they never got the chance to come back so like i don't really feel like i have a reason to go back there yes usually what i do every morning before i leave two scoops of protein i usually don't have time to eat breakfast i have a dose of that and i'll be able to like sustain my energy throughout the out i hate getting up in the morning i just gotta do it though then i usually get red v go back to brooklyn i'm barely like down here in jersey anyway so like i just come here to sleep and i leave it's like far from a place where the people go see the opera knocking on this though about to head to the park to get the morning workout out the way then head to brooklyn to just chill for a little bit ain't got practice later i started playing football after my parents class i was 9 to 10 when i first lost them it was hard but it's what it is now i usually pray the small things like oh yeah i love you and i really want you guys to like like just watch over me that's really it they would have probably thought it was dangerous because of all the hitting even with all this success like just so far i still think they would have really still been scared like being on my own for a lot of myself doesn't really impact me in a sense like i work hard because like that's something i like that's already embedded in me right that's something i just do it's not like i'm really like super like focused on like what was my life type now does that mean five four three two one go up up up up come on don't stop go down come on let's go good come on stay low dig dig come on don't stop get lazy come on my name is randolph first of all friend off simmons i've been training athletes for it's going to be a year in august i've been working with a lot of college athletes the difference between lamy is that he don't complain at all he didn't complain not once he's driving every exercise he's going fully through which actually makes him better he's not cheating himself so that's perfect that's the thing i look for stay low come on all the way to the cone next time good keep that butt down he's one of my top top athletes that i ever trained um a lot of people come out of shape he came in like tip top shape which is kind of crazy for me to see um and then like his endurance is really nice like like i said before he's going through every exercise exploding doing his hip hop thing at each one so i'm just here i'm complaining my motto is no excuses that's my whole motto so once you start complaining and everything that's when you get extra set you just drive through the corners all right stay low come on come on dick come on come on come on drop through y'all through good uh for this drill i just want him to stay low make sure he drive quick feet um don't try to arch his back as soon as he gets tired i seen that through the first one as soon as he got tired he started doing this we want to drive through drive through the finish line nice the biggest thing i try to teach everybody is get mentally strong you put in your head like i could do another one you could do two three more after that it's really all mental we're working cooldown my parents they instilled their work ethic in me i've like just always been that like this big kid that could do a lot of things so i never really pushed myself but now like seeing that if i put in this amount of work i could be here so imagine if i boost that up times 10 i could be somewhere i can't even imagine right now my commute is about hour and 45 minutes on a good day i actually hate it but it's something i gotta do so i got my first offer from michigan last year like i was like just pulled out of class while i was like just taking a math test and then my head coach was like oh coach harbaugh is here like i had to finish but he was like oh you could like just finish like right after it won't be like to be long so i'm guessing he knew what was going to happen and now like as soon as i like just walked into office coach i was like oh this is him right yeah i could already see it like he's going on coach like i shook his hand and he was like oh yeah like we're going to offer you your first like scholarship not like whoa being a people playing brooklyn is lit but like the stereotype like outside of like new york city as a whole is that new york is a basketball area so a lot of people don't really have respect for new york football personally i'm not from new york so i don't really take offense to it but now i'm starting to because i've been playing a lot of high school football in new york i'm trying to change that whole stereotype that new york is just basketball we'll make this live hello my name is chaddy bryant i'm like um laramie's guardian slash aunt slash mother his parents both are deceased and he came to this country i believe with a family friend so the first time i met lambie he was very quiet but prior to that we were asked about him potentially coming to stay with us so he came to the house and i'm like he doesn't talk so i don't know how this is gonna work out but um i know i ride him a lot and so i can like on top of these boxes i have some of the recruiting mail i didn't throw out south carolina clemson boston college crimson workers this is the opening like a nike camp i got invited to more ruckus the army national combine with like this recruiting mail like at a certain point i was able to fill up the bathtub what i'm most excited about would be like playing on saturday nights on tv thousands of fans screaming in work now but it's never enough go arms straight completely straight completely straight sprint coach rick i'm the sport performance coordinator for prototype so my job is um most strength conditioning speed development this is this is prototype is definitely like we have division one standard so when you come into this program you know you come to get better at a high elite level or you just don't you wash off just point blank lambie he embraces that running back position like he looks for contact but also great eyes great hips great feet you know he does the things that running back is supposed to do that's old any point blank i need 1800 yards out of you this year um yeah he he has the potential to really do some damage this year this this uh at the running back position so 24 is the lead 24 is the lead 24 julie we do that every day even if we got like a hard left we're still running like 12 laps regardless if you feel like you have the potential they're gonna push you regardless then it's gonna hurt that was probably the youngest on the team but like physically i was always the strongest like i can like impin my will on everybody and we can go from there like i love his attitude like he's he he always wants the one he wants to compete you can tell him about it when you watch him play that he plays the game angle he's when he's running the ball he doesn't shy with the contact he finishes his runs he's always leaning and falling forward so he doesn't avoid the hit he likes to deliver the blow which is always great got a bunch of nice guys they finished laughs but if you got somebody who's a dog who wants to be angry and just play the game aggressive that turns the attitude team and culture come on no walking yeah moment i felt like i could be good in football i don't really think like i've had that moment yet like i just like i just play for fun in life i don't really know what i want to do yet and i feel like if i like just continue to do what i have to do everything is going to just take care of itself i could see myself going back to haiti but i don't know when i feel like there's still a lot of like bad karma in a sense still likes going on in the country and i would like to be able to like be the one to change that but we'll just see how things go you ever feel like i was against you i was born in ivory coast my country was at war when i was three we tried to get out my brother and i made it out but we lost our mom on the way i could have given up my future but my big bro kept me focused he got me on the right path and now i feel like i want the best player in the nation i'm not stopping here i won't stop i won't be stopped my pass won't hold me back it only motivates me more my name is prince dorba adversary just made me stronger this is kind of where we kind of grew up at i would say mostly it was in co devoid somewhere in this area we believe going to dallas all we basically remember is being on the scary plane ride and um just being scary as kids and being torn apart as a family because of a civil war and not knowing what was going on our dad told us that he basically loved us but he never really gave us an explanation of not coming with us or why we was living with our mother and she never really got to that point too because she passed away before we even got to um dallas at one of the airports that i do remember vividly and had dreams about to this day when we got to dallas we had a lot of immediate families around us like grandma's uncles who basically just told us about our background who we were i mean the only thing i remember was just coming into the states you know just living with my remaining uncle by the time i didn't know my uncle you know i thought my family my parents i was literally like prince's dad like i fed him i took care of him like i worked and put foot on the table for him i bought him shoes like whatever you needed i got you like don't ask no one or nothing for it i got you coming from a neighborhood that you're about to see right now and being in highland park just a whole different lifestyle you wouldn't expect someone to walk down the street and someone put a gun to your head just because you have a iphone and they want it you want you wouldn't sit in the holland park but you would see that on parkland we're about to pass through middle school i went to my sixth grade year before going to hp it's gonna be up here to the left kinda where i grew up at a little bit it's kind of a hard time you know a bunch of my friends that i grew up with here either are in jail or probably shot right now it's kind of tough neighborhood going and these departments up here to the right it's a problem where i got robbed at six dudes come up to me pointing at me took my phone it definitely definitely changed a lot of things my brother was kind of scared about my safety so you know he kind of just wanted me to get me like out of this place into like a better neighborhood i left here when i was about 11 12 i went to holland park kind of glad that i didn't stick around a lot because you know who knew what would have happened to me if i would have stuck around so when i finally got up and left you know i kind of just feel like the whole world just like lifted off my shoulders you know friends often feel he's goofy he's the prince i want to be he is a closeted dork he can wake up and put a smile on anyone's face on the field it's completely different on the field that's so focused and show that he's the best on field which he usually is his best part of his game is the confidence he gives everybody else around his quickness is is unmatched his pass rush was just inspiring watching it it's truly spectacular to see the things that he could do she got to the indoor and get a little workout in for the opening count at the start and frisco so i think it's a little working we're driving pretty much i see my family you know god and all my coaches and free mates and the community around us especially my brother tyler my family junior my little niece baby ava you know i just do it for them you know because at the end of the day i want to be able to take care of them and be able to put a smile on their face and make him happy easter fifth grade that's when he first started coming over i spent easter with them for a weekend and ever since then next weekend and in the week and after and the weekend after before he started coming to school he spent the entire summer until i finally just moved out came over here better education better opportunity to play football and basketball took it it was supposed to be his brother that came first junior right here his brother but he said he wouldn't come until he was here for a year winning state together like that's one of the greatest experiences you're going to have like you're going to remember that forever and just getting to have it with friends makes it so much better cherry on top just makes it even better toes to give you my extra toes this is three fingers oh sorry man i didn't mean to do that i don't know what it was it was like day one they just all got wrong really well prince was living with us for a lot longer than junior but it was just like one of my prouder moments so prince was going to try and dunk on me now i had my sandals on so you won't get the full effect i kind of trip at the end that's sweet or what baylor farm state oh dude that's pretty sick the coolest thing i probably got in the middle i probably said was this it was just alabama thing they sent me was kind of dope it's like a it's like a book a little bit by just like the school in general and the coaches obviously bama is probably the best school out there to go to these are the ones i like most because like these envelopes like doing these cautious semi-handwritten letters these are the ones that i open like these they're awesome like all like the hulk coaching staff and all you they all just sent me handwritten letters so like so we went to state my sophomore year i mean i was a part of it i started but like you know because you just start like swarming into our practices you know you just started talking to me it's just like just like building a relationship and all and after spring like offered you start rolling i got picked up my first off from oklahoma state and then after that i just took it off for me like you know as soon as i knew that it was like when i got the oklahoma state offer i was kind of just like okay like my first job was from a major d1 school you know most people don't even get that for me to get that it's kind of crazy considering where i've come from and it's just like okay so like a lot of people have been telling my whole life you know this football thing can take you a long way if you just kind of just put the time and effort into it you know you can do like amazing things with it i was like okay so i started playing football and then after that i just blew up these pictures i'm definitely going to bring to me when i go to college you know hang them up especially these boys because you know when i was a sophomore i was the only sophomores this is my niece she's the angel of the house though this girl fun thing about this like at first i wasn't trying to put like all one screw in that one box but it got to the point where like the box just kept over flooding yeah yeah i have a choice you just put them all in there at once right now we're on our way to the open and get a quick just stop up at the start in fresco you know great day to compete for the record i'm done trying to make y'all comfortable for the record you ain't trying to grow then it's done for you for the record live on me going so i had a great camp you know i felt like i did good you know overall fast feed fast technique you know everything was good next year i just want to come out here with a bang you know and finish off strong hopefully win another state ring and bring it back home and that'll be the one thing i'm looking forward to six years ago we were homeless football is what gets us up in the morning last year we were both first team our region this is our chance to prove it wasn't for nothing playing with my brother on the field it's a great feeling i know he has my back i have his back this game saved our lives so we go hard every day and today could be our final practice ever nick and doodles are a huge part of the team doodle is kind of like the energizer bunny i mean he brings all the energy you see that hair flowing and you just get excited nick he's kind of just like a quiet assassin i mean he doesn't have a lot of words to say but once he gets onto the field he lets his pads do the talking it means everything for those kids i keep saying if we win they go they correct me all the time no coach when we win you know it's been a while since this school has been back to this type of uh prestige so for us to win this game and get to the semis it's just huge for our program nick and doodles and just this whole cactus family community let's go baby makes it like great this is where it all started for us it really seems like yesterday that we're just here we lived behind this used car lot with our dad for three years before this we stayed at parks a few times but then that's when my dad he got this job and our boss he has to stay here behind the trailer my dad he overcame so much you know from his father's death and then a year later his mother had passed away i think that's when he started getting into drugs we were so little like we didn't think of it too much like oh we thought it was normal this is where a trailer used to be it was right there in the corner the trailer had no water electricity so we would go to mcdonald's to use a bathroom sometimes they would give us free food you know we would always get happy just like to get a cheeseburger because like we were hungry all the time like we would like go find cans and try to get money off of that like help my dad out it was better than nothing you know i was grateful for it those were tough times but then we found football our football coach found out about the situation and took us in you got to grow up pretty quick you did everything a kid shouldn't have to go through you know but i'm very grateful for it football saved our lives i don't know where we'd be without it seniors go ahead when we were younger we didn't really know when the next meal was coming so the t-mail the day before we game is really a big deal for us i coach nick and doodles starting in 7th and 8th grade so we got a call one morning about midnight 12 30 from the father saying that they had been kicked out of their house about 30 degrees they were in shorts and shirt didn't have anywhere else to go anybody to ask and we went down there picked them up and they've been with us ever since we talked to our kids and and there was no question you know in their mind that they needed some help so it just seemed kind of natural to us to to help people who needed help all the physical work is done now's your time to talk for the seniors this may be their last game so you got to give it your all like i want to put on a show the last time i'm on that home field i want to beat them by four or five touchdowns because i think that's what we're capable of i remember last year when we lost to them i almost cried so i know if we lose him i'm probably gonna be in tears so please let's not make that happen you walk through that that cobra head this is the last time no matter what you get those chills running down your back there's nothing else in the world that you feel that nothing how do you want to be remembered at cactus before a big game we have a pep rally to get us fired up we got a really big game we're in the quarterfinals we could do something that's never been done in cactus history and that's beat peoria twice in one year knowing where we came from you never expect us to be here now starters on our high school football team and now we're in the state quarterfinals with a chance to be arrival peoria for the second time this season we're pretty nervous right now but we know how to show out don't give them any hope or chance in this game i don't want this to end and we make sure it doesn't end for these seniors tonight so let's go out there let's go kick it's our last home game you know it potentially could be our last game it means everything to me so i'm gonna i'm gonna give it everything i got we start the game real sloppy what are we doing he's gonna run it the next play they scored peoria and i feel like it was my fault i never really had like a big family growing up but once larry and lashana took us in it was i was like so overwhelmed with how much love and support me and nick received they show up to every game like all their family i always hear like every time i get tackle i always say like it makes me go harder next play and i just love them for that doodles in on the tackle we tackle by doodles doodles in on the tackle after making some adjustments we're starting to click now check me out leading the way for my boy tone and now we're on top feeling good don't explain from those who've had our backs that's gonna bring us to the end of the first half of peoria trailing by a score of 17 things are going so well for the squad and at halftime our number one fan always shows up cobra man after half man i'm also their father this is the cobra this is the man it's actually all homemade i got some back catcher knee pad football leg pads uh just regular 99 cent mask i just decorated myself and it's just a cloth with some glitter i love glitter cold man is just out there just to give them motivation um i feel like i have to be out there because i wasn't there in the beginning so now i feel like i'm here and i need to spend every single minute i can i got involved in drugs so i was in and out of jail you know going in our programs and stuff and it got to the point where i hit my rock bottom so i just went and took myself when i went to jail took myself into rehab and i told larry roshan which was their ex-coach so you know i sent temporary custody over to them while i went in and take care of myself back in the day you guys pretty much just going on the bus like this dude would always be worrying about like i'll be getting some food or something like dad don't spend that much money we don't have much and you guys are finally now on the winning team you guys came a long way man i'm proud of you guys he never gave up on us i love him for that richard what are we thinking morning jet jet jet yeah nick go nick go is back tell me i'm garbage i'm going through something that's why i ain't calling progression no way we're letting up we always gonna stay fight beating our rival to advance to the state with my brother by my side and in front of our family both new and old it can't get better than this we've come a long way we are truly blessed i knew because of police brutality and i want to change the world i knew i knew i knew because my young men need to feel supported in their fight once we kneel we always know our team is strong us coming together for this common good is bringing us together faster this team as a whole believes in that there is a problem in this country that needs to be addressed and we are addressing in one way we live in a time where if you turn on the tv there aren't very many positive things that you see police behavior caught on tape there are plenty of examples in our world where people do everything right and still don't make it home moments later while on the ground after complaining he couldn't breathe he was dead we need to have this problem fixed 18 year old michael brown freddie gray the problem that needs to be fixed in this country is police brutality in the way that police just treat people in general me and my team taking a stand as a whole will bring more awareness to the problem wherever these young men will be talked about in the same veins people as martin luther king malcolm x you know colin kaepernick and i think that that's powerful you got to grow up fast when you live in pg county maryland i think it prepares guys for the real world and make the best out of every situation is something that you know you you learn growing up in this area we have got to have a championship practice today we have one more day of preparation before a walk through and then going to anaconda let's make sure we do the work today to get what we want to get on friday everybody understand yes sir break them satellites capital christian academy is in atlanta maryland about 10 minutes outside of washington d.c the program that we're building the best type of characterizer is unique we just want to get better every day we want to make sure that we're focused on small things and discipline is huge for us so you know we have a unique group of coaches who are really committed to doing work in a lot of the young men going to school at california academy is it's a great environment one of our main thing is always being disciplined and having leadership so you know we got our seniors that want to be leaders so you want to always make sure the young guys are good make sure they can understand what you're talking about where you're coming from good good good bingo thank you good we want noble young men who were going to do what they say they're going to do we want dedicated young men so it's an acronym for grind grateful relentless inspired noble and dedicated let's go let's go the first time i heard they wanted to take a knee was this summer player council that we have here is it's a it's a representation of every grade our main goal of our player council is to talk about the problems going on on the team what we want to do going forward in the season the reason we came together in london was we started talking about it at first that we could use our platform to spread awareness about what's going on like how we see the police brutality on the news and we just wanted to use our platform as young football players and spread the word about how police brutality must be stopped we got a lot of teammates that been through stuff with the police like back to basketball had bad experience so they can't really trust police officers i've been racially profiled actually today this morning on my way to school there was a incident on a metro bus and a cop came and pulled me out because of my skin color i come out of the grocery store standing next to my mom's car it's been about four times when the police had come to me asked me what i'm doing and patting me down when i was in front of the library and it's just like why me so it's just something we want to do to let everybody know we're standing up for this it was just another day of trying to make change in the nation and personally i know i felt a lot better after i had brought it up and after i had the support of my comrades and my brothers on the field everybody was ready to do it at the second game but i believe there was just miscommunication some people wanted to kneel some people didn't want to knew me being a leader i said okay we're not kneeling because i wanted to make sure everybody was on one path about it then going into that next week against hancock we definitely talked every day about it talked about what what it meant why we're doing this what to stand for once i seen josiah take a knee everybody just fell in line and it just felt it felt so good i don't know how it just felt so good it's the best i felt since i've been here that's the most happiest i've been in my life the moment was really just like wow we're actually doing this and it took me by shock for a second first off i had no idea what was going on i was facing one way and i think i started my peripheral like everyone go down it allowed me to then move to the role of supporting these young men in their fight colin kaepernick tweeted us on the news wow this is really happening i really have a lot of respect for colin kaepernick he risked his job also too in the line and that's really that's really important i think colin kaepernick is more of an idol if you would think him taking a knee is more inspiration for me to stand for what i believe in regardless to what people think i hope that we can make changes towards the community i want to take steps higher and i want to carry people behind me and go higher with them one of our coaches he's a veteran a marine he was an ex-military he stood in attention i was nervous the first time i did coach fear's position in all this is what makes it so powerful to be honest with you i was standing in a position of attention everybody was behind me and when they said they landed a free and a home of the brave and i turned around and then i saw they were kneeling i had no idea they did it i hear the conversation about it being disrespectful to the armed forces and disrespectful to the flag but it didn't bother me one bit and the fact that these young men feel support from a marine does not do the same thing when they protest i think that's a microcosm of what america should be like most of the marines i know we don't even discuss it we did this so you can be allowed to do everything you want it doesn't say you know we're only going to protect those who don't kneel during the national anthem you know you protect all so it's your freedom of speech and i then told the kids i have no problem whatsoever with what you did i support you wholeheartedly i think that that kind of shocked him a little bit on our way back from hancock i stopped the bus it was something about a monkey or something like that the kids didn't hear it parents heard it so we immediately got them out of there but it was an eye-opening experience for us as adults me being naive i really didn't think kids would get the type of backlash that you know colin kaepernick got we're talking about 14 to 17 year old kids who i just don't understand so caroline barlow said yep that's a group of future mcdonald's employees for sure send them to africa for a year they will come back appreciating this country and we got a reply from a veteran pete that said i'm a veteran a vietnam veteran and i support the hashtag take a knee movement what have you done caroline some of the backlash that that's beyond me it doesn't bother me anymore because i know what we did and i knew what that was like yeah it's getting there baby eat up it's a home invasion we're gonna one two three yes oh hold on uh wow this is the first time this kid we don't want two games in a row let's get a break and then turn it one two three we did what we said we were going to do we came out here we won took the dub he took a knee still trying to get the message out there the police brutality is a problem in this country it needs to be solved there's a group of young men who are still serving a greater purpose than a football game so it's good to see them to be able to be successful in this field but also be able to keep sending that message so i'm extremely proud of them even as we take this knee they really don't understand how important they are and the message that they send kaylee foster there's a different sound coming off her foot i'm queen homecoming kick homecoming victory she's a fierce fierce competitive strong fast she's physical she's just a true competitor when it's crunch time that's kind of people you want i'm kelly foster i'm from ocean springs mississippi so i guess i started playing soccer when i was like four or five years old in fifth grade we had our first kickball tournament and that's kind of like when i guess i realized i could kick the ball because they were like kick it i said okay do you remember asking me to come out for the football team one day out of blue i just asked her kaylee what you think about trying out for the football team i like laughed about it i was like when he asked me um the phone first of all i was like are you like are you joking or like are you serious but he was like no like i'm serious um spring training starts in like a week or so and i want you to come out and like try to kick okay i can do that buckle up is hitting this last one move on over here how'd you guys feel about me asking to play football i kind of laughed and said i think you should go ask your dad when kaylee told me she wanted to play football i didn't have the heart to tell her no because it was something she wanted to try i said go ask your dad i'm thinking that he would say no because it was his little girl but i was wrong what i remember was is daddy can you pick me up from football practice so it to me it wasn't a question of can i play football and can you pick me up my initial reaction was what the team would think or how the coaches would respond how the boys would respond my first reaction i was like man she can't do this as the season progressed she grew on me when i kind of really started being accepted coach gantz was there and he he called me a little sister he was like little sis like you're here welcome kick the ball and i was like okay got it we definitely give credit for the approach that the coaches have taken she came out there and she worked for it um she showed that she could do it and they gave her the opportunity finish at your target hips through your target put it straight ahead got it because that was really the most uncertain thing about the evening was the homecoming thing i didn't run to be homecoming queen they just like elected me to do that and voted for me so that was a super big honor i didn't really expect it because there were like four other girls that could have like voted homecoin queen they're amazing i said listen take your pictures enjoy the moment you're allowed to miss the first quarter just be ready for the second quarter i was like this this is my moment like the game is my moment it's okay it was an overtime game against a very good football team we scored on fourth down to tie the game up we knew we all we had to do was make that extra point it was a great feeling knowing that kaylee was running on the field jack who's my holder he goes all right kaley like you take these every day just like relax and like boot it like you always do and i was like okay i really thought i missed it and then i saw him like jump up and his hand was like up super high like he was a big man too like and i was like wow like he just blocked that kick jack just kind of like tucked me in a hug he's like good job and i'm like i missed and they're like no no you made it of course it started out with a bang with our football player kaylee foster winning homecoming queen hammer it through game over couldn't write a better story about a night for a young lady all the attention kaley's gotten from all the different media circuits he was being interviewed here and flown here and good morning america and all that but also you're you're an inspiration there's so so many young girls out there as far as handling the attention and everything she's handled everything with a smile i definitely feel there is pressure to kind of like do well but i think it like keeps me humble and keeps it like keeps me on top of myself everything i did before i kind of did for myself and did for my team but now i'm doing it for myself for my team and like for everyone watching the only thing kaylee can't do is what kayla hasn't tried yet so i'm involved with the football team soccer team the track and field team for my high school i'm trying to get my mom to let me join powerlifting but she's not really there for that right now i am senior class vice president member of the beta club fca president the mayor's youth council national honor society the amphitheater buddies for life i don't think she sleeps very much but juggling the schedule that she has i think it just takes a lot of communication with her and her coaches you know we find a way and the coaches work with her we manage it all up i'm like willing to lose a few hours of sleep to like get a good workout in and be able to like perform well for my team um some member of the mayor's youth council and they asked us to volunteer for trick-or-treat down the street happy halloween i keep a planner of all my stuff like i would plan up all my soccer games like my homework when we have busy council meeting when i'm volunteering for stuff like i just have it all written down so we just finished handing out candy downtown it's been a really busy day but kind of how it always is there is a girl at every grade level below her right now that's currently kicking she's a huge inspiration these girls i absolutely love the girl power that's coming out of ocean springs right now they are killing it you know kaylee just has that personality that really has nothing to do with athletics she's just that well-respected and light everybody looks up to her you know she's beautiful on top of that i think if there's anything that anyone like wants to do and someone says it's like not okay like i think it is okay if it's gonna make you happy and if it's gonna make you a better person and you're gonna do something good with what you wanna do like i think it's fine i think you should go for it stay on their own wave i'm telling you that's different you want to see more videos like that you gotta check them out right here and also click subscribe make new waves be different
Channel: Overtime SZN
Views: 385,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deestroying, deestroying break up, deestroying music, deestroying challenge games, deestroying challene games, deestroying 1v1, deestroying tyreek hill, deestroying antonio brown, deestroying friday night lights, deestroying troy, deestroying vs ddg, 8 year old phenom football player, flash football, flash football highlights, flash football game, flash footstep, flash football player workout, dockery, dockery football highlights, dockery vs deestroying, dockery vs obj, overtime
Id: XShcf8bQZzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 24sec (4044 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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