He Battled Deion Sanders On NATIONAL TV! Superstar Texas QB Preston Stone BALLS OUT In Reality Show!

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[Music] nobody produces quarterbacks like Texas I was kind of impressive like Baker and Kyler I've been blessed with over 40 d1 offers this is just from today but this year is all about chasing a state title you're the number one ranked team in the state of Texas but for God's sakes we need to show up and make sure we don't look like a quantity there are no easy wins in Texas my first matchup is the game of the year it's right now when we flip that switch in primetime it's Monday morning we just came off a great summer of work yeah we all grinded through this Texas heat it's brutal I mean Texas heat is different but yeah you gotta do what you got to do I feel like my first payment I did pretty well it definitely made some mistakes that I won't be able to make on Thursday but overall I get it pretty well okay slick you are aiming at the upfield shoulder of the corner so we just had our first skills meeting of the game week I went pretty well we installed some new formations some new packages we check out the Trinity film from last week it was their first game as you can see I'll trigger on the slant they want to make plays they want to make the big play they've got one of the best corners ever is one of their coaches yelling at them they want to do well they want to show off they want to make place the best way to watch film is to visualize like you're actually out there I could see it some tendencies that need to take advantage of suppressant like that's your read right there once you see the back of his helmet you know I can rip that thing right now I couldn't be more excited all I want to do is hit the field and get going [Music] a big thing we're gonna be working on today is what they do when they show pressure how we're gonna take advantage of that getting the ball out quick they're trying to get to my guys as fast as I can give me ten ten ten and we got first game in three days it'll be the biggest home opener we've ever had actually my first home opener well you've actually never played to see the Illinois they're not even in our division you know it's just all the height built around it you know it being Dion's team what do you think the truth is it doesn't matter right because that's not what's gonna win or lose the game the people in here how we play that's what matters how good can we be now he's got our team meeting with Coach cam he's our sports psychologist he was a former Texas high school football star so our weekly meetings with Coach cam is really what separates us from the rest of the teams in Texas well guys it's finally nice to meet you what we try to do here what we try to facilitate really communication communication is always more effective when everybody understand what's going on right being at a private school it's a little bit different we didn't all grow up in the same place we haven't all been parish kids our whole life you know and so cam really helps you know bring us together into that Brotherhood that you need to be a state championship team in order to achieve the thing that you want to achieve there's gonna be distractions that have to be eliminated the things he says just like it always hits home the most important thing you can't just do things like all the other programs in Texas and expect to be the guys at the end of the year all right so we're just gonna start meeting with Coach cams feeling good feeling energized and I'm about to head to our optional lift you know just your recovery and maintenance work [Music] this is gonna be self-paced low-key today I do want you to get some legs in today so I'm done for the day so I've got some homework tonight and enough to cryotherapy just get my body right for Thursday can I get a quick cryo session how's it going I'm good I'm good yeah it was good it's pretty hot yeah so in the chamber it gets down to like negative 200 degrees so it's basically like your body goes into survival mode and sounds like a bunch of adrenalin and other stuff that you need you know just help you recover I started doing this like beginning of July and then we going every day since [Music] like 6:00 - I'm yet yeah yeah yeah we haven't played doing yet but you know it's gonna be a good year you know before September 1st the only way coaches could talk to me mr. coach Novikov but now they've been able to text me and you know semi dm's it's the so it's kind of it it's kind of a non-stop I heard from a lot of head coaches on Saturday I was watching teams like just finished their games and in like an hour and a half later I got a message from one of their coaches a lot of them will just send like graphics pictures like look at my name and number somehow associated in it you know sometimes they'll just let me know that like I'm a high priority for them and that they're gonna be recruiting me throughout the season I know coach Franklin at Penn State community coach period at Tennessee coach George Rowe at LSU this is just from today I'll really start to focus on my record once the season's over I think there's a lot of stuff that goes I'm doing [Music] all right so just get out of class heading into our team meeting before practice my brother was able to make it today he's gonna be great shooting at SMU this year so which means he'll start playing for SMU in January so he's actually gonna be on the coaching staff this year and he was a big part of our team last year so last year we had a big culture change we hadn't really been a winning team previously before that and I think a huge credit to that was the leadership that Parker provided if you're the guy setting the pick do you want him to go underneath you or over the top over the top all right guys have your day boys [Music] by Wade Emory right now we're just going through some plays going through some seven-on-seven a lot of plays we're working on this week we've got game plans specifically for our pile guys we ran it the other day 38 sprite lead right now we're just going to those place trying to execute and trying to get the little details about them right Gabe yeah Preston's a really dynamic exciting player was not really a play on the field that he can't make or a broken play that he can't make something out of nothing Oh presents even a better teammate than you as a player does a really good job bonding with his teammates and making sure he puts himself in a leadership role every single day right Preston's really stepped up his game this year he's doing a lot better job three snap reading the defense's understanding the schemes and picking up on blitzes or whatever else they're throwing at him it's our last practice before a game on Thursday Thursday we got Trinity Christian Cedar Hill they're gonna try now athlete us they got a lot of fast players so I mean we're connected to be disciplined player again gonna go to everything just be polite isn't give him attention already chose you Oh young books they have all the pieces all the talents just to be about them how they come together and they decide they're gonna commit 100% assignment football execution no penalty no mistakes we have to be completely focused so make sure you know the game plan in and out for 30 seconds I just want you to think about this how great it's gonna feel to win that game okay that's all your focus it should be off [Music] man is awesome I couldn't be more excited looked really good no busts it's gonna be exciting just gotta in practice yeah coach surprised us with the names on the back of our Jersey so we were all pretty psyched about that [Music] so after 8 o'clock we'll hang them in the lockers and then you guys all get a t-shirt - they're like you're asking about that is big times all right let's go but you in a pregame meal for the game had to go to meetings suit up and get ready it's gonna be a first game season playing it as a Trudy Christian Cedar Hill I think it's gonna be good test for us that's the team we know they got a good defense but obviously shooter Sanders we all know all around a good team it's gonna be a fun game to watch tonight is the first night as a unit we're going out hunting so it's our first game of the season it's gonna be on live television and everyone's super right the streak to the wolf is in the pack that's what makes them the best hunting predators on the planet they watch they change they hunt there's discipline they execute the strength of us is in the pack that's a bunch of individuals over there okay so tonight huh keep hunting we are never not hunting no matter what happened at the end of game we're going to drag that big carcass in here all right listen just leave wine for me do [Applause] okay now we can now we either just gone through the Cedar Hill won the coin toss they actually want to come out with the ball go they come out sustaining like an eight minute drive and hoes ridiculous I've never seen an offense do what they did to our defense in that first drive we not to communicate come on so we come out and getting a huge gain on our first play and all I'm thinking is just tempo okay we're gonna few more plays maybe got another first down and then we flip the fields for the quarter it ended on fourth down with a little whip route to Christian Benson we just couldn't make the play come on good no we're good it's six to zero and they're driving the ball down the field get over my trousers six-minute passes a yard loads just moving the ball down the field as steadily as they want to or they were surgical and precise that is terrible we can't let the quarterback outside the pocket do not walk around here mope because we're getting beat by 13 points it's the football game I don't give it and what the score is it doesn't matter up and down 21 points and come back to win be the man come back do you have a choice to make you're the lay it down there's one have it are you taking home back you have a choice to make go into half we're down 13-0 emotions are riding high oh just keep you on your assignments and no personal fouls no tackles for losses coming in the locker room there's definitely some frustrations but I'm feeling good I'm just ready to get back out there I mean we are one play away from this thanks buddy unleash dominate perhaps if it's not gonna come out in the field the lights are shining a little bit brighter yeah we get the ball to the first drive and then throw into swing to Caleb you can tell your [ __ ] is getting on the hills a little bit we have a momentum there's some pressure up the middle but I just have to make one guy miss and the officials wide open he walks in the danjo I go up to hear me out to them all we need is one stop I promise we got this that's exactly what they did [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're down near the red zone no does he I give the ball to Krishna and he makes one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen it takes off so scene hero comes out in their next drive thanks for running back and they give it to her first guy and he takes it all the way to the end zone later on the fourth receiver he'll put together another really great Drive [Music] their quarterback CSUN end zone to put them up at 27 21 they make the mistake of kicking the ball to Christian Benson and he takes it about 80 yards down the field in the burger joint where we get the fourth down if you got a play we're trying to get Christian the corner the end zone unfortunately come true there's still time left on the clock and it's definitely not over I keep going on Cedar Hills opening play of their dry know Richards forced a huge fumble Makayla falls on top of the giving us the ball back in their red zone our defense really came to an end it's our turn to capitalize first play Christian takes the ball around the middle and touchdown so Christian ties the game and all India is an extra point but no actually I assume that the extra point she's gonna be automatic because I'm on the sidelines talking to my mind receivers and I turn my head around to see that it was blog there's only a few seconds left I think this game into overtime we got stopped at one time and score much time and this game is over let's go be some dog do your assignment do your job why two three family and overtime our defense does exactly what they are taught to do fourth and nine and Caleb Cole makes probably the biggest play the game Parker comes up to me and says you know this is a legacy Drive you know this surgery were made for coming out onto the field it feels like we've been here before I guess right now when we flip that switch it's right now [Music] [Applause] I'm scrambling to my right side I'll make one fender miss space needs to race to the end zone [Applause] like the feeling is indescribable just the moments you cheering about growing up as a kid it's going a game when you touch down another time it's just the greatest feeling in the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] every year we go in our class retreat this year he were heading out to Pond Cove in Tyler Texas never that sure what we'll be doing but pressure will send up plans for football [Music] [Music] that's why I play office Oh times is it me out here ah Hayden you know what this ugh I will cross you up oh oh yeah he's on the ground look at him another fallen soldier [Music] things were moving a little bit slow but I think that's to be expected after you know a four day break you know when like that but hopefully we'll get these going tomorrow and get ready for the game on Friday been some time since we've seen each other since an absolutely awesome win really happy for you guys proud of y'all excited it's a good way to start off the year this week when you seem to be more precise with our routes Evan you're running those curls like you run stops well that's criticism result there's also praise a really good job here in the first play of the game beating with speed show the hand slates perfect that's the way to be definitive with your route let's go how's that guys week it is week two of my junior season I have maybe 20 more games so fresh throw night for days now okay ridiculous just got there last Thursday walked through before the game was our fastest walkthrough ever so things are looking good we're looking smooth okay does everybody know how we do stickers if it's above five we been ten is what Kristin Benson 14 I couldn't be happier for a guy right to cut have a coming-out party like that his first year here wasn't easy but he battled his ass off it didn't go the way he thought it was gonna go when he came over here as a sophomore but I'll tell you this about him the hard work the dedication made it all worth and now he's got everybody in the world calling about Christian Benson great job sky team meeting got a game tomorrow he would John Moore Kenneth waters this man how are you allergic to this cell how that's like it's do a question like but they still tagging you though so it's alright you know we play to see the first day that with Hessian classes I couldn't focus I was like like on the download watching like LeSean McCoy highlights and plants because I was like cousin there's still a little bit but once we got to the locker room everybody nobody felt down everybody was kind of up and like you still feel out through the wind caleb got one long cat's long when they set us up and that's when I scored the first touchdown and that's when everybody kind of like energy kind of came back and it just went uphill from there herd downhill from there yeah it went downhill from there oh it was surreal that's what I said I think I'm like yeah it was surreal tomorrow you know I go home and get some rest think about our time Nick a focus for the game get ready take a goat plate Tyler grapes about at least an hour and a half away going out to the country that's gonna be a little bit of a different experience for us so from the beginning the game would come out really hot you know with Aiden coverage all you can really do is just step up into the pocket and try and make a play my eyes go to the left and I can see number four out of the corner of my eye right here so I know I have to make him this after I get past number four and cata out of the corner of my eye and give him a move to the inside my stick outside and then at this point is just a foot race then I kind of all other moons all right I swear on my first drive and our defense doesn't let up a single first down in the first half to back we got two receivers to the right one receivers of I'm faking the stretch to the left so I get my stretch fake take three steps or and I jump and I'm ready to throw it to Christian at this point but I decided to tuck it because it was dangerous I see you getting dressed ahead of me I'm trying to get as many yards as I can but towards then I'm just spraying to get out of bounds and there's two guys coming right at me but they ended up hitting each other second half would come out and the exact same thing lights out the offenses still clicking [Applause] we are doubles formation two receivers of both sides but they're both wearing two-man concept catch the ball take my first step and Evan makes a great release to the line I see the back to the corners head and put it only wherever you can extend and catch it and actually I do I leave it a little bit inside so I ended up hitting on his back hit but Evan makes a great play touchdowns a touchdown by the time we get into the fourth quarter it's a running clock we played a great game against Tyler case especially going to work on our literally translate into a game something wrong here there's a disconnect there's gonna be a coach from Clemson coming their game so I just got word from coach that I got player of the week from last week so I'm gonna head out to the local TV station I think they're gonna ask me some questions just say what's up he's got a face for TV about that walk in that studio is very ridiculous this is so cool a very special edition this week as it does feature one of the top junior quarterbacks not just in the state but in the entire country his name is Preston stone of Dallas parish episcopal along head coach daniel Novikov Congrats on being named our private school built Ford Tough Player of the Week thank you thank you I really appreciate it and a big win over Tyler Braves community last week you received your first offer in eighth grade I mean you haven't only 50 now you have so much attention surrounding them how do you handle that my freshman year was that was when I started coaches were coming in just about every other day by the end of this spring I had about like 35 offers my freshman year and so it was it was definitely a blessing for sure and I didn't really know how to handle it at first but you know I had great support from my teammates and my brothers and your brothers has played a large part in your life I know it's what you've won a Virginia yes ma'am yes ma'am how have they helped you become the player you are well obviously I so my oldest brother he plays quarterback at the University of Virginia so growing up I definitely tried to model my game after him a lot and he's really you know helped me make me into the quarterback that I am today and then especially with Coach Nova coffees he's telling me just about everything I know about the game of football I really do have a lot to be grateful for Congrats again and being named our private school built Ford Tough thank you thank you thank you so much [Music] I don't care who we're playing on Friday get better every day if you want to win a state championship you better pick it up get a break I chose my one-two one-two the next play I run out here honey slow down into content yes I slowed down pay attention now it was a run it was run and it was like two guys I'm like I kind of like they tried to like [Applause] what that is that's a reflection on the to everybody on let's go everybody up we're off enough is enough I washed it all freakin practice you want to compete great I'm all for competing but not all that other stuff does everybody understand that's not what wins that's what it'll get you beat when the going gets tough and you turn and start losing your crap so rather than have all the back-and-forth that's where the leadership has just hit kick in and we got to step up and get it under control hey patch man so me patch man Joe three one two three you gotta get to the point where like we're not being like a hothead down here you know things started to get chippy at one point about halfway through the practice and you know from there just kept spiraling and spiraling until eventually there's a there's a fight at the end of practice that's different literally translate into a game you got a coach coach can buff it tomorrow we're having another lunch meeting with Coach cam our sports psychologists and that's definitely probably gonna be the focal point of our meeting what's up guys there's some chip eNOS this week started it really got hyped up cuz often area coaches coaches every thought into it confront the issues that you need to confront and getting like chippy and practice and stuff like that dude that happens but healthy confrontation says hey there's something wrong here there's a disconnect like in our team and we're gonna get it like straight like here and now if you choose not to take offense but you choose to be the guy that embraces criticism you will exceed people's expectations does that make sense okay cool that was that was like the first point we made in our meeting yeah was it just healthy confrontation perfect I mean honestly it's a lot harder than it sounds you know it's the hardest because it involves going to the coaches too sometimes that is what you see from NFL athletes and they're not afraid to go talk to their coach and tell them like what the pulse of the team is and where they feel like culture could be improved upon make sense sweet good love you man [Music] you know coach told me earlier there's gonna be a coach from Clemson coming to our games obviously that's a big deal and I'm super appreciative but there's still only one go on my mind right now all right so X cross once you tell me what you're thinking here pinky in this guy over here so what's our best chance at a touchdown post who's our key for the post safety safety then if the safety bails now who do I find mashaallah Steve man it'll be a dogfight but we'll see we've got a couple of injuries that are hurting us right now get a receiver and a linebacker hurt I thought this was a really bad ball in his slow hands playing slow so I keep trying to tell him just to play and move faster and practice stuff carries over into the game whether we think it or not all right man thank you see you in a bit [Music] today we're playing fort worth All Saints there is no escape hatch do not give them an ounce of light they think they got a good football team let's show them what a number one [Applause] this will probably the best defense we've played so far their discipline their strong the fast it really should be a good matchup hey you just quiet night all sing starts off with the ball it's getting pretty good drive maybe they should have had a touchdown but Luke jumps in fireball that's a great play you forced them to kick field goal we have great field position so we decided to go for a fourth down they're covering everything up pretty well the roll out to my right I threw the ball across my body and they go up 10 to 0 just a few minutes into the game things aren't looking too well for us 68 oh the little gray stagnant things aren't really clicking for us all right listen everybody's got to relax and do your job okay you 17 to 0 just a few minutes into the game [Applause] Oh over here ago versus don't we've never faced a situation we're busting so many assignments eloping it makes me want to puke just execute we cannot make dumb mistakes pick six throw 230 pass interference dumb personal foul dumb that won't win we dug ourselves a hole we got to dig out you can do this get a crew coming out in the second half we put together a great Drive perfect hey this one's got a problem another place we got a fourth is hard over though they probably know that Luke used to be receivers just about every jump balls his Caron takes us down to about the two or three yard line we call the exact same curve so this time I pull it and wide open goose [Applause] wait a liter time following our touchdown All Saints takes the ball down inside our five it's 14 inches from the end zone look what about punches it in come on guys office office let's go all right I'm here get on the ball as fast as you can all right go they drop just about everybody so I gotta step it in the pocket and try and make a play make it you guys missing [Music] he takes a guy that'd show your pals and guys in Timothy and finishes in that's really good it allowed me begin to be hands on the refs colleges are holding sure nothing can be about it he's gotta go back out there and find it again we get a few possibilities fourth and ten we got Danny out at wide and basically was giving a jump ball even makes a great player in baseball [Applause] we got like 12 games left with this group and I'm not letting Caleb cope and hosting munos graduate with our championship man all right we have to flip that switch right now is the turning point of our season all right what we do from here on out is going to decide what we are as a team we are dedicating ourselves to the rest this season it's not an option I love y'all last time we came to Fort Worth there was messy as hell he treated everybody just like they were a threat good only the paranoid survive [Music] place in the head get back on the bus and do not let them think for one second this is going to be messy [Music] so just coming off our first loss of the season captain's gonna get together and recuperate we have a lot of talent here and I feel like we like have taken things for granted like we were tooling up start the season and then we were just going to practice like we expect to win during summer I felt like that that happiness the joy was there I feel like I would you need to focus on just having fun like little kid I mean I'm kind of past the point of like trying to have fun you know after the game I stood midfield just about five seconds and just took a mental snapshot that was 60 kids celebrating right in front of us when it should have been ours where we gonna play we're gonna get the best version of that team every week if we continue this path you don't see a ring in the future bow because I do not know we got to put together a plan something that all of us as a collective can be perfect at and I honestly think what's gonna be best for us for the rest of practice this week is every single time you tap out for practice you have to have a chip on your shoulder yeah we get that today let's go so meeting went pretty great every person in the room picked one tangible thing they're gonna be held accountable for we're all coming out today was a lot of energy and a lot of focus a homecoming game is always one of the biggest games of the year there's posters everywhere everyone's gonna be there it's I mean we're gonna try and bring as much energy as we can at practice today and you know ride that energy into homecoming that's it oh yes sir yes sir we just won that rep make sure y'all see pre-snap it's one high - aye here we go now set a shop guys great job hey one thing real quick ever since I've been here we haven't had a perfect record at home so let's make that our goal go into this game alright tell me you found me on three one two three Finn you got a homecoming game tonight pep rally [Applause] [Applause] okay [Applause] the graduation present billboards Eau Claire dreams we spray the graduate [Music] at the pep rally you had our meetings before the game tonight we got TC a it's our homecoming game so it should be a big game first name after a tough loss but we had a great leader practice and we're feeling really confident look this has been one of the longest weeks of my life because I've been waiting this whole week for tonight I know we are a better team than we showed last Friday night but let's go out there tonight let's have fun let's show the world what Paris football is really about let's go about to get started here tonight Panthers Trojans live from parish episcopal campus jackson this is gonna be a fun game thank you for joining us on this Friday night Homecoming action Nash takes the snap now rolls out to the near side has a man there my goodness Caleb excuse and you can see it the whole way you know I hit like that I can sort of wake you up but yeah it's a hit from Caleb : I'll pass rope rope puts a handoff right up the middle and Lynch cuts back to the 10 to the 5 into the endzone for a touchdown leading this one 10 nothing but already marching trying to extend that lead now some time is going toward the end zone has a man in his cup for the touchdown Evan greed from Kristin stone the 30 yard connection and it's 16 nothing and a very happy crowd here on Homecoming right so first down it's a handoff to Cole pass the 40 yard line has some blockers and Beebe takes an angle like you want to hit this I just stopped and just throws him into the ground he reminds me like Marion Barber playing you just throw people as a man [Applause] makes a date goes well that's what I swear over feeling my father's just chase they're done today zone for the touchdown oh my goodness the senior and they're gonna do an onside kick it went off of the Trojan is five battles for to run a 43-yard line the Panthers say they have it and they do that's right stone looking he has a man is caught by green into the end zone touchdown of Evan green for Preston stone a third make a statement tonight stone gets the snap oh come here coming back in making the grab yes Evan green nothing I action going toward the corner is Scott Gabriel Rose with the touchdown and we have all zeros on the clock and that will do it a good bounce-back game here for the Panthers and so I think this is a great building spot moving into the tough schedule that they have great job on the wind all facets of the game play well offense defense special teams everybody did a great job but now we have to keep rolling into the next week and then in the district I have a good homecoming weekend break it out let's go [Applause] it's a great bounce back win had a lot of fun tonight boys aren't crazy two touchdowns one one-handed touchdown off with like sixty yards the bet the biggest hit I've seen all year so it's good game [Music] you just got done after a long night at practice or something at the local pizza shop you grabbed by see which one do you like more that way or that well I got a buffalo chicken and ranch slice and then a meatlovers I'm not bad so both me and Coby for the new kids that Jasper did Hamlet kind of yeah I got your last year I kind of gave us the hint to come from along we both went to school with him since like early we know if this these kids me and Gabe we're literally freshmen old varsity over there Krista so this is where we killed were middle school we played on the same football team Moss middle school yeah Frisco so four years later we'd bet on the same team right that's tonight and that's the best part of the season honestly like some of the things like sharing it with guys that you'd know for such a long time when you know that you have something special then it's even you know you really got to work for it so like you oh my god you missed that taco that's the touchdown oh I'm not going I'm not I'm not going with a bus ride home no no sir I promise you if you drive two hours to wake up I'm about 22 hours back there I'm no sir and we continue to get better we're gonna wear steak and mark my words I've been using this phrase all week to the point of driving er'body nuts at the school and the phrase is only the paranoid survive back in college a guy came and spoke to us his name was Richard Marcinko he's one of those Navy SEALs and that was one of his points of his message was only the paranoid survive he was so paranoid about everybody that he treated everybody the same just like they were a threat okay and the other message he sent was when they would go on a mission right they didn't make it messy they got to the point where they were going and left before anybody knew what happened so if you apply that to today we're back in Fort Worth where the last time we came to Fort Worth it was messy as hell our goal tonight is to come to Fort Worth get off the bus hit him twice in the head get back on the bus and go before they ever even know what [Music] back to Fort Worth playful with person be our last non-district game Ulysses we coached Novikov through up the Tim Tebow jump pass I take a few steps oh I got a marking on the ball popular [Music] communicate to each other and then play football understand [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh events is very easy mini bulldozer [Applause] there's own action with a quick out on the outside to heaven in real quick there he makes a play shows the speed maybe he feels like I'm pretty sure grabs knew they were gonna take it outside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just gotta get away it's fourth cushion it's done we we got knocked off on done twice last year so this is gonna be one of the biggest games of you it's gonna be a good one [Music] we needed all the help we can get this week it's losing the done in the playoffs it gets you out of bed I've come up short two years in a row oh they eats at you by an analyzer test detected very thick I want to win a state champion the only way to do that to get this done [Music] he's after packing seven throw the park in a while he hurt his ACL last year and he was rehabbing all spring PA Paulie went on since the summer chasing a state championship with Parker that was one of the most special experiences in my life this is the pinnacle of high school football really we're both hundred dedicated to the same goal you know he's my best friend he's really bad you know you better go to SMU I don't know where he's gone last year going into our first down game we were undefeated we hadn't really faced any competition yet and you're done was state champions last year catch so yeah that first game against Dunn was playing basically a hurricane they put the chip on their shoulder for sure they'll talk the whole game they'll try and get you out of your comfort zone yeah the final score that game was 16 to 7 I fumbled on the one-yard line that game I was definitely heartbroken after that that second done game you're playing at SMU and a big crowd you know Parker was hurt for that game caleb got hurt that game I've come up short two years in a row you know he eats at you those Saturday mornings you know it's it's losing the done in the playoffs that gets you out of bed there's not much in the world I love more than football playing under the lights first a championship doesn't get much more special than that especially doing with people you love there's an element of pressure you know it's what I've been working towards my whole life you know it's why I used to go see Kyle every week you can't really compare it you know Friday Night Lights in Texas [Music] so every Friday morning I come to school I get so anxious nervous whatever that I leave and I go to the church then I take these metals and bless them with the holy water and pray and hope that nobody gets hurt then I put them in the kids locker afterwards and usually they tie them on their shoe or they put them in their shoulder pads and they keep them with them and the theory is it's supposed to keep you safe or whatever it gives you an extra edge is the theory from another name and they've been doing infants I guess the first football game but they pass them out before every game so we just been doing the same thing really it's a way for me to try to manage my crazy anxiety on game days yeah I don't think people really realize how much we care about the kids and how much we want them to have success so this game is the first district game Bishop done so this will give whoever wins this game I want to know starting district and puts you on a path to a better play offs to eat and a better district finish and all those things I mean obviously the first district game you want to come out have a good showing and win and get on the right track so this one I need to be an especially good visit to the church we needed all the help we can get this week [Music] all right men for those of you that have been here and been a part of the program like you guys know what this game means there's history between these two teams these are the guys that stood between what we were looking to accomplish last year of finishing the year as champions these were the guys that took that away from us so it's about to go to another level man and this is the time as a team to be hitting on all cylinders and you're gonna get a team that provokes you like they thrive off of watching you get shaken up what this is about tonight is doing something that's never been done before here I wonder what it's a champion just as bad as everybody else in this world does and the only way to do that to get to Bishop done last year we did we should have beat them and this game to me it means more than anything I remember their quarterback after we had lost and he walked by me and he laughed at me that was that was a lack of respect right there that's just straight-up disrespect I don't want to be any other team what I want to be Bishop don't like this game right here is honor bro like and i'ma honor every last one of y'all every last play [Music] teams number three and four in the taps rankings as the Panthers host Bishop does so now it's time to see that his aggressive defense for Paris to step out all feelings fill it up big hit there with bridges it is throwing them into the turf hey great job we've got to communicate better we're better than they are do you understand we gotta stay down low we got to play wizard everybody a quick pass out look for ghosts or ghosts or - I don't want handoff - Cole goes to the outside breaks one tackle is fighting for the golden and ready to pitch out Vince it makes a man go to that side line that's gonna be fourth is all the one stop keep on a big hit right at the 20 it's the linebacker Kenneth quarters make new friends no no a Richards wanna I snap able to bring it in and the putter is gonna go for it it's not down short okay gonna be a play-action just a little low catch the ball evan breen i know in the sail over the head of stone he's racing back it will fall on it that's right stop would you watch and it's gonna roll out of bail that's um take that sideline it's oh don't some emotions gonna be a hands off up the building no doubt we want the pocket to look like this you went here and you stood right there that's not flushing him anywhere that's right easy Joe you're better than him getting a little bit chippy down there is going to be clearly a late hit and fired up now don't has time got it got it got it down has campus party it's down [Music] [Music] [Applause] in front of ya it's a good first half alright the key to this half now is to finish and we got to stop making mistakes mistakes or what are killing us execute perfectly no penalties alright let's go be a hand off and it easily [Music] Falkon since then this one is going to go over the head every boy sure it out of the end zone 47 yard line this one is hot still on his feet hey get to lynch nippon one guy do it up and another flag coming down guys listen keep your cool and don't say a word to anybody does everybody understand me keep your cool mine's gone and Fries gone they're both ejected dejected dirty dick what a three dudes dubbing mouthing mating all of the above and that's what I want stop fosters out Foster's got to go to locker room posture they threw you out no you gotta go locker room relax relax relax think they're going to throw him out of the game and hat trick for bard Lynch [Applause] [Music] [Music] really proud of the effort by everybody here it was a collective effort by everybody all right there's just one step great work fire buddy breaking out let's go you guys [Applause] I mean it was a business trip you know when you only had to come out and it's a done deal savvy hey no I say yeah what is the maintenance guy like locks it locks it man Diego you slump and health and we close the door we turn off all the lights bro we try to lift them up are we nuts on the door slammed it he was okay wait Robert no cuz he fell asleep [Music] hey so he he felt he fell asleep in the meeting and no one ever woke him up he's been asleep for the past two hours this is homecoming for them tonight so they picked you out of all the teams on their schedule as the Patsy for homecoming you don't pick somebody for homecoming unless you think you can beat them nobody wants to lose on their homecoming so they went down the schedule looked at the gauge they had instead which one of these teams can we beat oh there they are Parrish there's the sucker that's disrespect so make them regret that decision where they will never ever choose you for homecoming again flying from Ruffino Stadium on the campus of Bishop Lynch High School ladies homecoming tonight here for the Bishop Lynch friars and they have the esteemed pleasure of hosting a very very good football team in this parish episcopal squad this year and they send us for their homecoming and I guess they thought it'd make it whoa deep down the left sideline Mel on the first play and that is complete in the hands of Gabe walls and just like that parish episcopal across Smithfield that's right to the far side and that's a touchdown in the hands of Evergreen having run a little slower route a great way to start to drive throw they start the game this is where please can get a little bit tricky they do try to go to the air they try to run for it and then football exact picked up by parish episcopal it's Panther football deep in Bishop loose territory let's go 56 to play here first quarter on Thursday Night Lights a little bit of a misnomer tonight as you playing on a Friday and this looks like touchdown number two it is into the end zone goes caleb i'm the reception from Preston stone and a very quick start for the parish best belong minutes once again into that rhythm all the pressure you might have had going anybody instead of falls off your shoulders Darius Boyd that he put the ball on the deck again Bishop Lynch thinks they have it and it's apparently still alive football out of the pilot that comes Keegan Addison he's still on his feet parish episcopal somehow coming up with a loose football halfway through this first quarter preston stone with his first running play of the day take it in himself and getting to the outside stone trying to get to the corner stone hesitation dives to the pylon touchdown parish episcopal 38 yards on the run and stone makes it a three small game this is by the best we've ever come out like in my career ever but we are clicking we are clicking tosses on the near side foot boy penetration in the backfield again by parish episcopal henry portraits to the house touchdown Panthers there we do have a flag on the field flag down on the 39 yard line the big question here will be whether it was before or after the change of possession this flag will bring it back what's the flag hold up don't you just wait be patient of us this is ridiculous coach give me an idea unsportsmanlike penalty after the play so it is indeed going to remain parish episcopal football but that penalty holds a touchdown off you gotta relax with the penalties this is ridiculous everybody needs to settle down and shut up just play football this guy's gonna call all kind of penalties just play football just act like four penalties on top of each other we've had more penalties in the last two minutes up in a place find ourselves in about 13 32 zone firing deep downfield he's got a it's completed breathe push down they come forward and 30 that's right don't flush chaste flag flies 18 Howard right on his back I mean at that point the penalties were definitely causing us problems who's open who who's open try get that first momentarily picking up the first down the initial signal is yet again that would be against Paris born back home home yet again back on top of each other keep having to convert finally we get some points on the book and it's 33 the Seminole bear Episcopal Gutierrez there to kick it off this time why not try it right you're down 26 and instead here goes Christian Benson up the middle Benson across midfield little hesitation and he's still going Benson inside the 25 inside the 20 and his footrace to the pylon Christians Benson touchdown [Applause] that will be all this game requires 5414 the final score parish episcopal a dominant performance on the road and they move to six and one on the you know we ain't got no school today so nothing else to do we're gonna get low competitiveness go-kart so loser has to practice at full game uniform car lag in don't get caught lag I'm a pro pro I'm a pro damn doing eating 26 3 1 6 come on be last I represented like the truth shut up be quiet worried no I'm not worried about you bro well I don't even need the break y'all see me getting nervous bro no no I was talking the most anything I'm the second best of the week let you get top of the loser Dracula in your town what was your time with 28 seconds both cover the losses racket phone come on now I gotta count for something Caleb's gone a whole second slower than I was he wouldn't let me pass him in gentlemen yeah you drive exactly how do you feel about practicing in full power and I've barely lost to Robert Airport little Daniel down there got a dress up at all gameday uniforms allow [Applause] [Music] thank you for joining us tonight on this cold and rainy evening but again it's gonna be another fun matchup between a couple of really high-powered teams by fire election differently played in our here stone with a handoff to Lynch going to the outside looking for the edge runs overall by a good road still going it will be knocked out to the 29 yard line what a run for number 28 it's an emotional game motion it there's trouble with the snap is going to be picked up by the man in motion and there are a trio the ball is out there is three or four white jerseys there in the Panthers recover that's what I'm talking about that's going toward the end zone has a man wide open at his [ __ ] let's punch down Caleb hole so 14-nothing Panthers sub Lions trying to answer in perhaps keep pace with the Panthers and it's a another quarterback keeper has some room is gonna get to the edge and is in for the touchdown 14 to 6 lead on Panthers offense we're gonna read back running back what about keeper fakes the pitch and now has some room up the middle pass the 40 it's gonna be a footrace as it gets past midfield and is tripped up and is down at the 35 yard line but enough's enough his own way actually stone with the pump fake has a man has a step in his cot to the 20 to the 10 touchdown Evan green so that'll do it for the first half of action 47 6 an impressive start for the Panthers that was calling make sure make sure you do not let them stay for one second then get back in the ball game now hype play-action has a man it's green is caught slips out of a tackle as there is the hat trick for Evan Reed another touchdown number one from Preston stone their goal with a fake rolling out dough has some blockers and Gabriel rubs finds the endzone for the two-point conversion downtown and they'll try and fake of their own and won't look good the ball is out and the Panthers are gonna return it all the way back so that's how this game will end Panthers pick it up and return it a stupid score all smiles all celebrations for that Panthers team a another convincing road win they're going to NBC station get the bobblehead play of the week thank you I guess they damns you on twitter right they make a bobble heads yeah that's pretty cool yeah do senator me I think they give it to ya I think that's what this is on the show they presented to him live live TVs have you screwed up and I turn it back on my yeah I guess I'm excited I mean I really don't know what to expect [Music] [Music] still through for 266 yards in five touchdowns as the Panthers be prestonwood 40 15 19 look at those moves I'm thinking that right there Preston joining us in studio along with the snowshoe Daniel Novikov all right man here's the bobblehead what do you pitch it yeah awesome last week against Preston wood three or five touchdown passes we're in the first half what did that mean to you guys and how much did you think that kind of helps you get the momentum going the run yes sir yeah we you know we'd never be pressed before so obviously starting off hot helped us a lot Daniel what's it been like coaching this guy I mean he has all these offers all this attention number one dual threat quarterback in the nation for next year when you hear that what's it been like handle on that and how is he handled it and what's been like coaching well first of all he's a great player that's that's obvious you can see that from the highlights but what most people don't realize is what a good teammate he is what a good person he is and what a great leader he is he really makes our program go and he's the heartbeat of it so it's been a pleasure to coach him and Preston you guys you haven't won a tap state title in five years I feel like you maybe have the chance with this group what do you feel like the potential is for this group and why is this team been so successful this year oh yeah well state championships toughly been the goal since day one you know we've all really come together to make it you know great brotherhood we've won seven in a row now so we should have some momentum going to playoffs yeah great chance looking forward to watching it going forward thank you guys for being - congratulations thanks so much for having us appreciate it we going hardcore smile okay [Music] not mine hey Preston are those your carbs cuz they're not mine yeah Alabama that's a crazy are you serious you said Clemson is here to watch me hello play Georgia all right good yeah you told Nick Saban I said thank you so another district matchup tonight Parrish coming in seven and one overall three and OH in district and you look at John Paul 6 and 2 overall and then one in one in district a very exciting matchup tonight empty backfield to start off the game it has a man wide open and his car the 35 rolling out as a man it is that's back with some time looking down the middle and his oh yeah what a catch by number 19 there is a flag down and it feel [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh talking about James under center it's gonna be a handoff and his men in the backfield they're his Big Lake giris and they're gonna throw a flag then it will be a penalty against Blake Burris off the celebration keep the same energy fielded by kolten these 16 yard line up the middle that's a quick strike or perish congratulations to the 2019 parish episcopal Panthers district champions [Applause] cornerstone yes sir I gotta say we have one time cut off my - my mom's do mine and whatever I was younger I look at pictures on my whoa I tried to kick away I know whatever listen I I turn the razor like this but I heard that but I didn't know - the big day I got to school it's but look at his eyebrows all right so we just had a bye week and gonna go rollerskating on pacifier [Music] I'm made for this ja how to celebrate his birthday he chose to come here but I don't skate though so let's just say the family incident has happened here before my sister broke her leg so I don't want to be the second coming of the leg breaker so I'm having a good time from the sidelines well bust my look at him [Music] [Music] [Music] we are just a few moments away from the beginning of senior night matchup as parish takes on Cornerstone Christian warriors Farris sitting at 8 and 1 on the year as this will be their final homestand before playoff pressure behind both up/down Morris trying to drop on it it is going to be picked up by the Panthers [Applause] [Music] [Music] let go look like kids burgers got a chance that's why recreo stoned out trying to go deep for Evan fries brings it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nine yards that's actually needs to be out don't roll it down a beautiful runs they get 17-yard touchdown scamper is my last play on the Smurfs sir I would wear this touchdown hat but there's too many mean people in the comments [Music] you know what people that matter to me are right here in this huddle and standing right here these coaches it's us against everybody else we need all hands on deck to go win this thing [Music] [Applause] this is playoff football you're one state really under test all year except we see the hill there's somebody out there another warm that makes your soft they think they're gonna come in there and hit you in the mouth and make you quit even like looking back on it I still don't really know what happened they're gonna know what exactly happened in Abilene Texas even if everyone has like an off day today like we could have an on day have you ever heard the term on day like I've heard like I was on today but I've never heard I'm gonna have an on dish [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you're talking you could chuck me or Hurley yeah I think you might be my best man a lot obviously as you know you ever going to feed it back up cause member one state I remember the trippity that's the robber time as well because they were but they were both like the best teams in the state one of the best high school football games over yeah the game where I was there I was there we really haven't been tested all year except for Cedar Hill even like looking back on it I still don't really know what happened beside you know giving up a 17 and it was a touchdown those call back you got a whole box without the pump block yeah that's good this 10 points so yeah good I know we want a second now I didn't like like from the start of the second half of all saints was when like we figured out our office never know when it's going to be your turn to go in the game if you don't know what to do you're gonna look like an idiot and I know what that'll be on you don't say I didn't get any reps or whatever it's not the problem and that's not kind how life works you get one chance somebody's gonna give you one chance in life and you're they're gonna make it or you're not alright I want to set the stage for you a little bit we had opportunity this Saturday to play at the star the reason they don't want to play at the star is because he's confident he can kick your traveling it's live bullets now all right you can get shot there is no tomorrow they think they're gonna come in there and hit you in the mouth and make you quit and they think we're a finest football team that throws the ball around and does all that doesn't play any defense has a bunch of pretty boy guys that are rated and he said all that kind of stuff I don't think he really understands who is on this football team you guys heard me tell the Secretariat story over and over again once everybody realized Secretariat was a good racehorse they tried all kinds of stuff to beat it get out in front of it you know make it run from a head all those kind of things to see if they could be to know what it could beat Secretariat same type of deal here all right but I need you to understand okay that there's somebody out there number one that thinks you're soft and they're they think they're gonna beat you so I hope and I know you guys will rectify that situation so we shake hands at the end right they're gonna know what exactly happened in Abilene Texas and we're gonna punish them for not letting us play at the start doing it better get it done hopefully at least I mean we prepared well so it's kind of crazy is my first time ever going to the playoffs oh trying to suck everything in we shall win state and we've been saying this his job and that has changed I think we're ready are you feeling before the game I feel it okay I feel loose but I find myself struggling and I'll just think of my happy place [Music] [Applause] [Music] but this is playoff football this is what you've worked hard for the whole year to get to this point you've earned the right to go out there to have fun it's the one thing I know about this room is we got some war daddies in here so show it tonight the true meaning of what a war daddy is and I told you this quote when I need you the most you gave me your best tonight is the night I need you the most so give me your best all right let's go [Music] [Music] and welcome to Anthony field on the campus of Abilene Christian University for tonight's second-round matchup between the parish Panthers and the Midland Christian Mustangs right first play the game stone steps back Atlanta wide open dispense it and after one play they are into Mustangs territory the 47 yard line [Applause] don't go in deep as a man and his cops it's cold to the 5 end zone touchdown Panthers preston stone showed off the cannon 47 yards stoned to Colt to place pouring driving the Panthers strike first my dog respond dogs from rice and he is met right away and is dragged down my snap goes over the butcher's head safety safe down to the back of the end zone and it's gonna be a safety Panthers get 2 points they now have a eight nothing lead and they won't get the ball back on the free kick now time second playoff action it's gonna be a quarterback keeper stone makes a man miss has some blocks going back to the outside to the corner and is in for the touchdown a 28 yard touchdown run from Preston stone great read that time now a two touchdown lead [Music] is almost intercepted come here I got it line drive kick your god you're good at these 40 Gemini makes them look and then this and that has some room one man to beat side steps of Noah's gonna catch him that's another touchdown for the Panthers Daniels Emery able to take it on the punt return for the score and it's a three-possession game the near sideline has a man that's like a bus think upon that they figured out it where are you going sit in the flat and a guy hit hard right at the 14 ox a loose carrot pulp 74 surely a post 74 surely opposed yes time has a man open over the middle it's green and his pop past midfield and is knocked down at the 40-yard line that's right back through again 12 seconds left don't stepping back now we'll make a run for it there's six seconds left he's gonna get enough for the first down he gets down to through 24 yard line three seconds on the play clock boy stur will attempt a 41 at yarder to give him a twenty four nothing lead into the break it's good snap it's good hole to take this up has both plenty of leg and that one is off the post oh my goodness haha as we head into the halftime break that's when he pull in nothing the lead or the Panthers the next part is to finish this do not let them up off the mat keep the throttle down nothing is done there's a half of football left does everybody understand finish it let's go white and welcome back to Anthony field now time stone looks as a man it's cup by Green makes a man missin is able to walk get to the end zone for a Panthers touchdown 30 to nothing Paris leads this one and even Addison and the duo will get a sack that's right second down and two they'll hand it off to Vincent again is able to cut loose go into the end zone Angie's in that's another touchdown this time as Christian Vincent make it 37 to nothing as we stand the Panthers leave this one over the Mustangs of Italy [Music] [Music] Carlyle stepped back getting rushed immediately and has taken down latnok again and that will do it as the Panthers defeat Midland Christian forty four to six and will advance to the state semifinals this is a good one there's a good win but it's not the one we want all right that's a good first step it's exactly what we want is a little rusty but we hadn't played in two weeks so that's fine we'll clean it up next week and be back on our game all right proud of you guys let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today's Thanksgiving leave my haircut no [Laughter] I think I cut it off Saints week and I haven't cut it since we haven't lost since I probably won't cut it into after we went say Thanksgiving Tuesday the best practice I get to go home eat a lot of food wasn't football yes it's Thanksgiving where nothing is better - so we're heading state semifinals playing st. Thomas at the star Christo st. Thomas bbl 27th and you've got 20 in the first quarter against BL Thomas have yet to this far though we respected yeah like this is a brother this team I'd really come together this year and we've developed relationships with each other and we're just said it's like a band of brothers that's what I would call it a band of brothers a pair of football get threes going on through this where you're able braces there you start running back corn Lynch oh he got the phones on - he ready - whoo I feel like with this team and with this school it's been really easy like make friends and develop relationships with people because they're just different around here I'll shoot football are you - four oh I've never ever met a running back that was good at basketball like - like to this day P no better than the draw - way the way things are going is just perfect and the way we band together like there's no there's no fighting travel if we win a state championship that would be a lifelong journey so I actually won I've won a state championship before I was in Virginia but it's not just football it's life so the one thing that I really wanted was just kind of like refocus that perspective for you guys everybody in the state tonight like shows people that even watch nationally you know what this Paris team is really capable of more or less absolutely man we appreciate you we love you [Music] look man there's not a lot that needs to be said right now all right we're back in the state semi finals it's been a long year to get back to this point a ton of work a ton hours by a ton of people think about all the 6:00 a.m. work out all the time spit perfecting your craft doing everything possible to get back to this moment right here right now it's in front of you right here you got to go seize it you're on the biggest day high school football has to offer it doesn't get much better than that the better performers the bigger the stage the better they perform that's what we got to hear a bunch of guys that rise to whatever the occasion is and exceed expectations so take all the emotion out of it and surgically dissect them if you get after them up front they'll quit so have each other's back double tap them and let's go on to the next round let's go two teams ready to take the field and one is the top division one state semifinals it's the parish episcopal Panthers in the st. Thomas Eagles that's plenty of time for rolling out to us right however st. Thomas forces a fumble luckily for the Panthers it's out of bounds fine lights at preparing steps drachma stone looking deep over the middle nothing going there has to roll out to his right pressure coming from behind stones still try to direct traffic he's gonna be brought down from behind and the Eagles come out firing so now Reed moister back to punt it away and it is an ugly one Wow things could not have started better for the Eagles and much worse for the Panthers a sack on the final play of the drive and then a punt that ends up with a net gain of about nine yards base three Kalle having to roll out to his right he is not a scrambling quarterback and he's brought down from behind good number 99 and Wake Forest's in on the stop reman truck repairs stepping up in the pocket ease pressure and brought down from behind there is defense comes up big and the panthers horse wave muñoz makes the stop good tips right 49 Sprint's off alright ready action right over the middle Caleb Cole breaks pretty far sideline all the way down to the 30 yard line before he's dragged down from behind Oh 510 185 and he explodes for a huge game facet that's a lob ball far side over the shoulder it's caught touchdown Panthers Christian Benson finds pay dirt and parish takes the lead early in motion pressure coming from the outside he's going to be sacked again today gets in the backfield take down that it's cop back to pass now it's getting absolutely laid out that time but just coming on the tackle occasional Grubbs this walks to the side parish gets a hand on it Caleb Cole comes flying in out of nowhere and they will keep the board clean let's get a free play now on the false start and it is off with the fingertips parish dials it up Gabriel wolves make some magnificent grab waist-high as he carries it into the end zone the second touchdown pass of the night for Preston stone and it's a two score leave for Paris let's go it away moisture high arcing get right at the goal line that is about as perfect of a kickoff you'd ask Bonner has it shakes off one tackle oh this is trouble far side to the numbers all the way to the floaty Bonner shoved out of bounds a touchdown saving tackle by Daniel Demery third time in the red zone for the Eagles can they come up with points over the middle completion close to the first down marker he has it guys come listen since we've called a timeout I would look for some sort of two-point play like some sort of tricky motion type play pay attention stab or zero stabber zero let's go in the Eagles offense play action over the middle cut complete touchdown out of it back to a one score game bounce I don't looking right over the middle that one complete on a laser into the hands of Caleb goal hey let's go 10 KB empty right Omaha empty right Omaha hurry up hurry up that's right five steps rocks don't you reckon traffic has a wide open look up the middle this is one tackle through the middle to the end zone touchdown Parrish airborne stones and he flies into the endzone for 6 in the first house has come to a close 21 7 perish on top every coach I've talked to coach they can't run the ball so you're good there that's what I see I'm filled but apparently they can run the ball cuz we're letting them don't you sense of pride shut that down make them throw the ball every understand we didn't play our best half of football that's okay we got to come out and dominate in the second half your life is on the line right now play like it dominate them alright let's go break it out let's go this is going deep deep but it is intercepted no alone in the secondary had I step on the receiver turned into a receiver himself and the captain will sit in for today thank you talk about a momentum shift [Music] and off the Vincent he'll push through a pile stays on his feet into the end zone and giving off the fake one Barclays celebration arm waving her out it's a 20-point advantage for parish in st. Thomas as their backs against the wall here in the third quarter now here stone takes the pitch breaks excellence left slices his way through the defense it into the end zone busting zone when the second rushing touchdown of the game and tarish with the dagger in the fourth quarter thirty four to seven now times go get the first game fair of a huge hole far side bye-bye Christian fits into the end zone for the third time today I think that's about goodnight 4114 the parish episcopal bathrooms are going to their first state title game since 2014 [Music] yeah it's a quite an accomplishment soak it in for tonight and then tomorrow back to work all right we got to go get him we didn't come all this way to turn back now all right break it out let's go these are the games you dream about first off congratulations you guys are in a state championship game there are not a lot of individuals that get this opportunity sometimes in life that doesn't happen sometimes the best team doesn't win luckily you guys have an opportunity you want to leave a legacy and this is that week where Stan thank you know especially I practice it's got to be a little bit more up-tempo in sync for sure yes we are here bro good but we still got we got one more every ten minutes I'll hear someone just say like the word state and like that's me it gives me a tingle like every time let's get moving I don't want you to go into this game thinking it's gonna be a cakewalk because I promise you will not John Paul is much better now they're not gonna let us do what we did to them last time they're not the same team because she winners in two universes right like every rep you take is like a state championship game because like I've never played a very football game it's my family I practice so the thing that's scaring me right now like I see if you're doing this to usually coach days of VidCon plays but they have no supervision I swear like there's nothing better than a Parrish upset it's the blue field so makes it look so cool everyone and high school football will remember their final game win or lose I remember mine played South Lake third round of the playoffs we were undefeated going into the game and it's just not a good feeling to lose [Music] trying to raise a banner our new gym yeah with everyone there wear a ring to prom we got work to do but like we know they can't like beat us fry like stone we when we lose like we beat ourselves because they can't run with us like no under addition go in the hole we can run with great care even though we played them again I would like you to prepare like we have not played that everyone understands never get your mind right you ready to win a state champion so much one year and that said as soon as we're going to state I was a shaven number one sad my head and get moly now the time is here so we're gonna walk home I have no rich my d-line cut my hair game oh and maybe we'll see some other teammates who didn't do it too [Applause] I don't know what that dude what number is this what number is this [Music] not cut my hair we're not cutting you guys [Music] so is that professional I'd give it [Music] that's my two years reaction where you think a great [Music] [Applause] she's helping me to get a haircut and I said okay so mom hey mom I'm home thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] business trip always no fun at all after the game we did celebrate [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now the number of the day is 4 that means you seniors have 4 more quarters in your career that's it there's no more next week there's no more I'll get them next time you got to win four quarters big time players make big time plays and big-time games this is about as big as it gets that's it so overtime you aren't gonna win this game in one play you're gonna have to win it every single play you can come out here and do all the barking all the chirping all the talk and you've won but at some point you're gonna have to strap the helmet on you're gonna have to do something instead of talk about it's time to do the best understanding right now you go I love all y'all family owe me family on three one two three discovered it all comes down to this the state championship between the parish episcopal panthers in john paul ii and the cardinals Panthers looking for their third state championship in the decade and John Paul winning their first playoff games ever just a few weeks ago we are ready to kick off the 2019 state championship from Waco Texas [Applause] James has been passing that one is cop passes 35 that'll be enough to lose the chance for a first down down to the 39 yard line this one is a screen able to break out a one tackler gets past midfield that's gonna be another first down I don't care if these guys go out the only thing we can do is give up plays like that another first down is coming us 36 James steps back has a man open that one's caught at the 15 to the 10 is gonna go to the endzone and at the Cardinals strike first let the cop the defense off guard they're going after looks good football game it's gonna be a quarterback keeper for stone there's a flag on the play but stone has a lot of room gets upended right around a 46-yard line stone against stepping back setting up the screen has some blockers down field it's Vincent still on his feet he's gonna walk into the end zone for a touchdown Christian Benson 29 yards for the score on the screen pass mitts and slipping in and out of tackles so six and a half to go in the first quarter 7-7 Panthers respond [Music] great drive buddies right great Dr Dre Dr Dre Dr Dre Dr now hi that'd be another run play ball was out that looks like the carpals fell on it and the Cardinals do grab it at the 45 yard line so Lynch and his murse Kerry puts it on the ground that the Cardinals recover [Music] which is out of nominees season that was intercepted it goes right back and has some blockers now past midfield to the forties and has dragged down to the 32 yard line hey let's go let's go let's go ready ready high snap this direction or a delay to legend high steps into the end zone for the touchdown 14-7 Panthers now lead and get all set up but at bridges intercept plays right there wasn't a Blake forest and Maris sends him back it's gonna be a defensive stand watch the fake back the ball and they be a fake they running up the middle it's gonna be close he's short oh hi the Panthers defense stands tall I can tell you that it's edge-of-your-seat every play there we go third down has the man it's caught inside the 10 its Colt and that's enough for the first down [Applause] it's a handoff to Benson and that is in for the touchdown Vincent second of the game credit 28 Caron Lynch with a lead block on that play clearing the way for his buddy so 21 7 11 14 to go in the first half of action 35 now late shift on the deep fence and as a man wide open behind everyone to the 20 to the 10 it's at the end zone it's a quick strikes with the cars hold well that's how you get back into a state championship game right there and that will bring an end to the first half and the Panthers have a to score leave going into the break and we'll get the ball to start the second half as we're a half way through the 2019 state championship game here in Waco Texas they're really not playing with us they may feel like it right now but I'm going to show you exactly what happened where are they trying to throw the ball they want to throw it here they want to throw it here they want to throw it here and here and here and here every understand not the flat so make them throw the flat and then come down to make tackles make them drive the ball down the field in your five [Applause] we are ready for the second half of action 28:14 Panthers with the lead and we'll start back keeper all the way score has some room to the 30 20 10 they're not gonna catch up he dives the pylon he's in Preston stone I mean what a big play and diving at the last moment into the pylon for the touchdown now it's a priest or game yeah this is where big time players shine is on this kind of a stage that ball is out the ball was out lumiose was there to make the tackle and the Panthers recovered Kenneth orders with the football Jose Munoz knocked it loose Kenneth Porter's recovers gentlemen that's what great defenses do you understand it may force turnovers they take the ball away that's what I'm talking about victory tegra name one more kneeled down and that will do it leads to gentlemen the parish Panthers are 2000 the 19 state champions you guys have made this season truly the most best football season I've ever been a part of watching the excitement of everybody on this team when that clock hit zero was incredible you know it make makes doing this all worthwhile for the entire game they didn't convert a third or fourth down [Music] everybody looks at us like we're some sort of huge high-flying packaging team we ran for two hundred and sixty some odd yards and control the clock and pounded them and ground it out and beat them into submission [Music] [Applause] [Music] I sunlight decided back to the school oh my what are we what every number number this just for fun hard work led to this championship sangre to victory number I'm here in San Antonio at the all-american bowl and I'm actually committing so I'm really excited first I want to thank God my family my teammates back home my coaches and everybody that's been with me throughout this process and for the next four years I'll be attending Southern Methodist University he's gone yeah this process is finally over it started in eighth grade this is crazy found a home in SMU that could be more excited for me and my family and to be able to do it here on a national stage is it's incredible you know I've always felt home asking you I just couldn't be more excited please do this video to get drippy you know that check out the rest of the videos right here cuz they fire and subscribe right here to you see that thank you
Channel: Overtime SZN
Views: 552,149
Rating: 4.8438721 out of 5
Keywords: preston stone, preston stone highlights, preston stone overtime, preston stone vs deion sanders, preston stone vs shedeur sanders, preston stone commits, preston stone football, preston stone king of friday night, preston stone commits to smu, preston stone state championship, preston stone texas, preston stone football offers, preston stone all american, preston stone qb, preston stone dad, preston stone 8th grade, parish episcopal, king of friday night, kofn
Id: mbJW_FaOn_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 13sec (7273 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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