Can Coach Who NEVER PUNTS Win Back To Back Titles!? Full 2nd Season W/ NICK SABAN Of High School!

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welcome back to arkansas home of the most elite program in high school football the pulaski academy of bruins we're not the fastest we're not the biggest team but we work the hardest and the pulaski academy bruins have done it again we're seeing history in the making our game plan is like a video game our coach is a mad scientist we run formations you've never seen we always go forward on fourth down we own sidekick every time and we never ever hunt we won a state championship last year we made national news and now everyone wants a piece of us staying on top of the mountain isn't easy we lost a lot of great players and the pandemic has made this season extra hard but we're going to battle through it the top dynasty in arkansas football keeps rolling because no one no one is going to take our title from us this is to the house [Music] i had him going to numerical order down you win a championship for the rest of the year music sounds better food tastes better i get a tattoo on my arm every year that we win a state championship last year was no different birds sing a little louder i mean just everything's better we're expected to win and it's such a relief but now it's time to get ready for the next one the quarterback situation don't know how y'all feel about this don't really care open competition isn't the word i like to use but that's what we're having competition makes people better our two quarterbacks competing will be charlie pfizer he's a junior and nolan bruffett he's a senior but we got to turn that into a championship team somehow it starts with y'all last year was a phenomenal year you're in a freaking zone everything you do is magic our quarterback braden bratzer led the country in passing 20 to 10 touchdown right big excuse to fill that kid right there right well we got to figure out a way to do it brewing football 2020 starts right now this can't happen what passes out there oh can you get it in the vicinity he's wide open know it i was just kind of nervous overthrew his intended receiver you may put charlie in going into this year i did start to develop some expectations of the kids if you're not going to throw the ball in the vicinity of them why are you 15 yards back on a sixth round and there's not a human being past the line of scrimmage but also of a science background you shouldn't predetermine outcomes of tests or experiments because then they'll be biased somewhat this is going to be my first varsity game essentially the starting quarterback so charlie pfizer is there now passes out there's complete to cooper white if you would have hit cooper instead up here where they're having to make circus catches we'd had a touchdown down here each time we either score or we turn it over those are the only two options you would think that the senior that had been in the system a year longer would be the guy to emerge nolan is the drop back quarterback he's a pocket quarterback he knows the offense as well as any of my quarterbacks in the past or might think that charlie would emerge as a starter because he's more mobile his legs can buy him time charlie fisher in the shotgun he has the snap look at the left side charlie you got it down here when he breaks when he breaks it's got to be up i'm not going to deal with two quarterbacks i can't throw the ball to our guy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know people think oh you guys must be one of those schools like img academy that has all these kids that are going to do division one football we've got one division one football kid right joe hyman he's one kid with a division one offer my goal is to go d1 and then just make it to the nfl hit joe pretty good he cold not pretty but he's really let me understand me but joe is he was really good when i practiced with joe it's like he'll make it one step cut you know running back for a touchdown going into this year gonna be different our offensive strategy is usually centered around our quarterbacks but this year it's more centered around joe he's our most talented player uh he's not a big kid so people be surprised when they see him play but but it's extremely talented fast strong good balance all those kinds of things he's spin moving hitting the hole he's breaking like three or four tackles it's just amazing to watch i just like to play fast and physical but man his stop starts fantastic he's the quiet one if you don't really if you're not really close to him he's not really gonna talk as much but i'm pretty close to him so he he's funny you know just making someone look silly this is a good feeling he has a low voice so it's like you gotta really listen to what he's saying we can't rely on joe to carry the offense every game our quarterbacks have got to play better it's really just that simple he's going to throw it out there but it went sailing in front of him that's terrible nolan when coach is criticizing me on the sideline i don't take it personally i just have to fix it you don't work hard to do this crap do it again see what happens golly what are you throwing the ball roughing in the shotgun pass is out there that was intended for joe hyman to turn over on downs and they got the ball in a great field position [Music] so you can fold up or you can suck at the freak up [Applause] no god no no i don't know knowledge you're gonna get him killed i'm gonna be honest the quarterbacks love the ball up over the middle then you look at your quarterback you're like why are you throwing the ball up like that go go go go go go go go go gosh somebody we suck i mean we just freaking suck you cannot turn the ball over no lo look at me you got to make good play and take care of the ball son i don't have expectations anymore [Applause] i don't care how many people are guarding me i'm getting that ball i knew i was going to go 101 with their linebacker james jordan three on the left there's the pass it's complete to jalen winter and he's going to the house jalen witcher makes a great play you got lucky you under through it good job concentrate on the football as soon as it came off his foot i'm like we've got a chance at this [Applause] hyman's going to direct snob profit he's going to follow lam dyke in the end zone for a touchdown ruins there's a snap he's under pressure he throws it deep and putting the senators back on the school board and that brings us to the end of the third half with this score ruins 20 senators 21 y'all got to play the best defence i've ever played because my quarterbacks are terrible if you have two quarterbacks you really don't have one [Music] i'd say it's nolan i know he can trust me and i trust him to make the throw we've only got 20 freaking points you had a free touchdown on cooper's piece are you looking at me you can't throw a rocket you can't just out and throw it over his head he stopped showing your shoulders and your panic and throw it outside we've got to be able to have quarterbacks that throw it to the freaking guy when you sign up to play quarterback you signed up to be a real grown freaking man you have to try harder 100 of the place come on in the second half our defense stopped robinson's offense i come in and stack we end up stopping them again for a turnover rundown probably our most talented player is a linebacker footage and coward he weighs 148 pounds and he's playing with some big guys and just being that small playing with those guys you have to be very very tough the toughest on the team is probably fuda foolish and kawaii my name is fideshinkawa and i play outside linebacker probably one of the smallest guys on the team he's a tireless worker tireless pursuit never gives up if the play is 50 yards away he's hustling you're going to get beat around sometimes you're not going to win but you've got to be able to get back up and fuda does that every play i was born in japan and i moved to america when i was three i remember japan a lot and i remember you know the first time i came to america i was a gymnast since as long as i can remember actually i think i was like a three or four time state champion but i mean technically it's like fifth and sixth grade so i don't know if that really counts but i still think it counts i think it's pretty cool [Music] defense actually started you know putting more pressure on their quarterback and just fuda out they're just giving him such such a hard time the hardest hitter on the team josiah johnson i like the contact josiah johnson he will knock you out [Applause] my name is josiah johnson and i play a strong safety yeah i like fantastic we've made a lot of mistakes we have to you know go over those mistakes and make sure we don't make them again somebody make a play on defense [Music] god we need one of our playmakers to make a play charlie pfizer just floated the ball up caught the ball and toe-dragged my foot and they carved another touchdown [Applause] jalen witcher he's a guy that we can run just a man-to-man route with jalen he's become a very good player off the field he's a great great great person just a good teammate that you want your other kids to be around last year we had jaden kelly and he was kind of in the spotlight jalen he's a senior now i'm thinking that he wants to step it up and take on the role been stepping it up in practice what's up boy what's up in the weight room and he's really coming along jalen's a kid that has worked tirelessly i think he's going to have a great year as well [Applause] robinson came back they made the school really close [Applause] you can't just throw the ball out of bounds you just cost us freaking 15 freaking yards and a loss of down [Music] our defense is just so good the defense picked it up a little bit you know we got a lot of stops and the offense was able to keep scoring which kelly caught a one-on-one situation i released in and then they caught it for another touchdown that put the game away like officially i had 244 yards on 13 catches and five touchdowns and a two point conversion that is the that is the best that was the best game i've ever had it feels good first real win of the season we were able to see what what we were able to do i think there was a lot of people talking about how we wouldn't be as good because a lot of people left we were able to prove to everyone else that we could play there you go baby there you go after you win a game i'll do like a backflip year we played in the ravenwood and we came up short coming back this year we know that we have a chance to beat them i think we can go undefeated it's a big revenge game we're all hoping to get some revenge on rivenwood are y'all looking at the josiah johnson kid i think he could play for y'all you ain't kicking another kick i think i'm pretty decent at it what are we doing where's our head [Music] we've been doing some weird stuff in football we on sidekick after we score i've based our whole football philosophy on the analytics of what things win football games the most what is the problem my name is von selick and i'm the kicker for pulaski academy every freaking practice we start the ball's going four miles an hour i could have kicked it that hard with my left foot what are my freaking kickers are you freaking kidding me over the years onside kicking has been fairly consistent caleb you're fired we've gone down almost low enough where i had to pull the plug and go we're not even getting enough for us to try an on-site kick you've got to stand there and kick the dang ball can we get a freaking shot this half if all i had to do was hit the ball in the right spot and i had hours to do that i think i could do it at a higher rate than you are last year was a phenomenal year when savannah goodwin kicked we recovered the highest rate of kicks that we've ever recovered from an on-site kicker and what you want as a coach is consistency and it hasn't been nearly as consistent this year this is the worst group of kickoff i've ever had kicks are terrible but vaughn is a hard worker i kick four different kicks jetcopter normalcopter the slow mba normal nba being the kicker for pa i think it's a big job is if we get the ball more than the other team we usually win we're now you know 130 and five when we recover one on-site kick in the game pulaski academy football is different from the rest of the world and the kids really buy into the no pun the always-on-side kick everything's about commitment and hard work and dedication what do you do for fun around here uh probably just go to the mall all right now we're about to go to the mall oh you already know caleb nicholas here one that tries to be funny all the time is caleb i mean the boy's going going to foot locker just always joking around he tries to either make fun of somebody or make fun of something then but half the time it backfires on him and then we end up making fun of him instead we got some shoes what's number two you're looking for bro i'm probably gonna give me some air force one air force one oh yeah like already know right here looking for shoes these shoes are definitely pitchy definitely harrison though i mean we end up laughing but half the time it's at caleb and not at what caleb was aiming at he's here right here you like those they're so big we're out here and build a bear scan your furry friends i say josiah is pretty funny it's either me or josiah josiah is probably the funniest on the team well you smell good what you got on about free time i like to lift weights there's not really much to do here in arkansas [Music] what are you doing oh you know it's like bc double a energy protein i always think if i workout remember the first time i saw you i transferred over here last year i'm at what position you play the first day of practice coach wyatt came up to me he said how do you feel playing safety and i was like i never really held coverage he was shadowing an english class you had a big old laptop the year of that laptop had to be like 1997 it didn't go so well the players on our team was just running good routes on me burning me because like it was so old you could hear the fan the fans like and you couldn't type he'd be like i just worked on it the whole summer and i got pretty good at it take a knee dude he's a good leader it makes everyone work harder you got to watch the ball dude he'll just keep everyone accountable y'all you know putting up big numbers is exciting gosh oh my squats like 505. i mean he's an animal you gotta look at yourself oh yeah we always do it in the mirror i mean i like just looking that's all you're doing he's like my shoulder pads are good my shoulders are good if i look like them i love flexing too all the compliments like help me i don't know who are you trying to impress i'm trying to impress y'all i ain't i don't i don't i don't even want a personal girl i'm not even worried about that girl right now girls football i just like posting the videos and you know getting a lot of feedback from my friends yeah girls golly when is he not flexing that's the question this one person we can't work out with are we trying to get nolan to work out his legs i've been kind of working towards this ever since freshman year playing football at plastic academy is a feeling that all of us here are blessed to go through you know this is your last few stages of athletics i'm not really sad about it i'm happy we get to even play i honestly thought for a little bit that i wouldn't have a senior season i'm very happy to be a part of it in my last few months of football going out there on friday night sun going down it's dark and the lights are on you can hear the fan and the cheerleaders are cheering the va atmosphere the legacy of quarterbacks with pa is made of playmakers if you dominate then you can be on that list that friday night atmosphere is worth the hard stuff we go through during the week how do you not see that before the play starts i think both of our goals was to be the starter i want to be the starting quarterback i do believe that i'm the best option why are you waiting why are you waiting good news is at times i've seen no direct correlation between crappy practices on thursday and bad play on friday where'd the ball snapped the 25 you were on the 10 at the end of your route last year i had to split time now it's my senior year it's my time to show out just run it by yourself so i have to keep running the same thing he can like push your buttons that group get off i didn't want to look at you sometimes he'll just scream at us for like the slightest thing you know why that happened besides you being a total doofus he screams at the receivers a lot for like inside route inside release and we release on the stop and goes quarterbacks inside or out his criticism is more like soul crushing because how's he gonna throw the ball to you if you go run out you know it's really specific but it goes a long way are you freaking kidding me down some people may think like oh that's just like one step i mean that's freaking stupid he expects me to be open every play every week it's the same thing with you something we gotta do down i need that constructive criticism to get to the next level tomorrow you better come with it i promise you if i don't get i will take every freaking one of you out [Music] we just woke up about an hour ago now we're doing a study hall and we got a game in a couple hours oh we are in franklin tennessee greenwood dude this is sprinkling this is real it's brentwood just say nashville the life of a student athlete is really hard and we work 24 7 around the clock it's a little more like college to be quite honest with you kind of get you ready for how college is going to feel every high school don't do this big game against ravenwood you know they had a couple of d1 athletes we're not worried about that don't matter it's not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog last year was pretty disappointing because we were down a lot in the first half and tied it up with them and then ended up losing but we saw our potential that we could have had in that game coming back this year we know that we have a chance to beat them and it's a big revenge game going forth i think that our team can keep this energy going just made them go in and win all our games we're not really like scared or anything but we're just okay it's time to go i kind of talked to myself i'm like look these are probably the most athletic guys we're going to play we're willing to take on this challenge we think we know what they're going to look like but we never know it's real quick we get out there yes sir you won't play a team better than this the rest of the year answer me awesome have you put enough hours in film study and over your lives to go out there and deserve to play well tonight yes sir in the end we have to know that we deserve to win nobody is pushed like y'all nobody you deserve to have success and i expect you to do many of your work here's that everything goes fine look at all those guys they're counting on you i want to be in that spot don't you yes sir it's a great spot to be being the pa quarterback is the single best spot in the entire country in high school you know what the task at hand is i'm excited for you because it's two things one you're playing a team that is bigger than you physically stronger probably faster overall how do we make up for that play freaking harder every play you have to play smart when you get a chance to make a play make a strip do it you get a chance to make one guy miss and take it to the end zone do it if you do those things i have no worries about us all and we're going to walk off the field victorious you have a chance to do something last year's team did not do for that [Music] i'm happy for that i'm proud because everybody thinks last year's team was better than y'all that's yet to be seen walk off phil you promise me you're gonna be victorious [Music] we're not moving the ball well at all [Applause] [Music] do it i know you can charlie our offense doesn't score we've got to hold down the four i think ray lewis but i think josiah he does not stop when he's coming to hit you our defense needs to stop [Music] josiah johnson hits the hardest in all of arkansas [Music] [Applause] they take a lead early in the game joe gets the ball it's like magic a couple hard-fought runs by joe cooper white's a quarterback's best friend he's big and wide and catches just about everything cooper runs a post and he runs past his linebacker and i just throw it to him in the touchdown we need to convert this two-point conversion we take a 8-7 lead you know what my problem is vod we can't win with you screwballs doing your own freaking thing kick it hard i've been the kicker since sixth grade i'm sick of kickers i think i'm pretty decent at it you ain't kicking another kick the quarterback is scrambling we thought we got him he avoids the sack and gets a big [Applause] [Music] you know we just gotta get a stop [Music] moving the ball down the field coach kelly's calling some really good players see charlie rolling to the right and i work up field and charlie sees me from the back he's pretty wide open and throws a perfect pass to me and defender's right in my face and as i'm catching it he hits me but i stay on my feet and go into the end zone [Applause] we're up 16-7 feeling good [Music] we have no shot if you kick it eight yards fawn you know he's a really good coach and he always knows what he's talking about you wanted the freaking job our girl quit don't make me call her last year all he had to do was on-site kit he also became our field goal and extra point kicker and maybe with that added weight it's been a distraction from on-site kicking i may have aided in our inconsistency for sure but it hasn't been nearly as consistent this year our defense makes a great stop we get the ball back it's fourth down i'm feeling pressure and i have to throw it it's tipped by a ravenwood player [Applause] [Music] we go on the half and the offense has to step it up where's freaking vaughn helsing will you nut up and play a little football with us certainly one of tough love pitch guy is definitely one of tough love but you have to respect him at the end of the day you're gonna have to kick a catchable recovery you haven't yet not one it's time to grow the freak up and help the team we got a chance to do something really special you tell us we'll get a nine point lead i'll take it because the second half is hours we're feeling good coming out of the half but then everything goes wrong what are we doing where's our head we're feeling good come out of the half but then everything goes wrong what are we doing where's our head never kick the ball if there's no signal coach kelly's furious it's a big momentum shift we're now you know and five when we recover one on-site kick in a game they're bleachers that are fully filled they're banned down there in the end zone playing it's just a big shift in momentum joe's running the ball gray they gave me a shot they missed had to make [Music] i never really fully sucked it the ball just came out i'm just telling everybody all right that's my fault just come on let's pick it back up [Applause] when they scored inside the game i'm thinking i gotta pick it up even more i'm hitting the whole heart making people miss we [Applause] [Music] the defense stops them we get the ball back when i'm releasing it i get hit it's thrown way behind the corner comes up and stashes don't start this bull crap feel sorry for yourself what did you throw it inside for ah [Applause] i knew josiah johnson was going to be pretty good oh really jake i had no idea he was going to be as good as he has been the quarterback is hit while he throws but the receiver scores anyways [Applause] we go scoring it's over they tie up the game when i'm going back out on the field i know that this is going to be a big drive oh you can't wait [Applause] i roll out and hit cooper d come on right here charlie find a way son [Applause] we can just keep stepping on the gas we can truly win the game can you all suck it up for one more possession [Music] i'm chasing the quarterback all over the field but i can't get him down he throws off his back foot wide receiver fumbles [Music] the defense got us the ball back now we got to convert [Applause] jalen we don't have all day then i dropped the ball knowledge you've got a look we got a freaking touchdown carly you're in 57's x option but listen for me to change the play my mindset is to win the game [Music] he scrambled out i did a toe tap and that's when basically the game was over [Music] you were definitely [Music] wait till there's six seconds left now we can run out the clock in the game we just won baby number one thank all y'all for coming to tennessee give it up they won't let our senior spirit squad show up but they showed up anyway the student section is always picking us up always booing the other team and that's really what lifts us up is having that little cockiness i couldn't be more proud of a group of guys you just need the number two overall team in the state of tennessee we got a good game next week too we got live christian they've got the number one recruit in the united states of america if you guys will work and you'll commit i will forever remember you on here too [Applause] i feel good about our team right now coming in i knew that josiah was a all-state middle linebacker i was an all-star also linebacker so when he came i was really excited to have him going into the game i was a little bit nervous with the varsity speed level going so fast i didn't know like if i'll be making a lot of in mistakes defense are you are carrying two tree trunks for legs around with you that was my first game like playing against that many division one players i try to lead by action but sometimes it'll transition to leading by words you know how you like screened at all of us where in gold that's man confident after they scored on josiah i kind of lost my temper for a few i yelled at josiah we can't give him that come on we can't do this don't i think he's doing bad we gotta pick it up for sure my first time seeing food or mad yeah it's pretty close food was the first person i probably made a phone call to and asked him about some work or something like that a lot of the guys tell me during a game if we get scored on i'll start yelling because i get mad i don't really mean to get mad it just kind of frustrates me that they scored the recruitment process is still panned in right now my parents preached it don't matter the love go where college is paid for yeah i started with the gym um and then eventually got into the classroom i started having classes with them hard from act stuff like that hey math i got 26 on the mail we'll work on that so we can have a better chance to get into d1 d1 program did you think you got a higher score right now i got seven offers but still looking for that first d1 coming from the robinson game college coaches started to gain interest in me i got to keep playing hard so i could pick up more offers well up down everybody if you all kick bad kicks again coach cody as a coach i mean you're acting like a kicker there's two different personalities you know the head case people no offense vaughn on the field it's get it done or get out you can't get mad if i say no offense ricky bobby rolls what's up when he's not in his coaching mode you can really talk like he's a really nice guy and he's funny are you smart i'm saving you for something else tyson yeah he is so funny if it was like you and me fourth and three would you put your money on you or me like you wouldn't expect it because he's so serious on the field that'd be silly because you know what i would do you walk right up when you came off the line come on be like right here just grab you but he loves joking around you'd be all flailing around sack done there you go that's perfect if they give us 28 kicks good news is we're gonna get a good one you know people have been carried off the field on their shoulders here well i've been here for 23 years zero you'd be the first and you'd be a kicker that would ruin my streak [Applause] there you go much better going into it this week i know they've got some really good players d1 guys and we're really looking to nolan or charlie to step up this week we know that they're alternating every other drive and we're looking to maybe the senior nolan to step up come on nolan uh the qb situation right now um y'all make up stuff to look at that's not our stop you know you go in thinking you know maybe it's going to be nolan then we've got a junior charlie that's more athletic faster little stronger arm doesn't understand the middle aspect of the game as much i'm gonna start evaluating you on practice freaking not letting you play the past few games i've been not really dominating i thought you know what i'm gonna be more consistent than leads to a touchdown i want to leave them in while it's the hot factory get against ravenwood i guess charlie i started him that game ended up bringing nolan in nolan had a couple of plays that weren't satisfactory we bring charlie in and he excels at the end has a great game i'd say there's a lot of pressure on them they're more focused on pleasing coach kelly if that makes sense because in practice it's it's it's hellfire on them there good just try getting close to that there you go that's better charlie hey st we're not doing that bull crap there you go good nolan that's better [Music] we've beaten two really good teams so far and we know the next game is going to be the toughest of them all against live christian cause i think they're gonna be trying to kill y'all we have got to run them in the freaking ground that's to be our advantage that's what it's going to be but i mean i can't make it any easier he holds us to a high standard i don't understand golly i'm worried going into this game that again we're gonna be overcome with the star power look that kid's going to tennessee and our kids all know about that because of social media and all this who's who's got the stars live christian's a team that is a kind of a prep school on the east coast very talented very well coached and man they're gonna be a tough one [Music] okay come on fam all right today we were just at pa right now we're headed to my house to eat with a few of my teammates caleb nichols charlie barker and ben smally i do like that style to spread offense where he can just give me the ball in space and i can just make something happen when we get to my house we're just gonna eat relax watch football with some southern food like i think they're cooking chicken ribs macaroni collard greens you know just stuff like that what you see is what you get this is a routine i cook for my family joe when he gets home is the first thing he says mama what you cook i um invite family and friends over and we eat and we fellowship and just hang out oh yes sir here's my fantasy running back i like it that's right i feel like they don't be tackling nfl like they don't like i think they kind of hit in the nfl yeah i played baseball baseball too who the picture started picture me yeah do we have a contract with live christian no that was just a feeling everybody was just telling us how we were playing all these monsters and big d1 athletes audio players probably gonna reclass because that's why all of them yeah a lot of them reclass and that running back you read glass was he number 44 yeah he's 19. he looked like he's like 40. [Music] live christian the game is tomorrow i really didn't know when i signed signed them up to play they have 17 d1 commits 17 it's going to be the most d1 commits on the field at any time in arkansas 10 of them have power 5 offers with the total of 18 they have 17 we have one coming around me acting gangster i ain't buying it and i listen to rap throughout the day 762 god i got that name because i'm firing it i said do you have any ibuprofen he tried to run off i don't think draco was fine [Music] i like to listen to all kind of rap i usually listen for the games and it gets me hyped all of them six foot 300 pounds full of muscle biggest team i've ever still in the same field looking going to play against golly well they look exactly what they say there they look like d1 offers all of them they're lyman they all got leg braces all of them huge some of them's got beards they're they're full-on men i mean i mean if you just want to look at us just look at me i'm i'm kind of looking young they're way bigger way stronger way faster you see how big these guys are they're o-line uh on average bigger than alabama starting o-line right now mesa makes a couple of bruins miss before being taken down at the 44-yard line somehow the defense stops them on fourth down there's the snap rough it's got a man over the middle that's cooper white he makes one man miss he is at the 40 of the eagles territory and he's brought down at the 36 yard line all right there's the snap he's looking downfield pass goes directly to hyman he's across the fifth team the five he's passing it out there and it is complete let's go touchdown bruins oh there's dylan austin in there for the two point conversion that was that confused even me we're feeling good we're up eight to nothing to give to taylor he barrels over one bruin shakes free oh knocked off balance no one would have predicted we have a fighting chance against this team there's the snap down field owen pass intercepted he runs all the way back for a score i pick six did i call fake gator yes i did everybody on the team's side but you cooper and then you just come over here and say you didn't shut your freaking mouth when i say something happened it happened roger's rolling out and a well-placed pass by rogers god help me i'm too tired of the game for the eagles here looks like pfizer was gonna keep that one and run it himself he gets body slammed to the ground charlie you look down there's the snap defies he's getting a lot of pressure he gets brought down again [Music] and he throws it and it's intercepted you can't play quarterback like that my quarterbacks are running up into a sack there's a snap it's going to be a keeper by rogers he's josiah johnson miss fireball across the middle and that is to number 14. hey they doing the same play come on get him yes flies through the air and knocks the ball away he saves a touchdown i don't know how it's a tie game he's got a pass out there he's complete to cooper white he takes a lick looking to the right side still looking the pass is out there and it's intercepted god have i failed how does the quarterback not know the play i'll make it up for it though we ain't gonna have any more makeups you keep throwing freaking pics to pfizer he's looking downfield it was in it's received by cooper white this time directly to joe hyman i can't vote he's doing that at least he's going to run across the 45 across the 50s another 45 to 40 to 35 to 30 to 25 to 20. he's shaking off kids with d1 offers like they're nothing 15 the 10 to 5 touchdown joe hyman and boom it's 14-8 oh my goodness that was ridiculous i have no idea how we did that slide oh and he's going to creep on a two-point play you take a sack man the freak off make sure it goes 20 yards god help me he's gonna throw it over to intended target was number two and it's a live ball and the bruins have it and they're gonna take it their mistakes are keeping us in the game takes the snap this time he fizer he passes it into the end zone and intercepted intercepted in the end zone coach kelly evolves around the turnover battle we've lost that battle so far defense i couldn't be more proud of a group offense i couldn't be more disappointed in a group i've thrown two picks on two consecutive drives defenses pitches shutout whole first quarter was given away by charlie and nolan and then when you have a chance to put them away charlie you have to freaking go down there and throw the freaking ball to our guy and in nolan you have to know the play how do you not know the play we just wanted to go pull off some steam and it was raining last night so we're going to go mud both are two of the greatest kids i could possibly ask for there's not really any rhyme or reason to it it's just fun there's not much to do down here in our free time i like to lift weights prizes behind me he's lacking down a little bit more quiet guy he likes fishing a lot you're just out in the country you get a little dirty it's a little fun most people may not know it but me and fires are a really good friend we're about to go down here and cause some havoc this is the place where we may get stuck i'm going to be honest here we're going to try and bog it we're going to drive through the pond and the main objective here is to keep the exhaust pipe above water if the water goes above the exhaust pipe we're screwed the engine's gonna die on us dude i don't know about that okay fine you can just stay right here i'll do it i'll do it all right i think it's too deep he doesn't trust it if you don't get stuck if you get through it you owe me five bucks that's the deal you going first yeah i'll go first yeah i'm gonna try to do it as well [Music] i've been stuck too many times to count all right getting stuck kind of like adds that thrill to the muddy yeah don't cheat oh there he goes there he goes go go go yes sir owen ended up winning the bet had to pay no one five dollars most people just see us competing for a job and they just think oh they hate each other we're really good friends we had a good time out there it's a lot of fun get away from all of it the stress of football stress at school and just have a good time can we please never again have a kickoff that goes nine freaking yards kick it 25 yards through it if i call that again good we haven't been getting a lot of onsites this year [Music] that's not really good oh he didn't like that green green green game i know he man now bro our defense needs to step up [Music] the defense got us the ball back [Music] joe gets blown up in the backfield nolan hey bubble hey bubble golly shovel pass goes to that's jalen witcher he's across the 25 the 30 the 35 and of course he's forced out of bounds finally getting the train going he's got jalen witcher out there but he threw it past him by about two yards he's wide open goodness another brewing scene stars courtesy of the four star lead to caleb nichols and he gets hit immediately again nice that'll bring up fourth down looking deep got a man down there and it's complete to cooper white he's at the 30. he's in the 20. in the backfield there's the snap handoff to hyman except he pitches it to cooper white who throws it to dylan allison the handoff is to turner and he is wrapped up by liam dick with a little help uh from food of chicago look like fuda took a helmet to the chest there when it went down we was in a pretty close situation so you know my whole mindset was i got to step it up good he's up on his feet buddha gets knocked out of the game next play they break off a 30-yard run there's a fakes the handoff to turner he's up the middle and he is at the 30 he's rolling down the sidelines the 20 and he gets out of bounds he's looking over the middle he's got him and it's good for a touchdown he's going to hand it off immediately to hyman and he pushes his way up to the two-yard [Applause] line we're trading scores with them still but where food gets back in the game yep he does fakes the hand off it and the whole world changes for our defense and he is driving back with a vengeance it's the food effect [Music] they're hitting you you're taking it one more quarter 12 minutes it's really one minute of football time on the field [Music] we're out but they're coming back [Music] there it is he's looking over the middle he is taking off with the ball there's a snap rogers hands it's a taylor rolling out to the left side looking to pass and he doesn't see a man come behind him and that was of i'm not sure if that was a forward pass or he just let go of it but it did go forward the one thing we couldn't do was turn the ball over i don't know how long you think you've got it you don't have that you can't take your eyes off downfield to protect yourself that's what's gonna keep you from being even decent [Music] he tosses it deep into the end zone [Music] go nuts so he can't hear and change the play [Applause] i cannot tell you how proud i am of the defense my goodness one of the best defensive efforts in pa history stay apart so we can keep playing games because i love this football team and where y'all are headed hey [Music] i usually start off my day with a little bit of gospel music i'm a religious man so i think starting off the day with god it's an essential part of my day you see things out there that i can't say something some coaches would love the fact that joe is a quiet guy that never asks for anything so that's what i have the quarterbacks do and the receiver so you tell me the same thing coach i really like the looks of this you just throw it so high he had to catch it at his head all you gotta do is just like joe are you frustrated because it seems like such a simple thing that everybody's got a problem with you on it's about time you had a little difficulty in your life as far as on the football field it's been too easy for you so far i've never seen a group of people have such a hard time with something during practice and on the field you know he's a very tough coach hey that was better not the hard work but i mean just the natural instinct and running the whole vision i mean nolan wishes he had it don't you nolan i wish i had it i might still be playing at 50. never seen my dad in pads and i'm not sure if i'd like to right now the fastest person on the team i want to say me but it's statistically i mean based off of 40s that we've run it's joe hyman close competitors probably jaylen witcher he beat me by 0.1 a 10th of a second all right here's where we are good news bad news what do you want first bad news is freaking watson chapel's good now the good news is after playing that team last week you will never you it's impossible to see a high school team any more physical than they were uh life christian hit was probably the hardest i've been hit probably ever in my life leads to caleb nichols and he gets hit immediately again i was blind so i had no clue he was right there i got everything knocked out of me now i've never ever been hit like that and in the end what does it look like it looks like they're a bunch of dumbos because they should physically beat you 100 to nothing we have a real chance to win a state championship there's these guys like coach kelly coach kelly i'm from washington dc i came in to watch the game and really because i came in to watch your team play that's people wanting to watch y'all play that's what you are doing that's pretty cool it's pretty cool thing to be a part of but it's not over with until it's over with practice didn't import to you it's hard to turn on and off the game yeah we won the game last week we won it because our defense rocked them [Music] we scored when we had to at times we should have to win like that we shouldn't have to make them have to make stop after stop after stop my wishes are at the end of the third game be able to choose a starter the quarterbacks have to be better i don't even want to call a pass play the next day he concludes that both of us really love throwing picks our quarterbacks love to throw picks they love it does anybody know how i know they love throwing pics yes nick they do it so much if you do something so much you must love it like i watch nfl football a lot i love it spend a lot of time with my wife my family i love them i spend a lot of time eating pizza you know what i love pizza you just like you must really love throwing pigs charlie and nolan these guys love throwing interceptions you know how i know cause they do it so much four in the first half i love them but there are times when i feel like i've got tweedledee and tweedledum at quarterback so i love throwing pics [Music] me and pfizer both know it's not about uh he's not trying to deliberately hurt our feelings well he is say i love don't pick charlie say it nolan [Music] love george [Music] golly i can't get over them we threw four interceptions in the first half i'm like can we just stop throwing to the other team he's not trying to hurt us he's trying to get us tougher i want them to be the best they can be and then however it goes after that i'm happy with it but the bottom line is they need to do their best to get other kids a chance to experience what success is nolan are you freaking kidding me he's five seven he ain't gonna catch it over his head you know coach kelly said in game three we'd have a definite starter brayden had two years because he started as a junior star as a senior nolan this is his first year it's a lot of pressure for him before we start conference play we gotta we gotta fix a lot of stuff better figure it to freak out that's two days in a row catch the ball jalen freaking start the first play just once right one day this year i thought i thought it sucks i was like what's going on cooper single greatest catch that i have ever seen a high school player make i had to defend it right in my face while i'm catching it perfect throw as i take the hit i know it's a good game and we're getting close and some of the tougher games we played cooper white he had times where he dominated those games big fourth down catches big guys you look up and the kids got several 200 yard games several multiple touchdown games and you catch the ball on fourth and three and then take off running down the field honestly that is so hard to do i started getting less targets and i was really i was kind of mad because i was like what is going on that first game was a blow up and now i'm just getting like five catches or like three catches a game i gotta make like i said every rep count my goal is to just as many demon offers as i can get or just get to free college because i don't want my parents paying for none of that the defense i don't know how i have no idea how that you all are any good and i don't mean any good but i mean that good quite possibly right now after three games best defense we've ever had we've been doing some weird stuff in football hatred this is tough [Music] i like it because i like to hit people on the ground best part about football it takes a lot of guts to step on the field when you know zarya's coming at you we get in lines and this guy named greg hatcher has to do these drills where we have to do forward rolls backward rolls bear crawls and then do all these things and then tackle the tackling bag so offense and defense does them for like the first couple of weeks and then it starts to go just defense i do like them because just because it makes us more tough back up here we go here we go if i was taking a head job at memphis tomorrow i'm taking that kid with me robinson's got a kid that's got offers from georgia alabama kid couldn't block him yeah i've been coaching 28 years i've never seen a faster human in the 10-yard dash it's uncanny how fast he is coach hatcher he's he's intense everything we do is tackling a dummy we try to tackle them at about one foot above the ground because no matter how big a guy is if you hit him in the ankles he's going down so the one that impresses me the most is food of chicago klamat defensive end at 140 pounds this little guy makes as many tackles as anybody in pa history [Music] all right guys get up it's time to wrestle i started wrestling this year so i've been wrestling for three years and josiah's been wrestling for two years and i really don't know too much technique so i just use my strength i think i re-injured it again during the game and this is like my shooting leg so this is where i put all my weight on so whenever i shoot i put all my weight on this leg and then come down i gotta wait till that heels up before i can do something all right that wasn't a basic shot josh i thought you just said break the head yeah right there and then switch over yeah yeah so i could beat you yesterday i don't know dude i would beat you bro you can't turn up okay so they're about to go live i have a bunch of technique but he's just like pure strength if he gets my legs he's going to throw me it's either you win by 10 you take him down or you just win by point it conditions you okay you're wrestling for six straight minutes good job all right so right now we're 2-2 get you in that mentality of not giving up wrestling teaches you how to like control another person's body you know going into the football field trying to make tackles if you barely beat josh i could definitely beat you i beat you already bro no you didn't bro if me and josiah had a one-on-one match i think i'll win one but he'll he'll come back and beat me once good news bad news we went first bad news is freaking watson chapel is good now the good news is after playing that team last week y'all will never you it's impossible to see a high school team any more physical than they were and in the end what does it look like it looks like they're a bunch of dumbos because they should physically beat you 100 to nothing our first three games of the season are non-conference games which means we can play pretty much any team that will play us this year is one of the toughest non-conference schedules we've played in a while [Music] you better go out and get focused early this is the kind of team that if you let them get going they're going to be tough and they're going to fight you to the very end i'm worried to death about a letdown game you've been up for two straight games really high but the real test if your character is gonna be can you do that every day well tonight is the game we will for sure get tested on that going into watson chapel we have to limit turnovers we need to stop putting our defense in bad situations downfield pass lots of pressure the ball is loose ball is loose watson chapel has recovered we have to limit turnovers i turn it over in our first possession nolan it's bad enough to get freaking why are you going backwards charlotte's looking deep he passes deep he has a man that's what happens and of course they score off the turnover get out of the way nolan until you learn how to play quarterback a little bit better golly there it is to the left he passes it it's in it for cooper white what are you doing i got two quarterbacks and don't know what the freak they're doing there's the snap looking at the right side pass is complete to dylan allison and he gets flipped [Applause] will you freaking hit the free touchdown there's the snap looking to pass on the right doesn't see anything so he's going to scramble straight back up the middle man in motion there's the snap coach kelly calls the trick play it was a handoff to pfizer and then passed it to cooper white for a touchdown for the bruins here they're snapper probably allison it is allison and he is in the end [Music] i got the pressure on him it's intercepted and cameron came up with the pig that was karen [Music] across the other 40. he's working his way across the left side of the field he's going back towards the middle he's across the 20 to 15 to 10 to five touchdown joe hyman for the bruins [Music] [Music] if he doesn't turn his hips you throw it to the back of the end zone throw it over him you should walk over and say i screwed up i threw it five yards too short i did instead you act like i'm telling you to throw it to that guy it was my fault i know it was your fault he is rolling out he's got some running room he makes couple of men miss our run defense is locked down first down there's a snap there's the handoff but they're running all over us right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's 16 to 14 and both me and charlie have a turnover you're going in you better get it right looking downfield [Music] of cooper white and it intercepted anton pierce and he almost makes his way into the end zone he gets brought down at about the 10-yard line you've got to catch whatever they throw they're in a bad way right now there's shaw on the shotgun he's looking to his left jump pass [Applause] oh and it's good they got up a lucky pass and now they're up 24-14 we're down two freaking scores looking downfield is helping to block out there to cooper white he's brought the 10-5 touchdown bruins i'm going to take the hand off by shaw he's looking deep he's under pressure he loves it too that is the cane he's got ready you know i wasn't thinking at the moment god goes running ran out the end zone and probably got like eight yards fakes pass to the right throws it to the left short x-shark ready to go i break free i'm running up towards the ball [Music] we don't like know what to do we're like oh gosh like i don't i don't know like it was an awful hit you could like see paint flying off the helmet obvious targeting it was it was pretty bad kevin he led with the head kevin how you feeling i'm straight i'm straight any headache [Applause] nope sooner charlie you're going to kill all of our guys we're not going to let them do that to our guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] takes 15 steps to throw the freaking ball you got to throw it see it throw it see it throw it show what you do see it and not throw it at half time we run back to the locker room right when we get in there we sit down knowing that coach kelly's following us with all of his emotions tied up from the game and usually this isn't the best i don't care if we're giving them all the freaking one we're not used to being down now coach is pissed off charlie you need to learn how to talk to me son your way would have worked that time you're so cut on your way is better than mine it has nowhere no chance your way we worked right there yeah my way will work all the time your way would have worked that time i know it will work every time i'm a 51 year old offensive genius and i've got my how old are you 16 year old quarterback picking and choosing win the lesson in the locker room at halftime coach kelly's not happy can we please find it within us on defense to play as [ __ ] as we played the last two weeks we've made a bunch of mistakes and if you can't get them to do it and you can't get them to do it get the freak out when it calls out my leadership it reminds me of the responsibility i have as not only a captain but also a senior because i have to be able to get everybody together if you walk out this freaking door we win the freaking game you promised me that sir we scored and play our game of offense win the game mizer's in the shotgun there's the snap yeah nick was in motion he's looking charlie could you just look and see where he is one to the right pitch to his left side to hyman he works his way across the 30 the 25 to 20 the 15 to 10 the five charlie there's pfizer he has the snap looking to pass down field pass is out there and it's picked off that is intercepted you know where you can't throw them all yeah you know where you throw the ball behind yeah yeah just keep making mistakes after struggling the past few games i'm gonna get back in and solidify myself as a good contributor to the team [Applause] touchdown joe hyman we're finally coming alive on offense quarter snap ruffin fakes the pitch find cooper white over the middle there you go there you go way to freaking execute right there you can see it's starting to pull the life out of it i want to come back in and make up for it so from there on out i don't think i had any conclusions across the 20 to 15 to 10 to five touchdowns to me it was just a perfect ball cause it was right in my lap i didn't have to slow down and it was touchdown city [Applause] nicely done was that food the defense got us the ball back now we gotta convert reverse first me and joe have been yelling and they'll come right with us if you yell yes shout dylan shout reverse tyman gets the hand off he runs the left side of the field there's the buzzer the 20. he's working his way still across the 40 30. the 25 touchdown joe hyman for the bruins these two got like 300 yards i'm just trying to go 100 every play [Music] and i need somebody here to learn how to kick a freaking onside kick yes they do the bruins come out with their first on-side kick recovery of the game the whole team is playing great and we finally get an onside kick and the shotgun is looking to pass passes out there dylan allison's going to hang on to it and he's at the 10-5 touchdown dylan allison well like i said but we stopped playing with the damage for this whole house i told him i told him yeah he stopped playing with his brother nobody can play with her i better talk to him oh god we get back up baby we get back up boy i like it i like it [Applause] it was a pretty hard win to you know overcome that challenge but it's a great feeling that's the way to freaking respond and i know i'm pushing you and pushing you and pushing you one of these days not now one of these days you'll appreciate that i love you and i know what you can do that's why i push it don't ever forget that for a second i've been kind of working towards this dylan allison call it up [Applause] [Music] i was a sophomore last year and i just kind of played my role but this year i had to step it up even more because i'm one of the top players on the team so i have to leave these guys right so basically this is a binder of all the stuff that colleges have been sending me ever since september 1st right now i have 16 offers kansas miami memphis vanderbilt louisiana tech tulane arkansas northwestern smu missouri i plan to take as many visits as i can september 1st of this year that's when it all started just waking up seeing all those dms and like text messages from coaches like the head coach and stuff it was very special because i mean i would have never thought that i would be getting a text message from a head coach of a like big time school first on the day i got messages on twitter from les miles and the coach from smu it was pretty crazy it was really special for me and my family i'm a football mom i love it i've been joking playing since he was six seven years old and so you see the photos of him here and then this is when it all started he was seven with the falcons and then he moved to brewing football joe's a kid that decided a while back you want to be good at football and i've watched him run when he was in you know elementary school before he got in seventh grade he is a very intellectual kid and he's got the physical gifts and once he puts all that together i mean he's gonna be even tougher than he is now and i think right now he might be the best player in the state and that's just one more thing that i think makes them great for us and it's going to make them great for some college team i started getting attention starting this year a few colleges started texting me messaging me but i don't really see myself playing football like for a living or anything after college just because you know my size i'm probably not going to realistically make it anywhere but if i can play football while you know getting my degree in college that's that's the best for me i'm insane just trying to go to college and get the education i picked up my first offer in the summertime coach kelly told me to you know get something together for my jv season so i just just put together like few players from jv games i don't think i would have got even offers if i missed my dream season and senior season i was excited to be in contact with the coaches you know after a drought of not having any recruitment i want to go to like a local division one school after covert hit that's what really like hit me my thoughts were like without ever play football again you know i still had worries that the season would get cancer but i just been working on my test scores trying to get them up so i can go to college [Music] we're at the top of the press box and i'm about to do a little yoga session it really relaxes your mind it helps you center yourself center your focus around one thing definitely relieve stress those four games i was really frustrated because the first game i had over 240 yards and then the next couple games probably like 50 60. it's my last season i'm a senior i have goals right now you know it's kind of slow i've been talking to uca coach hollandsworth i'm in a state i got seven but i'm blessed to have those but it's not the d1 offers it's d2 offers but right now it's kind of slow the main goal is to win another state championship as long as i'm going 100 there's really no failure and that's really where this comes in handy i'll do it after a really hard practice [Music] if you ever see me and josiah doing push-up challenges i'm going to win because of this [Music] i can just focus on one thing at a time instead of just going crazy in my mind [Music] [Applause] on-site kick group we've got to be ready give us a chance we gotta have chances at four or five of those and we'll get two i think that it's really important what i do well there's numerous ones that i do but some of them bounce over the other team's head some of them are along the ground and spinning and then other ones are just hard to catch because how hard i hit them the jet copter i hit it more on the end to make it spin and then i kick it as hard as i can to make it spin the fastest and go as quickly as possible it's so hard to catch and it's fun to watch people try it's coach kelly he's the special teams coach [Music] you're gonna be in the spotlight like you you get lucky one of these episodes two million people are going to see you let's party let's hope it sparks so far this season in conference play i have a 22 recoveries sir you're the sport the other spark he's the sponsor the goal is 50 but always driving for better [Music] i usually think nothing about my body language but coach kelly just says does anybody here want to play behind a quarterback that's walking around sad freak no i'm going to start paying attention to my body posture and start looking more confident out there nobody want to play with that guy you think of tom brady walk around with being a leader as a quarterback you have to show good body language and you have to do everything right i think drew brees looks like that need desean watson look like that nobody wants to play with that guy i honestly didn't know about my body language i wasn't focusing on it until now but as soon as he drew light to it i was just like oh no i've been looking like this ever since the season started i need to get better at it it kind of comes with the job the job requires you to be mentally tough it just means that me and pfizer have to step up it ain't about beating them tonight they're going to come out and be tough i want to get better at the things we talked about i want to play good smart solid mistake free football i want everybody to get in the game and i want everybody to know your job as best you can when you get in there give me a word we're gonna be victorious the strategy is listen to our coaches play plastic academy's type of football and if we do that the chances of us winning are very high [Music] kick your jet copter do something right it's so hard to catch and it's fun to watch people try there it is we got it we got it get up with it there you go [Music] [Applause] joe's locked in he's locked in he's focused on one thing you get in bro you gotta score okay running through everybody and scoring a touchdown every time he touches the ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] me and joe always give each other advice like when something bad happens we have to tell each other pick her ahead and forget about it and just get out and make the next play got [Applause] yeah i thought he knew that yeah if he's having a bad game or if i'm having a bad game we usually just come up to each other and just like encourage like i said i did something wrong drop a ball he'll be like bro like you have better fingers like you just need to catch the ball it's not that hard caleb i ate caleb just shake that off man we got the next play he could have pissed oracle caleb nichols is incomplete when you talk to caleb yes sir he's all we got to do something special damn just just focus man fine bro everyone on this on that screen you could have cut it out you didn't have to keep going through the middle you could have been supporting okay just looking in but real just focus are you good bro where's bonnie if i could help me fine [Music] how would you describe me on the football field [Music] [Music] give me another word okay yeah i go yeah aggressive's free yeah i mean that's that's not wrong here's the bottom line defense you played well again and you were flying to the ball i'm proud of you on that offense we got to get a lot better our kickoffs have got to take a big step forward or you're not going to be a state championship team i promise you we're going to start getting better monday whitehall is going to be out for blood i promise you this is the team that went to the semifinals last year their coach has his lifelong dream is to beat the bruins i want to win a state championship with this crew i really really do but your expectations right now are so high that step down right there offensively and our kickoff team we got to get better but we're not going to do it it's just that easy and so we've got to work cut out for us [Music] you know the talk of having an undefeated season comes up i hear the fans and i hear the community talking cause i would have thought there was no way we could be undefeated right now this team was underrated at the start of the season but we're going to prove everyone wrong it's undefeated or bust [Applause] first fight let's go they're trying to prove a point to us let's prove one to them yeah i gotta point the food to his left he pitches to hyman and tries to run it in and he's in there for a touchdown for the bruins i'm not really scared of anything so just going out there and trying to play my best game direct one two i'm in and he is in the end zone for the two-point conversion yes sir joe vaughn's kind of been struggling this year to kick it back to the bulldogs takes a nice bounce and the bruins have it back but he's getting better and better as the season goes on my first kick of the game and we get a recovery there's the snaps passes out there and it's oh it was nearly intercepted i'm off my game today there's the pass that one was intended for cooper why are you throwing the touchdown it's going to be turned over on downs there's a snap martinez is looking deep down the far sideline [Applause] yeah yep they scored and so i get out there and i'm ready to play i'm focused there's the snap divisor he's looking to the right side to pass pass is out there it's got he's got cooper white [Music] i'm pretty confident that we're gonna score right here there's the pitch to joe hyman he's looking for room on his right he makes one man miss there's the snap there's the pitch to joe hyman wow incredible and all the nervousness goes away right there oh he's so intelligent and he's just so quick he picks it off take him to the [Music] [Applause] then house after his pick six guess what happened is that dale p it is del pino whoa look at that boys get it yes sir again buddha is a big time player and you know he played hard every single down the rotation kind of went out the windows whoever leads him to the score of staying in there's a snap there's the handoff to joe hyman he's up the middle he trips a little but he managed to get back on his feet joe hyman and our defense have really been carrying the team so far i thought i thought it sucks i was like what's going on i'm making every rep count i don't care how many people are guarding me i'm getting that ball [Applause] hey that is a great catch i mean a great catch let's go and weston gets the pass he is off to the races the wide receiver breaks free and they score another long touchdown i got to make like i said every rep count oh here's pfizer rolling out they're going to say that that's completed left side passes out there and it's in the hands of jalen witcher jalen is catching everything i throw at him touchdown ruiz watching down from the sidelines i mean obviously i'm sad i'm not in but i'm i'm i'm really glad that the team is now getting down and getting touchdowns and it doesn't really matter if i'm in or not lots of time there he's got it out there let's see if dylan ellison's in the end zone touchdown bruins wow it doesn't really matter where i am i just want this team to win looks like he's going to try that dropkick again nice little spin and he's got it did he recover his own curve but he recovered yes sir i love watching other kickers get on sidekicks it helps the team and the unit looking to pass to the right side passes out there he's got jalen wincher and he's at the 10-5 touchdown jalen witcher look at that i was like touchdown that's a good football team i'm telling you that's a good football team i like the way you fought back after we got down i just want to quit getting down do what's right this weekend stay away from covid we do not know about next week's game we will let you know as soon as we find out everybody call it up hughes is going to call it up right here bruins on three one two three [Music] this yeah this is expensive and then i got this little customized i like how that looks it's going good it's going good i'm playing here i love music and i love playing my trombones so i asked mr mars if i could try out because we have tryouts and i tried and i made it i was pretty surprised by that because at that point i was only playing trombone for like six months and that's just off a youtube video so i mean it was pretty nice joining a jazz band knowing i could also be in band but also play football that was even better at first i got the music by my mom but over time i really started to enjoy it i really noticed that i loved the rhythms and just playing music listening to it i can just zone out from the outside world [Music] just to be able to listen to it and know that nothing else matters but what i'm doing at that moment just really helps me through my everyday life it's also a stress reliever i can just play pick it up and just not worry about anything but just playing my trombone i'm not perfect but as long as i go as hard as i can on everything it'll be all right so i have a couple of my friends coming over we're just gonna chill and relax and play video games i play 2k and fortnite i'm all right at fortnight but 2k that's that's my strong suit so my relationship with caleb we really just got close his senior year i feel like we were forced to because of covert and everything and just our bond with each other there's just a really good buy i'm getting jiggy bad green yes sir he's like really special he's one of my best friends i heard someone was calling me okay hello oh my uh my girlfriend called me what you doing she was asking me what i was doing and everything and i was like yeah i'm with joe doran i'm gonna have to say joe joe's latest man out of the four of us joe got him a [Applause] he's a man of few spoken words hello hello he'll like disappear and like he'll be talking to a girl like one second then he's like who's that the next day i'm talking to another girl so is that all that's awesome yeah that's just typical caleb we had a conference game scheduled and mom out was shut down due to multiple people testing positive for coveted they cancelled on us it was unexpected and to get a game in we got to get a game in we have no idea we're going to play but we're just going in saturday night we scheduled a game against tyler legacy you've probably already seen the media and the public i mean it's all over the place that we're going down to play tyler texas they were going to play allen texas that game got canceled because of covid and they were willing to play us you know they googled us and looked at us and said wow these guys are a powerhouse team let's play them that's another nice kind of crown you get to carry with you and another addition to the hardest schedule we've already played in pa history and you guys have fought through it undefeated and they've got a program over there that's 6a texas football so that's a whole nother world that we haven't gotten into and going friday night lights in texas and hopefully we can come out with a win we never played somebody of this sheer caliber and this much commitment to football we never played a 6a team we haven't had an undefeated team since my freshman year with layne hatcher this is our chance we got to step it up they got size they got strength i mean it's a texas team my dad is friends with the belichick and what bill belichick does really well he takes their one best player or one thing that they're good at and shuts them down the one person we're worried about the most is jamaria miller he's a running back he's one of the top 50 overall players in the country right now they move him around and we've got to know where he is at all times and have a way to defend all the things that they do out of those different spots that he plays defensively you are going to have to hit this kid low let's hit this guy in the freaking ankles and he's going to be one of those well we're going to hit him and he's going to drag and the next guy there let's start stripping the ball out go out there freaking relax have a little confidence in what you do and let's show it off in the great state of texas y'all promise me we're going to be victorious i expect you to be man of your work we got to go down to tyler texas and just play bro football go out and win didn't snap the ball there's the snap pass goes across to dylan allison charlie there's the snap a little play action to hymon he's looking downfield a little bit of pressure he's looking to pass he's still looking he's going to get pulled down they shut us down pretty quickly on offense why do we do this every game y'all let linebackers just stop the whole play freaking gun at him i mean boom something man in motion across the middle josiah gets pressure on the quarterback and the pass gets picked by zayn when it's intercepted interception and he knows what to do with that ball when he gets it i'm just a normal quiet guy on the field i'm not a nice guy after struggling the past few games i'm gonna get back in there's the snap looking to the right side and solidify myself as a good contributor to the team across the 20 to 15 he's still on his feet we're moving the ball well coach kelly calls a rolling out play and i see number 99 left lots of pressure oh my gosh and he got yanked down by the horse caller my season may be over and that means my football career may be over too nolan in the tyler game probably had the most vicious looking thing happen to him that i've ever seen in football i see number 99 and i see three big fingers go across my face mask lots of pressure oh my gosh slammed down pretty hard i was really really worried no one no one i just got up and jogged to the sideline all right god that was ferocious gosh nolan my mind started you know uh falling apart once i got out there you know he just didn't look confident that wasn't the time to play him so it's time to put charlie in for the rest of this game i'm going to have to step up i got to finish this drive play action now a pass to hyman he makes his way across the tent and he's in there that's a touchdown for the bruins pfizer is looking for a target he's got one and it is caught [Applause] [Music] up you think you're about to blow him up and then it's like like he jukes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's the short little pass to hyman he runs right into the referee the referee walked over and apologized to it it's a shame he ran into the zebra because he could have had another five or ten yards or more yeah oh my goodness i didn't see the linebacker he steps up picks it off you haven't made a read yet freaking disciplines killers there's the snap little play action to hymon lots of pressure i'm scrambling i see joe deep and throw across my body he's gonna have to get rid of that ball and passes out there let's see oh we're dropping balls we're getting penalties caught on us some stupid mistakes oh no it went back to pfizer and now he's gonna get sacked for a big time loss you lost 20 yards we can't really make these little mistakes against a big powerhouse texas schools i guess i just saw the linebacker back like with a knife it doesn't matter there's the handoff to donnell now that's miller he's up the middle and he's at the end zone what are you doing my run game isn't working really well so i'm trying to get something going in the passing game as we go through and joe does better and better i give him a little bit more to do in the past catching world makes his way up to the 35 you never know when it's going to pay off snap goes to hyman he hands it off to pfizer he passes back to hyman hyman's across the 45 the 40 to 50 the 45 the 40. and he's forced out of bounds and looking to pass passes out there let's see it's got witcher he's got him he's at the 25 the 20 the 15 to 10 the five touchdown there you go good throw way to trust your guy to go get it right there uh there's the handoff to miller he's got room on the right side he is off to the races they gash our defense for back to back touchdown runs and the red raiders have just punched right back are you gonna run huh all right well we can't take our foot off the gas five receivers stacked on the right side passes out there oh and he's got it let's see yes that's a touchdown that was ridiculous the good things we've done don't really matter we've made a lot of mistakes raise your hand if you've made a decent sized mistake imagine if we just cut those in half we will blow them out free to go out there and freaking fight for your team do your freaking job when we call on you that's why we have next man up and have had since the day i walked in as head coach we got a chance to win this game in tyler texas but everybody do your job so we can get there [Music] [Applause] [Music] to cooper white oh and there's a fumble damn sit down we just need to get our bearings a little bit and get a stop on defense and one score on offense there's the handoff by ruckner [Music] that is number five for the red raiders in the end zone they're here to play we just have to do our job the snap defies her hand off to woods and he gets a shove in the back on the ball son [Applause] right here right here get in there get in there [Applause] [Applause] he makes a great play for a touchdown we have all the momentum now donnell is gonna be wrapped [Music] [Applause] i'm connecting with all the receivers there's the snap looking to pass the flat right side passes out there and it's in the hands and jaylen touchdown [Applause] it took every ounce of his willpower not to flex i can guarantee it did you enjoy friday night lights it's awesome you can beat everybody at everything if you just outwork them and that's what you guys do you all play harder as a group than any team i've coached in 28 years but you know what week's coming up little rock christian week i want us to focus this week and teach them another lesson get a little revenge i got a little personal event i want to show the state we are number one and number two is like where the freak down here y'all know what i'm sayin okay we're gonna have a competition i might go to sprint one out for 25 yards zach and i have been competitive over the years i really wanted to be competitive since he was but i'm like 1479 and one against him if i ever beat him at something he won't want to do that thing ever again we're going to do a football throwing contest and then we're going to do a 35 yard tire flipping competition for time i wanted to have a middle contest as a tiebreaker maybe we'll wrestle you want to wrestle yeah yeah we're pretty competitive ah that's zero point i missed the first three pylons and i'm not feeling very good about it ah it stayed up you know i don't want to be a sore loser as some people would call it butt oh i hit it it didn't even move completely if you set a pylon in a chair you know if you hit it hey maybe you nick it maybe you don't know here we go back to the dumb rule that i made that i shouldn't i should have been specific on no here's what we can here's what we can do that's good so i get frustrated i said how about how about move the pylon considerably well that was the air considerably what does that mean an inch you know we're very fine on the details and how we do everything he misses the first three and i'm thinking he's gonna hit the last one he actually misses the last one so he has no points so you got four i've got zero um well that was dumb i'm hoping i can get it done in 45 seconds anyway we go through the competition i've got to win we don't even go to round three i felt really good about the time too i'll be honest with you that was quick 35 seconds 35 yards you feel like you got me accurately when i'm coming over he's doing a yard a second really really impressive i thought it was sub 35 i don't know the last time i flipped a tire just you know getting nervous adrenaline pump hit the end zone at 38 seconds so i lost uh lost by three seconds there you got lucky you got out of a flip i feel good going into the round three round three is a combo of both you have to flip the tire then you got four chances with the ball again to knock the cone off the chair 14 seconds is what you got it done in i feel pretty good i'm gonna be honest i felt great about 14 seconds one for the old guys if there's any old guys watching he put the pressure on he went real quick [Music] i looked down and it says 47 seconds and i was frustrated because i knew right when he was starting i missed the start i know that was an extra second so we would have probably tied or maybe i would have won he changed it what happened you'll never know i deleted it because i didn't want him to see it i want him to wonder you'll never know i think i did huh i ran over the football real fast i'm claiming victory over him on that one i'm not gonna brag or anything but i'll take that one he beat me fair and square and it's gonna hurt me it bothers me down in my core but if anybody's going to beat me i wanted to be my son i hate playing a another good game back to back off another good game the good news is you more than any team we've ever had are ready to play little rock christian because you've seen teams with talent better than them coached equally as well as them so y'all have proven if you play smart and you play hard you've got a chance to dominate the game i'm really excited to come back especially during lrca week my pressure's on that was the game i was circling on my calendar we played little rock christian the past two years and we've won two and we lost two i would say there are cross-town rivals this is a big big game maybe even another precursor to the state championship so it was a twitter battle before the game they're always disrespecting us every time i step on that little christian field it's just like anger i came to pulaski academy in eighth grade because we weren't sure what the future of high school at lidar christian looks like it was pretty weird a lot of people said we were like traitors my younger brother is that little christian still to me it's a really personal game here we go there's ruffa to the shotgun he passes lateral to that's josiah johnson even though offense i like contact there's the snap he's looking to the right side to pass out there and i see nolan puts it in a perfect spot and it is let's see it's caught that's a touchdown jalen witcher there's the snap he's looking to pass pass it's out there and it is complete we're feeling good we're up eight to nothing next play the defense steps up yeah cooper's gonna keep it he's gonna get attacked oh that's after the defense steps up and makes a big play gets that turnover it's definitely more pressure on the offense that competition is the defense better or is the offense better i kind of is the competition right there that helps us be such a great team he's going to run it right in for the two-point conversion we're rolling right now and they have no answers for them there's the snap he's looking to the left i give him a quick shake here's the pass and it's complete to jalen winter i catch it and it's a solid touchdown one more in the touchdown zone good job let's go good job nolan when i get the ball just they can score pfizer's left side there's the snap he's looking to the right little shovel pass to hyman i just like find any type of gap or anything i just try to hit it and try to find anything to make something happen 15 to 10 to 5 touchdown joe hyman how do you do it if we can get a stop then it'll create even more momentum in our favor he's going to pass it incomplete oh no he's got my another we're still up but it's a huge momentum swing i'm not as confident right then lots of pressure getting that pass off and that's going to be intercepted and the safety comes down and picks it off throw it to the tailback and you start throwing it to the z i just saw this and then you said zm then how can you run a play turnovers are what wins games you know we're not letting them have the ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] this snap goes directly to hyman he's gonna run it right up the middle and get the touchdown [Music] our defense needs to stop cooper under pressure oh no before he flat twins is far side now he does [Music] they just scored back to back i'm a little nervous that they're going to gain some momentum from that there's the kick and it is good wow field goal we're going to half time up 41-21 i'm proud of where we are because we're up 20 on a good football team and it's a rivalry game and they're naturally going to get all that momentum and stuff like that but we let down right there and that's not y'all our freaking quarterback can't run a play when you don't know the play they're getting as lucky as you get now that last drive on our defense they man the freak up and just ran you over the good news is i promise you this they're gonna get tired in the second half y'all gonna run like banshees like y'all always do and that's where we always put the pedal to the metal and finish people off quick pass to joe hyman on the ride he's off to the races he's at the 20 he's at the 40 he's at the 50s he's back at the other 40 he's at the 30. he is going to be brought down we know we have to get our things together so we can make something happen on the field got joe hyman in the back on his right side there's the snap oh lots of pressure he's going to run the right side of the field and what does he do how bad of a thrower can you be if that was supposed to be out of bounds you know this is an awful feeling when we got to score on this drive and i'm throwing a bad pass there's cooper he's looking to put in the end zone to plat oh i think he found him touchdown the score for turnover now we got to step it up there's the snap he's looking to pass lots of confusion there and he got that one off to jalen wincher touchdown jalen witcher i got heads up play so that i i felt i felt the repercussions man in motion there's the snap he's looking to pass there's the pass that's out there and that is cooper white to me it's a really personal game to play little christian and it's always fun but when i'm on the field i'm going 100 all the [Applause] [Music] oh that time is loose and that is jalen mckinney on top of it it felt good you know we got that pre-locked down two on the left side there's the snap pass is out there yeah i got the ball then i kept already [Music] [Applause] and the bruins walk away with a victory off of this one 60-28 over little rock christian seniors how does that feel to come to their field beat their butt for the last time ever yeah it feels good [Applause] none of that matters you know what matters the next freaking game i don't know if i'm ever going to play little rock christian again but that feeling of getting revenge at their football field was probably the best feelings in the world [Music] after the game i was relieved happy that we won now i'm just getting prepared for the next week but we did celebrate after i don't like that god like that they don't take it seriously we could be in a lot of trouble now coach is pissed off now and i need to be meaner hey we're not gonna let y'all distract us we're not gonna let you take away from what we build you either get it done or the entire team is punished what are you doing why aren't you going to the ball huh i don't know it's not a good answer damn i don't know how long we have to sit and film and do that stuff and then you come out here with five ways to screw it to freak up oh my god now you ran out there the freaking corner is we got nobody get inside do your job down get inside tired of doing the same stupid stuff and feel it's freaking stupid it's not lazy because you're going 100 miles an hour it's stupid and you're not stop now [Music] god freaking beats me to death what makes us different what makes it stand out is that we have a high standard of discipline if someone messes up on a play the entire team has to pay for it it's just one of those things we're all in it but we're all out of it so how many punches you do oh that's right he only did drop it that's a little brother do him again again here we go it's terrible it was terrible ah gosh seven games we played this year five of the coaches that played have said i've never seen anybody play harder than your football team and that's what every coach wants i think people say you can't coach effort well with this group of kids we're not even having to think about effort because they're giving it as hard as anybody we've ever had at ba they work so hard i don't want to see them with the frustration of a loss this team certainly has a chance to go undefeated but they're going to have to sustain this high level of play above what their physical bodies say they can do to be able to do that if you barely beat josh i can just beat you i beat you already bro oh you did it bro i picked you up in the air right now so me and josiah we're always competitive so we decided to have a one-on-one wrestling match we got to get loose who's gonna win a wrestling match between you and your side depends uh first match or second match i'll win one but he'll come back and beat me once today i got something for him let's go let's get this over [Applause] first period he's up to right now you see it this round [Applause] and i started taking over a little bit josiah wrestles at 195 and i wrestle at 152 so that's like a big you know about 40 pounds difference right there right now he's gonna lose he's not feeling me i gotta go right now i'm tired now i probably still got some conditioning in me [Applause] the food is trying to be sneaky [Music] for that five seconds i lost you [Applause] oh yeah food was good you got to take down and i got to reverse a lot of stuff yeah food was big i'll win one but he'll come back and beat me once i told you that's crazy [Music] i'm gonna get three sets of inch three sets of rope holes make it three good sets of uh let's say at least eight or more i don't want you doing heavy and possibly tearing some muscles in there and then emphasizing tomorrow night a lot of us were just working out like normally we got it get those in as quick as you can let's give you 20 minutes total then we'll get dressed to go outside doing what we usually do getting hard working they're all in the coaches office when we started working out and then he calls somebody in and then another person i asked coach zach like what's going on here there's 16 potential people who are in close contact so they have to quarantine for two weeks this contact happened on monday for a jv game of the jv bus my brother was in close contact with someone with kovitz on the bus so he has to quarantine in his room for two weeks it was kind of weird they they called him in the coach's office and then i just saw him with his bags he was leaving just like that he has to stay in his room for 14 days because he sat in the wrong seat at the wrong time running the football team with covid as a constant thing in your life is difficult it's very difficult to run it and manage and oversee it because a team like us too we're really lucky to be in the situation where this is one that turns on us everybody knows who we are everybody's watching us to see how we do we play some games on television we get seen that way when you're in that spotlight and there's something like covet everybody wants to make sure you're doing everything right a couple kids tested positive for kovid they were on the bus and they've got to be quarantined for 14 days no school no football no nothing they are jv but they do play a lot they have a key role in our games a lot of people only have one sub and that's a freshman so just like that almost half the team is gone here's the other side we are just a couple of people away from the same number of people testing positive that they have shut teams down for we have now entered the area where we are two weeks and one day away from playoffs they shut us down we have to forfeit you forfeit you're done it's not like you can just play it the next week they're not doing that if they shut us down for having too many kids test positive you're done it's tough it's tough i hate to you know for something out of all of our control to just blow our senior season away especially playoff season that undefeated season that the hardest schedule we've ever played all the wins means nothing if any people test positive i could have thrown my last pass without even knowing it there's a lot of factors going into this it's kind of a stressful time we go from seniors and the varsity starters straight down to ninth grade almost there's not a lot in between we lost 40 of our team in a day that just goes to show how quickly things can change with this virus we haven't given you a lot of preparation and i'm afraid with all the distractions of the guys that are quarantined that we've lost a little bit of that we're always ready to go no matter who's with us who's against us but all of us took a hit but we're kind of good at banding together at these times of conflict we don't know what the future holds for us next week as far as a game so if this is our last game until playoffs we need to get better everybody understand focused and freaking playing harder than you've ever played before that's what i want to see tonight there's snap there's a pitch joe he's running to his right side he's got room he's at the once i 40. out of that first line i see on the field it's just good like i pretty much know i'm gonna score it again [Music] that was just another like confidence booster look at the path he's under pressure [Music] oh can you just throw it to the wide open guy redo now when we're executing offensively we're really tough to stop [Music] [Applause] he's got a man downfield that's cooper white in the end zone the rest of the game just went pretty smooth from there jalen witcher picks up two more for the bruins there's the snap handoff to hyman a little play action there he's across the board the 25 the 20 the 15 the 10 the five touchdown joe hyman there's the kick off the foot of von selick recovered the 15 to 10 to 5 touchdown joey you've got to show them that you can't stop us only we can kind of stop ourselves that's kind of our mentality [Music] at that moment it's funny you just feel like all's right with the world [Music] the feeling i always get after a game like that is it's kind of like a learning experience you really have to you know take down your ego you got to check out what you did bad and you gotta really fix it all right run it again you gotta see the things that you did good and you gotta make sure you don't change those at all we kind of cruise through conference and we're basically getting our level play higher and getting in time for the postseason a couple of the guys are going over to nolan's house and we're just going to have a good time play matt and have a little tournament so the basics is we got a little madden tournament going right here one of the main different things that we're going to do is play coach kelly away so we're just going to on side kick it every time and then go for it every time who's the best player here me [Music] caleb don't play for fun oh yeah he's [Music] caleb is very very toxic caleb is a big instigator oh this game already i am the instigator i see it most of the time but other times it just happens by itself all right caleb you've been talking a lot of stuff i'm telling you bro i'm ready i got there like kind of late so like they don't let me like choose my teams they gave me ravens don't know why when they have lamar jackson so basically caleb he was talking trash the entire tournament [Applause] oh yeah i'm probably the best player in mind at the school probably mark himself by the way caleb you horrible bro caleb's in a loser's brain you're not going nowhere caleb is very very toxic do you think you're pretty funny oh yeah i mean i can make i can make a bunch of people laugh on the team caleb is very very toxic i made a bed with josiah that if he lost he would have to go to this girl lily's house and like talk to her lily the girl in our grade her and jose i mean they liked each other for a little bit but just had to know how to express himself to him so he had to make him go over to her house i don't know hey bro let's call her [Music] it's me and just starting the championship game and i'm at him tournament and you have k live in the back just being toxic i'm texting it like while the game was going and like after that everything was just pretty funny i didn't try to mercy ruling but like he's pretty bad so like it was pretty easy to mercy rule just say what's up i really just chill right now now i kind of swear to god yo good that's it [Music] god jesus i i lost the bed what's up i lost a bit i had to and i had to come over here for a second you got to take a picture all right let's go joe it's for the boys right there it's for the boys so we make the playoffs we're not excited about that because that's not our goal you know you don't want to get excited before you've actually reached the goal of a state championship on the clock let's go whenever we make the playoffs we don't really celebrate it at this point it's taken as a given that we'll make the playoffs at least like the first round from there it's a battle every week i'm fixing to make this really tough well we can actually try to get a little better out here and tweedledum over there instead of freaking paying attention you've been going for a freaking week can we try to get better or go to the house just go what do you want to do then freaking do it don't waste time out here [Applause] don't run a two-yard route i'm gonna throw up yell you know once we get to the playoffs we grind harder as coaches and as kids than we did during the regular season have you ever seen a flea flicker screen before no i just think it demands more i think the competition's higher i think the stress is higher so i'm glad we're getting guys back y'all saw how decimated we're at bb who knows how it is going forward coach kelly loves to make one team seem like they're way better so we go into the week like we're playing you know alabama we play the winners of valley view and farmington it's been three weeks since we've played a game that's the only thing i worry about make sure you get yourself mentally right for tomorrow night now that we made the playoffs it's weird to go home here's the deal cause it's playoffs you lose you're out you don't get to play anymore we walk off this field you promise me we're moving on to round two in the playoffs i expect you to be man of your work we knew if we'd come out do what we're supposed to do we could easily beat them we came right there just dominated first three let's punch him in the mouth joe hyman in the back there's the handoff to hyman just over a minute into the game once we make the playoffs we take it very seriously don't worry rough it i get the ball and i just run up through the middle someone runs it for two points i'm no joe so it's the first playoff game and i kicked my first onside kick it's a copter there's the kick nice spin oh they got on it no it's still going around you got it you're the sport the other sparkies as [ __ ] feels great to be able to help my team out in the playoffs [Applause] pitch back cut the corner cut the corner joe keep going joe keep going inside joe's got the takeover meter on right now he can't be stopped the quarterback again throws it to hyman out to the left he made one move two moves cut broken tackle and is in for the touchdown he is phenomenal now we've picked it up and now we're playing pa football like a championship team should you got motion from cabling nickels he hands off he cuts he turns goes inside and makes it into the end zone for the two-point conversion right there to cooper white again go through him cooper oh my god oh he's gone two guys tried to tackle cooper white [Applause] playoffs were kind of a blur okay that's good that's good set up nba this way they're gonna switch around kick it to the right go get it oh he's going back to the other side kicks it we got it yes we got it we know we're probably going the game but coach kelly tell us to keep that same intensity that we've been having just so that we can you know win and then get ready for that next week [Applause] just to keep that same mentality while we're on the field dylan allison he's across the 45. what a block weight by cooper white he has the snap he's going to carry himself straight up the middle he's across the 10 across the five and he's in the end zone touchdown we score again and we know they can't come back he's looking to pass he's got witcher out there and oh he's got it which is across the 20. this time i want you to throw it to jalen no matter what coach kelly you know he always makes the right plays at the right time you see what dude watch jaylen we're running it right here [Music] touchdown jalen witcher for the bruins it was just wide open great blocks and i just use my speed to accelerate get to the touchdown what is it 44 to nothing right now they know now they're gonna lose and that sucks we're gonna get some younger guys in if you go in your balls to the wall you understand that everybody all the time [Music] [Applause] [Applause] up first playoff win and it's just amazing feeling especially as a senior all right focusing on tonight football great job senior night you gotta come back monday ready to play it's a long hard season but we play for this part right here the end the championships what you guys said is your goals everything leads up to that one big game at the end of the season [Music] coming into the playoffs knowing that most teams they have a little cockiness to play us i love it we walk off we're victorious and we're moving on to the semifinal you give me your word on that sure this week we've got a tough contest defensively because magnolia runs a triple option a little shovel pass out to gary on curry and he's across the 20 touchdown panthers i know it was your fault i just told you he's going to run the left side of the field then back to the right side of the field there it is yeah they got a touchdown this might be really bad this is going to be tough [Music] we got magnolia this week defensively you've got to be more disciplined than you've ever been this team scored 76 points last week running the triple option triple options tough pairing against the triple option is very difficult the quarterback truly has three options he can hand it to the fullback he can take it himself and carry the football or if he doesn't like that he can pitch it to his tail back or a bat coming around if you execute it it's pretty hard to stop we just got to be on our toes they're going to be running all kinds of misdirection we got to get their ankles it's tough to prepare for everybody has to play discipline football and assignment football and that's just not what you do any other time of the year [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice little end over end kick takes a couple of bounces and i think foolish has it he passes it forward to hyman hyman's running up the left side and he is going to be finally forced out of bounds no excuse me correction that's a touchdown joe hyman is in the shotgun there's the snap it was a fake handoff that's a two-point rushing conversion for joe hyman hey let's go d-star fast i come from a school that run the triple option so i feel pretty confident with stopping it but one mr sonic can blow up the whole entire you know defensive series a little shovel pass out to gary on curry and he's across the 20 touchdown panthers this one's going to be tough there's the snap he's looking to pass the pass is out there and he's got it charlie you know there's the snap there's the pass and it's complete touchdown pruitt and that's a dot offense knows that it's gonna be our time to step up there's the snap pass is complete to dylan allison and the ball came loose yeah i think the panzers have it i know it was your fault i just told you you know overall i think magnolia has better athletes than we do that's what's going to lose a game for us but i love our guys as far as discipline he can't play he's not playing if he's not going to talk you're not going to play we teach him a lot of discipline finally they've got to carry that into this game passes out there he's got a couple of men in coverage and that's intercepted that's an interception he's going to lateral it that looks like josh katie carrying the ball the defense has stepped up all year and so this can be our time to have the defenses back if they need us it was a fake it's got dylan allison with the carry and he is in the end zone what a great play what a great play by him there's the snap he passes out there and he makes it look easy all right run difference is locked down you know but when magnolia came around now he ran all over the field against us there's the snap to blanchard [Music] they did it again there's curry up the sidelines just almost blanchard under center there's the snap quick lateral over to garrion curry and he's going to run the left side of the field then back to the right side of the field let's see if anybody can meet him there looks like fuda just might wow i think food and chicago offense gets back on the field but nolan hits me on stride across the middle the pass is out there he's got cooper white and he pulled it in oh gosh you're gonna kill him get it down when we throw the ball over the middle the receivers are exposed to safeties and linebackers and a big hit so i need to you know dial it back a little bit the handoff goes to hyman he's straight up the middle at the 10 to five and that's gonna be he's in the end zone touchdown bruins joe punches it in again we take a commanding lead there's the snap looking to pass he's got it out there he's got a man in the area and no the bruins pick it off oh goodness i know where you just see a little five five hundred forty pound food of chicago will come out of nowhere we got time for one play looking down field he's got a man out there and no that was jayla oh my god help me son i gotta get those mistakes fixed for our team to continue to win kick is up it's good can we all agree first they can play some they are not out of this it's 33 to 15. and it is go down and score get it on side and it's owned like donkey kongs we have to might get we have we might have to get some more on-site kicks this game here oh my goodness they've got a chance yes the bruins have it so the next drive i was ready we need to score trumpet in the shotgun there's the snap he's gonna play action to woods there's the pass it's complete to caleb nichols and he's gonna go in there for a touchdown for the bruins there's the snap he's rolling out of the pocket to the right side still looking the pass is out there he's got a man in there that was dylan allison touchdown sometimes people just hit us with a pass out of nowhere past play he's got a man out there and it's caught at the three yard line there's the snap handoff again he punched in that time touchdown for the panthers we play a game we play to win we go in to win and we play every one of them like that's the state championship game you guys get out there and look back in and find somebody we'll probably take this to the house you ready to take your house joe handoff goes to hyman and he's around the right side of the field across the 25 the 30 the 35 the 40 still working his way the 45 to 50 the 45 the 40. he's got a blocker 5 the 30 the 25 the 20 the 15 the 10 the five touchdown joe hyman oh my goodness 80 yard run having someone like joined the team it's pretty awesome seeing all the crazy plays that he makes we've gone block harder for joe when he's running and just doing everything we can [Music] i have all my have all my recoveries written down on my [Music] the phone conference game one versus watson chapel one versus hall one versus white hall we didn't get any against tyler legacy then one more against lrca at this point in the season i'm really not very happy with our recovery rate because it's lower than it has been in the past and i think we need to work on it coach kelly's furious at me now you got to learn to shove me out of your head vaughn and freaking focus that's how you can make up for waste our freaking time kick some good kicks right here that we've got a chance for what do u-boats do submarines do they're under the water nobody knows they're coming to destroy their day but they're coming then they pop up you don't expect it and bam it's over i need you to not be a u-boat captain i decided to start doing more extra work on my own and with my dad me and my dad are showing up every sunday starting off with some field goals and then going into onside kicks [Music] being able to come up on sunday with my dad who was also a kicker and having that expertise within the family definitely helps i feel like these sunday practices are really helping me improve so i'm going to try and start working on a new onside to pooch it behind their lines on the far side so we can run past them and get it i would say that my mindset changed some and i was able to become a lot more calm whenever i'm out there and i was able to shut out a lot more of the noise doing a lot more practicing on my own and putting myself in these situations before i get into the game so far i'm really pumped up and i definitely feel motivated and i feel like i've set a higher precedent now that i've gotten two in one game that i should be getting more recoveries in the future scoot it over two more steps that way kick it this do not change what you're doing you're kicking it perfect it feels great to be able to start hitting my maximum potential in the playoffs because it's whenever it really matters [Music] good kicks bottles good kicks now we're really picking up steam and everything's going really smoothly you combine that with vaughn he's been working extremely hard after practice before practice it's really paying off for us to have all those things come together it's looking really good this week is the semi-finals against win win does a better job at running the triple option than magnolia the last time we played they play a lot harder and we're in the semi-finals so we know it's it's getting real are you up at today playing scout qb you uh played a lot i have before only when we play teams like this triple option our guys are used to that because we run spread so much colleges struggle with the nfl teams you've seen the raven success it's a whole different game almost and it's really really hard to replicate in practice you know coming into the win game the good news for us is we got to play magnolia but the difference is wind has a better offensive line and they've got a better couple of guys running this offense talking about the energy level's got to be better so last week he gets magnolia one of our starting safeties harrison lane he was injured during a kickoff return he's out for the season so he had to make some adjustments coach wyatt calls me over saying that i'm going to play some corner and you know i have some experience back in middle school but high school i haven't really focused on it so i'm a little bit nervous but i'm i'm ready i'm ready to do whatever it takes to do for my team so we can win this is a team that plays a little dirty ball these guys are going to be a little chubby could be talking a little bit of that best way to shut them up isn't by saying anything back the best way to shut them up play good football coming into it i think our guys are fired up hopefully we're going to have a quote unleashing of sorts for their guys all right you all ready to play the game of your life yes sir tonight is the semi-finals for the 5a state championship playoffs there's the snap pitch goes to hyman he circles around straight up the middle he's at the 10. that's where he gets tripped up look at the left side the ball is out there and there he is he found cooper white in the back of the end zone touchdown [Music] let's go let's go let's go this is for the extra point he has dylan ellison in the end zone the two-point conversion attempt is good he's gonna keep it this time looking to pass no he's gonna step back and run it he's across the 35 the 30 the 25 the 20 and he has met finally at the 15-yard line there you go i knew it was coming it's just quarterback he made a good play that is a touchdown for the yellowjackets the offense has to step it up we have to take care of the ball when we have it nasties out there and he has oh no i think that one was intercepted [Applause] he knew he'd made a mistake he knew he's going to catch it from me when he comes over we lose that's that we can't win if we throw the ball the other freaking teeth i've got faith in you son yes sir coach kelly is always watching quarterbacks very closely and critiquing what they do nola and i both have to step it up handoff to hyman he runs the left side of the field he's across the 10 the five and he's in the end zone touchdown bruins i just like that pressure handoff caleb nichols punches it in for two points go back and forth exchanging scores he's going to back up looks to pass the pass is out there he's out there he's open and he has it he's in the oh i think he might be let's see what they call it yes that's a touchdown the defense is not having their best game let's go five right 50 twister he doesn't take us down to score you're in the rest of the game unless i get mad at you there's the handoff to caleb nichols he's across the 50 the 45 to 40. i mean his corner been going back and forth all game 20 the 15 the 10 finds somebody out there and he's forced down he slapped my helmet and i was like really upset about that because i didn't i couldn't retaliate like that they're talking a lot of trash three receivers pass is complete in the end zone that's cooper white with a touchdown [Music] there's the snap he fakes a pitch the two-point conversion is good the offense is carrying us right now no matter what we can't let them score again fourth and one there's the snap the pitch goes all the way out to carl washington he's found the first down one of the bruins are down on his knees there it's food uh coach calls the blitz i blitz and i take one step i feel my hamstring pull and i knew right then i was like oh something's wrong so when food went down we was in a pretty close situation so you know my whole mindset was i got to step it up get the team to feel like we still got something to play for we all just have to go extra step harder to cover his ground you know that just all gave us that motivation to want to play harder for him still you know we all know we still need them but like we needed to have a team know that you know we got to do it without them good and the bad the good is we're up 24-14 the bad is when they do drive the ball they're holding the ball a long time so we got to be very very efficient on offense defense not a bad job for the most part but we gave it two big plays y'all are as good as i thought you were except for two plays but unfortunately in life two plays all it takes and they're still in the game everybody goes at zero zero at eight zero zero 24 to freaking 14 because we earned that i'm proud of you but y'all put yourself in a good spot we've got to play better football no more big mistakes he's looking to pass the pass is out there oh no and it got tipped it was intended for cooper white it got tipped it's just little things and these little things are going to hurt us if we continue to do them low snap he picks it up looks to pass lots of pressure the pass is out there he's got hyman and let's see i think that's complete that's not something you're used to seeing he's never on the ground he's always up being the person looking over the person on the ground you know that's my guy he's my teammate just seeing him on the ground is just petrifying in the wind i thought he was not a good feeling at all as soon as the impact and you get hit like you can't really breathe or anything and like you don't even know what to do and it's just it's terrible it's a terrible feeling we want to keep our receivers safe we're going to get into the free kill i don't want to get any of my guys injured no no looking to pass the pass is out there and it's intercepted he's done he's done done you're in he's done he's just making the wrong throws right now it's it's all up here for him these picks could cost us the game oh no he's still on his feet wow that's a big time loss you don't try man there's the pitch out there to hyman and he works his way in there he's in the end zone i got really aggressive one play and i drove him into the wall and he slapped me but i didn't want to get a flag so i just just walked it off sometimes caleb does things that just like just gets on your nerves like he said that was a little bit of a troll yeah he is we know that they love the triple option so them throwing is not really a thing in our head he has a pass out there and that one is intercepted by the bruins that's jalen witcher out there the receiver instincts kick in i see the ball in the air and i get that pick now it's sinking in we're probably going to win this game [Applause] passes out there and he found cooper white he's in the end zone touchdown bruins yes the ball teed up traditional there's takes a nice bounce at the 50-yard line they've got it that's cooper white wow that's our crown trophy on side kick right there [Applause] looking to pass passes out there and he's got it that's charlie barker [Applause] fake the pass pass now to hyman he's across the 40 45 the 50 the 45 the 40 the 35 the 30 the 20 the 10 touchdown joe hyman [Applause] we still have one more game to accomplish our goal you know you pat yourself on the back for a little bit tonight but this ain't it for us and we always play our best game in our last game can you give me your word that one more week and it's going to be your hardest most focused week you have you give me your word on that i give no word you're going to be state champions again okay so after we beat wynn in the semifinals of the playoffs some of the ball boys was coming over like ah literal christians win in their game that's who we're going to play in state championship we knew even friday night out on the field who were going to play the past decade pa has been pretty dominant over lrca the past two years lrca has beaten us twice in state and in the regular season you never know who's gonna best who and it's our third year in a row to play each other in state it is kind of like a best out of three legacy game whoever wins this can kind of claim like they're the best right now i tell our kids all the time there's three kinds of teams those that walk out there and hope they're gonna win those that walk out there and they think they're gonna win and then you got us dum-dums that walk out there and we know we're gonna win even though we shouldn't win it might not win we know we're going to win as i'm walking out onto the field for the first kick of the game the crowd's roaring my blood's pumping i'm looking around this is what it all comes down to von selick sets up to kick the players are scrambling and it looks like yes bruins have the ball what a great way to start the game and as soon as it came off his foot i'm like we've got a chance at this going into the state championship game i got to make a play i got to make a statement brought it in the shotgun he's looking to pass he hits witcher in stride witcher is brought down the ball is bumbled and little rock christian recovers it you know it's the first play to state championship game and i'm like what is going on well god why did you do this do not fumble a freaking ball son hang on to it jalen seemed really down on himself he did respond telling us that he will make up for it after that mess up i'm going i'm bawling that is a big momentum shift but we knew that our defense was going to go out there and put an end to that momentum [Music] we forced the point to get the offense the ball back offense needs to come out and go score get this game rolling and get us ahead here's bruhman in the shotgun there's the snap he's looking to pass and he is brought down i kind of scoot up in the pocket number 85 comes up behind me and slings me around like a rag doll i was getting flashbacks to tyler right then bruffen looking to pass he sees caleb nichols in the pass is tipped by little rock christian knowledge do your job there's the snap ruffett looking to the left side he passes and it's caught by joe hyman bam we're in the red zone and we're looking to score again there's the snap from it spots his receiver and the pass is complete to cooper white touchdown bruins i'm feeling really excited just knowing that all my hard work has paid off catching the first touchdown in the state championship game for my senior season there's the snap ruffett finds dylan ellison the pass is almost dropped what a catch bruins secure the extra point we got to go back out there and kick again so we go with the same kick works once maybe it'll work twice there's the kick and the bruins recover their second on side kick they have it crowd's exploding again everyone's losing their mind it's pure happiness the kicking unit's done exactly what it's supposed to do every week i try to insert something different the other teams hasn't seen goblins [Applause] we put in this goblin package i call it the goblin package that's where josiah comes in and he plays tight in and that's one of like the only times we have a tight end here at pa i see things you don't see this is gold pfizer takes the snap passes across the field to hyman he makes the catch and he's off he's at the 20 the 15 to 10 to five touchdown bruins going into that game coach his goal was to mercy move him in the back of my mind i was thinking yeah we just keep playing hard this game is over here's the snap divisor he hands it off to hyman and he runs it right into the end zone yes the extra point attempt is good the onslaught's on but we need to keep the pressure on them because if you give them hope that gives them confidence you give them confidence teams get better there's the kick and little rock christian recovers at this time the momentum immediately went back to their side [Music] we're not going to let him run on us we're standing them up we got to force a stop there's the snap quarterback hands it off little rock christian finds a hole in there off [Music] touchdown little rock christian the defense is giving it their hardest but sometimes it's hard to just keep a team to zero points in the football game even if though we make mistakes we can still beat them takes the snap he has it out there he found jalen witcher and it is complete to witcher for the first down i caught the ball that ball's not coming in my hand ever again in this game profit looking to pass he sees cooper white the pass is out there and white catches it just shy of the end zone i run out route nolan delivers a strike and we're back in the red zone there's the snap hand off the hymen he punches it in touchdown ruins all right let's kick a jet cop you'll be kicking those good times i'm stepping back out on the field everyone knows that we've already gotten to this game they're on their highest alert bun has his first bad kick of the game kicks the ball out of bounds you've got to miss on the end of the ball not in the middle of the ball vod so now we're back in a game there's the snap quarterback hands it off he breaks through defense tries to stop him and he's brought down it's our last game and we have to do a better job on defense defense is in the red zone then we see corey platt run a little corner out pauline cooper throws it up to him and corey makes an unbelievable one-handed catch just short of the end zone we all just are amazed by the catch it was unbelievable there's the snap little rock christian punches it in touchdown offensively they're starting to click too so we could have a potential game on our hands so now it's my turn to go back out on the field there's the snap pfizer's looking to the left side it's a short pass from pfizer to hyman hyman turns he runs and he's brought down out of bounds coach kelly just elevated his play calling we're all just coming together pfizer gets the snap looking to pass he sees winter in the end zone touchdown bruins coach gave me another opportunity and i called it for a touchdown and it was just a great feeling and then after that formula it was just more motivation to go as hard as i could and just not think about the past just to keep going i step out there i'm able to tune everyone else out von selig set up to take another onside kick there it is and the bruins recover their third onside kick of the game selig is on fire i don't know how he's doing this he already has three onside kicks we're going to win the game you get three on-site kicks it's over with ruffett looks to make a handoff there seems to be some confusion on the bruin offense caleb golly i mean we can't make mistakes like that obviously roughly gets the snap passes out to dylan allison he misses the catch pass is incomplete it can get really bad really fast ruffic takes the snap he's looking to pass it's out there the pass is complete and another touchdown for the bruins hang on hang on wait it's been called back there's flags on the play during that game their db's were just holding like crazy and just stopping us and getting a lot of pass interference calls we can't give little christians a chance in this game ruffett takes the snap he steps back looking to pass he throws and connects with cooper white the pass is complete touchdown ruins timing wise i'm really on point with my receivers make me look like patrick my homes is that who you compare yourself to god no that's fizer i'm tom brady but with worse speed and whole lot worse accuracy you're slower than tom brady i mean i don't know if you're watching this tom i'm always down for a race so we can we could run three on sidekicks in one game is already insane you know they're thinking they can't happen again they have so much confidence that they'll be able to catch this one and maybe make a comeback or something like that selik lines up for another onside kick he moves to the right the ball bounces up and the bruins recover their fourth on side kick of the game and it's only the first we recovered four on-site kicks in the first half if las vegas will let me i will go put a lot of money on this but that's the only time in the history of football where four on-site kicks has been recovered in the first half probably in the game pfizer pitches it wide to hyman on his right hymen catches it and runs it in for another ruined touchdown in the back of my mind i was thinking yeah we just keep playing hard two games is over let's go d make a stop there's the snap quarterback looking to his right the pass is complete the receiver dodges the pa defense is brought down you know that's just the pa way that's how we roll looking to his right again passes up the bruin defense managed to swat it away it's the last chance for little rock to do something here it's incomplete it's a turnover on downs i look down at the line and my body's telling me to run and scramble out spicer makes the pass oh no it's intercepted i'm furious and i just build up all my anger and put it into a hit and i hit him out of bounds going to halftime god it's tough there's a lot of things going through my mind we got to do a better job guys they've had the ball four times they've scored two touchdowns 50 that's not y'all is it let's not jump 50 touchdowns you're about 12 touchdowns we have to get the kickoff and go score and it's mercy rule we almost had it before the half we let down charlie let down right there he gonna fix it right you got to be freaking done with that bull crap boys if you lit up they will make this a game we come in the second half play our game we're coming to put this thing away looks like little rock christian is setting up for an onside kick there it is and this one is covered up by the bruins we're feeling good feeling a little cocky i'm feeling really good confident coach kelly calls me on a bubble route it's like i felt joe's power for a moment [Applause] and i hit that sideline to turn the burners on and it was just an easy touchdown there you go jalen i want to go earlier in the game jalen said that he was going to make up for fumbling the ball really early it just shows that he's a man of his word finish your d hidden people just gets me fired up here's the fourth down for little rock christian looking for that first down here he punches it in whistles are being blown the officials are saying little rock christian didn't make the first down so that's a turnover back to the bruins i looked at the stats at halftime joe's got a chance to be the only player maybe in the history of football to have 2 000 yards rushing in one season and a thousand yards receiving he got a thousand receiving in the first half somebody told me he's like 90 yards away from getting 2 000 yards rushing how cool is that you know a kid you love that does everything right has a chance to be the only person to ever do that in football there's the snap to buffett he's looking to throw but it's a trick handoff to hyman hyman punches it in touchdown ruins good news bad news when that happens good news is game's over nobody's ever come back for that the bad news is it starts the clock running where it doesn't stop so now i know because we're up so much and because of clock joe's not going to be able to get us 2 000 yards i mean i'm not gonna leave them in there and just ramrod them and try to get joe those yards we got to get other kids in they deserve the reward of playing the development of the kids in a big game all those things are going through my mind there's the snap quarterback throws a pass over the middle it's caught the receiver shakes one defender but is brought down quarterback immediately shifts to the right fakes a pass sees an open receiver sends it deep touchdown warriors freaking finish finish it azirius and josiah are one of our packages and they get in there familiar site here it's the old ijk package josiah johnson takes the snap runs it in and he'll be brought down just shy of the end zone i was just trying to do something with the play isarius woods takes the snap he punches it in touchdown bruins i just love that energy in general all the starters and all the players are on the sideline we're just going over hugging everyone crying some some people are crying i was crying whenever i realized that you know the game was basically over and we won i started to realize that was going to be my last time i got on the field as a bruin so both happiness and sadness at the same time i guess i promised myself i was going to cry but you know as soon as my mom came up to me it was the best feeling in the world it's always a gift and a curse at the end because we're trying to get the ninth graders in so we're coaching them to the last second of the game even though we're up by a lot but i know at the very end it's just going to be chaos everyone's like go get water or something like that you're about to dump it on coach kelly everybody was hyped the clock hits zero and i'm not even thinking about it and then here comes the cold water [Applause] the go through conference undefeated and finally finish off the season undefeated it means so much i mean to be a part of something that good this was a really good chapter in our lives we're gonna remember this for the rest of our lives to be a part of this once we got to first touch that state championship trophy it's one of the best feelings in my life i'll be honest i kind of got emotional because i was like that's my last time like playing with these group of guys all that hard work all this screaming from coach kelly all those up downs it all paid off knowing that we went undefeated 13 and on this season after a lot of people thought we weren't going to be good this year it's a pretty crazy feeling great job it was awesome it was truly an awesome almost euphoric experience you're like am i really here am i on the outside looking at this thing i don't know how it could be any better [Applause] um last year we tried to get you guys to have your parents vote for coach lucas and coach kelly for the arkansas sports hall of fame coach kelly's on the ballot we have to have our votes in by october 30. the whole sports hall of fame board wants coach kelly in this year so just help us out i know you don't generally like to talk too much about yourself but can you talk about your hall of fame induction what it means to you um ladies and gentlemen welcome to the 63rd arkansas sports hall of fame induction ceremony i was inducted into the arkansas sports hall of fame it's extremely humbling extremely humbling what they don't tell you is i've got eight minutes to get this thing in so i'm going to talk really really fast i'm an emotional guy i get up there and i'm doing fine thanking certain people and being appreciative and i look at my family if you're in my family here please stand up i want everybody to see y'all i want to thank my wife dana i love you more than i can ever say my son zach it's been awesome coaching you and then coaching with you i just teared up and i'm about to do it now that's unbelievable i'm so appreciative of all the kids that have bought in and given their blood literally sweat and tears to play for me and help me get recognized because i know without them it wouldn't be i'm honored humbled i don't think i belong there i'm glad for the kids and the coaches and the people that have supported me in this program that it was done simply because i think they deserve that recognition as well [Music] so a couple of guys on the team we just get together and go over nolan's house and we're just gonna just have a good time and just chill and talk and reminisce about like all the old stuff [Music] it's not gonna be the same without them like those guys those my brothers like we had a special bond that didn't nobody else have and i think that's just because of covet and everything that we have to come close and come together and those guys are just i just love those guys [Music] [Music] one word to describe 2020 pulaski football team is grit being able to prove to people that we were one of the best teams to come out of pa is just amazing so with recruitment my big decisions were between central missouri missouri western and oklahoma baptist oklahoma baptist was a great fit for me it really is you know my dream has always been to get to the league you know you always have to have a plan b that's not the way then i'll go the pre-med route who do you think you talked to oh yes bro he said it to this team's legacy i would say is winning against the odds you don't really need to have d1 guys to be good only a few of us ever got you know recruited from college coaches so i mean it's all about you know just working hard putting your head down just working i committed to carlton college which is a d3 college in northfield minnesota and i'm going there to play football but also to go pre-med because i want to become a doctor i'm not d1 i probably won't be d1 but that's the point you can be like me and still be good [Music] talking about signing the day since i first came to the school and i made my final decision not too long after the state championship game the coaches made me feel like i was at home in ouachita so i decided to commute there now that i'm committed to d2 school i'm happy where i'm at and you know you can prove your skill level at any level you know i'm approved at obu [Music] i want this team to be known as a team that was dedicated like no matter what happened like the covet and stuff because we just want to just get like another ring and just like complete our goal that's everybody's goal every year but everybody can accomplish but that's something we did as a family my next step is to go to uca and major in marketing and also i'm going to play football out there [Music] yeah where are you at where are you bro i think the 2020 team legacy is like our team chemistry there was no clicks or squads like we were all just brothers my next step i'm just gonna go to college i'm not really sure about football yet i'm gonna see like how my knee heals up how i rehab if that does happen i'll end up walking on or doing something in arkansas just do what i can to like keep going [Music] putting on speaking damn we went through all that hard work on the off season everyone tell us that we weren't going to do good this year they would also get senior class but we showed them that that year that we were the best and no one can stop us i'm going to come back and watch them for sure especially joe and mason i can't wait to see them grow in pfizer especially because he's going to have a great season i feel like [Music] oh yeah i'll take kelly so without further ado it's my great honor to introduce to you pc's next coach kevin kelly i want to say thank you to where i came from they gave me the ability to innovate at pulaski academy and in the end i can say i'm glad i was there and all i want at the end of this is for you and i both to say i'm glad he was there i don't i don't remember that play at all i'm pretty much retired now i guess to have a great game to kind of solidify my last year of brewing football and probably my last year of organized football i mean it was just great there's nothing like it [Music] all right i can give you a teaser for next season if ours is becoming a senior he is a playmaker like now that i'm i'm gone and i'm done competing with him he is a playmaker you cannot deny the fact joe is going to be insane next year because every time he's been playing the people who have been tackling him have been older than him so now he's gonna he's getting bigger and stronger and faster the expectations are high next season is going to be just as good if not better as this one we've got a lot of guys leaving but we also have some new guys who have the potential to step up and really make a big name for themselves this team's legacy is going to be our perseverance and battle through covet and we came through and came together and we all supported each other and we used that to motivate us to be a part of this team this is the most fun i've ever had and it's a great feeling to cap off the year don't stop hey don't stop hey hey you know the drops don't stop and neither do the blessings y'all if you want to get dripped and fitted like your boy all you got to do is click the link over here also don't forget to subscribe this away and check out more fire videos over here while y'all do that i'ma tell my my mama over time
Channel: Overtime SZN
Views: 4,082,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coach who never punts, coach who never punts season 2, coach who never punts season 2 episode 9, coach who never punts season 2 episode 1, coach kevin, coach kevin kelley, coach kevin kelley presbyterian, coach kevin kelly, kevin kelly, kevin kelley, coach kelly overtime, coach kelly college, coach kelly presbyterian, coach never punts college, overtime coach never punts season 2, nick saban rant, nick saban press conference, nick saban mad, kevin kelley presbyterian college
Id: tVC9_MCX5j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 39sec (9999 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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