Deion Sanders And Son Shedeur Star In EPIC Football Series! Full Season Of Primetime 2.0!

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what's wrong with you right now like straight garbage are you scared you drop all you land a turn right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I like to kill it NAT with a sledge [Music] [Applause] we think your team they share my national standards I'm enjoying your easily best quarterback in the complete a past week hey turn no let's move ain't no black folks kickin it in up there all right this proof don't ruffle one teeth oh and this is our office border we have this 47.8 points a game trying to ever spit that [ __ ] why you like to win big I like to kill a net with a sledgehammer I have my dad as my offensive coordinator is Austin down he says that he wants a white offensive coordinator I said I want to wake with me if it's a bad game I'm not really talking to him at home this is so stupid man hey man you've got to come home man do it doneita i just don't see him the same after the game smokey what you're doing pondering your thought swanky all right baby come on Spanky my god [Applause] a fashion Missouri I'd like to show ya customers who get it guy when I wear these it's been there such as I just got some during one time and I like I'll just subscribe to get more I saw men as those pictures and stuff feels like I gotta be like that he put the camera in my mouth yeah just look real she came out of that you anymore but watch this if I say something I could see no [ __ ] here cuz you know hey thanks a number they said no scum Stan you like the gap snake the please slap miss you rarely do I ever wear the same clean in the same scene ladies and gentlemen chef hop it usually happens after practice is the Madden tournament I just got an interception it might be to the career of a breakout but it's the different level and all I'm saying is they go to youtube hysteria oh man [Applause] with this team this year we're just trying to win state again practice is gonna be good okay we got a lot nuclear coffee coffee cup of coffee any small there's gonna be a few challenges we're gonna face game time tomorrow we still haven't heard certainty on Elijah's availability which means is he eligible not my college graduate early thought transferred here cuz they let me do that shoot it's one of the best ideas in the country and I'm going out there with that debt somebody tell me something I just think this is our district right now I'm a slow progress for some investing we've done everything we've given them everything we have I know what time it is but you know they don't want to check they watch I need my idea it's real easy weirdest man like this I wait till I get some senses from found it sooner we find out I'll send you suck if either he takes a lot of attention off all other receivers because he said Victoria hopefully some happens making it clear it should Lynch we playing this week the Flyers [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's game time junior season gonna go crazy in the race everyone runs how you start can make you'll finish that much better our aim is off in the future but we know we're gonna hold up their trophy right right when it got to them let's make it a dynasty baby let's get three for the show y'all what I really felt only way we're gonna win that championship if everybody get to put on next Sam [Applause] [Applause] by the time we get to that sideline tell us your dorm I love him I kiss him on the jaw I'm no longer his dad I'm just coach [Music] hey hey when they give you man but going for a take me to give you go to thermo to somebody [Applause] so this feels all right now [Music] come here look come on come on come on I put the chain down please what is wrong with you are you scared he's angry very fast and he doesn't know how to slow it down at all deep it's as simple as it gets they in the same done thing every dump Lake hello you land a turn right now man he yell so loud he know how to make you just now do you wanna play he's gonna get no worse can't get no worse oh Jesus just get no wood I feel like nothing is really working right now visually got beat up just gotta take the girl from he keep my head up you know [Music] you take too long to score you see like that we looked at the information on a lot of years we had decided to rule him Ellery all right there we go I just got cleared about two minutes ago so second half I would be out here playing I need you I need you to give him your pants so he can play you understand god no I'm dead serious Christmas just came early baby all right here we go [Music] no further and should be on the same field which wake up I have time we're just all getting together reevaluating are coming out here to play man first half whistle blows OH 33 dog realizes got clear still it's tough right now moving the ball down the field hain't we pitching a gaps well what this [ __ ] say can we go fellas let's hit it we need butter yard come on we didn't really prepare we got to get the protections down [Applause] this is really like some truth but what was the protection we get after that I said this was bliss so they didn't hear that yeah I said option on this right now are you trying to secure the win [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No cut out scoreboard 71 but really we really lost we only want so I'll get happy don't think you won that we got more negative yards and we got positive yards this play 13 what you think that's gonna do we don't know where to line up on defense will blip we're telling you the Blitz and you're gonna tell me what you see listen to what we say - vamos interception garbage today we got forth to the dingaling and we can't get what because that means we soft the front that's hot garbage you can't do that take the jersey off that was pathetic that's the blue junk you gave us scored two time Monday morning worked for parish we got we're ten times harder than you where glass we for this guy the horses we have they don't make sense that means you don't want it that's the attitude man you can't put that is nobody they got to come with that it'll say that I've been to all kind of grocery stores down every aisle good find that nowhere say attitude [Music] 7:00 a.m. Labor Day morning is crazy man not even a school day and nobody here now you look around the parking lot is empty the real reason why we didn't play well because nobody's really took that game serious and nothing that good to hit a switch you just turn it on on game day no you only got it like that right now this year cannot go like this say no work we're trying to win it all man we're not trying to win a couple games this don't make sense guys we hold a school in our bed we feel like we owe to school this food or whatever Hey [Music] give into black ain't nobody try to get into casket reporter do that now you go no real black honey I'll take my dad's funny at time like this but what he's trying to score on you is nothing funny get your dumb face up I want a ball not so hard it look or in the kingpin get it and you know we went in the beginning I [Music] was a school then my dad so he come home if you tell me come home I'm thinking okay he's about giving me a little chain I didn't know it's gonna be his teammates I got the legends I want him to depart some wisdom aunty I want us your door to stop by so he can understand balling had a whole nother level we're going I'm expecting them to tell me stories about what happened back in the past but instead mr. Charles Haley started fire me up beyond what do you take these don't can see that will depress me I had a - oh how do respectful pops and you grow man and what you did on that field I ain't gonna say man I'm not gonna say no right now you're peeing on yourself you have afraid if you would get past a test from uncle Charles algebra calculus whatever can't faze you your last name represent a lot of Hall of Fame's and so the expectations for you to succeed everybody will be looking at you've to be the man don't sit there and put up in the body you could be I don't know should I take you serious right now or should I load some ammo in get ready to come at you let me tell you some banjo he's not a typical black quarterback he plays here but he's not he's not a runner he's not a dual threat he's gonna sit in that pocket we're gonna check off right here and gonna put us in the right situation deal what I'm saying man yeah thinking this great but you get tired you know what you do mentally it shuts down your brain starts shutting down and that's what I'm trying to eat you understand about being in shape broke you down now they wanna build you up like I'm sitting there thinking okay you stood there saying god I just fired me up crying we can't be that damn through anything that [ __ ] door but take from these guys and import it into who he is what he is and how he is it's a blessed thing but I'm gonna just save it I will just keep it to the next I won't point you in your face the process truly Christian versus parish episcopal any houses losing twenty eight to fourteen they got fresh this phone number one daughter in the country yeah life youth the plug office we gotta shut him down make our quarterback keep pressing in the pocket we're going again make him stay in the pocket we got ups or if you get out the pocket fish my guitar yeah we locking them up here it's motivation really look I put all the receivers in the text I was like hey coming to film room if y'all want to watch extra film you see that black dude with the dress he knew he gonna give it away breath and he gonna tell you with me as a quarterback how much of their deal on front their linebacker drops in the corner decks or what covers them in the safety we able to establish run game Vince coming real easy we're playing them to show that [Applause] the real cpy right got a coach buzz professional athletes need a professional rider to the game on the bus with love more seriously I'm studying a film for the first scrimmage we had the chatter we have is win nothing less nothing else we we're getting off the bus and I'm thinking this go time it's time to Shawn don't need no speech enough for this game right I need 11 guys every time ready to do their job no way that these kids should be in this game with us by halftime do you believe do you believe yes [Applause] [Music] let's let this phone kicked a bus look at me now shake their hand and get on the bus and go home [Music] all of games nobody scores they put this on wait to the my father played all right fake to die through my hips I'm risking my body [Music] I can't stop it come out here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me personally I don't care how much I crept I'm not putting pickles nowhere close to my mouth I just can't stand people up 13-0 going to have time thinking who has got to stay focused and keep executing all great girls let's talk this over boom given that what is sledgehammer that's what we say let's get it you gotta finish it take me hard [Applause] they mind not here bro do some other stay with this man and I was going to take Kristin since our third quarter this fall we got the ball back the online mr. black because of miscommunication they didn't talk before this night that's what was preaching Halloween I mean it's a team effort we all could have done so better that can't happen in this situation that's a game change of play they probably gonna take a shot right now make it a guy my food they take the lead I'm like man it's time to grow up it's time to beat that dough we got to go again we got windows gay you know energy dance but you can get up now no tell oh we got to go down here and stop this beat looking for jobs on this book out here as long as we did our job then we should win this game he fell right there [Applause] I'm on the ground I'm just hearing cheers but so I know a good thing happened got my knees look he scored yes we're up again [Music] in the game [Music] [Applause] those remedies were rough six five minutes to go they ain't getting the bulbar they not gonna get the ball back all we got to do is just keep a steady drive we're gonna go down there waste time and we're gonna [Music] but first plate coming out it we fumble other team gets the ball in amazing field position I need God give me a stop somebody got [ __ ] don't get me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on come on [Music] when we're cob like that field goal I was thankful for like we needed it a lot but obviously we gotta go down there score we can't just put it all but he was a 13 Oh a half-time like that's just dumb so now we've got to win the game come on brothers we did for this we may foot we gonna win this right here we gonna win it right it'll feed on you later all right people dream for moments like this turbo I don't get it the world we roll two balls on the ground at this point [Music] [Applause] the back your wunderkind [Applause] no matter would any girl do any teacher anything big heartbreak right here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take garbage man I'm not one of those scourges go sit over gonna take the blame for the wood job the kid keeps doing repetitive same old stupid stuff this undisciplined teen I just started crying cuz I mean I'm just not used to losing [Music] at this point of me should've won I do mail honestly the tough ones like that stick with you the moment I'd rather get beat by 30 points then losing overtime [Music] [Music] that's the taste a month all right now after that lunch we really split apart right now we really don't know our identity we trying to find idea because we don't have more I know it's right at the front of my head that's all I've been thinking about it was something that watered and put some in a 123 oh there he drunk ever get a crack pipe outside we just got to be a new team we're all going out there really just thinking it's not gonna go like just this season this the second week we almost lost first week who was doing all that talking no more talking bro they won a 24 game winning streak a lot of the guys that are here now weren't the cadre of shriek so now they understand the tradition they understand what's expected of them horrible my dad just makes you laugh so you could just run around and just think about what you just did waiver what I just told you what to do man run around let's go back they go they go take off Ron you make a mistake you we pathetic so that's right this is the worst group of seeing is that they hold each other accountable happy you don't know your assignments have y'all ain't in shape who ain't in shape know who don't know their son you know dad this is a typical day that lucky one wrong tree right now we're on the way to go see my boy lie [Music] basically our wings so used to winning it is different like losing the whole bar change but is someone I used to turn off nothing letting go do it read the middle of down latter quarterback do draw item of your man no pants a coat over here not only sided five-sided field shut down play makino camera master put a ball like he gets Odell Beckham okay myself right now it's me I'm not really thinking about then so we got coming in with your dues man keep it the day we all suck that's hot we've been returned all day every day we're not doing no talking to after the game to play okay somebody come on [Music] now you feel good come let's do this man gonna be a big day left is just like happy and I everybody we play guess here lucky man stay safe all right no more playing Oh mr. Rudy poutine we still got all gasp no brakes [Music] [Music] [Music] now it feels like these guys just keep rolling just do a chip on our shoulder from their last loss but this is there to motivate us take it down Oh try them some of them perform really well you just look like a whole scribble right now come and lick look at it see you to my birthday you let's just the whole script [Music] [Applause] there's been a season so far getting one listen what we say trashy game game too let's not talk about Game three blowout nah man is a week for we got our groove and now we're back you ready to be in college recently I opened up our recruit me a little bit more and like looked at all the colleges and all different conferences it's a long list right now but eventually is gonna close tighter and tighter was good that he's giving more thought to it it could be one particular thing that you may not like and you may cross them off the list I have made shot like writing the colors I like red black blue light blue when I went to the university or Jews freezing hey why would you invite a Florida boy on a official visit in December that don't make sense my curl almost froze when I got off the plane [Music] you know put their work in now it's time to get back in the liver mind you always always crowded in class Trudy's are so like we don't have time to be playing around in class this little marquise don't get his work done some players taking serious someone is known is big so deserves a show the foot I'll roll your pants man don't do that shoulders I don't can't do it are you my boy I can't do that like doing that kind of play up shoulders so this is great kid man show this is a freshman played junior high last year please chill you don't really say much kid loves the game what a spraying it what arrested 10 Russia my dad - Sean is different you can't get mad at so the soul is he's just a cool guy break it down break it down or shoulders [Applause] [Music] then school today a new was targeting shoulders crazy or something happened somebody jump on one of your teammates what kind of football team do we have shoulders ain't got no hood all get it like that and the kids got to know that he's really a part of family like we just can't let him get bullied at all the guys only thing they know better let anybody touching them go to the body two of you can't show the body blood drop - once again this Friday I guess Melissa Melissa was a real tough game last year we just got a player game get completions motor bar down the field I don't think we're taking Melissa serious as we should think we gonna get our bus game because of the way we practice we're not focused I think some players on the teams underestimated I'm light it's too late now but we just gotta move forward and just get the way [Music] [Applause] it is crazy thoughts popping money [Music] I just think I'm gonna do and I'm just I'm just ready to play [Music] don't do that no more do what I tell you to do my dad yell so you can get to play right it helps them I'm just taking what they give me dumping the ball off to the running backs to the line back in that garden and we just move it about easy don't do cell phone you always see it like I called it because we got him on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all of a sudden this is in a red zone today the corner round photos now [Music] I put on my helmet I said okay no worry about it because it's too easy we're gonna go down their score years [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] whenever we have a big lead I'm just thinking how can we make it bigger and bigger and bigger [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] first of all we practice like garbage all week I can't believe we came out and performed the way we did we did get the wind champions don't play like that so know why everybody's smiling it's good that coaches stay honest like that I mean some players don't like to hear but you gotta have that mindset you always gotta had at one moment cause you serious but after that party and doing you do getting ready for this week on to the next one st. Thomas become this on to the next one let's build [Music] woods a JV game let's turn up now hey good I need somebody now I like seeing the varsity come out to support the JV because you know we try to teach the family its leadership they practice with us every day so why not just go with support or why not watch you play [Music] what boy don't put up on the dirt bike going crazy it's a nice bike Juiz a fun play of ours from south side of town South Dallas area hood area and these are changes like and they came to us I just I just kinda cheat a tune to see my old partners [ __ ] off has a good job now and he comes to gives back man we want all our kids to come back June's one of my my closest friends how would he had a mini like super close friends but that's one of them then Thomas is in Houston Texas but their top team so we just play them every year I haven't been seeing good things y'all taking this for granted man you got some guys that really want to go to school and try to rescue mom and try to make a better life on himself but right beside him you got it idiot that don't want nothin I'll turn around all of a sudden I just see - grizzly bears fight like his head off teammate holding me back I'm like I'm gonna get stood coaches like calm down calm down I'm not calming down gonna beat you I haven't been seen good things is hot right now everybody said condition [Music] I'll turn around all of a sudden I just see - grizzly bears fight Wow like two lines do - do it might have been the slowest right I've ever seen thrown and then I saw something that I hadn't seen since the late eighties one of the guys gonna put a school oh what a school I've no I haven't seen any years man brought back memories [Music] the scoop is when you know is your advantage to get the guy down by the legs and get him on the ground to try to do gets working [Music] I got a scoop one time in the boys club I want by the school got him on the ground went to work they thought I was a swimmer [Applause] [Laughter] tone doors price that sets the tone - hey everybody I said Tom 40 makes me like oh yeah we can do this listen let's go ahead let's go something is happening I don't know exactly Jaggers we needed that we need that image that's football something like that's going and it's all good letting them know hey that was some good competition you know you saw me you gotta fight so we need you you show me hey we could depend on you you know st. Thomas is in Houston Texas but they're a tap team so we just play them every year we're all in the little tiny bus some I was gonna fart some I was gonna poop in the bathroom that you're not supposed to poop in it's just dumb things is this funny though get you baby kale excuse they're gonna do room that ain't gonna fit you just a little vegetable spell vegetable [Music] [Music] there's one thing that you just always remember in long bus ride [Music] the game starts and their fans start saying overrated we come out and demas nests above my head yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] the crowd is there facing us it's not doing anything [Music] my bags were crazy that game I see you now I see you doll [Music] [Music] [Music] try that yelling begins go get worse and worse every day with you [Music] look at Lizzy with a pic I see you labelled now I have with that turnover Channel you deserve tours it's one of yards four touchdowns I don't think nothing about that is over right games over we doing up down who started Laborde Junction overrated my teammates and me decided Champak overrated because they really try this like we're sorry [Music] you want to talk about overrated you ain't playing nobody why you tell Paris dead huh we handle to say there have some class man and before you know it we're doing fifty up downs on the field [Music] I'm pumped to go play paintball I have put in the grittiness I could bring out the rear shooter spider I'm feeling great extravagant this might be more resemblance to Black Hawk Down zero dark thirty for the other team where you listen to some young boy on the way here so you know we already ready for hey I know it's a door any minute I'm weird building good marker those heart I want to shoot you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you serve I'm out Robert hello I mean I was surrounded by every angle Gusti wide coat are over there to my right I'm like come on Iran [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] forget it I'm done cuz I can't sue me but I put my hands up victorious baby this I I got in practice Monday think about what you learned today about communication we can't be bickering on the field you know I'm saying we got a list each other cuz we all got one come and go that's the winner I heard more talking out here from both teams I've ever seen on practically everything we do it's a lesson behind take this to the field man take this to the practice field work through it to the victim team because it helps us really bond off the field and it's just not always yelling and all this stuff by the coaches it's more like just fun I think just to happen this is a lesson this game day quartzstone christian coming into this game undefeated everybody thinks that they're the team to beat we uh make an example out of them during the week I'm hearing at Chico diem one of the players for Cornerstone all game first drive of the game Chico set the tone I was like bro we don't stop you all night [Music] baby boom good job good job sit right there sit right there Oh guys take just just wanna clean that man this in the coach's office in the locker home yes yes it is a part of this culture we need to turn over change thank you sir [Music] hey sweet leftovers right right my total point it was much sometimes my dad doesn't even call it a fool play and I don't have the right personnel my keys for yard touchdown run were you when the lips are under every once in a while he'll say there's my bad is you're going to linger to receive I take it [Music] got my Darla Weaver touchdown we're up 24 zero like [ __ ] walking today I feel like a snoop d-o-double just think I just trying to help them out we want to put a way more points we even get to the good stuff stop in the rain started dropping 30 minute delay another lightning strike 60 minute delay to take no more another lightning strike 90 minute delay at this point I don't care longer taste I want to get out there for another [Music] they doing framework oh no they really my beforehand we didn't even get to the good stuff yet if I gotta improve it though prepared it interesting I got bad least 50 plate lady yeah to like you yeah yeah that's a good boy going take your stuff out man y'all get ready to go home [Music] dark came all the way from San Antonio to not even put a point on the board that's lame we're stupid a prepared away now it's time to head to Austin Texas your training will cost you up later Jeff Lake is the best quarterback coach in the nation move the outside linebacker moon rope the power comes from your legs I keep trying to tell you this I'm gonna spend my free time because Jeff cause it's simple I just want to be great you have the Goosen when you want to snap so watch this watch watch my hands ready stop you dissipate a little bit faster right he going by hey get on there do it Goosen now to my hand your hand is on the side is now only bold said it's but what you want I feel like cause Blake needs to use better lingo so you see using keeps you from pulling it out too old don't think anybody who played quarterback and center and in a league with know exactly guitar no no over your bomb the pump goes around they all go yet be more forceful in the only dish I think he needs to pick better choice of warriors when he says some things you're mccandies have to me more to you than anything it does to me you know why because I was of considered at that time a short quarterback I had to make sure everything was clean the only thing they can say about me with my one that's all I want you in a position where they can't say anything about this you're throwing you're reading the only thing they gonna say about you doing Sanders is he well he's not as fast as his dad the whole time your dad played in the league I'd never seen him run full-speed your day high-step from the time you touch the ball to the time that's I've answered their will he was skipping the whole time and he still outrun everybody I can't believe we're late when they at the end of the day that's all they can say about sued or Sanders he's not athletic it's is their wish you all know that that's all they know baby safe just like the only thing they could say about me I was too short hey you can have that all day see son that's the attitude I want you to have your mechanics have to mean more to you than what it means right now okay I just want that extra edge I just want to go to that next level so just Blake really put all this excellence and knowledge on me today some hair back that was because we caused football [Music] we're in the week that Darner every high school countries grades come out the most concern group about their grades or the lung you got about four kids failed three or four classes to fail three or four places eating bring it right you do everything she say it's easy but if you say Rita passes in class read that passes in class quiz you think I'm crazy buddy you've got these gray hairs and stuff I guess who's supposed to be playing this week it's like a bomb moment administration though he came in he had black hair he was good looking good by the ATM about at a theater here during school I see Mike in the hallway me home don't shake my head you failed me so far you gotta get together bro they're not you you guys stay home to work but if you need help let me know and I'm gonna get you help I'm gonna help you I'm gonna get you I everybody screaming to make sure they're eligible we're on our way to the famous Texas State Fair when this football season we're mostly locked in there's not that much fun things that happen outside of playing the game so this is really just a little get away get our mind off things [Music] [Music] [Applause] how to hit every home game this season what's the vibe you know it seemed a little a little different but y'all still here not feel doing anything still winning games what's the difference between this year and last year difference is we have more leaders as you help add you sound like more dogs last year that's how it is this year like we got saw a team but every game we just got to find a way to read it Cyrus and I do what we're supposed to do like the problem is we're trying to so play the Lucy trunk a fairly simple ask your team it is way different on this have I made out this situation what happens if you're not [Music] the girls not gonna be able to play it stuff hold on we're clear I gotta get some gas we big cornerstone nice on McKinney Cruz crush them early do not be the upset Tommy Amari opens up the game with 59-yard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got fans that are the team running out change get out of here buddy get out of here that's somebody's dad just you don't need a lot of foreplay around here is it all I got for you got to up here oh yeah I'm doing me hey ray why are you got my hands at all [Music] [Music] look how short this might be used on it make something happen this huh every time I look up it's a big play to have you talking like hit me from my heart McKinney they're in me late I'm telling the rest but they're not doing it just crazy cares going out there hey no change oh we got the club write a check in there give us a 1 there folks [Music] and they're trying to make us fight oh brother I go cap nobody do nothin stupid brother we got some of those going to the handshake line I'm telling my teammates chill just keep your cool we put 51 on them and the defense got another doughnut - tell you how to turn the L feel how do I turn the elf ooh yeah I [ __ ] already know now that want to be at home but bro trying to break homecoming week this spirit is oh let me think of a big word what's a big word for like like as in like it's excitement everywhere static it's static that's the way human is girls go wrong weenie go wrong I don't know where it says just came up and proposed the Brooke [Music] [Applause] you know member fionaaxe Brooklyn the homecoming right now I'm the only one that got asked on the training [Music] [Applause] right now so they they guys they come who's going to give it we got Bryce coming in next you gotta keep it by the ball all right so morning right tell me a square but I'm trying to tell them how to really do it I see by this poster and I'm like wow this guy spelled a word wrong what is this ain't no read it tell me to say I'll get Heidi give you homecoming with me now you good she gonna know it he was a little nervous at first so we have a ring back to come here [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha I said he's gonna egg stylee's a homecoming during lunch so we're trying to get started to stay in lunch and hopefully hopefully hopefully war go to the cup to of rice pasta say no [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah but you started jumping bright cuz we're happy for the guy it's just always showing them now every week is a homecoming week to me every week is a big week every week is a big game we have a myriad of seniors in and they don't understand they probably have I probably six seven eight more games and they got to start taking this stuff serious man because this thing is gonna be over in the blink of eye one thing that we coaches don't like is excuses and we gotta stop can see they're really trying to get to college and y'all really holding them back Fagen what you waitin on you got off right what you waitin on you a live you know I know them right he has an offer from a particular school he wants to offer from another particular school which I happen to know the coaches and I know they're not gonna offer it so I'm saying take this offer you a hundred or what brown one you're wanting to fit the brown BB you want me to do a live phone call right now to see if they really looking for you yeah you do call camera yeah I want you to go to college I always want you waiting on opak dream we don't get these over today you know the coaches mean right now man with all those kids on the team you close the you LM glad you're right the old side corners there's five eight cuz I got a kid right there he said he waitin on this you LM awful and I'm just trying to justify to see if it's a real look call him riding that dog and call me right back [Music] what are you going you quit but what [Music] this isn't good he was upset because he was embarrassed we're trying to help you man we don't want you stuck with nothing everything they saying is right these college girls will go away why because guess what they get paid a lot of money at unit 8 - we need it's frustrating is heartbreaking because you want the guy to realize his potential and what he could be is it not is just a player but as a citizen and what he means to community what it is team [Music] well what's up bro what's going on but make sure combo I'm really telling Fagan don't really just make a wrong decision based off emotion you really want to play the game saw me don't make a higher than what it is you quit something you're gonna quit everything for life you're gonna quit relationship you can quit responsibilities to your child you're gonna quit a job or occupation you're gonna put on anything the quitter is a quitter quitter gonna continuously quit the right amount of pressure I feel like I need to do it over I need to do to get back on the team like this football stunts mean a lot to me so whatever coach need me to do i'ma do it so he thought about it and he know how we get down and he came back in and was very apologetic [Music] this for the division is Friday me this is for the division this Friday the roads of State goes through them Belva parents village Tuesday night I'm wearing a car no yeah solo dolo you hear me like no cow you can tell them just ready when I'm editing city I'm bring you up think I don't feel you're playing have you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just ready when I'm editing city for the nitty-gritty touchdown yes sir and it's halftime it's a close game right now [Music] [Music] it's unless you make play one great play [Music] faith in the defense they're gonna stop we divide the page how we went there we flew the way right now [Music] [Applause] I get height but I know it's an opportunity for us to score so we gotta hurry up and get out there [Music] [Applause] I playing in the mud I can't hold onto the boat because I love mud on it let's grab it then I just find Weaver he just thought [Music] [Applause] Weaver [Applause] [Music] okay game over baby number one let's handle your business man at home that's handling your business at school hey let's be good be what the last time you walked over there told your parents Thank You Man I might reconsider what cars are going to up this cuz this brother is a fool right now I give you talk anyway it's too cold I hear I got a warm up [Music] Tim and I are driving up to a haunted house which is more scaring on the house are you sneaking a grill in your house and your mom catches you sneaking a girl house and did dad catch you and how about it Oh Ida convinced lots to go against my will but I'm here y'all ever seen black folks scary movie I feel like life is harder for you guys they scare I'm scared that's so scary run just got it done in the door it's going to be great I don't know what came honest it's going to be fantastic I got enough for y'all man cuz they're ridiculous how do you play like that man let's go werewolves and vampires Wade you around every turn [Music] get over here [Music] this was okay I'm doing first the last house that's it I get that I do impossible whopper please I don't know that is it's bursting like eggnog knocking are you a football Friday Night Lights [Music] [Applause] miss hennesey set us all down he got a letter from taps taps the same for the 2021 season they would not be accepted my application to be in taps next time says the lead that we play in I don't really know what like legally happen or anything like that but I just know that we're not in taps after this season the real reason are did we win it we own over time we get exposure then we sending kids to college when they don't that's a little Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver yeah it might be a bomb over there bunky this [ __ ] is getting cold cold heart says blow the wind get right up all right 20 I think it surprised people a little bit my dad's playful sometimes because they expect them to be like a different person coach Hart says raise both hands put him down now put it back you got to go to the back go George said stand up coach I said sit down coach coach they stand up coach I said sit down go charge that stand up sit down go George then stop for days now I play this game a few times so I know what to listen to okay everybody come to go go John said slap stop [Music] [Applause] hey sis bro I don't know how to happen hey as a team go put on your school clothes you guys don't get what you want [Music] this weekend playing Tyler grace let me uh let me address some things real quick so we have plans for next year to go 6-8 to go up to the top and play whatever the best was in in taps and about three weeks ago they sent a letter saying that we're not gonna kick you guys out of taps but we're just not gonna accept your application you think about it and you may feel defeated at first you may feel like no does anybody wants you so guess what for the last go-round we're gonna take the last rope we're gonna put it in our cabinet and you'll never take any of that away from that side new goal to make sure we lead us they understand it was always all we got that let's go let's do it tonight a team I just got to get it like coach I said we just got to break the school boy away every team we play [Music] [Applause] we're all sidekick me this game because every team is gotta smoke this is out of love bring it back when you got it I set it straight [Music] top it grace when the players got hurt [Music] I was a knee injury [Music] this has been like your guys are some of the most respected players and your coaching staff as well we've played this year I had to tell you man sorry [Music] to learn easy to learn easy I don't you want a wrong it's to learn easy 56 to 7 win another win for a trainee Christian city of Tigers I like lazy guys I know y'all gonna get after we got to learn to get after I get all right good just getting better every time I see this is probably the only guy dropping all the tabs that actually sticks up for us and fight for us and lay it down on the table and stand up for what he know is right because he puts it down we don't see that too often man in our country everybody's in just the wind game so just to do this you understand you love these kids man we appreciate you man [Music] right now just pulled up to my brother's house about to go make some business moves and create more products whatever the king [Music] bucky he really just lives where he works that so I mean he just wakes up working on closing the brand all day basically we wanted to go the mink go with the meet hoodie everything like that Wow we're giving it to them an actual goats it's actually a rug also so when the females come over you could just be like no and going on a field I'm gonna go in the bedroom too you know or you can just put it on your wall right above your bed like what's that for you're about to find out bad goat from Africa this goes from America you know that's a black go with this this one's a little more light-skinned so this is a drink go there's a little wine going I like my brother has his own brand I'll just wear his clothes you got to put the meat home bro everything you do gotta be super gigantic bro super extravagant Kyle told me to put that on there just for you cuz he said he's your keeper wrong how many times a month do you get a haircut actually like you root for come on bro stop lying listen bro I'm gonna introduce you to a different side of life I'm having my bro G cut it downstairs cuz that that's ridiculous from you guys start taking better care of yourself but that's what you can't get any females like that bro that's it you just said I need one we have similar horse like he's very hungry and I know I don't seem like I'm home I just try to bring out cuz he's not just gonna do on his own teenies that's we brought out of I like that's a pretty good haircut I like it [Music] the last regular season game at home the senior night yeah singing I said stuff to head coaches we kind of have to be a part of that honestly you know you know just good junior he gonna connect how y'all feeling about seeing on Friday what is their night this is the last time to sing that you get to play high school football you gotta tell somebody it's over that's really what news is telling somebody it's over it's like a barrier is after the game they already reminisce and I'm ready going what upsets me about some of these kids is we give them everything shoes socks gloves everything but yesterday were still you want to still have that practice bands I can forgive you but I despise these ain't your peers no we gotta get this right bill nice probably watching film and not chicken pain quit bitching they got a sign pants no son found out with my pants it is so practice means bandit around you have to be responsible and they not do what they need to do so just biggie that's the bull joke we got a deal now we're gonna my house to practice because it feel to it there's no as bad it don't happen often but I mean when it does we come to price at my house I like hat my own field at home mostly during the summer that's just wild trying to just get better [Music] yeah we've always had our own field that just lay asking Bill Gates did his kids have a computer shooter and skippy they do well I wouldn't have a football field the family is football this is family business I'll tackle you got to take that off tango work feels tie for second by record the type of sake I feel like seven and two or seven one with Dallas Christian so I if they beat us we be does Chris I think that may put them in first you guys need to be up here at 4:30 you understand yes so we see how this all happens on senior night 7:30 at our place senior night all the moms come out I gotta get my pan here I get stuff out the [ __ ] like it's good weird Wow [Music] I'm never really worried going into the game but uh he's got to do what we got to do classy you snipe just as they last game but see you you get the move forward to compete once they temperature you set the tone tonight how many one tonight [Music] [Music] mr. Sabatini push Tianjin tiger we just can't underestimate them snaps door Sanders covers a devil [Music] [Applause] you see everything what is it what is it in 11 ok be 11 know given what game you're playing in we take it too much that we score the point yet I placed at the Tiger 39 yard line first and 10 Tigers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we put our own points in the first quarter it's too easy brother case offers no cup feels like rigid or nut job [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] I better get a better huh this little mad on the game would have been over [Music] it's like an ice we got there it's almost like this practice system was left off the ball spot at the guard 28 yard line first intent beating them with 70 I'm trying to feed his family out there 77 he's a solid players we just got a handoff a good time I'm telling you Cole he's trying to block everything people care about senior night because it's the last regular season game at home I feel like it's just surreal you don't know it's the last one [Music] that's the end of the game final score tigers 44 the guard 7 hey 77 77 I love me a dog man good job 77 brought that heat now you try to kill y'all we got knows nobody with that demeanor they got produced on offense more but I mean the conditions private pay the little fact they're feeling good man feeling good get going into the playoffs off a win today my dad said we had to sit down and talk about something I've seen a lot of stuff on Twitter Instagram TV everybody Carla phone Helen and if L now no surprise we got more what's new right now Deion Sanders has emerged as a candidate the Florida State head coaching job which I know sounds crazy but is in fact true and accurate I've seen you on TV people go on a phone up tell my ears a new FSU cause ain't nothing concrete ain't nothing done we are talking and I got an interview coming up therefore I know if it happens I'm gonna ask have to get moving uh I be rest assured if it goes down I already got you straight because you might first priority you straight and I cannot put you in the hands of somebody that I don't trust I'm confused great any other questions what about my car like you're going no one just goes we move it I don't know if he's gonna give me a new car like if I were to say you never get your car what you think you got coming I just want to see you man what would you think you get possibly coming see you've been thinking my dick cuz you don't just slip it's a Mustang g/t are like some most peoples in Mustang you took my GTR so that mean you've been thinking about this like you gotta be like for the weekdays and like the weekends so you think you're gonna get a cup of the weekdays and a week then another one for the weekend I'm happy for my dad possibly taking the FSU hair cause job but I don't know why we gotta leave to your behind Julian come it can be breaking a full 500 pound man or won't you Julie you got a job you're crippling Julie but carrying him with you Julie has to work at the property every day I looked at the one that's a 500-pound man on the motorcycle the worse is that me this is a lot like the transition to you on a college only difference is I'll be there I'm not easy to like be recruited you know that I give you the coach you still gonna like really recruit me like I don't care like you're my dad oh they're pretty nice football team make it nice the solution not part of the problem we fix things man oh these look girls you go you guys will start really they know any button just really don't in [Music] this is not normal whether I'm cold hey card when I go of it you slums that causes those lumps the mucus that your body is trying to get rid of is what you call your best friend that's the term of what that is you look at this leave this the shape takes so long it's so longer the shape and the head but it's uncalled for and y'all picking your nose as I was this really sorry man there's a two key place it looked bad they followed him in on it all I see is a light I think those guys telling you something the light was really can we go home we're here nice having practice so the game will be easy I should go hard and Freddy going super easy I can't feel my body right now I'm done with a for today it's around [Music] just a man about to announce the awards for our district first even second team defensive secondary councilman [Applause] first dish office alone we have Jamal Marshall [Applause] kazeem all this apartment market [Applause] I just got get up doing good first-team all-district running back a martinet [Applause] yeah [Applause] defensive MVP [Applause] [Music] we want staff to you for the third consider the web oh yeah all those awards keep doing that put them together as a team let's go win the whole thing this week we play Southwest Christian put a home team but since I feel so bad we're deciding to play away [Music] we won't 40 by halftime I already told officials we're gonna run that clock it's cold we're gonna beat the breaks up up so we get out of here tonight this is what we do this is why you a number one seat so when you go out today it's about take care of business there's never a game that's just not a regular game I'm gonna tell you never change this game the game it always stays the same [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm trying to running backs I'm done at yeah time to sign everybody's gonna eat [Music] [Applause] [Music] 40 or 50 apiece stubble oh we made it away it was nice for me shoulders be violet when you get out there number don't go [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Renu is gonna do this but some of the articles gonna do this stuff Allah bruh I like how Yoda bar over not forget your Manas game I mean we are good one night that's way too come on dominate man make sure everybody knows who we are okay that was good it was real good John let's not do nothing stupid in school next week that will prohibit you for playing in that game [Music] we don't have to practice pants where your family is you definitely going to like this so what were you been you to what well what were you two yesterday both y'all they skipped practice there's actually they they skip practice so you ain't think about putting on shorts and just coming out just just one where I want I want to play this week so I'm gonna come on out of work right so you really just miss practice instead of run was one is it when you choose not to come to practice and you find excuses to skip and to miss perpetually you don't want to pay no football it's only 2 News you choose you know what I'm gonna just forget practice who consistently don't have on the right stuff I don't show up but everybody else on the team whom said not to go to Prague the team is here who said don't go to practice market please don't go to practice [Applause] guys this is a personality trait that you guys got to do something about man this is who y'all are all right whatever you want to do with it you call it come outside measure 14 you can't know sometimes you that is that example see how they two colors one condition [Music] I kind of feel sad because it's like dang my brother like my brother really gone and I ain't really like every every season I'm mean he was always playing sports to get this up I'm feel like I'm aged about that one I mentioned one day a friend that was yesterday I think everybody said don't worry I ain't telling another coming practice he asked me I'm not finger pressed I got in the short I said bro don't come out there with shorts then here's I'm not about to go and I was like that's up to you it hurts me to kick a player off a team because as a coach you wanna you want to feel like you can help a player realize their potential help them build character make a change in their life it hurts a lot cuz you feel like a failure you feel like you failed two kids next men up next man up its opportunities right thank you go that's problem I know you understand next man out my opportunity [Music] this Thanksgiving week how you open up the game whatever is gonna be is gonna be positive that God uses on geared to me to like right before I got have it on the script but a lot of times that D being premise [Applause] [Music] I only seeing too much number two blow out Big Jim it don't come over we got no poo why you got so many freaks why are you here take a close green they live like they teamed up I do Revere what I did and I wish I could you start everything no a week and I'm apologizing or that means white oak custom heart please Oh custom twice man you're on fire better do his job [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good [Music] [Applause] this is cool we appreciate it we had forward but the same thing one we're looking for after this I think we get another one did after that we get the real one we walk on you right now is a man game and just cheer [Music] sometimes went home and you know they was released from the team and co-chaired by hey let's go you know give them another chance they see if they really if this sum that they really want to do they're on the team with the not playing you really want to come back it's just like an old girlfriend you want it bad enough you stand in the window in the rain with the two pots up and a love song [Music] hey today was idiot back to some body keep lean today was idiot that you from Arab see that anguish idiot faster please what is it quit playing with hey man go near man go go man no don't is talking you don't like that man going in go playing with playing with you I didn't see anything but I heard grizzly was just mad cuz he had it right so then he some just happened after that they are yelling at me in coach are gonna walk up home and make you fight hey hard all right hey man you have team go you know yo please go yeah Batman no no your teeth no no you of the team though you're not gonna try to fight it cuz your teeth go here by me but I won't leave it in the friends dance I will you could be mad but he just can't argue it I'm like that we just need to go in there for me he tried to fight a coach Hoel as she did was wrong everybody else is running he getting up on my face stuff no he's a coach Josh do you understand he's a person of authority out here I understand did you feel like you've been kicked okay you see it one part of the story no kata is not telling you the truth sir okay nobody's picking on him this is life that's just what it is one of my mentors once told me discipline is what you do for somebody now what you do to somebody [Laughter] if I just wanna start getting your face like that from and all other parts all my teammates or out ideas have an answer to this rant honey everybody else it's not a kid in here that I don't like your work ethic I don't like that I don't think you want to play football because you don't show us that you do but it's not that I don't like you I don't like what you do is your approach to this game this game has retired my family man this game ii care generations for me I respect this game too much to let y'all piss all those that's what I just like I just like that lack of effort oh yes you do run you know we had the conversations correct his attitude how he/she handle situations how he supposed to speak to Authority and I should take what the commands that are given to him this game day what we win we go to state the coach one other side called me said you know where's coach y'all beating teams by 30 40 50 60 points if we watch this film we don't get no nada you say you don't think it would be fair to switch film with so they don't want to see the fan we don't want everybody out there damn sure don't want to see this it's gonna be bad so look this one I'm asking for don't make me no light a day look at that guy that you playing against on the first play and just look at him and say man I'm getting ready to kill you I'm really getting ready to kill you I won't every last one of y'all to say that I'm getting ready to kill you it did you go do it break them up all right let's go I'm gonna get bowlegged by the second half I'm gonna get bowlegged on him by the second half so I'm walking straight right now about a second hey you gonna see his hand and I'm get bowlegged on [Music] [Applause] it's deep in the season when I'm playoffs now and people's bodies got wearing their Weaver is bad like we really need him he's a big part of the receiving corps you go through this awesome but then it's just next man up we still gotta win the game [Music] [Applause] we need a schooler again everybody kiss mug they got 26-yard to get man [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got a penalty flag and end zone for excessive celebration I had to do it I had no option like it just came out of me like I had to [Music] this is one of the teens in the school's try to get us out of taps for the playoffs that's why we try to put 50 oh well you clean baby you are clean on to the chip third time in a row hey we got one more we're going home go get our third ring all right go get our third win good job good job great job I'm excited for you guys man to have a dynasty beautiness won three back-to-back all right that's gonna be good we don't go out with a bang I got [Music] represent a lot Hall of Fame games are you scared because he's not just gonna do it so right now you're peeing on yourself afraid not we're gonna choose to be the man it'll be the last [Music] they gotta get it got a kid smoked every day I'm no longer his day I'm just coach say [Music] this is how playoffs are going first-round blowout second round but semifinals go out stay game we're ready for I feel like we're that team I'm telling my team miss we could stay focused it's been a long season formed a little mentally draining this state championship I should be out there prepared but I'm here they're letting me back in the field to actually participate in I've been through the same thing being kicked off a team and how changed my life this is what a community look and then trying to trying to raise me you know to me right about you getting getting you to play we've been winning without being the smashing folks you guys it works it works bet if you turn it the other way I'm just saying it works better if you turn it well nevermind just go go ahead just struggle along at lunch the timeout the upcoming game just trying to make sure everybody's heads in the same place it's gonna be like real fast but we just gotta make sure we set the tone it [Music] this'll stop man estate we plan for the championship we just got to do us he's got a do we talk Oh shucks shucks ain't no shouldest like the more we get do you think that parents it was bad I'm just Ambra if everybody not Lockean bro there's gonna be a game like Paris [Music] [Music] we're walking the hallways at school because this year everybody's bought is [Music] [Applause] seeing all of our teachers classmates is just amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] today we're gonna be escorting the football team show support out here for our community and Cedar Hill marquees the Belize benefit I'll be alone look at them yo mama was gotta take it god I got markets mom number 70 [Music] feels like we just official now [Music] [Applause] I think it's kind of hard [Music] the measure of a man's resilience and his belief in himself is mental toughness that is what's gotten you to this part that is what's gonna carry you through this game that is what's gonna make a state champ first ring right we all got it on the pinkie people disrespecting us ain't thing who we were so we wanted to kiss the ring the second ring we got a marine finger because at that point we said we married to be in Champions now [Applause] since they got a problem with us and they don't want us to be in here no more we don't give one my wing and quit Alaska we go huh [Applause] we've got Barry to it now you can [Applause] [Music] there's the one displayed over personnel there on a first play it's a real physical game linebackers coming down hard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't be the team we just gotta stay calm [Applause] one one one one one one oh say something [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Haeju Cybermen sample a stop and nothing's ready they thought that was ready [Music] you see this 4:14 oh man hey they don't pick it they don't pick it off it's gonna get ugly quick we just need one more stop and it's gonna be blow up but we don't get this stuff that we needed just racing today's all right now let's play we got heavy heavy man heavy man [Music] [Applause] they got momentum unfortunately they know we look confuse right now we got to block somebody man yeah you gotta block somebody guys [Music] 17 feet threw a punch I don't really like to make excuses but we're not getting no cars our way just play some kicks just throw some stuff with easy kicks just throw some out two slants some easy stuff they're playing away inside so you want to probably stay away slam sure what are we doing [Applause] [Music] what are we doing they have confidence you can tell it in the stands they're all the screaming shouting jumping around [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is titus the game has ever been since week two what'd I tell you mental toughness is the measure of your resilience and how much you believe in yourself I told you it's gonna be a fight we got hit really hit back we still winning but you cannot self explode and they're gonna be ready to hit you in the mouth again are you gonna hit them back [Music] you willed it and people feel they play some [ __ ] [Music] firstly I'm not nervous I'm just ready to get back out there and just take what's ours [Music] we started off doing [Applause] it's not good hey buddy I need the money [Applause] back can't running back here [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey something on seem right I feel like it's a numerous amount of cheap shots going on in the game yo sidecut me you've got to see the face that's your job [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] slipping away they little dream may be working [ __ ] it slipping away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] could've been worried [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I just feel all these mostly building up from the whole entire game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from autumn late hits and like autumn like bad calls really [Applause] and they just come out slow so I'm a soldier like I shouldn't have said it but it's happy yeah [Music] [Applause] don't you ever do this do you understand me can you understand me do you understand me your man we don't play like that I don't know why I'm going to like him right now cuz I didn't think you you kicked out the game for that but I did so I just had to take off my pass [Music] I played because it supported me I say goes myself just doorman left I know if I achieve my goals I know my dad's gonna be proud [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] we bout to get on ring hold you water don't let this you all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for a little point of time I still mad but I realized like all this hard work and all this stuff I did this whole entire year I realized I shouldn't waste it I really snapped out of it it was like okay I'm really gonna celebrate with the team like this is how it's supposed to feel only thing I'm upset about is we didn't get 50 last time in tap last time in this little funky [Music] three time defending champ is a dynasty its own record you send the paper you can read about it look it up google it whatever you want to do the key take it back personally during a year I didn't feel like we ought to get as serious as we're supposed to but the main players if they came through and that was there when we needed them these are the parents right here like right here these all the parents and right here we got the children I feel like they get along well these videos right here and subscribe over there check out the link below right here oh yeah y'all need to see this yeah like us yeah I guess hey yeah
Channel: Overtime SZN
Views: 3,985,610
Rating: 4.8144512 out of 5
Keywords: primetime 2.0, deion sanders, shedeur sanders, deion sanders highlights, deion sanders son, deion sanders interview, deion sanders 40 yard dash, deion sanders dance, shedeur sanders highlights, shedeur sanders overtime, shedeur sanders college, shedeur sanders state championship, shedeur sanders day in the life, shedeur sanders interview, shedeur sanders episode 1, shedeur sanders highlights 2019, shedeur and deion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 12sec (7992 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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