"I PUNISH People!" How Bryan Bresee & Kardell Thomas Became The MOST FEARED Linemen In High School!

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i was born in eastern town the easy time wasn't easy i saw everything violence drugs chaos every day it made me who i am today and i was fortunate enough to get out since i was young i turned the football and punished people every day you see me on the field you know what's going to happen if you think you can take me you're wrong if you think you're stronger than me you definitely you think you're faster than me it's not happening i'm cardell thomas the best player in the country and i will crush to you football means everything i've been playing it since four so i developed but like a deep love for football i feel like i'm kind of like the lebron of high school football i'm a phenom like i can do everything when a college coach you know describe my game they just tell me that they wish their guys can play like me that's all they talk about like man you run track man you catch the ball man you were in rows and then they wouldn't watch it and see that then the blocking that goes out the window because that's all we talk about he plays like he's in college already he has a lot of work that he still needs to do but the one thing they won't have to teach is the aggressiveness college coaches they say he dominates from the opening snap he fires off the ball he doesn't take plays off and that's a big plus in college coaches i have i've been doing cordell for like since seventh grade you know i can count on him for whatever if i need something i can always count on you know he lost it to me he's a great athlete number one player in the nation teachers love him everyone loves him you know like i don't think he have any enemies honestly i mean unless there are fans from another school that's about it i feel like i should be the number one fit in the nation i went to the all-american combine and nobody grinded like i did i go hard for every event i'm at i go hard on the field i go hard that's the true definition of a five star in the number one player the amount of hate i get is just crazy like people be mad because they never see nobody like me and they want to hate that so so much god bless the haters like the people that hate me and i really mean that from the bottom of my heart because you're hating for no reason you're hating on somebody that's doing something positive when the environment they came from they could be doing a lot of vulgar and violent things and just be a straight up it's just for recovery you know like when you buy the ache and things like that i take it once before workouts and after i come home i take it again so twice a day make you rethink taking it i look at my workouts i look in the mirror i like to see myself progress because they let me know that i'm doing something right that's it let's go get the work out here i don't have no personal trainer this is it right here the workout made to make you push yourself people might be like oh i got them i'm feeling sorry this is what you're supposed to do push push come on push dipstick while you're out it's where it all started at right here workout is real good always been good once he decided just what he wanted to do about nine and ten he never had the problem out there he's a 4.0 student on top of being his number one athlete and his goal always been to go to lsu and make it to the nfl since he was little he wanted to wear that purple and gold [Music] all the college coaches asking how you got his feet like that i gotta say that but this is the part of the broomstick workout i would credit this drill to his quick feet the object is that as soon as you land big right back up off the ground there you go quick there you go yeah 2016 we had the flood in baton rouge we lost everything and we ended up having to go to the best western and he still continued his work out at night he did push us he ran the stairs he jumped rope he ran around the complex and he said i can't get out of shape even though we're not playing he knows how to handle adversity well now all right all right where he grew up easy town you know it's a fairly rough area they made the best out of it like it's so easy to get caught up in i guess you could say the street culture but he never got caught up in all that he always kept his grades never really got into trouble at all and he just focused on what you want to do which is be a great football player scholar and continue with it there you go [Music] bad news it's a fun city at times you know it's also a violent city so you know you got to watch yourself a lot in baton rouge honestly when i was growing up i lived in a poor area i mean you had gunshots for why were you in the hood i knew it was every day but my parents just worked hard got enough money to get me get me out of there was the best thing that ever happened to me this is lula avenue this is the stumping ground right here boy crazy being back here i ain't even gonna cap i haven't been in a minute man it's just crazy right here used to be black and jt there was like my two best friends we used to play every day like literally every day no matter what it was raining nighttime out there that's all we did right here used to be ross he was that's my daddy for a dollar and a bill every day no matter what kind of bill was it was funny to me he used to be miss paula anything you needed miss paula hedges no matter what it was is that miss betty down there [Laughter] him and my daughter went to school together she was a cheerleader he was a football player all right now he'll go to my house right here this is where he ride bikes and play ball six in the morning he up trying to hit the dog right his bike play the basketball six in the morning every morning like when we got boy we just go find something to do we used to stay put in this fire and hide your hair out like you put it out of water the street you board you go pull it hey man you gonna pull it somebody's gonna go pull it there it's gonna flood the whole street when they fly the street they'll let me call the water people and say we got a problem never told me they did it so the neighbor told me and i ripped him i really did it's called easy time it's not easy it's like a lot of poverty around here you're gonna see a lot of poverty-stricken kids [Music] one day you know it was just playing outside you know like they pick up sticks i never forget it right here this was playing at this line right here it was a chrysler he pulled up by the tree shot like just shot boom boom boom boom it was like dang i hit the ground you know i don't know what it was i don't know if you mistook the house for somebody i don't know i don't know what he was trying to hit but thank god he didn't you know that's real that's that's where i come from my parents got me out of here they just they saw what i was becoming and they didn't want me to become it here i had to work extra hard just to get the house we in now like so that's what made me say like you know i'm gonna do this for my parents and for you know for me really because i love the game itself and you know i just thank god for him i thank god for all this [Music] this my grandfather right here gumbo is not hard to make just follow the steps we start off with the seasoning like bell pepper and onions celery you put all of that in there you gotta have your smoked nick balls you gotta slice your sausage make sure you got the chicken put in the pipe constantly scary and where's the best gumbo in the world louisiana and jenny's kitchen to have family around it means so much to me and what is very very performing that they came together to celebrate cordell cardell going to lsu it means a lot because my husband and i uh we do have some health issues and cordell chose to stay home close to us so we can go to the games so we didn't have to travel so much dev valley is going to be outrageous because as cordell tell y'all he's going to bring the swagger we know 2016 was a very horrible time for this city but thank the lord for the promises that god has brought you have brought you guys back in your house and that is thank the lord for what we see all that god has done one of the greatest effects that cardio has is his character he's a quiet gentle spirit a gentle giant i guess you might say just because you have the talent that doesn't always translate into making it to the next level but when you have this proper support base when you have the proper parenting and what i know about his parents is they've taught this kid to be honorable and respectful and so i think that that is what is reflected in this young man's life and i think he's gonna go very very far excuse me who's gonna go to a lsu game with family like this you can't lose let's do it [Music] i'm brian brzee and i'm one football player in the country being the number one recruit puts a target on your back i can't make any mistakes that doesn't mean i'm not gonna be myself but being number one was not everything i still want to go win a state championship be the best team that i can and be a leader on my team people would see him you know think that oh he's probably full of himself he's the number one recruiting nation but you couldn't be more wrong on that he doesn't he doesn't always talk about football like don't get wrong football's his life he loves it but he's not always talking about how good he is or his offers and all that like you see a lot of times with these cocky high schoolers like he's not like that he sets himself himself apart from that i don't think i've ever seen brian without a smile on his face you know high energy both on the football field and off let's have a sense of urgency when we come off the ball okay let's dominate deliver destroy [Music] oh how's your backfield hurt's bad stop asking me does it hurt really bad yes you want to kiss it so i tweaked my back a little bit and brian's always there making sure i'm okay uh laughing at me making making jokes that i'm an old man but uh you know i'll be fine i'll be fine i gotta i gotta set the example for the kids but it's good to see that brian's concerned i'm not sure how he turns it on and off i mean he gets on the field he's a completely different person in a good way in a football manner like he he sees it as other kids that are going to get some trying to beat him he doesn't want to lose off the field he's a great guy on the field still a great guy but i mean you got to be a little nasty if you want to be good at this brian is great like i couldn't ask for a better type of friend i mean he's he's not he's not big headed even though he's the number one crew in the nation he's all these offers but you would you would never be able to tell we just finished practice we're gonna head up get some food these past three years we've won three state championships in a row elijah's been a part of every one of them have you trevor has james were you yeah so it's my first year here last year and we got one so it's exciting you know hopefully we get another one this year so we're 42-0 right now and the maryland state record is 50. wins in a row wise is tied with us they're still going so if we both beat it we'll both be tied for one until one of us loses so game days this time like shuts down like everyone would just be at our game of the town they were like lined up around the track both the stands were filled up it was crazy this season's gonna bring some some challenges you know we're light on numbers but uh we just gotta play like we always do you know we got a good defense good offense i think if we keep everything together we'll probably win state again [Music] just finished lunch i'm gonna go over to my parents and uh play a little bit of basketball hang out for a little bit before i gotta get back to this uh second two day this is my my parents house that's why right where i grew up this is the wall of the family we got all three of my sisters and back in my quarterbacking days a little hurdle going on my dad coached me forever richie brazie i'm dad this is my mom megan hi come on let's go you ready you're good i'm gonna take your card hop in all right look at my car i'm going to the basketball courts i got to go uh show my dad what's up show my dad and mom that that's now they're getting old they're getting old and they don't got it anymore i can't believe they put a new bat they just put new basketball courts dad those are new rims oh yeah no no i'm not making any changes yeah because the room used to be like nine and a half so we could just get up and do that probably ten that's probably the real ten if you can't talk hey we'll see i'm gonna dunk on you yeah i'm just down i'm done going it's like it's been it's been a minute just like the old days you're not gonna double you gotta promise yeah you can never tell if you didn't know brian was that he was the number one player in the country or a top pick with all these offers he never acts like that all right let's go first one to three there's one for you it's not winner no how am i gonna cover two people back don't know i don't know if we necessarily feel the pressure of the the 42-0 win streak or brian being the number one kid we just we don't talk about it a whole lot it's not part of our everyday conversation i think being good number one recruit is a lot of pressure part of the reason we probably don't talk about it is because we don't want to add to the pressure nope how well he's been able to handle it and just manage it and still go all about being a 15 year old boy and a 16 year old boy um one thing that they think oh that's what we're going to do some fun stuff today get out get on some four wheelers uh i think we're gonna jump in the lake and uh just hang out so i normally don't get to do this during football season so it'll be fun what is it uh we're gonna move this branch [Music] [Applause] we doing the diving board first all right we're about to hop in the pond do some tricks off the diving board the rope swing all right it's so unsturdy man is it cold how cold is it where gotta go hit the rope swing let's do it you nervous this is scary man just be fearless what's the worst that happens you die yeah what's the fear about death everything it's over then if he goes off the top i'll do it mine's crazy will you do it if he goes off the top maybe you mean maybe this just wack dude god you're freaking nuts don't die oh he's a nut i'm nervous i'm gonna hit that freaking thing oh he went he didn't tuck his feet far enough you knew it and you shook your feet like an animal you shook it you shook your toe right at the island you went like five [Music] dammit breaker breaker199 we got a problem here do we need this thing to get it it's our shoulder press it man i'll show the present i swear [Music] [Music] it was a good time you know hanging out with the boys today let me get out and get after the scrimmage and hopefully catch our first win in a game like scrimmage so excited to get after it it's game time what are they doing bro okay let's come out here and explode okay let's dominate dominate destroy demolish let's not settle for just good enough let's be perfect okay if you're gonna make mistakes make 100 miles [Applause] [Applause] being number one you know was a huge honor for me it just motivates me i really think just to stay there [Music] really more important for me is just going out and winning games and you know hopefully one day finding a college where i think i i can really exceed and you know play play to the best of my ability i mean every little thing you do people are watching them hey good hands good hands brian the different moves that he was able to make at you know such young age i think that impressed a lot of coaches and they're like wow he already has this then can you imagine when he starts working with somebody at the next level slug fest we gotta have it up by one [Music] just the way that he's able to play that position and all the the tools that are already in the box you know basically the sky's the limit [Music] my name is k von tribodeau i'm not afraid to do anything fourth quarter need to stop it's a different mindset there'll be nobody standing my way [Music] a lot of people like look at me and they say i'm big but like i'm not a big hitter i don't think so i'm not one of those guys like ray lewis that just you know knock these out but i i don't miss a tackle a tackle is a tackle no matter how you do it you know i make tackles you know i make stats i make things happen i guess i use my speed my speed is my biggest advantage being tall a lot of guys are like heavy sets but i'm more slender so i'm able to run able to move [Music] you know how cars nowadays have a reserve tank like you could be on e but you have that reserve tank you got to pull it out fourth quarter need to stop it's a different mindset because now it's just man oh man especially on d-line it's not oh man the only person stopping me from winning is you it's one man there'll be nobody standing my way nobody there's no way you can i'll let one man stop it or two everybody says like some percentage on the game is mental but they're right football is mental so right from the jump oh offensive tackles i get in the head you know once once you get someone's head they're done once they want to fight you once they weren't mad at you once they hate you they're done they forget their assignment they're doing everything so now now i'm playing with you make it harder my tactic when i'm talking trash isn't like making up stuff like oh i was with your sister like stuff like that like oh know i think that's faker i'm more of a like once i get you oh yeah i'm coming to get you again be ready because i'm coming and you know get them scared not now i'm jumping now i'm talking now they you know on their toes and they don't know what's going on i have to make you fear me you know fear is a big game of football once somebody fears you they're done you know i don't want people to be scared of me it's just life you know what i mean so that that's what i use to my advantage on the field i don't want to just be like oh he's ranked because he's 6'5 or he's because he did so i want to show people why nick say oh yeah he's a true he's real [Music] i grew up in a family where it's like you got to have confidence in yourself you know or because like we all we all talked about each other like you know joked around with each other and everything so you have to be tough [Music] i'm from the city l.a south central it's a pretty fast life down there you know a lot going on all the time growing up in the city you know it's a lot of gangs and stuff like that i've seen the worst things in life i've seen the best thing in life my mom you know kept me in school kept me straight always you know took care of me always been in sports it's just been like my friends you know like the people i had to hang around the people i chose to hang around it was like what could i do if they were in gangs it was like these are my friends so now it's like okay now i'm considered affiliated or with them or like under the same umbrella when i wasn't so my friends are still my friends and still my family you know they're still who i grew up with but i try to bring them to a better environment you know try to be the gateway so they can see something different i have friends that have never seen the beach i wasn't even a football player like you know from the start it was maybe about like third grade uh one of my teachers coached for a pop warner team and he uh he said i was big you know i was always the biggest i was the biggest guy and he's just like you know you ever played football before i'm like nah never never done it never even thought about it never watched football so now i came out to practice my mom signed me up and i played fell in love with it [Music] i got a call from my coach saying you know i just got a call you might be ranked number one i'm like all right it wasn't even a thought of mine you know like it wasn't even like i never watched football it wasn't really a big thing i didn't have any offers yet i didn't have anything i was just another kid playing football next morning i wake up phone's blowing up oh when i'm on plannation like i have like 12 dms for interviews i have text messages saying you know congratulations matt and i'm like what did i do you know what did i do to deserve it would it like that's the biggest thing is like i got a lot of guys get pretty positions and it's like what did i do so as a freshman it was like it was a lot you know it was a lot then people started offering me it was big you know it was big for me it was it was when i knew that football was what my destiny was i'm smarter than a lot of people think i want to become a lawyer i just want to go to the nfl but i don't i don't go around saying oh number one but i go around saying like 4.0 where i'm at right now in life is not where i want to be in life later on in five years ten years i work out a lot i try to be a role model before i go to hang out with my friends i have to work out i don't feel like i deserve to go hang out because i accomplish something you know i mean i got to accomplish something before i can you know just use my time or whatever i feel bad because i've had my own friends like that i play d-line at my school ask me like what do you do you know what i mean like how do you get 99 tackles twenty-two i don't have like any secrets like oh i do this workout this certain workout that no one i lift weights just like everybody else i just do it ten times harder i don't let people get close to me and when i say close i don't mean like family love no i mean like stature wise like once i see a guy catching up i gotta i gotta work out more like if i if i'm if i'm lifting three plates is my max and i see you want 295 okay now i gotta put on i gotta put on two more 25s and i gotta you know what i mean like i gotta be that much better because a lot of people in my life i've seen wow he used to be good what happened it's not that he got bad everybody caught up you know everybody catches up and everybody gets better so the message is to keep getting better you can never be too great [Music] for all the football players out there don't think about offers don't be thirsty you don't need to go to every camp in a thousand dollars just play play your heart out every game don't think like we're losing so let me not care anymore or let me do this because everybody's watching make sure you go 100 and be the best my goal my dream god willing is to lead god's willing again three contracts people telling me the first contract good you're lucky if you get the second contract and you better thank god for getting the third one my name trey sanders i'm the best running back in the nation i can't img together college football i ain't slowing down anytime soon you can try to catch me but i'm gonna be in the dust you're gonna try to tackle me but even the show get ran over i'm on a mission to feed my family i won't get in the way about you i'm from a small town so like i mean small town mentality like you got big dreams coming from a small town cause not many people make it out of it it's called port st joe and i'm from appalachian color too you know a little purple and gold caught the sharks down coming here and having the opportunity to show what my hometown got kind of talent we got i attacked the opportunity ever since then i've been riding it up i probably started playing football at six years old i probably i started a year early talking with everybody older than me and just like my friends you're coming i ain't really like hitting i mean to this day i still don't like it here that's why i made somebody jump booze like a lot to you i'm trying to save my body you know growing up where i come from like you got right where you from and just me when i get on the field i mean this is what i do i mean it's not just there's not no it's not a game to me this is life so i'm out here just doing it because i love it i'm gonna show you i love it i'm passionate about the game what made me come here is just like stuffing back home man like well i'm from like ain't no happy endings ain't no fairy tales like you know you make it out you go get big money you don't graduate stuff like that like i had to change that and now since i got the opportunity to i couldn't change that forever pretty much since i came down here i may not have my own and my parents pretty much told me like all the time make sure you pray to god make sure you make sure you stay in your bible more so i started praying to god more i started started i think a little bit more being to myself more i just started realizing a lot of more stuff and maturing quicker and when i matured quicker that's when i realized like hey man you can you can change some lives and once i realized that i realized the sky's the limit ever since then you got to keep on grinding every day ain't no nonstop at the end of the day i got a family i got to feed i got struggles i got back at home too coming out here on the football field you playing with my money so i gotta go get it either way you standing in front of me paying for my mama's house one day you stand in front of me from getting my kids right one day and like taking care of my family growing up my brother man we always had that mentality like effort right now the coach is telling me probably one of the best defense players they got oh yeah like just in practice just going at it man and i know what kind of mentality he got he told me he wanted i know if he tell me he wanted it he's going to go get it because that's why that's what my family do it's the sanders you got barry dion you know it's you know we all gonna go get it you know we both came up in a pretty good situation with my family like my family even though we was in a bad area and stuff like that my parents did the best they can do like i still had my dad around to have my mom around to teach me things because some of my friends didn't have their dad and so like growing up with my brother like and the stuff we went through made us closer and just like we even told each other we told my dad like we won't go to the nfl and ever since then my dad pushed us and we've been pushing each other the game hasn't stopped yet so we ain't gonna stop neither last year my little brother had passed so like i mean that was that was pretty that was pretty big burden on me so like ever since then man i've been reading the bible more and more and just like got your little brother in heaven looking down on you and i got a younger brother who's looking up to me too i just gotta stay prayed up and just just stay on my grind [Applause] i came here you know i had i had a lot of difficulty i come in at sophomore coming from a small school so i didn't think i wouldn't get that much planned time it was one night class one day so coming down here i mean like everybody thought like oh he's probably just all hype you know he didn't really play nobody thing like that and i came down you had to grant delpit the best safety in the nation and then i had i'm dylan moses he up for the um buckets award so i mean i'm going in against a good defense like coming to practice i had big dudes coming i'm a sophomore i'm getting mine ran over like like i'm not used to this i know i had to i know i had to step up somewhere and i had to show these boys like i'm still i'm just a little dog inside like y'all just hit me to push me around so like beginning i don't you know playing time but nothing my first game starting without the k long beach probably broke the russian record 205 yards first game starting first play almost took it to the crib already all hungry [Music] honestly playing his top competition was greater than all but like i don't see none of that it's just who can be who can be the first rounder because anybody like playing his top competition i mean you got guys who haven't played against top competition who go first round first pick so i mean like i feel like once you get into college it's going to really excel you that's what's really going to show the difference he wouldn't even go to be the best back in the country this is going to be the best bet to ever do this this is a stepping stone man number one running back and catching on feeding none of that that's just rankings like high school all this football stuff don't mean nothing till you get to college and you prove yourself and get that first round check [Music] next year just expect when when i step on the field everybody tell us god says god god disrespect that man you know how drake bring a swagger to the rap game right i'm trying to bring that same type of swagger to the field like you know how drake could hop on any beat and turn it up i want to be able to hop on any team and turn it up i'm just returning to a monster that college that college room will turn into a different monster so in college i just want to get there and show them boys like damn like he on the mission shoot when i step on that college field next year i'm looking forward to win the heisman that's the biggest goal i'm trying to be the best player my message is to everybody out there college coaches nfl scouts man just look forward to where i got coming for y'all soon i'm going to change the game i'm going to change the game forever too when your dad played in nfl you get treated differently especially when he chatted yo haters said get handouts that they didn't earn my offers that i'll never be as good as my dad i'm proud to have my dad's name but this is my legacy now this is my time i'm chad johnson jr [Music] chad's game on this field really models his dad you know but we also want him to be his own man work on the speed his craftiness is changing directions foot speed and so a lot of things that we work on directly caters to that that way it can improve the little aspects of his game um i've been working with chad for i would say about two months after today's workout with chad we broke it down so he can learn how to utilize his body absorb force to produce force and that directly correlates to his position as a wide receiver we know we notice that he has weak ankles need to work on his ankle mobility and definitely needs to work on improving his hip mobility as well a lot of those things improve his speed but more importantly keeps him consistently playing and on the field feeling good feeling good you know we're just working trying to get better out here going league first round all right here we go legs up with the part sitting your hips make sure your toes are straight 10 on the left leg 10 on the right leg and 10 both legs together all right get into a half squat and hold it chest up tight ass hips come on tent you got to open it up open it up there we go what's so crazy even though he's the son of a i would call him a hall of fame football player you would never know it he's still a kid and you walk around and just have fun he has a great personality he's loving he smiles and he's friends with everyone [Music] all right that's not my sport there go kobe the rim is a little broken as you can see because i'm oh it's definitely the rim can we lift his dad was a world-class smack talker but he definitely backed it up that's one thing i can't say have to love those guys that have that confident bravado but portrayed everything that they spoke about on the field and i think chad definitely understands that you definitely have to back up what you say and that's why he's here working out don't try this at home the future for chad johnson i believe is really bright if he continues to do the right thing you stay on the path that he's on [Music] y'all it's your boy you know we out here you know my mom in i'm just going to chalk it up a little bit and walk on the beach where i grow up at it's the hometown i grew up in venice like all my life you know my mom was she was born here born and raised literally generations of my family come from venice so we all grew up here my mom my grandmother my dad so we are true beach baby so he's played football since he was four he's been going to bengals games since he was born when my dad was on the bengals i'm just watching him i don't like the team i don't know the quarterback i don't go for the bengals so i'm just watching him so when my dad got treated to the patriots and i see him like he's texting me like oh we won and i'm looking at the score they're blowing teams out and i'm like i'm going for the patriots for sure and then that's when i jumped on the patriots and then and he loves tom brady i love tom brady that's my dog [Music] that went to the league like right when i was pregnant with him so he grew up in the spotlight i've tried to prepare him for that just making sure that his academics were a1 like he was you know that was the priority and just being authentic and true to himself and making good decisions the one thing i am worried about in college is that he does have he's his dad's namesake so he has the exact same name playing the exact same position that as that has always played and i feel like he's even more of a target because of that so people are always gunning for him to be to be oh i brought down ocho cinco's son or i'm better than ochoco son but i'm so proud of him because we've been talking about this since he literally has been a little kid about going to college playing football in college that's one of his dreams it's been going really well everybody's been recruiting me but i took an early commitment because you know they're going to lead me in the right way and i think i can go league you don't believe in yourself who it is [Music] oh milk bird head take everything along with everything you look like like i'll be sure you got jokes already look at your head look at your hair man it comes from you and my mom so which one is no no no i got good hair i got good hair i just choose to keep it short so anything going on run upstairs you might want to check on that end tub please your hair is nowhere near good i see him like every summer or whenever he comes out here that's my dog for sure always laughing that's really how it is with our whole family especially with my dad never a dull moment honestly speaking i don't think i was really that good at being a father when i was playing because i was i was extremely busy my commitment to football i think it hampered my ability to be the best father i could be at that time and it wasn't until i finished playing and being retired that i understood the greatness and the joy of actually being a full-time father 24 7 having the time to do so you got you got practice no i don't got it today we have it at 4 30 a.m you got wedding 4 30 a.m practice every day yeah that mess is hard but it's hard are you weak man that's the problem yeah but i'm up y'all getting handy i'll get hand fed everything y'all don't know what no real work is that's the problem that's always going to go 10 and no and win state some kids are late bloomers some aren't that's a good thing because there's so much room for improvement and i like that not peaking too soon i think that sometimes the child itself loses track on what's important you know the craft becoming better to craft understanding your strengths and weaknesses because i wasn't good until i actually got into my what maybe second year in the league and then it clicked you know i don't want it to click too early he just let my recruitment play out he didn't really have anything to do with my commitment it was all on me he just told me to perfect my craft like go wherever you want if you can play you can play i don't understand you in these visits you're supposed to take visits you're supposed to see how the school is what you do it don't matter where you go you can go play with the sisters of the north it's about what you do when you get there i don't really have too many rules i've allowed him his freedom to do as he pleases and he's he's always been able to make the right decisions he's like one of my one of my guys but i also am the parent when i need to be all right you going man you running up my minutes man a minute man this ain't 2002 i hit you later yo we don't know how his legacy will differ from mine i don't know can't be answered only he has answers for that [Music] yo i'm with the homies nick and kane everybody play a little spike ball in the venice beach hey ain't nothing wrong with a little competition baby let's go going into college i just want to bond my coaches and my players first i feel like when you're comfortable around the people that you're going to be with on the daily then you can just be your best at all times you know for me that's how it is i feel comfortable around my my teammates and my coaches i don't have a problem with anyone and i think that's when you play the best game is when you're most comfortable don't litter kids i've only known chad for like probably like three years now i made him at a seven on seven i was on the same team with him this is going to be my first season playing with him in past and i look forward to it being in practice with chad is pretty cool he makes things more competitive on the field a lot more talking he's pretty cool it's not quite how it usually was class she's a good student he's always asking questions he knows he has a future and doesn't want to mess it up in the classroom get good grades that's first school is number one always number one education is the most important you know well i can't go to college without education can't play anything i can't do anything without my education so you know my mom day one first day of high school sitting you know give me my cleats you locked them away said you're just gonna focus on your schoolwork for the first few months of school i just know it's the most important thing and it's gonna get you to the next level come on let's go to ten one two three four move around probably what makes chad different is just his personality you know if you look if you see him on the street you won't know like oh he's ochocinco's son he's just a normal kid but if you see him on the field he's a lot different than just a normal high school receiver when i first found out i honestly didn't believe it like someone told me that ocho cinco song i was like what the hell like like where's hocho cinco well my dad is like my big bro joining high school football i thought it was just all about offers all the hype stuff and he like kind of got my mind right told me to perfect my craft and everything else comes easier i watch his videos on the daily and i can see more equivalency by the day every day no matter what people are going to believe that i got everything i have now because my dad i don't really think about the you know the critics but you know on the other side of the grass there's work put in on the daily i'm just gonna put the work in maybe we'll see how my legacy is different [Music] i'm too fast too quick two strong [Music] now i got that dog [Music] louisiana football is different like we really get it out the mud down here you know like we go through a lot of stuff we've been through a lot of stuff you know like certain people don't know how to overcome what we can overcome somebody that i know um somebody tries to give him like a handshake you know like dab him down but he ain't got him down turned around shot him in his head and just kept going it's crazy out here man so like if you make it out here like you blessed man like you really come from a struggle like you know how people say it's struggling really to struggle i'm not gonna say we're the only state that goes through it but like man like it's real it's real it's a blessing just to make it out of here man that's why i think we played the hardest football down here i started playing football um i think at the age of seven a bunch of teams wanted me to come and play for the youth team one day i met one man named terry boyd he just came and picked me up in his truck i'll say when i was about around 12 13 that's when i knew that you know that's what i was going to be doing today was off the field is i mean i like to read i like english a lot i'm a good writer i have four siblings i like to spend a lot of time together with them because you know i'm always going so like i try to make the most that i can with you know before i go to college you know spend a lot of time with them so like we need to go to the park we'll go to the movies you know we'll play a lot of games together you know like so i like a lot of family time off the field my personality i said like i'm pretty funny you know like i'm a cool dude you know you can come and talk to me about anything i mean you know you need anything i'm there to help you you know like i have that loving you know spirit so i mean the hardest thing i ever had to overcome my 11th grade year is like when i really had to like overcome something like we got banned for the playoffs for like two years but we eventually got it down to one year that tour is a part man like the team that we built this summer like i feel like we probably wouldn't have lost no game this past year like we had to learn how to walk again a lot of players they stopped coming to practice stop playing hard it took a long time but we overcame it you know like so and it's time to shake back this year i knew i was on the mission because i know like if i go to college you know my coach can change every year you know it's a business at the end of the day so i mean i know i had to focus on what i wanted to do i heard it for a while but i knew i had to keep going you know like i can't you know control everyone else all i can do is try you know but i know i had to make sure i was straight regardless i ended up committing the other shoot i mean i knew it was home right away you know like just growing up i knew i always wanted to go there no matter what you know from baton rouge being a kid from baton rouge because of course everyone wants their office from the lsu no matter the in-state out-of-state i mean like it's just something about it you know like and for me to have that opportunity to go there and do something special is it's a blessing from god i like him a lot of my game off there's guys you know he played for my youtube he's very close you know i grew up embarrassed you know i knew that's the school i was going to go to and then like like i said when the ass went there they made me want to go there even more you know and um like he had some great records there and i'm going i want to come and go and break them and just watching him you know like he's been a beast people playing on the same team he's been a big show just watching him made me want to play it even more you know like just how all the attention he was getting and i saw how much he put in the game you know he was very passionate about it so that made me work even harder you know i wanted to be just like him he's very explosive he can do it all really you know like he's like total package man nina fournette he's just a beast all around you know like like i was watching his highlight tape this morning you know like i watch you know all i do is watch holiday tape you know see how i can get better just you know even this was high school play you know to see like you know he did that let me see if i could do it but do it better i can see a little bit of me and him he's very strong and big you know and faster you know his weight they might say i'm going to make learning from there but i want to make my own name you know i want him to say i'm near i want somebody to come behind me and be like he's nick todd davis you know like i want to be he's a great player but i'm aiming to be better than him he's a powerful runner and i think i'm pretty powerful you know his vision is great you know and um at his size he can always break away and score but i want to be my own person you know i want to be better than anybody that ever came through and i want to be the next running back to win the housing trophy the way i'm going to get the heisman trophy is by working hard each and every day always just know like that someone's coming for your spot there's another running back out there that's doing the same thing as you so what else you're going to do what extra you're going to do to put in a savage on the field like when i'm on the field you're going to get 110 away from me you know like i'm never going to take any plays off you know my dad hasn't he's been teaching me how to play chess you know like so and i know i can use it on the field you know because i have you know like just to look at it just to read before the ball snapped you know just you know make my next move and to like you know just do two steps ahead the next man anybody trying to stop me this year i had to break it to you but you don't wish you didn't do that i'm todd davis i'm from baton rouge best runner back in the country on the field man i just turned into that dog i get possessed gotta flip the switch i'm a florida bus different breed there's something about that water around here when the ball is not it's go time my game it's all mentality the beer o llama you gotta have that dog in anybody man you gonna get that work it don't matter and that's a dog mentality you got to bring it every single day i was actually born in uh louisiana new orleans when i was like one years old my family had moved back to florida a small town okeechobee one high schooler real small man yeah that's where i grew up i started playing ball third grade i had actually played up like four years you know oh hey third grade i would like i want to say i would like at least five seven i was pushing at least two sixty two seventy always the biggest guy you know i thought the best football come out of florida not just cause i'm from here you know you just look at the track record man i just it's something it's something about that water around here different breed y'all came in my sophomore year i mean actually i came and visited img my seventh grade dude my brother you know tried to get in the things that playing art you know so i just came up with the mentality that this is where i wanted to be so i want to play high school football so my freshman year i put it out i left it all out on my tape you know and i was blessed enough to get an opportunity the off-season to come here i would say a guy that knows how to work finesse and speed and power some guys don't look like a guy like nolan smith the other type of guy you know that give me a hard time it's just a blessing man like being in somewhere like this iron sharpens honor you know being able to go against cats like that like it make it easy in the game like bless him off the field man laid back cool guy but on the field man i just turned into that dog i don't know something come over me i'll just possess this on my own get it oh no got to gotta flip the switch i kind of like to keep a clear head when i'm on the line because you know i just want to make sure i get to my assignments and stuff but when the ball is not it's go times you know that's kind of how i've been taught to play my whole life [Music] [Applause] i'm out of my game after three players are full actions i like to watch orlando plays trent williams tyler smith and my all-time favorite um larry allen great dog i'm i'm one of those real athletic type of llama and i like to you know think when i'm playing you know i can block real good in space you know i can run block real good i can pass by real good i just there's always areas i can improve on but all in all i feel like i would i would put myself like all around like all-purpose on actually i play every position on the olympic steps center honestly i think the spot i'm at and i love taco i feel like that's my spot i love that the most but you know i still do miss you know smarter than the trenches as a guard although that's fun man to be the old llama just to be interchangeable regardless you got to have that dog in you because a lot of guys don't want to get hit constantly constantly constantly constantly o-line and d-line is the only position on the field you get hit every single play for me the dog mentality you know just not caring about the guy in front of you if he got stars or if he anybody man he gonna get that work it don't matter i gotta bring it every single day i'm on devon miller's jj y everybody when i get there i'm gonna be ready when i'm on the field even at about a day game it was a whole lot of people out there even though it was really a lot i really couldn't hear it i just got drowned out i was so locked in on the game i really don't you know really get too effective about it i'm real you know passionate about back home you know making sure like i'm involved with the youth in the community like when over the summer i made it my business to go out to all to go out to most of the youth football practices or whatever work with the o-line and just kind of just like give it back because i was brought up on those same fields you know so i got to do my part to get back my message to the younger youth manager it may sound cliche cheese man but for real though every night before i go to bed i pray and i thank god for everything he's blessed me with it's a whole lot of people out here that's struggling real bad and because of him i'm in the position that i am today so just give all your thanks for everything you got to god and he'll continue to bless you growing up i knew it was always a dream of mine but i didn't think it would manifest like this you know it's early you know this is a blessing from god man i owe it all to him first man i'm just going to go on there with the mentality man i'm just going to try to lock down and start and spot my freshman that's my goal you know i know wherever i go it ain't gonna be easy they're gonna be given to me but i'm gonna go in with the mentality that i'm gonna do whatever it takes i'm gonna try my best to work harder than anybody to you know that's my goal this is the brotherhood man i'm gonna miss every last one of these guys on my team could live together and eat together man like maybe they beat each other 24 7. so i know i might crop whenever i leave into the them zone touchdown he is jerking and driving he makes that defender miss touchdown ruins he cuts to the outside every friday night he has that one wild play [Music] my name is joe hammond i play running back and i'm in the class of 2022. there's the pass it's complete to joe hyman around the right side of the field joe's our starting running back and he's a sophomore in junior high everyone's talking about joe hyman like joe can't be that good he's better than i ever expected i first picked up football and i was like in first grade i went to my first football practice and it just seemed like football was the right sport for me i just loved it ever since i was kind of one of the bigger guys out of like the people who i was playing against so like it was kind of getting easier for me but like you know competition level was kind of down since i was bigger than everybody there's the snap a little play action and now a pass to joe hyman who is wide open on the left side of the field no matter like how big i am or anything like that i try to be the hardest worker in anything i do hand off simon he's got a lane up the middle he's in the 30 he's in the 20 he cuts to the outside he's in the 15 to 10. he is joking and driving into the end zone touchdown last season we played against little rock christian it was the first game of our season i didn't get to play the first half but i got to play the second half i was doing pretty good throughout like the first couple of plays that i got in but then one play i was running to the sideline and then i got hit and then i kind of broke my ankle through my head i'm just thinking wait until next year which i get to varsity ball and then i just work hard try to get my spot and try to make an impact on the team joe hyman there he goes he makes that defender miss touchdown joe hyman like i'm getting more and more touches throughout the season i feel like he trusts me enough to where he can give me the ball and i can just go make something happen he's the only one with any division one offers a guy that you can throw a ball to five yards out the side and it's an 80 yard touchdown pass there's the pass it's complete to joe hyman green pass one of my favorite plays in the playbook and i saw nothing but space [Applause] wow after i scored i realized yeah i'm in here yeah i can play with these older guys yeah way to make a plan that's accurate he's coming to work and doing his job and it's never about him hyman's got some room on the right side he comes out and just puts on a show for the crowd he's in the end zone for a touchdown ruins whitehall they kick both kickoff returns in the same spot so it's kind of like identical it's fielded by joe hyman himself he scrambles between a few of the defenders i got the ball and i tried to find an open hole and i found that hole and i just took off and then i scored go joe hold on there's no better way to start senior night than joe hyman returning the opening kickoff heck of a job joe heck with y'all kick it somewhere else kick it out of bounds and don't kick it to him again [Applause] something isn't it lead 24-7 10 minutes and eight seconds left in the first quarter you heard me right returns two kickoffs in the first quarter for touchdown you're like okay this kid's a special player good job on the return again i have no idea why people keep kicking you the ball but i'm glad they do spring ball we were in practice and smu one of their coaches came to one of our practices then a couple days later they offered the full ride to that school football is one of my top things right now like i want to pursue my dreams to try to get to the nfl there's the pass it's complete to hymon touchdown joe hyman you know after that ravenwood game i felt like i couldn't like keep with these guys because everybody was bigger than me and like you know we still almost won that game but i'm like yeah i can compete with them too [Applause] it was fun playing against that competition because maybe that was a glimpse of what i'm going to see when i get to college [Music] smu i took the visit sometime in october and i really liked you know the campus and all the things that they provided it was cool you know all the coaches they were like welcoming and the facilities were nice and you know it was just a cool environment joe hyman's like to receive he has it he dodges a couple tackles he's at the 40. touchdown every friday night he has that one wild play the senior class it meant a lot to me i'm going to miss those guys because they're you know like big brothers to me and like once i moved up they welcomed me and they're like you know treating me like a little brother junior a senior i probably want to play both sides so i can help the team out even more as you get bigger and stronger probably won't give it to you more obviously next year we're after allowing you even more but yeah i didn't have almost 2000 yards this year during that conversation with me and coach you know he just tells me that i'm gonna have to step it up this year even more and he's going to just be giving me the ball more and then i just have to be a leader for the rest of the team i like this leadership responsibility because he just kind of puts it on me that i have to just work hard so that the other guys can work hard too and it just makes them better so getting back to world royal next december we're just gonna have to come in every day and just put in the work so we can just like come together as one team and just make it back to the championship i think we will be ready for it i think if everybody just comes in and just does their job we'll be good last year we did pretty good this year we should be fine first thing coach would tell you where's your basketball son there's no way you play football in new york city i've been with sophion he just has it like i said he just has it this season i'm expecting nothing short of a state championship [Music] i lived all over new york city since the time i was five years old i've mostly been living in manhattan since i was eight we just had to run for the select bus regular regular stuff right there new york city shaped my football career because it made me hungry no matter what you do how good you're doing you still got to do better to get noticed everybody think we play basketball out here so i got to make a name for the city we all got to make a name for the city on the bus ride i usually just listen to music or just relax until my workout if it wasn't running limited there is no telling how long it would take like right now we're just going to get off and have to walk like three blocks to the field we just got to 128 just the field right here my name is tyler simmons and i've been working with sophia since he was in middle school playing for the hall and jets youth football organization this is what make guys a little more elite right the ability to cut down on time and transition and agility yeah there's not a lot of recruiting in new york city at least that used to be the case uh sophia has definitely had a major impact on that especially as a quarterback in high school honestly he has an impact on a lot of athletes not only football um especially with what he does in the gym and on the field i mean he has a presence in a lot of places throughout the city i would say there's youth wrestlers and track athletes and basketball players that look at sophia and just see his work ethic and his persistence just got done getting some field work putting in max payne at the field on 128th we bout to walk across 125th and go get spanish food on the west side a place called tropical [Music] 125th if you ever heard of times square of new york 42nd street it's like the 42nd street of uptown new york city uptown manhattan it's a big city with a lot of crazy people funny people at this point it's just funny to us some people think it's crazy for us it's just alive it's hilarious on 125th we've got a lot of cool places closing stores uh you got you got the apollo theater it's very famous it's just really the hub of uptown manhattan home he got the move i'mma got the move he got the move every every city got their bad areas and so he was walking past the uh area that had a lot of drug addicts or whatever but you know majority of harlem is it's not like that every city has their bad areas and that he was just walking past it but you know there's a lot of culture around here it's a good place to live and it's a nice area you get the bang for your buck over here i just paid six dollars for a quarter chicken rice and beans it doesn't get better than that you get a lot of food a little bit of money the success we have at hay is going to get everybody on the team notice and it's going to get new york city notice as a whole because now we're gonna have a camera on us everybody's gonna be watching us they're gonna say they got dudes in new york city we got to go out there to recruit so now you got dudes from other schools getting recruited and that's how the whole city just builds each other up i'm nyc brad right now we're in riverside park i'm just getting my throws in my mandatory throws with my boy mace uh right before we go hit the gym today's leg day so y'all aim for a show and nobody feels bad about like oh you couldn't you can't work out in new york city because cause it's winter like i'd be like oh i can't compete with a dude from texas because they don't have a winter and i can't throw the ball in the winter because it's snowing and there's snow everywhere nobody cares about that colleges don't care about that the kid from texas don't care about that my my opponent on saturday doesn't care about that nobody cares about that so you got to just you got to get it however you can you don't got a gym you better be in the park you better be doing pull-ups you better be doing push-ups doing whatever you can to get it however you can [Music] all right real quick what sport uh kind of exemplifies complete control gymnastics you've been here for this so don't answer gymnastics why why gymnastics why i did the top athletes in the world that that is the sport of mastery complete mastery of the human body with that said right if all if gymnastics kind of exemplifies total body control then we know what that total athleticism is what total body control you know he just continues to push it push the envelope and he wears it on his back you know he does take the challenge and it's tough you know this is not a historical place for you know football talent but he truly believes in changing that wholeheartedly [Music] one of the most focused young man i've ever met um he's almost like an old soul as if he's been here before he just he just gets what it is that in terms of being serious and approaching a workout at a young age so seven eight nine he just understood getting in line you know not goofing off not not being a kid even though at seven eight you should be a kid you know when you get those sort of kids it's it's contagious i don't make excuses like if i need something done playing football in new york city you got to get it done we just got done with our leg workout down at the gym with about you we got to go over to the bronx to get some uh field work at cottonwoods uh to get to the field you gotta take two trains or and then walk or you can take the train to the bus and then walk right now we gotta take the train to the bus [Music] when you're trying to get on the bus you like a kid you should be like can i get a ride and they just let you on for free so that's just how we do it right now we're at the hayes backfield it's the back of the school home of the cardinals we just got our field redone this summer it's our home field right here that's where we practice i love practicing on this field this season i'm expecting uh nothing short of a state championship anything else doesn't really matter especially with the team we got this year last year i had 35 touchdowns over over 3000 yards so the ultimate goal is just to be able to come back and help kids out and you know just maybe coach them up or just show them that you can do all of this stuff right out of the city i've met sophia when i was like eight nine years old on the harlem jets is a youth organization we even played with each other until we was 13 whether we on the field in the weight room he's going to always be pushing me pushing me pushing me he's very competitive and then like off the field he just his personality he's a funny kid like since he was little in order to taste my cup of water you must first empty your cup do you know why this cup is so useful because it is empty imma throw for 5000 yards this season and 50 touchdowns that's a quote but the ultimate goal is to win that state championship nothing else matters if you don't win that that's the ultimate goal right there right now we're at the jets field field number one rangers island it's all the kids they're getting ready to start practice warm up right now you got the right one you got the right one yeah i like coming here and seeing the young talent and getting the chance to you know sometimes throw to them and help coach them up because i know even for myself i like to work with people that's at a higher talent level than myself or that has more football knowledge than myself yo catch the ball like this when it's right here catch it like this don't try to catch it like this because it's going to go through your hands you gotta strap your helmet strap your helmet i played for the jets for five years i went to florida for five years competing in the nationals we never lost the game in new york what sets sofiano apart um i mean it's just in your face work ethic um you know two-time all-american um wins a city championship as a true freshman um it's just unheard of and have the work ethic of someone who is not getting any of these accolades you know it's beyond sports he he really cares about you know what all of this means in the long run cardinal hayes now we're trying to you know win out went out the state and moving to becoming a national program i've been through a lot growing up i never even had a bed until college at the time i kind of normalized everything yeah i'm in a position now where i could change my family's lives in the future generations lives so i mean it's definitely been huge football definitely changed my life josh jacob josh jacobs josh jacob josh jacobs when i look at josh jacob i see the electricity this kid moves in another gear he will lower his shoulder into contact we know he can run catch and block he is a violent downhill runner i'm josh jacobs former alabama running back and i'm here in new york with overtime i think my running back style is like very diverse i like to do a lot of different things whether it's from juking people or running people over i like to do a lot i got a little dead leg move i use is where i will go outside like this size them up stick and get vertical so look it's a hard cut though so you come in here and either you can put somebody in a blender right here and go up or you can take it a step up you can go ahead go directly die it'll turn your prayer one stick vertical you know how hard that is going full speed it's it's a hard cut and it's jacob's following them into the end zone the theme that i can bring to nfl team is just diversity you never know what i'm gonna do you can line me up in a slot you can line me up out wide obviously run a ball and then play all special teams too so i mean i do a little bit of it all i'll run you over next time you see me you're gonna think i'm gonna run you over again so you're gonna drop and either try to match my intensity or you wanna try to go low so that's when i create diversions and uh and i do people things that motivate me the most going up how i did not going back to that i wanted to be one of the greatest to ever do it i mean that's that's the most motivating thing for me it means more from what i've overcome and things like that so my mindset is just going to go in there put in the work whether it's film study workouts anything just going there and try to be the best person i could be well i'm from tulsa oklahoma i'm the middle of five kids i've been through a lot growing up whether it was from sleeping in the car or staying in motels and hotels and things of that nature and at the time i kind of normalized everything until i got older and i started seeing other people's logs and i was like this is not normal so it really didn't hit me at the time until then i never even had a bed until college football was a outlet for everything football got me away from all the crazy things that's going on in the streets and hood where i stayed it got me away from just being bad but it also it was a place where i could express my emotions well i only had these two schools for a long time i had wyoming and new mexico state was my first like actual division one office i was honestly happy with just going with them some random dude from texas named coach g smith hit me up and he told me create a twitter i don't have no any social media at the time he's like creative twitter post the highlights i'm gonna help you get recruited post my highlights two days later i'm getting like 10 calls a day from school like two and a half weeks before signing day alabama calls and at that point it was really a no-brainer i get a chance to play on the biggest stage with the best people and actually prove that i belong josh jacobs finds a craze and finds the end zone at alabama we loaded that running back it helped me because we pushed each other every day every day was a competition every day each person wanted that starting job i used to tell people all the time practice would be harder than the games so just going against that top tier competition every day kind of preparing me for the lead i'm hearing a lot of i might be the first back off the drive i'm just hoping to see where i land so i can get ready to go into that team and produce finally getting that recognition it'll be huge for me first thing on me running in my head is don't cry uh so i know my parents are gonna be crying with my pops i know he's gonna be crying so it's probably just gonna be like trying to focus on not crying first thing i'm gonna think about probably is like everything i've been through that's probably the first thing gonna hit me and and then i'm gonna think about all right going to this team and wherever the location may be i'm going and starting that next phase and it's really the beginning phase of everything i want people to know that i'm regular you know i'm saying a lot of people be on this on this platform and they see us and they view us uh different ways like idolizers and stuff like that but i'm just a regular dude you know i eat like everybody i put my clothes the same way as everybody else and i and i want to be treated that way so yeah sure i mean obviously i'm in a position now where i could change my family's lives in the future just to have a menu is dope in itself not letting him go through the similar things that i went through it's about him understanding that side but not actually doing and living that my pops bring him up and let him visit the games or whatever and it was just crazy seeing him out there and he run into me and he jumped on my in my arms and things like that i mean so it was definitely special you know i'm born and raised a florida boy i feel like i was the man of the house uh growing up how to live out my dream and get to nfl what makes this place different it's not for everybody it's a grind man blood sweat and tears man it shows that you got thick skin i'm gonna try to bring a national championship to tallahassee to get them back where they was in the top 10 coming in every season and staying in the top ten i promise that we're going to get florida state back on that bowl street i was born and raised new smyrna beach florida single parent home me and my sister and my mom in the house my dad was was was helping us out a lot but you know every night i go to sleep i was just my mom and i i felt like i was the man of the house try to live out my dream and get to nfl get my mom and uh father and everything out of new smyrna when i when i first came to img i was playing with the best players in the country coach is getting on me coach is yelling at me and i'm getting yelled at in a film session it's not for everybody like everything is time management here and everything is getting you ready for college here [Music] i just i just love florida state itself the fans everything you know i'm born and raised a florida boy my sister goes there she's a she's a sophomore at florida state when i first met taggart he told me that he was gonna be the first black african-american coach to win that championship you know i felt that everybody who attacked right now even though he's down right now i believe in him to get him back where they was in the top ten coming in every season and staying in the top ten stuff that happened this year um would not happen next year the 2019 class that's coming in uh you know we got the right mind you know we we talk to each other every day where you going to school oh you know when you going to school you know no nation we're going to be right next year we had a bad year but you know we got through the daughter's room you know everybody thinks we're going to be food but just wait just wait my guys on the football field when we go to war uh you know i'm i'm gonna lead them to the right path i'm gonna try to bring a national championship to tallahassee and everything i came into high school playing safety i always grew up being a ball hawk trying to go get the ball in secondary my freshman year i had uh i think was seven interceptions now i'm coming into the box you gotta fill the hole you got to be physical and everything [Music] jerome baker he played ohio state i sit down and watch his highlights and see how he do and see how he move and everything like that so you know i'm getting used to it and uh i'm gonna have a good career you know i have i have a lot of shoes to fill we're gonna get that bowl streak back alive that's number one uh they they can count on me for that i promise that we to get florida state back on that bowl street [Music] outside of football you know i just like to relax watch tv you know enjoy football especially on saturdays for sure i'm into my academics my dad don't play about academics criminal justice and psychology psychology you know i want to i want to help people i love to help people what they don't know about me you know i ride horses my dad and his brothers they grew up ride horses they brought them down and you know i got on the horse one day and i just fell in love with it the message to the kids man you know stay positive uh grind man keep grinding like i said get into school work because if you don't have the books you will not get scholarships and if you're religious you know uh you know god god should be the main focus of your life number one man in your life you gotta look on the good side of everything um you know cause like i said it ain't always gonna be good it's not always gonna be bad but you got to keep it moving and keep a smile on your face ot is taking over the world y'all you got to get fitted head to toe like your boy whoo yeah i'm rocking that overtime fits takeover collection you trying to add it to yours man make sure you hit the link below in the description i gotta go tell my mama i'm on overtime mama
Channel: Overtime SZN
Views: 126,507
Rating: 4.935185 out of 5
Keywords: bryan bresee, bryan bresee clemson highlights, bryan bresee highlights, bryan bresee clemson, bryan bresee high school, bryan bresee safety, bryan bresee clemson practice, bryan bresee workout, bryan bresee bench press, bryan bresee commitment, kardell thomas, kardell thomas lsu highlights, kardell thomas lsu, kardell thomas highlights, kardell thomas track, kardell thomas vs Bryan bresee, kardell thomas workout, kardell thomas i own you, kardell thomas lsu highlights 2020
Id: XaZe0H7Hrx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 38sec (4838 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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