I Beat Plants Vs Zombies 2 With ONLY BEANS [The Movie]

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one day I was in my uni house eating my beans on toast and my housemate came in raving about this Plants versus Zombies challenge he made I think it got a good 20 views at least or something but I looked down at my soggy beans on toast and I came up with an idea what if I could beat Plants versus Zombies 2 with only beans the rules will be simple other than the levels that force you to use other plants I must only use plants with Bean in a name this includes plants like the spring Bean the chili bean the laser bean and the sunbean to avoid making this challenge trivial I will also avoid using pars but first why don't you subscribe so you can Flex to your friends that you've been following me from the very start we start by entering the tutorial where we are forced to use other basic plants but I don't see any beans here so of course I just let nature take its [Music] course the first few levels are all tutorials with infinitely respawning lawnmowers making it impossible to lose so I just sat there and watched the zombies Slaughter themselves for fun with the tutorials all finished I have finally unlocked the goopy goobers also known as the Zoe Bean this didn't come cheap so I hope you all appreciate me more than prince Andrew appreciates the legal age of consent day six is the first of many boss levels but guess what it's a conveyor belt level these levels absolutely suck since it won't let me flick beans at the zombies it is here that I also came to a sudden realization the lawnmowers no longer respawn from this point onwards meaning I have to make the executive decision to play these levels normally or else I'll just have to keep given the zombies brain finally on day seven this is where the challenge finally Begins for real and I know what you're thinking but hoie this looks really easy well allow me to inform you that it's not as easy as it may look the timer on these beans are absolutely stupid they take forever to allow for another use it is for this reason that this premium bean requires the utmost intelligence to use and if you know me you are well aware that I am the most intelligent gamer around I'm so smart I even doxed myself on live streams my name is Walter Hartwell White nevertheless day seven was still a breeze however day eight annoyed the ever living [ __ ] out of me it was harder than anything I faced thus far I've even lost a few times on this level however I then learned an important lesson for this challenge sometimes sacrifices must be made in the name of the Holy beans Day N I managed to complete first try however here I also learned that after I play Sabine it takes a while for them to send out a goopy goober so I had to learn patience and not send the bean straight in to die I may be at war with these zombies but that doesn't mean I'm heartless and will send my soldiers in to die instantly day 10 was just as easy I did it first try there was nothing really that notable about this one but for some reason this level in particular just made me sad as I reminisced on better times I can forgive EA about what they did to Titanfall and the travesty that was Plants versus Zombies 3 however I will not forgive them for what they did to the Garden Warfare franchise look how they mess with my boy moving on to day 11 I was forced to use other plants so let's just pretend like that never happened day 12 and 13 were simple levels where I just had to make a few lawn mower sacrifices but on day 13 I had to also compete with Dave who was planting mold everywhere you know I'm starting to think that Crazy Dave may have been responsible for a certain virus outbreak this level turned out to be a [ __ ] because planting these zoy beans further forward meant they had less time to send out goopy goobers I mean I was already finding it hard enough to find my mouse cursor on this emulator so I was very much struggling for time management at this point although I could negate this issue of waiting for goopy goobers to spawn by feeding them plant food which spawns in The Incredible Hulk I have an army we have a Hulk look I'm a BAL I got nothing to say about day 14 without repeating myself so from now on I'm just going to skip over the piss easy stages just know when I unlock the laser bean he will become my main plant so this Army of goopy goobers you're seeing now you better savor it cuz it ain't going to be here long the next challenge really doesn't show up until day 17 when my Nemesis turns up the torch zombie I mean he's turned up before but this time he was a real [ __ ] this guy can just take out any of my beans with one swipe of his torch he he he literally made me want to go into a corner and cry but this was a gimmick level as well so I could only plant 14 times and in the end I managed it but I wanted to go into a corner cry then grab that torch and shove it so far up whatever ass he had left day 18 was another gimmick level a prepare your defenses level and oh boy oh boy did I prepare I'm pretty sure I had more goopy goobers coming towards the zombies than they had coming to me I just find it slightly ironic that the bean zombies are the ones going to eat meat and these zombies are coming to eat vegetables day 20 was the next challenging level and since the torch zombies spawn at the very start I firmly believe that with the zoybean this level is factually impossible I hate these zombies so [ __ ] much I tried everything I tried planting the zoy beans in different locations at different times over the course of an hour I gathered an hour of footage trying to get this to work but even with this broken ass plant it was still [ __ ] hard the issue was they just got burnt as soon as the torch zombie approached and even if I put down enough of these zoy beans to kill the torch zombies then two regular ass zombies would come walking down other lanes and since the cool down is super long I could not send out any more zoy in the time it would take them to come and eat the endangered plants it was so hard in the end I just had to swallow my pride and buy plant food for a th000 coins to skip the cool down of the zoy beans spawning in zombies and even with this it was still a [ __ ] it was so hard and I only barely just barely managed to scrape by by the skin of my teeth when I have more beans I will come back to this day and I will force feed these zombies another British delicacy rat and bean soup with day 20 finally complete the next challenge didn't come until we faced Dr zomos himself which is what I would be saying if it wasn't another stupid conveyor belt gimmick level he went down just a little bit too easy but with that Egypt is complete and I got to say I've never been so excited to do a challenge run but hey I hope you guys enjoyed and if you don't believe me that day 20 was impossible I brought put in my good old friend shag Root's cave to give it a try all right get it done you had to equip them that it's somewhat of a calling card you could say I had the same issue it was the third day of the world third day of ancient Egypt third day of ancient Egypt that was the one that caused me Strife but the law knows respawn I didn't I didn't have used that though I guess you could say you could have been more prepared oh shut the [ __ ] up we had some yeah okay there's not a chance he doesn't even come on the screen yet impossible when when uh when Hy told me he couldn't be this level I called him a but uh no do you know what that's not possible say the line This level's nuts there we go the challenge continues in Pirate Seas where we start off where we left with the zoybean carrying my ass through this entire challenge day one starts off piss easy with the only thing notable being the introduction of The Swinging zombie coming in to flick my bean day two is also piss easy with once again nothing interesting happening other than the introduction of yet a new zombie type the seagull zombie who will become the bane of mine and twitch chat's existence for this entire world I suppose I had to learn about the birds and the beans sooner or later after the first few days we didn't get a proper challenge until day six although Dave did start flirting with me you belong on a register Dave in all seriousness though day six absolutely sucked hard here I discovered that one goopy goober is not enough to take out the seagull zombie meaning I need a zoy bean ready in the lane that the seagull zombies are coming down in order to actually take them out because if not they'll just fly towards me and [ __ ] my beans Days 7 to 11 were an absolute Cakewalk this means I finally unlocked my second Bean the spring Bean also known as The Bean flicker I thought the addition of a new Bean would make this whole world trivial however day 11 drove me up the [ __ ] wall and out the godamn window the reason for this was due to the introduction of the barrel zombie who for some unknown reason cannot be taken out by my goopy goobers and even when they are they give birth to two more annoying little shits however 30 minutes of attempts later we finally beat the day and if this is a sign for things to come then I regret ever starting this challenge day 12 was a gimmick level that we completely ignore and day 13 was yet another but I had an idea if I finally used the rent a plant feature then I could rent the sunbean and I can produce the required amount of sun with only beans but due to my lack of knowledge of PVZ2 I did not understand how the sunbean works at this point and what's even worse I EX the level and I lost my insane rental Plant luck and I could no longer use the sunbean on this level so I just decided to come back to this level when I actually unlocked the sunbean for good day 14 was yet another gimmick level where I need to prepare my defenses and once again my defenses were indeed prepared with the bean flickers flicking the zombies into the ocean and my Army of goopy goers delivering a Swift and decisive punishment to the incoming horde of zombies at the end of this day we also long to the three Peter who was completely useless to this challenge however shagr did inform me that there is a very specific piece of three Peter art on the internet that I wish I could unsee thanks shagr now is also a good time to mention that this whole world was streamed over at twitch.tv/ hooy so come on in and join the fun and watch my suffering live day 15 we completed with relative ease we had to make sure that the incoming zombies didn't trample poor dve flower bed cuz Dave thought it would be a good idea to plant a [ __ ] flower bed on a pirate ship but me trampling it oh no that's completely fine we we don't have to worry about that the next challenge didn't come until day 17 where I spent over 90 minutes on stream no matter what I did I just could not stop the Imp zombies from getting past my defenses all of the other zombies went down easy but since there were so many of the little imp zombies the goopy Gooba gang got overwhelmed and kept going down to them on so many instances I got so close I could taste the finish line so many times but it was to no avail they kept eating my frontal lobe time and time again in the end I had to get down on my knees and pray to a higher power and someone answered Zeus himself came down from the heavens and smited my foes Zeus is truly a real one but with this I was not satisfied there was something nagging at me to go back and do it properly whether it was Pride or erectile dysfunction I just couldn't let it go so I did what any self-respecting person would do in this scenario I got my credit card out read all the numbers and once again got blessed with a new Bean the bean sprout a plant that is so stupidly overpowered for no goddamn reason the way this little fell works is if the zombies get close enough and lobotomize him enough he gets very angry and starts to slap the hoorde of zombies around he also has a power where if you give him plant food he decides to neck a Stella and throw a fit needless to say the bean sprout made this day trivial The House Always Wins days 19 to 21 were all gimmick levels with the side objective to generate Sun so these are all levels that I have to come back to when I've got the Sunbeam to do bean only day 22 was yet another gimmick level however it was a prepare your defenses level so I prepared my Army and they did absolutely nothing due to the sheer amount of imp zombies even my Army got overwhelmed once more with this in mind I brought the bean sprout back out to defend my Army in the front lines and lo and behold it worked I got to sit back and watch the goopy goobers go up to the zombies and give them a big old snog it's worth pointing out that while I was streaming I didn't actually have the bean sprout so I was streaming this level for nearly a solid hour with my sanity completely deteriorating just watching the zombies come in and kill me time and time again the final challenge of pirate seas was day 24 where I have to protect two Bean flickers which sounds easy right well wrong I have never seen a bean so determined to end its own existence more than these two [ __ ] the way these beans work is that they can bounce a singular zombie away and after that they are completely defenseless and open to attacks so if more than one zombie goes towards it at any given time well it's j the only way to save them from their defenseless state is with plant food using plant food means we can put them back into action and they bounce every single zombie back a few steps this day is also complete RNG due to the fact that the Imp zombies land in completely random places so if they land on the two lanes where these beans are and you don't have the plant food to save them well may God help you this level is completely doable though with an insane amount of luck however on stream I just kept losing faith time and time again I had to take a break from it I came back the next day with the bean sprout with a fresh mind and even then it was still a [ __ ] sometimes I could do every single thing right but still lose just to the sheer amount of imp zombies Landing but after enough attempts I finally finally managed to complete the level without losing any of my precious beans from here we finally move on to the final level of pirate seas which is a conveyor belt level and also a Dr zombos fight needless to say Dr zombos died fast than vmir Putin's election Rivals with that the whole world of pirate seas is complete and all it cost was my sanity and my credit card details this world has also taught me that I Am My Own Worst Enemy since I have absolutely zero clue what I'm doing but I have some beans coming in the next few worlds that will carry me to the very end I just know it because if not I will cry war war starting out at day one we are introduced to this world's gimmick Minecarts usually a gimmick is meant to make a world or day harder but these mine carts just make everything easier than it needed to be alongside my pay to win bean sprout this level just felt impossible to lose day two was more of the same with my pay to win beans carrying me through however to commemorate the three Peter incident from the last video I have made the executive decision to only level up the three Peter even though I am not using him at all chat also unanimously decided to rename the three Peter to three blower Bob a name that will be regarded so highly that the gods will name their firstborn children after him moving on to day three it is yet another day that we pass with ease due to the credit card Effect however a new type of zombie is introduced the piano zombie who works in tandem with the other zombies to make any level they are in a complete [ __ ] what they do is they can destroy any plans they touch just by walking towards it and every zombie in their vicinity will randomly swap Lanes by dancing it truly is a Unison as iconic as Margaret Thatcher and an STD day four is a conveyor belt level that we beat easily due to being able to move plants around on the mine carts even though this world is pretty uneventful I actually really like the gimmick since it requires you to think a little bit more I just wish some levels made more use of it although thinking about it now I really shouldn't be wishing that considering how the levels that do use it really make this world longer than it needs to be once day four is all said and done we unlock the chili bean I love this little guy but his entire is not it and as a white British male I clearly the right person to be calling cultural appropriation out the chili bean also has a bum hole which he shits himself out of which as a lactose intolerant person who chooses to tolerate lactose I can relate to we move on to day five where we test out our new power the power of fart porn other than that there is nothing remarkable about day five at all all that happened was I remembered that the spring Bean existed but has absolutely zero purpose in the entirety of this world if you ever feel useless just remember that this can't exists day six is the first day in this world that actually took more than one attempt to complete the main issue was I could not take out the piano zombies for the life of me before their dance troop came all over me after changing my setup and planting more goopy goobers on the Minecarts this day also became trivial day seven was completed without issue and day eight reminded me of the three Peter incident once more from here we didn't encounter any other challenge until day 13 where I met another enemy type the bull and imp combo here I definitely could have been more prepared but after one failed attempt he went down with ease after I shoved the bum hole Bean down his throat day for team was yet another challenging level due to the introduction of another zombie type the chicken zombie who is in fact utter horseshit the way this wanker works is when he dies he gives birth to chickens who run at you in big numbers but due to the legendary credit card Effect after one try they were no match for me this game is not pay to win I'm just better the next challenge didn't arrive until day 20 not because of the challenge since it's a conveyor belt level but due to the length of this day this Drake size level felt like it would never end and it's not like I could stop paying attention either since I had to move some of the plants around on the mine cart on my first attempt I was so close to beating this day but then some random ass chicken came to eat my ass this game really thinks the player couldn't take a chicken in a one-on-one fight I'm glad that this world finally started to utilize the mine cart mechanic more but why does this otherwise fun day have to be so godamn long once we made it to day 24 I was so instilled with confidence that we can do anything but this day actually gave me a little bit of trouble since it was one of those protect the endangered plant levels it's a good thing that the endangered plants were these stupid ass nuts after a couple of attempts I managed to create a new strategy for beating this level if I moved my nut up and down vigorously on the M track then I can delay multiple zombies and multiple Lanes giving my goopy goobers just enough time to go and take them out and send these miners back to making iPhones one more Zomboss pounding later the wild west is complete this world was just completely effortless the credit card power remained strong and in my dopamine Rush of high confidence I thought it would be a good idea to attempt frostbite caves all in the same stream which was the biggest mistake of my life that near enough cost me my sanity frostbite cave starts in day one where I was warned by twitch chat time and and time again of the things that this world would do to me in my beans but this day was easy and so was day two 3 four and even day five and every single day up to day 10 I completed first try Could It Be True Lies on the internet I was jumping for joy I couldn't believe it that I am such a skilled gamer that frostbite caves seem to be no match for me and then I hit day 11 day 11 of frostbite caves is without a shadow the doubt the hardest day I have encountered thus far day 11 stole my firstborn child and force fed it beans day 11 was responsible for every single tragedy this world has to offer day 11 hit the second tower the reason for this immense difficulty Spike was the fact that so many zombies all funneled into the bottom Lane due to these tiles that move a zombies positioning and it just led to my bean sprouts getting overwhelmed time and time again this along with the harsh blowing from the Developers I kept receiving led me to spend an hour and 15 minutes on this day alone in this time I came up with a strategy that helped me beat this level or at least I thought it would help me beat the level what I needed to do was I needed to save my plant food for the right time and send in a giant goopy goober to destroy my foes in the bottom Lane but even then when I timed it right I discovered that even my vegan Gargantua got overwhelmed and he had his ass eaten the wise EAS thing to do would have been trying and delay the zombies approach in different Lanes so they didn't all funnel in and overwhelm my beans at once but even trying that I just couldn't do it right so I had to do something I'm not particularly proud of I had to utilize the zen garden and keep planting until I had a bean sprout then I subjected my twitch chat to watching advertisements with me so I can get the gems to speed up the gardening process once I Zen In the Garden till my beans sprouted I was ready to take on the day once again and take it on I did the way the Zen Garden works is it gives your plant a buff for a single attempt of the next level you use them on when a plant is buffed they automatically have their plant food activated as soon as you plant them and with this I managed to beat the level but I so very very nearly lost honestly if I lost with this buff I think I just would have stopped trying allog together beans and cheet bean only get in the next challenge came straight after with day 12 where I once again struggled with being blown on as much as I was a strategy I picked up for dealing with this is by removing my beans just as they were getting Frozen and then replanting them this reset gets rid of the whole Frozen debuff and gives me some more time with this in mind I managed to beat day 12 on my second attempt day 13 was yet another challenging day since we had to stop the zombies from trampling the flowers which also means we can't use any lawnmowers at all we almost managed to conquer this day first try but then this giant Neanderthal came in and my beans got a good old pounding and all I can do was sit there and watch then I went back and kicked his ass while preparing my beans in the lane that he was coming in day 14 was also a pretty tough day due to the sheer length of this day my plants were pre pictor for me so I couldn't even do it Bean only the only notable thing about this day really other than its length is the fact that my good old friend Poseidon came down from the heavens and saved my ass thank you Poseidon you are truly my hero we then move on to day 15 which once again was a pretty hard level since it was a defend the endangered plant level I put down all my bean sprouts and preparation and it was a mighty defense I very nearly lost but in the end I managed to scrape through this day without issue there was nothing else really that notable about it moving on we go to day 16 where it was probably the hardest of any conveyor belt days I've faced so far it was pretty tough and I found myself getting overrun very quickly to the point where I lost this day quite a few times however it was still a conveyor belt level so it wasn't too hard overall the only reason I found it hard is because I'm a [ __ ] dumbass the next challenge really didn't come until day 20 where we had to enoy another free wve day this day [ __ ] me harder than David Cameron with a pig but after a few tries the day was completed rather easily and I was rewarded with a zombie holding my bone every day up to day 24 was pretty easy but do you guys remember how last episode I called a certain being useless if you ever feel useless just remember that this can't exists well I finally found a use for him in day 24 of frostbite caves we have to produce 2,500 some but the level is very short so I don't have that much time to do so I was down to one ice head and I was just thinking I was going to fail cuz I was nowhere near the 2,500 Sun but I did have enough sun to put down a spring bean and bounce this zombie back countless times enough times that I could barely just barely make the 2,500 Sun quota the spring Bean is the best plant in this game and I will hear no second opinion from here it was easy sailing up to day 27 where we had to protect some endangered plants once again I set up my defenses but this was yet another grueling day with four waves to get through I just felt like it would never end I put my bean sprouts in front of the endangered plants hoping they would do most of the work which they did up until the very end of the day where a big chunky enemy came in strutting his stuff down the bottom Lane and I had nothing to defend myself all I could do was sit there and watch with this single lone bean sprout the bean Sprout and I watched as every single plant he knew got destroyed I hope he knows how disappointed in him I am what a failure the next attempt I was more prepared and I added some reinforcement goopy goobers down in the bottom Lane and that seems to have done it the day was complete with only minor head trauma day 28 was another prepare your defenses level and this one once again was the hardest I have done thus far the issue here was once again the cold harsh winds after a couple of failed attempts I came up with a big brain idea what if I saved some of my son for the end and planted some bean sprouts at the very back of the level and I did just that and better yet it worked like a charm not even the stupid ferret zombies could stop me now this day singlehandedly increased my brain's IQ by 2 in day 28 was pretty much the last day of this world as day 29 insisted I use the fire pee which is basically EA coming up to me and saying hey guys look how good this plant is you can have it for the low low price of an average mortgage from here we move on to day 30 the final day of frostbite caves and once again we send Dr Zomboss packing by giving him the three blower Bob treatment I then proceeded to pass out because at this point in my live stream I was streaming for around 7 hours straight nonstop shag Root's cave can attest that I nearly fell down the stairs after streaming after giving zomos the pounding of a lifetime we are rewarded with a key to the next World w w the lost city begins on day one where we are introduced to this world's main gimmick Sun platforms that you can plant any plant or in this case Bean on one of these platforms and they will occasionally give you 50 Sun as if they were a sunflower this paired with the strange abundance of plant food this world gives you and you're pretty much sail through this day beans or no beans we move on to day two where we are already met with pre-placed plants day two is a pretty easy level but we are introduced to one of the first of a few new zombie variants the wedgie zombie who gets castrated in the most painful way I could ever imagine besides that day two was a breeze due to once again the abundance of sun day three is a conveyor belt level so instead of just skipping over it I wanted to provide you with a bean fact did you know in contrast to what my comment section says beans are beans not legumes but beans why because I said so on day four we get back to beaning all over the place and we are introduced to yet another new zombie type the shovel zombie who at first petrified me he had me timbers well and truly shivered hard but then I learned if I just placed a bean sprout or a chili bean directly on top of him then he would just have to attack it normally instead of using his stupid little shovel regardless later on in this world the shovel zombie would in fact shove his shovel so far up my ass that he would turn me into one of those little propeller hats day five was yet another conveyor belt level so here I decided to bring back another one of whoy gaming hot takes did you know I don't think breath of the wild deserved Game of the Year moving on to day six we are tested with everything we have learned in the lost city thus far and don't get me wrong it did get kind of tough at a point but the credit card Effect carried me through all with ease and without losing a single lawn mower on day seven we are introduced to yet another zombie type the umbrella zombie who I have absolutely no clue what they do in the slightest I mean maybe they have a slightly higher Health pull but it makes absolutely zero difference to a gamer of my caliber moving on to day eight we have to once again defend Dave's stupid flower beds well you see Dave's wife died years ago and these flowers are the last memory that Dave has of her which is why we need to defend them at all costs however I could not give a single [ __ ] so I let all these zombies Dance all over them in all seriousness I didn't mean to fail this day I just fell into a false sense of security and let my guard down on the next attempt I kicked this day's ass Day N was yet another conveyor belt level featuring our favorite dragon dragon these nut day 10 was another day with an abundance of sun platforms making this day an utter Breeze however these shovel zombies are getting kind of close to me it's good that I finally found a use for the chili bean cuz the chili bean is carrying hard here with this shovel zombie moving on to day 11 day 11 was a day that I will remember on this day we are introduced to the mosquito zombie these zombies are [ __ ] stupid they have twice the health of a regular zombie and they just completely ignore all of my beans on the ground making plants like the bean sprout completely obsolete in fact the only way I could attack them at this point is with my goopy goobers so I needed to make damn well sure I'm prepared in the lanes they're coming in regardless I managed to beat day 11 first try even after losing a mower to these flying flapping [ __ ] day 12 was yet another day that I somehow managed to fail an otherwise simple day that led me into a false sense of security what happened here is one Gargantua came running down the middle Lane then I thought I was safe I thought it wouldn't happen again I thought I did not need to plant that much more in the Middle Lane but then another Gargantua came stumbling in right after and I did not have the Firepower or plant food to take out this big boy meaning he came over to me and I gave him some more brain but as with other levels I beat this day on my second attempt without much hassle at least that's what I would be saying but this day also had a side objective of gathering 5,000 Sun I knew this would be possible to do bean only since on the second attempt I got to the end of the day with only 50 sun to go this failure was crushing I could have wallowed for hours since this day is a long one but I went back into it and I managed to end up barely just barely scraping by on my third attempt now coming up is a lot of gimmick levels that had absolutely nothing to do with the challenge so it's time to speed through them days 13 and 14 were conveyor belt levels so I'm going just skip them but day 15 was a defend the endangered plant day which I thought would be a lot harder until I remembered the ultimate power of my beans which led me to complete this day first try moving on to day 16 it was another conveyor belt level so once again we're ignoring it on day 17 we are introduced to yet another zombie type the camping zombie this little [ __ ] carries his tent around and just like it's a the camping zombie carries his tent around like it's a clown car and releases an unlimited amount of zombies it's a good thing I gave him gas the second he spawns in and dealt with him like that and all of his posy with just one chili bean the chili bean wants again carries besides this new zombie type day 17 was a breeze day 18 was another conveyor belt level and days 19 and 20 were easy due to the abundance of sun this was once again followed up by yet another gimmick level with day 21 however I actually really like this one because of the Frog plants I don't quite know what they're called but I absolutely love them they're just silly little guys and now I want to see a Plants versus Zombies challenge run with only frogs chat get it done day 22 was yet another gimmick level with some trap tiles some would say it's one of the very easiest days in this whole game but guess what I failed some could say I'm a bit of a dumbass but once chat told me how to utilize these tiles to my advantage I actually really enjoyed this day because of how different it was I just wish a lost city utilized gimmick levels in a more creative way that wasn't another stupid conveyor belt level since day 23 was piss easy we move on to day 24 there's nothing that notable about this day but I did learn I'm about as blind as your nan and completely missed this shovel zombie coming in my bottom row besides that the day was completed on a second ATT the rest of the days were easy and that is until I reached day 27 day 27 is without a doubt the hardest day in this world the reason for this well there is once again another zombie type that's pretty prevalent here the scientist zombie or what I choose to call the old flatulent [ __ ] zombie what he does is he consumes the sun like it's his morning pills and ass blasts my plants into Oblivion with just one squirt of his laser with him blasting my beans into Oblivion he makes enough room every time for his good old pal the mosquito zombie to come and eat my ass time and time again this day was pretty grueling and it took multiple attempts but in the end I managed to defend all the row and let the Lord mowers do the rest these old flatulent [ __ ] are the most irritating zombie in the game thus far I hate them so very much however I do like their design they they do look very uh very dashing some would say the next challenge didn't come until day 29 the reason for the challenge on this day was every single plant and zombie killed each other except for one little lone Gargantua who wanted revenge for the massacring of his brothers however quaking in fear live on stream my PC decided to end itself rather than facing the consequences that this Gargantua had in mind my PC always crashes at the worst time after fixing this technical issue by doing absolutely nothing I went live again and kicked this day's ass I should probably buy a new power supply but I can't be asked and I can't afford it so I'm just going to keep on going with this one until it explodes day 30 and 31 we're all done with the ease and then we move on to [ __ ] on Dr zomos Who didn't exactly go down easy this time he actually put up a fair fight because the game decided to use these trap platforms creatively for once I really enjoyed this fight because once again it was something different but just like your dad getting milk from the store he eventually vanished into nothingness war w the far future starts out in day one where we are introduced to the very first gimmick of this world these platform thingies the way these platforms work is when you give a plant some food it will spread that food to all corresponding platforms nearby a bit like communism with this newfound power we take on this day and finish off these zombies unlocking a new Bean along the way a bean that is in fact so powerful it would make Aries himself quake in his boots the laser boin since the far future was pretty much designed with this little guy in mind it probably makes it the easiest world yet but that doesn't mean I didn't have any fun with it I for one I'm just glad that I finally have some sort of range instead of just kind of having to sit there with my beans out waiting for someone to bite them day two was made trivial with the laser bean not only can the laser bean attack zombies from far away but he can also penetrate them attacking all zombies behind him with this ultimate power day three was also made trivial the laser beam paired with the bean sprout made an impenetrable defense that not even the new zombie imp variants could break through on day four we are introduced to yet another gimmick one that I in fact love we are introduced to the exploding Sun if I touch this sun too early with my greasy ass hands then it will explode damaging everything in its vicinity Friend or Foe alike of course in my Infinite Wisdom I chose not to use this to my advantage and instead to just sit there with a thumb at my ass waiting to pick up the sun on this day we are also introduced to yet another zombie type who I am going to call John Jon's whole purpose is to block projectiles at least that's what my twitch chat told me I was so entranced by the laser Bean's power that my brain started to rot needless to say would the laser bean day four was completely piss easy moving on to day five we introduced to yet another new zombie type the conad mech this guy is so godamn tanky one laser bean and one bean sprout was just barely enough to take him down however if I am not prepared then I could see this guy becoming a major threat in the future just like my short-term memory loss day six was more of the same with the whole day being rolled by just a single row of laser beans in in fact nothing really notable happened until day 8 where we introduced to yet another zombie type the mech Gargantua who I only can assume was brought in to give my beans the authentic JFK experience but since this was a conveyor belt day he along with the rest of the zombies on this day went down first try and the same goes for Day N on day 10 we are also met with yet another new zombie type the amount of new zombies in this world is absolutely mental but I guess it keeps the repetitiveness to a minimum I suppose here we meet the time travel zombie who spawns in a group of backup dances seemingly every 5 seconds and since these dances spawn basically halfway down the lane it does not give my laser bean enough time to deal with them meaning this is the first time in this world that I actually had to think and save my plant food needless to say the plant food on the Laser Bean is pretty damn busted busted enough that it takes out all of the dance troop and the big time traveling zombie in one felt swoop the very next day we have our first plan your defenses level of this world and pairing the laser bean with my premium plant was a recipe for guaranteed Victory every time once again showing the true strength of the credit card Effect the first half of the far future we haven't lost a single day once hell I don't even think we've lost a plant so far but on day 12 that was all about to change on day 12 we actually failed once meaning I had to restart the whole day I got sloppy and careless meaning Lee Harvey oswal over here could come and [ __ ] my [ __ ] up but on a second attempt it was a breeze with my Biden blast Biden blast on day 13 we were once again introduced to a new zombie type the allar mech zombie who just like the people who never grew out of their High School popularity is a complete and total cut he just kind of shoves my beans out the way without any regard for health and safety making the bean sprout completely obsolete here so if I don't take him out from range then I am well and truly [ __ ] it's a good thing I've got this Laser Bean or else this world would be well and truly impossible from here we didn't encounter any trouble until day 18 although day 16 did give us This Magnificent sight I love the far future for this reason just how chaotic it is is absolutely beautiful to me day 18 gave us a slight amount of trouble because it was one of those pesky Sun producing levels where we had to produce a stupid 6,000 Sun meaning I pretty much had to save all my plant food for all the sunflowers I placed down on a second attempt I managed to complete this day with the help of lawnmowers following on from day 18 we didn't have any more trouble with any days until day 21 which once again was another Sun producing day but at this time I didn't realize it was a sun producing day since I was busy talking to my twitch chat about raiding shag Root's cave himself let's hope this new found whoey given Fame doesn't change him once I realized I had to produce Sun this day was a breeze since the planting limit wasn't an issue in the slightest from here every single day left was completed first try with basically nothing new going on in the slightest so we move on to the Dr Zomboss fight and to be honest this fight wasn't as as cool or fun as the lost city but I still enjoyed it since I got to put down a lot of these plant food platforms and watch the Pretty Lights obliterate zombos one final Biden blast later we obliterate him and obtain the key to the next World the Dark Ages I have been told that this world will be the death of me and that it it might as well be physically impossible but I was also told that for frostbite caves so I'm pretty sure this world will be easy right we entered day one of Dark Ages where we are introduced to the gimmick of this world a distinct lack of sun the only way to gather sun in this world without my beloved sunbean would be to bust open these grave thingies we don't unlock the sunbean until day six so until then we have to suffer and plant our beans wisely so our beans bust open all the graves to give us some more sun overall day one wasn't that big of a challenge surprisingly since there seemed to be less zombies than what I'm used to moving on to day two we do a similar strategy bust open the graves with our bean sprouts and place as many as I possibly can hoping they bust open more Graves day two overall once again was pretty easy but that's not going to last forever day three at first was truly impossible at least right now since we don't have any sun producing plants and since there are no Graves we only have enough Sun for one bean which just isn't enough so what I had to do here was clear the day normally and then come back with the sunbean once I unlock it days 4 to 6 were all pretty unremarkable which I am very thankful for since after day six I could finally unlock the sunbean the Sunbeam is arguably one of the best Sun producing plants in the game and he is one of my personal favorite beans I mean just look at this little guy he's so Dopey and looks like he's just been out on a mad one how could you not love him unfortunately obtaining this new lured me once again into a false sense of security I had no clue what pain awaited me at this time to test out my new benevolent companion I went to day three once again to clear it with beans only and I discovered exactly how this Bean works if a zombie consumes my bean then the more Health the zombie has the more sun he will drop on his demise for example if a brown coat eats my sunbean and then dies he will only drop about 40 sun and since the Sunbeam costs about 50 to place this means giving the Sunbeam to a brown coat just isn't feasible and makes me a net loss of sun but a Buckethead zombie or a zombie with more health will drop sun in the hundreds making the sunbean arguably op and one of the best Sun producers in this game however this only applies in later parts of a day since higher Health zombies are more likely to spawn then but at the very start of the day where you're dealing with mostly brown coats it's pretty much near usess which is a worry but I'll worry about that later we move on to day seven where I once again test the sunbean and how much sun these zombies drop it's also here that I discover if you feed the sunbean plant food then not only will he drop more sun from any given zombie but he will also Smite the zombie with his powers given to him from the Warriors of sunlight covenant praise the sun with this new found Bean power I eventually managed to clear day seven day eight was a day we had to clear with given plants so we move on to day nine where we are introduced to another gimmick of this world meth pipes when a zombie takes a hit his power grows at least I think it's meant to uh my memory problems don't allow me to retain information for long before long we complete Day N with only a few attempts from here we move on to Day N where we are introduced to zombies the beans went down easy day 10 was yet another conveyor belt level which was a pretty long one I almost failed right at the very end but Zeus unlike anyone you've ever slept with has returned for round two well guys we found it the first of a few days that broke me day 11 this day must have been a callback to day 11 of frostbite caves because this day committed domestic terrorism on my psyche 2 hours I spent on this day trying time and time again to get through it studying it learning the zombie spawn pattern and locations and when I thought I was making progress in my knowledge and preparations then the zombies just said nah [ __ ] this let's come from another Lane it doesn't help that we meet the pope zombie in this day whose special ability is to not eat any of my beans and to turn all of them into sheep it's good to see a fellow Welshman in this game I attempt time and time again placing my beans in different locations but to no avail at one point I got so very very close but I got hoped on this level was one that I do believe was entirely possible to do with my current setup but it's so heavily luck based I just had to keep gritting my teeth and trying but one day the Stars aligned and I managed to complete day 11 with the help of the zen garden now I know I know you guys don't like the Zen Garden but if this game is going to cheat by turning my beans into sheep and not giving me any Sun Well I'm going to cheat right back and if you don't like it well I challenge you to try this day with my setup and to not go insane you won't no balls day 12 was another tough day where we had to protect these shrooms from being eaten the joy of these shrooms is they just disappear after a minute so I had to keep refreshing their timer with all the plant food I was given to be fair this was a pretty fun day and for once the popes worked in my favor by turning these shrooms into sheep giving me some more time there was there's another obstacle on this day though the juner a zombie who can reflect all projectiles which usually isn't a problem since my laser beam can just shoot right through them but these mushrooms were so hellbent on offing themselves that the juner actually became a bit of a problem in the end and after a few attempts day 12 wasn't all too much hassle in fact I think it was pretty fun and fair unlike the rest of this stupid [ __ ] world day 13 was another conveyor belt level and day 14 was also pretty chill since we had a lot of sun Graves to produce sun and day 15 was a prepare your defenses level so not even the pope could penetrate my defenses however day 16 was the actual first truly impossible day at the start of day 16 we have three Brown coat zombies in different Lanes coming in and since there would be no use giving them Sunbeam since I would make a loss on sun that means three lawnmowers automatically go right right at the start of this day this wouldn't usually be so bad cuz from here I can make some sun with the sunbean and plant food I was given by a zombie who died to the mower but it just isn't enough usually the sun I'd be given here would be enough to deal with any regular zombie but then we are introduced to yet another new zombie type the British zombie coming to colonize this day the way this [ __ ] works is he Buffs any zombie in his vicinity by giving them a shiny new helmet giving that zombie a hell of a lot more Health even two of these new Knight zombies can overwhelm my bean sprout so I have to take care and take the British down quick however one laser bean is not enough to take down the British Monarchy and I know that I don't have the Sun for any more of these laser beans due to the fact I got to leave 50 Sun at all times for the next sunbean with this in mind I failed day 16 near enough every time at the start of the day I am 110% convinced this day is completely impossible with my current setup due to the lack of sun in the early stages of the day I was not able to take out the British zombie with anything other than launching a lawn mower at it the furthest I got in this day normally was around the halfway point where I was feeling pretty confident at this time until I realized the pope came in to join the party allowing these two night zombies to just Walt right past here I came to the realization one once again if this game was going to cheat me like that then I was going to cheat her right back I came to an agreement with my twitch chat that I was allowed to buy plant food just once at the start of this day for my sunbean to just give me enough sun to get started and with this one tiny change and enough patience I managed to technically beat day 16 with beans only and if you don't like it I once again dare you to try this day with my bean only setup and yes in my other attempts to beat this day I may have accidentally leveled up the Sunbeam by one level which decreases the cool down time by one whole second and changes nothing else so I hope this one level two Bean irritates you all as much as it irritated me moving on from that travesty day 17 was a simple day which was completed with ease considering how big my brain is and day 18 was a day to complete with just given plants so we move on to day 19 and once again it is another day that is completely impossible with my usual setup for the same reasons as before I just don't have enough sun in the early stages of this day even with plant fooding the sunbean it isn't enough usually letting a few lawn mowers go early is all part of the plan but since a lot of zombies spawn in Lanes where I need to protect these endangered plants letting all three lawn mowers go just isn't an option since I can only let one go at a time I didn't even have enough coins to keep attempting this day with feeding the sunbean plant food cuz I spent all of my coins de-stressing on day 18 with Zeus so I had to cave in I realized this day was factually impossible with my current setup so we had to go back to the drawing board while brainstorming with chat we had an idea why don't we bring in a brand new never before seen Bean we came up with the Bean Flower a bean that is also a flower this special Bean is only available in my very specific very secret version of Plants vs Zombies 2 created by Andrew Wilson himself in exchange for his freedom with this Bean Flower I finally managed to beat day 19 after a good couple of hours of attempts the Bean Flower really carried here cheers Andrew now give us Garden Warfare 3 after that disgraceful day we move on to day 20 and it's just another conveyor belt Zomboss fight after giving Dr zombos a sad little pounding the Dark Ages is done three impossible days day 11 day 16 and day 19 and for the final time to anyone that doubts me I challenge you to go and try these days with my setup and you will go insane now I know what you guys are thinking but hooie if it's not possible to beat this game technically with only beans and no powerups then does that mean it's a challenge failed well technically yes but that doesn't mean I'm stopping yet I'm having way too much fun making this content so will be continuing onwards to the next worlds and I I just want to see the dinosaurs in the Jurassic Marsh I like the red one w w neon mixtape tour begins in day one which introduces us to the main gimmick of this world music for some reason these mullet wearing [ __ ] hear these sick beats and the strange white pill they took earlier courses through their veins making them charge at you more invigorated than ever but right now it makes no difference and I managed to p pass day one with ease day two posed a little bit more of a challenge since we introduced to our first new zombie type of this world the emo zombie whenever the music plays the Emo's power increases and he starts to kick my poor beans back without any regard for health and safety procedures I honestly thought day two would be much harder but once again I managed to beat it first try day three was a conveyor belt level showcasing this world's premum plant and for some reason it was a cactus so we move on to day four where our first major roadblock of this world rears its ugly head I was shocked beyond words that the first major difficulty Spike happened so early in neon mixtape tool I'm pretty sure pop Cap's balancing team was on vacation for this world because some days are easy as anything and then other days we get blatant [ __ ] like day four this day is three waves long and most of are replaced with bucket heads meaning my bean sprout which would usually carry me through these hard days gets overpowered like it's nothing I could usually make it to the final wave but then a bunch of Emos came to boot my beans and [ __ ] me over but after 45 minutes of trial and error I finally managed to beat day four which In fairness I probably could have done so much earlier but I was not thinking after completing day five and six with ease it wasn't much longer until we encountered our next roadblock day seven day seven [ __ ] sucks here we meet a zombie that renders my laser bean as obsolete as a 90-year-old nut sack the roller skate zombie the way this [ __ ] works is whenever music isn't playing they Shield the zombies behind them making my laser bean completely useless until they take out the roller skate zombie which would be fine if it wasn't coupled with the fact that can insta kill any of my beans just by touching them she doesn't even eat them so the chili bean can't even save my ass here eventually I came to the realization that I just needed to protect my lawnmowerless lanes and let the remaining mowers do the rest eventually I could pass this level without too much hassle still it took much much longer than I would have liked day seven Was Then followed by day eight which for some reason was really piss easy this world is more inconsistent than my streaming schedule the next challenge didn't come until day 13 which is a prepare your defenses level usually the combination of bean sprouts and Laser beans do these days without a problem but for some reason the sheer amount of Buckethead zombies was absurd and my bean sprout got overwhelmed once more it didn't help that we got introduced to yet another new zombie type Michael Jackson who can just Waltz up and instakill any Bean he so much has breathe on I don't think I've ever seen so many zombies on a screen at once after 45 minutes of trial and error I eventually managed to beat day 13 by placing my laser bean in this weird ass pattern day 14 was a day completed with given plants but then day 15 I believe is the very first impossible day of this world it is so so heavy on RNG on this day I realized that zombies have a variable walking SP spe of about 10% so sometimes these emo zombies will kick everything out of the way ending the day instantly or they'll stop and eat my big old bean sprout depending on luck this paired with Michael Jackson's later appearance in the day made this day straight up impossible due to my lack of Firepower or the fact that I couldn't use the Sunbeam at all since the emo zombie does not like his Vitamin D this day just completely broke me since all my offensive beam cost 200 sun in the end I had to clear the day beanless since I just kept banging my head against the wall again and again now don't get me wrong I do think this day would be entirely possible if I was allowed to upgrade my beans but I don't want to from here we didn't really encounter a challenge again until day 20 where we had to once again deal with countless bucket heading emo zombies at once we are also introduced to yet another new zombie type the break dancer zombie who is just completely pathetic and poses no threat whatsoever which is a breath of fresh air for this world considering how much it's [ __ ] given me testicular tortion after a couple of attempts I managed to conquer day 20 we then move on to day 21 which is another day that is just either straight up impossible or based entirely on RNG which I do not [ __ ] with in the slightest because of my lack of Firepower and having to protect this stupid line of flowers for some reason it doesn't help that the literal third zombie to spawn is an emo zombie when I don't have enough Sun for a laser bean meaning all I had to defend myself was a bean sprout which he just casually kicks out the way I tried delaying him with a spring Bean followed by sending in a goopy goober but since the music Buffs the zombie Health it does absolutely nothing so the only way I could do this St was by sending off a lawn mower at the very start before he gets through the flowers yes I do read your comments this usually wouldn't be so bad but then a Gargantua comes in shortly after I tried many many things even after streaming I tried to let this little imp go and get the lawn mower itself and take out the Gargantua but then there was yet another Gargantua and there was no way to take him out with my lack of Firepower cuz I discovered filling the back Lanes with only laser beans does not do enough damage to take him out that and the fact that he can one-hot my beans from just looking at them made this day pretty much impossible hell I don't even think I need to justify it go try it for yourself you will not keep your sanity intact after that travesty of a day we move on to day 22 which is a conveyor belt level the only notable thing about this day is the nerd zombie has been introduced to [ __ ] my [ __ ] up all this guy does is shove an arcade machine down a lane that spawns in some very cool pixel zombies which is probably the first cool thing this world does it's too bad it will be done to death later on and kill the novelty of it day 23 was yet another hard as Bulls day with Michael Jackson coming down my lanes and wiping the floor with me multiple times but after a couple of tries and some actually smart replanting of my beans I managed to clear the day after only a couple of attempts this pretty tough day Was Then followed by two very easy days with day 24 and 25 which I managed to beat first try and then I had to deal with Day 26 in this day we had to defend some endangered plants against Michael Jackson and some other zombies now the thing with Michael is he can instakill all plants in a 3X3 area which makes him a complete [ __ ] to deal with but with enough patience I somehow managed to complete this day with only an hour of attempts and I'm going to be honest I thought this day would be entirely impossible and I don't even know how I managed to clear it to be honest I think I just got incredibly incredibly lucky with RNG with day 27 being a conveyor belt day that brings me to day 28 another impossible day the reason for this is we are introduced with yet another zombie type Freddy Mercury who serenades us with seductive Tunes meaning we can't do anything to attack until he stops now the first five zombies in this day are all Freddy Five bear zombies and they are also followed by five nerd zombies this is also paired with emo zombies and the sheer amount of bucket heads that accompany them meaning I did not have the Firepower to deal with this in the slightest all my beans and my bean sprouts were just rendered completely useless and I had to rely on the laser bean to do penetrative damage and even with this penetrative damage he just didn't do enough of it to take out all the bucket heads in one lane even my goopy goobers didn't have the potential to deal with him making this level just completely impossible even while using my Sunbeam to its maximum potential day 29 was yet another hard as Nails day with so many zom beans coming at me at once and Freddy Five bear making my life hell but once again I managed to complete this day with minimal suffering but then day 30 was our final impossible day now I know I know four impossible days sounds like a lot but you got to keep in mind this world has over 30 days so seeing that I managed to do most of them I I think that's pretty impressive I challenge you all once again to try these impossible days and see how long you last this game will not let you last 30 seconds the reason day 30 was impossible is because well Michael Jackson is the very first zombie to spawn and not just one of them but three meaning I'm basically guaranteed to lose two mowers at the start of this day this is followed by more emo zombies and even more Michael Jackson clones I don't even think I need to explain why this isn't impossible just look at this this world's balancing is just horseshit some days are far too easy and others are ball busting hard I swear popcat must have hired Elden Ring's balancing team cuz this just ain't it we then move on to day 31 which was a day to clear with given plants and this was Then followed by without a doubt the hardest zoss fight in the whole game so far he just has so much health and this whole fight was about 10 minutes long while being near enough entirely reliant on RNG cuz he can just clear a lane at random with both friendlies and my beans alike I hated this fight so so much it was utter [ __ ] it took me an hour to do this fight alone and it just wasn't that interesting I just had to keep banging my head against the wall till it broke I hate this world so so much well on the plus side at least it can't get much harder from here right and now I can finally go and see the dinosaurs I really like the red one Jurassic Marsh starts on day one where we surprisingly do not see this world's gimmick day one was the most basic of basic days with only Cone Heads bucket heads and a new zombie type who I'm going to call the head head coming in to give us head even with this new zombie type day one is beon with ease moving on to day two we are finally introduced to Jurassic Marsh's World gimmick dinosaurs and guys I hate to say it but I don't think I like the red one I'm more of a green dinosaur connoisseur these days but right now we have to deal with Mr Blue Balls over here all Mr blue balls does is give a zombie a big old kick sending them further down the lane they're in they also get kicked over my beans but this is pretty much ignored just by placing my bean sprout further back besides this new dinosaur day two was beaten with these day three was a conveyor belt level so we move on to day four which once again was a pretty run-ofthe-mill day with a lot of higher Health zombies but luckily for me I have the sunbean meaning all these higher Health zombies actually work to my advantage in Jurassic Marsh in particular the sunbean is pretty busted due to the amount of High Health zombies which is probably why I consider this world to be the easiest in the entirety of Plants versus Zombies 2 needless to say day four was piss easy and I'm running out of ways to say a day was easy we move on to day five which was once again another basic run of the mil day with nothing new introduced I'm starting to see a theme in this world where it's just refusing to introduce anything other than dinosaurs and to be honest after the disaster that was neon mixtape tour I'm perfectly okay with that on day six we meet our next dinosaur the red one now what the red one does is he just Flings a zombie into a random Lane without Rhyme or Reason he doesn't make the day any harder but he is still a minor inconvenience even with this new dinosaur day six was once again pretty easy and I find myself already bored with this world day seven was a conveyor belt level and surprisingly one of three days that I actually didn't beat first try since it's not a beable day I'm not going to tell you how I failed because I don't quite feel like it day eight was easily done though and guys I'm going to be there is absolutely nothing going on in this world like even when I was writing the script I had no clue what the hell I was going to talk about trying to find different ways of saying I beamed all over the place is tough when the days have no challenge to them we then move on to day nine which was beaten with given plants and then in day 10 something minorly interesting finally happens we meet the paracetamol dinosaur who I thought would be much more of a threat since they pick up a zombie and drop them near the back of a lane allowing them to attack from behind but since the bean sprout has the simple ability to just turn around they didn't really put up much for challenge anyway so I really wish the dinosaurs in this world were a bit more interesting to be honest maybe maybe a bit more menacing because right now they're just cutie patooties from here nothing interesting really happens until day 12 which was the second day in this world that I couldn't beat first try the gimmick of this day is you could not lose more than six plants and with a gag coming in the Top Lane the first attempt I did i i in fact lost more than six but then I went through the day again and kicked its ass so I don't even know why I brought it up it's pretty irrelevant after day 12 we didn't encounter anything interesting until day 15 on day 15 we have to defend two Primal War nuts which surprisingly wasn't the problem here since they have a obscene amount of Health the only issue was the final zombie was a gag coming down the middle Lane and I wasn't prepared for but still I somehow managed to beat day 15 on my first try with then move on to day 16 which was the final day that I didn't manage to be on my first attempt but since it was a conveyor belt level anyway it doesn't really matter it just surprises me that the hardest days in Jurassic Marsh were days that were completely irrelevant to my be only challenge I'm starting to think after neon mixtape tour the devs saw the immense difficulty and just went full baby mode for this world once day 16 has passed nothing interesting happened again until day 20 where we had to produce 2,000 sub on what is otherwise a very simple short day but on this day I made a discovery that will help me on every single Sun producing day going forward if you delay the very final zombie in a sun producing day with a spring bean and keep feeding them Sunbeam then the amount of sun you will gain dramatically increases as the sunbean stacks on the same zombie exponentially increasing how much sun you will gain so after delaying the final zombie with the spring Beam for a couple of minutes and constantly feeding it a Sunbeam I managed to gain over 4,000 Sun just off this One Singular zombie which meant I beat day 20 with ease just like every other day in this goddamn world once we complete day 20 we move on to a few more basic days and then we go to day 23 where we are introduced to the next dinosaur the T-Rex who is without a doubt the best dinosaur in this game I mean just look at him he's just a silly little guy what the T-Rex does is he manages to speed up all the zombies near him making him the most threatening dinosaur with ease but even with a T-Rex day 23 was Child Play We then move on to day 24 and 25 which were once again two very easy days the only reason I'm bringing up day 25 is because the very final dinosaurs is introduced the spiky Dino Boy what this little fell does is he forcefully shoves a zombie directly into my beans pushing them pretty far back think of it as a as a way to turn a regular zombie into a far worse version of the allstar Mech zombie it's also worth pointing out around this time we were introduced to yet another new zombie type and I'm pretty sure he was the only new zombie type we saw in the whole world and I'm calling him the Neanderthal zombie what this guy does is absolutely nothing he's just got a little bit more health and as I said before a zombie with more Health that's only a good thing in my book with the final zombie type and the final dinosaur type introduced it was then just a straight shot to the Zomboss we then commence the easiest Zomboss fight genuinely I don't know how we went from something so difficult by fighting zomos in the Neo mixtape tour to this piece of piss fight needless to say zombos went down faster than a granny on a flight of stairs war war guys I'm going to say it neon mixtape tour is harder than big wave Beach don't get me wrong Big Wave Beach was tough like really tough and it was the longest world to complete by far with a handful of its own impossible days but to be honest I was expecting far worse that was until I deleted my save file but I'll get to that later we start Big Wave Beach on day one where we are introduced to the main gimmick of this world big ass waves now I've been asked many times if I'll be using the bean Pad but I made a vow to my twitch chat that I would only be using it when it's absolutely necessary to my absolute surprise day one of Big Wave Beach was not only very beatable but it also had just the right amount of challenge in my opinion let's hope this world continues with this high quality level design after day one we do day two and three on our first attempts with nothing that notable about them although on day three we are introduced to my beloved Chomper who I have recently been informed that now has a cheap copy in the form of an OverWatch character now you guys are probably not going to be happy about what I'm back to say but the first third of Big Wave Beach was actually incredibly easy I'm talking Jurassic Marsh easy in fact the proper challenge didn't begin until day 13 the issue with day 13 was we couldn't have any more than 16 plants at any given time and since it was a day where the tide comes in all the way I had to bust out my bean pad which also counted as a plant use this along with the fact that it's produce 2,000 sun with the Sunbeam made this day pretty tough but after my Sunbeam stacking strategy I managed to clear it day 13 was the beginning of my descend into madness with day 14 being yet another Chomper day day 15 came this day was one of the worst ones in the whole game so far with you needing to protect these exploding red cream pies this day has four massive waves of very high Health zombies I could always consistently get to the final wave without any failure but I always got [ __ ] over by one of big wave Beach's newest zombie types the merman zombie this little [ __ ] rides the waves until the very end and instakills whatever plant or Bean he encounters unless I deal with him quick but when there's multiple coming in at once in one lane it's so much easier said than done it's also worth pointing out that on this very day shag's cave himself came into my room gave the day an attempt on stream and then shat himself after a couple of hours of attempts I managed to beat day 15 I genuinely have no clue how it it just kind of happened after creepy Uncle Chomper marks the halfway point of big wave beach with day 16 we move on to day 17 where we meet the next zombie type of Big Wave Beach the OCTA daddy zombie now this little [ __ ] is quite literally just the worst version of the Pope zombie every single Bean in every single Lane was now vulnerable and it was just up to God himself who the Octo daddy zombie tentacled besides the introduction of this new zombie day 17 was passed with my sheer incredible willpower moving on from day 17 we didn't encounter another true challenge until day 20 now from here the last third of Big Wave Beach alone took me over 8 hours just for these 10 or so days the difficulty spike in this final part of the world was absolutely insane and not very welcome in fact as a certified gaming journalist I'd go as far to say Dark Souls was easier than this bollock it's not like there's anything unique about day 20 either it was just a case of me banging my head against the wall until it broke and eventually it did and I passed day 20 with only minor Cranium damage we then ignore the shitty day 21 conveyor belt day and move on to day 22 where we meet the biggest bane of my existence thus far the hookup zombie who I had to use the bean pad against every single time they showed up so they wouldn't just drag my beans into the water making them more soggy All Things Considered he didn't bother me that much on this particular day since I did manage to beat at first try but day23 on the other hand was worse than Margaret Thatcher this day took far too long I'm starting to notice a trend with big wave Beach and endangered plant days every time there's an endangered plant level in this world a bit of me dies but never fear on this day we get to protect the banana who is without a doubt one of my favorite plants this day took far far too long but eventually I did it by stalling the final gag and launching bananas at him and then I made the executive decision to shovel the banana at the very end of the day so even though I technically completed it I had to do it all over again I truly am the smartest gamer of all time after redoing day 23 and passing day 24 which was a conveyor belt day we move on to the first day in Big Wave Beach that I consider to be completely impossible day 25 here we cannot spend more than 3,000 sun and we have to defeat a bunch of zombies in 10 seconds which to be honest that's just going to be done by default what I really struggled with is not spending over 3,000 Sun I'm entirely certain this day is impossible due to the high cost of my zoy beans and Laser beans meaning I just couldn't put down enough DPS to deal with the sheer number of zombies coming my way I was warned in advance that day 25 would be a tough one and my God it was once again the hardest day in the game so far I spent hours on this day trying different setups trying different ways of gathering enough Sun I even brought out the sunbean once again but it was to no avail even when I conceded it still took hours to be normally I know at that point it's a skill issue but this day just seems pretty unfair to me I mean look at this [ __ ] how do you beat this without prior knowledge and practice well done day 25 you win for now but I will be back with the Vengeance after day 25 26 and beating day 27 with only beans the next challenge didn't come until day 28 which was yet another impossible day but this time there was a new reason and I think this reason's even more valid than the last I couldn't lose more than five plants at a time now considering my only Sun producer is the sunbean which I have to lose for it to produce sun I don't think I even need to explain why this isn't possible and the fact that the hookup zombie kept yanking my beans away just made this day so incredibly painful even with the bean pad it made no difference whatsoever in the end I had to once again concede the day only to go on to the wiki and find the setup that actually worked and let me beat the stay normally a lot of people say PVZ2 is hard but fair but in this day in particular I'm going to use the wise words of video game Dunkey and say it's hard but [ __ ] you day 28 was then surprisingly followed by day 29 which once again I managed to beat first try whoever's job at was to balance the difficulty in this game clearly didn't come into work cuz you'd think day 29 would be harder than the previous days but no no guess not we then move on to day 30 the final day where I can use my beans in Big Wave Beach and once again we had another impossible day on our hands now three impossible days isn't bad considering neon mixtape th had had a lot more but this day was a massive pain in the ass we had to protect these little cutie batties but if the hookup zombie so much just breeds on it then he goes and offs himself which makes this guy somehow worse than the potato cream piie earlier every single attempt I made on this day I was told that the Zombies Ate My plant which is just blatantly false advertising after 1 hour of the game [ __ ] me over and cheating me out of so many wins I finally snapped on stream and I decided I was going to go cheat right back while on stream I used my expert Computing skills to construct a brand new PP dat file which is just essentially the progression file I was going to call Zeus on these zombies and take my [ __ ] anger out but I made a rookie mistake I didn't back up my original file and all my data all my progress even all my premium beans were gone this was it it was the end of my run it will sit with me for the rest of my life that the only person I managed to cheat was myself guys I hate to tell you this but cheaters never prosper and my twitch chat was stuck staring at my bght back screen for the better part of two whole ass hours that is until my lords My Heroes my saviors shag's cave and my other unnamed housemates who I'm linking their Twitch in the description because they saved my ass they came into my room handed me a Sprite and restored my pp.dat file they also added a few little extra surprises for me I was back and I was more powerful than ever with my new power I smited every single remaining zombie on big wave Beach and for compensation me and chat unanimously decided I was finally allowed to break one of my rules and choose a bean to level up in preparation for the big finale naturally I chose the spring beam and got to work leveling him up alongside the spring beam I also leveled up three blower Bob now I finally went to go and destroy the Zomboss of Big Wave Beach and I was finally finally ready to take on the modern day Big Wave Beach was tough three impossible days which I will go back to but hey still easier than the mixtape tour remember guys cheaters never Prosper unless you're me w w the modern day is simultaneously pretty cool and pretty [ __ ] on the one hand you have the return of Michael Jackson and the Beloved Pope zombie and on the other hand you have days like this what the actual hell is this so with that said let's see how I completed this final world with minimal suffering and level one beans we start the Monday on day one where we are introduced to this world's gimmick ass cracks that [ __ ] out zombies from a previous world this world actually is a pretty fun gimmick in my opinion it brings every single zombie from every world back for this grand finale with this gimmick day one was actually pretty tough I'm so used to the first day being piss easy but nope not this one however from the last episode I still have a mighty powerful spring Bean who can indefinitely delay a single zombie even gags this will prove to be invaluable for this world but even with the added difficulty of the ass crack I beat day one first try we move on to day two where this world decides to [ __ ] out some big wave Beach zombies the spring beam once again solos all to be honest absolutely nothing happened on this day other than the confirmation that the spring Bean is absurdly powerful he count as everything it's it just makes things a cakewalk but day three was a conveyor belt level so we move on to day four where I am struck with fear the roller skate zombie has returned I [ __ ] hate neon mixtape tour the zombie that completely counters my laser beam is back it doesn't help that whenever they eat so much as breathe on one of my beans the beans just give up and die because of this roller skate zombie I failed this day so so many times even my spring beans couldn't save me but somehow eventually I managed to get through this day I've got no clue how it just sort of happened moving on to day five we are introduced to a plants versus zombes staple the newspaper zombie this Sun newspaper reading [ __ ] gets perpetually pissed off when we destroy its misinformation and decides he's going to go full brexit gezer on my ass and charge at full speed with ultra high health and damage what the [ __ ] happened to this guy in the time between Plants versus Zombies 1 and two even with this insanely powerful newspaper zombie we beat day five first try we then move on to day six where we are given a throwback to Lost City with these Sun Tiles at the very front of the lawn the goal of this day is to generate 4,000 sun which is easily done by stalling with a spring bean and using the sunbean stacking this stay was pretty chill overall and once again I managed to beat it first try moving on we get to day seven a big chunky four-wave day and guys I hate this to say it but I also did the stay on my first attempt then for some reason we're playing Candy Crush on day eight I'm pretty sure pop cap is just as fed up with this game as I am considering the amount of gimmick levels they're introducing this is Then followed up by Day N which is once again another gimmick day day 10 is where the challenge of the modern day truly rears its ugly ass head what the [ __ ] even is this this day took me so many attempts like even with all these power tiles it was hard as balls I am confident these tiles are just here to [ __ ] with me considering how useless they are I [ __ ] hate neon mixtap tool by the way did I mention the harsh day 10 Was Then followed by the piss easy day 11 and 12 this game is so awkward with its balancing it's bit strange and then guess what we got another Candy Crush day on day 13 and another gimmick on day 14 beans are starting to become extinct but on day 14 Zeus solos all no plants no beans just the almighty Zeus then it's time for day 15 our first impossible day of the bond day the reason for this is before I even have the chance to use plant food or sun for range beans the pirate zombie swings in and follows the fourth rule of the pirate code to always gobble my nuts but you know what [ __ ] it this day isn't impossible I just need to power up a little bit just to hit the gym strengthen my beans all the way to level one it's clearly level one it says so the m stands for mustard my new found level one beans I kicked this day's ass and beat it on my first try after day 16's conveyor belt Shenanigans we move on to day 17 where the laser bean carries hard and you know what he did every single day from here on I'm telling you leveling these beans to mustard one makes this game so much easier it really exemplifies EA's greed but part of me is glad because now I get to punish these uckers like they punished me every single day from now has just been made Child's Play The only notable thing really is the red dinosaur coming back to say goodbye to this masterpiece of a series goodbye the red one I'll miss you somehow even with leveling my beans to mustard one day 30 was a day that managed to kick my ass these [ __ ] flowers are some [ __ ] but my God my Lord my savior the spring beam came to save the day the thing about my level 1.5 spring Bean is the fact that it can actually tank more damage than the bean sprout so that's cool I guess I love pay to win features I'm just so over this now playing PVZ2 with only beans for 2 months on end causes Insanity to Fester don't try this at home kids unless you're going to cheat like me after completing day 30 we move on to day 31 which was a cakewalk and now we can finally finish this game with a Boss Rush and guess what the very final boss in Plants versus Zombies 2 is the neon mixtape tour final boss my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined and with that we did it but I'm not yet satisfied so I went back to every single day that I thought was impossible such as day 12 of ancient Egypt and all the sun producing days in the first half of this series we went back to day 20 of ancient Egypt day 11 of frostbite caves was beaten with ease day 11 of Dark Ages I kicked its ass day 16 of Dark Ages easy day 19 of Dark Ages easy day 15 of neon mixtape tour day 21 of neon mixtape door day 28 of neon door door door day 30 of neon mixtape tour seriously [ __ ] neon mixtape tour we then went back to Big Wave Beach and beat day 25 28 and day 30 with ease and finally with that I can finally say we're done we're free we finally finished and I can officially say yes you can beat Plants versus Zombies 2 with only beans but I got to say guys if you're going to do this please just cheat it's better via sanity with this in mind I never want to see a zombie again this was the most anticlimactic end to a challenge I've ever done but after 11 Worlds 2 months of my life and 15,000 subscribers I thought I'd rank these worlds from my least favorite to favorite my least favorite is obviously neon mixtape tour followed by Big Wave Beach frostbite caves Dark Ages Pirate Seas modern day Jurassic Marsh lost city Wild West Egypt and my number one world the best one was the far future I do want to thank you guys for sticking with me for the whole challenge I'm super excited to move on to my next projects and test the waters now if you'll excuse me I got to go vomit cuz I'm recording this while completely hung over but once again thanks guys thank you for 15,000 subscribers thank you for all the support and thank you for changing my life these nuts on [Music]
Channel: Whoie
Views: 433,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whoie, pvz, beans, only, challenge, shagrot
Id: BV6Ip5-5TuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 48sec (5448 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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