ANGRY BIRDS (Ranking EVERY Angry Birds Game)

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before anger brids existed Robia was a very small company in Finland who was consistently working on games without making a profit their small team became an even smaller one over time with whopping 12 employees by 2009 on the edge of bankruptcy one of their ideas felt a bit more special than the rest and they' spend the next 6 months working on the game that would change their lives forever this is the story of Angry Birds this is a new series diving into each individual game in the Angry Bird series discussing its history gameplay characters updates and more before adding it to one massive tier list by the end I know I've made a list of all the games in the past but that list sucks quite frankly I barely gave each game an appropriate Spotlight concerning I base my rankings off of memory and stole most of my clips from Zack Scott's videos and I just generally didn't know what I was doing so now these games are going to be properly covered and yes that does mean games like Ang bir's epic are going to get their own dang video I cannot wait to get to those but first we have to start with a game that built the franchise the original Angry Birds oh also I want to get the series going so next week we'll be doing Seasons too but enough intro as I was saying before Robia worked on the game we know as Angry Birds for about half a year it was a small team and they had other projects going on simultaneously but over this time they turned a few upset looking chicks into full-blown Angry Birds how well they realized what made Angry Birds so angry their eggs had been stolen a lot of sites Lov to say that the pigs were green because the swine flu outbreak was in the news a lot during the development of the game but it seems as though that was probably more of a coincidence than anything the game needed an enemy and the lead designer yako isolo just assumed it needed to be an animal and the result was pig-like the main bird was red so the complimentary color was of course green so no it wasn't swine flu people get that through your thick skulls sorry got a little angry there these birds are really rubbing off on me anyways the next big issue was the game play there originally was no slingshot the birds just sort of jumped out the structures play testers were confused and not sure how to even play the game a slingshot seemed like the easiest solution and made it obvious for players what to do with just one chapter the game poached eggs and the first five playable Birds Roby released the game on App Stores and became millionaires overnight wait they didn't become millionaires overnight nope unlike cut the r for example this game didn't catch a lot of attention it wasn't free so there needed to be something to entice players to spend money and apparently people weren't interested it was a slow release but thankfully after 3 months Apple gave the game a spot on the front page of the app store and just like that they reached a million downloads oh so then they became millionaires I get it now what do you mean they still aren't rich B God dang it what's taking so long well truthfully it was a pretty short wait as the game reached two billion downloads just a few years later I really like the story of the first game as it wasn't a smashing success from day one if Apple hadn't promoted the game who knows if it would have gave popularity the series now has an enormous list of games a bunch of TV shows two films merchandise like you wouldn't believe theme parks green McDonald's burgers Angry Birds dog it's safe to say angry Birds has invaded every aspect of life in one way or another that includes being referenced in media constantly it's hard to find a Family Guy episode that is not included go go go go go go go go go a he so should have died this is bull crap Mad comics made multiple presidents in Angry Birds and sure you're all familiar with Obama bird but have you seen angry Bernie Sanders before yeah I didn't think so Garfield became a bird the official NHL mascot was an Angry Bird for a while they had a Nashville hot chicken place oh wait that one is a poorly made ripoff sharo mamoto the creator of Mario said he wishes he made Angry Birds he said that we could be here all day pointing out cool Real Life Connections Angry Birds has had but we're here to slap this thing on a tier list so let's actually play the game now for this section I want to go through every chapter of the game as it released and discuss what each one brought to the table as previously stated Poached Eggs was the only set of levels when it first released which is pretty crazy to think about it didn't even have a title at first it just was the game at launch I need to read you the line that put in the description of the first version of the game it's so freaking funny to me it's a quote from a so-called expert named Colonel Angus if you're wondering who Colonel Angus is I got nothing for you but here's a cool image I'd like to imagine he looks like look at him as I read you the description let me tell you these ain't no ordinary finches we're talking about these here are the Angry Birds the ones that's going to kick you in the nads and they're the ones on your side they must be from calabos or something spoken like a true bird expert right there I think it's safe to say at this point I'm pretty much a bird expert and they're obviously from Bird Island thank you as this is the first chapter it added pretty much everything so let's start with the game playay I know it's crazy to explain the gameplay of Angry Birds to all the Angry Birds fans out there so I'll make it quick in each level you're given a specific group of birds and must launch them at the structure to kill all pigs in order to beat it every level in the game follows this formula but what changes are the environment and the structures the pigs and of course the birds you get to use each bird was given a unique ability and we'll go through them as they're introduced red is the most straightforward with no power he's a ball that can be used to hit items and pigs and that's about it he's in particularly strong against any material the blues also known as J Jake and Jim mix things up starting as one bird and splitting into three they're great at destroying glass but will struggle with wood and stone next is Chuck the yellow bird who speeds up when used and effectively breaks wood then we have the white bird who is now known as Matilda and as a white and pink more feminine color scheme but originally was much more neutral with yellow cheeks instead we can assume she was always meant to be female however considering She lays explosive eggs as her power the eggs explode and whenever they hit and SEI the flying up at an angle the last bird introduced in this chapter was bomb the black bird who explodes every material but is especially good against Stone understanding how each bird works is key to beating each level there's an assortment of pigs to pop as well mini pigs are the most basic with three different sizes of small medium and large pigs then the corpal pig is the next strongest thanks to his trusty helmet he's also the first boss of the chapter but returns to the normal enemy afterwards the next boss is Foreman Pig with his cute W of mustache and finally the one the only King Pig who appears exclusively in the final level of the chapter he's the strongest and largest pig with a fashionable Crown to boot these enemies are the only enemies for the majority of the levels in the entirety of the game after beating a level you're given a score based on the amount of pigs and materials you destroyed Additionally you are given 10,000 points for every bird you have left in the level you can earn up to three Stars based on your score in every level much later in the life of the game you needed a certain amount of stars to unlock levels and a bonus level is added for getting three stars in every level of a chapter but I'm pretty certain those are not added for quite a while last thing to mention is the story still unsure of how much of this was in the first version but here's how he' been introduced to it since the flock notices that the eggs are gone and Chuck has noticed a trail of pig hoofs wait a second that's not Chuck what have you done to him sorry everyone I just traumatize the game has had some crazy changes anyways I can't talk about the first chapter anymore we need to move on now now the second update released in February of 2010 and added the Mighty Hoax and nearly doubled the length of the game the story this time was that the pigs stole your eggs again and wow Chuck was the only one to notice you've got a Keen Eye there Chuck they use these cardboard standies to hide behind but otherwise it's the same as before all the birds are the same but we started to see new locations and of course new levels the addition of the triangle block made for a ton of new structures oh my God that's it thank God trust me when I say these would go much quicker and be a lot more entertaining than that first chapter probably was round Easter was the third update that added the golden egg feature meaning past and future levels would have a few hidden eggs to find with brand new levels these levels didn't have a three star marker and instead you simply had to beat it to earn their single star these levels are much more experimental and some of them aren't even levels there's a sound tester and a radio too next was our big boy the coolest update yet with chapter Danger Above and a brand new bird I never thought this day would come the green bird Sasha I mean how how is my favorite bird of all time and he has a boomerang ability he launches much farther than the other birds so he can fly past structures and come back to break them from behind I wish Sasha lyx would come at me from behind I mean what a great bird he's so cool right guys right Danger Above took place high in the trees after the pigs took the eggs like Carl from up took his house wow Chuck was the only one to see this happen again you'd think the others would start to catch on by now other than being high up in the trees and having some pigs held up by balloons the newest feature was the bouncy mattress which is pretty self-explanatory still a cool addition from this point on levels were added in groups of 15s there were three updates in total before moving on in the next chapter I won't be pointing that out each time so just remember that would you would you believe this is when it was released on Android took them long enough anyways ready to me the biggest bird well when the rest of the flock has been captured there's only one left to take their Revenge teren ter since he doesn't have a power but he's super massive it followed the color scheme of red and made him well red Terren is the strongest bird and can beat almost all these levels on his own so they decide to give him his own dang chapter and since how is pretty underused still he joins the fight a little while in teren and Hal are my favorite of the original flock so this chapter is always hell a special place in my heart big setup may get still towards the end just because you only get two birds but I don't even care I love it at the oneyear anniversary Not only was the chapter hamom High added Yeehaw but a brand new bird the Mighty Eagle it's great to think this monstrosity a PowerUp debut a full year after launch but boy was it worth the wait now every level had an eagle high score meter that gave you a feather for reaching 100% every level however you had to pay real money to own the Mighty Eagle but in return you could use them to skip a tough level if needed the way this PowerUp works is you can launch a can of sardines at the pigs and then might Eagle so dang horny for sardines that he launches at the speed of light towards that can getting the perfect angle will help you reach a 100% score in this chapter pigs lasso up some eggs and seriously guys just turn around once the pigs are right there you know I like you better when you had two Nubs on your head Chuck Hami has always been my least favorite chapter just because I hate desert and wild west stuff there are a lot of very frustrating levels here too most of which just generally aren't fun in my opinion then in June of 2011 the Mine and Dine chapter was added featuring some dark and spooky caves fill of valuable Jewels can you guess who notice the pigs thankfully Jake at least saw a hole this time no Le Jim notice that [ __ ] and to celebrate their second anniversary the birdday party begun this chapter got small updates every year to celebrate the anniversary so they gave it two sections levels for the first two years and you know who made their debut inflation levers everywhere are going insane right now yep bubbles appeared for the first time in this level pack after getting some attention in Seasons his ability is to inflate real big then let the air out and hit a few more pigs before disappearing he fits a theme of the party pretty well honestly but you just had to make him confus like everyone a Chuck didn't you you know what I'm done mentioning the cuts scenes you piss me off for the last time then we hit the beach and the surf and turf levels where there really isn't anything too crazy to talk about these levels are actually from an early Ang Bird's friends tournament which I had never heard of before researching they also added power-ups in this update so let's quickly go through them the power potion gives inflation fans just a taste of what they're looking for the King Sling makes your slingshot crazy powerful the sling scope adds to your trajectory for better aiming and the bird Quake makes the ground do a little Harlem Shake as the same time that bad piggies was released Rio added a tiean level pack to the original game it's a really cool idea I think and kind of helps cross over the new vehicles using that game into the main series it's almost like we're seeing both sides of the story or something I know I said I wouldn't do this but speaking of the story the birds are oblivious to a car coming and grabbing their eggs but time out Chuck is playing 5D chess over here and starting a hashtag finish the hashtag you can't make a hashtag without words dumbass then the third anniversary rolled around and brought Stella in just like they did for bubbles coincidentally Stella blows bubbles wait hold on I didn't mean that she lifts enemies up with the bubbles that she made from our bubble wand that again feels pretty fitting for the bird day theme the next two updates gave her characters some cool upgrades and the first one is Red's Mighty Feathers for the first time ever red has a power it basically works the same as Laser Bird from Ang Bird's face or red will change directions to wherever you tap I absolutely love the set of levels it continues that Bad Piggy theme with an amazing environment and basically a brand new bird guys there's actually a freaking story this time get out of here junck Make Way for a full-blown comic strip one day when the Mighty Eagle is flying by his feathers fall near Red and give him a new power after beating our first unique boss of this entire game so far red manages to save one of the eggs but the pigs are still on the attack and now it's your turn to defend I cannot believe this is happening right now how is this not its own game somehow angs added a full-on tower defense mode and it is abs absolutely incredible Forman pig is actually being a foran for once and whipping up machine after machine to grab the egg you have as many RS as you need to take down each pig in the level getting three stars now means saving the egg killing every Pig and using as few Reds as possible if you miss a pig you also can't get that third star playing these levels was the most fun I've had so far recording this video I would have loved to see a full game like this with more characters than just red maybe everyone gets a new ability from might Eagle could have been really cool I think it would be hard to top that but I'd say they got pretty darn close to Short refuse instead of red receiving into Power this time around it's bomb with his Shockwave ability bomb now electrocutes all pigs and objects near him and pushes them away in the process just that black and San color scheme is cool as it is but electric powers are absolutely insane not to mention the super unique set of levels they've added here I feel like these last couple chapters have been the best in the game so far and it's mostly due to the really fun ideas they're introducing to the game some of those ideas include the brand new potions there's three that have similar effects to some of our favorite Birds I might make a full video and random theories I have about Angry Birds and one would definitely be about how the birds might have been tested on with these potions or the powers extracted from these birds anyways the first one inflates the pigs just like bubbles man the inflation loving homies are eating good tonight then the blue one splits pigs into three like the blues and finally the pink one is based on cell's bubbles but like that's just more inflation quite frankly these potions just add a fun spin to the typical level and I kind of wish they appeared outside of this chapter the story is much less exciting than RS was but at least Chuck still ain't here the pigs take the eggs into the underground lab while bomb frolics in some purple goo besides frolicing in any kind of Goo being my favorite pastime this is what causes bomb's new ability the shock wave also becomes a PowerUp which totally makes sense and it's definitely my go-to PowerUp of choice sadly after this chapter I'd say things really started to become stale for the original game these were some crazy fun updates but afterwards it really just made the game more bland than ever before because of this I'm going to try to speed up these last few chapters as it's really been going on longer than I anticipated we got the fourth anniversary birdday levels as always and then then the flock favorit chapter it was a nice idea to make more levels in the best themes but it's also kind of just a way to make new levels without having to make new assets still cool I think that was the only Edition that year as the next bird day rolled around it was originally its own chapter but eventually got merged with the other bird days but this one was special because they use player creat level designs some are definitely better than others don't forget that these levels introduced us to the rhinoceros these guys really serve no purpose but I just enjoy the way it looked 2015 had no new chapters and simply received another batch of bird levels again and as we all know 2016 was the year of the angerts movie which meant every game's logo and loading screen had to have that new art style incorporated into it I've always felt that app icon was cursed it's just simply unnatural would have been fun for like a month but they really stuck to it for a long time they added the mighty League to the game soon after as if the weekly levels of anger's friends wasn't enough nope now you need to waste your time getting high scores and levels you've already played to level up and earn coins it's complete BS and as I said before before the game really took a nose dive after the shock wave chapter the Mini screen during this time is absolutely ridiculous too want to play well here you go you obviously want to play The Mighty League don't you oh you want to play the hundreds of handcrafted levels we made you're lost buddy you can click on that tiny little button in the corner then just baffling we hope you aren't sick of the Angry Birds movie quite yet because Angry Birds are going back to Bird Island what's weird is these almost have almost nothing to do with the movie and they're actually some of the most Bland and unfund levels in the entire game the last level is the only interesting one as it uses the boat from the movie and introduces the only other new pig in the whole game Leonard who really is just a reskin of kingpig and looks pretty horrible honestly then we're back to birdday for the 7th anniversary and just like that in 2017 we received our last two major updates it's sort of crazy to think about for one to stop updating their biggest game ever in 2017 is sad especially because we didn't even get our eighth birthday celebration we also got more levels in 2017 than the last couple years combined I never played these levels before before so I'm at least curious to see what they'll be like the penultimate pack was Piggy Farm and if you've been waiting for another cut scene well at least it's different I don't know if this is just me but this genuinely looks fan-made how this is official I have no clue but it is just not good and I'd have to say the same for the levels they just don't have anything interesting to do I think the game really was getting stales they managed to make things fresh with the Red's Mighty Feathers levels but now we're back to something I simply don't care for anymore the end of the chapter actually reveals mustach Pig going through a Time machine leading us to Jurassic pork now I have to admit that seemed pretty awesome considering I always wanted a full-time child adventure with Angry Birds but expecting to see some dinos was clearly too much to hope for because again it just sucks so hard there are some dinos skeletons towards the end that are kind of cool but the first pack of levels is so dang bad each one is packed full of random crap and looking at one of these levels versus the ones all the way back in Poached Eggs I think it's clear to see just how different the game has become sure I'm sad this was the last content update the game ever received but how much do I really want to keep playing these levels truthfully not very much I think it was important to go through the game update by update just to see the ups and downs of the game so we can take it into account for our ranking was it solid all the way through not really no and that's kind of a big deal let's start with the positives what do I like about the original Angry Birds well it's a pretty long list but here's the simplified version the first 10 or so chapters are filled with amazing and exciting new levels that make your effort feel worth it in the end little bonuses like the golden eggs or that king pig mode I never touched on give you a reward for investing your time into the game and of course the music and visuals are perfect and it's hard to imagine them looking and sounding any differently this game is what I love about Angry Birds and that can't be ignored but neither can the game's last few updates the mighty League makes me pretty mad and while I'm glad the game got more chapters they're pretty hard to play through in my opinion but is that enough to tarnish the game's reputation thankfully I really don't think so sure this game fails to be perfect but there's just too much love that I cannot ignore playing through the entire of this game has not changed my mind no matter how how many times Chuck made me scream today and that means this game is our first s tier we start to list how strong but can it hold up how quickly are the next titles in the series going to decline well you're going to have to stick around and find out I guess the last thing I want to say about the original Angry Birds is this we start out the video discussing how Robia was surely doomed to go bankrupt and the silly little Idea LED to their lives changing for the better forever it was clear to see the passion and fresh ideas being put into every level in the game that's why it was so fun to play and now the game that saved their company and made them rich does not exist anymore the series does still exist and they continue to make games that are so clearly bad and uninspired that success story that made the series to begin with can never officially be played again and that is truly heartbreaking and frustrating to think about roio is so lucky that they created fans of the series before they drove it into the ground but even the most DieHard fans are having trouble sticking around these days myself included so instead of having to think about that please just join me in reminiscing about these wonderful games throughout the series I can't wait to cover the next few Classics down the road thank you for watching and please let me know if you like the way I form add this video it's almost entirely a history lesson on the update throughout the life of the game but is that a good way to go about it let me know what you think please help to support this series by becoming a patron or becoming a member like all these wonderful people rooth one finger cobal Chrome e Patrick Byer John hono Maki decan night 9000 Bri streak MD switchy G guy Daisy po fart II Dojo Master Pez dispenser omegon Carl Williams and Kristoff Creations join my Discord so we can discuss these games further and I will see you next week for a look back on the next game in the series Angry Bird Seasons goodbye around Easter was the third update that added the golden egg [Laughter] feature sorry I was medically diagnosed as ory
Channel: Jake Miller
Views: 93,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angry Birds, Ranking, Tier List
Id: qu6vKj3isoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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