The Worst Cases Of Special Snowflake Syndrome - AskReddit

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she told me that's a man's job and that I should do it what is the worst case of special snowflake syndrome you have ever seen used to have a job in the entertainment industry where I dealt with a lot of celebrities Justin Bieber was such an a-hole he would only talk through his security I literally had a full conversation with him through his muscle just imagine the douchiest most annoying kids from high school and then imagine that those kids got famous and the reason they got famous was because they were somewhat talented but mostly they were a pretty boy that could be sold to the 10 to 18 year old girl demographic I was in charge of line wrangling for an event a free event I might add when a woman comes up to one of my security staff and explains that her son is autistic and freaking out because he saw someone cut in line and can't deal with it the security guy explains he's sorry but they can't be everywhere at every place but my son is autistic so the security guy comes to central and asks how to handle it the woman is real mad we don't have a way to keep people from cutting in line but no one witnessed it except the parent and the kid and when asked to point them out says I don't know one of those girls pointing to a group of teenagers when asked what we should do about it she said to throw them all out no lady we're not going to do that so we got accused of hating and segregating autistic kids but that's as far as she took it a public admonishment this girl wants or needs a really good recommendation letter for her upcoming grad school application and comes to me begging for an internship at my company we don't normally have interns but we create an internship position specifically for her after working for us for two weeks we offer to pay her for the internship even though it isn't legally required in this country she takes two weeks during which time she's working to come up with a vague estimate of what she'd like to be paid she asks for a starting hourly rate more than twice what her manager is being paid she takes another week to agree to be paid something reasonable but high for a college student she wants to get paid for the whole five weeks she's been with us even though she was a asked to keep a clear timesheet and B didn't while we are still discussing this she refuses to run a simple errand because it's not the sort of thing she expected to be doing when coming to work for a company like this in the internship position that was specifically created for her on the grounds that it would be nothing more than gopher with a title we would have fired her but before we got the chance she sent in a resignation letter as a PDF in pink Comic Sans with my name spelled wrong really really hoping she still asks for that recommendation letter I work for a hotel and we had a guy who came in twice a year or so he claimed to be someone important in the music and recording industry he would pull up in a nice town car stay in a nice suite and generally make sure everyone knew he was supposed to be some kind of big deal he would tell the doorman and front desk to be very discreet if some music celebrity showed up to see him he would tell the phone operators to hold all his calls except if Beyonce's people call things like that only problem is no one ever showed up for him no one ever called he would have his suite set up with conference tables and amenities for big meetings that no one ever showed up for we googled him and couldn't find anything about him so we figured he likes to pretend to be some big shot for his vacations pretty sad the girl who was the ex-girlfriend of my ex-boyfriends little brother she was always talking about how hard her life was how get parents treated her etc now this wasn't the problem I was fine with her venting but every time you started to talk about something else she would try to steer the conversation back to her one time I was talking about how much fun I had playing paintball and she immediately chimed in stating that she preferred dagger fighting and wouldn't stop talking about it she also believed in ghosts and thought she was something better because she was in some kind of VIP fan group of a band I was in - a couple of years back and she would like constantly eg stating that she wrote song texts for said band basically she had the intelligence of twenty meters of field path the charisma of a piece of toast and looked like a cross between a mole and a dead fish stuck in some random gothic clothes and still thought she was a hot piece of butt I'm glad I finally have a name to put to the illness that affects a lot of the military wives in my area I work at a library beside the base and have to deal with a lot of wives - Admirals captain's seals etc a military wife came in trying to check out books on a card that had an existing fine of 140 dollars of lint fees and processing fees she handed me her civilian ID and said that her military status should excuse it I laughed and said sorry we only take cash or check not husband's ranks there was one I saw on tumblr a girl who basically identifies as some kind of animal she was lamenting how for her as a hamster kin it was okay but at Halloween her friend who identified as a cat must really struggle and be offended by all the people who dress up as cats up and called it a form of blackface I have have have to believe it was satire or someone trolling but if it's real I might punch someone a friend's brother has the worst case of special snowflake syndrome I have ever witnessed he periodically refers to himself as a demon or the devil posts endless selfies of himself with oh my god so ugly no wonder I'm single in order to get compliments from fat chicks does the super ng angry atheist thing constantly but that's not even the worst no the worst special snowflake thing the sky does he quotes himself on Facebook he will seriously post something that he thinks is brilliantly clever and then attributed to himself I'm not even joking one time it looked like this this douchebag goddamn mother effer this douchebag he quoted himself saying goddamn mother effer like it was some brilliant statement why here's a story about how a mother is unaware that she's raising the spawn of Satan as told by a swim instructor for three weeks this kid in my swimming class was being a brand spitefully doing the opposite of what he was told to do he would jump into the pool when he was supposed to sit on the wall splash other kids in the face basically do everything he was told not to like borderline Oh didi you could see it in his face how he reacted with anger when being told not to do something his expression was how dare you tell me not to splash kick water in your face I finally made him sit on the bench in timeout which is usually the last time a misbehaving six-year-old tries to get away with running the show well this one came back in jumped into the pool not allowed then lined up a kick straight back into my chest he missed the first kick and by the time I realized what this kid was actually trying to do here II aimed and hit me squirt in the sternum now I'm six feet one inch 200 pounds I've worked with kids for my entire life my default is to be the least threatening or imposing person I can be out of necessity you have to be a complete non threat or else the youngest kids will not even give class a chance we call it boy trouble but in this one case for the first and only time in my life I had to physically restrain a kid I squeezed his arms to his side's and lifted him straight up out of the pool he tried to kick me again while looking right in my face I walked right to the door called his mother and called for my supervisor to bring his towel to the door he was goddamn leaving the pool no matter what mom or anyone else says we have CCTV cameras in the pool now so I was particularly confident in case this mother went into denial and accusal mode some moms can't handle being told their kids are not perfect let alone little sociopaths his mom stares gives a blank stare as I explained to her the sequence of events this is not the first time I've spoken to her about behavior upon being told her boy struck me her response was that doesn't sound like him maybe he just doesn't respond to you meanwhile and I swear to everything you hold dear that this is true this little tyrant walked over to his little brother grabbed his head and pressed his thumbs in his brother's eyes the mother breaks away to ask him to stop not tell not reprimand ask she asked her son to not attack her other son she turns back and implies that his misbehavior is my fault and her son had no problems with his old teacher I remember once in school I was talking with a friend in class about a video game the girl next to him said that when she was young she witnessed a shooting and would prefer I not talk about things like that in front of her because it brings back those memories I explained the game I was referring to was Diablo 2 and that there aren't any guns in that game she decides this doesn't matter and that since she associates videogames with guns I still shouldn't talk about it in front of her I didn't know what to say to that so after a few minutes of silence I brushed off my befuddle Minh and started talking to my friend again about Diablo so she got up and moved desks which she should have done in the first place right before not butting into my conversion a girl I knew in high school thought everything in the world revolved around her that her problems were the worst in the world and everyone should cry for her when she broke a nail this became most evident when a few of us were chatting about life and this girl went on and on about how sad she was because the new guy at school hadn't approached her and asked her out even though she totally walked by his locker and how come he didn't notice her a moment later one of the other girls opened up about how her parents had been fighting a lot lately and she was really scared that they were going to get divorced and she felt like it was partly her fault and she was crying herself to sleep every night because she couldn't take the guilt of her parents break up before I could respond the special snowflake gave her a condescending smile and said well I think my heart hurts worse I'm a third generation sheetmetal worker I had a guy first day on my jobsite refused to carry some 18 inches round pipe up three flights of stairs he was black and claimed I was being a racist and that he doesn't do donkey work once he said that I flipped my ditch my grandfather father and myself have been doing this our whole lives and have never once been a donkey I laid him off the next day great feeling I've posted it before but it applies perfectly here i sat behind the human embodiment of tumblr special snowflake in a microbiology class I had to know if she suffered from too edgy for this or what but some of her greatest hits include invading people's personal space and softly growling disrupting lectures with anecdotes completely unrelated to microbiology for example she interrupted our professor discussing necrotizing fasciitis to talk about her fanfiction began wearing cat ears and a stale thing and meowing at people wore a bazillion bracelets on each arm because they cover up all my scars people can't handle me licked a petri dish that had strep culturing and then claimed she got cancer she also smelled like she had never bathed or showered a musty nauseating aroma of body odor rancid genital and unwashed but when confronted about her weirdness or when told to knock her behavior off she would start breathing hard and saying i'm so triggered by this a close friend of mine is dating a girl that he no longer brings near the rest of his friends they started out as friends with benefits eventually he asked her to be his girlfriend we've all expressed our dislike for her and that we think he could do better he had an internship out of town for a semester in the semester following she was studying abroad they decided to have an open relationship during the time supposedly because she was lonely it's been over a year since she came back and in the spring she tried convincing me that she is asexual and repulsed by sex I'll give you a quick rundown of other reasons I now have her blocked on Facebook she constantly has to have a say and make stories about herself she pretends like she understands things she doesn't to appear smart she claims that she is a feminist but always plays the I'm not like other girls card frequently talks about how her home town is full of drugs and burnouts despite the fact that said town has a rep for being very wealthy we'll do yoga sit-ups and other workout things during group hangouts we'll throw a fit if a conversation doesn't go her way and people disagree used to make comments to me about wanting to die but when I told my friend and he told her parents both of them got mad at me it was the last one that really got to me if you aren't joking you need professional help if you are then you need to understand that something serious and it's inappropriate to joke about working as a manager at a movie theater in college I was training a girl to work in the concession stand the concession stand was where everyone started if you weren't a complete idiot they moved you into the ticket box or an usher we had a new trainee that was a real piece of work didn't want to do any cleaning in fear of breaking nails disappeared in the middle of the evening rush for a smoke break [ __ ] like that I asked her to go to the back put some ice in a bucket and bring it up to fill the soda stations she told me that's a man's job and that I should do it I left the station and went to talk to the GN to let him know that this girl was completely useless he went down to ask her if she could fill the ice stations and she stuck to her guns that it was a man's responsibility he said that he will keep that in mind when he hires a person for her now open position it took her about 30 seconds to realize that he just fired her at a theme park in Calgary I was with some friends standing in line to get on a train and this one lady was sitting on a bench talking to a kid who worked there she was very obviously talking down to him and was asking him what the boat left it was an old-fashioned steamboat and he was telling her that the times are posted near the docks and she's all like I don't want to walk all the way over there I want you to bring me a pamphlet with the times on it I half expected her to call him boy the poor kid looked kinda scared and said he'd find out for her so he left her there and she was talking to her family who was standing in line for the Train and they kept asking her to stand with them and she keeps going no you stand there for me I don't wait in lines Wow who are you again a customer actually started crying no joke because an item cost $2 more than what she thought and she was already buying more than $100 worth of stuff I know I know it's about the principle of the matter but come on a customer at a different store left in tears because she couldn't use a $5 off coupon to pay for a one dollar and sixty five cents soda and get the three dollars and thirty five cents difference back in cash it's my birthday and all I wanted was a soda yet another customer cried because she couldn't find the one particular credit card that she wanted to pay with her wallet was loaded with other cards checks and cash her husband finally convinced her to pay for everything with cash so I could get to the other customers and then stand aside while she looked for the card she found it I refunded all of the items and then rang them back up so she could pay with that one card I went to high school with a girl who thought her voice was God's gift to earth yet even in middle school couldn't break into the top choir each year she'd get her choir assignment and throw a huge fit that she wasn't in the top choir and go on to not make it past the first round of any competition that the choir went to finally her senior year she made it to the top choir because seniors weren't allowed in the lower groups and decided this was the sign she needed that this was what her life was about so she went to a school known for its choir program not in the program but destined to break in lift that to go join a touring company the understudy that never made the production and finally moved to Nashville to find her big break she's still there and I believe just put out her fourth self-released album while blasting our town on social media for not supporting a rising star like herself thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button activate the notification bill for a free CD from nashville girl click the right box for a video about Karen's let us know in the comments what you think about these snowflakes
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 165,519
Rating: 4.9354086 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts special snowflake, special snowflake cringe reddit, special snowflake syndrome, special snowflake meme, snowflake, special snowflake, Snowflake meme
Id: SqmKSiG322M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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