3 Easy Tips for Steaks on the Griddle

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hey guys welcome to Flat Top King hey today is all about the best steak on The Griddle you guys stay tuned all right here's the deal we got the black stone heating up and today is all about how to produce the best quality griddle steak and I say that because I did not say the best steak in the world I actually do not even prefer a steak on The Griddle ate them all the time different recipes sometimes we come out and just experiment but if I had my last steak on Earth it's over open flames and charcoal actually Ford sear over the reverse here at me if you want to that's just my preferred method all right this is the deal we will have on the flattopking.com a full list of my thoughts because there are a lot of them and I don't want to take your time I know people say I'm long-winded my videos are too long but I like to teach people how to cook and I like to show people good and bad what happens when this video is no different so what I've done is taken all the bull crap out I personally have three non-negotiables number one you've got to dry your meat this is the deal dry meat equals crust wet meat equals steam when you put your wet meat you get away with it on a charcoal grill because the uh there's no solid surface you've got the airflow with the grill grates your charcoal separated all that stuff on The Griddle it's a flat surface you put wet meat on there and it takes a lot of energy to evaporate that moisture before it starts rendering out the fat okay so this is what we got let me show them what we got here all this although completely different is Choice okay I want you to see what we saw at the grocery store and you guys explained to us why we picked it exactly you cannot get away from all that intramuscular fat okay that is a good revive now granted they are a little bit thinner we're fine with fat but I could not pass these up for what I was looking at second we've got a good New York strip very common very popular and then the filet so number one drop meat okay and it kills me if you turn this back over on a wet surface so you want 360 degree draw me okay some things that we are not going to mention today is whether or not you like to season ahead or season before or season after like I said all that information is going to be available at theflattopking.com okay so you guys see how much moisture we're pulling out of these steaks a lot better number two we're gonna talk about The Griddle heating up you're talking about uh maybe 450 or higher okay I don't shoot with an infrared thermometer all the time barely any but for this video I will what I'll look for is wisps of smoke okay is that on low very past low like I'm talking about like a half and hair past low and it's a cold day yes and that's why the one thing that I do want to uh iterate about heat displacement is if you've got a 28 a 17 inch or 36 inch griddle depending on how many sticks you put down you have to imagine how much energy it's going to zap from your griddle okay you have to have enough space to be able to flip over into a new spot I think that's key because if you flip the stake over in the same exact spot it's cooler we even did that in the steakhouses so number two is the non-negotiable how much space how much meat and what temperature your grill is that all matters all right here we go so on seasoning I'm keeping it basic listen I have my own steak seasoning we do not have the recipe we are going to be bottling this sometime in the I don't know in 100 years or something like that maybe my maybe my grandkids will bottle it for me the point is we like seasoning this video is not about whether or not you like salt and pepper whether or not salt and pepper should only be on a steak when you should salt your steak uh dry brine the night before 15 minutes before after all we're doing is this so what we're going to do with this one is season one steak liberally on one side because the reason why I'm doing this is just show you that depending on your steak seasoning it can react different with the griddle okay your average spice is salt pepper garlic whatever other spices you got in there some of them have sugars in them they will react differently on The Griddle which will change the color of your steak okay so just let that sit there for a second with these steaks we're going to keep it neutral all I'm doing is salt and pepper because we're going to eat these different ways later as a family but for this test recipe I don't want the colors to change on these steaks so I've got some nice kosher salt flaky the bigger or thicker your piece of meat is the more salt it can handle make sure you get your sides you can roll it if you need to okay if you want to take a line down just like that that fat cap is going to be very important for us I'll show you guys that later go higher up with your seasonings it gets a little bit more even let me show you what I'm saying if you get too close to your meat go higher up okay it Seasons it just a little bit more evenly just like that boy that's a good tip yeah we had a lot of steaks all right fresh Cracked Pepper same thing cutting board then you're just going to roll your fillet you do that on a sirloin ball all right our griddle is ripping hot right now our steaks are out today I'm using beef Tallow a lot of people recommended it you can use that you can use a good high heat oil something like that whatever your fancy is okay the oil is going to help make the crust I'm gonna start with a thicker cuts of meat first they're going to take longer to cook all right we're looking about a minute minute and a half now there is a big debate on how often you flip your meat some people say you put it on there for two minutes flip it to two minutes flip it for a minute flip it for a minute back and forth other people say let it sit let it develop its crust I think there's arguments on both sides I'll give my opinion on that one on the uh on the website we're going to flip these more often you will notice once we have these rib eyes since they're thinner you don't have that luxury of flipping often because it happens so fast you're never going to get the crust [Music] right there's my spot just move it right over you see that crust right there that's beautiful that looks good right there in the middle don't press down hard you're not pressing the juices out all I'm trying to look for is even contact on the grill are you seasoning your grill at the same time well I'll tell you what I've learned a figure too so it has been mentioned a thousand times um I think the more people get inside the videos and understand my methods my techniques my cooking they understand this is a perfect way to season your griddle you've already got a good fat right it's a high beef fat oil you use avocado oil you have so much surface area going on your griddle you can throw some avocado oil down you can throw some Crisco canola oil whatever use that to your advantage because the griddle is already hot yep you see that fat cap on the edge right there before we turn it over on this side I'm gonna flip it just like that let some of that fat render out and that's gonna be our Baseline for our next flip all right with our fillets I'm gonna start moving it off the heat remember you got to use your hot zones right my hot zone is a lot hotter right there in the middle over here is going to start cooling down a little bit with that we're gonna start doing the rolling technique you see how the edges are really Brown you don't want to keep cooking on the same sides of your top and bottom so what we can start doing is just rolling just like this it's called the roll technique all right now that we got that beef fat down we're going to start flipping this more often number three on the list and probably my most ultimate non-negotiable thermometer I don't care what your steak looks like on The Griddle of the grill you have to cook the tip this is the most important tool a cook can have is cooking 2 10. if you think about it you think I'm back crap crazy you have restaurants out there that square up and down by 15 1500 degree oven restaurants will say they cook on a 900 degree oven some restaurants don't cook on the top flame they cook on the bottom flame some people have broilers some people have grills the list goes on and on there's not one right or wrong way but the most important thing is internal temp all right all we're doing right now is just allowing a couple seconds for this Grille to heat back up with the light more oil just a little bit and I'm going to show you the difference I'm going to keep one let's see let's say we flip this one more often okay I'm gonna flip this one a lot this one's gonna stay on there maybe just one flip only I'm gonna try to try to show you guys the difference [Music] all right all I'm doing is going back and forth with this steak right here flipping it back and forth this will be the first time flipping this one hit in that new spot just like that look at that crust see that blackening on that on that rib eye that's what I'm telling you about color the seasonings I have in here would create that right I would flip it more often if I had this seasoning on there and that's a that's a learning curve last but not least I do want to say this everything is about preference your taste buds are different than mine I do not I do not like rosemary and garlic and butter finished steaks I think it tastes like roast I would much rather have a lot of other flavor combinations the reason why I say that is somebody's going to say oh you should have done this you should have done that yeah you should have but I don't so the way I like my steaks is we've done it a thousand times before as a steak hack I actually believe in compound Butters way more than most people what we like to do is just add a little pot of butter a couple dinosaurs sour sauce and once the steak is done on the surface whatever surface is on grill or griddle then you just move that right on top of the pad of butter and it creates its own natural pan juices this is what we're talking about when we talk about compound Butters it's the same idea you can obviously take a little bit of butter roasted garlic some more sour sauce mix it all together some of your favorite herbs uh blend it up mix it up and then put it in like a plastic wrap freeze it and you can do the same thing like a log yeah but remember typically one of the last things that touches the uh the the surface is the bottom so it doesn't matter which one I just put my meat over the butter like that and then naturally melts and there you go there's your steak all right guys there you go so what have we learned the biggest thing is dry your meat off that's number one dry your meat off it does not matter what kind of meat it is dried off you want to start with a dried meat number two hot surface you don't have to get it cranking hot you don't have to turn your griddles up on high I always say on low if low is like six o'clock I may be having on seven o'clock because the wind's blowing and it's about uh 40 degrees out today uh and the last one but not least is my ultimate favorite I just cannot swear about these enough we'll have the link in the description below for ours but I'm telling you it does not matter just get one they're about 20 bucks happens on everything grilled chicken smoked pork tenderloin whatever meat you're using you got to know the inside temperature all right internal temperature same thing here we go they have rested enough because I'm tired of talking here we go see how thin they are it's extreme man when I say it happens fast it happens fast see if we can get a good picture right here I'll cut a couple more for you remove a cutting board for you [Music] now obviously the internal temperature is going to be uh dependent on what you guys like medium rare rare stuff like that okay so Leslie sit here for a second it's actually called blooming all right which one you want to try first this is why I tell you it's extremely hard to cook thin steaks and expect a deep crust because you're going to overcook your steak worrying about crust I'd much rather you worry about internal temp following those three simple steps you see the band I'm talking about that's why you want to flip often it's extremely hard on the griddle but it can happen see what you think all right here's the strip I cut up in baby pieces she said my meat was too big to fit in her mouth [Laughter] you can't even taste it here shove it back in laughs all right hurry up it's getting cold our meat is already cold give me the rib eye that's what I want now this is our steak seasoning this is the one that we like we're obviously partial to it cut that in half for me so they're not waiting for five minutes for me to chew um all right guys there you go that's my three tips to make a better steak on The Griddle personally as a side note I like to crust on my steaks so that's just how we like to eat it but everything and I made every single thing that you do on a steak is about personal preference and honestly that's what I love about cooking we have a membership button down below it's a join program you guys check that out or maybe it's the join button it's a membership program it's where you guys can help out the channel uh check us out on digital group on Facebooks where we talk about steaks how to cook the best steak what's your favorite best seasoning Valentine's is right around the corner I know you guys will be pumping out the steaks for the gals or vice versa trial desk method comment below and what's your favorite way to do it thanks for watching don't forget to press that subscribe button pound the notifications button chat with your friends peace
Channel: The Flat Top King
Views: 208,491
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Keywords: 3 tips for better steak on the griddle, 3 Easy Tips for Steaks on the Griddle, how to cook steak on a blackstone griddle, blackstone griddle steak tips, griddle steak, blackstone griddle recipes, griddle cooking, how to cook a steak, blackstone griddle steak, how to cook the perfect steak on a blackstone griddle, how to cook steaks on a griddle, best way to cook steak on blackstone griddle, can you cook steak on a griddle, thick steaks on blackstone, steaks on blackstone griddle
Id: Wg3XL1ZyP7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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