There's Sugar Chaos In Today's Easter Treats Demo! | This Morning

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[Music] now it wouldn't be easter without a few delicious treats today juliet is joining us in the kitchen with her cream egg cupcakes and giant bunny biscuits phil's gone straight in oh gee wowie i mean oh yeah i'm right there with you quite honestly it's time for a sugar pick me up that is vanilla it's very vanilla that's lovely right yeah okay so i've got two a cupcake and a cookie cake to show you so i'm gonna start off with the cupcakes um it's a lovely chocolate sponge mixture cream your butter and your sugar and vanilla and then add your eggs and then mix the dry ingredients together fold it in and you've got your cupcake batter simple simple as that recipe is online and then you just need to put your batter into the cupcake cases how far up the side of it do you fill a cupcake um i it depends on the designs but about halfway to two-thirds right yeah but this one will do about halfway because there's a surprise inside so inside the cupcakes baked inside we've got cream eggs and you've gone for these mini cream eggs mini cream eggs yeah and i've never heard of these before um if you freeze them before you bake them it stops them from disintegrating into the lunch but how long are you freezing for um just like half an hour's enough it doesn't minimum half an hour okay or you could do them the day before oh really good idea yeah so you just sort of plunge them in i mean you can use other eggs if you want to so it kind of like bakes up around the um mini egg and then you've got a surprise inside so um the decoration we've got a little bunny that's kind of hunting for the eggs so i'm going to show you how to make him so um so you've got some of this so this is just your um you know the sugar paste fondant that you get from the supermarket yeah i'm going to show you how to make your bunny okay bunny bun so take a piece about the size of a walnut and roll it into a ball so that's your kind of main body shape and then take a smaller piece and then divide it in two so you've got and then what do i do and then small bit two smaller ones about the size of kind of a p oh so this is for your feet so just do two everything usually starts off with a ball or a sausage or a cone it's got two balls and then and then just flatten them like this to kind of make your little feet shape so it's one end is still ball oh my gosh yeah a sort of teardrop and then squash it at one end and then for the little pads just tiny bit of pink and just sort of make a tiny ball and pop them on now you can just squish it because it's very sticky is this my bunny's body yeah that's your bunny's body so you want a big ball where'd you put the feet what they call toes they're little pads just kind of in the middle like this oh they're the back of his feet yes kind of like she's a back he's looking blending out he's bending over yeah he's hiding and he's like he's got his head in the in the in there oh he's put his feet on the wrong way and then and then for the tail this is really fun um a slightly bigger ball than the feet and then you've got a bowl of water there so this is how to get it really fluffy just dip it into the water and then dip it into your desiccated coconut fluffy tail there we go fluffy so to stick them together you just take some water and like make make the bunny body a bit wet where you'd put the feet and the tail and there you go so that's him and then just to stick him on he's got his head in the ground he's got his head yeah so you've got some buttercream which you've just been on i've got right okay so his head's in the ground he's head's in the ground he's digging for that secret um hidden egg right yeah okay so this is just a bunny's backside yeah it's a bunny bun so i've got some buttercream and you can just use any kind of star nozzle just to make it spiky are you just going stars all the way around yeah yeah just kind of do it randomly different sort of directions and then you can plonk him on wherever you like and um you can get these little flowers and things in the supermarket so really fun to do with kids in the easter holidays i think right or just fun for anyone there he is um so you can have a taste of taste of those um i'm going on to the cookie cake so you've also got a miniature one to make so we've just rolled out our cookie dough recipe this is online just butter sugar one egg flour roll it out and then i've cut out a template you can use anything like an easter egg or a bunny and then you just need to cut around that's not bad guys really good that's not bad that's really good oh my legs are in the wrong place because further down your one's got further down to the egg i think oh yours is really good my legs are in the right place yeah see see how simple it is um hang on a second onto the cookie cake so um you would cut this out completely bake it until it um that's 12 15 minutes till it's firm and you make three the same you're really enjoying that aren't you what are you putting on him now well now i think it looks more like a rabbit that way or mine oh his nose fell out do rabbits have noses yes i'm gonna i'm going onto the cookie cake so basically no that's all right um it's good to be a perfectionist when you're doing baking i think to really you know what we just would do so you've got some mini cookies yeah so you can do any shape any size and we've done a bunny face i've got buttercream just pop it um just pipe little balls around the top beautiful i mean how simple is this really simple and you can do it for any you know numbers letters bunnies christmas trees whatever this is great for easter and as you can see i've just decorated with any like anything sprinkles eggs so you just put them on sprinkle them however you want a little egg yeah this is a good one to do with the kids yeah exactly because you can customize them to whatever chocolates you like oh look at the flowers how pretty there's so many nice things you can get and bits you just buy them online from the supermarket here it's just from the supermarket so you don't need to go anywhere special you've got a nice wafer flower oh is it wafer yeah we've got we've got we've got to link it to the loose swimming pool thank you that was so nice thank you very much you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 67,827
Rating: 4.8769841 out of 5
Keywords: this morning, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, this morning funniest, Holly & Phillip funny
Id: bYXjGI8KRak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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