Red Velvet New York Cookie Recipe! | Cupcake Jemma

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hi everyone and welcome back to the cupcake Gemma tunnel now you are about to watch a recipe video for the New York cookies the red velvet version which is something you have been asking us for ages about now this is just a little disclosure video to say that Gemma Dane and I shot this a few weeks back before the whole outbreak of coronavirus so obviously our shop is now shut so please don't come on down because there'll be no one there and no cakes the cookies for you stay home and stay safe but in the meantime we have been busy here at crumbs and doilies making all our cookie kits and cake kits and you guys are loving them and we really want to share this video with you because obviously we can't share these cookies in store so we have added them to the cupcake Gemma website so head over there once you've watched this video and you'll find everything you need besides a little bit of butter and some eggs but you've got the recipe we've got some white chocolate some sugar mixes there's flowers Coco's we've even got some vanilla and some red food coloring so you don't need to worry about anything so head over there enjoy the video and enjoy the cookies [Music] hi guys welcome to crumbs noise in Soho where we're becoming fast known for our fabulous cookies yeah we all have been to New York really recently and we discovered these cookies and we just all became totally obsessed with them yeah so we came back and we spent a couple days rescue testing of loads of different recipes and to bake these style of cookies and we came up with our first one which is milk chocolate morning to you and then after that Gemma quickly demanded a double chocolate version because you have to have a double chocolate version or your cookie I wanted something a little bit more pizzazz which is amazing yeah it's got that amazing hair and eyes like chocolate in it as well and you can find links to all of these videos in the description box below yeah and on our last video we asked you guys which you would like to see next and the most requested was red velvet which is great because I love red velvet so that means I'm about to eat one first of all these guys need to make them and they're gonna show you how to do it so off you go come on upstairs okay we are back in Soho with the red velvet cookie and it all starts with the butter yeah so we've got 230 grams of cold I suspect it's going straight into the bowl so now it's going straight onto the mixer without travel attachment and we're gonna beat that for just a couple of seconds just to break the butter cool so it's just broken the butter up and if you've seen some of the other videos of the cookies that we've done and we go a little bit more in depth about kind of the mixing methods and basically as a rule you just don't want to over mix this we are just combining the ingredients yeah and so next we're going to add our two sugars we've got soft light brown sugar and we've got caster sugar both 160 grams going straight into the mixer and then we're just gonna pop this on to a medium speed just until we start seeing the guts form with the sugar and the butter okay so now it's time for the chocolate and we've gone for white chocolate chips we tried it with dark chocolate and milk chocolate cuz obviously red velvet doesn't have chocolate in it but it does like a red velvet cake has the kind of cream cheese icing yeah so we thought this kind of replicates and it adds the kind of sweetness as well yeah a really nice contrast between the red dough and the white chocolate chips yeah we've got 450 grams of the chips yeah going straight in alright so the white chocolate is just mixed through and now we can get on with the dry ingredients so we've got 470 grams of plain flour here and we're gonna mix our cocoa into it so if you don't know what red velvet is you probably do but it is and essentially it's a vanilla cake with a hint of cocoa so we're gonna put some cocoa into our flour and we've got a mixture you can do this just with normal cocoa powder and in total we've got 25 grams so if you don't have this exciting black cocoa just go for 25 grams of cocoa powder but we have recently discovered the black okay yeah and it's amazing and it's super intense you can buy it online just search for black cocoa so here we've got 15 grams of regular and 10 grams of black and we're gonna pop both of those in the flour just give it a little mix around so that we don't have to mix too much when we get it in the dough [Music] and to the flour and cocoa mixture we're going to add one teaspoon of salt and then three teaspoons of baking powder which they're raising agent and the salt will just give it a really nice flavor yes so it is important to you so we wouldn't like using it but it really does kind of pull out all your flavors so you know I get it so it's not the best thing but in cookies are definitely so those are all mixed in so we can add them to the batter so we'll just switch this on a low speed just until it starts to get to a nice sandy consistency that's got some a nice breadcrumb consistency and now we can prepare other ingredients which we're going to add into the mixture yes I'm at the moment it's just kind of dry and it doesn't look like dough at all and so we're going to bind it together with our eggs and we've got two large free-range eggs and we're gonna do one extra egg yolk and adding that extra egg yolk we'll just find the dough a little bit more together and you'll see in our chocolate recipe that we added that extra egg yolk just because the cocoa powder is a little bit drier yeah until that we're gonna add a full teaspoon of vanilla extract because that's really important in the red velvet flavor and then obviously we need some red yeah I've just got a regular teaspoon here and I've got some red food coloring and I'm using a pastry blowing just cause there's a lot more concentrated and liquid and it would change the consistency of the dough if you use a liquid soap paste is best you can get this in supermarkets as well as cake decorating shops and online as well so once that's all mixed in granted it doesn't look like the most delicious thing but it is once it's done the cookies we prepare easiest way to make send about food coloring so straighten with the egg and on a low speed [Music] so that's all come together as a dough and it's kind of pulled away from the sides of the ball that's how you know it's ready so now we just need to roll them out into balls as usual so we've got our scales because we're going to make sure that all nice and even and do the professional way and we're gonna go for a hundred and twenty-five ground balls and we are wearing our certificates again have black gloves which some of you used and made and sharing your stories so good find and you know especially as this has got the red food coloring in you probably do want to wear a pair of gloves because otherwise your hands are just gonna get turned red yes okay okay so and I might be a bit of a button that doesn't mix so you can just scrape underneath kind of leave it together let's see if you can do this 125 gram thing okay and as usual what we don't want to do is really squish this together we're just lightly picking it up kind of forming a rough ball and popping it in a tin this way they're going to be nice and chunky and they're going to fall apart and if you kind of roll them too much they're gonna have like a weird forward like smooth domed effect which you don't really want kind of like the riff nice ripples oh yeah yeah [Music] okay so as you know we're making 13 cookies which is a baker's dozen and one did recently tell me that I forgot it already did you guys eat one oh yeah brilliant and as you know if you've seen the others you know that these need to freeze for 90 minutes preferably overnight the best thing is that you can keep them in the fridge and just think one of the reasons are in bake one at a time as and when you wish had in the freezer so you ready to bake yes and again as usual we've got our baking tray nice and hot in the oven to make sure we get that nice crispy bottom and we're just gonna spread them out across the tray they are gonna spread a little bit so don't put them right next to each other you can fit about what there's a very good Avenue we've got massive ovens here how's that yeah that's good and they're gonna bake at 180 degrees see that's with a fan and we're gonna bake them for 14 minutes until they're nice and kind of crispy on top [Music] [Music] Oh guys you've done it again haven't you we have they do I don't know let's have a look inside yes shall I be much looks like your bed your name yeah ready said we cooled them down for about 15 minutes mmm-hmm and that is perfect just did a bit warm and they give me nice and squishy easy texture lovely slightly salty not your outlet no good hit vanilla yeah and the white chocolate work takes it brings a kind of sweetness good Donna I think it would be a shame not to have anyone yeah yeah and it's great with the black cocoa tree because it makes a nice kind of Burgundy hello oh yeah better than like a lurid right yeah yeah exactly those Beauty yeah and you know if you can get the black cocoa it really does add like a kind of intense kind of bitterness which one really works yes Yama's delicious fantastic do this one thank you the books yeah so that's for now and always ready for more as well so keep giving it to your suggestions and cuz I mean we're already playing with loads anyway so I'm sure we'll come back with some more soon and yeah yes my favorite is I think it's a birthday cake this is a close second yeah definitely mmm-hmm well I suppose we better get these downstairs to some hungry customers but don't forget to tag us on Instagram and because we love seeing your pictures so many of you are making them which is so exciting so my goodness this is the most made recipe yeah all time yeah lady we just ate and they're all coming out amazingly - like you don't you guys are doing like such a great job yeah and so yeah tag us on Instagram use hashtag cupcake Gemma and we'll put all of our Instagram and accounts down in the description box below as well okay we would take these downstairs see them tidy up the bits one of us so all of us will be back next week with another recipe yeah yeah see you then right come on cookies [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 1,407,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, new york, dessert, doughnuts, cookies, chocolate chip, levain bakery, chocolate chip cookies, new york cookies, levain, raspberry white chocolate, caramelised chocolate, red velvet, red velvet cookies
Id: o9C1TR5I8YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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