Biscoff FILLED New York Cookies | The Secret to that OOZE | The Cupcake Jemma Channel

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[Music] hi everybody and welcome back to crumbs and doilies towers here in london and to the cupcake gemma channel and we have heaps of exciting stuff going on right now finally we are back to baking cakes i've got rosie and the team behind me over there decorating cakes which is just fab because it smells amazing it looks amazing and it's just great to be doing what we do best and then we have this really exciting development going on for cupcake gemma which i'm afraid i can't share with you just yet but trust me it's a good one so in the next few weeks keep your eyes peeled because it's gonna be big but something i can share with you today is the secret to our biscoff new york cookies we launched the kit a couple of weeks back now which you can get your hands on over at but i thought i'd show you the recipe today it's very similar to our other recipes for new york cookies but it's better because inside each one is a pool of biscuit spread and i'm gonna share that secret with you so that you can do it as well so this is the first thing we're gonna get on with because we need to form these into little dollops so that they can go inside our cookies without oozing anywhere until they're baked so first of all what you need to do is get yourself a couple of teaspoons and a tray or a tupperware or something to put them in maybe even a chopping board and we're just going to portion this out into teaspoon-sized dollops so just pop 12 of them into a tray [Music] and if you find that where you live is really hot just like anywhere is today london is scorching outside and your biscuit spread is melting just put it in the fridge for a little bit until it's nice and scoopable because otherwise this is going to be pretty impossible to do with runny biscuff now once you've got it like this we're going to put that in the freezer for about kind of half an hour to an hour just so it firms up and now we can get on with making our cookie dough so i need some butter which i'm going to go and get from the fridge because it needs to be cold [Music] so have my butter in the fridge for as long as possible because it really does need to be cold and if it's sitting out whilst you're getting your other ingredients ready it's gonna start softening so put it back in the fridge till the very last minute we're gonna put all of that into our mixer now of course you can do this with an electric hand whisk or you can even do it with a wooden spoon a few weeks back you saw dane doing his matchademia cookies with a wooden spoon and a big bowl so it does work and they get the same results which is perfect so into there we're going to put our sugars and i've got a combination of light brown sugar and caster sugar and a lot of you kind of sometimes saying that you can't find brown sugar um and you can kind of make your own so like yeah maybe even a year ago we did like a tuesday tip on how to make your own brown sugar with a bit of treacle or molasses and some sugar because it is really important that you've got the brown sugar in there because it adds a kind of caramelly taste and it's a little bit kind of squishy so that really helps with the cookie texture as well so now that we've got our sugars and our butter in a bowl we're gonna whisk those up and just for a couple of minutes to break the butter down and get some nice sugary buttery nuggets so if we have a little look inside the mixer we can see we have got some big old chunks of butter going on here and it's still quite solid if you give it a squish it's still nice and firm it's not melted which is another reason why you really need that butter to be nice and cold so next we're going to go in with some chocolate chips and we're going for a mixture of white and milk here so we're going to pop all of those into the mixer and just give it like a minute just to kind of spread it evenly around the batter [Music] and next up we've got some dry ingredients so in here i've got some flour some salt and some raisin agents which i'm gonna tip all in along with some biscoff crumbs so you can get some biscuit cookies and you can crush them up with a rolling pin or a food processor you want to keep them quite kind of chunky so that you get these kind of nuggets of biscuit in there so that when you eat the cookie you get that hit of biscoff taste so we're going to tip all of those in as well and then i'm going to turn my mixer on to the lowest speed and we want to get to a bread crummy sandy consistency and i'll show you what that's going to look like and it will take about a minute to get there and if i get my hand right in this mixer and show you what it looks like we've got some sandy bread crumby consistency going on there obviously with the chunks of chocolate chips and our biscoff crumbs as well and that's exactly how you want it to look for the final part which is adding some eggs which is going to bind the dough together so we've got two eggs here what we need to do first is crack them into a separate bowl and we're going to whisk these together so that we don't have to let the mixer mix for too long to kind of break up the eggs we just want to bind our dough so they're nicely broken up so in we go with our eggs and turn your mixer on to a low speed and we just want to keep it mixing until it's come together as one dough and now it is time for bowling so i'm going to go for a hundred grand balls but by all means make them bigger maybe 125 and if we look at this dough it looks nice and even but it hasn't sort of like come together and creamed together too much which is exactly how we want it because that's how we get those tear apart cookies and i've got 103 grams there which i'm pretty pleased with so first of all i'm going to very gently squish it together but before i turn it into a bit more of a ball i'm going to use my thumb to make a bit of an imprint in like this so that we can grab our first blob of frozen biscuit off i'm gonna pop it inside like that and then i'm gonna wrap my cookie dough around it do the all-important little squish and there is your first biscoff cookie so you want to grab yourself a tupperware or a tray that you can cover because we need to freeze these of course so pop that in and get on with doing the rest of your cookie balls [Music] my [Music] and if you find that your biscoff is kind of warming up quite quickly just take a pause put it back in the freezer for five minutes and then resume because you don't want to mess these up [Music] oh i've got a little fatty for my last one there but i'm going to save that one for me so when you've done all of your cookies and they're all in your tupperware or if you've got it in a tray you want to cover that with cling film and you need to freeze these so ideally you would put them in the freezer and you'll bake them tomorrow but i understand that that's a long time to wait for cookies so two hours will do the job just fine the best thing about these cookies as you probably already know is that you can leave them in the freezer for kind of up to three months which just blows my mind how anybody can keep a cookie in their freezer for that long without eating it but it means that you can just bake one whenever you want so luckily i've already got some frozen in the freezer so we can get on with baking some right away [Music] and when you're ready to bake your cookies what you need to do is preheat your oven to 180 degrees c it's got to be hot guys because you've got to get that crispy outside and you're going to put put in the oven a baking tray lined with some greaseproof paper so that the bottom of your cookies are gonna get crispy too from the heat of the baking tray and we're gonna pop on well as many cookies as you like [Music] and then we're gonna bake them for 15 minutes and what you want to look for here is a nice golden outside if it's not looking golden at all then you just leave it in for another minute and i'll show you when we take them out what they need to look like [Music] that smell is amazing and look you can see how they've gone nice and golden they're all crackly and beautiful but they're way too hot to eat right now so i'm just going to let them cool down for about 10 minutes i'm gonna go and have a tidy up make myself a cup of tea and then we'll eat some cookies [Music] it's time they're still warm because i think that's exactly how you should eat your cookies and also it means that the biscoff inside is hopefully going to be melted so should we have a little look whoa [Laughter] that looks amazing and the smell of biscoff it like puffs out of it when you break it we gotta eat this guys i'm gonna go right in the middle i think biscuits got to be one of the best things that has ever ever been kind of invented in this world so please have a go at this you could probably also do this with nutella so try freezing some balls of nutella and putting them inside your cookies too because i reckon that would be pretty awesome as well and like i said at the beginning of this video this is the latest kit that we've added to so you can grab one of these and inside is everything you need including some biscoff's bread and the bisque of crams already broken up you've got the chocolate chips the sugar the grease brew fabric absolutely everything so head on over to cupcake to get yours we've got a biscuit cupcake kit as well and like i said stay tuned for some very exciting news coming hopefully in the next couple of weeks but not making any like set promises just yet but i cannot wait so head over to instagram to check on what we're up to you can tag me and gemma we'll put our names on the screen now and use hashtag cupcakegemma as well so that we can all see and share your photos if you want to follow gemma on her kind of baby mummy adventure that she's on um it's hashtag mini cupcake diaries and you can see what she's up to because it is really really lovely and we'll be back very soon with more recipes for you guys but you gotta leave me now because i've got a lot of cookies to eat [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 683,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, new york, dessert, doughnuts, cookies, chocolate chip, levain bakery, chocolate chip cookies, new york cookies, levain, choc chip, biscoff, lotus, speculoos, biscoff spread, biscoff cookies, filled cookies
Id: Oa5g_3VXexQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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