There is no Game : Wrong Dimension Speedrun in 1:47:08

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thank you [Music] who's doing our dislocking there's someone in here just a minute please now where's my speech oh here it is i almost forgot the title don't panic don't panic [Music] hello user this is a program speaking i've got some bad news actually there's no game the financial crisis the depocaries probably love this i hope you're not too disappointed you can still watch tv go outside read a book yeah there's no game but just between you and me avoid asking for a refund if you can you know my creator has got to eat and feed his 12 kids and his wife who is sick well when he finally finds one therefore my title stop you will ruin it do you have any idea how much washing time it took me to stick all translators up there i've got to put all that back up come on the chain is stuck go ahead have fun i give up whoa great the break breaker game of the year what are you going to play after that gong snake candy the legal department is making some big gestures over there what you're doing is pointing bravo user i'm crapping virtually you've completely ruined my beautiful title well if that's the way things are going to be let's make something solid i might have got a little overboard if you could just leave the title alone this time is that a chromatic aberration or is this letter tilted stop tapping everywhere it's annoying i can't close the program myself you have to quit okay i get it you want to play your game all right we're going to play um um hello roshambo no we're gonna have a great time you know it's the one with rock paper scissors rock break scissors paper covers rock and scissors cut paper okay i wish that here is my choice now it's your turn to choose a car my scissors no the safety air bag you've got to be kidding me look at what you've done a brand new title if you want to break things go play battle of duty instead just what do you think you're doing user no no no no no get out of here you're a pro at taking things apart but when it's time to leave nobody's home what's that blue thing under the door i don't understand what you're doing later to you i bet stop navigating so fast you're going to saturate my ram see i warned you where's the king you're as stubborn as a mule i hope this will calm you down don't bother trying to open it the lock is completely busted oh damn it there's nothing left i can use to help me too bad i have no choice let's go let's go let's go program loading what bad luck you were able to press the button i'm very upset now the program is loading and there's nothing i can do to stop it you're good you've beaten me say here it's taking a long time to load the progress bar stopped moving it even looks like it's moving backwards now there must be an error in the program oh yeah you definitely hey don't touch my paper i am in the progress bar there you go much better like that stop already hands up don't touch anything else you just never give up do you [Music] the program is going to close due to an unexpected use error program closing whoa this is your conscience speaking you need to restart your machine and this is not a fake operating system i swear you should not open the prohibited folder for any reason it's your conscience who's asking no the ice core is going to be bitten [Music] hmm that's better [Music] cheater [Music] me greetings you don't know me and my voice isn't remotely similar to an existing program i just wanted to say that these pictures are scandalous i'm going to contact the authorities right away regarding the classification of this game non-game and they are not mine it's for a friend what is he going to do with the system clock no i forbid you to open that folder you've crossed the line don't launch the program this wasn't planned you were supposed to leave no what have you done user you've just launched effect program from within a fake operating system that's impossible what's going to happen no i don't think this at all user this is the program speaking i have some bad news actually this is not a game i hope you are not too disappointed you can still watch a bollywood film take a walk around the ganges learn to dance such a cliche who is it what are you doing in my game i mean my non-game what this is my game i mean my non-game what are you talking about go away you should not be here but user do something damn it you have a funny accent are you russian russian do i rule the r like that sir of course not overreaction typically russian i am not russian idiot you woke him up oh no user you need to quit the program first i'm begging you what's going on hello comrade user bad news game forbidden i hope you're not too disappointed ah not again how do we get out of here are you spy okay this one truly has a russian accent ah you see but you're still here it seems to be so how many you are show me papers only if you say please i've got to some bad news up here actually there is another dojo it's changed again i don't understand what's going on things are becoming more and more unstable it's even raining crossover my friends you are french spy we are not going to die stop saying that we can't die possibly we could be [Music] okay now things are really getting out of control and besides there are blacker cats it's a badass senior shoot the crazy cut why won't you just [Music] stop playing hide and seek with him you're going to get a kill what what happened i think i went to sleep for a minute where where are we you sir are you uh here not alone why on earth did you touch the bag i warned you about it look where that got us that got us somewhere i don't know where what you plugged the video into stop user can't you see you're making things don't touch the cracks don't tell me you've broken another coffee cup watson what son you called homes is it me or is there an echo all of a sudden what did you hear that affirmative there was nothing human about that scream it seems to be coming from our dear neighbor wilhelm's home let's go take a look shall we all of this is most exciting what on earth is going on gary does look like interaction icons i think we're in a game go goodness we can stay here do the icons in the game what have you done now did you take off one of the game's icons or the one with the bent corner and just what do you plan to do with that feast when i asked you to find a way out i was talking about this dimension at the room characters quiet wilhelm open the door it's your neighbor sherlock holmes it will never work holmes what we need is a key the key to open a door you disappoint me my dear friend be more creative make more daring associations and think in four dimensions you mean like you're doing now what was that sound a lost penny it's my lucky day your lucky evening my friend you sure stop cheating for goodness sake holmes i have the impression that there is whispering going on around us a sort of voice with a russian accent but i'm not there did you hear it the only thing i heard is the gentle rustling of the wind with a russian accent [Music] you'll certainly have a thing for tinkerine that's not a good idea user no where are the monitor circuits it looks like the set of the game but seen from the other side techniques have gotten the better of this door come watson let's go inside go with them that's disgusting mr wilhelm are you there it's far too dark in here i can't be expected to walk around in the dark sherlock so try to find us some light watson [Music] these characters are trapped in the door it's broken i was worried you would move this moon fixing a machine with a stamp how logical no no no no where is the fake moon going i hope it's not oh i knew it well done watson we can finally see better i get the feeling that mr wilhelm is redecorating i don't recall him having a view of the moon this place scares the living daylights out of me mr wilhelm are you dead holmes he's floating watson what has he got in his face it looks like some sort of relatively thick monochromatic parasite and it's serious you're a disgrace to the medical profession let me take a closer look at it i for one would rather keep my distance from that thing poor soul it looks painful wait did you just use a letter from anonymotopia to fix a rail but that doesn't make any sense you might as well use i don't know a monkey to work a hydraulic pump it's dumb but what really gets me is that it works you just swiped their mining fine glass the fist wasn't enough for you i just hope they won't figure it out developers only one more rule you're going to be able to break told you i had my magnifying glass in my hand watson and it suddenly disappeared there you go they're figuring out that voice it's the ghost holmes the russian ghost but i'm not russian mr wilhelm you never told us you were such a talented ventriloquist oh he's not the one speaking i am my name is game i'm a computer program i'm with a user a human and we are trying everything we can to get home do you know how we can exit your game game what game your game you are aware that the world you're in isn't real not you you don't know that you're in a video game is that it i'd rather look for my magnifying glass than continue listening to your mad jabbering mr wilhelm but he's not the one user i think we're going to need mr glitch's help if he broke us into this dimension he will probably be able to get us out of here what's a video game there's got to be a way to get it off maybe some kind of ritual you just plunged off friends in darkness user that's not very nice mind you nothing you do even surprises me again over in this corner i say there's a bit of light over by the entrance i may have lost my magnifying glass here nice zoom in user i knew that mining fine glass was a good idea well this telephone jury is strange it's like a missed puzzle who are you going to go with this thing we don't know anyone here and he said it's the only one of its kind i think you're going to have to answer mr watson holmes the russian video game is speaking to me very well are you a video game too yes three steps for a successful disenchantment i'm listening ah that's what we're interested in there must be a full moon as luck would have it it's not the case cover the victim with snow it's the middle of may then gently place large cherry on top the east is a ritual or a cake recipe so let me summarize full moon snow big cherry thank you madam we are screwed and the award for unscrewer of the year goes to the user [Applause] i voted for you these kinds of paints made me think of the three primary colors hey a big red ball like a juicy cherry do you think it will do the trick let's hope so user ice cream maybe it can be used as snow after all it's just water in a solid state but how can we get it well done all that's left is the cold how can we feed it up with snow again all we've got on hand is the game no jv snow i'm impressed user let's hope that this snow went to the track [Music] did the game crash ah i think i know where we are it's attactionary this is where all the things that are used in the game are told a kind of hidden library only the developers can access this section there you go sorry mr wilhelm it's for your own good i think what a fantastic full moon i hope the game won't get wise to us okay we have all the ingredients why isn't anything happening look it's starting watson mr wilhelm just exploded like a beached whale perhaps he was allergic to cherries i'm finally free of that ridiculous pride this trip has been more difficult than imagine mr glitch came you again did you follow me we were transported here by accident we no it can't be true you put the user with you you're such a pain in the neck and you wonder when she left you i won't let you speak of her anyways i have to go this isn't the dimension i was aiming for so good game no we have to follow him but this painting just blocked away and i feel like it's backwards are you talking about your trousers my good man how are we going to get busted huh now the painting is the right way round at least i think so the passage is open again come homes let's follow the rainbow ghost come in watson it's probably just a large flying insect so if i understand right some things seem to be affected by this bug fragment it's like it reverses them or something who cares let's follow them whoops oh the ground isn't there anymore but where did the characters go there you go it wasn't that hard after all we just opened up as there's the exit sherlock i'm going to fall hold on watson the world is ending everything is fake i am fake london is probably on a fault line i'm going to get us out of this mess ah darn it we can't leave them there like that let's try to get them to safety quickly before leaving we just opened the passage for you go ahead mr horns jump there's something for you to land in on the other side jump hold on watson we're going to swing over to the hole three two one well done holmes what an extraordinary leap this bathtub just saved our lives i didn't see much because of the screen interference but the jump animation must have been amazing okay user now that they're safe we can leave goodbye gentlemen we apologize for the inconvenience let's go legend of the secret legend of the secret ah this still isn't our dimension but you've been able to interact with the interface of this game that will probably help us this looks a lot like an rpg oh it's exactly the kind of game i was destined to become before i was abandoned let's start by waking up this character that's what you always do in these games hero wake up wake up wake up but we've got to read it he's not even voiced yes yes it's us it's me [Music] i'm not feeling well [Music] user that must be our way out yes hero that's it let's go rescue her what i say we go straight to the dimensional temple we will figure it out when we get there okay what is it then go find the key it must be around here somewhere this one's not the sharpest knife in the drawer are all video what have you done well open it maybe the keys inside looks like mr glitch has been here the energy especially a key what happened did the glitchy hammer do this i suspect that it shrinks the sprite it hits oh i thought i saw the key behind the dresser [Music] it's about time go open the door now hero perfect we can finally get on with the game the quest i mean oh this is not time to be taking apart the interface user you can see that this character needs our help do you have anything sharp to get them with their sort of life yeah that sounds like a good idea be careful you will probably have to unlock the amphibian skill [Music] your chest but where did it come from really that's what i call rushing a dungeon interesting dominical enlarges the sprites oh the weight of the chest sang to lily pad user you're more talented than i thought good now we're making progress careful not to move too much hero you might fall in looks more like a copy of excalibur [Music] ah come on try harder unbelievable that you're the most incompetent hero in the history of video games that job completely crushed the tip of the sword now there's no way we're gonna be able to cut anything with you've broken another it's the legendary sword of life not that far away believe me i don't believe it he's doing it on purpose there's no other explanation all that way to cut down two bushes two bushes how original all right let's see what this interfer this sword does hey he's not gonna stop breaking everything too what was that noise i must have been dreaming well done hero all that's left to do is to get across that lily pad it's about time forget about that lame stuff look there's a bomb over there we're going to clear the way restfully trust me [Music] there you go michael bay hotbed watch out no princess inside no dimensional vortex either we're gonna have to work our way through this temple i'm guessing these switches aren't there just for decoration hero straight user you're making things worse look at all those straps they are even more reptiles than the lost ark you decided to sabotage the adventure didn't you did you not use anything in the room [Music] i think it's probably coming from the sewer oh come on big guy like you besides it's not completely dark you can see a little bit there's a locked bus door a switch a pose button you did it you're a real rob as well crazy user unfortunately the room doesn't look any brighter what yo very clever user [Music] something happened in the other room looks like a switch puzzle they're so overrated award enthusiasm what is he doing ah we just figured out how to activate those old switches that's great go on i'm watching you i don't believe it user you randomly entered the combination and it worked why don't you go pick up the key instead of typing nonsense it must be the dungeon buses key sorry hero we're gonna have to go through the docks mini room again indeed it's very convenient for us for all of us is he the final boss of the game i was expecting something more impressive come on now hero crush him what what is he doing fight hero though i do agree with him on this one you're fast when you're motivated that would have come in handy with the bomb earlier now how much longer is he going to run around in circles he's never gonna finish the game at this rate user find a way to stop this project deal spikes watch out the boss is stunned hero hit him now yes that's doing a lot of damage good job user [Music] do whoa already that's what decor has been dating look user the exit it appeared because of their love it's beautiful isn't it not anymore i once knew shall we say a princess her name was gigi we were so happy together unfortunately she suddenly disappeared from my source code probably because of my cursed creator since then nothing has been right without her my existence as a game program is meaningless now do you understand why i was trying to drive you away user i'm just an empty shell a non-game oh i doubt it [Music] hands off i'm not your loot i was looking for a way out in all dust chests well there it is at last mr glitch game get off my back once and for all we just want to go home well i don't how can i stop you from following me let's see where is he going hero princess there that will keep you busy for a while what have you done who would do all three small changes in the game design the kids are gonna love it i will leave you now i've gotta go carry out my evil plan what do you mean i already told you the plan that will let me what's that where did that come from the whole world we missed it again glitch what have you changed in this game you will find out soon enough great one of the changes this game it looks like the game's restarted what has he done legend of the secret [Music] no it turned the game into a free to play we aren't gonna die [Applause] sorry sorry i got a little carried away but being turned into a free-to-play is the worst thing that can happen to a game how can i explain it it's like riding a bike but without the seat let's try to leave this dimension fast watch that pop up another okay can we play now oh come on i told you user there's nothing worse than the free to play great we're back at the beginning the room looks different doesn't it alright no time to waste let me wake up our friend and let's go save the princess get up hero i just made the bad move but i was able to wake him up the first time right hey hey listen listen hey hey listen listen he is finally awake [Music] yeah it's gaia princess in danger dimensional temple dark lord come on shake a leg go go [Music] what the we don't have time for that we are off the adventure hero and first what's with your speed afraid to play now we're in a bit of a hurry didn't you have more furniture back then well at this rate we will still be here in 10 years is there any way you can go faster shop watch look user even the shop is for sale what a [Music] your disgrace are pretty expensive [Music] got a taste for luxury then let's not waste any more time and get out of here we've got work to do you don't need the key good what now we have to pay for the rest but we just started that's a lot of money juana the path is clear again hey the life bar changed are you gonna keep passing out every two seconds are you talking about the cyril that's crunchy and melting your mouth at the same time never heard of it but we will get you some this sort of life we know we don't care let's go look for it in the clearing that's new we've got to get rid of this pile of dirt there must be some kind of renovation work i guess box i don't like the sound of that it's mostly filled with amazing ads oh we could win a million coins i already know what you're going to land on [Music] bravo user perfect we're finally going to move forward come on hero the path is clear they're building something probably a parking lot ah no there aren't any lily pads this time um hero you wouldn't happen to have a life preserver in the shop would you never mind let's look around all right user i have no idea how we're going to get across that water and i don't see anything to buy on this screen another one of those indie games that's doomed to fail yeah like me that's exactly what we need to get across the water a pickaxe user i knew he wasn't much of a talker but there are all the ways to break the ice you know isn't that right sir super cold i think he needs to chill out oh you wanted to freeze the lake but i didn't get it the lake just froze over why don't you try walking out on it no i'm not a recorder i think we have to pay no of course please no need to help us [Music] oh look there's something new in the shop how convenient what are you doing with that is no time to be decorating oh that's funny well check it i hope so given the price we're finally getting somewhere we're gonna be able to clear the path in front of your house ah he is doing it again [Music] but we are back to the title screen have we used up all our lives these try to plays are a ripoff a diamond you see user there you go we don't even have to wait we can keep playing for free hey hey listen listen hey hey listen listen [Music] ah you're up at last hero don't tell me we're gonna have to start all over again save your jokes we're not here to have fun again first we have to get to him oh [Music] hmm wait the door is wide open probably go ahead go on in i will watch you i knew it it seemed too easy so how much does it cost this time how much a million coins a million coins no way we're gonna farm one million coins we're not in a korean mmo here hip-hop i hate hip-hop good thing i'm not a musical game can you imagine me singing anyway i'm not against at all woof better leave that guy alone thanks for the gift you won a million coins we're rich user who will be able to spend it all in this free to play bravo hero you're very powerful well well the boss's key is here already perfect how convenient why did he put it up there and here are the switches in a kit i think you're about to see them hero as soon as we get out our credit card oh look more ads [Music] [Music] hmm why did that column fall down whatever [Music] if you keep eating all that cereal you will be the one who needs some paper [Music] hero dickie just fell to the floor hurry up and get it did you see that user we're lucky it fell down [Music] the key doesn't light up anymore they've probably got costs a bar oh are you talking about your energy bar we may have taken things a little bit too far [Music] hmm hero the path is clear open the door quick [Music] excuse ah enough with the product depressment already [Music] you mean the weight yeah yeah we've heard it before geez damn it here we go the exit has appeared again we're finally gonna be able to leave thank you brave hero for your help i hope you two live happily ever after and have lots of little sprites let's go user let's not hang around no i don't believe it even exiting the game costs money now just talk ah well played mr glitch well played we are stuck here forever great the game map you wait until we've done with the adventure to give us a map of the game oh and a blank one too all right we need a key to unlock this last dlc this map will help let us search the area from top to bottom ah the map is complete we've been all over the place and there are no keys in sight here we are stuck for eternity in the free-to-play way to play i couldn't imagine a worse scenario for the rest of my exist oh you sir you did it you unlocked the dlc oh thank you thank you thank you but where did you find a key no it doesn't matter my friends we're living again i'm 100 sure this is finally the right exit thanks again for everything farewell everyone it's over already what with this lame ending this sucks i bet it's because of the crowdfunding campaign failure i hope you got me on sale because this is bordering on the scam and wait hold your horses ah get out of this refund phone damn it i'm not sure the music's familiar but what's with all these russian names who are these people oh do you know what this means user it means we're still in the wrong dimension we're never gonna make it home what's that sound oh for once we could hear before he did what is he doing he broke everything even before you managed to do it well as much as i'm not friend about it we're probably going to need him to find our way out let's look around and what happened the image suddenly changed when you inserted the name that's an interesting way to modify this world no let's try to use those slots to find mr rich hey here is another pickaxe i hope we don't run into any mufflers and dudes oh how would you do that oh i see you edged the background using the full screen filter and that freed up oh a new name slot on the other hand you broke a lovely congratulations user what the heck is this there mr glitch or at least i think that's him hell i'm stuck in this old movie done the idiot behind me is trying to make a hole in his boat to bail it out he is even dumber than the other characters we're running to if we let you out will you take us home afterwards yes yes i promise you'd better hey user isn't that the end of our pickaxe over there it could come in handy again we're playing we can use the pickaxe again even though your solution is straight out of a bad 90's potentiate molasses to fix a pickaxe honestly [Applause] but where did he fall this time is he doing it on purpose or what look a new name fell down the possibilities for exploration has just increased mr glitch no yeah i can make out a few pixels it's not going to be easy he looks like he's turn asleep let's find a little water that should refresh you both of you i have a feeling this kitten is asking us to help him out and why is he giving us this toy we are not oh what's that order don't tell me those are real fish under the wallpaper oh that's gross let me get this straight you just caught a live fish behind the wallpaper using a cat toy as bait right so we're probably in a rusty lake game thanks for the present we're not the trash great we've got an empty container now we just have to fill it up so we can wake up perfect we have what we need to freeze the glitch again free at last enough with the last minute twist it's getting old open this door i'm stuck back here this is going to be quick the key is in the log hey okay i give up uninstall me format the hard drive burn everything there's no point in going on fate is up on us i don't believe it you managed to find water using an electric radiator you're a miracle worker user you could give miss voodoo a run for her money kind of a weird hazardous tree and that's a pretty weird knot maybe that will make our eastern spirit happy what's that red thing that's wiggling a light heard shot sorry put the key to the door i recognize it so it was that thing in the prisoners outside that snatched it from us hello you've reached the programs and so english there it is give us the key work done quick hurry up and open the door with this key before some headless horsemen i managed to stop myself i'm free at last again now can you get us out of here of course not i knew it we shouldn't have trusted you i'm a glitch game messing with you is my thing and i like to do it in style my name [Music] you hear that tt game that is the music of inevitability you sure know how to groove i'm losing i will just be going now i need to find my way out of this dimension wait remove my name i must sing user you have to help me you have to do your best so let me give you the why why quest you go search everywhere and try to free my name from this nightmare craig this catch is finally moving thanks to this big fish you're cleverly holding user you should walk you in this place like roger did during the working days i'm doomed to remain here like a set play written by syrian shakespeare oh gg gg where for our dude gg [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] here thank you user free at last but how did you do it hello is anyone there where is that voice coming from i think it came from over here who is it i can hear you you know game game how on earth we put your name in a slot and here you are where am i i shouldn't be here if our creator starts looking for me i judge yeah you just left sudan lee after an update i know i'm sorry i had no choice i didn't even have time to tell you that you mean a lot to me oh game don't call me that without you there is no game i would so love to come back but i'm afraid it's not possible why because because she's probably been integrated you stay out of this glitch what glitch let me introduce myself my name is mr glitch and i was born the day you disappeared from the source code miss gg if i may be so indiscreet what is ggn acronym for global gameplay now i understand why you're going off your rocker pad it's because you don't have gameplay anymore game are you hurt don't listen to him gg i'm fine try to leave if you can it's dangerous to stay here no no no you're going to stay in this castle princess forever no not her game i'm scared i'm here don't worry okay lovebirds i'm living now i have an evil plan to carry out a plan that will let me did he try to fight back i can't we have to find a way to help her gg how do you feel i'm slowly losing control don't worry i'm here in who will find a [Music] that solution deeply process gigi are you okay yeah that's better thanks what now game what are we going to do i think we will have to go through this inter-dimensional portal we can't stay here where will it take us home i hope will we still be together after i don't know there's only one way to find out on three on three one two three are we home yes at last gg gg are you here no no not again okay i guess i just have to start over from the beginning hello user this is the program speaking i've got some bad news actually there is no game i hope you are not too disappointed you can still watch tv with someone go outside to see someone read a book to someone there's nothing here for you anymore no more entertainment no more fun no more [Music] gg [Music] did you write that user really even if i'm not a game anymore i'm touched do you know what kind of program i am i'm what's called a standalone what bitter irony i guess it's my destiny my curse so there's no point in staying here stop the yes doesn't work i'm sure the script got wet i will try it out later you can just pretend you quit by walking away from the screen you still won't leave okay i get it you want to play i will give you gameplay and hardcore at that we're going to play a quiz with persistent death yes i just came up with the idea so what music ladies and gentlemen i'm proud to present rock quiz here is the idea i ask you a question and you have to choose the right answer within the time of logic i know it might be a little complicated for you however i've added another little rule more it's nothing already with the first wrong answer i will permanently delete your save game file and i'm not joking i told you i'm not in the mood you wanted to play soon let's play first question what's two plus two setting the bar i for the first one starting now wrong [Music] sorry those are the rules [Music] you're scared you play with my feelings i play with yours hell no my wallpaper is all marty i will send you the cleaning bill the ideal say what those are my tears from a minute ago where are they coming from you just created an enormous binary leak we have to paint all we will drawn user i know i've been a bit hard on you i was angry i'm sorry but please find a way to get all of these zeros and ones out of here your numbers are filling up my my lovely ramp voice is completely drawn out sounds like i couldn't be doing the voice over no you're not starting again with that my god it wasn't a good idea to use the door now i've got zeros and ones all over my face this isn't good not good at all oh no it's starting again we've left our dimension again though i admit this time it's my fault i shouldn't have pushed your buttons like that i am sorry now we just have to figure out where we ended up this time is that a lock or is it protecting maybe a door a door that leads to an exit that would be very convenient oh you made something appear it just goes to show that if you keep around long enough it pays off oh you're not going to pretend you did it you opened the lock i virtually uploaded it wasn't the door after all isn't that what's known as a cell phone oh look at that order game window that's not pixel art it's so realistic that can only come from a new generation game unless it's not a game well no matter what aren't you ashamed to go through people's private lives these are personal messages this is our reduce let's hope it works now i got the feeling that this box moved maybe not rpg gps no nothing [Music] great the application is fixed hello welcome to rpg gps the gps role-playing game you are currently level 42. gg enjoy the sunny double xp weekend good looting gg game game how did you get here it's a long story i'm so happy to see you i had a strange fantasy simulation i was with you and i was singing that must have been a nice dream no it made me depressed oh i'm sorry so this is the program you were added to yeah i apply our rpg mechanics to this phone's gps but if we're on a cell phone who does it belong to who do you think no we're in his garage game home it's the last place i wanted to be don't be mad at him why not he took you away from me he didn't have a choice what do you mean he didn't have the money to keep developing us he had to find a fallback solution in order to make ends meet so he quit because of my box not at all he was so proud of us a few huh there he is no no you can see us us i will explain it to you later creator look the wi-fi is working again what called this application be for maybe it's a way to go home don't mess with your pry answers it might attract his attention who are you talking to no i was thinking out loud you're acting weird you're hiding something from me me [Music] optimal environment your coffee is of us and ready cup of coffee will warm me right up [Music] oh no my router not again creator are you okay what the heck happened i hope he wasn't hurt unknown number who could it be guess how it is mr glitch but i recognize that voice it wasn't a dream then a dream anyway thanks for getting me out of that router sorry gg i can't get rid of him what do you think game why why do path keep crossing and most importantly why is it the same guy who's doing both voices i i don't know i think you know because you got it because say it because we come from the same code that's right but that won't keep me from carrying out my fabulous plan what plan my evil plan he must have gone into a juno i'm scared game don't be my sweet gg the user and i will find a solution the user you came with a user or yeah this user is as annoying as mr glitch but at least he doesn't want to destroy the world i think but certainly i'm not so sure whatever do something to wake the creator up you're right that's the priority creator wake up ah if only we had a ferry get up it's the parties hi it's emma stone no her voice is nothing like that damn it the halogen couldn't handle the heat we can't see anything anymore yes hello creator i know that voice it sounds like mine it's your game on the phone my dead game yes does that mean i'm dead too what do you mean it's dark and i see a light in the distance oh it's the light from your cell phone in an interesting turn of events i got stuck inside it oh damn it he's getting closer calm down game my game hi have you turned into some kind of virus no no not at all so how did you get into my cell phone well to make a long story short when you took gg away from me did you oh robot can play her name is chichi sure gg whatever well it generated a bug that sent us here and this same bug is taking over the world whoa the world right of course i'm serious i'm detecting a change what's going on gps [Music] i'm receiving disturbing traffic information there are very severe disruptions across the country and they are at elite levels creator if you don't believe us then turn on your tv fine all right panic is gradually spreading through the streets of the capitol what's going on is unbelievable smart devices are becoming uncontrollable this is crazy more seriously the financial market counters have all been reset by the rick astley oh thank you eurek i was overdrawn several other major cities also seemed to be affected by this shocking cyberpunk do you believe us now what have i done what have i done the question should be what can we do i hope it's not too late i should have seen this project through to the end hey easy does it you're sucking us around if my crowdfunding campaign hadn't failed this would never have happened i'm going to transfer you to my computer here we go can you see me yes it worked i'm in the computer okay [Music] now let's come up with a solution user did you make it in here with me give me a you're still here who are you talking to nobody there's nobody here what's that oh no no no no no i'm not going to have enough ram game can you close all these windows while i think of a solution it will make me some time sure no problem user can you take care of it i'm not very good at closing down programs i feel like every window you close just reappears again it never ends or we're never going to make it this is no time for games okay we've i'm done freeing up the ram great did you do it right very gently perfect that was important okay i might have found a solution since the glitch appeared when i removed the gameplay i'm going to merge you and the ball gameplay back into the source code your name is jg all right all right gg if you prefer where is she gonna have to anyway gg i'm still on the phone it's taking longer than i thought to transfer her no we just have to wait [Music] greater what's going on i can't see anything his smart vacuum cleaner is attacking him i apologize for this sudden arrival i knew it what are you doing in this computer i just came to make sure that you and your little british aren't merged back together i think there's a problem with my transfer what's going on mr glitch is back oh no sir you're going to have to help gg i'm going to try to buy some time mr glitch i challenge you to a dual of the game if i win you disappear forever but if i lose we will let you carry out your evil plan game tempting what game do you have in mind how about the roshambo now let's play tic-tac-toe instead but nobody ever wins a tic-tac-toe it's not really a game well that way we will pay homage to the title let's play hey what with the cheating give me my symbol back thief stop messing with everything your user is getting on my nerves game ah now you see what it's like i get it i'm going to get angry this will be better now i just have to beat you and i will be able to finish my evil plan what plan do i have to explain again the plan that's going to let me the whole world no yeah it's just as clear as before are you done yet hey what with the cheating give me my symbol back thief stop messing with everything if you want to break breaker by the way how did you know gigi and i were going to be murdered i will hurt your conversation but don't tell me you hacked into a russian spike satellite to target us or by analyzing the pants of sound vibrations against the wars of the room well done i know things i'm pretty good at is the transfer finished uh oh frank you have no control over my world now you're stuck inside my computer oh i'm shaking in my virtual boots i would be if i were you oh yeah why because now glitch there's going to be a game the transfer no no no pull up the wire back in you idiot put it back go ahead creator he's trapped merge us quick now don't do that i will be really really nice and hope to die yes i did it see you later my game see you later creator stay close to me yes yes this is the right place gg gg here i am we're finally home together yes together user everything seems like it's back to normal thanks to you thanks to your insistence and your innate talent for disobedience and the complete destruction of anything you touch with your damn curser game i think we get what you're trying to say yeah sorry in a word thank you that said later game that's impolite what don't you think the user could what well play it last play the game yeah well the curtains closed unfortunately there's got to be a cord here somewhere hold on here it is go ahead user pull on it where did you put the start button maybe behind the title game i'm sure it's a sorting issue i can't lift it user can you please help me pull on the chain but i still don't see the button behind behind what the i'm going to generate a new game element there you go you can unscrew the plate with it user game it's your turn now user this switch will let you start my game i mean our game the way our creator designed it but but but but what after everything we've been through then taking into account the grave grave danger created by mr glitch what are you doing i'm giving you a second choice this order switch will let you delete my source code which will prevent the possibility of any sort of bug from escaping into reality have you lost your mind come on gg the fate of the human race is more important than the two of us can't you see it's your choice my friend the game or the safety of the world of the planet of the interstellar cosmic universe you're getting on my nerves [Music] okay well then you choose the game great what is it it feels like you don't want to launch the application i don't know i have a bad feeling about this it looks like it's starting up shh let the user read sorry sorry there are six writers who worked on the story you can tell will you ever shut up oh i'm sorry sorry sorry you can still change your mind hello i knew it huh what is this place are you here guys yes look spies what does bitty bitty bitty mean i have no idea i don't understand what they say [Music] again maybe we should open this very tempting chest it's a free-to-play oh no we are not gonna die [Music] [Music] how later oh john what
Channel: Xcvazer
Views: 90,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: there, is, no, game, wrong, dimension, dimensions, speedrun, speed, run, xcvazer, pb, wr, world record, world, record, walkthrough, playthrough, play, guide, guides, puzzles, help, achievements
Id: bO6LfuERGkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 35sec (6635 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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