The Biggest Cheater In Minecraft History Was Just Exposed

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hello you absolute Legends a huge Shockwave has just been felt through the Minecraft speedrunning Community a player that had not only set multiple world records and had been running the game for years but someone who was also extremely trusted and had actually helped expose other cheaters has just been caught in a huge cheating scandal themselves just when he thought you've seen it all something completely unexpected blows up out of nowhere and this recent example is proof that even the most trusted of players are capable of cheating to give you an idea about how shocking this new revelation is we're going to take a quick trip down memory lane and watch A Brief clip from the original video that I made when dream was accused of cheating almost two years ago Minecraft Avenger is very experienced with the game and noticed something strange about dreams streams dream seemed to be experiencing very high luck and was getting Pearl trades much more often than you would expect Mike Revenger tweeted out his findings which slowly but surely began to stir doubt among players and moderators alike yes that's right mine kravenger the very same person that first publicly exposed a dream for Cheating in his runs has just been caught cheating himself and not only cheating once but cheating multiple World Records over a span of more than two years this new Scandal is amazing for a couple of reasons the first is the genius techniques that were used to First uncover the truth that mind Revengers world records were faked but another thing that makes this almost funny is that when people looked back on his older runs there were some glaringly obvious mistakes that make you wonder how this wasn't discovered years ago in this video we will learn how Minecraft scientists once again used incredible knowledge of the game to expose yet another cheater and we will also look at some of the funnier mistakes Mike Revenger made when he first began his cheating career I really hope you enjoy and also I just want to quickly say a massive thank you to everyone who donated to my GoFundMe you have no idea how much of a difference this makes and by the way I promise you that after the lawsuits are over I will be doing a full feature-length video covering everything that happened in detail including all of the receipts now I know what you're thinking who is this 250 IQ genius and where is Carl well the truth is that I am Carl you just can't recognize me because I'm wearing glasses if you're anything like me you probably spend a ton of time in front of a computer the problem with this is that monitors and devices omit a ton of blue light which can cause eye strain produce headaches and disrupt your ability to fall asleep if you're a bad sleeper like me you especially need to minimize blue light in the evenings that's where these bad boys come in GMG performance glasses act as a shield against Blue Light greatly minimizing the negative side effects I don't even wear glasses normally but I still find them to be very comfortable and it doesn't take long to get used to wearing them now I have on the GMG orenos but they come in a variety of different styles and colors GMG glasses are really affordable and they are currently running a Black Friday sale so if you click the link in the description you will get 40 off that's almost half price this is the best offer of the year but you have to be quick because the sale ends at midnight on the 28th of November again just click the link in the description and thanks to GMG performance for sponsoring this video my personal proper introduction to Minecraft speedrunning came in late 2020 when the dream cheating scandal first broke naturally I was interested in the situation because it was so unique and was drawing so much attention there was one particular world record though that always stood out to me and this was the set seed world record that stood at the time the dream controversy centered around his random seed runs where each world is different every time you play but people also compete in set seed which means they play the same world over and over with the set seed category players confined to the fastest World they can with everything laid out perfectly they can practice the same world over in Dover and develop the best strategies and try to beat the game in the theoretical best time the set seed world record when I made my first Dream video was a time of 2 minutes and 21 seconds achieved by the player Minecraft Avenger on the 28th of November 2020. this time is memorable for two reasons the first is that is generally credited as the first person to really go through dreams Minecraft streams collate solid data and present his findings to the public and with him being a world record holder at the time it just made him stand out a bit more at least to me but the other reason the world record is memorable is just how good it is the record remained unbeaten for months and it wasn't until 2021 when a new faster seed was found that it was finally beaten one of the reasons micro Avengers run was so good is because he was very lucky you might think that playing the same world every time would eliminate most of the luck and while it does eliminate quite a lot a ton of RNG Still Remains the exact location that you spawn into the world is random and spawning closer to your goal is obviously faster in Minecraft Avengers run he has a dolphin nearby when he swims to the first nether portal which allows him to swim faster dolphins are also random but the biggest luck factor that occurs in a set seed run happens at the the end the time it takes for the dragon to purge to allow you to kill it is random it can happen in under a minute or it could take several minutes Minecraft Avengers perch was incredibly fast how fast exactly well to put it bluntly it's the fastest Purge ever no one before or even since in the hundreds of thousands of recorded runs and attempts has ever had a dragon perch this fast it's not the fastest by a huge amount only about two seconds but in the context of set seed runs where they are only two minutes long that's a massive amount of time to be faster than everyone else Minecraft Avengers Dragon perch made this run very noteworthy and obviously people were fascinated and curious about why the dragon came down so quickly figuring out why the dragon perch was so fast would be extremely useful to other players as if they could replicate it they could use it to get faster times themselves but try as they might no one could figure out why the dragon was so fast mind you back in 2020 knowledge of the game's mechanics was a lot more limited than it is today nowadays players know much much more about how the game works including the dragon but what's interesting is that the more the players learned about the dragon the more it seemed as though the speed at which Mike Revengers Dragon perched was impossible according to the game's code at least as far as we currently know the fastest the dragon can initiate its perch sequence once you enter the end is 23 seconds Mike Revengers Dragon started its Purge in just 21 seconds Minecraft experts even ran millions of simulations but still the dragon never once came close to Minecraft Avengers run this is obviously a bit suspicious but this isn't necessarily evidence of tampering with the game there is always the possibility something happened that we just can't yet explain players couldn't replicate Mike revenge's Dragon but that's not in of itself proof of cheating it did however key Minecraft Avenger in the back of player's minds and recently something else happened that seemed impossible but this time the evidence was concrete mind cravenger had to have changed the way the game was working in early September Mike Revenger was streaming as he normally does attempting to beat the world record for the set seed glitchless category in version 1.15 the strategy in this speedrun requires the player to collect 20 obsidian blocks from two blacksmith chests at the start of the run this is so they can build two Nether Portals one to enter the Nether and one to leave however the odds of finding 20 obsidian is only one in 479. in most versions of Minecraft the contents of each chest is determined by the world seed which means that every time they play a particular world the chess always contain the same items but in versions 1.14 and 1.15 the contents of Chess are randomized each time you play and given that Minecraft Avenger was going for the 1.15 world record this meant that he would need to grind the opening two chests until he found enough obsidian fortunately for Minecraft Revenger he ended up getting the luck he needed and on the 5th of September member he said a new world record of 2 minutes and 6 seconds this was a whopping eight seconds ahead of second place which again is massive when considering the length of the speedrun however multiple people who are watching the stream noticed something interesting it appears though Minecraft Avenger was getting a bit too lucky he was getting a lot of obsidian more than you'd expect if this were any other player and the time wasn't a world record perhaps nothing would come of it but given that this was a new world record and Minecraft Revenger was already on the radar due to his impossibly Fast Dragon perch and also given the fact that getting too lucky was already a big concern after the dream cheating scandal people gave it a closer look and just like the dream situation it would take someone actually Gathering the data to find out how lucky he was the runner EXO solver would be the one to do it in that stream Minecraft checked 290 chests and found a total of 7 196 obsidian this gives an average of 2.65 obsidian per chest according to the game's code the average amount of obsidian you should get is around 1.46 per chest the chance of getting this amount of obsidian after 290 chests is 1 in 28 billion of course this is unlikely but not as unlikely as what happened with dream in my opinion though this is already enough to make an accusation of cheating but thankfully they didn't need to rely on mere odds it turns out there was a way of conclusively showing if mind revenge's chests have been altered in 1.15 chest contents are determined by the loot seed and there are a total of 281 trillion possible seeds this means that the blacksmith chests can have 281 trillion different Arrangements technically you should be able to cross-check the arrangements that Minecraft Revenge got with these possible seeds to see if there are any that don't happen organically naturally creating software that's able to take Minecraft Avengers chests and run them against 281 trillion possibilities requires a fair amount of Genius certainly far more than I possess but the Minecraft speedrunning scientists were able to do just that and as it turns out in Minecraft Avengers stream they found a total of two chests that cannot under any circumstances happen naturally without the game being modified and one of those chests just happened to be into the world record run this was proof that mind Revenger was playing on a modified game but at this point no one knew just How Deep The Rabbit Hole went as it would soon come to light that Minecraft had been doing the exact same thing for years applying the same technique of checking micro Avengers chests they found multiple world records that were cheated the earliest being all the way back in June of 2020 and it wasn't just increasing rates that microvenger used to cheat runs he also spliced runs his splices on the other hand were a lot easier to spot which makes it somewhat surprising that these subtle changes in code were discovered before his blatant video editing mistakes on August 30 2020 Minecraft Venture achieved a time of 22 minutes and 47 seconds into the random seed category this wasn't a world record or anything it was several minutes behind but it was still good enough to be placed in the top 10. everything about the Run itself seemed fine but there were some Oddities before the Run even started when the world is loading the timer suddenly jumps to 13 minutes which simply never happens in any other runs in fact this shouldn't happen and there is no good explanation for it also when Minecraft Avenger select creates new world the mouse pointer jumps immediately to a different position at exactly the point at which a likely splice would occur these anomalies are already sufficient to assume a splice did happen but the nail in the coffin is a lot more hilarious this is the screen that Minecraft Avengers saw when he loaded into the world you can see features like a town ahead to the left and this very prominent Ridge down the center of the screen you can also see a tree poking up on the hill in the distance now this is the screen just before he created the world and it shows a small list of all of the recent worlds he had created and what's amazing is that at the very bottom of this list slightly cut off by the end of the page is the exact same world that mind Revenger is about to load into obviously this shouldn't happen if he was playing a brand new world it wouldn't show up in his history but you have to admit that this is a pretty funny mistake and one that I've never seen before looking back we can safely assume that Minecraft revenge's impossible Dragon perch was also cheated and people have a pretty good idea about how it was done there are also other runs in different versions of the game that also had very very suspicious dragon behavior in the pre 1.9 version instead of purging in the center the dragon charges at the player therefore you need to get lucky and have the dragon charge at you quickly and often according to one player who went through one of Mike revenge's streams the odds of his Dragon behaving as favorably as it did was one in 500 trillion after everything came to light and a pretty thorough investigation by the Minecraft moderation Team Minecraft adventure was banned on the 9th of November what's interesting however is his response because while he did admit to the splice he still denies cheating on the other runs I have to admit this is strange because what happened in many of his runs was proven to be impossible it's not odds it's not a hunch it's not circumstantial it's literally impossible still Minecraft adventure doesn't seem to want to admit the runs were fake and ironically uses logic that bears an uncanny resemblance to the tweets dream initially put out some people may point out that it's a pretty big coincidence that the same person that publicly exposed dream also cheated themselves but I don't think this is a coincidence in fact I think it's because Mike Revenger was cheating in a similar way that he was able to spot it and knew exactly what was happening while some other Runners did comment about dreams luck at the time I'm not sure any of them would have actually taken the time to go through every stream and collect the data but Minecraft Avenger did precisely because he was doing it himself and cheating in this particular way was at the Forefront of his mind while the dream situation was much larger in terms of popularity this most recent example is probably the most significant and egregious example of cheating in the game's history Minecraft Avenger set many world records and had been in the community for years here's set seed world records were classic and some of the current top players even created Minecraft adventure as being one of their Inspirations this certainly shocked everyone and it's hard to really appreciate just how much damage to a community something like this can have but it also has to be said that Minecraft knowledge is getting incredibly deep and the fact that they could run Minecraft Avengers chests against 281 trillion possible combinations to uncover the truth is pretty mind-blowing it is getting harder to cheat and it will continue to get more difficult as cheat detection improves Minecraft Angel was exposed now after years of cheating because of the advancement of knowledge and even if I was inclined to cheat I certainly wouldn't feel confident that I could get away with it knowing just how experienced and knowledgeable the Minecraft speedrunning Community is as always thank you so much for watching you Legends I hope you are having a fantastic day and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 2,921,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pCF4k2_-C40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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