The Best Possible Ending - The Henry Stickmin Collection

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ouch direct hit now quick guys you gotta stop that rocket from taking off um got a little bit of a situation are we just gonna gloss over the fact that charles just shot us through plate glass strong enough to survive the vacuum of space do we want to use downgrader diversion or fusion oh i already know what diversion's gonna be guaranteed i wanna see a dragon ball [Applause] fusion oh who will challenge me [Music] what's up guys welcome back to the henry stickman collection or for today's episode we've got a real big mission to complete but probably one of the biggest in the game because as far as i can tell every character should be here we should have henry and ellie and charles and the tophat clan and god knows however many side characters we've seen over the last couple of games but i do know for a fact that we're only about halfway through the game now which means this probably won't be the last episode so i've got to remind you guys if you want to keep up with the series or just with my videos in general subscribe to the channel i've got so many people in the comments that are really excited to see stuff that's already happened it just so happens that youtube didn't show them the video that day and then i feel really bad because their expectations can never be met so don't wait for youtube to show you what you like tell it what you like by subscribing to it whatever it might be so judging from past missions it seems a government-supported private investigator is how we get charles in on things evidence stolen teamed up with charles tophat leaders arrested airship impounded and then convict allies is how we get alien on things busted out with convicts allied with ellie warden defeated so like i said if we combine the two then i would imagine the whole gang should be back together actually i think this might be the first time charles and ellie have ever met you sure this is where he's gonna pick us up ah there he is you said you did some work with him in the past or something if you trust him then so do i hey henry nice to see you again who's your friend i'm ellie well nice to meet you any friend of henry's is a friend of mine so uh i was able to swing by and pick you guys up but well you remember the captain yeah he had to sanction this pickup in return we're gonna need your assistance again the top hats again i hope that's all right well it is the least we could do he is helping us out good let me fill you in on the details when we get into the air all right so what's left of the top that clan is set up uh some sort of secret base out in the jungle seems like they're planning on launching uh some kind of space station into orbit they'll be sitting pretty if they pull this off so we gotta make sure that they don't do that i talked to the general and he said he's pulling out all our main forces he said that henry and i made a good team last time so i trust that we can pull it off henry and i make a pretty good team too don't count me out and we're gonna make a great squad the three of us will have no problems completing the mission did he really just look into the camera and say all right we're there i don't think i can get any closer without getting shot down no worries we can get there from here where are we dropping boys oh my god charles aren't you supposed to be permanently dead i i could have swore i got like 3 000 angry comments saying i should have cried because you permanently died meanwhile you're giving us fourth wall breaks and fortnite references should we parachute down to the dome parasol to the air control tower lie on wings to the entrance of the rocket or jetpack down to the sam sites i gotta say now that i'm in the helicopter i'm really happy that charles has recognized that sam sites are bad but surface-to-air missiles should be to pilots like water is to cats that being said he did hit us with a fortnight reference so maybe we'll hit him with one back we got some delinquents on the window the control tower i'll take care of it yeah i was just about to close up oh i mean i got the reference and i i saw the among us toy i had enough time to pick it up but did not expect the top hat clan to crank quick 90s on us i don't really have any reason to suspect that parachute could fail or succeed so i just really want to see the difference between a mary poppins fortnite based entrance and a government-sanctioned reality-based entrance oh it's a pub g reference this time i should have known because ellie got smoked the moment we landed these last two were actually kind of tough because like i feel like the wings would be the right answer but i kind of want the jet pack to be the right answer like if the jet pack is wrong and we don't deal with the sam turret then charles is just done with his mission he's not going to get anywhere near this facility but if the jet pack is correct and we can get rid of the same turrets then charles can continue on our journey so i'm going to hope that wings ends up being a fail [Music] i'm sorry was that just a pilot wings reference how do you have a fortnite reference the most popular game in the world next to a pilot wings reference does anyone even know pilot wings henry doesn't exactly have the best track record with jet packs or technology in general but i'm really happy this is the right answer i'm hoping we take out that same site somehow that was weirdly smooth so what's the plan the rocket will be launching very soon please get on board immediately i will not hesitate to leave you behind oh sounds like they're about to take off you guys should get over there right away i'll be down to help as soon as i can he'll be right down okay i wouldn't have expected us to just fly right through it but that works so now do we want to build barrel or swap i don't know what swap means the other two are pretty obvious references this looks real weird that was also a donkey kong reference i see okay so do we want to throw climb down or swap back so ellie has a couple of options and henry has a couple of options well let's try throwing yeah that's not how donkey kong does it all right then ellie this is a perfectly good vine right there how about we climb down and run you guys are still running i can just pick you up oh you're staying committed to your choice i can respect that wait that was a fail i thought for sure was going to give us options to get up the ramp i i guess last time we did drive up it's just a whole lot bigger than i would have expected ellie i know henry isn't exactly a man of many words but when he said we should tag team sometime this isn't what he meant but um kind of on the clock here okay sorry about that just switching back out can you maybe not spy on us is a little creepy i feel like we're long overdue for a donkey kong choice to actually work out so i'm gonna assume that barrel is the right answer in which case maybe minecraft building would fail us somehow yeah i mean we've all been there before i really like the fact that he exploded into brown shoes a stick and meat because he is a brown shoe wearing stick man with a cooked steak for a brain now ellie the two of us are gonna contort our stick bodies together and get real close in this barrel but it's nothing creepy okay like monkey brothers do it all the time could i get a little heads up beforehand we were in those barrels for a while charles i don't even have enough time to read the options i gotcha did he just high-five both of us yeah he's a high five for us a low five for him and a low move we're now gonna fall back in the barrels in our reality we should be fine this goes by so quickly it's gonna make me lose my mind net net net i i just i can't rationalize anything i can't read out my options i can't make jokes you're ruining my favorite part of this game the videos so what was the right answer canon funny story this canon was actually built to fire humans it's kind of weird ouch direct hit now quick guys you gotta stop that rocket from taking off um got a little bit of a situation are we just gonna gloss over the fact that charles just shot us through plate glass strong enough to survive the vacuum of space do we want to use downgrader diversion or fusion oh i already know what diversion's gonna be guaranteed i wanna see a dragon ball fusion oh who will challenge me i'll take care of this you think just cause you fuse you're a match for me don't make me laugh enough waiting [Music] around [Music] that was so badass it was straight out of dragon ball z and you're pretty much what you would expect to happen what would you even call that fusion heli elvery if i have to choose between diversion or downgrader i think it's a pretty safe bet the downgrader is the fail we constantly get these little pocket machines we don't know what they do but we read the card and then we press the button and then it ruins our life and they fail like 99.9 of the time i don't think this one's gonna be another exception huh i didn't see that coming it was a fail but we didn't get a little cards i guess we just couldn't afford the card on this budget that leaves us with nothing but diversion which i know is gonna be some kind of distraction again this stuff gets spoiled for me all the time people think that i want to learn about it from them in the comments or like just showing it to me rather than experiencing it in the game i don't really understand why people are weird but i haven't seen it so it should be interesting [Music] it's the same dance [Music] situation sorted uh guys the rocket's launching we gotta do something before they get into orbit we need to come up with a plan quick oh i mean if we gotta go with someone's plan then i guess it should by default be charles plan okay guys i have the most awesome plan i'm gonna crash head first into the cafeteria window what do you mean like you're gonna jump out and smash it with your head no no with my helicopter what do you guys think i'm ready to hold on i don't really understand what's not to understand it's simple i fly the helicopter into the window but how does that help i don't really think you get it henry you get it right i guess i'm outvoted then uh i think it's a little bit out of range now you guys don't understand how much i appreciate the fact that ellie has a brain in this game if it was just henry and charles i think i would lose my mind if there's one thing i've learned from playing these games over the past few months is that being smart doesn't always lead to results i feel like every time we have the choice between henry or ellie just like earlier with a swap out ellie is the one to screw up henry just kind of falls into success so let's see ellie's screwed up plan alright guys listen up i got a plan henry and i will overload the engine room causing an explosion charles we'll need you to wait outside the auxiliary exhaust by the forward left booster we'll only have about 20 seconds to get out before it blows all right i'll be ready now hurry of course it would be charles to screw up ellie's perfect plan do you see what i mean you see henry is like the perfect mix of the two he does stupid things like charles but he gets results like ellie he is the ying to their yang he is vanilla he is silent and now henry's plan is going to be the one to save us apparently what have you got up your sleeves do you have sleeves it seems like henry's got a plan so huh yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's a great idea all right you guys do your thing i'll be ready what who's that did you set the autopilot all right then let's bail ah what a move i can't believe we did it where'd you end up sending the rocket anyway that was a lot of fun you know feel free to call us if you got any more jobs to do together right henry yeah the triple threat i think that's my favorite mission and my favorite ending seeing them all together fail spectacularly is just a beautiful thing we're getting to the point where it's gonna be real difficult for me to remember which endings we've done and which ones we haven't so i'm going to try to close out some groups like government supported private investigator we've done three of the possible four so let's do the last one with ghost inmate which means zelie should either not be here at all or real pissed this is a coachwell broadcast the remnants of a top hat clan have been seen mobilizing near the dogo bogo jungle rumors are they are attempting to launch an orbital satellite of some kind unconfirmed reports are telling us they are shipping their assets by train to this base in the jungle these assets include all treasures and artifacts they have stolen throughout the years now these treasures are worth quite a lot of money so we gotta make sure no no stowaways here this is checkpoint inspection team five we are all clear so we've already robbed the train once with ellie and now we're gonna rob it with charles even though he's not here right now we haven't seen him maybe it's just that i know about the train because of charles that metal gear communication device was from him or at least the sticky note said that it was so do we want to use tophat box prop or a magical hat it's like i said i'm pretty sure that communication device was a metal gear reference so maybe we could hide in a box well i suppose we should hop in huh how did we lose one i think you should throw it in the cat just to be safe who leaves behind a box of perfectly good hats and you call yourselves members of the top hat clan you disgust me magic cat could be literally anything when you get a pull a rabbit out of it is going to make you invisible it's sitting right there behind him on the train but frop i mean he's already hiding in the bushes how is continuing to hide in the bushes gonna help him get on the train like i can't see any way of this working well i suppose we should hop in yeah it's about time is that bush always there i'm not sure i'll give it the test oh it was a fake that's how you tell whether or not a bush is fake i'm pretty sure all bushes can burn they might not all have muffled screams of pain though okay no actually now that makes sense well it's like i said the magic hat could be anything he could pull a sasquatch-sized rabbit out of it it could make him invisible my guess is that he's gonna do a magic routine for these two and then they're gonna clap and be so impressed to just completely forget that he's an intruder and the train is taking off i suppose we should hop in yeah all right i'll get the door you were standing right now hey you there oh that's not good i didn't know he had a magic hat in the bush with him where did that one come from do we want to pretend to be a mannequin go out the window or sit down uh i mean this seems like a pretty obvious fail why would there be a mannequin on a train whoa check out this crazy coat rack oh look at me i'm a little hat holder person ooh can i take your hat oh i wonder what's out the window oh bro i thought he was being sarcastic and making fun of us just like oh yeah we're totally falling for this but he actually just straight up decapitated us considering what just happened i don't think going out the window is gonna be a good idea oh right i mean he still lost his head it's the same result but i just assumed that was gonna be a fail right off the bat well if that's the case then let's take a step back inside and see what happens when we sit down uh excuse me uh i'm saving that seat for my friend hello hello oh hey there you are yeah no this guy just took me a seat i don't know we tried to pull an ezio and instead just look like a complete ass what were my options again uh just go back inside the window yeah i guess you don't get to control z on a train it honestly comes down to whichever option is easiest to read pinchers i don't get that game reference i'm sure a hundred people are gonna remind me though is the last one free transform all right lads trains here let's get everything packed up before it gets too late i gotta say i'm actually impressed the that was smooth i i didn't even need to tell him to hide in the beer cooler so now that we're on board we don't want to take down the rocket we don't care about the top back plane we're here to rob them this is a very different mission so do we want to do that with the infinite cube oh that's got a card with it that's probably not goods the leaf mo no they all have cards okay or suck pack um these all seem like terrible options to be perfectly honest infinicute store anything in this cube it's got virtually limitless storage thanks to its creative use of pocket dimensions you'll never run out of space with this bad boy gadget gabe 2018 oh okay goes to show how long this game was being developed for it literally said i'll never run out of room but apparently i can leaf mode just place these on any object and they will turn into a leaf transport the biggest things with relative ease gadget game if it works for animal crossing it should work for me that being said i'm starting to have trust issues with gadget gabe oops oh that's gotta be cramped oh for a second there i completely forgot that one of these might actually work it just slipped my mind that i was playing a game that i need to progress in they're all so bad that i just assumed it was gonna be a bunch of different deaths we got suck back it'll vacuum up anything you aim it at that's a guarantee it certainly does suck thanks gadget gabe what is this supposed to be luigi's mansion [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay everyone today's the day why is it empty in here cleaned them out whoa we got a whole bunch of stuff i don't know why they would have a golden toilet or conker's bad fur day for the n64 i can understand the weapons but some of this is just a little absurd you know anything that's gonna be it for this episode of the henry stickman collection guys we've now found 102 of 164 fails just to give an idea of how far into the game we are so like i said there are going to be more episodes and if you guys want to keep up with them then be sure to subscribe to the channel and leave a like on the video that kind of thing and then i'll return for an all-new mission soon but thanks for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next [Music] time [Music] you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 2,274,502
Rating: 4.9342179 out of 5
Keywords: henry stickmin collection, henry stickman collection, henry stickmin gameplay, henry stickmin game, compelting the mission, completing the mission walkthrough, completing the mission playthrough, completing the mission all fails, completing the mission all endings, completing the mission best ending, completing the mission funny, completing the mission funny moments, completing the mission good ending, henry stickmin collection all fails, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: r2bkls80GXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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