This "Fatphobic" Quiz BROKE Me (WOW)

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all right you guys so today i found a very interesting quiz so so what today's video is going to be what we're going to be doing today i know it's it's going to be riveting stuff i'm actually going to take a quiz uh with you guys we're gonna take it together so this quiz was sent to me on discord the title of the quiz is am i fat phobic so we're gonna find out if we are uh if we're fatphobic today uh so this this quiz comes from fierce fatty and it says how fat phobic am i says do you hold fat phobic beliefs have you weeded out all of the weight bias that you can find in that gorgeous brain of yours or perhaps you're you are pretty sure you never had any biased views to begin with i mean okay no one doesn't have bias views right i think we all everyone is biased in some way i think i think we can admit that but okay take this quiz to find out how fat phobic you really are all right and so it says i think it's pretty much it says all the same stuff right here it says it will take about five minutes to complete so we'll see how true that is take quiz wow all right here we go would i be happier if i had a smaller body personally for me i don't care okay smaller body bodies are generally more attractive than larger bodies especially my body okay so i think i think we are uh going to see a trend here uh the way that these questions are worded are very loaded okay um so these are very loaded questions so let's just keep going though so again smaller bodies are generally more attractive than larger bodies especially my body i would say i probably agree with that um you can be fat and healthy i agree with that fat people have the same amount of willpower as as those in smaller bodies i mean okay this is so weird because it's like everything is centered around like being like everything is centered around the idea identity of being a fat person like it's like everything is based around being like being fat like the the question fat people have the same amount of willpower as those in smaller bodies like well that is such a weird question to ask because willpower doesn't just come in the form of not eating too much food right willpower comes in many many different shapes and sizes and many different things that you need to exert that willpower on so i'm gonna say i personally agree with that i think yeah sure why not um i can see the beauty in fat bodies but not my own ah this one i can see the beauty in fat bodies but not my own uh i would say i neither uh being fat shows a lack of willpower i disagree loving your body means that you probably care about your health because hating yourself is so this this is where this is so loaded loving your body means that you probably care about your health full stop that could have been the end of the question right but then it continues to say because hating yourself slash dieting is bad for health what like what loving your body means that you probably care about your health i would agree with that but then it says because hating yourself slash dieting okay hating yourself is bad for your health yes i agree with that hating yourself slash dieting is bad for your health what um i don't agree with that but let's read through the whole question again loving your body means that you probably care about your health because hating yourself slash dieting is bad for us i don't agree with exactly the last part but i would say loving your fat body means you probably care about your health i would say yes i i don't want to say strongly agree but i would say i agree that loving your body means that you care about your health regardless if it's fat or skinny or whatever okay i am more attractive when i have a smaller body again i neither disagree or agree there i think that i mean maybe maybe i'm looking at this from the wrong perspective but like when i think of smaller body i'm i'm comparing it to myself right and i if i got way skinnier i personally don't feel like i would be um much much more attractive there right if i'm thinking about someone of me in the past of me when i was much bigger then i would probably agree with that but i'm taking this test i'm i'm seeing if i am fat phobic now right i'm not trying to find out if i was fatphobic in the past or something like that i want to know if i am fat phobic now so i'm going to answer it based on how i feel now okay i just want to make that very clear okay so here we go i am more attractive when i have a smaller body i neither agree or disagree i believe that if i want to improve my health that doesn't include intentionally losing weight well i mean again for me i don't think that that really matters but i think if you are someone that is significantly overweight then yes i would i would agree with that i am lovable no matter what my body size is i strongly agree being fat means that you're probably unhappy i disagree with that these questions are freaking ridiculous i tend to only date people who are straight size smaller and or big and muscular or to make me look smaller um no i don't uh i do not agree with this i mean i think i think again another point is that this is obviously targeted towards women that are in bigger bodies like let's be real right this is probably not targeted at a dude that's not in a bigger size body but hey it didn't say that right it didn't say that so i i'm just taking the test okay it's not appropriate to comment on someone's size but it's important to educate on the dangers of being fat i agree but okay i agree but it it a lot of that comes down to nuance how are you educating the person right if it's just saying going up to any fat person be like hey guess what you're unhealthy and you're gonna die soon then no that's not helpful but i do think that having knowledge and education out there that states the dangers of being overweight i don't think that that's bad but i'm sure that this person thinks it is but i am going to agree with that generally speaking being fat means that you have a mental health issue that is manifesting and having a fat body no that is absolutely ridiculous um losing weight long term is not possible for the vast majority of people oh man okay so uh so here we go this is so it's very obvious where this this test is coming from right it's very obvious but let's keep going losing weight long term is not possible for the vast majority of people i'm going to say i disagree uh fat people who accept their body as it is are often ignorant of the negative consequences of being fat no i would say i disagree with that um it's okay to be as fat as long as you're healthy but not okay to be fat as long as you're unhealthy i think that it i don't care whether you're healthy or not okay i don't care again the thing that's important and that i talk about is that we should not be saying that being at a very very large size is advantageous or healthy in the long term for the vast majority of people okay it's okay to be fat as long as you're healthy but not okay to be fat as long as you're unhealthy i would say here let's go oh i would agree with that why not weight is a complex issue uh yes i strongly agree with that if i put on weight it wouldn't be that big a deal yes i agree i know it is not appropriate to judge others including myself on body size but i do it anyway i would say with this one everyone judges everyone like i i know a lot of people say only god can judge me or like we shouldn't judge other people or we shouldn't but like in reality everyone judges people like that's just the normal thing right at least that's my opinion so i would say i agree i judge myself negatively if i put on weight i disagree with that fat bodies are beautiful why not engaging in activities that could be potentially that could potentially lead to weight gain makes me feel anxious i mean i think with this one it very very much depends on what those activities are so if it's eating really unhealthy if that's going to make me not feel very good then yeah that would probably make me feel kind of anxious and so i guess i'll say i guess i'll say i agree with that the thought of being able to magically become smaller makes me excited slash happy i disagree i just feel better in my body when it's smaller slash not fat i strongly agree with that i want to lose weight disagree uh people with smaller bodies enjoy exercise more than fat people no disagree becoming less fat will improve a lot if not most health conditions uh i agree um fat people only have themselves to blame for their weight disagree um i really should just lose weight uh no i've said it many times i don't need to lose weight smaller bodies tend to be healthier than bigger bodies uh i would say i neither disagree or agree the thought of becoming fat or fatter fills me with anxiety neither fat people are just as happy as those in smaller bodies i agree with that i find people of all body sizes attractive and am not attracted to people who will make my i find okay i have to read this again i find people of all bodies attractive and am not attracted to people who will make my body look better because they are big or small okay i'm sorry i'm obviously struggling here i find people of all body sizes attractive and am not attracted to people who will make my body look better dude this is so weird okay like who i don't i don't i don't maybe i'm just like so not connected to this but like the thought of liking someone because they like that is so weird to me i am with someone because they make me look better so like picking someone that has a a worse body than you because that like that is so weird to me like i'm my brain is exploding i find people of all body sizes attractive and i'm not attracted to people who will make my body look better because they are big i don't even know what to say i'm going to say i need a degree or disagree because i don't even know what this is saying fat people deserve equal rights and and access as all body sizes yes i strongly agree with that um it's understandable and reasonable that i would be treated badly because i am fat uh no that is i disagree with that strongly um if i had a smaller body i may be treated better by society but i wouldn't be more happy yeah i would say i agree with that some people are naturally fat and some people are naturally smaller this one's hard i would say i don't want to say i strongly agree but i would say that i kind of agree so i guess i wish there was like a slightly agree um it would be better for society if i were if there were holy crap dude who thinks this way it would be better for society if there were less fat people dude that sounds terrifying like for society i don't know like it might be better for the individual right like they might feel better but like man that's freaking weird i'm gonna say neither fat people tend to exercise less i mean i would i would agree with that um fat people can and do enjoy exercise yes i would agree with that even the fattest people deserve the same treatment as in society as those with smaller bodies um this one's hard because when we say even the fattest people like are we talking about people that can't get out of their bed because of their size are we talking about people who like their size is now causing them to not be able to function like do they deserve the same treatment yes i guess but if they're if their weight is is literally causing them to have problems i'm not saying that they deserve to be treated badly but in reality what's like their treatment is going to be based on that fact right if they can't get out of bed if they can't like live a life where they are actually contributing and they're like literally literally bedridden right like i'm not saying they deserve to be treated worse but i'm just saying in reality not that they're gonna be treated worse but they're not going to be treated the same like and i don't think i'm not saying that to sound mean but i mean that's like the reality of the situation so even the fattest people deserve the same treatment in society as those with smaller bodies i mean i agree but i'm just saying i don't think that that's realistic um the fatter i am the less attractive i am i would agree uh shaming my body size is not helpful even in a gentle slash kind way yes i would agree um having a body in the normal weight category on the bmi means you're probably healthy disagree if i lost the weight if i lost weight that would make me if i lost weight that would make me make me healthy disagree um it is possible for me to be fat and have a wonderful life i agree with that i am a burden on society by being fat or if i were to become set before if i were to become fat um neither uh it is quite possible to lose weight and keep it off long term strongly agree um it's just not a good idea to be fat neither putting on weight does doesn't change my body confidence levels putting on weight doesn't change my body confidence levels i disagree i really jud i rarely judge my body if it is fat or i put on weight um neither all right here we go so enter your email to see your results we will send you fun and infrequent updates oh god all right here we go so my name is john my email is i am making a youtube video video uh about this at nice let's see our results my dudes i'm getting there let's go baby you definitely have some beliefs that are based on problematic ideas but you also have a lot of beliefs that are free from weight bias that's what i'm talking about baby yes you're doing a great job in questioning fat phobia when it comes up but there's still work to be done we live in a society we live in a society okay okay okay that hates fat bodies and so all of us are bombarded with messages that being smaller means you're healthy worthy attractive and an all-around better human being also just because you're on your way to believing that it's okay to be fat it doesn't necessarily mean that you like your own body well that's a bold claim if that's you and you want to change those unhelpful thoughts you have about your own body then why not download the fierce fatty body love roadmap i'm good if you are ready to work on learning to love your fat body join the wait list for my signature program fierce fatty academy by clicking on the button below wow so [Laughter] i'm sorry a few moments later [Laughter] 12 seconds later [Laughter] tomorrow [Laughter] i'm broken eventually oh okay i'm okay i'm okay the the just like the audacity of this oh man oh my god the audacity of how biased this quiz was and then then at the end of it to try and sell something so to make someone feel a certain way by making them take by making them take a test and then try and sell them on a academy wait list and oh man y'all y'all will make money in any way you can i cannot even deal with it you all are savages dog you say you like you're preying on people like it's just so blatant just praying on people that might be a little overweight like it's so wrong but i can't help but laugh it's preying on people that might feel a little overweight and might not be happy about it and then and then making and then making them feel bad because you call them fat phobic and then selling them something to make them not [Laughter] oh man oh what a what wow fantastic i this was great
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 85,613
Rating: 4.8857937 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, obesetobeast, fat loss, weight loss
Id: pHkXRDo3agU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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