Virgie Tovar Has Lost Her Mind...

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what's up you guys welcome back to the channel thank you so much for clicking on today's video so I'm gonna be honest it feels a little weird recording a video about this topic with everything going on and I believe that everything going on is super super important and I've been talking about it quite a bit if you if you check my Instagram but at the same time I do think it's important for people to talk about the other things that are also important that are going on and you know this is one of those things that I think is important it might not be the thing that everyone is talking about right now but I do think that this there's value in still speaking on things other than you know black lives matter and everything else so today we're gonna be talking about someone who I've made a few videos about her name is Virgie Tovar now I'm just gonna be completely honest I get sent posts from her almost every single day from you guys they're like what do you think about this so this is like something that I pretty much I'm always hearing what she is saying now if you're not familiar with Hoover G Tovar is basically she's just a really big voice in the fat liberation fat acceptance community she says a lot of very outlandish things that obviously people end up talking about quite a bit people like me end up making videos about them now the first thing that I want to say is I believe Virgie knows exactly what she's doing and she is very good at doing what she does because a lot of the posts that she makes a lot of the words that she uses are very inflammatory they're very bombastic there's like she says a lot that invokes a lot of emotion out of a lot of people and she gets people like me talking about her in videos like I understand what she's doing am i playing into her hand making this video probably am i okay with that yes I am so the first post that I want to go over there's gonna be a couple that I want to talk about this is the one that you read it and again it's like what the heck what does that even mean so this is the post right here and it says diving is not a sign of success it is a sign of woundedness now obviously that post is very catchy very out-there it's going to get a lot of eyes on it so let's read the caption she goes she goes on to say my former response to other people dieting equaled wow what's that person secret I've really been slacking I'll start whenever whatever they're doing on Monday my current response to two other people dieting I hate that this person is wounded fatphobia I hate that we live in a culture that makes people feel like something is wrong with them I hope this person gets away from the toxicity of diet culture I might need to set boundaries if they can't respect that we aren't on the same page before I go on it's it's funny because you know with kind of her whole page and the things that she talks about it seems like everything that she is working for is inclusivity right letting everyone feel including let it letting everyone feel like they have a place but then this whole post is basically saying to millions of people if you are trying to lose weight and if you are trying to die it she said it herself she might have to set boundaries so basically she's like I cannot be around that person because they are dieting now if we flip the script on this and it was me saying this right but the other way around and I said I'm I can't even say it's ridiculous like I said I can't be around someone that isn't dieting or that isn't eating healthy because they might not be able to accept my boundaries like boob like are you kidding me like are you really that full of yourself but I mean that's exactly what I'm hearing it's just flipped the other way around and moving on in the post she says there was a time when other people's weight goals in diet bandwagon set off my internal sense of inferiority my internal fat phobia in my desire to belong now all I see is a wound that they need to lovingly tend and honestly like reading that it just seems very condescending so basically like if you don't think that dieting or losing weight is basically a terrible terrible thing that is like the end of the world I'm kind of better than you and I don't really want to associate myself with you because you aren't like as woke as I am when it comes to this topic now I want to make it very clear I do think that for some people especially if you've dealt with eating disorders if you've dealt with serious issues with eating like dieting might not be the right choice for you but to make these posts and say literally everyone dieting is pretty much like the way that she makes it seems is a bad person or is almost like stupid I think that that is not helpful and that's not gonna help anyone that might be struggling because there are people that do need to diet or need to lose weight right if you are really really overweight like where I was there was a time where it had to happen or else I was going to be dying early like it was that simple so to make people feel bad for trying to better their lives I just think I don't understand where you could be coming from with that and his next post is a very out-there one as well so it says next time someone asks you if you should be eating that ask them what they have done to dismantle white supremacist hetero patriarchy lately cuz that's what's hurting people not cookies now will say it is kind of a jerk move to be going around and policing people's diets and like should you be eating that should you be eating that because I remember when I was bigger and I would say that I was trying to die and then I would have people be like oh you said you were trying to die it should you be eating that thing I'm like dude you don't know anything about me so I do kind of understand where she's coming from here now let's go ahead and read the caption it says don't get gas-lit misled and manipulated by those who seek to in mess you in the debate about whether you are eating healthfully cookies surveillance is a decoy to get a stuck in a combo with a troll for a million years what he steals our dignity human rights and freedom continues to take rights away from women and commits violence against POC queer and trans people I see you poop garbage troll racist now this is actually a pretty good tactic when you think about it right for her argument because anyone that in their head thinks wait I don't I don't agree with what she's saying here they're gonna take a second before they actually say anything because those last few words you know poop garbage troll racist or whatever like that you're gonna be like well I don't I don't want someone to call me a racist so you're probably not gonna challenge that because like now instead of them just saying if you disagree with you know fat acceptance or health at every size you're not just fat phobic but now you're also racist right and so why would you ever want to challenge them because no one no one wants to be called a racist especially with what's going on right now and this goes into what I think is one of my biggest problems with the health at every size or fat acceptance movement is that a lot of people and I don't want to say everyone does this but a lot of people especially Virgie they like to equate being overweight as the same as being a person of color they like to equate being treated poorly or being discriminated against as the same as someone being treated poorly or discriminated against because they are a person of color now I think that that is absolutely ridiculous because like I've said before your weight is something that you can control and that you can change right if you are born as a black man in America you can't change that fact but you can change the fact if you've been eating unhealthy for a number of years you can change that now obviously I disagree with the fact that you can't change your weight and that your weight is the same as your skin color right but I also think that it's really disingenuous for people to basically like attach their plight attach their whatever issue it is they have to people of color that are trying to fight for you know being treated with equality and stuff like that it just doesn't feel right to me it just feels a little opportunistic and that is that is something that I don't think I'll ever be able to like be okay with because it just again it just seems very opportunistic to do that again I just think it's crazy that you can jump from someone talking about again I'm not saying it's a good thing you know saying should you be eating that so you can jump from that to calling them a racist I don't see how you can make that connection and this last post says this give me justice not a bunch of recommendations on how much gosh dang broccoli I should be eating so just with the post I think that it's it's it's weird saying like we can't talk it's like we can't talk about two things at one time right like we have to figure this out before we can even start talking about this and I think like you can you can work on two things at the same time and people that would be giving you like recommendations on different ways to eat broccoli probably aren't experts on justice and like mass incarceration so the caption says in fatphobia mass incarceration and code then we can talk about how people are eating we have the right to set boundaries with those who's who insist on keeping the conversation at the level of individual health there is no such thing as individual health because individuals live in a community a city a state a country a planet if their community state country is free from the dangers of radical and sexual violence pollution nuclear waste prisons and body shame and they have access to dignity clean water Co medical care and housing a person will thrive now of course I agree that all of those things should be worked on and I would love to improve all of those things but when you say there's no such thing as individual health that is completely taking the power away from the person that could actually change their individual health I changed my individual health by making better decisions and again yes of course I understand that if you are in somewhere where it's much more poverty where not many people have very much money where it's very easy to eat unhealthily like of course it's going to be harder but that's where I was and it doesn't mean that's it's impossible so when we make these statements that there is no such thing as individual health I mean it's just not true because there are thousands of people that have changed their individual health by doing things for themselves all of those things that she brought up of course are going to affect someone's health and affect the situations in the choices they make but they do not 100% decide whether the person's going to be healthy or not right when we're talking about you know being overweight or anything like that there is still a huge amount of choice and so telling people basically that you have no choice is taking away so much power from the individual person and I don't understand why someone like her would want to do that so those are just some of the posts that I wanted to share with you guys the one thing I do want to say I want to make very clear it please don't try and go to her page don't try and find her and leave a bunch of April comments you actually can't even really calm on her post because she has them the comments are limited but just like if you want to say anything leave it down in this video in this comment section I would love to hear what you guys think down there thank you guys so much for watching make sure you like comment and subscribe there is one other thing that I wanted to say oh yeah look up a fan all day the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig legs don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 230,606
Rating: 4.9311652 out of 5
Keywords: virgie, john glaude, obesetobeast, fat acceptance
Id: kz187YUbqQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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