Therapist Reacts to WONKA

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every good thing in this world started with a dream and when you do share chocolate with the world I'll be right there beside you here we go Mama this moment is the fuel that is in his tank for the rest of the movie my name is Willie W his optimism doesn't come from naivity it comes from Hope to him the world is magical this is going to be the best chocolate shop the world has ever seen but whatever you do you're going to make enemies and people won't always treat you fairly there's no point noodle it didn't work and when you almost lose sight of your dream surround yourself with people who boy you up and support you in chasing after and getting up again whatever brings you positivity whatever it brings you hope if it brings you Joy and makes this existence more tolerable don't give up on it hello and welcome to cinema therapy I'm alen a professional filmmaker who needs therapy I'm joined by my co-host Jonathan Decker licensed therapist who loves me I just hit him in the face with the bottle hello and welcome to cinematherapy I'm Alan crri a professional filmmaker who needs therapy I'm joined by that guy Jonathan Decker licensed therapist who loves movies what are we doing today we're going to eat some delicious chocolate from a famous chocolate here are we doing Wonka we're doing Wonka oh man I love this movie it's so it's just delightful I was pretty sure it would be cuz it's King who directed Padington and Padington 2 two of my favorite movies ever made I know you took your kids I took my kids and this soundtrack has been on constant rotation just on repeat since then stop yeah and I'm not mad about it no not even a little bit so what am I looking for today I would like you to maybe look for how to keep hope alive in the face of uh setbacks troubles people who can't say poor yep that was a reference I actually love the poor thank you to airup for sponsoring this video airup is more than just a water bottle there's water bottles and there's Arup bottles but only Arup has scent-based taste for your flavorful uh flavors it's a completely new and unique hydration experience won't make you it won't make you float but it'll make you feel happy enough to be floating so check it out you fill up your bottle then you put a little scent pot on top and then you pull it up just a little bit like so o M aromatic and then as you drink through the straw you're smelling the scent too and scent based taste means you're enjoying the flavor without any sweeteners additives or hoverflies I've got Peach M peachy and I've got Cherry Cola you can really taste it that's so cool it's really really neat they have about 15 different flavors so there's something for everyone even you Jeff and it makes it easier to drink more water throughout the day because you're sciencing your nose molecules that's a technical term have you you got a sweet tooth I do with air up you don't have to choose between health and flavor drink more plain water flavored only through scent It's the Best of Both Worlds click the link below to get the air up for the bottle today click the link below to get your air at bottle today that's what I said earlier you couldn't tell though in a perfect little world tomorrow way I remember it I used to spend every waking hour trying to come up with some new trick to impress my [Music] mom but the real magic came from her we didn't have a lot of money but each week she brought home one cocoa bean by the time my birthday came around there was enough to make a single bar of chocolate but it wasn't just any old chocolate from the books that he grew up on a river barge no I I don't know is it just Whimsical in the world don't know about that it works for the store the very best comes from a place called The Gallery gouret there can't be any better than yours Mama it's impossible well as it all happens I do know a little secret that even those fancy bants don't what is it I tell you when you're older you get to sleep no not that answer I do dig how this whole scene we should go Emma what is that then to the gallery cormet good let start a shop yeah with our name above the door and everything that's a wonderful dream is that all it is just a dream you know every good thing in this world started with a dream so you hold on to yours and when you do share chocolate with the world I'll be right there beside you promise too bad than not I think you promise no sleep so what was it Willie what was the secret I never found out soon after she fell sick before I knew it all I had left was a bar of chocolate that's why I'm here noodle so I can feel the same way I did back then eating chocolate with her that's why I'm here in a movie theater I feel the same way I did when I was a child no but seriously yeah that's why we I that's one of the biggest reasons I go to movies absolutely is to is to get swept up in that magic again Paul King casting Sally Hawkins again because if you can cast Sally Hawkins definitely do it she's the mom in the Padington films she's the lead in shape of water and she has the most Charming wonderful smile maybe on planet Earth yeah her smile feels like a warm hug yeah it does and she deploys it expertly and you feel Wily's loss of not having that smile in his life and this is the first time I noticed the clouds going over the moon kind of foreshadowing the light going out of his life the light being his mom Y and and him keeping that alive like keeping her dream her chocolate making like he is carrying on her Legacy I I relate to Willie cuz my mom was a kind person who loved to help people and loved movies right and so in a way like I I relate to that Journey cuz here I am on a bigger scale but it's her Mission and it's like all these things that I inherited from her and when she tells him every good thing in this world started with a dream I can't help but think how for years and years and years I was racking my brain trying to figure out how can I watch movies professionally cuz I'm not a film critic you know like how can I make this my job do this and make this be what I do and thanks to you we you know we're pulling it off it it was your idea I just showed up with a camera and a hatful of Dreams oh gosh usually I'm the cringe one everything's off everything's off not today baby let's get this over with before I die of cringe and she tells him to hold on to his because he's going to face opposition and he's going to face hardship and he's going to have setbacks all sorts of and even people trying to stop him from achieving that right yeah and it's this moment that is the fuel that is in his tank for the rest of the movie right this conversation with her or Nora or Nina or nothing at all can't you Tracy H her you don't think I've tried when I was a kid I always hoped that I'd find my parents and they' live in this beautiful old building full of books my mom she'd be waiting there for me at the door love the little animated things run into her arms she'd give me this big hug like she'd never let me go but then I realized it was just a stupid dream there's nothing stupid about that isn't there I know things haven't been easy for you noodle they're going to get better I'm not going to let you rot in that Wash House forever you promise I get it back better than that I pinky promise and that's the most solemn vow there is get scratchy we don't have long until that guard comes toodle noodle toodle it's not even a word oh I'm going to keep working on it I got to say when this project was announced Paul King directing willly Wonka's origin story I was on board yeah for sure right like he's writing and directing turned Paddington into just a a series that is just magical and wonderful I figured okay this is a very good fit and then they announced Timothy shalam as Wonka and I was dubious why because shalam is great I I thought he was fine in Dune and I've seen him in some other things and I just kind of I haven't I I hadn't bonded with him I'm totally a shallow May stand now I get it yeah you all were right I doubted and I was wrong well he he approaches the character with such Showmanship like even when he's talking to Noodle here and he's not projecting to a large crowd he's still kind of got the Cadence an Entertainer and a presenter ladies and gentlemen it's all a magic show yeah yeah but that's because that's how he sees the world right right to him the world is magical and man first of all I love the way he talks in this movie what you've never had chocolate dude can sing I'm like butter melt sing I mean he's not Frank Sinatra but he's like in the ballpark which is I did not expect that from Timothy shalam no again I was wrong the whole internet was right yeah and that happens a lot by the way that the whole internet is right oh yeah you can believe anything anything you read there it's a good source of information I guess we are the internet now oh damn it noodles in a place of cynicism and despair why because she had a dream of meeting her family and it hasn't come to fruition and she's stuck enslaved in this wash house right she been stuck with scrub it and bleacher for years yeah which really enjoyable villains oh my gosh any of us who've lived long enough relate to Noodle we've had the magic beaten out of us to an extent right and you meet an optimistic cheerful person like Willie and you're like okay what a naive tool yeah which is why it matters that Willie tells her his story about losing his mom and all of the things he's been through cuz his optimism doesn't come from naivity it comes from hope and she's scared to Hope cuz you hope you get hurt yeah and that's why he's like trying to spread some of his pixie dust and he's like I'm going to help get you out of there but toodle isn't even a word Labradoodle is and toodle is toodles which technically I guess is a word there's lots of things he Rhymes in this movie that are a stretch and we go with it because it's fun as hell well and and the fact that it's noodles dream M like the fact that she says I had a dream I think is what he latches on to and takes it on kind of as his own yeah I have to make dreams come true that's what I do I'm Willy Wonka well if he makes the dreams of others come true then it might mean that his will right I think there's some of that in there as well [Music] yep now I know what you're thinking it may need a little work that guy has the most amazing voice I want him to read every audio book water running 20 years ago and the ceiling fell through and the ceiling above that and the ceiling above that ceiling but that means we can afford it for a week anyway and we'd finally be legitimate the police wouldn't have any excuse to keep bothering us so what do you think Willie do you like it do I like [Music] it noodles just as I always imagined no scratch that it's better than I imagin I mean look at this place I mean yeah it's a wreck but the potential the bones mark my words this is going to be the best chocolate shop the world has ever seen you won't be scrub scrubbing much longer noodle we'll all be free as free as flamingos why don't they just fly away I don't know but then they do during his musical that's the thing that's the magic of of Wonka even the flamingos are free now that's the flamingos free yeah the flamingos of your heart I'm a middle-aged dreamer which means it's tempered with a bit of realism and a recognition like okay well there has to be a plan and you have to think through all these different things and so I I look at Will's unbridled optimism here and I think it's beautiful and I'm also like oh this is going to hurt at some point when I watched this movie I walked out of it thinking that was the jonno I met yeah right down to the musical numbers I yeah he would skip into our apartment singing show tunes that happened on more than one occasion guilty is charged working to get that back I feel like I'm a little bit more Gene Wilder Willy w now like the magic is still there but there's a little bit of edge to it you know he might murder some kids I'm not going to murder any kids if I was going to do that I would have done it already where does the shoot go to the incinerator but don't worry we only light it on Tuesdays and so I I look at him and I'm just like oh and I didn't know exactly what was going to go sideways but I knew something was I mean it's a movie for the sake of drama something is going to go wrong well also there was at least a half an hour left at that point so I'm like something well but that's the thing about pursuing a dream is you go in with optimism you go in with the dream you go in with a plan and you give it everything you've got and then generally what happens is what happens in this movie you have little peaks of glory and then real life kicks you down there are things you didn't think of things you didn't plan on I know you can relate to all of this with your film career somebody puts Yeti sweat in your movie and and you have to and well you don't have to a lot of people choose not to regroup maybe not after the first go round But like after several go rounds at a certain point they're like ah this isn't worth it yeah right and so and so they settle on something else and the magic of this story to me is that Willie lifts his friends and his friends lift him and they have to regroup and come up with okay how are we actually going to do this and sometimes it means you keep the dream but you go about it differently and sometimes the dream shifts the dream changes [Music] right I love this scene it's so great and the song is so good this might be my favorite song in the whole movie and that's saying something it is I mean they're all bangers there's not a bad song in [Music] this before they melt it away world of well and he just looks like a Willy Wonka look at that like this scene I was fully bought in to Timothy shaan okay I'm a stand that's it he's one of our greats cuz obviously it's the Wardrobe but how he moves feels like Wily Wonka would move [Music] yes which begs the question how much of that is an acting Choice how much of that is how he's coaching it's hard to know you know well I mean even if he's directed that way and you know choreographed that way and coached that way he still has to put in the work and actually execute it and pull it off pull it off and I assume there were a lot of choices that he made along the way to that uh oh no Mr Wonker yes what's going on here oh my goodness yeah he sweat unless Yeti SW what most powerful hair potion in the world I didn't put it in there ladies and gentlemen you're attention please there appears to be a manufacturing error nobody eat the flowers uh why not what's wrong with them what's the matter with this toad stool my daughter took one bite and just look at her there's nothing wrong with the chocolate milk is there I'm terribly sorry everyone and I know how to explain this but it appears that the chocolates have been poisoned poison poison he poisoned my child I didn't I didn't poison them I want my money back I want compensation I want reng I want my money back I want compensation I want revenge basically describes internet culture the moment you let anybody down in any way shape or form ah yes a scathing critique on cancel culture courtesy of Wonka that really really does feel like a Twitter thread though yeah like I made a slight mistake burn it down like 20 seconds later and all joking aside when you look up to somebody and they're human people turn really fast right yeah it it hurts I mean if you meet your hero and they're having a bad day right yeah and they're like a jerk that sucks and it challenges your faith yeah in humanity which is natural but also I feel for Willie here because he has been sabotaged yeah and that's the ugly side of human nature yeah is we don't act like there's room at the table for everyone to thrive and survive and to do well like that we have this scarcity mentality we try to tear each other down I've been guilty of this like I get you know because I'm a human I get jealous when people that I know have success that I feel like you know I want to have and they're having it I'm like why do they deserve it I'm good to I should be in Sundance I should be winning WS I met a therapist one time this was very early I was fresh out of school he learned I was fresh out of school when he thought that I was going to be moving to a different town he took me under his wing and he taught me all sorts of stuff and the moment I said I've decided actually to stay here he turned on me and I was a 20 I was almost 30 I was in my late 20s yeah but he turned on me and and acted like this is my turf it was a town with like a couple hundred thousand people in it but this is my turf contrast that with somebody else who was happy for me to be settling in the same town a different therapist and was like we all have Specialties people will come to you that you can't see you'll refer them to me and vice versa and we can build each other up we can present together we can learn from each other we can there's plenty to go around and that is such a healthy mentality but whatever you do you're going to make enemies you're going to have people who are insecure cuz Wonka's competition what they should doing okay he makes better chocolate at lower prices so how can we beat him on one or both of those things how can we how can we do it fair and square or how can we keep up with him instead of no we're just going to destroy him right but they don't and people won't always treat you fairly they're going to come after you and tear you down sometimes publicly and the best way to handle that is to do what Willie does which is keep your integrity intact and when you almost lose sight of your dream surround yourself with people who boy you up and support you in chasing after and getting up again and kidnapping Umba lumba you let me out of here and we can discuss it like a gentlemen yeah and after this comes you know his darkest the lowest of the low in like screenwriting parland right which is where he very nearly gives up hope and he's about ready to leave and just go and and he's done stupid Dream It's the combination of losing his store and that his enemies make it so attractive for him because he can liberate his friends so he's willing to give up on it but he doesn't because they have his back yep so of course bad guys are defeated Willie is now sharing his chocolate with the world through a literal giant chocolate fountain which is awesome it's also chocolate that he was recently immersed in so he may not want to drink [Music] this I mean I'm sure his personal hygiene is great but that coat's seen some finally sharing his chocolate with the world ready to open his mom's bar gosh dang the music in this movie is so good planting the seed for the golden [Music] ticket secret is not the chocolate it's the people you share it with yep unsurprisingly in the theater I was just absolutely in bits at this [Music] scene that damn smile at hers is so [Music] heartwarming [Music] and they kind of leave it to you is she actually there or is he just feeling her you know and it thing it doesn't really [Music] matter okay there is something very true about though if you have chocolate and you share it with somebody the there's something really there's a bond there is thank you and the fact that this is the bar that he's carried with him for years and he's sharing with them like he's showing them how much they mean to [Music] him so how does it feel Willie is it as good as you remember every little bit wish you could last forever here's the thing though it could have been run-ofthe-mill average chocolate it wasn't cuz we've established his mom makes amazing chocolate he still would have answered the same thing to Noodles question MH because the sweetness was not the chocolate it was the people it was the friends he made along the way the real bad place was the friends we made along the way no still nonsense so comparing my journey to Willies and you say college me was a lot like Willie and that's true that's it's very true and I lost my mom in college when we were roommates and I think that was kind of the the beginning of me having a bit more World weariness a bit more of an edge and yet when I when we do this show when we meet our fans and people tell us how we've helped them and how how we've brought them light and and in their darkest times like I have a very similar experience where I feel like my mom is there and I feel like she's smiling now I choose to believe that her soul if you will continues on but I also acknowledge like I might be wrong on that and even if I'm wrong on that like it still brings me joy yeah to do what she would have done not exactly this but the spirit of it you know is is how she lived her life and I was just telling you the other day how much I love what we do mhm and it's a very similar thing it's it's the people you share it with like we love movies we love our friendship we love helping and then we share that with all of you and so I know this sounds a little cheesy but it's true like this resonated a lot with me because it's our show you know it's like I watched this movie and I was like oh somebody finally made a biopic of Jonathan Decker like man it's it's so much fun watching this movie and seeing you in so much of it yeah oh that's a huge compliment thank you like I say I feel like the Gene Wilder one but when he comes across Charlie and Charlie reminds him of Y who he was right that's what this movie kind of did for me where at the end of willly Wonka in the Chocolate Factory Jee Wilder has gone back to his childlike innocence and enthusiasm and I stepped out of the theater feeling like I had a little kick in my step you know I wanted to twirl a cane and eat some chocolate and yep yeah it's beautiful what a beautiful story okay I may be a lot like the character of Willy Wonka but I know both of us have been through similar trajectory of having hopes having them dashed uh and what do you do do you hold on do you do you move on to something else and I for me it's really interesting I get asked a lot uh you know I I really want to be a screenwriter or I really want to be a film director or whatever like how do I do that and how do I like pursue that in the face of you know opposition and soul crushing stuff yeah and there's an interesting thing where I've only just recently sort of come around to I am a professional filmmaker I've done it for you know 15 years almost 20 years uh and I still make movies but what I do now professionally is YouTube yeah uh and that it was hard for me to give up on my dream I haven't really but kind of a little bit like I'm more there's some acceptance there yeah yeah and I and I had to more in that and so there's there's this weird thing where you know if you have a dream that doesn't mean you're capable of achieving it like there are in this world there could be 50 other kids that want to be Willy Wonka but they don't have the talent yeah right and so that's a tough thing it's it's hard to navigate when does it make sense to not give up on a dream but like shift what your dream is if that makes sense yeah it it makes total sense I think we have uh culturally this this belief that never give up on your dreams sometimes I think of like Ellie in up she had these World Travel dreams didn't come to fruition she let them go and found a happy contented life with Carl right she lived a dream yeah she lived a dream and she was happy for the life that she had what I would say is whatever you're passionate about don't let go of it just recognize it might be a hobby you might do something else to pay the bills M doesn't mean you can't take a chocolate making class right and do it you may never be a choler but you can be somebody when people come over you're like hey I made some fresh bars like if I had a friend who made their own chocolate but they didn't sell it but they just made chocolate I would think that was hella cool right so whatever you do I'm never going to open a a barbecue joint but yesterday I made you some chicken yesterday that was pretty good yeah some smoked chicken it was amazing so whatever brings you positivity whatever it brings you hope you may have an ambition to do it professionally that may not pan out doesn't mean you can't have it in your life if it brings you Joy and makes this existence more tolerable don't give up on it right I guess maybe don't don't hold so fast to the dream hold tight to being a dreamer is that we're getting at wow that should be on a Golden Ticket somewhere so until next time she'll be thankful for an ankle she'll be pleased to see your knees but if you want to make her sigh show some thigh scrub scrub gosh and watch movies I mean it's not with a hat full of Dreams it's not gross actually people like clean thighs thighs are great yeah they should be scrubbed regularly yes Loa D I've got another Patron for you Christine medar Bobby Bellinger Ry mentes sarrael you are all so great see you in hell it Rhymes but we don't want you to go there we love you thanks for being our patrons hell doesn't rhyme with great it rhymes with fennel Sarah fenel Bell or Hell rhymes with n and Nick FL and you can go to hell that's why I went listen it wasn't my best work anyway patreon
Channel: Cinema Therapy
Views: 193,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinematherapy, cinema therapy, mental health, counseling, therapy, mental health therapy, Jonathan Decker, Alan Seawright
Id: 5txfeq4l-8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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