WONKA (2023) Is Delightful! | Movie Reaction | First Time Watch | Timothée Chalamet

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[Music] well here we are finally what's going on everybody I'm jabby K joined by Char Kirk what's up we are watching Wonka and now if you're watching with us on YouTube you are seeing a cut down version of our reaction because we can only show a limited amount of picture and picture if you want to watch the whole movie with us without any Cuts or interruptions head over to our patreon page or become a member of this channel you'll get access to the full uncut reaction you'll just need your own copy of the film so you can open it up side by side with our reaction we give you 3 to1 countdown sync and it's like you're watching with two of your favorite buddies from the internet if you're watching with us on patreon our memberships already thanks so much for supporting us here if you're watching with us on YouTube please hit the Subscribe button Bell icon all notifications V this up let YouTube know you're enjoying what you're watching and if you join our patreon you get access to a whole bunch of watch alongs that's already up there for TV shows and movies we are currently getting through succession and brother's son it's lots of fun lots of fun lots of fun and um yes in Indian films so here we go after years of life thewell I was not expecting a musical stupid land [Music] Theo I've poured everything I've my chocolate now it's time [Music] to wow yeah the challenging part of this is not so much his singing But The Smiling he's smiling like the whole [Music] time street [Music] that I've got six seven oh no kid hello no leave me alone leave me alone I relate here's my destiny I [Music] unlock full of Dreams oh my God there's [Laughter] [Music] aa oh nice transition what three sovereigns he's broke now this is Highway robbery oh is he like Marry Poppins oh I was thinking of Beauty and the Beast there we go Be Our Guest Our Guest night but us t to the D you're not planning on sleeping there are you son oh it's just for a night by this time tomorrow you'll be frozen solid oh don't be ridiculous oh oh oh jeez I know someone who might be able to help you out no don't trust him really here we are Mr Wonka sweet home put that book down and get our guest a glass of gin for man's Frozen after death thank you Mr scrubb you're your husband have been so kind to me husband him oh I'm someone far superior to that Idol peasant chin chin oh no now sign here and we're all done tricky iTunes contract no don't do it she's going to say don't the SM PR what thank you no that'll do Wonka really is you who's that in the girl what girl that girl it sounded like small print and there does my goodness a lot of oh oh my well B all seems to be in order really uhhuh hello welcome to scrub no to Wonka come for a night stay forever my name is Willie Wonka and I have come to show you a marvelous morsel an Incredible Edible and unable the likes of which this world has never seen in Jungle near Mumbai there's a little hoverfly and when asked nicely lay precisely one little egg in each of these it beats its wings with gleed and then as you will see the cholate will levitate and most gracefully I hope there's no sign that says no soliciting or something like that oh cuz they had a no daydreaming [Music] sign want the chocolate come now I insist you've never had chocolate like like this you've never had chocolate like this all right One Sovereign each come on everyone just one oh they're little I don't know let's fly yes Mr SL call the police oh no very good sir hurry up get some money let's try one of these socalled hover chunks oh you don't have to peel it or anything it's not just chocolate is it there's marshmallow with the Bittersweet tears of Russian clown what it surely not CH and I can safely say that of all the chocolate I have ever the worst this is without doubt the absolute 100% worst rude a good chocolate should be simple plain uncomplicated where is this with all its Bells and whistles whist just weird weird a shame you thought the chocolate was weird oh wa I'm going to hate what happens next uhoh that's the hoverfly it's broken out of its cocoon it's flapping its wings like oh my God in about 20 minutes It'll get tired and exit through your rear it means we going TOA about about who in their right mind want a chocolate that Mak you fly let's find out shall we everyone why are you giving your [ __ ] away for free though there we go thank you please one just one yeah it's a little I don't know he's got to start somewhere right you know how much they charge you for indoor skydiving this choc make you fly and then you fought all right folks not mid just a small group of people defying the law of gravity is that a wicked reference that you're disrupting the trade of other businesses I'm regretably obliged to move you on and to confiscate your earnings hey what are you doing don't worry it's going to a good cause no sorry sir Rose is Rose rubbish you suck at least leave me a sovereign yeah just one I need to pay for my room come on have a heart oh at least he was nice enough to give but that's just for the today what about the next day believe we said a sovereign for the room yes but you have incurred a few extras course of your residency with ourselves oh god there was that glass of gin you had on arrival and if I remember rightly you warmed your cockos by a fire he did indeed Mrs scrub it cocka war is extra see use the stairs to get to his room and all could run an Airbnb I know 10,000 sovereigns are you crazy it's all in the small friends area I don't have 10,000 sovereigns we have a problem Mr Wonker what going have to work it off in the wash hour a't you a sovereign a DI 10,000 Days damn 7 years hey four months and 16 days we each of us found ourselves in need of a cheap place to stay and neglected to read the small print endless regret sounds like my third marriage there's got to be some way out of here you don't think we've tried there are bars on the window and there's a dog on the door if you're not here at roll call Mrs scrubbed we'll call the police they'll bring you right back and she'll charge you a th000 for the inconvenience maybe he has an extra chocolate to make the dog fly I don't know he lost his hat though oh the Hat's got all the magic first you pick up the apparel and you SK it in the barrel scrub scrub then you take it to the mangle and you turn the giant [Music] scrr [Music] gosh [Music] scr scrr they get a free room now yeah I guess it's it's probably awful for labor ye how much do you owe them 10,000 count yourself lucky I owe 30 dang well lucky for you noodle I have a selection of the world's finest ingredients right here in my travel Factory this is elaborate oh where to begin that's the question does he have a teeny tiny Oompa Loa in there as well did you always want to make chocolate no back when I was your age I wanted to be a magician my mom was a cook he lived on the river just the two two of us in a perfect little world of our way I remember it I used to spend every waking hour trying to come up with some new trick to impress my [Music] mom this has to be the best Chate in the world at all don't know about that they say the the very best comes from a place called The Gallery gouret there can't be any better than yours Mama we should go Emma when is that then to the Gallery cormet good and start a shop yeah with our name above the door and everything that's wonderful dream is that all it is just a dream no you can make it come true every good thing in this world started with a dream so you hold on to yours and when you do share chocolate with the world I'll be right there beside you what was it Willie what was the secret I never found out how did she die soon after she fell sick before I knew it all I had left was her bar of chocolate that's why I'm here noodle so I can feel the same way I did back then eating chocolate with her a I love the sound as well yeah like crunchy wish you had done that you don't like it cuz now everything's going to taste like crap I like it it's just what now which day I don't have chocolate will be a little harder oh then how would you like to have all the chocolate you can eat every day for the rest of your life a lifetime supply a lifetime supply just get me out of here are you crazy it's easy and you can smug me out in your laundry car just for a few hours mine don't believe know's gone it's a nice idea Willie it's a great idea but it'll never work of course it will eat your chocolate I was about to say she got half a chocolate still on there all we have to do is find an aristocrat and slip out while she's distracted yeah easy yeah but where are we going to find an aristocrat pretend to be one you sound great fellas keep it up forgive me Father for I have sinned I have had 150 of these since my last confession wow oh I didn't know he's in this did you I don't think so set me down we see you later what is happening what is this like some secret society of chocolate they're all waiting thank you very much good evening Gent gentlemen I brought my invoice one Cher moved on for the usual fee here we go baby big chocolate how would you like to earn a few more of those oh I am listening we think that Mr woner might require a little more than simply moving on that if he attempts to sell chocolate in this town again he's liable to meet with a little accident in which he Di I love him so what do you say Chief do we have a deal well listen fellas I'm an officer of the law I can't just go around roughing up your competition I'm sorry for free well now Chief I can see that you're a man of integrity thank you have you got a sweet tooth I do a hunger that you have to feed don't give me that conscience nonsense it's simply Pro nice 100 of your oh my goodness afid how many at it's fine come on who needs to see their toes 700 boxes seven damn wow wasn't it 100 a moment ago yeah do c d oh yeah well we've got lot lots of lot and and and am I singing it's amazing what a tayor can conceal of the elastic chocolates oh my God oh de 1,800 don't tell me you had noticed what she's madly in love with you Mrs scrub it son look at you fine figure of a man you just need to tidy yourself up a little bit get some new clothes have a bath yeah oh so you finally managed to drag your lazy check out the lead and what are you doing all the way over there keeping my knees warm why don't you come over here and have a glass of gin why don't you come over here where it's all hot oh my Lord question how does titles want to spend all his time chasing after M and what do I have to do all day fellow scrubbers please scrub scrub now with willing Walker's wild and wonderful wishy-washy WKA Walker TI gets to run and I can have scrub scrub just popping out for a bit so tell me all about Bavaria where you from oh yes it's veryan genius using inventions for the good of Escape I can't believe it worked wait till you see how much chocolate I made last night we saw this and we're going to be where'd he go oh no what's going on Willie not again is it invisible chocolate baby Stone who by the little orange man oh he's my Nemesis about Yi comes in the dead of the night and he steals all my chocolate you don't seriously expect me to believe this do you of course I do what other explanation is there that's you go to sleep Dream by Little Green Man orange man green hair and while you're dreaming stuff your face with chocolate stuff my that makes a lot more sense if Mrs scrubber had spotted us I'd be in the CPE right now look I'm sorry okay but we can make more chocolate only problem is I'm All Out of Milk well that's not a problem milk a that is stealing yeah for this particular creation I require the milk of a giraffe what where you going to get that the zoo but a the zoo is not that way great watch B they're not going to you just walk in there and milk it that my dear noodle so I we're very lucky the little orange we find this is that it's going to put him to sleep what is it oh my gosh it's called a big night out a single chocolate that perfectly mimics a night on the town the next wine followed by Red it's quicking that's when the singing and dancing starts oh my god do you get a hangover after two we'll get emotional oh no he might do something W give it a c what up could it do finally some old pork from the back of the cupboard wow a whole night out in like a minute good evening Miss Abigail Abigail whoa easy now I brought aaia Min who giraffes are just crazy about my aaia imens love more than anything else except being scratch into the chin you see a if my colleague here gives you a good scratch do you think you could possibly spare us a pine or two of your milk so have you done this before what in Africa magnificent Beast was she wild wild she was absolutely Furious you sure can't be silly Willie I suppose that's trudel noodle trudel that doesn't work does it nothing Rhymes in noodle where'd you get that name poodle doesn't matter don't stop scratching oh go on it's all I have for my real parents see and for noodle I always hoped that I'd find my parents I'm not going to let you rot in that Wash House forever he promise pinky promise and that's the most solemn vow there is MHM for a moment life does seem that giraffe looks so good he turns night to day but don't get carried away nood nood Apple SC some people don't and some people do singing this song will improve [Music] your is it in his hat the milk [Music] probably that's cool a I thought he said No Stealing he just stole the it's a victimless crime for toad oh boy Mr Walker word private if I may better get out of here Nole don't worry about me I've talked my way to tighter spots than this I'll meet you back at the car I got a message for you pal whoa wow do not sell chocolate and town can he hear you I have water in my ears oh yeah yeah okay that makes sense where have you been and why do you smell a giraffe how do you know how do you know what giraffe smells like I'm a chocolate maker plan is to sell chocolate and pay off Mr scrub it at least that was the plan until let me guess you had a little run in with the chief of police H you know how do you know that because I was slugworths accountant oh slugworth fickle grber and prodos have been in cahoots for years a sort of chocolate cartel if you will they've been watering down their CH like internet companies yeah deep beneath the cathedral guarded Around the Clock by a corrupt cleric and 500 chocaholic [Laughter] monks from now on I'll be keeping The Ledger in the fault very good sir uh-oh oh and Mr crunch yes you're fired I'm sorry Mr Wonker but they've got you right where they want you you can't get a shop without selling chocolate nope you don't need a shop to sell chocolate I don't know how we're going to sell any chocolate every time the police show up you'd have to vanish in the thin air like a magician mhm but it's one thing when you're on stage you have ropes and pulley and trap doors there's none of those on the street as a matter of fact there are oh hello they're called storm drains I'd be happy to show you around if you cut me in on the action if you're recruiting I do anything to get out of here and make up with my wife I don't have any practical skills but I can talk like a wonder and Communications I'm your woman what you speak now but if Mrs scrubb it catches you trying to escape you'll all get 6 months in the coupe so just think about that before getting involved in this hairbrain scheme come on woolly's chocolates are incredible try one that's very kind of you a risk I don't care how good his chocolates are tossing it across the wayel yeah when do we [Laughter] start not even two seconds yeah she barely had time to like chew it you have anything for a broken heart so the taxis never stop the girls think you're a flop you're wed and old you're getting old your confidence is shocked when people look at you they seem to look straight through or like you're something brown they found upon the bottom of their shoe have you been following me my giraffe milk [Music] macaroon uhoh please tell me there's some chocolate in the house I know I really want to eat chocolate right now put your hand into your pocket and get yourself some walk chocolate mad just one kiss yes please you've never had chocolate like this I hope money exchanged hands did good have you tried his new one no oh you got to have a go just just happens to be there that Mak you thees make you laugh all that you say and do all day will be [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] this guy's like Ethan Hunt have youate [Music] [Laughter] like the music in this movie is fantastic [Music] yeah dancing you ever had Chate like this [Music] wow oh no what his like Little Neck look how fatty oh my God I can't even uhoh it's the Oompa Loompa song oh tell me it's a [Music] trap yep called it gotcha devil let me out of here I demand to be released let me out of here you have absolutely no right to go around EMB bottling innocent strangers innocent hold on you've been stealing from me for years well you started it me allow me to refresh your memory in the form of a song so ruinously catchy that it may never leave your mind oh I don't think I want to hear that to L I've started dancing now started we can't [Music] stop oh no oh no would they just choke him it's in the and pinched the lot hey why did you say something well perhaps I drifted off day when I awoke they sent me away till I've paid my friends back a thousand wow how much has he so far four beans then I'm sure we can come to some sort of understanding but I can't give you my entire Supply I tell you what you let me out of here and we can discuss it like a gentleman all right no thank you now would you be so very kind as to pass me that um miniature frying pan going to hit him with it yeah there we are [Music] what what a good day sir that's my last jar I said good day dang he's like Oompa Loompa Batman so where is he ah but we got a fight you see he won hit me on the head with a frying pan and jumped out of the window Wonka so gullible you don't believe me do you honestly no but as it so happens we don't need to sell chocolate today why is that you know that shop the one you've been dreaming of what wow we made rent I thought they were going to use that money to like but they can scale up this is going to be the best chocolate shop the world has ever seen you won't be scrub scrubbing much longer noodle we'll all be free as free as flamingos they just have to learn to fly I'm happy to do whatever you guys want but it's going to cost you a lot more chocolate and also I'd be grateful for an advance cuz the last boxes you gave me they're gone 1,800 There You Go Chief plenty more where that came from like drugs they really are they really are drugs yeah that's it's the chocolate cartel the girl you don't really think it could be her do you no who you always assured us she wouldn't be a problem he's right you did aurus then she went be aurus I'll see to it oh pass her parents were important he's been sneaking out to sell chocolate with the help of your serving girl little BR well quite I wondered if you might help me put an end to their business this over Annunciation is so fun ladies and gentlemen greetings to you all and welcome to wonkers tremendous things are in store what in there humor me welcome to my Cave of Wonders clo your eyes and count to 10 make a wish now o Open oo a world of your own a a place es that's [Music] elaborate behind are they paying for all this where's the money we used to feel back when the magic was real Bracy [Music] unknown Advent it's a smaller version of his Chocolate Factory how much money did they save up this is crazy it's magic a his hair what uh Mr Wonker yes what's going on what's going on here oh my goodness that's impossible unless oh no what is it uh-oh Yeti sweat most powerful hair potion in the world I didn't put it in there who oh no it appears that the chocolates have been poisoned I one revenged well that was what the that was the moment we needed it was going too well oh yeah it was going so well this is what you get from the stashing my daughter D that was evil and that I believe is the end of Hon's chocolate shop did they do it Kirk how would they know what did Kirk what come on no you think he legitimately made a mistake no he didn't make a mistake but like how would they know to use Yeti sweat they're chocolate makers but they don't make chocolate like this they did it what if it was the OA Loompa no it was them what happened isn't it obvious the chocolate cartel come on Kirk keep up we've come to offer you a deal this is the precise amount you owe Mrs scrubb it this is for the number crunch of what the catch yeah you can't make chocolate in this town you could change her life change all their lives know what I have to do leave town ow them never return never make chocolate again no can do ah Mr Wonker your ticket at one way to the North Pole wow premium economy basically economy I yeah you get a little more leg room a complimentary packet of peanuts is he worth the extra I think it is Mr Wonka oh no what's all that mean is it going to kill him is this where the movie ends is this a dark ending no premium econom jeez well that's certainly more leg room oh not in [Laughter] [Music] premium look where storth shook my hand it's an a his name is Arthur slugworth it's probably a family ring yes but noodle has one just like it oh what did you put that together they talked about her the yeah I didn't even put that there's no time I got to get back Captain up I mean I don't know who her family is but she's clearly someone important and they want to keep her underr oh my God it's dynamite the explanation can wait he's ready Ana Luma is always ready oh crap Miss Bon bong yes Mr slug give the chief his chocolate goodness biggest part of the lot but this isn't to pay your bill is to keep you here oh gross I hate you you don't still think he's a lord do you we made made it up you stupid old tags she's she's lying uh-oh you're going in the coat marel and you take them dor off you you peasant Cy I love [Music] you how all the grown-ups just left her behind there was you're going to get out is it the giraffe oh hello noodle well why would the giraffe be there oh he could be riding a giraffe all I know for certain is that you won't be safe until slugworth is behind bars you said the cartel keep a record of all their Dirty deeds in the green ledger so if we can get a hold of that we can prove that they poison our chocolate the greedy beat the needy willly I guess that's why there's one other thing to do what's that change the world all right excuse me sir could you spare a piece of chocolate for a star of an orphan no I don't have any on me oh oh what a dick yes giraffe I guess you're right now as you all know it's Baron F Michel Hammer's funeral today so I don't want to see anyone eating chocolate we all know that one day we should be judged for our sins but it's not going to be today that's so corrupt you're going to get it now judged for your sins you bastard get everybody else save yourself judgment has come in the most unexpected fall God is punishing you with a giraffe you know what you've done Julius you've sold your soul for 30 pieces of chocolate that's a cool shot that was great hello Zoo quiet down you animals finally came in handy yeah I think we did lose a giraffe okay jeez I'll send the guys [Music] around she's still here oh forgive me I'm a sinner a weak and wicked chah [Applause] Hol yep everyone heard that ah the Cavalry are you the cleric who called about a giraffe what are they going to do we got to get down undergr thanks for all your hard work father Julius and the chocolate cartel oh that's nice [Music] everyone always just eats it right away I would save it those days in chemistry class with the happiest of my [Music] life slightly disappointing we're not getting a fight soon there's still time I guess that's true when they get out right yeah the Town Square was closed this morning after a bizarre incident at the city Cathedral delaying the funeral of not philanthropist Baron von schmeichel Hammer he Bears a striking resemblance to um I can't remember his name right now but the actor who played golum everything all right there Andy Circus Andy Circus at least it is now what do you mean by that oh we had a giraffe in here earlier had to clear the whole place for about 20 minutes but everything's back to normal Abacus said that it was here Abus has been in the was out for the past 4 years maybe all the scrubbing has gone to his head just all that's down here is just a bunch of stupid old chocolate oh this music is making me anxious I didn't know uh oh oh no Mr slugworth has one just like it don't you Mr slugworth as a matter of fact I do that belonged to my brother oh crap fell in love with a common little bookan died before they could marry leaving me sole heir to the family fortune about nine months later your mother turned up on my doorstep begging me to get a doctor for her sick little newborn I said I would help instead you put me down a laundry shoot byebye what a twisted evil man you saw the yeah thought it was an n and called me noodle but it wasn't it was Z oh when your mother returned I told her you had died she was heartbroken of course I gave her a handful of sovereigns and had her escorted from my property what was her name where is she now Dorothy Smith it says so right here Dorothy well what do you know I guess you did teach me to read after all oh that's right we'll take that thank you how much chocolate do you have at your factory Mr fickle for what to drown them death by chocolate why would you do that what a waste that's Supply I know going to contaminate it the Oompa Loompa is going to come and save them Mr Wonka what would you like us to do I was wondering if you could give this to someone only if you happen to see him and who is it little orange hey you're right about 8 in high with orange skin and bright green hair I ow a jar of chocolates you see well I think these might be the best I ever made ooh in that case I'll make sure he gets them personally that was an interesting cut farewell Mr Wonka urchin what are they it was a bit of a close shave this morning and I was wondering if perhaps we could rethink our Arrangement oh oh that's the flying one isn't it no the flying one looks different it opens up Wonka might be as as knew how to make cholate they are you but do you think we should have saved some for the man I res that I don't annunciate that well deep breath now no you mustn't let yourself get so worked up it's just a bit of chocolate correction it was actually my chocolate we've been saved by who I don't know the little orange man look what the little orange [Applause] man oh my oh my God Jo thank goodness you're okay can't God damn officer would you kindly take a look at this Wonka it details everything every single illegal payment these men have ever made thousands of them aable don't listen to her she's lying nope gentleman you're under arrest run that's okay give one second who a how I told you ah but they looked different we'll get the best lawyers briide the judge rig the jury if we have to we'll be fine I wish I had thought of that hey noodle oh my god oh the plumber oh my God literally a chocolate [Music] fountain oh oh it's a Golden [Music] Ticket how does it feel Willie is it as good as you remember every little bit wish he could last forever do you know how many people in the city are named D Smith 106 and likely you have a friend who works at the telephone exchange oh my gosh she spent the entire afternoon ringing around oh no you found my mom she works in the library oh what a surprise she lives come on that's crazy thankfully it's she's obsessed with books and reading that's it's weird how that happens in real life too that kind of thing simp at [Music] them I'm not going anywhere Wily woner not until you've paid your debt now I know you tried Lumpa Lord is very clear on this subject until time as the chocolate is physically in my hat I'm going to share my chocolate with the world I'm going to need more than a shop I'm sure you will I'm going to need a factory well good luck with that and to head the tasting Department the tasting Department come with me all right and you'll be where in a world of pure imagin it's a ruined cost day dreamers welcome he looks like the villain from Shrek oh Lord farquad wow I comp imin you'll be free if you was [Music] oh [Music] magical what the Wonka song again a Oompa [Music] Loa I've a bonus crunch return to his to her friend belt to half phones Brave Larry made a triumphant comeb back one day his ex-wife saw the ACT laughed a lot and took him back now's job I be big old ass in the country L did you C they've gone down uh oh open up quick oh my gosh oh just a second officer Poli oh my God they're going to be like super hairy wow how can we help you officer you two are coming with me what was their plan they just tried to get rid of the evidence by eating it by drinking it okay that was a nearly perfect movie so cute that was like it was so so good my face hurts from just smiling throughout it's so delightful yeah I really liked it a lot I have three complaints in total I didn't care about the comedian oh yeah some of his his friend characters weren't really you know yeah I guess that's a general no but like I liked the old white guy with the who looks like the Pops from American Pie Oh the accountant yeah the accountant I thought he was cool I liked him I didn't like the mom at the very end like her acting when she reunites with her mom I don't know if that was by Design but I wanted to feel like I wanted to cry yeah me too and I was like that's cool and then the CGI on um Hugh Grant was all right okay but Hugh Grant was amazing H Grant's Charming like he's he's hug Grant he's just so good at what he does those things aside it was just a beautiful movie and you don't get films like this very often I would love to see this as a like a musical I obviously I mean it is a musical movie but like it just feels like something you would go to the theater to watch you got Charlie in the Chocolate Factory and that movie still stands the test of time a lot of these films stand the test of time because they were made in a particular way that just feels kind of somehow Immortal this film did such a great job that 20 years from now you can still watch this film just the style of it all it feels very classic Timeless yeah very much so it's like you know with those beautiful set pieces and like the songs and the dancing and just how Whimsical it is and it's really fun as well like I was surprised that it was like a full-on musical obviously I'm like okay yeah that totally makes sense I didn't realize that there would be so many songs I'm not a musical person and I like the songs in this yeah they were so much fun and I particularly loved how they brought back some of the songs from from the movie with genan wilder the Umba lumba theme Pure Imagination and scrub scrub was fun it was just so nice just kind of all the the nods to the things that we love but then also it being its own original thing and seeing his mother's gift to him the golden ticket was such a cool call back cuz like that's the whole thing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory right and so yeah it was just so magical and Whimsical and sweet she was so well ahead of her time cuz she understood the power of preservatives I know I was like dude how long has it been and you're eating this chocolate and it's still good like I mean you're watching a movie where chocolate is a currency and so not that it's not in real life but you're watching a film where chocolate is literally a currency so I I think you can buy into the possibility that the chocolate in his pocket lasted 20 years or whatever sure yeah I mean there there were so many things happening in this movie that just defy logic and so why not that chocolate never goes bad the acting on Timothy Shalom was remarkable I thought he was so so good I'm just like dude like how are you this talented this is crazy town like I only learn who you were like a few years ago so much talent you know what I mean like and it's it's also refreshing to see him in this kind of role for me because like I haven't watched him too many times and as soon as I think of him I just think of Dune right well cuz right now that's the thing he's most known for I think of Dune and I think call me by your name yeah he's also an Interstellar that was like one of his earlier roles yeah he was the kid in interstellar oh the brother the younger version of Casey Affleck he has a whole thing about it you know he was so excited to see himself in the film and during the recording he made it was mostly just his voice while what's his name crying oh Matthew M Matthew MC was just crying and it was just like ah this is my big break why am I not even in the movie here this is my voice I just thought he did such a a fantastic job with the whole package of being this person being that Charming being fun singing I don't know if that's his actual voice it sounds like it was probably his voice like he was doing so much I can't tell the difference between like amazing singing and decent singing like cuz I'm not audibly equipped like that but I thought he did a great job yeah I mean I would say as far as I mean this is coming from my opinion right and and I'm not a hardcore musical person but I thought his singing was decent like I would categorize him as um an actor who can sing and dance yeah all the movement was great the movement was great the choreography was really fun a lot of the stuff at least that he was doing wasn't anything like too crazy you know it's not like he was doing Aerials and stuff like they had proper dancers and stuff doing the more elaborate stuff but yes he was giving it all I liked it I like this giraffe scene when he was dancing with his coat and stuff like that I thought that was C yeah that was really cute like it was it was just like really well thought out makes you feel just so magical and like I love the stuff that they had in the chocolate shop it was so cool that the first guy he brings in is this old guy I think it really speaks to how through this movie and like also the the character of the old guy it's like you're finding your inner child just being a kid again and enjoying all of those things that as an adult you know we kind of forget that you know you can actually still have fun and still be in awe of magic it's amazing how a movie about chocolate is not sacran it doesn't go too far it's just a wholesome film it's got a lot going on with all these different characters I feel like the acting isn't perfect across the board no but he did such a great job Keegan Michael Key also did a great job I forgot he's in this movie Rowan tinson yeah also like small role but I liked him as well and I think that was um I think that was Matt Lucas as well from from Little Britain the bad guy that made you laugh a lot the Bold one I thought the trio of them were great they were ftic they were well casted it's an interesting fine line because you could easily go you know just a step too far and now you're overacting it's in that perfect goldilock Zone where it's like a character it's not real but it's not too far it's like just right kind of like a a stage performance but dialed back a little bit so it's just enough for film because cuz if you do full on stagey it's going to feel like that but this felt like it was just pitch perfect for it being like a musical but in in a film the lady who played the hotel owner Olivia Coleman she was awesome she's always awesome yeah no I when I love her when I watched her in the show that she'll not be named mainly because I can't remember it the invasions or secret Invasion thank you she was my favorite part of that show the favorite I loved her in that every time I've seen her she's very strong so amazing yeah she must have had a lot of fun in this role because she had a whole thing you know what I'm saying she fully commits to every single character that she does you know even though you hate her character and and her male counterpart there's still something like fun and Charming about them yeah you know and that's very Ro doll as well even though characters are kind of really awful there's still something about them that makes them entertaining like Mrs Trunchbull terrible terrible she's so bad and you just root for Matilda I'm not familiar with this director Paul King space force I've seen oh Little Britain and the mighty Bo I love that show okay I think it takes a very Visionary director to like see this thing through it's like such a finely crafted film I was looking for Flaws and I couldn't find any cuz I'm watching how it's all put together it felt like he had a really clear road map you know what I mean from every shot every edit every move everything was so thoughtful in a way that you don't see very often I feel like this movie was kind of written off early on like we didn't ask for this like Toy Story 4 right you know but like you get there and it's like this is like one of those things that to me is just undeniable if you don't like this movie something's wrong with you like this is just a great film well there arees people that don't like I don't understand why like I don't understand what you could not like about it like what are you expecting if you don't like this what what are you expecting exactly you're dead inside I guess for some people what you deem as sacran is just in the eye of the beholder sure but for for me as someone who is very averse to things that are too sacran I found it quite enjoyable I'm honestly surprised I did want to watch this with you I wanted to share it with you for me this is something that I was very excited about because growing up I said like um R doll was one of my favorite authors and it's just such a massive part of of my childhood because I loved the worlds that he conjured up and these amazing characters and the stories that were just centered around children and you just always felt like something crazy but cool and just Whimsical and magical could happen at any time like all your dreams could come true and he was such a talented writer for children I just feel like this movie encapsulated all of those things really well and all of the things that are Willie Wonka's character that you know we've come to know and love in later iterations of like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when he's like a grown up and everything you see the start of all of that here which is great I was waiting for the other shoe to drop or I thought you were going to say something negative about no not at all I'm like I I enjoyed this and I kind of wish that like Warner Brothers would make Wonka land they I think they are going to I want to go there when I was watching the stuff in the shop I was like how do you you can't do this in real life and it be satisfying to anybody like you're not going to be able to eat anything you know what I mean I want to eat the flowers I want to like put a cup in the chocolate River and just like drink chocolate and hopefully like not fall in it and have some disastrous things happen to me like in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the part where the hero loses it all moment you know like the Sid field structure of screenplay writing I could see that coming from a mile away it's like that kind of has to happen in the movie like it can't just be on this you know cheer s the entire time yeah I mean I think the Beats were definitely predictable right you know what's going to happen you know like okay except I wasn't fully aware that it was the bad guys who were putting the the sabotaging the chocolate I was like oh my God I'm shocked but like obviously all of these things had to happen and so there's no big surprises but I think the world is so fun and the characters are so much fun that we're like just along for the ride so I the one thing I I feel like could inform or incentivize people to have like a negative perception of the film is just the corporate tocy of everything you know how it's like it's based on a this pre-existing thing that was already popular and so companies are always trying to find the IP that they could milk for more money however that said while there are movies out there that are spin-offs from an already existing successful IP a lot of those end up just feeling like a cash grab and it's like at the end of the day everything's a cash grab right if you think about it everything is about making money it's that does it sweep you off your feet so to speak does it whisk you into another place so that feels magical and feels like it was crafted does it feel artistic while I recognize everything's about making money either something feels artistic or it doesn't either something feels nice or it doesn't you know you have something like morous and it's like you know what I mean versus versus this it's like this feels like it was beautifully done a lot of thought and care and love was put into this because Paul King also wrote this directed this and so he one of the writers but yes yeah it was his vision that was really coming to life as to how he wanted to portray this character and this world cuz like it feels like it's maybe a little bit familiar but then also just like completely wild you know like certain places and stuff I was like oh yeah that kind of looks like you know Cent Garden maybe or like somewhere in in London but this looks completely Fantastical the Disney Live actions I think is a better example than morbius but like morbius is like from the Spider-Man universe right the Disney Live Action films they're literally just trying to like borrow from this pre-existing IP and make more money off of it but they're not really taking it anywhere interesting exactly they're not doing anything original in a way that is compelling is really meaningful I mean I guess they try to with things like Maleficent or or with a Cruella you know cuz it's not just repeating the same story but in live action whereas this is like you know R Dal is dead I'm imagining didn't write this story but it is based on his characters but somehow it feels like this would make sense this feels in line with what he might write and that's hard to do yeah I very much appreciate this film they saw like the rating here in IMDb has like a s out of 10 or something that's pretty high for IMDb to be fair well I saw a film The other day that had a 8 point something out of 10 that I did not like as much so I liked it quite a bit and really I hope you well if you guys are watching this obviously you likeed it too unless they're just expecting me to be like mjin S I know it's surprising isn't it when jaby actually really enjoy something I just thought it was so magical you know what it is it's also that thing where I feel like kids don't get movies like we used to get movies when we were kids like the sand lot the Mighty Ducks and all that stuff like we used to get films that were like for us the PG range you know what I mean and they were awesome Angels in the Outfield you know like there was all these films that were made for for when I was like 10 years old it's so cool when you see something like this on this scale that's made for that demographic again I think it's really cool you know and it's not based on a book it is B kind of but not really yeah it's based on it is based on onp but it it's still it's like original in its own way you know yeah and I think that's what was really drawing me to it as well because it's like yeah I'm familiar with the book I'm familiar with the character or or rather the books cuz there's also um Charlie in the uh Great Glass Elevator which is like the sequel it's fun to kind of see a prequel that makes sense yeah the note that I want to end this on to Circle back to that corporatocracy thing right yeah it's like is it lazy or not is it a lazy piece of Storytelling or not is it thoughtful or is it lazy and this is definitely in my opinion thoughtful yeah thoughtful and made with a lot of love I feel exactly yeah so cool you guys thanks so much I'm jebby koi this is achara cook peace out
Channel: CinePals
Views: 56,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _XK5DKjpH-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 2sec (3662 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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