WONKA: The EVIL Oompa Loompa Theory

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ladies and gentlemen greetings to you all  my name is Willie Wonka so the biggest box   office success of the winter holiday season was  the film musical Wonka starring Timothy shalam   and directed by Paul King of the Paddington  series build as a prequel to The 1971 Gene   Wilder film and inspired by the book by R doll  Wonka grossed half a billion dollars worldwide   and has met with pretty widespread acclaim  for its goofy songs unabashed silliness and   Charming casting however I and many others were  dissatisfied with Wonka because of one critique   which I think anyone who saw it would find  objectively valid which is that while Wonka   succeeded as a harmless all ages kids movie  it failed to deliver on its premise as an   origin story contrary to the film's tagline  you never really discover how Willie became   Wonka sure by the time that the movie is over  shalam has opened a factory metan NOA Loompa   and a sunare imagination but the audience  doesn't really have a sense of how [Music] this becomes this please I beg you Augustine  we're going too fast we're going to f suspense   is terrible going to go I hope it'll laugh  but I suppose that wasn't exactly the point   of the picture wanka 2023 was meant to show  the unexplored sides of the character his   early years of Joyful giddiness and naive before  he became a weird washed and sterilized this is   an awkward texos that is even acknowledged  by the film's cast cuz I had that thought   too finishing the script he's such a joyful  character we don't really get the seeds of   his lose that quality so something happens I'm  curious about it I don't I don't know if Paul   knows could be anything it could be anything it  yeah it could go in so many different directions   except here's the thing Keegan I actually figured  out exactly how Wonka goes insane because if you   look over Wonka 2023 and logically examine it  you'll realize that Paul King and screenwriter   Simon farnaby haven't set up thousands of  different directions that can go there's   only one and this film which builds itself as  a goofy kids movie is actually the most dark   deranged and disturbing one Wonka movie of the  all see despite its sweet exterior Wonka 2023   is hiding a secret one that when revealed  unravels this children's musical into DED   Twisted psychological nightmare since I  believe the True Villain of Wonka 2023   isn't the Crooked inkeeper Mrs scrubb played by  Olivia Coleman her partner bleacher the corrupt   father Julius or even the dastardly chocolate  cartel no it's someone so despicable and obvious   you too won't believe you realized it sooner  the real villain of Wonka 2023 the Insidious   Mastermind behind Wonka's candy madness has  to be lofty the Oompa Loompa played by Hugh Grant now you're probably thinking how how could  this silly gag character played by the former lead   actor from About a Boy possibly be some sort of  diabolical Puppet Master Hugh Grant has had a late   career turn playing conmen in movies and having  him be this sort of stealth villain would actually   explain some of the film's odd Loose Ends like in  Wonka 2023 how come Wonka is the one that knows   all about making candy but the Oompa Loompa is  the shrewd one doing all of the cunning trickery   has to pass me that miniature cying pan that's  it closer closer closer come on on up there we   are what how does the Oompa Loompa knows some of  Wilder Wonka's most iconic catchphrases good day   sir good day sir that's my last job I said good  day unless he was the one who pioneered them why   wasn't lofty the oompaloompa physically present  when the golden ticket winners T the factory   unless he wanted to disappear appear and what  was the cause of the mysterious death of Wonka's   mother played by Sally Hawkins and was it in fact  a case of what or who see while making this Theory   I Unearthed an unspeakable conspiracy that laid  in between this musical sugary set pieces and   sacran tunes and although this may seem like  I'm just trying to string together some silly   coincidences I'm going to give you a warning this  video gets dark real real dark and a lot of people   like this new movie for how cute and innocent it  is and I don't want to ruin that for you because   if you watch this video all the way to the end  I guarantee you will never think about the 2023   Wonka movie the same way again so the question  for you viewer is are you prepared for a theory   so ruinously convincing that it may never leave  your mind oh I don't think I want to hear that   Oompa Loompa I'm Rhino stew and I have a little  theory for you oompa looma dup D this [Music] is [Music] now if I'm going to prove this hypothesis  Beyond a doubt I ask that you bear with me a   little because we're going to have to get into  some nuts and bolts for this to make sense   traditionally each iteration of Charlie in the  Chocolate Factory has taking place in a separate   continuity from each other you had the book The  1971 Gene Wilder movie and the 2005 Johnny Depp   one because the 71 version took a lot of Liberties  the fan consensus has been that the book SL Burton   are their own Cannon and the Burton is treated  more as a remake of the book this new movie is   clearly positioned to be aligned with the 71 film  since it contains Pure Imagination which is a song   only present in that version and although shalom's  upbe characterization has the most in common with   the whizbang portrayal of book Wonka there is one  key contradiction that prevents it from actually   connecting to him and that contradiction has to  do with one of the most key elements of walor that   this movie has now irrevocably altered this film  completely changes how Wonka met the Oompa loomas   and if you like me saw Wonka 2023 in theaters and  had that detail complet completely gloss over you   allow me to refresh your memory oh I don't think  I want so despite the various fluctuations in the   adaptations of Charlie in the Chocolate Factory  there is one moment that happens near verbatim   in all three and it is this exchange between  Wonka and the guests about the origin of the   Oompa Loompas in the chocolate room Loompa land  there's no such place excuse me Mr Wonka I am a   teacher of geography oh well then you know all  about it believe it or not this bit of dialogue   about being a geographer teacher is in every  Wonka version except it's actually spoken by   a different parent in each one Mr Wonka cried Mrs  salt I am a teacher of geography I am a teacher of   geography Mr woner I teach High School geography  and I'm here to tell well then you'll know all   about it and know what Terri and this is because  the book version is the only one where each kid   Sans Charlie gets to tour the factory with both  their parents the original film changed to one   to better streamline the story this follow suit  in the 2005 version except that Violet and Mike   TV's parents are switched this means there has yet  to be a liveaction adaptation Where Mrs salt or Mr   gloop get to enter the factory but what this  really means is that the previously canonical   Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Narrative of  Wonka meeting the leader of the Oompa Loompas   in a treehouse in Loompa land over a meal of  caterpillars established by doll is now void   because in this prequel Wonka doesn't meet his  first Oompa Loompa in Loompa land he meets him   at his hotel room at scrubbed and bleachers that  I am a perfectly respectable size for an OA Lumpa   NOA what now and it's not the leader of the Oompa  loomas he encounters it's this guy named lofty   they call me lofty technically it's revealed at  the end that he has a different name and in the   script he is just called oal but for the sake  of this video I will address him as lofty so   lofty's existence retcons The Source material  which jeopardizes his status in the cannon and   risks him being categorized among the dreaded  non-canonical Oompa loomas alongside the ones   from Epic movie and toughy from Tom and Jerry  Wonka but in the 71 movie this first encounter   is not explicitly stated so lofty is canonical  provide you disregard the original book and   Burton film or if you so choose regard Wonka's  recollection of events as testimony and not a   pure representation of facts which is why for  the sake of this Theory we will not be treating   these as definitive sources but will on occasion  reference them as guides aside from this conflict   there are several other connections anchoring him  to the original Wilder film lofty has orange skin   green hair and white eyebrows which are traits  that genetically align with wilder Oompa Loompas   he also sings the original Oompa Loompa Melodies  and rhyme schemes as opposed to the doll and   Burton ones and he plays the signature Wonka Oompa  Loompa tun on his flute however lofty has several   anomalous differences from any Oompa Loompa that  has been introduced so far for one thing he is   conversational he doesn't seem to be a working  class or a labor oom Loompa and the reason he has   a grudge with Wonka is because you stole our cocoa  beans Wonka stole all the cocoa beans in Loompa   land so looma land's inhospitable climate that is  not conducive to Cocoa Bean growth is something   that has been established among all versions but  this whole bean stealing thing is a totally new   development for Wonka who is portrayed in this  version as something of an airhead now there's   no official age for William in this film we do  know that the actor playing the child version   of Wonka was 11 and that he went on to spend 7  years traveling the globe studying chocolate and   that this cocoa bean theft happened 3 years before  he landed meaning we can trace Wonka's final age   to be anywhere from 18 to 22 and that this Bean  theft occurred between ages 15 to 19 which means   Wonka was a teenager and ironically makes him the  first true victim of a vengeful Oompa Loompa song   a song so ruinously catchy that it may never leave  your mind oh I don't think so we've now concluded   that this prequel is indeed functional provided  you go directly to Wilder and ignore the books   but it does raise two important questions who  exactly is lofty and where the hell did he [Music] go lofty is a weird character in the prequel  and despite his star billing and stunt casting   is a fairly minor character who shows up halfway  through the film and doesn't do much for the plot   the first mention of his existence happens at  around the 37 minute Mark when Wonka describes   a little orange man what the little orange man  I didn't tell you about him about Yi comes in   the dead of the night and he steals all all my  chocolate now an amateur theorist who hasn't seen   the film may say does that make him a figment  of Wonka's imagination like Tyler deren except   that's exactly what noodle says what other  explanation is there I don't know that's you   go to sleep Dream by Little Green Man and while  you're dreaming stuff your face with chocolate   so let's up our game here a bit because this film  now dramatizes a vital moment in the Wilder Canon   lore and it's his first encounter with anumba  looma anba what now now although introduced as   a cocoa bean guard this position May in fact  be part-time or voluntary and he can somehow   afford to be exiled in a tiny Loompa sized  speedboat he has luxurious accommodations   he's far wealthier than any Oompa Loompa we've  seen in any other version and judging by his   cunning and negotiating ability I'm not going to  let you out of my sight with wer not till you've   paid your debt there is a high possibility that  lofty May in fact be a an Oompa Loompa Financial   broker who is set to get his debt paid back  which is a perfect compliment to Wonka as a   partner since Wonka is clearly a Rube with a huge  lack of financial Acumen he even makes the classic   Shark Tank mistake of trying to get into retail  first instead of distribution there's a cost to   set that up whereas lofty demonstrates the most  important aspect of any successful boss getting   people to do his work for him this gets into  one of the subtler character Dynamics in the   prequel Wonka wants to be a magician but since he  grew up isolated on a boat with his mother he can   do illusions but he doesn't really know people  or his audience lofty is the opposite please   don't tell me you're going to go through with  this ridiculous deal I have to you should stand   up to those buddhis give them the old one too  he's shrewd and knows people and knows how to   get what he wants still from anpa LOA we take  back a thousandfold making him ideal for the   Cutthroat world of mergers and Acquisitions and  unlike Wonka who barely gets across the whole   film lofty can have a pardon my phrase short  temper and does seem to almost embody Wonka's   Shadow you should stand up to those buddhis give  them the old one too that's what analo would do   in truth there's not too much we can deduce about  this character but we can be certain of two things   he likes chocolate and out of everyone introduced  in the so-called prequel he's the only one left   in Wonka's life at the end because everyone  else is sung off in the ending section in the credits and that fact is what what changes everything for those of you who didn't watch  it here is a brief summary of the events of   Wonka 2023 after 7 years of studying chocolate a  young Willy Wonka lands in the big city to pursue   his and his mother's dream of opening a chocolate  shop at a high-end Food Market called The Gallery   Gourmet the chocolate section of the gallery is  overseen by three different R chocolateers Pros   fickle grber and slugworth names that should  be familiar to fans of the story as they have   appeared in various retellings of Charlie and  the Chocolate Factory Wonka greets them and   demonstrates his new confection an insect based  candy that makes the consumer fly called hover   chalks after getting kicked out of the gallery  Gourmet Wonka learns that the three are in fact   running an illegal chocolate cartel watering  down their inventory and bribing officials   in order to maintain their control on the city's  chocolate Supply Wonka gets tricked and forced to   work in a fraudulent in/ laundromat and teams  up with his fellow trapped residents and new   friend noodle who decide to start an underground  chocolate Network as a means to raise funds to   escape after a series of ups and downs Wonka  infiltrates the cartel's headquarters to find   evidence of their corruption and discovers that  noodle is actually the true heir to the slugworth   fortune only to get caught and left to drown  in a giant vat of chocolate Wonka and noodle   are then rescued by the little orange man look  what the little orange man make the little orange man after escaping Wonka hands The Ledger  over to the authorities thwarting the   chocolate cartel for good reuniting noodle  with her long lost mother and then invites   lofty to come work with him as a  taste tester in his newly opened Factory now although this may seem like a a hunky  dory happy ending it sets up a massive plot hole   which is if slugworth and the chocolate cartel  get arrested who was responsible for making Wonka   paranoid and insane since the book in Wilder movie  established that what made Wonka withdraw from the   world were the spies trying to steal his chocolate  all the other chocolate makers in the world were   sending in spies dressed as workers to steal Mr  Wonka's secret recipes especially slugworth oh   that slugworth he was the worst who have now been  publicly caught arrested and are behind bars and   if they're really going to just alter the story  this much with no solid way to connect to the   original then that would make this movie a prequel  reboot or preboot but clearly Warner Brothers   would never hide the fact that this film was just  a reboot because they already had a hard enough   time hiding that this was a musical and it would  look really bad from a publicity point for them to   admit that so if it's not a reboot this has to  lead directly to this but it can't because the   cartel got arrested and you could say well they  probably just Bri their way out and reestablish   themselves after their sentencing except they  couldn't because there's no way Charlie Bucket   wouldn't know that that man isn't actually Arthur  slugworth and no it's not because of race Rec   casting it's because this Arthur slugworth and  that Arthur slugworth aren't the same person this   slugworth is actually meet Mr Wilkinson pleasure  slugworth no no that's not slugworth he works for   me Mr Wilkinson a spy that will be hired by Wonka  to pretend to be slugworth who was just used as a   way to test Charlie Bucket to see if he was worthy  of inheriting the factory and you could say well   this could just be a case of in this universe this  slugworth could be a body double of the real one   but then I tell you to slowed down because you're  getting into John Woo face off territory there is   is a much simpler explanation for all of this  and it's that after the movie Wonka chocolate   takes control of the slugworth corporation  and indeed the entire chocolate [Music] cartel hey noodle at the end of Wonka 2023 slugworth pronos  and fickle grber fly off into the sunset it's   assumed that the cartel must regroup in order to  be present in the original film but it makes far   more sense to have Wonka's corporate arm acquire  slugworth sweets and the rest of the cartel this   means installing a new puppet slugworth at the  head of the company so once Arthur slugworth   the first is removed a new CEO is installed who  for legal reasons is also named Arthur slugworth   and if you think having two characters both named  Arthur slugworth despite no familial relationship   is weird remember this is a franchise that  now has things as ridiculous as giraffe milk   macaroons and characters named zeep belonged to my  brother zeep and to reiterate he's not actually Mr   slugworth he's Mr Wilkinson and the whole point of  placing him there is to operate as shell companies   and control the entire chocolate Market while  circumventing anti-competitive Clauses which   means Wonka chocolate actually owns all of  these Brands and maintains a shadow Monopoly   on the entire candy industry and that plan is  in fact pure genius which means Wonka couldn't   have been the one to come up with that because  although the Wonka we meet in the prequel film   is a whiz of chocolate and Contraptions he has  ter terrible business sense and is awful with   money the only one shrewd enough to come up  with this plan is lofty and if lofty is the   one making all of the business and financial  decisions this raises a question that changes everything now fair warning this is a checkpoint  from when there's no turning back where we open   ideas that will not just forever alter your  perceptions of Wonka 2023 but also the classic   197 won Willy won in the Chocolate Factory and if  you want to just leave that movie untainted The   Way It Is I'd stop now but if you actually  want this movie to make sense as a prequel   all you have to do is entertain a simple  question because this movie actually brings   a new possibility that can change the entire  history of Wonka theorizing and that question is snowberries whoever heard of a snowberry We  Are The Music Makers and we are the dreamers   of Dreams one of the most defining traits  about Wonka is his enigmatic genius both   through his candy and IR approachable  sness and while this new film shows   him as an illiterate clutz it presents  as a shocking rhetoric possibility what   if Wonka never stopped being a Rube what if  this Suave Mercurial trickster is actually   acting as a puppet with no will of his own a  broken shell of a man taking orders from an   unseen force and all of these quirks are the  result of some sort of Theon grey Joy likee brainwashing a fool playing the part of a  genius this explains his erratic behavior   and mood shifts just like Mr Wilkinson Wonka is  also just an act someone who seems to be the man   behind the curtain but is in fact just another  pawn and nothing he says can be taken as truth   take for example his whole spiel about Loompa land  nothing but desolate wastes and fierce beasts so   I said come and live with me in peace and safety  away from all the Wang Doodles and Horn swaglers   and snaz wangers and Rock vermicious kids this  moment is interesting because you could take   Wonka's word for it and assume that the snos  wangers and vermicious kids he's referring to   are real since they appear in the Great Glass  Elevator but honestly after watching the 2023   film I'm actually starting to think that he's  lying because it's been over 50 years since the   first movie and we have still yet to see one on  screen so in this film continuity I don't think   for Miss kids exist in fact Wonka's description  of Loompa land as nothing but desolate wastes   and fierce beasts completely contradicts the  tropical setting we see in the film as lofty even says why why is Wonka lying about Loompa land  and most importantly why would he leave out   the detail about the Oompa Loompa who  saved his life what is he trying to hide at some point Willy Wonka used human  labor and then sealed the factory off meaning   nobody ever goes in and nobody ever comes out the  factory then reopens but the gates are locked and   it's revealed during its first private tour that  the laborers are these little orange men called   Oompa Loompas OAS except we've now established  that Wonka was aware of the Ooma loomas prior   to him opening the factory so his offer to come  and live with me in peace and safety doesn't make   sense because he hadn't built it yet we see in the  prequel that the chocolate River and Candy Garden   were part of the original Factory blueprint and  its existence was not known to the outside world   meaning Wonka had to have built a fake front to  the factory and hired workers only to fire them   under the pretensive factory leaks to maintain  the illusion of the existence of the chocolate   cartel the Oompa loomas were making chocolate in  the factory the whole time because lofty realized   that partnering with Wonka would strategically  position the cocoa bean deprived Loompas in charge   of the entire world's supply of chocolate because  here's the real twist that this prequel reveals   the Oompa Loompas never actually left Loompa land  sure Wonka says all the Oompa Loompas now live in   his Factory and so so in the greatest of secrecy I  transported the entire population of Oompa Loompas   to my factory here but this is all his claim  clearly this prequel establishes Loompa land as   its own autonomous civilization with functioning  speedboats traveling luggage and a governing body   similar to that of the Holy say the only thing  they don't have is their favorite thing chocolate   why would they needlessly give up living in dear  Loompa land when the real answer is so OB vious   you won't believe you didn't think of it sooner  what if the real point of the factory was to   build a secret chocolate distribution line direct  to Loompa land why transfer the whole population   when clearly the smart thing to do is have a  remote group of Loompas reside and work in the   factory and send products direct to their Homeland  this created the need for secrecy in maintaining   an all Oompa Loompa Workforce because if there  were humans working at the factory they would   get suspicious wondering where a vast majority of  their chocolate Supply is going hence why fellow   scrub at laundromat victim and former slugworth  accountant Abacus crunch is sent home and not   hired to work at the factory because he would be a  total snitch that's right capitalism is just a red   herring for the past 50 years we've been given the  runaround the Oompa Loompas aren't slaves they're   exactly where they want to be They don't serve us  our mindless consumerism is actually serving them   way do because Wonka isn't controlling the Oompa  loomas an Oompa Loompa is controlling Wonka and   this is all part of lofty's master plan so goes a  good deed in a weary world at the end of the 2023   prequel Wonka says thank you for saving my life  and in doing so lofty the OA Loompa realizes he   simultaneously has a genius and a fool under  his thumb and the opportunity of a lifetime   now all he has to do in order to make himself the  ruler of Loompa land and pay back all those who   doubted him is build the chocolate Pipeline and  take control of the operation he wouldn't even   have to do any of the work he just has to get  that chocolate making sap to do all the heavy   lifting and then once he looks like he's about to  burn out he just have to replace him with someone   equally as enthusiastic witless and obedient  hence the Wonka weep steti contest Gobstopper   trial and why Charlie Bucket a randomly selected  child with no candy making Acumen whatsoever is   chosen to be the ideal successor but Wonka is  an idealist and beholden to his principles he   wants to share his chocolate with the world and  wouldn't cooperate in such unscrupulous tactics   which means in order for this plan to work  he would have to break him and I think I know   exactly how it happened lofty you're really going  to return home but the factory is almost ready to   WILLY: Lofty! You’re really going to return home? But The factory is almost ready to open and I have so much time and so little to- LOFTY: Yes yes william. I am well aware. But you know that little logistics stumbling block we’ve been running into? LOFTY :Well my boys managed to figure out a direct passageway from the nerve center to the inventing room! LOFTY: Do you like it? We've been calling it "The Wonkatania"!  WONKA: What a marvelous vessel! Lofty you’ve outdone yourself. LOFTY: How would you like to be a passenger on her maiden voyage? WILLY: Why I would be scrum-diddly-ited! WILLY: Are we ready, set, yes, goo LOFTY: On we go... WILLY: Wow gosh, I never thought I would live  to see this! paddling my own boat down my   WILLY: own chocolate River! Oh it's almost like- LOFTY: A Dream? Can't blame you. You were raised on a boat weren't you Wonka? WILLY: Yeah! Just my mother  and me, in a little world of our own. LOFTY: Just the two of you? WILLY: If only she could still be here. To see me finally open my factory and share my chocolate with the world! LOFTY: Uh... about that. I'm afraid there have been some complications with the opening. WILLY: Complications? LOFTY: Perhaps we should discuss them over some Silver Linings? LOFTY: You know, those chocolates you make LOFTY: That always help you see a ray of hope beyond the shadow of despair? WILLY: Absolutely! *munch* *munch* say that tunnel up ahead looks ... dark. LOFTY: We're working on getting some lights installed. WILLY: What’s… what’s this all about Lofty? LOFTY: have you reconsidered my proposal  for the Loompaland Pipeline project? WILLY: Uh.... LOFTY: You've been awfully silent on the matter... almost like you wouldn't comply WILLY: You know I can’t do it. This factory could provide jobs for so many people WILLY: I can't just close it off and hire  Oompa Loompas! That would be- LOFTY: Immoral? Reprehensible? Wonka it would be the best decision you made in your life WILLY: But I want to share my chocolate with the world! Not just give half of it to a bunch of Oompa loomas LOFTY: With our help, you could make enough chocolate to feed the world and Loompaland four times over! WILLY: but if we start using oompa loompas and slugworth finds out...  LOFTY: Slugworth won't be finding out. Nor the rest of the cartel. WILLY: How do you know that? LOFTY: Well, let's say that each of them had an unfortunate accident. LOFTY: In which they died. WILLY: Lofty, you... you didn't. LOFTY: I have already made the arrangements to acquire control of Prodnose, Ficklegruber and Slugworth Incorporate LOFTY: Why have Competition when you can be the Competition? LOFTY: You can even employ  humans in those branches to work and sell  off a more inferior product LOFTY: Now if you sign off on the Pipeline... WILLY: You Murdered them... I'll- I'll tell- LOFTY: Don't act so naive now Wonka it's not like your hands are clean either... WILLY: What are you talking about? LOFTY: Still in denial? Maybe you blocked it out! Lord knows how many whiskey fudges you've had to down to wipe that all away. WILLY: You're talking non-sen-ence LOFTY: My Men found the riverboat. WILLY: Huh? LOFTY: We found. The boat. LOFTY: Made sense for you to sink the thing since  you were still a child and couldn't manage to lift her out.  LOFTY: She was still inside you know...   Nothing but waterlogged bones. LOFTY: but we did manage to find something interesting next to her body  WILLY: But... She fell ill. LOFTY: She fell ill? Suddenly?! Without telling you her secret? Why?! LOFTY: Was it to torture you for years or was it to spare you from the truth? WILLY:  No... LOFTY: Oompa Loompa Doopidy Doo- LOFTY:- I've got a little Puzzle for you. LOFTY: Oompa Loompa Doopidy Dee- LOFTY: If you are wise, you will listen to me. LOFTY: How do you hide from something  you cannot face? LOFTY: When you've made mistakes that you'd rather erase? LOFTY: How did it feel when you did discover? LOFTY: That it was you, who killed... your... This has to be the best chocolate in the  world don't know about that they say the very   best comes from a place called The Gallery  gour easily the biggest heartstring Tugger   of the 2023 film is Sally Hawkins as Mama  Wonka it's all happens I do know a little   secret that even those fancy pants don't  who's Irish for some reason and is only   present in flashbacks and hallucinations he  is literally haunted by her and this film   establishes that it's her unexpected  passing that fuels Wonka's motivation   to succeed my mom once promis though when I  share chocolate with the world she'd be right   there beside me I always hoped she'd somehow  keep that promise she might even tell me her secret but glosses over the whole how she died  part we never see Mama Wonka fall ill soon after   she fell sick before I knew it all I had left was  her bar of chocolate and we assume as the audience   that it was some kind of fever or sickness of that  nature but flipping this moment on its head not   only solves one of the key future plot points  but changes the tone of the movie completely   and opens up Wonka to the dark tragedy it can be  poison my child I didn't poison them because this   madness and remorse has to have a root and if it  isn't the chocolate cartel it has to be that as a   child Wonka accidentally made a candy that killed  his mother and that's why they all go on a river [Music] boat probably because he tried to make  a jelly from berries by the side of the river   and due to his dyslexia couldn't understand the  recipe and used poison berries instead of poison berries and she couldn't bear to tell  him because that would ruin his dream   when you do share chocolate with World I'll  be right there beside you and with that one   change this stops being a cutesy movie about  a Whimsical hmbo escaping a laundromat but a   Twisted Tail of denial and a tormented Soul who  uses sweetness Daydreams and musical numbers as   a way to hide from his innermost demons is that  all it is just a dream every Wonka is Cur C to   have some form of darkness and it's not because  of some Notions of good or evil it's because   Willie was the first careless child the one who  should have paid attention before it was too WILLY: No! That's not true! WILLY: LOFTY, STOP. STOP. LOFTY: I'm afraid Oompa Loompas don't negotiate WILLY: But... But. LOFTY: Look at the Silver Linings Wonka. You did  become a better choclatier, the best in the world even! LOFTY: and all because the most important candy  you ever made was the one that made your mother dissappear. *WONKA SCREAMS AS ALL CONSUMING KNOWLEGE ENTERS HIS MIND* LOFTY: There we are, now sign. LOFTY: I say Wonka, LOFTY: Do you know what happened to the Little Orange Man who suddenly got everything he always wanted? LOFTY: He lived Happily Ever After and that's the evil Hugh Grand Oompa Loompa  Theory folks I hope you enjoyed that one I wanted   to make this video because oh boy all those plot  holes were bothering me and now Wonka works as   a prequel so there you go Mr key consider Wonka  solved and if you like that video just remember   to share it with the # Oompa Loompa Theory because  damn H BR got that Oompa Loompa Theory um this   was actually the first theory on my channel in 4  years after the Toy Story three-eyed alien death   cult Theory and I have some more announcements  and Theory content planned for this year so if   you want to be notified of any of those click the  Subscribe button or head over to my newly opened   patreon people have been asking me for a while  to make a patreon to help support the channel   um there are no paid tiers yet it's all free but  it's a better way to stay notified of what the   channel is up to then solely through the YouTube  algorithm and thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Rhino Stew
Views: 203,275
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Id: Qpx25UMGk9k
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Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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