Movie Couples Therapy: ENCHANTED

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what is love I've been dreaming and what is it not Hello worthless we've talked about this before that love and attraction are not the same thing correct and there is no such thing as love at first sight that is correct because Love Takes actually knowing somebody and then love is a behavior right it's something you do attraction and even like a connection at first is totally possible Robert has approached his relationship with Nancy as if it's just purely a rational pragmatic decision here's Robert and giselle's way over here that love Is Just spontaneous and free and just kind of happens effortlessly and what I love about the story is love is actually here hahaha so in this video [Laughter] hello and welcome to cinema therapy I'm Jonathan Decker licensed therapist who loves movies today and always Alan searight professional filmmaker who needs therapy is sitting here on the right good that's the left there right you not for the internet okay hello Internet and interwebs today we're going to be doing movie couples therapy I love movie couples therapy these are fun on several different couples in the film Enchanted this is a revolving doors this is so many couples so much pain there's there's a lot of swapping that's going on in this film do we want to call it swapping uh that's what happens I mean okay they stay put once they swap so we're gonna take uh primarily a look at Giselle and Robert Robert sure uh but also Robert and Nancy sure Giselle and Edward you're right Edward and Nancy and do we get do we get the best one of them all on the wall yes oh my gosh okay so uh we're gonna be taking a look at what is love baby don't hurt me so let's Dive In yep so quick me if I'm wrong was the animated stuff in the marketing at all because I remember walking into the movie and going like what the hell it was okay maybe I just hadn't seen any trailers yes it's me and you are Giselle oh Giselle we shall be married in the morning weirdly animated James Marsden and real James Marsden look exactly the same I cannot tell them apart they both have I mean he they both have a cartoon character's cheesiness [Music] film is roasting they're roasting themselves yeah and they're roasting like something with early Princess films yeah and how they portrayed love and what it is while still you know the film retains its optimism but it balances with a certain reality with a little bit of reality just a little bit and so obviously we're starting here uh with Giselle and with Edward who this is just you meet what's your name awesome we're getting married tomorrow true love Yeah and wow it happened I fell out of a tree oh man we've talked about this before that love and attraction are not the same thing correct and there is no such thing as love at first sight that is correct because Love Takes actually knowing somebody and then love is a behavior right it's something you do attraction uh and even like a connection at first is totally possible oh yeah I love love at first sight I don't believe in it but I love it and I and I love throughout this film how Disney roses so happy working song when she summons all the New York creatures instead of the forest creatures the cockroach is sweeping the tub shot should be on our slash oddly satisfying it's spread out as they spread out and the tub just gets magically clean and they eat the grime or whatever they're doing I love it it's great and the rat like is it the mirror that the rat's cleaning with its tail or whatever yeah the one-legged pigeon is that should have gotten an Oscar for one-legged pigeon performance I have an issue though once they clean the whole house up and Robert comes out and he sees the animals and he shoes them out they need they really needed a scene of him like windexing and using antibacterial all over the house because the rest of the movie I'm just thinking they're all gonna die yeah no there's so much disease so much disease in that house meanwhile back in the real world okay so after a whole day of that you still want to get engaged please those people got married in a crazy romantic whim it's not like that with Nancy and I oh that's right none of that crazy romantic stuff for you huh oh come on I mean we're rational oh no we've taken the time to understand each other's strengths and weaknesses sounds like you're building a bridge first of all what is up with this woman you want to get married but you're like so rational like pick a lane lady do you hate marriage or do you want him to be a romantic sweetheart I I cringed a little bit on the inside uh when he says we're rational we've taken the time to get to know each other's strengths and weaknesses and then she makes some sarcastic remark as if that's a bad thing that he's taking it slow and seeing if yeah this is like excellent advice right we later on that Robert has over corrected that you know his first relationship ended because it was just on a whim and there wasn't a sure Foundation there but what she says sounds like you're building a bridge yeah yeah that's a good metaphor it's a really good metaphor uh and taking taking your time and being rational about it Robert's over corrected in that he that doesn't have a lot of heart in it right he sees us more as a pragmatic decision right and turns out no he's pragmatically marrying Adina Menzel so good job pragmatism and way to pronounce the name correctly the wickedly talented one and only Alan is officially Superior to John Travolta in at least one way that's the only way but Nancy his fiance needs more romance in her life and he's not seeing that because he's he's stuck in this mindset and now we're going to take a look at as we're just laying all the pieces on the table your favorite of the couples Narcissa and Nathaniel hey oh I do wish there was someone who cared enough for me to go after him oh a man like that also animated Timothy's Paul and real Timothy's ball are indistinguishable [Laughter] come on come on I think you should do voice overacting for animation and you should be the guy who just makes the weird so in this video she's not into him but she knows that he's crazy about her yes and it's one-sided and that gives her room to manipulate and that's not love he's looking for her to give him Worth to give him value if I can get someone like this to want me to fall for me then I have value yeah Loki this is my favorite Arc of the film is Nathaniel learning to love himself and to not put up with this hello worthless uh but this isn't love either and very often we get into this trap of that he's getting into I want someone to validate me want me and it's not love so now Robert and Gisele are hanging out he he thinks she's a loon and this is the first scene where he starts to realize there may be something special about her because she breaks in the song which nobody does but then people start to break into someone else just kind of work and then all of Central Park which I I do have a fantasy that I could start singing in Central Park it's this in 500 Days of Summer that made me just like I could start a dance about Central Park if you start singing and it's catchy enough and you're on key all of Central Park joins you rules of New York [Music] all right I will not dispute this so let's take a look at this conversation here [Music] she is so she reminds me of Audrey yes like your daughter yeah Audrey watched this as a manual not like a fantasy [Laughter] [Music] oh my gosh James Morris didn't Giselle [Laughter] [Music] yeah no if you try to sing in Central Park that's actually what will happen to you [Music] don't know where she lives the number one thing about Amy Adams's performance is her hands what she's doing with her hands constantly is brilliant well and if you watch Snow White Snow White talks to the dwarves like that yeah yeah so tell me about this this whole scene I just in my mind think this had to have been so much fun to do oh an absolute blast and a huge logistical nightmare yeah because you gotta close down stuff you have to have Pas surrounding everything to make sure that just random bogeys like regular people don't walk in then you have to have all these train dancers all the costume all the makeup to get all these people dressed and you can only shoot on beautiful sunny days so you can get everybody together and it starts raining and you're like oh well weather cover we're gonna go into the set and shoot a scene with two people so like this type of stuff is what I absolutely live for as a filmmaker like big elaborate set pieces they're super super fun they're incredibly stressful and it's it's just a high wire act right because like the whole time you just like biting your nails like oh we have this whole huge thing planned I don't know if it's gonna work yeah and then you shoot it and you just me I'm the only filmmaker I've ever seen actually do this I will well and you've seen me do it I will jump up and down like behind the Monitor and just start like running back and forth yes now as far as what love is Robert has approached his relationship with Nancy as if it's just purely a rational pragmatic decision correct it's a contract he's a lawyer yeah you know here's Robert and giselle's way over here that love Is Just spontaneous and free and just kind of happens effortlessly and what I love about the story is love is actually here right in the middle yeah yes not either one neither one of them is right and neither one of them is wholly wrong right you know and so when she's like send these flowers to Nancy they're doves they don't know who Nancy is and of course like the very next scene is Nancy calling like I love those flowers and you know got them a date to the ball and uh that you do need to know your partner needs to know they're special yeah and they do need to be treated like differently than any other relationship they have because you and I have a rational pragmatic relationship but you've never sent me flowers via Dove carrier pigeon really I we didn't get there ah what the f hello there [Music] thank you orange and pumpkin spice and everything nice oh dear Lord above buy our popcorn in our store below So speaking of Robert's here and Gisele's here here they're really going to hash out those views that they have those perspectives it's a great scene does she miss her terribly this who her mother um well talking about Robert's daughter what we don't talk about it oh I'm very sorry I didn't mean to pry no no no it's okay it's just um I don't talk about it to Morgan to anybody because it was very sad not at first this is too great bits of performance Amy Adams is playing a cartoon character and he's playing a real person and they both feel believable in the same because love that's tough version for both it's fantasy then one day you have to wake up and you're in the real world what made you wake up well [Music] she left I'm so sorry for you both it's okay I'm a big boy I can handle it it's her I worry about though she doesn't have very many friends I just wanted to be strong you know to be able to face the world for what it is that's why I don't encourage the fairy tales I don't wanna set her up to believe in his dreams come true nonsense but dreams do come true and maybe something wonderful will have yeah well I forgot who I was talking to this reminds me of we we just did a Muppet Christmas Carol episode we filmed might come out after this I think he'll come out after this yeah but where we talk about Michael Caine playing completely completely straight against all these Muppets she's basically a muppet she's basically playing a Muppet or a cartoon character I mean it's a big broad character and the fact that Amy Adams can make that believable tells you that Amy Adams should win more Oscars than she has one like a lot she's very very good but you know don't count out McDreamy here like he's he's really bringing true believable subtle emotion yeah to a scene with a cartoon character yeah and like it just works it plays well because they're both so dedicated to it and it works thematically because you could see their opposing views of love and where and where they come from and she's learning some harsh realities about the real world for sure yeah this is not a thing she's experienced yeah is what happens yeah and and he on the other hand is kind of jaded and cynical out of self-preservation yeah and she's starting to open some of that up now the born sexy yesterday Trope oh boy you know this is I don't think this is a full-born sexy yesterday why not for those who don't know born sexy yesterday uh was coined by um pop culture detective right on YouTube I think that's a pop culture detective thing but it's it's basically a character who uh is a very childlike person inside a usually a grown woman's body born sexy yesterday is almost always a woman it's occasionally a man almost always a woman innocent naive needs the man to protect her teach her how the world works except she also is often a total badass in like combat situations yeah or in this case in dancing and singing situations um but it's not fully a totally gross porn sexy yesterday because you know she is and he thinks she's beautiful at the beginning but he's not romantically interested in her until he starts getting to know her well and and she starts to become more of a real person she's not like a child anymore yeah she has a more evolved understanding of what the world is like even here in this pizza restaurant scene he's not into her until we get to this I forget who I was talking to yeah you know that's not someone you're interested in so in lieu of taking advice from a force Road and I just wanted to say that uh you know if it did work out and you decided to stay in New York I'd like to help well that's very kind of you Robert but Edward is coming for me but what if he doesn't why do you keep saying because I deal with this every day if a relationship has issues at the beginning it doesn't get any better he is coming Giselle I have a feeling you will dispute that I will okay I have to disagree no no no is that the only word that you know no no no no no no I mean no no no no no no over and over again every word out of your mouth is no it just it makes me so oh sometimes you make me so you make me so like are you all right I'm angry I'm angry and then a second before she says angry she played like six emotions and you can read all of them holy crap she's good I'm wonderful [Music] but anger makes for real [Music] so does her son affinity for chest hair bro okay good night there's so much happening in the scene and then for her that's this is all something very new but also frightening because there's not infidelity in animated land oh my God because she's she's engaged to Edward and in her world you meet somebody when he's engaged or getting engaged to Nancy Nancy yeah this can't happen and in her world it doesn't happen right the the complexities of this it's not complex you meet someone you fall in love happily ever after being bada boom yeah and where where's Robert is very much aware of this type of thing which is why I think it's curious he's the one to turn away from the kiss and not do it right Giselle I think she can't even process everything that's happening it's also new for her Robert's like oh I know what this I know what this could be and she's never seen chest hair before you know anime chest hair that's too much work for the animators just don't do it unless it's guest on to me it speaks it speaks volumes that only after she's become angry does he experience actual attraction to her sure yeah because she is real before she's born sexy yesterday she's childlike she's an innocent she's a cartoon there's nothing there for him yeah no as a decent man there's nothing there for him right but now suddenly there's a real living breathing complex person in front of him and he's like I I I'm gonna leave now you know yeah now she's graduated from born sexy yesterday to manic pixie dream girl well it's a step but she's yeah I mean she's obviously not because she has a huge Arc in this story it's her story not his but yeah but it's but it's a big step for her uh and then and then Edward comes in and complicates things and I love this scene so very much oh no this one you look beautiful Giselle I'm sorry would you could you just be careful you what you're the one who's been holding my Giselle captive just let's stay calm no you any last words before I dispatch you you have got to be kidding me just strange words to my friends oh I've been dreaming of a true love's kids he sings too and uh Miss I have begun to miss pure and sweet waiting to complete my love without the background music it's so awkward well there's a maid I've never which highlights like the insanity of it you know who was made [Laughter] oh I'm not well I'm sorry I was thinking there's one thing I would love to do oh I'll name it my love and it is done I want to go on a date a date what's the date oh my goodness okay it is a crime that comedic performances and comedies do not win Oscars because find me a better performance in 2007 than James Marsden in that scene you cannot do it that is the best filmed performance of 2007. the end it's so damn good I'm like sweating and crying when she's like these are my friends he's like okay well where he's still Edward's still in cartoon land of what love is and I love so much that they don't have music like background music there's no Orchestra when he starts yeah so he just looks like a madman and to Giselle suddenly she doesn't hear music either right which to me signals like she's in the real world now and she sees how did how removed this fantasy is from what reality is right you know and so I think that's that's really cool because the the film then goes into with these different couples you have Nathaniel and Narcissa where he decides to love himself that she doesn't really love him that he doesn't need her validation which I think is awesome and then you have when we get to the switcheroo Robert ends up with Giselle and then Edward ends up with Nancy which to me feels like a a little too convenient happy ending just a little too convenient happy ending but also I mean Idina Menzel should just be an animated character who's singing all the time she's in the right place yeah right this is the right place for her but but for her it makes it makes sense because she wanted more romance anyways right so it seems like we're gonna see in the sequel whether or not they're actually happy I'm unreasonably excited like normally you know sequel 15 years after movie looking at you Avatar I'm like really well I really want to see what's going on yeah fingers crossed on Avatar don't they have the I oh yeah fingers vary across on Avatar I weirdly loved the first film probably more than I should um but the uh they have the original Morgan back right but she's only grown-up but she's all grown up yeah they got the whole thing the whole cast back it's awesome uh Robert and Giselle they meet in the middle to find what real love is it is rational it is logical it is taking time to get to know somebody it is going on dates and seeing if this person is a good fit if who you think they are matches who they actually are Robert and Gisele at the beginning aren't a fit for each other right and in real life you're usually you're usually better off finding someone who's a lot like you but if you're very different it comes down to do you accept influence and they're very good at accepting influence from each other for sure he becomes more romantic because of her and she takes major steps into what reality is because of him and they meet in the middle and that is love and that is beautiful but it is not manipulation it is not control it's not attraction or attachment or affection it's much deeper and more profound than that and I love that this film by having Robert and Gisele end up together the way they do it explores all these different things that says that's not love that's not love that's not well I love that the way they end up getting there you know is an inversion of the Damsel in Distress trophy comes the damsel she's climbing around with a sword and slaying a dragon and you know all of that stuff that's great I also really really really hope in the uh sequel that we find out that Giselle and Buddy the elf have been on book tours together [Laughter] yeah no they this they those are the same world yeah okay it's the same universe hahaha I'll buy that sure yeah okay I dig it what do you all think love is and isn't what has been your experience let us know in the comments below are you excited for the sequel why why not let us know below do you believe in love at first sight or true love's kiss uh explain why you're wrong oh my God do I know how comments work is that how comets does oh that seems right so until next time I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss oh yes [Laughter] we want to thank all of our patrons who helped bring you this episode especially Gregory Olsen Colin Eggers Rebecca brosman Shannon even as Aguilar and I really hope this is a real name Leviticus yeticus if that isn't your real name legally change it thank you for supporting our show
Channel: Cinema Therapy
Views: 759,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinematherapy, cinema therapy, mental health, counseling, therapy, mental health therapy, Jonathan Decker, Alan Seawright
Id: X7HDArY_s1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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