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[Music] we have a big engagement team appears against Viper though let's take a look demo heads could be pretty big let's go to one of you often see us that could be the gem was added [Music] people like me man I don't remember really I said this is easily one of the best games of the year for me are we at the point where heart will not have the food where he will not have the farms he will not have the wood he will not have the stables mm Oh baby 14,000 go just buy all that would it's extra armored extra HP demo ship man man touch this you have the playa galley so close yet the trans which no baby what are you doing and that is sitting at 12 military accreting 12 military is not going to be enough for them to win this game hello and welcome to the escaped champions league we have a crowd we have a crowd I'm your host zero in players and joining me on the sofa t90 official it is great to have you here how are you feeling I'm excited it's been a long time coming a year of ECL let's go oh yes it's gonna be one hacking good weekend three days of action cannot wait it has been a long time coming as well we've had nearly a whole year of Age of Empires two games in these holy it's been crazy there's the t90 salutes on the screen as well where did they come from I didn't see it okay yeah it's for there it's been awesome we've had a whole year of games the eight best teams in the world competing over seven stages and hundreds of games now we have the top three teams secret aftermath and Suomi they are here this weekend to really prove who is number one yeah and speaking of hundreds we don't quite have hundreds here we will have one hundred and twenty people here today casters players and fans many of people that I've seen in the chat for years and let's see them for the first time I'm excited it's great to be able to put a face to the name like there's so many people here I cannot wait to meet you all they've all just arrived for the first day and I hope they're as excited as we are and we'll make some noise for their favourite teams as well so let's have a look at the schedule for the weekend obviously we've got three days of games day 1 and day 2 we're gonna have a round-robin between the three teams they will play all of the format's over those days and they will score points the top two teams at the end of day two will go on to day three where there will be the final showdown and a best of 9 yeah so we'll start off today with three 1v1 s tatto versus the max will be the first set then he reverse Velez and M be Oliver's VIPRE will be the final 1v1 yeah so three one B ones followed today by three two v2s but we don't know who will play in the two v2s because as you score one point for each one V one match two points for each two V two match and three points for each 3v3 match the players will have to decide very carefully which teams to form for the 2v2 later in the day but as you said we do have four-team am a little bit of a surprise Hera and MBL taking the reigns for the 1v1 matches what do you think about that well one year ago if you would have told me that hair wouldn't be playing in the 1v1 I would have said you're crazy but he's not playing in the 1v1 but arguably MBL and hair are in better form yeah Larry sort of I don't know benched for the 1p ones he has to come back I assume for the the two VTS during the TV two matches of course the players have to play only one match each so if it was for example Leary and Hart in game number one then it would have to be MBL Hara MPL Nick off in game number two so we've got a lot of different games coming up a lot of exciting matches and obviously a lot of surprises as well hopefully in store for us and if you guys would like to keep up to date at home with the scores we have a discord server where we'll be running a live scoreboard if you have to step out for an hour and then come back and you maybe missed some games join the discord server we'll be keeping it all up to date in the live scoreboard channel and you can join us there the link will be in the chat or in the description too or not the description the video we're not on YouTube under the stream I think I meant to say we also have a hashtag hashtag Age of Empires we're gonna try and get this trending it might be possible we could bring that up on the screen and we can see if we have any tweets as well we will show them during the stream now we got some tweets coming in already I see Willis up there and bunch of others we will reap those out we will show some pictures I think I see smarty and MBL on the top right there as well but 3 adders will bring up your sweets and stuff during the stream but the first match of the day chato vs the max a best-of-five 1v1 with commentary from men and barbecue Turkmen [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to the escaped Champions League it has taken us a year to get here we've assembled the three best teams from across the entire world I'm here with mem TV in the casting booth and we could not be more excited is it possible is it possible with these players with these people here hello everyone welcome to escape AoE we're going to see now that 32 versus the max and with these players are starting what a starter but who is the favorite for you in this one I actually don't know between the favorites here as far as to where we go we know they've got a little bit of the edge in team games but the match when it comes down to it in 1v1 versus tatto this is truly a game that I cannot predict going into it and this might be our first big match or the entire tournament we don't have an answer for going into yeah we were talking before a start it can be an absent here it's possible to find out who's the favorite and we never ever get that we're going to start shooting with the draft okay it's gonna be you can see there we're going to see here the Mavs disabilities issues and everything so you are not enemies absolutely anything so we'll have the maps down in the bottom there then to the left and right we'll also have the save draft as it happens it'll appear on screen for everyone as well making it extremely easy to follow across will also announce the bands as well as they begin in chat yeah the first is gonna be the bands the bands are not gonna appear in the industry but everything else do not gonna miss anything from this tournament it's gonna be awesome mr. Tuerck oh it's building up to this over the entire year the fights we've seen between these teams and how close the statistics are we actually had the statistics coming out between every team and how close the match has been and it's literally just a couple of percent dividing them so this is truly anyone's game here okay let's see I mean we don't have the and the best news behind this as well is we have three glorious days of games here as Zack and Tina I did say early on we will have the first two days being of course the round-robin 1b ones and 2v2 today three VIII's tomorrow then after that as well of course we will have at the proper finals going in with the two teams yeah they're talking about being quiet that they will fix it don't worry if you saw a little bit quiet for people in this room and it looks like down the bottom we have seen the map starting to get picked okay we got the camera and Caribbean we're really first two picks and it looks like Tata is coming in with a band as well it looks like Serengeti is ring out of there okay so he's trying to to remove maybe they'll the land Maps you see and the max is gonna go and get that's Bob Island probably let's have a look we're just waiting on the final result yeah is he buying pork you know that we all know that tablet is an amazing one that's the you don't mash potato on bog okay you can see it the pliers are really full focus exactly this means a lot this is the first this is the opening to the tournament whoever's gonna start off with an advantage here get themselves a little bit of breathing room is gonna be just feeling a little bit nicer for the rest of the tournament it's going on particularly today and it looks like there you go map number three is in dry river so being a best of five these three maps will be seen at a minimum okay let's see let's see now well that is trying to get as much as possible Kerry and he's one of his maps so he's trying to get the water maps they're going on it really does look like it and then of course behind this as well we will have this if dropped very soon as well which of course is just adds so much strategic value to Age of Empires as well we've got players on screen there if you haven't seen them before this is them in the flesh we will not ask also to people in arena and register fortress whoa all right so we've got some pretty fast paced games lending into something that I guess a weak start to get towards that end of the best-of-five series will give people a little bit of an option to slow down focus on their builds and really kind of play at their best well we want fight games that for sure about people in the chat who is the favorite for this one yes let us say in the chat I want to see people talking they're speaking there go go go who is the favorite who's the favorite tattoed maxed out on max come on you have to span there we go on say again chatter max chatter max well but now I see more dead debility torito's you remember torito's it's for tad okay this is again we said in the booth here this is gonna be so close to call but let's have a look like that the first band has gone down to only the max choosing Indians Indians band which drive river in the match pool obviously could be a smart decision from him there chatter waiting on his pick now hands BAM and now he pick Japanese well Japanese we have seen this choice so many land ladies tournaments is super solid civilization for basically every map absolutely there is so easy to get in play however you need to behind it and it looks like the pics we've got down from the max we have mines and Aztecs well of course can be great for him regicide fortress and arena then of course tasks are going in with Japanese as well let's see now this one method you are right as 16 arena but the problem here is maybe you need to secure and get some civilizations to secure the first mccain's because probably if you are thinking in reset fortress or arena maybe do not don't get there well that's it you're right at the end of this day it's how much do you want to risk to have that not a perfect safe in a very damn good one for those end games but like you said that's the big thing we have to look at here it's a best-of-five you've still got to get there it's complicated and you can see those civilizations malai so versatile one you can use in in any map i actaully because malai in arena can be very dangerous but you can choose pretty much in every area every map right absolutely we just had to come in with the Malay and ban on the Indians there as well so we're just waiting on the max and he decides to go for Vikings well the bike is we'll know the bike is biking Turnpike and right well that's it exactly that is strong in every kind of aspect that you need them for it could be played on pretty much every style of map and makes life nice and easy it's amazing let's see what its gonna be now let's make some prediction maybe they're with their with the civilizations these maps I don't know I'm trying to think about that Japanese malai Aztecs Mayans Vikings Mesa shapes there may be the Mongols can be very dangerous for atacama be some things is not to the starting oh really with this alright we see it's mind games I look at the face from from the max is like think about what do you keep doing now well just look at deep in concentration both they are because people say a lot of the game can be decided in the draft series here yeah if you get one or two bad civilizations out match then Eve because of course going into the next step they said going down with ink is as well good pick HS can be a dangerous civilization also for at the camera if you go with the crazy tour tourist plasmid Philly is with the plus one and only completely believe I miss well how we cast this kind of game with a lot of yelling we've got the live studio audience here as well so they'll be happy to back us up I'm sure and there we go Celts of course make solid choice right you can you can also use in many of the maps this one then looking forward for the last one we can make a whole picture better right exactly once we know the entire draft we can kind of break it down a little bit quicker but I'm just excited to see who picks against what Britain's making an appearance as well okay now I'm thinking that maybe he's gonna pick Britain's for the last game and think he's gonna use a stakes in early game I think probably together well that's it if he wants to take some of the pressure off get an early kind of little bit of an advantage and helps make the pool as well whoa well got his clear-coated here for the myosin Arena absolutely right then if we if we try to check and make some predictions in the first game it could be kilt or Aztecs because of the really really strong trash absolutely we've seen a lot of girls actually get played in regicide fortress as well recently which has been very interesting carry v on a boat for japanese pursues the biking I think that's pretty much gonna be guaranteed and then well it depends y'all know it's a little bit pretty that's it right River let's see but the game is about to about to start all right guys we'll be going into game number one a very very shortly here and at a karma coming up attic ammidon is the first game let's see if it is going to start very soon hopefully now the sound is better for people in the stream we were afraid from Vida screaming but now they don't listen to me man these days huh no probably everything is gonna be fixed we are starting to do the first game if there's gonna be any any single small problem it will be fix it for sure and the sound is perfect people say in the chat looks like the chats looking very good we do have a live fate to the chat here as well so make sure to make some noise in the chat make some noise out here because we are going into game number one of the escaped Champions League finals tell you go guys and the Mafia Celtic Emma and we got like we were talking where we were talking about that and they asked us we didn't fail that mr. Tuerck Aztecs for who for the max that he thought we think yes I'm gonna check that he's in the north as a blue and in this map look how our old all those resources what about the max mr. Turk absolutely the max down to the south of the map or I should say gets the West more likely in the already playing as the Aztecs and looking the resources around both players um look it looks pretty decent we've got gold set for both players all of the woods kind of centered towards this location here down towards the south or the southeast and from there it's gonna be nice and aggressive and brutal and like you were saying seeing as Texas early could give them a good nice advantage well this is a this is a pretty crazy pretty crazy map we have seen many many battles in this one and I think we are going too busy to see really really early aggression dress from the Aztecs and Incas probably with the Taurus and Antilles look that would be as it gave number one the Messier it is the more excited I'm going to be here this is what I want I want a messy series I want it to be Thai I want no one to be able to pick the winner until we get to game number five yeah bout about strategies and try to make some some case in remember that the main the main will beast using the middle of the map so if he's going and trying to control with the towers that's gonna be a big problem because look at all the old small trees yes all over the map but what a Lambrecht am in this spot I mean you need the middle right well that's it committing the 100 wood to each lumber camp in started move across makes things very very difficult if tatter can begin to control the map nice and quickly utilizing some towel play really kind of push the max away from any kind of resources that he can get to good news I guess for the max he does have that golden Stern kind towards the back of his Town Center obviously not exactly an easy map to wall on but still at least they can't be taken out too quickly well that's it I mean these depend of this trotty there I wasn't paying really attention to the location of the resources because like you say it I think there's pretty matters the most there's a lot of resources all over the map but if you go really a ground you don't have route it really doesn't matter the goal position here of course it's better to have like like the max at the back because look at these may go for for tattoed it's almost as close as what the backs that is it a strong aggressive play from the max if he pushes into kind of that line you're looking at there with the gold the stone he can push him off a lot of key resources and then looking how close the wood line of the major set of the map here is to that gold he gets control of that chances are he can pushed a toe away from the wood line as well okay let's check he's put their point of view how they are exploring right now they have pushed a couple of deers tattoed he's now trying to respond and trying to find the max gonna switch it out to the max point of view you can see the full of work here so they basically have to explore exactly the same and didn't find each other yet it looks like the max is playing this nice and safe as well actually keeping this Eagle warrior near the boar and he's gonna be able to just bump that one out of the way a little bit there of course we'll have the bonus if they had that if tadow does want to crawl it come across and try and lame that can slow that one down but look at this ball it is absolutely perfect for the distance and they oh oh he's going back he's going back a little bit but he has been used to awesome oh boy that one is small oh no the board the max do you need to bring the board dammit he's not going back yet but he's gonna be fine all the small details right Turk capsule is a lot even more with this aggressive civilization exactly he's kept his head he still got it back to the town center without taking any damage on the villager there so really well played by him and showing his adaptability in these troubling areas okay we have seen how at what is now pushing the last year and uh about to go up not really it's a 18 population yet so I believe that they will go 21 22 what I'm surprised I don't see yet their max for the bar rack no look at that line because you see what we are talking is ridiculous what they will that's it it's so much commitment such a little wood sauce there and if we actually have a look towards the other side of the map tatto is actually going directly for the Maine woods there as well so I've already seen a little bit of difference in flight style here well it's actually also because they seems to be closer than a wood so it's worth it to go directly there because in the other side the Maxwell it's also it's almost the same distance I don't know why he didn't go directly for that one right I'm not sure but we've got a barracks getting thrown out from the max here as well so looking what Keith does want to get nice and aggressive but look at the futile time from tatah already on the way well and really wondering what we're going to see but I really think that he's going to go with the plasmid right away and powers and probably going for the operates for the villagers this is good this is really good I think this is gonna be a messy game and I think it's gonna have a lot to it which is what I'm after here well actually being that fast he doesn't have the barrack I don't see any any other possibility I think the plasmid will happen to remember for people that is in the chat that the plasma tablet affected to the villa year so I yang we're going to see some action right away and people I want to listen to people even if we cannot cast properly the crowd here need to to go full aggressive when they are going to be aggressive okay alright and looking at this data is already taking the precautions his world is lumber camp Ian as well he knows is a good be a good idea that something could be happening here and the max now moving out to the main lumber as well just sending two villagers over there the militias hierarchy don't already to their time up is pretty pretty okay but one minute in these kind of situations can be a lot let's see what data he's coming forward expected really expected well coming forward here coming forward he is almost nothing because look how close they are you can see the bear acted TC I think the same screen he's they're doing now the blacksmith uh-huh I think you predicted exactly what was gonna happen here we have those Incan village is really showing how bulky they are blacksmith or detail and say well arm of the beginning let's put the fog of war I want to see what the mask can see right now we don't see anything but remember that we can see we can spy that we thought what is he doing look at those buildings keeps coming forward and and the good theme for the max is that he didn't find yet that word and we're gonna see if that's the case oh man but now vilified the phrase really he's got it to be bye-bye I don't think so he's going back five and Dirk pcs can be a quick game what do you think absolutely look at these militia moving in here ready to take the brunt of this at the same time the max he has to find a way to get to this lumber camp over on the side here if he gets cut off if the towel is come up it's gonna be a huge issue for him okay we are chicken then you see he well he can see this try to look at the building's architecture all day you go oh you go the house at there and he's going away but he's doing a tower he's my name is stone tattle yes but the max will me too - nope probably too many times are going to be there and now he's gonna be more complicated fortitude absolutely he's just gonna be careful here he doesn't get stuck up against the man-at-arms obviously having the extra armor his village is gonna help but the amount of idle time is getting here that he's pulling from the max as well both plays need to be very careful their resources don't want it too far there you go first you need lost port at dot now one one you can see guys in the bottom right corner all the units what they are get in he's doing the tower he's gonna take the route these bottles who is gonna take that one now trace now I apply the max there he my eyes across the gold but the tower is up potato that now is up for the max hold with the contact hours keep killing you need to go back and look at their rate you kill that very very close but those resources seems that tattoed is getting a little bit better economy he seemed so he got all really farmers but now the problem is they impact for that a breeding the village is it's gonna work out now for for tattoed you need to make damage early a great early early game absolutely these men around I thank you the damage here from the town center they really don't want could have been worse looking at that but here comes the car guys this play from chatter here he has been so quick getting all the extra damage in there he can that's Piper influence man that's Piper influence he might be really close here but he's definitely not playing is that Peter than there you go what is this now let's go population 5 population ahead he is due with the military police he's too behind their Max is in a good position but the map control in this one is so crucial so don't check so much the population because the map matters a lot now you can see held imagine sending a lot of lilies used to be night exactly that otherwise one half would absolutely just looking here the max is cleaning up the tower from chatter now as well so would remain will remain relatively clean that's said we've got a second tower getting popped up here from tatto and it looks like we're seeing just some Palisades get dropped down around here as well potentially might snag an extra villager here as well so the max is playing absolutely beautiful there is that noting here that he's letting go to waste you had the snipe over near the goldmine he's got the Eagle warrior on top of the villager here as well which should hopefully take it out before it gets to the tower hopefully you have a look at this another tower the max is playing good but really the mass will go and try to mine some stone otherwise that will put towers all over the place and how do you fight that the long-term it's gonna be really complicated oh he's gonna eat the TC no he didn't knock this out so that does multitasking here it's really really needed bad look at that Oh taking all the world he's true that there's a lot of struggles here but it depends now in Castle 8 if they get Castille H what can do against this amount of towers exactly that's what I'm worrying about here the max is putting himself in a good position but TAS are like you saying on a map like this map control is so important and tatto is just beginning to constrict the match slowly but surely the max is doing now Eagles so he's adding army he need to add army he can't go only with village against game because the village advantage sadly this is looking at messy and this is what we wanted for game number one the it worry is getting added in here so we can't get those extra Snipes on villagers to try and get out of there but of course like we said the Incan village is having that plus armor bonus from the blacksmith absolutely beautiful and tatra has been abusing that perfectly remember what I'm telling you mr. Tuerck after these kind of games do you think we're going to see at the camera pretty often in the 1v1 I've bought for a favourite to be banned honestly it's really difficult even more if you if you let your opponent get this civilization in cast is so strong in this one of course you can lead you can counter but it's really difficult look at this a lot of a lot of towers going on and taking the world taking everything every time that but he's taking absolutely everything that's it tato is just finding so many little points in the map he have really constricting down and look at that the max is forced to run from the lumber camp again making things so hard for him to deal with does decide to put up an aggressive aggressive tower just right next to tattos lumber camp however but tatter he's secured so much of this map with his own towers now well he's getting absolutely everything like I say though already and you can see there is a lot to find abilities for both players but talent has been with five either Billie's from the start movie ever Gary the max was elation engagement up towards the top there against Hatter his lumber camp however the villages they're just too strong for the low HP man-at-arms yeah here stool in the north also which so many times the max I don't know I think this is the key I was trying to find the Archaea range arches here can be deadly really really really dramatic situation for tattoo discord difference is growing and growing now them as with Fletch any mind if we find this he can see the max those know that's a problem you know sometimes the lack in desperation is is there an no man yeah yeah okay it's coming with the minute times I love the block so much something that the fiddling team is well known for their they're all about efficiency they don't need no little graphics know what's going on they seem to know the color of the blocks and they're happy look at that Tower now he's defended finally he's mining stone going to the north I need to see the arches where's they arches oh now he's country Nelson with the towers man I don't know where to look the artists are also trying to catch up those Billie's population is still much better for the max the resources seems to be similar not close to go up to Castle age probably soon will be so market brat that to the south so now twin towers here so the game that we were thinking that was going to be fast he's getting closer and closer to be a long game in this map that would be something non expected absolutely and I'm just looking here around tattered space the Eagle worries you're out on the prowl like you're saying the arches are out now as well sterile do know a lot of the villager aggression so the question is what his tats are gonna transition into here his tower strategies done well to kind of delay the max but the max ajiz fought through that every opportunity he has here he's just managed to step up time and time again the problem here turkeys the longer the game it goes in my opinon ass ticket get more and more advantage because overall they are a better civilization other people consider then like tired three civilization absolutely much like we've got a so here we have the tower aggression coming in from the max now a little bit of a taste of your own medicine and of course Natalie pulling all the villages powering knocking I don't look at the army here we've got the archers but the Eagles village it down already look at the amount of farming look at that family is so important and that he took no schemee to cover all those farmers he put the tower and he make him go back but I mean see schemee to find these you might if he'd be night that ought to - tall what he can do it's been such a back and forth match up here it's really coming down to who's got control of the lumber on this map and as we can see by both players they're both being forced to drop down lumber camps nice little small boot rules of trees we've got one towards the east side of the map there with tats I want it and there's just looking down to everywhere the Max's economy is absolutely everywhere he's crazy he's crazy well he just need to find oh he's going there out opposed you see the max going from behind he's gonna make this outpost there and then it's getting closer and closer to find older well it's too far but you need to find this now that tower issue denied that one I don't know what he's doing he's going with the Eagles and their resources the max economy really balanced thousand coal but now he beat the market and boy their resources and he's going to go up to cast the late mr. Turk now this is where the max is truly shining despite all of this aggression that scatters put on home it's still managed to pull himself up we've got tatto popped at 45 pop there for a little bit 55 population there from the max we're ready to go up to the next stage as soon as he wants to and there's the click he's on the way to Castle if he find it the stone and now with disadvantage going with the crows maybe Eagle warrior he's getting definitely a good lead here you can see how Pat thought if anything Konami is getting closer to cocoa out there and it still so so messy look at that economy now I'm just looking at how well the max is dealt with this he's managed to move the constriction away from himself and now he's got these Eagle worries these arches he's pushing tatto away from stone he's just gonna be able to continue pushing him back to that home base and eventually just gonna be bled dry of resource so complicated situation Turk so complicated guys I only think that this is getting closer and closer to be the first one from the max because when he reach Castle age how you gonna contact that army that took up Co army didn't know the game because he was suspecting that oh my God look at that lumber can he has no good now tackle this incredible how max managed PC to asian absolutely amazing he's been just pushing him back the entire matchup onto this little like I said little groups of wood and there's nothing you can really kind of do to deal with that the main point in CI tattos kind they've got a little bit of the main wood down towards the south near the Max's base but in reality these just dry up so quickly that you need to place a new lumber camp and she's become so not worth it bit the backs throwing down a a barracks over towards the east side of the map they're just in the other side a tattoo is based as well okay let's see because that is clicking up now that you know two minutes in nature vampires beginning Castle it's in this kind of map so open can be so complicated the amount of coal here he's well protected well if he's not protected here is H of towers one two three four close to the TC well for I can't count anymore that's impossible there you go there we go a castle aged for the max its dropped down his second barracks he's still continuing to Train Eagle worries at his main barracks back home Eagle Warrior upgrade on the way as well so it looks like we might be seeing a rush under some of these towers trying to deny any resources they can and again push any of those villages away the thing is you need to make the damage now because you got the advantage but even if you reach castling what that can do to KO he's losing absolutely everything this is bad the max the max welcome thank god he cannot listen to me but too much work these days all the units are right now where in the hell I've just seen this little army I've been watching it we've got one Eagle where he left with 2 HP know what you want kind of going into cash slaves like this way you can push your advantage well he's thinking that south tower there's four or five villages man the advantages getting bigger and bigger any money people lose that army he goes all over a lot of a lot of barracks key behind the TTC from the max now remember guys that the Aztecs have got the production from the Eagles bad one two and three the province has tapped up in Old Economy to produce a lot of them and Coulter the mass right now really interesting suppose players go for such a common strategy here as well I guess there's not too much much you can do playing these civilizations but at the same time to where we've ended up in the game and see the timing relatively about the same very interesting from both players here of course the max has these barracks just scattered around the map or he to go wherever he can however Tasso it looks like he's just ready for a full front on engagement chainmail armor on the way Eagle warrior on the way I'm worried that the mass just might get absolutely flooded here but the good news for him is Town Center comes up on the gold so at least he's got a way to defend himself yeah he's probably fine he has no two pcs three army only four thousand three army fifteen fifteen from the max and tried to show everything because you can see the flashing in the mini-map all over and he's taken with the valleys remember also that now it's gonna be even harder to read because look at those hybrid Bruce for for the village so it's not gonna be easy to read now for the match absolutely if we check out the Max's base we put the Eagle where is there from chatter already running around trying to disrupt as much as possible the good news is we've got the towers we've got the town centres there so the max is relatively solidified in terms of his base here but as soon as the numbers start to go like you said it's the upgrades we're really looking at here okay they are not doing any damage either because we got the TCS we've got also towers and checking the other side he's forcing that to move absolutely everything it's still not a single would save for tab but even if the population are the population is increasing more and more now his fight in villas well piece can be the game if he's fighting those Eagle of course those really sad strong but no and the troubles are going to support those two like everything is gonna be over or not path that is not given a piece of fighting he's a total warrior and need to go back there you go coming back just look at this wasteland right at the top attached to his base now we've got lumber camps everywhere mining camps no villages to be seen however oh that's a quick to see look at in the south that's a good to see fort at oh that's perfect yeah the score is very close which I think it should be bigger difference sometimes the score is tricky is also true that tattoed is that close because look at that tree to kill that we're all going on this is to positive ready to kill that he caught more kill than the max but looking Indians was populations we still have maxed with a little bit of an advantage there 73 250 at 9 yeah 10 temple is different you know keep getting more and more economy advantage you can see Eagles the thing is that with the Aztecs if we get a third one but still the Incas also dangers a bad move here can change the game Tetsuo stood is raiding is best he can the max actually pulling a lot of his army back towards base here as well he's realized he's pulled tatto of most of the resources there pretty much everything he has it's just under constant tower surveillance looking at his base so it's not really too much he can do that under pressure so he's gonna come back clean up the aggression is base then begin to make a news plan there the thing here is that the mouse goes to all his army in one a spot it seems that tattoed is all over now because if you take the numbers say my mother fire me for both and now daddy's recovering a little bit taking down few Phillies 1 2 3 4 billions for Phillies 14 max is getting closer look at the values different look at the population different is not there anymore and the max do you need to be careful taffeta is coming back it's not a game I made a very quick catch up there from title you're absolutely right 79 to 73 population now it's gonna come down to who can hold onto this who can find all the little advantages wherever they can pick a villager here find an army that's a little bit smaller that's out on patrol knock them out and start really carving it into a big difference okay I really think these these Posehn things crucial key need the multitasking is real you can see how instantly he gathered those buildings on the PC and there he goes now moving up away alright and ready but he cannot wait any more look at that population they game is stabilized a little bit and we are going to go to Imperial in these games I would not have believed that if you said it early on but the way the players have laid their base is that boy here he's doing and gonna get all those village go on mr. Turk again just pulling this back like he was saying earlier there was such a population difference but this is pretty much gonna even it off there's no way these village is gonna be able to outrun those eager warriors and we know what that spells and that's a very even game from here duty will borrow nick of influence will borrow hello Nico and look at those who will peril now for the max paid you go is doing the tone Center yeah but the max to village ahead same population how these can happen in this one because this map is absolutely crazy exactly the players have been playing this spot on the responses to every form of aggression he has been great the town centre denied their like you were saying they're a massive win for Tata actually pulling him ahead in terms of score only a little bit behind in terms of population now as well well they actually think that he need to keep pushing that lot because he's that third tone said they can can give her now advantage again oh he's going for the siege horse up that's what is not thinking on the economy he's thinking to push comp lily here he's actually truly if he can't get told those pcs he might he's gotta be ready to completely here and then no economy for the max padlet is leading out the game very much so they're very much basically we're just these little groups of eager worries from Santa running around finding any kind of expansion they can't do the damage and really just try and grip onto any stories got there any advantage you can pull in is more than he's had this entire game okay the max is do it now they loose to attack two tone centers Kia and looking forward for what is he going to do with that seat were stopped he is going all over the map let's put the point of view for what they can't see look well is Amaya guys this is data point of view and just look flashing all over the map that was all over the map moving Billy is 27 either Phillies right now for the max 27 either foods because that's what he's incredible he was behind all was looking to be behind but seems that keeps coming back from the hell I'm gonna take the game what is this now the population is actually even and military even as well but is still 22 I the Phillies for the max the rating from Tesla the way it's been everywhere once this game has really been showing how strong he is as a player if there's an advantage it is a village return he's been taking it every single chance and he's going himself further and further ahead will the max have an answer to this now that his resources around his team say basically bled dry he's being forced out of his little safe zone here around his town centers he has nowhere near the amount of towers up the Tasso does to defend his base as well the problem now is that paws are trying to rate each other and then how you can just analyze your current look at this you got the mangle I will send some Billy to repair that one and if he's pushing those tous entities that way can be the game for tat he thought oh yeah he's coming now with the mango now he's pushing with those Eagle Tochigi not so damn strong also with the man who is gonna push the PC he's incredible he's only on duty since mr. Turk but doesn't matter in this one is full open you cannot walk here and the towers are not defending anymore absolutely the max needs to find a way to deal with this the manga Nell is gonna make an engagement here the max can't sit back and just let this slowly take down his Town Center so we really need to see some kind of play as the max starts to pull in but I've got another engagement there towards the west side of the map there looks like a couple of free Eagle warriors they're never gonna be a bad thing considering is about to have to come in and deal with this pressure against his Town Center yeah well he's incredible because tackle is doing two teas he's now he's the fourth owns anything he's gonna catch up those Willie's a game and again and again he keep pushing now the vilius number he's built their max a healthy this is just crazy how these can't happen here and even not oh behind but he's walling and the crowd was defending he's gonna take it no he couldn't wall and the eagle is inside he can take those there's a lot of farming on the lab in the South a lot of fields for that but both are fighting in two 3s fought at the same time forcing them to be a lot of a lot to fight it but those Eagles in the south for dad that can beat the game I have seen that many times people gonna say Shanna been too repetitive because he's come him back all the time the thing here I'm saying is the Max's army is just so scattered we're status code is United force here that's pushing it on top of the max the max really doesn't seem too worried about his town center at the moment he's actually just continuing to expand further and further across the map really get his influence down on whatever resources he can find find a way to just stay alive stay in the game and have some kind of income but the good thing is that from a long time ago that what he's not getting ready that home you can't see well there's one eagle but other than that he's the one whose recital all the time the Max and tanto is pushing I don't know where he's not doing more Mangano's yeah he's doing now I know the manga no to try to kill the TC and if he's taking those two then what I'm just looking at this big army from Chester every chance he gets its surrounding a group of villages you'll see it down that's what's the market he did surrounds a group of villagers on a clump of trees the max can't get them out of there and he's using that to really push his advantage the population now 94 to 110 tatter really starting to pull this advantage look at the amount of eagles look at the amount of farming out at 58 25 Turk I think there's no return here for the max what do you think do you think this how to count at least he's doing now stand at the infantry law source keep don't know what to do anymore - man listen son badda-boom here he's gonna make it look at that shot open formation good micro here for the max but he's gonna be a nose I'm just looking at the layout here and look the max still has resources he's got a lot of safe zones around his town centers the thing I'm looking at is the Eagle where is it starting getting the starch bulk three plus two armor on those they can begin to start sitting under those town centers they can just go for damage get out of there when they're ready and as soon as there's no real point carry on move to the next one and just again stop pulling that population count is lower and lower for the max but I definitely don't think it's over for him just yet this is still only 1314 population finally he's reading again look at though in the word he's taking some fillies he's getting harder and harder because those buildings are really strong to sport remember you can see they're in capture H at the bottom and those heels is still taking the CC what is he gonna be down gonna take the other stabilize there but now he's tied to the one with the eyes at least what these days how he's still there with ten millions more yeah for tone Center but it's been three Town Center's and that's the problem with his army down here the tattoos got the max has not found a way to deal with the end like you said he's slowly transitioning to long swordsman but before I could engage this for us these manga knows is gonna continue pushing against town centers and it's taking away all those safe zones that the max has worked so hard to create here he's also a venous linkers now - Archie arranges a dance Lingus 54 army 54 army fort Otto's really in this one I really think this is a great decision for that thought only to toss it is like when you're going to stand a man without one TC purse but here look at the amount of farming he got to Mangano's 38 or 30 years Lucia slingers taking the TC now he's gone agreed the castle he's the only way maybe to stop that but they still at least the Carmen begins again if we did not inject a lot of the economy he's got behind this they'll protect a lot of these military buildings as well so getting that up there definitely a good decision in terms of just staying in the game and hopefully being able to pull back any little advantage you can find but like we were saying tattoes who's cleaning up his side of the maps super easily here now as well the Masters does not have the military force to just get a full engagement here but check now they made him up guys the mini-map say that tattoed is getting more and more map control in the middle in the south now on the Left he's coming out with the three Mangal is gonna get that nice surprise here they go to top the point of view three Mangal there's a lot of figures he's gonna find the castle probably and let's see how he's going to react will Pyrrha now for tattoed okay a hundred fifty seven publisher and the 58th thick castle is their key me to go back we're gonna lose those Mangala but he's going back instantly anyway he's gonna lose one mag or nil down got it he's going away but is still that caster is protecting this area but he can go all over and take everything absolutely he's buying that team that time that he so desperately needs getting a couple of defensive Mangan else out here himself as well so we just say so hold the advantage of this army from chatter and he can hold that one back he's gonna buy himself that time he may need to be able to pull this one back okay let's see if he's gonna be able to do something well he's doing a power but the tower against these two mangles this is so crucial this is so crucial dimanganese shot be careful there to Mangano's eagles leaguers going back yes okay I am loving the addition of swingers here from chato as well he's seen the long swordsman transition he's going how can I begin to deal with this as well tanto is - starting to get one step ahead here now this seems to get a little break is going away because he know that this is really important moment in the game there's a lot of farming war tower 14 lacks wisdom a stick in the world well in some all those struggles right look at the wood for the max hammy and we've got another town center for the max coming up towards the north of the map there as well gonna get two golds under protection there a couple of sets of trees as well which is exactly what he needs the Army is coming in to just make sure this gets held as well cuz Tatsu is about to scout it okay well this is incredible that without ready to kill that he is still dad that close in the game he's not definitely not giving up look at those resources both kinara for watcing are for tattled another DC keep doing ours what and are you mad to play syrup I mean so complicated to focus at every spot right here right that Turk exactly and the thing that I'm starting to worry here is happening that's it the fact that Max's managed to take over merge to the mapping drop town centers on pretty much every resource left on the map here we've got one goal a little bit further north of its main town center there but that's pretty much about it I'm just worried that Atta is not gonna have the resources to hold on if this goes into an incredibly long game populations are starting to even up as well we've got 135 to 139 in play here as well we've got Mangano's out from the max he's starting to clean up those towers around tattos base yeah but now he's coming with another to mangle it straight to counter and let's see if he's gonna see it you need to focus on see I cook there you go one down he's gonna take a huge repair he's gonna go for teh altered cutting no and he's gonna go now took it no he's saving moving that oh yeah yeah he's counting now if you need to go back a little bit got it No needs a billion through the Terra Cotta there you go the only thing I'm looking here as well is tattered down in the I guess on the west side the map we've got all these ego areas try and find around that he's been killing farms the last couple of minutes he needs to find a way to make all these units worth their while here he's got a massive military account but it's not really achieving too much down here yeah can you to attack he's killing farms that are either completely there's no wasn't even Billings now he's picking the mill it stopped taking the mail go for when it killed the belly is amigo do you need to go and take absolutely everything you got the lot of fields and he's not taking anything do you need to take more and more valleys and in the north what these companies they're well few IGAs also take him between the south he got a lot of farming but not that big difference anymore look at the max population what is this game dork exactly like I was saying I think tans which is trying to get bled for resources here he's got like no gold in the bank no food to come what he is doing in the north mister took sorry that I interview you are I know that Castille taking and protecting to goals but look at those resources for dad but a lot of fruit would but no goal at all exactly the last goals it's pretty much left unclaimed on the map now it's just a little bit north of that castle we've got getting thrown down here for the max so the longer this goes the better it's gonna pay for the max Tim I see something way to Imperial how he's on the way to Imperial right now with two casters he's gonna take back absolutely everything but tablet he's gathering he's using the market selling their resources and will be out soon too but now we traveled it we send all the thing right absolutely it's just it is an engagement maker you can't just let those tribes sit there you can't let them start doing damage you have to find a way to engage and get on top of them straight away so seeing those tribes come out it's really gonna give us a new sense of flow in this game and the max is gonna be in control again yeah I believe so remember guys and also mr. Tuerck humanity if now he's doing at lolll with it with the Aztecs those craziest canvases with 1s from rage because he's doing she's doing also they're those slingers imperialists for tat tat oh god 81 vilius damn max a hundred ten thirty phillies difference almost no Idol anymore and with the trebuchet and with those two minutes advantage in imperial who is the favorite now because I was calling the GG couple of times mr. Adama she's not working anymore I agree like I said the biggest thing here it's gonna be for me that he's got no gold left on the map that he can claim the last one has just been taken down by the max as well so he's gonna be in a great position just chokehold taps and when doing oblivion people is asking in the chat how much gold got tattooed well you can take at the bottom left corner remember captivates give you all the information and data thought absolutely nothing he's on the way to appeal but no resources are all the massive now doing plate mail are more going to stand at the infantry smart choice here of which is not the same because they don't move as fast as the Eagles but they counter absolutely everything if he's adding also skirmishes you need the goal he might get a good position now but we've got trebuchet and Jaguar is on the way for the max yet he's gonna commit to a push very quickly like he said he's got those long swords every security just need to force that engagement out of chatter get that army out of the underground or from the east side of the map there pull it out and just stomp it down and then just rave through his base but again look what he's taking with that army Pat oh he's not doing damage he's letting a little bit and I put in quotes there max to go to impede on those resources are crazy he got now the Train wasn't taking all those towers but he's not taking any risk so he will reach Imperial Age tattoed and let's see the fight in him I don't remember the last time I showed Atacama 1b1 going for the end this is just absolutely insane and we are just having such a treat of a time here this is only game number one of the best-of-five series here and it's this has been absolutely beautiful we're going on an hour game time and look at this we've got two hands swordsman raiding the base he's waiting he's also a lead the herbalist Rezac and with that army composition what he can do these are fine but he's getting pushed completely now population difference he's incredible they're magazines they are now with a hand at 73 tap to the handed for Tea Party different some villages it's even bigger army is now getting closer but the cool thing here is not about the quantities about the quality of that army and the army now from the max you've seen another level absolutely look at this he's starting to take down those towers this was the safe zone for chatter he's got a lot of spread over the map here but both players have taken this the exact same way and I just don't know how he's gonna be able to hold onto this he doesn't have any castles down he's got no way to fight against those trebuchet he just has to get in on top of them and I'm not sure he's gonna be able to do that look at it again there's just a big group of like 30 Eagle Wars over towards the east of the map that are just standing there not getting any kind of work well he's trying to clean product is trying to explore alpha let's go with the form of war just look now we can see exactly what is happening to where's the golf for tat but guys now you can see they seed of gold and let's check because we didn't check relic well that I've got three relics while ready for the max there's no gold we can see absolutely everything here three gold for go for the max that eaten nothing exactly and this is why the Max is doing so well here he can lose the units and he can afford to replace them tatter every single Eagle warrior that goes down he's waiting minutes to replace moves guys with relic gold he's got the sling is here as well but every engagement he needs to take needs to be super favorable chip away at the max and what he's got there we've got the max on you approach PopCap already on nearly a hundred and eighty population wake he's not used to you were talking before what is you doing don't see his warriors are blue swamp lose to they are not leaving the leave he has the least cameras is honestly if he's sending those you guys he's gonna lose them all I'm not have the goal to get this arm and as strong as it needs to be I've seen him utilize the market a bit already but it's sounding it towards that point of the game where the max is nearly approaching a thousand gold in the bank he can just hold on to it he's got so many gold miners there that he is not worried this army is in total irreplaceable for him yeah yeah it's exactly that this is what this happened if he started to get a little bit look at those major resources Turk he got a lot of resources is almost 200 pop and not taking any risk yeah but what he's doing with that don't Center okay he's taking the wood but what he need is gold and sadly he doesn't have any goal and this is not a simple decision that you can see okay I'm gonna make a stars I'm gonna spam with the flip unit whatever you can make here with II can that's it we're just looking at scams and that's exactly what he's doing here but of course we can't see the transition from the max and very very easy here if he wants to he can begin to deal with this army and like I said he can throw an army out of clean most of it up lose his entire army and then just rape up and go again okay let's hit this fight this is the army taught of God because the Eagles he's cleaning the houses which is great but I think you should try to find some coal miners try to find the way to go for the farmers but he's a little bit I don't know afraid to lose those he goes I believe he got champions champions Bruce four plus four and he's doing now at blindly skirmishes notice Kim is desire well range he's gonna get everything with that range this is just phenomenal play the max is held in so well and it looks like he's just got a cliff he cleans up this army Fattah to the max will solidified a very strong victory here he's come across everything to get to this point he was tower rush it was constantly rated getting into a situation like this look at you can't even see where his original base really was yeah but it doesn't really matter for him I mean they move completely both players one to the left one to the right side they are starting in the north and in the south now they are position couple a different but the problem is still being they called this economy a thousand food animals or a thousand goal a thousand stone and it's incredible that the one who seems to be pushing seems to be pushing his tattered the thing is that I'm really starting to pick up on the map is is the fact that the max does have the gold here so he has a lot to kind of work with he only has these small separate groups of trees left here he's been pushed off the middle entirely he's been away there for quite some time obviously he's got the gold he's got the option to build blowing it you can buy what if he really needs it but obviously it's not optimal here so I guess chatter is kind of push here is the push him is far away from all the resources he can and then try and push this into a a massive massive trash war let's he mean that stress work he can he can't win of course he has right now 75 army 454 and no the castle getting closer now to do the farmer try to get more and more map but I don't see they wait the tattoed can can counter that those units I really don't see it I mean you can see the Astor's kick up now a little work he got the herbalist you got screams fully abraded two gallon wars I mean he's only missing co-leaders get everything he has he's gonna absolutely have on the upgrades here but he needs to make it count still he's looking at this tattoo right like he said chatter has been mounting a good offensive here he's even up on the gold he's raiding again trying to as much - pushing away from the wood lines towards the north of his base they're pushing off the main gold that's left there as well look at this we just got range after range getting dropped down for the max it's just so quick a tree popping now okay he's giddy and also he's doing a castle trying to protect he has been selling a lot of resources tattoed remember that he got advantage with the rallies for relics for tattoes well maybe the game can change because of that for relics it became keep going and going and going and tattle T's very very strong track doing this then maybe he can take it but now the max is leading the score and look at that radio kill that he still been much a head tattoo but nobody's pushing we need to see trams here we need some wave plays forcing those engagements of course the max can kind of just sit behind these castle here with his trebuchet and slowly chip away chatter has he the army they're ready for engagement have a feeling we're gonna see one big final fight here and this will really define the game they know how important the games are and they are being really really really careful they are not taking any big big risk in ending up that moves movements that they are doing you can see how they are you spinning attention trying to advance little by little not going anytime soon to push out of all his mistresses canvases and look at the amount of his Lingus key cards right now he's ready to begin dealing with any of that infantry the chumps in but looking at the Amanar on the list here of course as well and then we can't forget about the fact we've got the Aztecs and that's gonna have that +1 range you're gonna have that +1 attacks on top of that skirmishes as well you can see 9 range 9 rage those schemes it is true that he doesn't have a lot of them military numbers are still growing both had almost the same population it's still not not huge rated well they some rating here with those Eagles and scrimmage is trying to counter here but we need to see siege if we don't succeed more than those to travel to 0 if you want to see saves there is see right now coming from chatter he has capped Rams at 7 in play there you go and a there you go there you go how do you stop that now there's a lot to farm you look at that oh he's trying to come back from the hell again well how many Rams out those seven Rams Keaney the sage Rams already incoming and with those experiences and those lingers with the trapezes behind uh yeah he can take now absolutely everything where's the army from the max do you see the army from the max Turk help me man I don't see it he's pushing across the other side of the map he's got always a bless he is out of he is just in the wrong place to begin dealing with this luckily his army is real mobile so he will be able to get up there but look at this here come the Rams versus the castle he'll be able to do some damage versus the barracks and it's not Colleen sweeping all of this take that look at that castle because you are not gonna see any more if he's doing I know the castle where health you're gonna lose both yeah yeah he's coming with so many deceased Rams he's got to be there he's gonna lose that Castellanos instantly the herbalists are coming but that armies now useless I wonder in what he did he need a leading a warrior but I don't see Eagles I don't see champions anymore and now with those excuses with the seats Rams he's gonna be impossible to stop that we're gonna try absolutely this menu wanted Sidra me you got sage Ram we're advancing up to the next castle here the good news is for the max he's starting to solidify a bit more position there on the main wood in the center there the Tesla is just done such a good job of getting rid of as much as possible of it it's incredible you can see how he's doing outcast what is the max doing it is now they're switching the bases again I mean they're moving like a clock look at this now the mass is going to the top right corner and tap to get into the south what these days because he's gonna clean here everything but the max is moving and killing in the north Wow how is chatter pulling this off he's had no gold access for so long look at that literally 30 gold in the bank for him just that rally gold keeping him in the loop here however these see dreams are just absolutely smashing through these buildings and the question is will the max be able to hold on against these rams or will it be too much well okay it's clearly not holding she's pushing completely is cleaning everything but in the other side this house luckily not that much give me to take that caster keep trying to go with the Eagles and kill those but this thing it's out there Armel it's an excuse this is very risky situation here for the max I don't know anymore who can take this game there's a single goldmine left for the max by the looks of it he's got 300 gold left before he's gonna be down to bare bones like we've seen from chatter get a couple of rams back it out with as much trash as possible and he's trying get in there and through the damage but this has been a one long game for game number one for the team number one and healthy Max's field 200 population he's just ignoring tattoo completely the max 200 pop army 92 cattle 77 but we stay army from the max I need my classes I don't see the army but I'm actually killing everything absolutely we've got the max rating down in the back as well against the wood line he's over in tattoes main base he's even against the wood line there as well as a try as much damaging as possible but look at this he's getting kill after kill after kill oh my goodness he's gonna make another he's coming with two now now we can see the army from the max these can be the moment to final moment of the game yes I say that 20,000 times mr. Turk when he's gonna finish this one I think we're just kind of like you said this is a clock matches she's gonna continue moving around and around and around until someone doesn't have the population doesn't have the buildings to continue nabbing the pie we should the IGAs man now we see thing as these can be the game a lot of figures look at those two miners a lot of his skins it's taking away guys calling the gg gg 1 what they came and what they see then max is human keep smile man I saw I saw the smiler I saw the smile there hey watch me ton suomi here taking the first game in the best-of-five series versus tatter if this sets a precedent for what we're gonna be seeing here for the entire three days I think everyone's gonna be in for an absolutely amazing time this is really the first game because I'm feeling that this was the last one oh man man I have a feeling we are going to be here a while okay well we can take them up a little bit then we can seek out there was nothing left there was no resource you're absolutely correct looking in terms of what we've got there the gold was mined out look how little wood was left even fatah sir who had the majority there it came down to tooth and nail here and it was just such good play from the max throughout the entire game he dealt with every single hurdle and this is what's pulled him up happy you say that list take a look very very soon to date achievements when I saved the achievements because he's absolutely crazy stuff here the max juice at the end for unit kills more than title he was working all the difference 99 army 93 with the economy 3000 more fruit more wood for Tata Lucca dad coal and their stone map control man this is just absolutely insane to look at like look at the stone collected there look at the gold collected no wonder the max didn't like I said he was spurting out super early in the game making sure to kind of get every resource he could in there but this is just absolutely insane this is the best Age of Empires we've seen in the history of the game I did a SPECT really didn't expect to to go for that late game in this map and when he was moving and Canton with all C's rank we were thinking oh he's kidding but to us what's the relax he was Kalman he knew what to do man have you seen the max play he just kind of sits there takes everything in stride oh this has happened I can deal with that situation I've done it a million times tat so though probably one of the better players out there as well in these kind of games I'm surprised because you feel that this one of those games that he's in favor for for for tattled because of kiss his style but the max finish blob man oh that's nice oh yeah calm collected dealt with all the ridiculous scenarios the tattoo I was throwing out time after time after time and maybe it will turn it's one of those things where the max is the perfect counter disaster cats are known for all these ridiculous strategies pushing in super hard and finding a way to kind of just get under your opponent's skin the max sitting there calm collected able to transition nice and easy between his build absolutely nothing but a congratulations for both of them at this stage even though we have the max on game number one there I don't think anyone can predict who's going to take this series it was so tight the entire game now let's see what who's going to be now the second game the second game is going to be guest Caribbean this should be a map that is in theory in favor to tattoo you some water map um look in terms of the white shadow plays in his playstyle stays very well-versed in the style of play so having something like that under his belt here could be exactly what he needs going on up to game number one specially after a loss as well because the big thing we've got account here is well is the mental stress this actually puts on the plants we've got max already he's got a game he knows he can do it he knows he can win this and at the same time he's also created himself a buffer zone already and then on top of that we've got that big thing of threes they were looming in who wants to get three zeroed in it like this yeah so now it's very very important it's really really important and not only to win this one civilizations simply say so we can make a guess the bikers versus Japanese I think it is my life look I think for will you correct in that one the a lot of easy bonuses Malay would be nice to see but at the same time I think you're correct Malaya civilization we said in the start that you can use pretty much all over remember guys I think it's pretty obvious that you can see there who is winning Aztecs you got the gold cut right so he want with a civilization the Incas has lost shows you got the silver but people is very strong in the chat so they know absolutely everything of course and thank you so much those in the chat here as well today you're part of the event just as much of the rest of us here we are having an absolutely stellar time the amount of people in the building is um absolutely beautiful how many people is watching I don't know we don't have we don't have how many people Lucy's well that's it type in the chat how many people are watching so we can say it please come on type high pass right now 4k oh really oh man 4k this is we've only had one game we've got like another 10 hour we're going for the st. K with this desert pink case Marty we can get a remember ah that's it man that is okay oh man we hope everyone in the chats having a good time as well everywhere at the live event as well there's a massive screen set up across the entire event here we've got players absolutely everywhere but I feel bad man people he says is still in the chat they want to see the crowd they don't want to see us they want to see people in in the in the in the studio come on guys put the cameras in the studio there you go I also want to be there now that nobody listened huh oh there we go one other words down the back you are not muted are dissipated here sake hello everyone come on guys say hello everyone there we go a lot of people that you know probably from the community Nick up is there just at the back and we are back okay carry me is going to be there plants are going to be really very very soon don't worry we're going to keep going with the second game but well not like this because the players are not there so we are not going yet that's it guys just give us one second after we came like that I think it's alright to give him a minute to relax I think the Verne that you know yeah for sure well I'm chicken let let's make the gas so Vikings now versus Japanese if they don't I hopefully for a while one because what we want here five games as much games as possible right okay if we can go to Game five on the first set of the entire tournament I am just absolutely happy like I said this is some of the best Age of Empires we've just seen in general and had so many high-caliber players here in person we've got zero lag going on here as well so it means the micromanagement behind everything has been absolutely stunning that's amazing I was chicken I was taking before their church before they were practice and I was taking host a potato seed oh it succeed oh absolutely so he's to summation it's like if you are playing the sukkah player explain single player experience is great exactly and the play is at the same time here have been here for a couple they've had time to warm up they know how the gauge rails they has been here a couple of days if I'm if I'm not remember okay and in those two days they got you should remember that they got also take keyboards they gotta Moses so they feel a little bit like knock is not like at home but they are as close as possible there absolutely and this is just been an amazing time for everyone involved I've got so many members from the community here I can see them mingling already we've got so many different areas set up as well depending exactly what you want okay we're going to take a small break brave very soon guys and we will go for this second game exactly we're only up to game number two this is an entire day worth of game so you guys there's a good chance it could go on for 12 hours so I hope you have nothing booked in and you're a just sit down and watch some of the best quality Age of Empires you'll ever see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the escaped Champions League we are going into a game number two the max versus attacher of course first game going to the max after an extremely hard played game from both players what we can expect now because we don't know after the first game if the first game it taught us nothing no one has an advantage here we went to over an hour of game time straight away no resource left on the map and they were still fighting it out just incredible game now we're going to see Kelly B and a lot of people maybe don't like that match those games but guys were jumping into the second game piece is absolutely amazing and he's going to be the pike juicy top he always surprises what is the very planning versus be sent is well fast Imperial fast simple transition to fast fries if I don't know let's take that it'd be glorious that petition there not as a blue with the Byzantines and in the south mr. Turk we do have the max playing in the red as the Vikings okay let's take the map mat for tat but we can see berries at the bag goal at the back another call at the back is thought at the back is true that in a land map mr. Turk will be great but here is a little bit well it's not that important because we were expecting some water it's also true that if you solve land it can be a real problem but we say that let's go and check now the max map absolutely so looking down for both places well there'll be one large stone mine across two large gold mines here as well for each player both are going to be quite close to the edge of the map there so if we do see ship starting to take over and control no surprise landings or anything it will be a little bit of an issue to maintain control of a lot of these areas so what you're gonna find both ways will go hard on the water generally and from there it'll pretty much dictate the pace of the entire match well definitely and in this in this kind of map were to what the players had to enhance focus on the economy seems you cannot go and lame him we're going to see five Willie so would probably Lambrecht n right then pushing the deer's I believe that tattoed is you see pushing the deer's as well and from there the most important is where they're going to locate the dock this map doesn't have like a huge amount of fish right Turk I'm looking at it I'm trying to see if anyone has a direct advantage here I think the big thing is if we kind of look at the max is based there towards the western side he's only kind of got this little pond with a couple of fish in it towards the south side it's got a little bit to work with but looking at tatter you can put one on me I would say the east side there and towards the north and it's got a little bit of option there between both yeah well the max got this is the spot you should go but remember that they don't watch us as we do this is the point of view from the max you don't know exactly how it's looking so exactly a little bit lack factor here I'm hoping Knox that's one of the last things I want to see in a tournament match it's this big we drove the house going down here as well towards the back near the poor and looking over towards tatics we have the house coming down towards the shipwreck okay well he's pushing the deer's he has four Billie Jean would the Vikings he can maybe afford to be with four Billy seems the dock is cheaper my hope look at the dock he's doing look at her yeah it's right from the beginning in that little pond I was talking about there he's got a little bit of fish to work with but at the same time if we see chatter going down towards that eastern side he has a lot more ocean network with anyway for a four-day start seems you have the Vikings and you cannot make fire galleys you want to go for a back dog the stud might be okay because you'd want a fish and another so when he notice you have to move here but they're probably here for the strategy the mass is trying to do is that he has no no fish probably to go for a fast castle safe safety you know absolutely I agree with you entirely putting down the back dog that gives you a little bit more time before your opponent reaches you so you can mess up a little bit more unit and like you say I'm playing as the Vikings as well even more important so deduce do that but at the same time once the fighting begins it takes so long to reinforce those numbers as well as we put down all those front docks do you think is worth it well he's doing the dog here is it will be really complicated to make a to make a lander do you think it's worth a try to do land right away for any of the players um I'm looking at this one yeah it's one of those things where look I always love to see a good laying I'm allowed to say something different and would be nice but risky right exactly risky and it's something I think taro tried something a little bit I don't wanna say like different but it's something a little bit more I guess risk hey in the first match there went four towers try to get the push on really try to do as much damage as possible and being down zero one I feel like it doesn't exactly make you want to take more risks than you have to so we might see a kind of more Stiles just has a basic Starbase basic standard yeah okay anyway you say that if the game grow longer it can happen like in the previews the bike is in late game should be one step ahead at least from the base until and let's have a look both players we have the bore in for both players we've seen a little bit of a deal Lua as well both players shooters provided most of their island by now they should know what's up a couple of turkeys left therefore at Tata and we've got a couple left there from the max as well doing a little bit more scouting around his Island how are we looking in terms of rally placement as well we've got one over towards the western side of the max yeah but that timing that that timing going oh look at the transport that is going for the transport right away where I said only down there one you don't want to do anything risky I think he does we don't play the lottery today mister mister because man look at the the transport he's doing already I'm surprised are later from the match going that fast which is gonna be great right now because in this situation if you are going a little bit slower trying some fast Castle you can't get patted or reading your base alright let's see what his plan is here I've got four villages moving from the town centre it looks like he wants to make the transition here the other thing I would like to point out I doubt we're gonna get in a serious late-game here with this kind of strategy three relics on it tattoos Oh looks like I only got one on the maxes well I'm gonna focus completely now Turk in them the transport format is really discount we're going to see exactly what tattoed can can see right now I don't even know and you don't even know if the mass gonna find out let's see the suspense is real even people there I shut up here did you notice oh good I'm watching the max as well so see if he manages to catch the transport or okay did you point me out and then we'll say ah there you go the landing is a good landing he's a good landing here let's put now we want to have now an idea he's going to be probably oh he's a tower right away no no he deleted because he saw him not is that his farm and now he's doing the tower trying to get this tall he want to make that first tower to them make probably that one in the south right I know the village either is coming back from the max here as well good chance it's gonna spell out the scale okay can see he can lose the flash there he should know he did it or not Dorian I don't think it's not reacting at all these are not these and the villages look aware that tower is now it's just out of line of sight as well behind the wood line it still be the Lord is this incredible notice he has just brought them assesses for absolutely everything you can see he can see all the map hit her with the galleys they Scout was there for a second well for a millisecond again that's the second time we've seen this cat in there for a millisecond and no reaction from the max the max already starting to produce galleys as well he's got three dogs up and running he who knows he deleted the lumber can't keep for him to delete the larvae ken whoa fast reaction man a man with action there that was just too close for comfort there from the max he knows exactly what's going on now the first tower is up he puts down a defensive defensive outpost actually right next to his right next to his gold there so he wants to know what's going on but look at this tower comes up as well on the gold side another outpost able apples ABL output Raz good job man never got back okay how many villas you need to go back to outpost are going to defend that I don't think so but he got goal at the back and now with the stone Oh only when it's donkey Oh only one story covered know all the stories together do parts of his stone to getting the same as part this has this potential for a very quick game if the max can't find a way to mop this up and look at this after being extra cheeky putting down a dog right next to his opponents few fire ships out and deal with any fishing ships that are left on the map well actually in this map this stone is always together you can see is this a 4/4 tattoed this Tony's hope to carry the only one pile I didn't notice that okay yeah yeah so it's the same actually is fair map for both because it's like this you can see that well I don't know what is he going to do now he keep going with the towers he didn't make any damage like not yet but map control cam matters a lot absolutely he's pushed him away from one of his main goals he forced the deletion of lumber camp so you've got literally resources just down the drain there we've denied this stone that he's got access to as well and even then he needs to get the wood he needs to be able to push on to this secondary gold mine down in the back here so the moment he's effectively stunted him but like you say there's been no direct damage that mining camp is a little bit too far is to go one tile closer anyway he's willing to houses with the stone I think he's defending it really great I don't know but I will make a tower probably here because you want to stop him a boy to go to that Daria she's walling now so yeah he's keeping just the stone and now there's a lot of calories after that the max seems to be going pretty okay we still doing now so far galleys yes he is and he still with only one and two dogs because this one is a sneaky here well tattles got his foothold now what we were talking about here we got four towers down so he's looking extremely sharp there he just needs to find a way to basically start getting you in the water do a little bit of damage there and then again it's the same store we store in game number one except paying off you starting to get the constriction and there we go again the beautiful little cubes for anyone wondering at home what this is this is the point of view from the max is shown on the screen there this is how he plays the game he doesn't care for the little sprites doesn't care for anything like that he just needs the cold hard information when I saw this before I start this stream I was like oh you can't play like this and and room stop safe easy easy when you go back when you go there you don't go back anyway you know what I will do here I will put here a dock for the max if you put here a dogs you're gonna block completely that one the fire galleys won't be able to cross here because you got a block completely and then you will trap it since you got a lot of more army and only one dock available here for tattle it would be problems because that thought didn't make any damage right now no not much well like you said earlier on he hasn't done any direct damage yet he's national even it has permits movements by a lot we've got a pretty minimal amount of fishing ships outfit Otto here at the moment obviously not something he wants to lose but the same time demolition raft out for the max we've got a demo outfit a tow as well so it's basically coming down to who can just get some efficient trades on the water here but I'm looking at this group of three fishing trips and the demo sitting right next to it well she's gonna think one maybe he's got I think he's gonna kill them all well that's important you all loosing the fish now he's loosing all that oh he's not wasting one is his demo trades he knows exactly what he needs to make it worth it so he's gonna hang out with that one keep it down until you can get a good grouping of these galleys and then blamo so you might if you do what I suggested you know one dog here seems they are cheaper he got the wood it will be great resources I'm looking a lot of a stone cold I will see the market probably from from tottered soon yeah I think so two farmers three farmers already here he's well defended now his wallet mark he's doing another dog now in the North so many dogs let's zoom out a little bit how many he got four dogs already the good news is for max as well with his little galley group there he's been able to head around over the taro side and clean up pretty much all of his fishing ships in fact it might have been old I'm just looking at the map there so he has managed himself a small win from that one there but again we still got that demolition Ralph's there from chatter trying to find an engagement here these galleys clump up he could find exactly what he's after yeah but also point out ficus economy it became keep going longer you can't see how he's getting good food but he's gonna balance with the market a lot of galleys kick up the fledging yes so not enough are we here yet fort a tot kind of looking what we've got here and we've got blacksmith market coming down for chatter tetra 544 start in the bank I'm not a dog already here at least if it got dark for the max population the same yep pretty pretty much the same for Phillies more but double the army from the max the game is stabilized a little bit and now Todd cannot touch him he has no army at all so do you think it will be working out to make a contrast there market is there and the plasmid he will buy the food and we'll go up to castle eight look at that economy fortitude mister absolutely at the nice events I'm after what he's managed to pull off here as well gathering so much turned is transitioning that into gold and then of course getting the resources it needs from there so it's made it very very easy for him and the big thing I think we need to keep out what for now is if it's just had her decide to start going on to the water or does he start dropping military bar buildings on his opponents island and you start trying to wipe him off the map that's a good question it's a little bit tricky I think he's gonna try to get back into water because you know that it can be very important if you if you lose the water and yeah maybe you can not come back from there let's see he's taking one dog the resources for the max is still not going to go up well it's getting there if I handed fruit 200 gold archery range but he's probably not expecting right that tato is going to be canceled it exactly and that's the big thing to kind of come away with you if chatter like I said drop a couple of military buildings start getting on top of that economy nice and early therefore the max there's nothing he can really kind of do to stop it like you said he's got the archery range coming up behind that so we'll have a little time to get some military up there it's so much resource spent on the water something the tattooer hasn't committed to but at the same time it means if chatter loses four villages four villages that are in his opponent's Island what can he do from there well it's true that it's very difficult that he's loosened up because yes fruitful towers but you need to multitask he's now trying to get some galleys and you need to put all the guys together it's forcing him to move all the fishes if actually those fishing ships are really great for the economy is a great post and the max is Castille each now two minutes behind but still this is so important it's not going to go see Chen monks or something here he's doing deflection plenty for the towers probably at home he does have a barrack so and there we go he's going down through a galley tech as well looks like Tavor does want to make a play for the water here oh oh but that does about a bad moment here to go he's trapping him before he's doing the average he want to take the fight before he's doing the work galley average that for why the max is going now he's gonna take it one down he's gonna take another he's gonna take or not well good micro pair for the max but he split all the units Tonto let's have a look here because we've got chatter up in the next stage like I said wall galley coming down we'll be able to make a play for the water here and there the fire ships coming out he's reinforcing as well it looks like he's gonna get this around yeah that's a big problem here if she can lose absolutely no he's going away she can't cross there is move it you need to go away Kimmy to kill that fire gala and then move all the way this fight not gonna be great for the max knack he's going away he's fine and just look what he did here got this table and actually raised because I really think that you want to recover that area absolutely and look at this who's Kelly she's being pushed back further and further max really just has to play for time here he really needs that war galley upgrade but look at those tattoos some good micromanagement just starting to corner them over and over again getting all that trickle damage on them and slowly just taking down that big bowl of death well if he's losing all this army they could feel well the good thing with the bike is that you can you know you can make the galleys again they are cheaper but he's doing an extra cc or oh that is one hell of a demo hit there from the MA Wow it just absolutely demolishes the max there takes out about half the galleys in at the same time look at low HP on these galleys anyway the others I know has taken the water all them all then they're all then there look at this there what is complete down now that is just absolutely heartbreaking to say that Max was doing such a good job holding all of those ones one demo ship from tatter spawns as the unit's passed by the docks and game over for all those galleys and look at that tatto has full water control he's on his opponents Island now a couple of nights coming out from the max trying to clean up these villages but is it going to be enough well I don't know a water kissing big progress right now he's doing the crosswalk breathing what for what for landing or juice recover recover here of course key sticking civilian no he didn't take for Billy's for Billy's doubt that DC is going to be up and this has been a key sticker is you know water's devastating yeah it's because I water completely have you seen the transition was starting to say from max though in his bottom dock that's really my favorite he did he did also a lot of a lot of talks here but he's gonna be an old the Lobos are coming those longboats are coming he's doing some demos too so but I don't know anymore look at the difference in the military he's now big for title and to kill those fire you need a lot more long boats what are you doing tester we put down in the town center and we're Hornets Island we want to take this one as well can be able to boom up behind it gives of course himself an easy staging point for any kind of aggression there but long boats at the moment as well trying to take down these fire ships as best as possible but don't pick a fight now don't lose like this give me the pot came give you to make the port game now he's doing a TC oh man that TC that to see if he's also conquers that and a monastry just to counter a potential night yeah now the map control belongs to that oh okay entirely he's got the water he's got half his opponents Island as well that he can't even touch his opponent can't touch his turn he can't touch one of his main gold mines there was to her quite a bit of gold left on the other side thankfully through the Mac so he can put up a little bit more resistance here before resorting to trash as well la boats are really strong but the numbers matters a lot he got now the same army coming with the Lobos you need to be careful tattered now paulista will be crucial in this situation his control has been absolutely crucial throughout this entire game the thing I'm worried about here for the max if he starts to move into this canal area here he could again be sandwiched between the fire ships and then again all it takes is one demolition ship yeah it can't happen I think she's gonna be aware now seems he got some time it's before a big damage before but the numbers look at the population man right over here older man he's already clicked up using that bonus there be sent this man three tone centers underway to build 32 minutes now fast fires it for that reason he's going away with all the army does have a lot of army anymore because the Vikings can produce well super cheap units but being in a bit of that early can be the game absolutely if you start imagining at the extra text behind it especially cuz the thing is as well he does have quite a bit of Stern in the bank he's still got villages on stirring as well so the big thing I'm starting to feels we see a castle come down on the Max's islands especially when satyr hits imp there's no way he can begin to deal with that and don't the fish blocks just make you happy they're little Bobby redness roll em I'm girliest care about that if he's doing a cast look here I'm just checking that like you say it he's even he even made the mighty can that disease was gonna write about its gonna meet the cast it right away yeah he's gonna drop a castle right next to the town centre use that as a staging point if he pushes him away from that town centre he's got the lumber towards it what towards the south there he's got a little bit of gold and that's pretty much about all he's got to work with you I'm just worried again that tatters gonna constrict his opponent the max wood won't be able to put up much of a fight but he sure did lose the water I mean he may be a little bit confident here and well the problem is that if he's loose in the water but he secured his land to what what the max can do nothing because look at the map for the for the max with one toe Center but still we've got the max out he's got 13 long boats out in play I'm only seeing four fire ships there for chatter at the moment fifth one over by his dock so the raiding option is definitely for the max along the coastline he can potentially try and move over with the transport ship if he wants to as well but there's a good chance he may actually be able to repo or the control office and there's the transport look we had the transfer but look at the cast like he's doing his face his face I mean it can be closer it can't be close it is not a possibility of adult castle right no no there is nothing here to help the max defend this one he kinda just has to let it happen and just that town centre I think there's gonna be a sacrificial lamb to make him just hold out as long as possible transport ship about to get across to the other side here for the max as well loaded with five crossbows it has been scouted already by Tattler who had some five ships in play yeah actually see it but this shouldn't be a big problem if you can't move also those really student to the lab so shouldn't be any problem he compared what is there with the fire ships yeah this is pretty much you know with the castle look at this GG called total domination kill with the be something huh this is right play from that oh that that has been an amazing feat took completed it the wood the stones you can see now the pliers they keep the same thing I realized like this is like a long run right a long run and with this caster he took one cold stone on the map and the transition to Peter would be some things exactly the castle there was just the nail in the coffin I think we were waiting for Tarot took so much control of his opponents Island the way he took out all those galleys there towards the middle of the game as well absolutely devastating there for the max he managed to pull himself into such a good controlling late there and then all of a sudden want demo ships such low HP on fire ships warm game over that was great but even if he didn't take that one probably with the team the appeal transition he couldn't do anything right it's very difficult with this this is Rowdy okay let's go and jump into the achievement and we will see how fast it was this game completely different with the previous one right exactly and that's what I'm loving here the players are really showing exactly where they shine how many styles if mass didn't want it exactly brought to the table here if we look at the resources account you can see Tarot ahead on for really much oh look that mm stone in the bank that's looking everything yeah everything Billy's temple is more transition to Imperial 52 minutes it was absolutely absolutely over and we're going to jump into the third game very quick absolutely here and remember of course we are only in game number three now we are at 1-1 it guarantees is another two games minimum right River and what what the prediction for this because we got surprised about the Byzantines we forgot that in that map in this Caribbean that they are pretty close also that these businesses can be so dangerous absolutely we saw that in time and time again the fire ships transitioning into an early Imperial timing like that just make so strong Fattah sir and again Tata is showing you can use these civilizations that you wouldn't necessarily pick but at the same time put you in a very very good spot for that next up we do have dry river for game number three here best of five series so we are promised at least in extra two games with both players taking out one game each but guys if you are waiting for for a break there's no break anymore we are jumping right away with the South catheters a blue with Japanese and in the north we have the max with the Celts mr. Turk how is the map for the max in this one looking at this one he's got some very close he's got very close fish there which is gonna be fantastic for him he's gonna get that milled down straightaway and have a little bit of extra time there so from the beginning of course it's gonna make things a little bit easier in terms of pulling those fish in so we will have a high income and we'll have an income quicker but at the same time it means if he gets pushed away from here the Townsend is literally a stone's throw away so it makes things are very hard to defend he doesn't have much option for a retreat very complicated I mean I was expecting Japanese in the previous one because the fishing ships are are working much better here you got the advantage that seems you can make a lot of mills you can see the second meal or really for tat is 50% cheaper so it's definitely worth it the fast the faster food is here there were the fishing ships right there the short fish sorry because those elephant maybe sometimes they don't even take it or maybe they take a late game absolutely an option there as well but like he was saying the peak thing I'm liking about this choice because of course we were thinking we would see Japanese in the last game but tato is going look I'm not going to commit to a whole bunch of fishing ships so maybe it's better off holding on to these guys for their here we can use the Japanese we can get down those mills super easily and efficiently look at how easy it makes him to micro the villages around it put some in such good position there just to get maximum resource income yeah well the lumber camp the rumor raised is the same price is very cheap but according to the other resources we can check now that with resources call at the back is turned out the back another goal on the left the third one is super far and another stone at the back that's really cool in case that the max seems gives with the kills and they are faster exactly good military that can be very dangerous so looking towards the max he does have that point extremely close to his town center so not a lot of options for a retreat if you gets knocked away from these ponds is pretty much it gonna be a little bit testy for him to get back out there but at the same time gold in the back stone in the back gold in the back he's got lumber in the back it's just I don't look very good for him so if he does get pushed on he can't hold towards that town centre and then make it come back eventually well some walls will be needed this can be using the wall bye-bye the max you can see those couple of forests he can also walk to the edge of the map pretty easy to cover this area then in this one I don't know if he's gonna make the buildings I believe that they're part Wow he's doing here all the walls here maybe the park will be forward but this can be pretty unpredictable I really ridiculous if both with malicious looking at the way tanto is kind of setting his base up here you can see it's actually already going for the wall off kind of across the side there gets the house in blocks the one gap there straightaway I think he does have a lot easier base to wall off that said as soon as we look at kind of the north where the gold is he does have this extremely open area here same thing can pretty much be said for the max though looking at this he's got that one area which is reasonably easy to wall off to this center of the river then of course he can go to the edge of the map but at the same time he's got this massive open space to work with yeah definitely that old map is it's really amazing let's see what is this son okay he's trying to lane a little Oh first fill it down first village down for tot he's gonna lame that one he's gonna take it he's gonna wall it or not he's gonna wallet oh man just a little bit slower now he took it he took it already he's very dangerous here to me without the loom and it can happen this and after again just showing he lets no opportunity go to waste yeah he's a villager on its own he'll take it even with the Scout with only three HP I had three attack nothing extra on that guy they're just some good micromanagement from tatter and Sally's a little bit slower Wolof they're from the max the max is now going around with the Scout he's trying to make probably the same one believes that early it matters man it really matters and three mills are really whoa Ted's restaurant is true that yes too because remember that the Kells got our supporters from there from the wood now let's see it should be fine but that economy look at that food exactly it's running at such high efficiency we do have the barracks starting to come down from the max taro throwing his barracks down too as well so we are gonna see a little bit of revenge there in terms of timing for the max but at the same time like you pointed out earlier tesslar just snagged a villager already that's about as good as the Dark Age gets Aki's well in that village because Casey Kim coming doing the loan I think they will go similar time but that foot 600 already up nine milli 22nd so quick that's so quick I was about to comment about that Tasso knows exactly what's up here with all these Mills down he's be able to be so efficient with his farming his food count is just absolutely insane without taking any elephant remember that the elephants are four handed food each and they are juice avoiding them ignoring them mining camp at the back taking all that money can be so sweet he can't even take his stone if he wanted that's amazing that's really amazing for that one successful already underway and the nice is not do it yet and he's not tapped yet look at that Jasser is looking like he's in a really good spot here it's got an earlier up time we don't have any militia coming out yet from the max we've got tato already three cute or too cute now one in play TAS are looking like he might just be again as step ahead in this he's one minute over one made it to heavy money if you send in LD malicious and coming to with village and buta tower that tower can take that huge amount of fruit map controlling I and I will go for a tower absolutely and like I was saying earlier on this is really all that the max has to work with you these puddles are quite close to his town sent a bit from there look at how hot it is to get to anywhere else oh he's call me Turk he's coming he's coming yeah so close they are so close three militias for Villa is gonna make the tower gonna deny that mill and it's even more he's gonna be even worse for for the max because one left look at that where can the counter tower come from Akon the Max is doing his way up to feudal man he need to move now yeah well he's going away and he got also some ostrich oh look at this they could see that there's a lot of resources yeah but he's getting all ready and he's forcing him to spend resources that he wanted a visa what is land that's it if he can force a variation his opponents plan it puts them in a really good situation manner arms just finishing up now as well so can't get that a little bit of a snap bump on top these and on the shirt which makes things a little bit easier same time watchtower cannot deny both these puddles here good news is for the maxes or he walled off towards the top of the map there it's got a secondary one down but he has forced the extra creation of the mill a little bit more idle time as well looks like that barracks is out of here he destroyed the barrack juicing when he'll reach fuel if you force him to make another one so do you see my helm as resources he has to spend already used to try to counter and he's still not well Kitty the wall what is this gold man dude it the wall man well man I'm all for this tattoo is just giving his opponent and nothing here he's done such a good job of being aggressive and it looks like we might even be seeing another push now as well so we do you have tattoo already on stones he'll be able to pull another one but these quick walls from tattooer just absolutely stunning yeah he was fine there the multitasking was reeled you can see doubt they are trying he's doing the tower but that now is not great you know why because he's gonna make exactly the tower on the laughs and think he's going to call her again that mil I think that was a little bit too fast that tower yeah this happen at the same time there he needs a way to kind of hold on now he does want to get pushed off this because he gets pushed off this area here that's pretty much it for food income he I know he can go down to the elephants but after that it's straight on the farms which again is just more commitment to resource he didn't want to lose yeah but but they still he's loosing because we'll keep doing this tower this is useless now well he can take the ostrich maybe but he's coming with them and attempts I'm not gonna be able to take it he's there let's see now the minute terms are coming the scout is there he can't see them comedies already on his point of view you can see you can see he's there all but he got the tower to defend but you might even now he's coming and doing another tower here the begun I have been worried about is where all these villages are sitting around this mill if he wanted to he can just go in and try and block them in there as easy as possible but at the same time we've got those villages from chato wandering around the side here looks like they're looking for a place for a tower but no looks like they just what line of vision outpost coming up from Chateau okay quick wall he's doing the old pose but he's also there with the minute times yeah if she's safe now he's safe now safe which is not in a good position also he's repairing the Lambrecht and forcing him a little bit to expend resources population from tattoed here 57:29 in minute 13 desert actually has another formal and sure on the opposite side of the map as well so he's got four that he's using to push away the Maxis militia then he's got four on the opposite side that he's using the kind of pressure as well so really interesting to commit this hard to it okay coming up there nice and quick as well for tato couldn't deny any aggression on the gold now in DC she's gonna eat the DC but got no Billy is so it's not that it's not a big problem he has no Billy so even if he's going is not gonna make damage and the max look at those malicious minute I'm sorry they're Ferraris they're so fast she's trying to catch her but he can impossible look yeah he's going away anyway the population different say that lease for four villas behind already the max and not even the BB tax it just makes things so hard to catch up on a map like this especially cuz if in reality nothing really too much has happened we did have that one kill in terms of the actual scout there but then tatto just starting a Hammett every advantage you can takes down the barracks puts up a tower looks for another hole and he's just making just the max spent so much resource he doesn't want through here and it's really denying any kind of strategy that max may have had an option for archery range in his up do have a couple of garrison two arches there as well for the max so we'll have a way to clean up these man-at-arms yeah if you can't clean up but when he's gonna clean up he's probably on their way to Castle is look at those resources he's gathering a lot of a lot of fruit only missing the goal and will go up because this is just insanity taro has been playing such tight bill Lord as this entire game he's gone into pretty much every match with the direct strategy he knew when he wanted to achieve and he's put just enough for like pressure on his opponent there they haven't really been able to interfere with him which is the big thing we'll see if these archers can really start to pull anything off for the max but at the same time like you're saying he's needs a little bit of gold and he's up to the next age yeah it's almost impossible situation now for 40 max he got map control the masses do it the out deflecting except that he's now going and pick up so many Billy's but that would react instantly with the tower he's doing the tower they arches out there many times he didn't find it out he didn't catch up anything there he just miss it the max also missing it and could take some village not anymore he's now trying to go away he's gonna be able to take this wood I'm not sure he got doable large rate at home and that he thought about to click have to castle aged happen it's in such a good position to defend this off obviously the archery range came up a little bit later but at the same time here being the defender he's gonna get the defender advantage he can Bri Papa continue to add to his army here may be a potential couple of villages but no look at that garrison drew the tower tatto is just everywhere in this match absolutely everywhere he got really really big advantage in the start he needs 200 he didn't well they some some good to see 3 she'll get nap he's gonna pick couple of Billy's but those arches are coming that he thought didn't click app you have to castle 8 so let's see the max is gonna try of course till the last second he's gonna pick one Philly or not speaking one man killed something he's not killing any and now if the arts is he's not gonna take any maybe these one no okay the last thing your art it arches and gonna pick now those and tattered is finally all the way to cast us all so now with the skirmishes to defend that's it look at the way Taylor's been defending this entire map the manor arms get through at the same time only losses a single village are obviously losing the villager gonna just suck you don't want to lose anything but the option there if they were blocked in properly if tax control wasn't there we saw a lot more option for that and again look at that blocks the men and arms out uses the arches just take them out slowly and there's nothing that can really happen here tanto just having such a controlling force in this game I'm afraid I'm really really afraid well the score is almost the same so he might be thinking I don't have so much army but when he see that he's reach Castle age he got the same army same army same Billy's and he's gonna be Castle is well the mascot seed or resources basically I mean it's obviously possible he got all the map control and he could go crossbows and even siege if you want it absolutely look at the resource count there we've got for the max we've got 76 food in the bank padded aren't your armor coming down as well I don't think he suspects that arrows up to Castle age here really trying to get his upgrades and things before he moves up but the castle AGA this might be a nail in the coffin well he's gonna clean now some units with those arches he shall be careful because he's reaching Castle he's now that's a good I could move here away the max just killing quite a lot but to still castle they just make a huge difference key I thought if he could make even a stable I will go if I was tied to this table to remember that now Japanese got the bloodline so this the Knights are perfectly fine and with some excuses you will take everything I'm just looking that's right now I'm just wondering what the Max's movies here he looks like he's in front score wise but he must know he's behind in this one that's right hitting into Castle age now we'll see if we get any kind of reaction from him as well Castle okay and just decide to pull and look at this army starts to move away as well he knows he's in a little bit of trouble here ad yeah bales straight out of that tried to kill the tower in the north but he need to go back because the arches are there the skirmisher will you see what is he gonna be able to do with the crawlers but definitely he can make a lot of damage I believe that the bags need towers to defend not a bit - Don all right so - north of tattoos base I'm seeing a couple double barracks get dropped down are cleaning more men are harms there as well I'm not exactly sure what he's planning is here but basically he's got two barracks nearby we've got one back at home so he's really committing into the barracks play here well I don't know I'm confused a little I agree there's been a very very interesting matchup in terms of the way this game is played out tato is just so far ahead now in terms of not only resources that research tech behind that as well the double barracks - what's the front here is definitely the thing that starts confusing more than anything it's my full minute times now the crowd is doing the tower I think he's gonna hold for up for a little bit the max is now gathering some resources is still far from going up well Tata is coming with the crossbows Potkin arrow oh no he didn't still deny it but now he could take it now if he's going back a lot of farming 20 army for both seven village ahead he is still with more population tattered with the least care issues I don't know I really don't know why he did those but still again these these men are armed just kind of pushing it around the chance now good news is no farms up so it means they can kind of get through that relatively safely get on top to the lumber camp there if they want to but still the numbers aren't there he's got the archer numbers but they're just lacking the upgrades to go into direct fight with the max Dilys Commerce's will be fine but I insist he might now if you put couple of couple of his stables tactical will kill everything with this game is it on some siege no he's played so so defensive in my opinion that I agree I'm very passive attacks are very passive he has five village here on the stone here's the tower are no defense for that it's a scary this it's not like crossbows but they still with the plus two might do the damage he need to move yeah he's gonna take one of billion money more now he's coming with a lot of farming he's doing now the tower but those towers were needed in the gold okay he's gonna be okay look at the sandwich we've got the closer is the manor arms coming in this could be bad he lost one okay she's gonna be your cage to come it but their resources he's not even clinking up yet Wow this is what I'm worried about Tara's be able to absolutely start snowball affecting this with the stronger units if you starts getting down more units as well behind this even if you decide to go up to an extra child center for whatever reason seeking to sell kids getting a snowball effect going and then that's where the max runnings into a lot of trouble incredibly close in terms of population thought that their transition to castle was going to make more impact and not at all not for you not yet at least definitely not also in a throttle center and now he's looking up to castle is the max so the max looks like he's been having some massive struggles here just in terms of his layout of his base he actually took the top of the map you can see where he's got his mills down he's actually starting to collect food from there should have the food to click up there we go any second he's already done which is good to say all the way to Castle as he has moved pretty fine I'm trying to find the goal is to mine a lady called the max oh that eateth gold that only three Billy's kiln it definitely much more the max has almost no resources trying to play with the urges here in the middle of tattoos based I managed to get a village there on the way through sacrificing a lot of army under the town center there yeah well look at the look at the military number for the max and this is just been a rough game for this has been a rough game from the max ever since tattoo kinda got that villager sniper early on I put him in a bad situation deal with all of this the tower that came down earlier on managed to taking away all those shore fish I mean he's had trouble in terms of all of the food income managed to push to the top there as well but this has just been absolutely rough okay now he's sir now he's the mask who is doing a skill bar the Narborough I don't find you at this table did he make this table I'm missing this table okay he's been here just look on the left so the Xia stables and it fries tables when you have a handed 400 goal how many knives you're gonna be able to to do it don't have the resources and then officials sell sell a stone or something but he's gonna try to rate and actually with a lot of nights he can make a lot of a lot of damage absolutely is transitioning a lot of villages to gold in the back of his base here at the moment try and keep as much of this sacred as possible to putting the state as stables down well out of view of chatter making sure he gets in the back there into the gold puts down a defensive tower as well doesn't want to lose out on that one and we've got a couple of men arms in the base again looks like it's gonna get on top of that gold oh but but he's gonna take some fillies what's happening here now population difference is huge that of 7540 for a lot family but he sees criticism some crossbows and he's tried to pick up more and more Phillies 1 billion down to billions now Konami 3 is crazy that they are that close in terms of economy obviously now pick one in the north as well and was the night how many nice keys to him so he's like to stables up and running third one still to join the fight so let's have a look exactly yeah how's he doing in terms of offices look at the big goal the main goal with a lot of Chronos and keys ok he not is but they still do you need couple of towers otherwise look it's gonna pick one Philly down Jubilee is down there you know and if he's moving to the north now he will stay there denied the goal do you see what's in it oh that's it he can just camp out there deny the gold for as long as possible which is gonna add at the end of the day is gonna stop the production of Knights from these stables we do have the town center coming up the Knights are there now however they will be able to take out a couple of villages siege workshop coming down from the max as well so we'll try and get aggressive here well he's trying but if you take the resources poof you think with what he cannot make a mango no is true that he's picking up some villagers with who's one those Knights okay still they're denying the goal when he stopped taking that goal look at these goal at the back you see he could take that goal for free like there's nothing there move there and now I know the night they play with this map Turk is that if you get a little bit confident here overconfident you can't get rid it all over again and then the check did the game can't change absolutely I'm looking this you've got some just units in general on the show fish therefore terror that are getting taken down slowly but surely at the same time I'm kind of wandering around the map looking exactly where the max is echo isn't it's getting pretty dry for him in all honesty down towards the back of his base where he's got his lumbar starting to run out of units that do any kind of mining whatsoever oh the Mike Odom angrily died oh he took one Billy didn't take more but to Philly is different after all these to Philly is different of course they are me the military and also the towers is is there some map control a lot better resources but now he does have a lot of army to stop there the night of the siege that's exactly like look at the pop counts there it makes such difference I can even hear some monks out as well so for any of those converts on the Knights can work out extremely well for him let's see him check in there's no farms which is is crazy oh the mango no the man will try to kill now but one night when I've come in yeah one converter tonight yeah that's you can see how badly can't before and just look at the gold resource at the moment for the max there he's got three stables can't even produce a single night at the moment she's being denied that entire gold good news is for the max however the Knights are in place so they are starting to take out those crossbows around the gold mine there so we'll finally be able to get some gold income yeah he cleaned there but now look at those discourages taking more and more village they're multitasking multitasking is not happening now - Billy is down three Billy's down four villas down and the last one will be down - he didn't not these and that's what's look at the resources that a toads got in the bank here as well he's got over a thousand food he's got over a thousand wood golden stone really the only thing is lacking at the same time he has such easy access to them in the back of his base all we need to do is make a transition here and pretty much just transition into victory really yeah well he could sell some resources even and go to you but if you know what to go to him please make moremore are a he got a lot of a lot to becoming no stone to add mortises thought he does have a lot of gold because he's raving all the time on you go miners but the max doing another TC now in the surface and he's call it the GG Wow well he took the gg the early game right well from the beginning now it was really hard for the match to get any kind of control chatter moved in quickly did some damage and the thing is losing a villager like that so quickly it can't really throw you off your game and sway your confidence there which look looking at what happened there for the max he just got pushed off all these puddles he had no access to any food until he got up to the north of the map there meaning that the castle age timing we saw from Tattler it was just so much stronger and remember he had to he had to do check and we were checking their achievements he has to delete the barrack delete absolutely absolutely everything in the start so he cost him another Lambrecht cam DeMille everything he has to move completely and in the activity we're going to see that the difference in the economy was was just so-so look at that a thousand more food in the banks and things are easy even then gold pretty even but at the same time the food just makes such a difference in the early game being able to pull yourself up to the castle edge that quickly it's just hard work because remember 1040 in what like 25 minutes 30 minute game when you don't have a single farm how much food is that exactly map control there and that makes such a difference but we will be going into a game number four soon 201 currently four secrets tatter of course this is the best of five series so it could potentially be the last map depending on the max and his fight he plays so solid in these Caribbean guys we have seen that the in Caribbean well we all know that in the water map stick he's fantastic but in this one he took that advantage that one minute one minute faster was the game absolutely it just makes the transition so much easier you can get that tech behind it you can start writing it makes you micromanaging so much easier behind that as well and every advantage you get there just pushes you so much further ahead and I guess the thing behind this as well regicide fortress coming up who do you rate we've got the max and tatto coming up we're going to see myosin gods or we're going to see some mind games now guys what do you think myosin gods or now the max would have to say doctor like the last tournament game I saw where we decide it was gonna be minds and Goths the person that picked mind instead of double bluff when end up golfers of biking's for memory sort will see if we see some tricky play there from tatto if we see some tricky play there from the max who knows exactly how it can end up but at the same time and who knows okay let's see what we're going to see anyway guys we have a game number four coming up a regicide fortress and very very soon [Music] and we're gonna take just one second and we'll be back tato is jumping back onto his computer so we'll be in for game number for regicide fortress the remaining civilizations being the melee and the Gauss and then we have the mines and the Britons for the max so the question is here will we see a well that's the thing right course no matter what you pick you're up against mines or you're up against Britain's well maybe with Britons you have champions very true very very true but and they all dig got to put the apresenta guards they got two plus four plus four so Britons can be a surprise there and then what will will be left mines for every night is great absolutely I was you know back in just one second guys as we prep the next game we are going into game number four when I first picked up Prez mata I was playing a lot yeah and this was important part is pretty much everyone I know for my competitive gaming background immediately fell off you're gonna love it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the best of five between Swami's and Max and secret tatto Theriot currently leading at 2-1 best of five series rating of Tatro does win the next map regicide fortress could be game over to the max coughing is not game over mr. Tuerck the civilization will with told that how important they are but I honestly think that in these matchups in reset fortress and arena probably even even more important beautiful transition we have and we're gonna jump into the game number four razor fortress in a sec we're going to get there very soon civilizations we're good to see another surprise I've really hoped so like we said tanto still did have God's remaining so it does put him in a good situation here pretty much verse no matter what he comes up with but like you mentioning champs are an option of course so we'll see exactly how this one does decide to play out you tosser we have not been able to get a raid on him all tournament this is look a little bit like definitive edition because this is looking so beautiful that look at this race I portrait definitive edition right those graphics and and it is a very very stunning I'll say that people is it skinny it's getting high but remember that it will be dude we are so much in definitive addition to and we are looking forward for that too right I think we all have to be at this stage it's looking fantastic we've seen beta it's open so basically anyone as well that is looking for beta access you can actually sign up as an insider through the Age of Empires forums jump on through that if you get a beta K you'll be able to get into the multiplier clothes made of testing well we can also chat a little bit seems they are not starting yet well it's about to start we can also check with chat with the people in the chat come on guys how's the spirit right now people in the chat we check the chat as well so we can't keep going and keep going spam the chat as much as possible absolutely guys you are just as much as fun of this as we are having casting here so it's good to see everyone here we've put the live audience we've got the chat audience we've got the casting booth we've got absolutely everyone here today and the vibe in here is absolutely fantastic and this is only the first set of games for the day we have another term hugs a lot of series coming up I believe we don't know how many we have how many we have we are oh really because these if we go 1v1 we got two vetoes yeah we've got everyone bringing that a game there's gonna be great I think if the next series it's gonna be nearly on demonstrate who are going to cast I don't know if I'm it's Pauline something but if I did it's already don't panic guys alright ladies in church and we are in we are into a regicide fortress let's have a look but no surprise no surprise what we have what they say there I didn't see and we got big gods and the Mayans I guess this was to be expected from Joe come on how much can you hide from this one well we wanted to we wanted that there was some difference but now with the got some irons advantage for tattooed right all right let's have a look here so in the blue towards the north of the map we do have chatter playing as they got his opponent of course going to be the max looking to clean this one back for me to fate we do have him in the red as of course the Mayans yeah they may afford the max T civilization is great but against the gods huge cost special bonus against rain soon it's gonna be very difficult I honestly also seen that huge scale and with the spam it you can take down the well the Eagles anyway we're gonna check this map guys if you don't know which have photos you start already with five farmers start with double the populations you can see how the population is already 1617 and we are in two minutes right now we can expect here pretty fast transition to cast the lace right mr. Tuerck absolutely I'm checking the relics right now as well looks like the max has more on outside his base there's one kind of neutral relic between both players I meet a sir does have three scattered right around the edges of his base so as far as it goes if this does go into late-game like we see with so many fortress regicide games this could be a good advantage for him could be but I'm looking for what tattered is gonna try I have seen this matchup and it's possible to go for anarchy in castle 8 and try to make a push from from there and it is very complicated to to beat the cards with the Mayans really I know we can make so much guess but well we will say we'll see with the game right now we can focus in the build order and there with the max to build is a word everything else of would already mine into the goal and remember that they start with a hundred fifty stone have absolutely so it should be a good matchup here from both players but really hoping the max has something special to bring to the table here because of course the cost versus it up yet not exactly gonna be the easiest win in the world but at the same time if anyone can do it at the moment the max has been proving his 1v1 prowess this entire tournament series of the last year yeah the max was more like a teen became flyer but look where he is right now he's being the one playing the one we went from look at that puff twirl for the max look at that mud kiss you seen do you think those are trees come on look at the trace key got there again for those joining us just now we on seing the Max's point of view he does use a cube mod for all the resources so what you can see there is exactly what he sees on his screen yeah they say that is amazing one and when you do it you go don't go back we're talking of course in the competitive scene right because this seems that they know exactly how many trees they have and well they feel confident they all play like these for a long time ago him and Rubin stock alright looks like we've got the max putting up some extra Palisades walls as well once again himself some extra boom room for later on in the game so getting that down nice and quickly it's kings of course scouting out a lot of the map now as well so we should see good vision from both players by now as well I'm showing that exactly right now you can see how Totten has explore a lot more transition like we say it for free the ladies pretty quick not to 7 million $13 max 6 min 47 there is the same village but remember that with the Mayans you start with more so yeah that's the advantage with the 30 seconds absolutely having a look at the resource placement as well we do have a nice stone in the back for the max days Barry's in kind of the same location does have his gold relatively close to the front there as well other gold can be just outside of his base there so it does make things too bad for him tat Oh looks like it's got a reasonably good gold there just towards the wood line stone is quite far forward however the problem being he is pushed off that gold however that could happen at pretty much denies access to every other gold on that side of the map as well can be a problem you see mine that tattooed is coming really really aggressive what resources or what gold the mask will take absolutely nothing so if data then I'm going to go to his point of view right now full of war explored that well he has time to explore and he's still there with the King all in might that we see a at keenest night will be crazy okay all right we've got a barracks and a market coming up with a Mac so obvious vast castle built from him as well same thing is gonna go from barracks and then into the blacksmith market for at Chateau of course as well yeah it's a standard widow see anything different it would be surprised if we go for a stable or anything different and soon we will see how they gonna - stone most of the times they don't they don't put up a mining camp they will just send to villages and then from there we'll we'll take the stone let's see horse-collar double the tax and can transition to Castle if we save quick 10 minute 18 seconds we are not gonna see extreme action for now probably the mass will make some blue marches in case that he can great tattoed but honestly with the map tato god not petition raiding from any spot right exactly all the resources in a really good location here nothing's right on the edge of the wall so it does make it very hard for the max to get him there um the question is here's the max again gonna do something like shadows done he got into a position where it was down a game kind of pulled out something special did something a little bit different what do you think the max is just gonna gonna go into his little bubble and go look we need to play and highly standard here try and pull this one back to at least a two - I already think that being a standard with the Mayans gotta be really difficult and if you'd make range you probably should go for it for university and try to to wall you don't want to get early aggression from the gods the only way is to go like super late and maybe with the scorpions and stuff like that he can counter the gods otherwise I really don't see it so really drag the central long game put up as much of a fight as you can without spending resources so really kind of just try and pull this into the light game as easy as possible with this less commitment as you can yeah because how do you kill the Guardian early game it's also impossible see if you have to cast a lap already and you see that keeps coming you can't just make few huge concern that's it let's see let's see it would be amazing if we can see free DK but with this matchup my prediction is that it's gonna be complicated absolutely and there we go the max is up to Calais to see exactly what he goes for the first thing he does is drop down a monastery and a village is scouting the outer sides here as well so gonna put down a house just to reinforce this wall the tattoos kind of beating on here well that's the one the advantage that you should get here with the with the Mayans you're gonna go some flow marches and I keep trying to get their relics early but also make huge girls I don't see so that it would make it probably he doesn't need their relics as the max need because the cost is super cheap absolutely extra chance Tanner coming down there for the max as well on top of the gold so can you give himself a little bit of extra defense there as well tat immediately going up into to town centers yeah it's do that tone centre-forward were to do it right well otherwise that goal is gonna be completely exposed to extra theses right away the max is minded in the stone yeah his money with one value but still don't have the resources anyway he's he did the monastery and now he's doing he did some plume Archer so he is not gonna have the resources to add the day strata see and now we have to wait a little bit let's go with the full of war whoa that has explore absolutely everything already almost everything you know exactly where all the relics are well the max well it's basically the same do you know that here is what you have to do for now the flow marches with the ego in the early game with the with the with the kin and now some mini boom with three tone set a static - for the max maybe two TCS to try to go as fast as possible Imperial but still I see Peter here with the Mayans can be counted evening with cast elite unit absolutely and what I'm looking at here is the fact he put that monastery down so early he's really looking to get the relics and that kind of indicates at the same point he is thinking about where it's gold income he's gonna come late in game so he's gonna drag this one out as much as possible rely on the relic gold there and then trying to locked at her down as much as possible starving of resources and then bring out those plume - OH begin to whittle through he's sending a billiard forward he's doing the loom there max is going to go aggressive there max is going to go for siege I believe but if he's doing that really if it the other is going for huge skills this is not normal you don't make the look that early in reset fortress and you know send a village so definitely he's going to go forward and gonna go for the aggression but he need monks he's doing the sanity and he's gonna go all in he know that he cannot wait for the gods to draw exactly once the scots affirmed of it is nearly impossible to stem the floor that's gonna come from them so getting in nice and aggressive now I'm not pulling him to the lake game too far cuz that's the thing once he hit that like game he's either gonna win it before it hits late or Late Late Late Late Late game well tattled is doing Loum so he probably smell that he want to pick his blood right and he's gonna find now the Scout is coming he found it already and he will start right away to make huge girls or he's gonna make use of siege worship as well remember guys that taste no redemption of oh well monk down this is exactly what you can't you can't lose the marksman and there we go one free monk already anymore when you got two marches to defend you need to be there all the time and like he was saying ma'am straight away the huh scalp reduction has begun his scattered there's gonna be some aggression coming and goes directly with the unit like the Hoth girl that's gonna karma this so quickly only needs two defensive CH workshop and he can pull this into the late game if he wants to yeah these guys have an if they are going full aggressive pay still - the economy usually great the multitasking is real so product you will try to may be delayed tattered with the boom and try to make some some damage and go after you peel faster is the max mining loss a lot of a stone because the only thing exactly the only possibility in my opinion is to drop a caster forward look I'm looking at it at the same time he's only got 120 stern in the bank there he's starting to put down a mining camp on top of the store now so he's gonna make this an option for himself later on in the game here Mangan L is ampere at the same time I'm just looking for somewhere where he's gonna be able to really kind of break into some damage that's not gonna be covered by a chance that huh look he's going now from behind if he find that a spot but he can see these travelers so he could go with the flow marches and make damages that he's actually gonna here yeah is our job but also the gold is there so he's gonna deny it a lot and we're not a go for that but uh uh this is important this is really really important to go for when if he's put the pressure there there max do you need to go there man what you are not moving there you got the Botkin arrow plumage we want a fight game now I'm gonna be a little bit P ace Prime yeah I want to I want the max because five games man five games is the way to go but he's not going this is a really good spot let's see now the huge cult of course with some monks and good micro he can call Turk he got a really one can use Carl barukh he's gonna see is gonna make the anarchy a lot of pharma from the maximista so this is what I was mentioning earlier in game if Tesla gets pushed off his main gold here he's lonely options to go towards the east oh man that's just boy he convert everything right now population and head for demise he's gonna push or not now he's getting there now he's getting there this is the dangerous position here for tat oh you can't deny the goal even if you are with the huger than they're cheap I don't know man but without the goal don't lose the Mangal again for nothing don't lose the magnet again for nothing and he's gonna lose it is not a monk let's see how much he's gonna be able to count it you need to repair that Mangal is going to repair not repair the mango now repainted that man gonna stop that you can go I'm just waiting to watch this right now Manganiello does survive at the same time I would like to point out the fact that max actually did not know the tattoo his main gold was on this side here now he knows with these manga Nell's he knows exactly how to restrict all access the tattoo has to any gold on the map here so it's gonna make it extremely hard for Tahoe to push this back with that gold but he's did the Annunaki and I insist he's gonna use probably heavily the market for now he's still getting the gold he need really to deny that one because that can expand now Hugh scouts forever really forever he's doing what because I was coming up behind the wood line here as well so we'll give the max at Goethe man a line aside so he can see exactly what's going on here and in manga Nell's trying create forward he can deal with them very effectively I think you need to push more I don't know maybe a tower give me the turret probably oh I smell you know what I smell a castle there you might not see a castle in that position for handiness top 40 max Indian village the problem is we be able able to do it because now that that ISA spamming a lot of uses you need definitely more bombs with a good micro can be can't be the game here look at the amount of huge guts coming let's go mr. Tuerck here we go I agree in China if a castle comes up in this situation here and looks like we could go straight to game number four we've got the conversions going down the house Cal's on one side however Mangan L is down we are seeing a monk go down as well monk goes to the convert the hostiles are just so quick one confirmed of the husk al obviously the monkey gonna be the key benefactor and loses another Manganiello loses another monk but he's converting he's compared to get to fight the monks dead thirty military yes but he's saving there's another two monk more huge got incoming I want to see the Phillies coming Center failures and make a castle there that's it this has been a great defense from Chateau very low amount of units but again Anarchy has been researched for Jean coming down on top of these huh scales as well it is going to be hard for the max now he had a great staging point there but it looks like Tattler might be able to overwhelm it very quickly here it's gonna come down to how these conversions go with the monks nose plume Dodgers of course just gonna get straight out of there but that's as to why Keaney the cast of the production for the max is much much slower they maybe have any cookies with still with 50 army 22 look at their the D stands the plume artists are walking all over the map to arrive there you know so he's detail by little he's pushing back tattled ahead already with five C's counted the score and look at that rate you kill that by Tesla there interesting life has moved for with his own siege workshop as well looks like he might lose a manga Nell here actually as well bonus from max just working out on it wonders here but there's actually combat all over the ground right now we're seeing they've got hostiles at the top fighting more huh skills that have been converted we've got hostiles down towards the max they're getting forth there this is gonna be just an absolutely ridiculous map from here yeah but now he's a little bit of disaster here why because he forced the Moscow defensive now absolutely okay no sauce that were committed at the top here like he was saying had a castle come down in that top location on the gold there it could have been game over we could be in straighten into Game five but look at this tattoo is pushing it back now he's telling it himself his own staging ground barracks getting thrown off just outside of the Max's base and we know what it's like to go but the gate don't know if at the gate oh no okay he went away he went away he was doing a tower there he's doing a tower all right he's doing a tower and transition too many times it's not a different tree with the Mayans really this matchup is so damn complicated the only chance it was to deny that goal in the north in my opinion but that wood was a spamming forever and look at the amount of farming out tadow 30 to 45 population in terms of military 30 to 40 max okay that'll popped out the point of view you can see that oh he's catching up absolutely how do you begin to deal with these hostiles they're in the economy they can sit under the town center they've got six plus one armor on them already we've got chainmail coming down on top of this as well this is going to be some serious rating look a film on gravy man among no resources the moms are going to the hell war tower for what the towers out doing nothing against a huge gap because he's basically the same that the blue marches range and the rage do not fit there he's delayed it off a little bit of wall here as well so it's gonna bring in his converted house Kells to help deal with this one as well but this is the point is the damage done is it's time to make things a little bit too hard cuz look across the map this is constant stream of blue from tats are just rallying units into his opponents face I mean even the populations you see towards that these pretty much just say well not anymore 20 population a hand look at the filling his difference twin theses I there's a lot to file is PC down he's getting all the map the only the only way to save this is to kill the king but how he's gonna kill the king here this is sadly because we wanted to enjoy with a feed game he's probably big cave loomed are just doing their best sitting in the town Senate ranking as much damage in that but look at the husk else who's running all the way to the town center they're taking down the towers they can stand up to so much bloom watch a fire you don't need even siege do not this he's not even sending CG Jews with the huge cows taking everything like he's trying the best eyeball to eat with all those blow marches few months now trying to go back hit him back hit him back but all the huge cuts are killing all wells you compare to an okay Keith at some could get here let's see if he's gonna be able to nanana he's gonna kill all he's killing all he's killing everything with the huge skulls how do you even begin to deal with this two of the monks taking out we've got three barracks literally right outside the Max's base now all of those just streaming units into his base there's no way he can actually go up against this kind of a flood here they created so quickly he's economy behind this is extremely perfect as well meaning he can just continue to put this in like look how low tattoes resources are he's got nice and no food next to no gold there's nothing there in bulk apart from wood and even then we're gonna see more bad very calling the GG he was doing the ballistic he was building Bally's Kiki man with the blue marches couldn't take Amy any of those huge skulls I don't know man maybe he should go for four for a change like it was really expected to go - and gods like okay let's try and go with the pretense you surprise him and you can't go for the blue mango champions even if the long game probably dwelling be an old an extremely hard match the max to overcome he did well in the starting point they're lucky we're pointing up at the end of the day he really need to get a lot more aggressive do not any of that kind of brutality that we really saw that from the Ghazi economy got rolling and then the death ball just started streaming across the map I feel a little bit sad not because we feel is disgusting now we are not gonna see the arena but congratulations to the arena man we are aware arena arena fans that opted to get 3-1 the first series and we're going to continue now with another series that honestly I don't even remember which one it is nicely congratulations to taro taking down the best device series versus little max let's take the achievements first check achievements alright I'll let you check the achievements now let's go for the achievements and we will see how big big damage look it does have and unit that kill the death ratio is absolute insanity and the economy doubled the food doble the fruit and all the fruit for tad out there with what 94 Billy 79 I only think that if you go push with this civilization he needed the cast to commit to go full full push otherwise it was impossible we're sorry absolutely we saw exactly what happened there he got pushed back from that minor push he had at the front there as soon as that happened goth eco started rolling and then again just stream off the stream of units that could not be dealt with juice oh how he cleared the forward he was going all lean with two or three monasteries and and he push it back that's it he lost the commitment that towards the end what can you do that unless you're gonna commit to a push like that this is what happens you half commit to it lose all the resources you were kind of running with and then at the same time he just can't continue to push so anyway guys that was our first best of five of the day many left to come today we did of course have secret a to win it at three or one versus two max we're gonna throw it over to a Zac at the sofa and we'll catch up him in one just second for an interview thank you ma'am Thank You tech and congratulations of course to tato for picking up the very first match and scoring a point for team secret it is of course early days there's many more games to come many more matches but team secret at the top of the leaderboard after the first match just to reiterate each 1v1 is worth one point to v2s later today what two points three threes tomorrow worth three points so the 1v1 s-- perhaps not as valuable but it is important nevertheless as it could mean the difference between making it to the final or not we do have our next match coming up very soon the players will come off the stage and they'll swap over and while we do that we will fill some time we all first of all talk about the hash tag Age of Empires that is right we've got to try our best to get this trending on Twitter it's maybe a stretch but if you tweet Adar's hash tag age of empires you'll have your tweets on the screen now we got some pictures up there as well but from forgotten empires scission posting a picture from the back of the crowd you can see everyone sat there lovely stuff and yeah we'll bring that up if you send us your pictures we'll put them on the screen for you but thank you to everyone as well for the subs coming in I really appreciate that and this is our time to show you we have got a subscriber goal for this event I had 250 y'all sorry 500 subs we'll be giving away a 50 pounds steam gift card and a thousand subs we're gonna be giving away a drone 1500 a pair of Beats headphones and at 2,000 subs the one you've all been waiting for it's been 7 months in the making Robo is gonna shave his head I waiting for that make it happen let's make it happen I want to see robo bald it will make my year and it's it's long overdue I'm looking to see if I can see him he's probably in the office somewhere but I will bring him out on stage and we'll get that head you know nice and nice and smooth also while we're here thank you see behind me prism Rd you might be wondering what is prismatic you may know what Prisma is already prasada are sponsoring the event along with microsoft who provided the prize for pres marta helping two supporters do what we do and it all comes from the creators of Priss Mata being big AoE fans so presume Atta it is a basically a card game but it is got elements of RTS in there as well is purely strategy based and you've probably seen the trailer a couple of times already we're gonna bring up introjection later on and he's gonna talk a bit more in detail about the game since he's played it but it's something that we think you would like and it's something that the devs would also think you'll enjoy you can check it out the link is below below of the stream and it's completely free to play as well next up on the agenda discord you've probably joined our discord already but if you haven't the link is below the stream we've got a live scoreboard where we're going to be keeping everything updated throughout the event so if you have to step away if you have to take a break and you miss some of the action you can keep up to date with the discord scoreboard and link to do that is below the stream our next match hero versus the lesser you can see there on the screen we've got lots more to come today we're only as just getting started here and that'll be with commentary from nearly and demos red will be back very soon with a postgame interview with tatto we'll be back after this short break [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back we're here on the couches with tatto we've been lucky enough to have a chat with him of all the games and what's been going on men here of course as well so if you have any questions that we want to answer guys let us know it's what we're here for but mem take us away mister congratulation man thank you three won after losing the first game another comeback like if nothing happened Superman look for a moment that I was ahead but he I was controlling the wood he was controlling angolan in the you kill the question I was going to about to ask what was the key absolutely so in that first game looking back at it as well sadly you did get to lost there did that kind of affect you mentally going into the next series at all I know you played so much that obviously it's a little bit easy to kind of get past but did you find it all that you're like oh this might be a little bit tougher than I thought it would be because we are not used to the computers yet absolutely the same time you've said it was kind of the gold in the wood fight that was really going on there so you managed to take control of most of the wood line which meant of course you did have him on the back foot until you managed to take most of the gold mines looking back at it what would you kind of do if you had there if you had the opportunity look back at the match would it be just one of those things like look I wouldn't commit as hard to the wood nod move more towards the gold or what would you kind of do to break that up a little bit and kind of cool the game more into your favor in that first one I think we'll have push were hit tower maybe on the left side yes there was one of my stones and I have any other stone so the main problem was that the main problems that I didn't have enough stone for a castle so I could not push back his castles so he got a lot of map control with castles so the castles made it really hard for you to push in against and essentially had no real way to bring those down yeah it's okay I basically I like ramus is an option but when he has heels or champions it makes it way harder absolutely so let's get away from the first game because I've heard enough that's where you had a loss but you're the win here they're a you took it down so well so game number two obviously something a little bit different we definitely weren't expecting to see what we did there so was it one of those things where we just saw the classical act had her out-of-the-box strategy that you really kind of wanted to go for was this prepped in advance yeah well I don't think it's that much out of the box but I feel like viking sea's is Travis a lot oh yeah and even on these maps and in Caribbean as well like there is resources they are like together yeah so you can control a lot with towers and then like he got no other stone I was really when I saw this stone I was really confident that I was going to take the game absolutely actually I was wondering this one if what's going to be the max who was going to land you because I was thinking with fire galleries in the early game what biking can do against and also the transition that the be sent is can get with the fasting period with the lower resources yeah as you say like Vikings they struggle along with if there is no water fight they are they struggle because if you are having less resources then the two files is more enough to like push him song him out of the fish and he has to invest way more on the water to make it worthy for him than I do okay well I think we we can have covered that game or really because it was pretty clear when you landed when you landed you got the gold you got the stone was pretty much over did you feel that it was over there no I didn't feel like whatsoever but I I knew that I was done I already with the spot because as well I did mention earlier the fasting period for me that is really strong Islam box because in when he was massing Lobos and he okay now is the time to go to Imperial and then the first fires because no more seconds fire fires they will struggle and the he reads imperial research in Longwood absolutely I think probably the big thing in that game that a lot of his court as well it will start to get to a point where he was approaching that critical mass of galleys and things that managed to bring it around the canal how long were you sitting there waiting with that demo ship just pop it out and just pretty much annihilate everything he had that well I had them there I'm waiting for the right moment but he knew that he was behind and he had to do some kind of yeah and see what I was doing I read that because that was phenomenal the way he managed to clean up the entire water and pretty much within like a ten seconds breather demo popped out killed about half the gallery is critically damaged the rest things had fire ships coming to mop it up it was absolutely beautiful yeah thank you so you got everything there we can move them to the third game Japanese British girls in that driveway were right and the Kells will know how his front can be in early game you were thinking to pull up that fast forward that that early it was a plan that you got and you execute perfect yeah I feel like that means they have the early advantage there because you can get your meal will be better as you can have two meals so they will be more efficient and also I kill a believer and I checked when I was on the way to feel I'd say that key they have loom so any like he was behind on the way to fuel and I had that time where I could do a lot of damage so talking of the perfection of game three then when you first managed to move out with your scout you actually managed to pick a villager this I just feel absolutely amazing when you're in a tournament level is calm eager this is my moment I can pick that one well it was a like this is a small hill where the lakes are so I was waiting for Amelia to be there and then I start to hit because there is taking away more damage and I didn't know if I was going to pull off because he tried to go to DC and I blocked him and they decided to try to hit with the mill ears and I think it was worth it yeah man absolutely buy yourself an advantage like that straight up in the beginning absolutely fantastic by the blocking the whole way you went about that was just absolutely phenomenal well we can move then if you wanted a to the fourth game because from there when to when he has to make the park and other it's not like the Japanese 50% Mayans and guards we talking before I start the game what is gonna happen it's gonna be a mind game we were expecting you to go guards did you did you think for a moment okay maybe he's gonna pick praetor's but even with burritos that you can go champions I think you got already important advantage with those civilizations I think my ass is favored there I would prefer my hands over Britain's in that matchup as well because breeders they have champs but they will be as lower into castle eight and I can do it they say mr. doing is them I push castle eight sprues they will struggle a lot as well but how to push I was thinking I was talking with Turk where he pushed maybe he was almost getting the stone to make a castle there he will take your goal and then you can tell the goal outside that was probably the only choice he got to counter you back yeah well I think that what that will be too risky for him because they believe they have to work a lot and I have already saw haskers around if I find that I could what do you need to teach us that it is a lot about map control I think and would position like he needs to reach Imperial have save resources and then only Brielle is when - can win in Cassio's I think they need it going for the University and and make fortified walls and try to watch scorpions with [Music] you need to abuse that you have plumes so you can you have the map control so the early monks are the right choice and I'm not for what is not too bad like he did what apron is that at that moment already I have already under key so I could expand Tosca forever and that didn't slow me down a lot because I just I mean so just looking back a little bit there back to the safe draws for you on that so we had Britain's and mines when you go to that kind of game for you still had ghost veil would you just kind of smile a little bit to yourself and you're like I might have a little bit of an edge here yeah I thought like he was going to use Britain's Andre River so then he will have killed my hands open sure that would be more - for me because I I will like to have my goat versus girls but as they were both rain since I was more on so going back then a little bit if you were the max you would have picked a different civilization on dry river just to give yourself some options in the draft for map four and five well I guess he was he has practice with girls and he feels yeah they have more chances upon ease I think else is where Matt is very much Japanese Japanese at Britain's yeah absolutely he will have a struggle a bit more on the river but we have he will have the chance to absolutely and do you think that would have made much of a difference in the way you thought would you still a quick Austen number four or do you have kind of an idea what we wanted to do would it just play the same anyway well congratulation we are going to move on now to be less pursue ski right when if absolutely laughter before you head off you've got a lot of people cheering for you out there in the crowd got a lot of people cheering out there and the twitch chat do you have anything to say everyone at home that's watching everyone that's here everyone this excited see it's pull off a victory like that thanks for watching and hope you do a bit because he's going to be amazing fantastic thank you so much chatter we are going to go now with the lesson hero with nearly and Emma's rate so guys stay tuned because we are going to enjoy a lot the rest of the day
Channel: EscapeAoE
Views: 28,687
Rating: 4.827848 out of 5
Keywords: escapeaoe, escape gaming, age of empires 2, age of empires HD, aoehd, DE, definitive edition, ECL, Secret, ZeroEmpires, Best of ECL, competitive, multiplayer, age of empires multiplayer, 1v1 age of empires, twitch age of empires, ECL LAN, pro, expert, LAN, tournament, BBQTurkman, Memb, T90, TaToH
Id: mkI5-8z7OCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 45sec (9405 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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