The Worst Things Each Avenger From The MCU Has Ever Done

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the Avengers are known for saving the date but that doesn't mean they're perfect even the superhuman members of the team are still human at the end of the day and have made their fair share of mistakes over their time in the MCU some more than others whether they're just kind of young or from another planet that doesn't excuse their actions we've celebrated their successes over the years but today we're going to look at some of the worst things the heroes of the MCU have ever done even the most virtuous heroes have some serious bad moves lurking on their superhero resumes with great power comes great responsibility is a quote generally attributed to the spider-man franchise but apparently Tony Stark didn't get that memo after our favorite billionaire superhero perish and Avengers endgame he left behind a little gift for his protege and buy a little gift we mean an ultra powerful pair of sunglasses which are capable of dispatching incredible weapons and projectiles at a moment's notice well you know exactly the kind of thing you want to give to a high school kid Tony didn't even include an instruction manual with the Edith glasses Peter Parker received during spider-man far from home but as grossly irresponsible as it was for Tony to leave these for Peter our friendly neighborhood spider-man didn't fare much better that's because after he almost used them to destroy a bus full of his classmates he immediately turned them over to Quentin back in his defense they really do look better on Mysterio but that's not the point handing ultra powerful items over to someone that you just met is generally a bad idea and it definitely was in this case you would think Tony would have included some kind of failsafe or at least made it so nobody other than Peter could use them using retina scanning technology while Peter is ultimately responsible for Mysterio getting the Edith glasses we're still not letting Tony Stark off the hook not only did he endanger Peter by leaving him the glasses in the first place but he was putting his life in serious peril since the two of them first met let's not forget that while Tom Holland is a way more buff than your average high schooler probably because he's in his early 20s his character is a teenager the first time Tony meets Peter is when he's embroiled in a spat with multiple adult heroes including The Scarlet Witch and vision arguably two of the most powerful beings in the MCU without filling him in on the moral basis of their spot and allowing him to make his own decision Tony manipulates Peter into fighting on his side sure he doesn't have to work very hard to do it so it's hard to tell who has a worst case of hero worship Peter Parker or Scott Lang but using their status power and resources to convince a kid to take part in a dangerous battle is definitely on the villainess side of the hero spectrum and sadly it's not the first time that Ironman did something more in keeping with being a villain than a hero Tony Stark has created many incredible items over his long and prolific career in the MCU but then there's Ultron they say the road to the Asgardian underworld hell is paved with good intentions and apparently that old adage is true in this fictional universe as well Tony Stark and Bruce Banner apparently aren't familiar with the Terminator franchise because they decided to go half way to Skynet by creating an artificial intelligence designed to seek earth oh and as if that didn't sound like a bad enough idea they also did so using the mind stone because everyone knows the Infinity stones are super safe and using them never has any repercussions we know these two brilliant scientists had the best of intentions but that doesn't change the fact that they created a super-strong mega dangerous robot as if there aren't enough villains and monsters assaulting the world regularly these two just had to add one more many fans regard creating Ultron as one of if not the worst thing Tony has ever done but we're not letting Bruce Banner off the hook either shame on you science bros we're not saying Bucky Barnes has never done anything bad in fact there are multiple Marvel movies detailing his a long list of misdeeds but in Captain America's Civil War he gets accused of one of the few crimes that he actually didn't commit we know it's easy to forget but there is a lot more to this movie than just the famous airport fight regular ngon super-powered human held at Zemo manages to pull some behind-the-scenes strings and manipulate our favorite heroes into fighting against one another one part of this dastardly plan ended up claiming the life of two Chaka the ruler of Wakanda and black panther needless to say this didn't go over very well with the son T'Challa who was pretty much immediately blinded by the thirst for vengeance and this didn't bode well for Bucky who was framed for committing the crime now wanting to take down the person who defeated your father makes perfect sense what makes less sense is charging off after Bucky without pausing to think about the situation yes he was being manipulated by Zemo but two challahs rage made it easy for him not to see the truth about the situation he not for the intervention of Steve Rogers T'Challa would have completely wiped out Bucky and we would have been one hero down in a dangerous world T'Challa trying to bring down Bucky is definitely a terrible thing but let's not pretend he didn't have his reasons Bucky Barnes hasn't always been the definition of friendship goals for a very long time he was the dreaded Winter Soldier who acted as an unthinking pawn of Hydra he wasn't great at remembering his old life but he was great at assassinating people the Winter Soldier was responsible for many crimes including the assassination of John F Kennedy in 1963 oh yeah he also claimed the lives of Tony Stark's parents Howard and Maria Stark that one was a bit more relevant to the plot of Captain America's Civil War he took out the Starks and gained the Super Soldier Serum but this would come back to bite him later on when Tony found out about his past although this particular Winter Soldier mission had the greatest impact on our of movie viewing experience it's safe to say Bucky has a lot on his conscience weighing him down even after he wasn't really himself at the time in the comic books the PR nightmare that is his past is why he gives up the shield of Captain America and could explain why Steve chose to give his shield to Sam Wilson in the MCU it's hard to be too mad at Bucky for his crimes since he wasn't really himself at the time the same can be said for holding Bruce Banner responsible for what the Incredible Hulk does well at least before they merged together into one entity at some point during Avengers endgame sure Hulk did technically save Bruce Banner when he tried to take his own life in the Incredible Hulk but for most of his early days in the MCU he also caused a lot of destruction Hulk smash is more than just an expression we have a feeling insurance companies had to create entirely new paperwork because of this big green guy yes sometimes his Smashing has helped certain situations but other times he just causes a destruction like when he was manipulated by the Scarlet Witch and started smashing up the city of Johannesburg or when he tried his best to defeat Thor when they were stuck in the grandmasters arena together he was such a threat that Bruce Banner willingly helped Tony Stark create the Hulkbuster armor designed to stop him in case of an emergency [Music] everyone knows that being a superhero comes with no shortage of risks but usually you're just risking your own life but after Avengers infinity war the stakes in the MCU were at an all-time high which pushed our heroes into some insanely risky behavior as Smart Hulk did his best to explain over and over again the butterfly effect isn't a thing in the MCU meaning no matter how badly our heroes screwed up in the past it wouldn't affect their prescient but it could create an alternate timeline that's all kinds of messed up by going back in time to collect the Infinity stones and undo the decimation the heroes were risking not just their own lives or the lives of everyone who survived the decimation but countless other timelines filled with innocent people and to make matters worse Tony Stark accidentally dropped the tesseract during his mission back to the Battle of New York this led to Loki taking it and disappearing to who knows where and he and Steve having to take an even greater risk by going back further into the past seriously why didn't they just get the space stone from Norway before the Red Skull grabbed it when you look back at the long history of the MCU it's hard not to wonder how many problems could have been solved if the Avengers just sat down and talked about their problems for most Avengers that they prefer to punch first and ask questions later which isn't always the best idea like in the very first Avengers movie before the Avengers were even the thing for followed his brother Loki to earth to convince him to go back to Asgard you know the place where his father was willing to let him lose his life because he was so ashamed of him of course in order to have this brotherly chat he took Loki from custody instead of speaking while he was safely confined quite unsurprisingly Loki decided he'd take his chances on earth and just then Iron Man swooped in to take Loki back Thor ended up fighting against Iron Man and Captain America and leveling a good amount of forest in the process although he eventually decided to cooperate and return Loki to the Quinjet absconding with a prisoner and taking some of Earth's Mightiest Heroes wasn't the best idea let alone causing that kind of environmental damage does Captain Planet exist in the MCU earlier we talked about Bucky Barnes at his time as the Winter Soldier during which he committed tons of atrocities Natasha Romanoff has a similar past but a major difference is that she remembers full well what she did during her time with the Black Widow program once she joins the Avengers she's a faithful ally and frankly the only one who really helped things together following infinity war she even made the ultimate sacrifice to save Clint Barton and by extension everyone else in endgame not that she even got a memorial for it or anything but before she met Clint Barton her life was incredibly different let's not forget that her amazing fighting skills weren't always used for good she became a threat to global security so much so that Nick be reset cliff Barton to eliminate her although we're glad he gave her a second chance let's not pretend that she didn't do all sorts of heinous things during her time working for the KGB hopefully we'll get to see more of this during her standalone movie and we might even find out what the heck happened to her and Clint when they were in Budapest and speaking of Clinton let's take a look at the worst thing he's ever done and no we're not talking about the haircut although it is pretty bad we're also not talking about the fact that he sat out the entirety of infinity war having a family picnic while everyone else was fighting for their lives over on a mission in the quantum realm although come on you can't use I'm on house arrest as an excuse forever no we're talking about what happened after the decimation when Clint lost his entire family in one fell swoop this unfortunate turn of events caused him to well to go a little crazy while his friend Natasha is holding down the fort Clint goes full bronan getting tattoos cutting his hair and more importantly going on a crime fighting spree only he's just being a tad forceful with the criminal he's apprehending his rodent persona is so over-the-top that even Rhodey admits he doesn't want to go near him and he has a big metal super suit but even the most advanced a supersuit of all time can't protect you from having your feelings hurt yeah we know Tony Stark was pretty beat up by the end of Captain America's Civil War but it was really his feelings that were hurt the most seriously we were kidding earlier when we said the Avengers have an unofficial punch first talk later policy we all know that when Bucky Barnes was active as the Winter Soldier he claimed the lives of Tony's parents Howard and Maria Stark when Steve Rogers found this out he had two options he could approach his friend Tony and delicately explain the situation or he could just hope Tony the super hero with endless resources would never find out hey guess which one he went with of course Tony was enraged when he realized - the first and responsible for him being an orphan who was still alive but Steve's lie by omission made the situation so much worse Tony might have understood the whole brainwashing thing if it had come from a friend but fighting up Steve captain a secret completely shattered the trust between them Captain America is known for being steadfast and virtuous but that doesn't mean he never makes mistakes and this was a big one while Captain America doing something wrong may be rare we sadly can't say the same about Tony Stark there are some fans who even consider him to be one of the greatest villains of the MCU because of his actions we wouldn't go that far but there's no denying that Tony has ranged from being a hot mess to the cause of widespread misery and destruction at various points in time during the movie Iron Man 2 he throws a party and proceeds to drink way too much much to the dismay of his guests and his friend Rhodey in particular with his resources Tony should have been throwing Kardashian level parties not getting inebriated and smashing up his own place but that's just what he did causing such a scene that his friend Rhodey eventually had to step in good friends to support each other but best friends are there to call you out when you go too far and if you have a high-tech super suit while it's only fair your bestie has one too in order to keep you in check Iron Man gets so out of control that Rhodey has to put on the mark2 armor just to subdue him Wanda Maximoff doesn't need a supersuit to be one of the most powerful characters in the MCU even her raw strength is enough for her to face Thanos head-on but unfortunately since she's so powerful she has more of a potential for causing destruction than the average superhero in Avengers age of Ultron she and her brother were working with Ultron who as a quick reminder was an evil robot sure we don't blame her and Pietro furs not being fans of Stark Industries after what happened to them but that doesn't absolve her of responsibility for her actions not only did she fight against the Avengers but she went all Freddy Krueger by invading their minds and terrifying them after she switched sides and was no longer allied with an evil robot she still caused a lot of damage particularly in Captain America Civil War when an explosive detonated Wanda did her best to contain the explosion but her powers well overpowered her although it was an accident Wanda ended up destroying a building and ending the lives of multiple relief aid workers from Wakanda and of course this incident was used as justification for the sokovia accords which caused no ends of trouble in the superhero community Wanda Maximoff story proves that even with the very best of intentions superpowers can be dangerous and the more powerful you are the more destruction you can cause it's something vision was forced to learn the hard way during Captain America's Civil War for someone who wasn't human and was created using an infinity stone vision was a pretty nice guy he believed in standing up for what's right he did his best to reach out to Wanda during a difficult time and he was even willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good during infinity war but let's not ignore the one giant oops on vision superhero resume namely the time he permanently injured another member of the Avengers how whoops indeed everyone likes to focus on the funny quips that take place during the airport scene and we admit we're guilty of that too remember the good times like when spider-man graphed cap shield it's a lot more fun to think about that than the fact that road he ended up paralyzed when Steve and Bucky take off in the Quinn jet Falcon pursues them and vision tries to stop him but he misses and ends up hitting Rhodey who ends up crippled but at least Rhodey had a super genius best friend with limitless resources so he was up and moving around in no time still this was definitely not the best move on visions part but being a superhero means taking risks even if they don't always pay off being able to quickly assess situations and break down the risk versus reward is an essential skill and it's one Thor has always struggled with we already talked about how risky it was to go back in time during avengers endgame but Thor made an already dangerous situation even more needlessly difficult he and rocket went back in time to ask guard in order to retrieve the reality stone but Thor went way off course when he got a glimpse of his mother now we aren't trying to say we don't have any sympathy for Thor who lost his entire family his home and his abs but he was not only risking his own life and rockets but the life of the entire universe hacked the entire multiverse this was a really ridiculous and unnecessary risk best-case scenario he got a heartwarming couple of minutes course case scenario everyone is doomed this act was supremely selfish and short-sighted plus it made us miss watching rocket get the reality stone frankly that's the real tragedy of endgame although the end was pretty sad too considering how much Thor improved since his debut in the MCU his selfish endgame maneuvers seemed like a massive step backwards what do you think is the worst thing an Avenger has done in the MCU tell us your pick in the comments section and then click on the subscribe button for more videos from CBR bye for now
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,412,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBR, Marvel Cinematic Universe, worst things, Avengers Endgame, Black Widow, Iron Man, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Black Panther, Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Captain America, Steve Rogers, Scarlet Witch
Id: 5gvufb4GaF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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