The Thing Lives For Thousands of Years

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so a while back I made a pretty extensive video on how the thing does the thing and you all love my analysis of the thing but one aspect of the thing that I completely looked over was how old can the thing get to before dying because while Ben Grimm is in his Rocky form the thing cannot age but luckily for him Mr Fantastic's two kids develop a serum to allow the thing to become human for one week every year now when Ben Grim is the thing he cannot age not at all but when the thing reverts back to Ben Grimm Ben Grimm can age only for that single week so my question to you is how long do you think the thing or Ben Grimm can actually live for well there's a comic about it so let's talk about it real quick as we start the story it starts a little bit after the thing receives the formula to become a human once a year only for a week and Mr Fantastic along with his father develop a time machine to basically just travel forward in time to see just how long the thing actually lives for because Mr fantastic has to know after finalizing all the scientific mumbo jumbo his father says that yeah that's pretty much the curse that they both have to know all the answers to every single question as his father primes the time machine and prepares for liftoff through some dimensional Gateway until they drop in the year 3012 looking over an entirely brand new and futuristic New York City Mr Fantastic being the scientist he is he starts to freak out about all the scientific and technological advancements that have occurred over the years until he sees something shooting down from the sky telling his father to follow following the ship from the sky all the way to the remade Baxter building Still Standing after a thousand years with Mr Fantastic's father even saying that it's a little bit impressive that their legacy still holds up even after a thousand years until an explosion is seen from the side of the Baxter building as Scrolls seep out from the Baxter building trying to make their getaway off the side of the building but not too far behind the Scrolls lies the brand new Fantastic Four still consisting of some original members like Franklin Richards Mr Fantastic son and the thing blasting on the side of a building ready to fight the Scrolls off as the thing shouts that it's clobbering time before knocking all the Scrolls off of the building while Franklin Richards Smiles on the thing asks why Franklin is smiling and Franklin tells the thing that it's been a thousand years and he never gets tired of his uncle saying it's cooperating time with the things saying back to Franklin tired kiddo you don't know the half of it I'm telling you my sciatica is killing me back to Mr Fantastic he tells his father that he basically knew that the thing could be immortal but now that he's taken the serum and can be human one week per year it's the only time he's actually able to age so Mr Fantastic decides to keep going through the time stream to see just how long the Thing Lives for so in the year 4012 Mr Fantastic and his father find themselves at a graduation ceremony the thing makes his appearance with a rock beard I guess and makes a speech to the graduates about the two most prolific figures in the thing's entire life saying that without Franklin Richards or Reed Richards none of this could have ever been possible and that he wishes Mr Fantastic could be here today to see it all telling the class graduates to not only achieve the impossible or to change the world but to enjoy it as well to enjoy their lives and to cherish every moment possible and to not get busy trying to save the world so much that one day they'll blank and they'll end up missing it all as the thing ends his speech by congratulating the class of 4012 of the Future Foundation after Mr Fantastic Witnesses this he wants to go further in time all the way to the year 5012. the thing has now gotten much older and people around start to think that he's a little bit crazy because they can't remember the world before his and that food now has rapidly changed since his age as in this day and age they now all eat processed jelly and the thing just kind of wishes that he could have a cheeseburger after 1500 years but through his thousands of years still alive he's still grateful that he has the memory of the Fantastic Four alongside him deciding to just sit on a bench for a while and think about his old life and hope that maybe his nephew Franklin will come back soon with that they move forward in time to the year 6012 to see that the thing is now finally had a peaceful death as Franklin says goodbye kissing his forehead with Mr Fantastic and his father watching as Franklin says goodbye to his uncle after so long Mr Fantastic becomes so sad that all he wants to do is to go home as they both travel back in time to the present day his father then tries to talk to him but Mr Fantastic tells his father that he's fine as he exits the lab and heads towards the kitchen to grab two beers entering the living room to find his son Franklin and the thing sitting together watching a fight on TV Mr Fantastic hands the thing a beer and decides to watch the fight with them saying that's how he wants to spend the rest of his day the thing shocked that Mr Fantastic actually wants to watch the fight the thing asks Mr Fantastic if he doesn't have to design some type of anti-doomsday thingy or to save the world at all to which Mr Fantastic just says nah I'm good sipping his beer alongside the thing his best friend and the thing just looks at Mr fantastic for a moment saying that he missed him too as Mr Fantastic decides to just look away from his scientific work for one day and actually enjoy life with his loved ones because one day Mr Fantastical blank and it'll all be gone I hope you all like that kind of short but Bittersweet story it's one of my favorites and I just kind of wanted to share with all of you today I've always loved the thing and I kind of just wanted to share that love by telling you all this story but anyways don't forget to leave a like And subscribe and as always I'll catch you all on the flip side
Channel: Mullet-Man Comics
Views: 1,426,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pn7b8P6YrxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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