The Biggest Weakness Of Every Avenger Explained

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no one is invincible not even Earth's Mightiest Heroes don't believe us well consider the following evidence as we look at the biggest weaknesses of every member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe versions of the Avengers saying that someone's strength can also be their weakness is cliche but it's cliche because it's true an Iron Man is a perfect example while Tony Stark's mini arc reactor has been the source of a number of close calls it's his need to shoulder the burden that's been his biggest weakness when the Battle of New York happened in 2012's the Avengers everything changed for Tony the knowledge that hostile alien forces were waiting out in the void was too much for him to process without doing something about it stark you know that's a one-way trip save the rest for the turn Jay well this sense of responsibility helps save the world multiple times it also feeds Starks biggest failures it justifies in his mind his deception in Avengers age of Ultron and leads to the creation of a sentient robot that almost destroys the world it's also a big part of his motivation to back the sokovia accords and Captain America Civil War sending him on a collision course with Steve Rogers and leaving the world divided it's true that we tend to expect from the world what we expect from ourselves so if you're a selfless and courageous patriot who always demands the best from yourself then you're probably going to expect the best from everyone around you I'm not gonna fight you you're my friend and if you're Steve Rogers you'll be disappointed a lot it's this aspect of Steve that helps start so much trouble and Captain America Civil War of course he doesn't see it need for the sokovia accords he expects the best from everyone around him it's why the deceptions he endures from Black Widow and Nick Fury who he knows our spies somehow come as a surprise to him and it's why he's able to join shield without noticing the growing threat of Hydra until fury is nearly dying on his living room floor ever since his first big screen appearance in 2011's Thor the God of Thunder struggles with the fact that he just isn't used to being the loser the problem with almost always being the most powerful guy in the room is that you might not know what to do once that power can't save you that's true for Thor as soon as we meet him in his first solo film he eventually finds the humility to win back Mjolnir and regain his powers but when he's first made mortal all he knows to do is to try to recapture the hammer of course there's also his transformation into the so called growth or an Avengers endgame although Thor isn't alone in his failure to stop Thanos from killing half the universe and Avengers infinity war he lets the weight of everything fall directly on his shoulders it's what drives him to kill Thanos and the fall as low as we've ever seen him one thing that's always been clear about the Hulk is that his biggest weakness at least in terms of working with the team is that you're never really sure exactly which Hulk you're going to be dealing with if you get the wrong one he's just as likely to smash his teammates as he is to smash the real enemy [Applause] while Loki is doubtlessly using outside power to influence the Hulk when he goes wild on the Helicarrier and the Avengers the Hulk isn't someone you have to work that hard to manipulate well the moment is arguably one of the most hilarious of the film and the Hulk shows his willingness to lash out at allies when he sucker punches Thor in Grand Central Station he's one of the four Avengers who are assaulted by scarlet witch's mental powers in Avengers age of Ultron yet he's the only one who goes on a rampage through Johannesburg and in thor ragnarok there are no witches or warlocks playing with his mind when he chooses to attack Thor in sukar's arena basically the other guy is unpredictable as we've seen from Black Widow time and time again as much as she fights and sacrifices to redeem herself the powerful part of her is convinced she's not worth saving it's what Loki tries to exploit in The Avengers and it's one of the things that kills her and Avengers end game after Loki's plot to manipulate her and the Avengers is revealed black widow continues to be shaken by the experience you notice her to be unmade you know that I do and in spite of her selfless aerobics in later installments in Avengers age of Ultron she implies that she's as much of a monster as the Hulk and calls the notion of her being an Avenger a dream while you can hardly call her sacrifice an in-game a weakness it seems likely this viewing of herself as a monster is part of what convinces her she should be the one to die on Boromir rather than Hawkeye Hawkeye is one of the few Avengers whose greatest weakness is more on the physical side of things as he's limited by his ammo without his arrows Clint is far from helpless in most of his appearances we've seen him the equal of many of his fellow Avengers when it comes to hand-to-hand combat but when it comes to the threats that live in the world of the super he needs those weapons and when he runs out he's in a lot of trouble in civil war he would have been useless without his arrows and even with them he was no match for vision that's probably why in Avengers age of Ultron we learn he's come up with some creative means to extend his ammo when Scarlet Witch joins the battle against Ultron's drones in sokovia that's when we learn her biggest weakness a lack of confidence you can hardly blame her for her fear though not that long ago she was on Ultron side and she's still pretty new to the superhero business it takes a pep talk from Hawkeye to get her back on her feet if you go out there you fight and you fight to kill staying here you're good I'll send your brother come find you but if you step out that door you are an Avenger but it happens again and Captain America Civil War when Hawkeye shows up to free Wanda from the Avengers compound at first it seems like she'd rather stay and she believes she's dangerous enough to warrant the house arrest Tony Stark has her under once more Clint has to make her face some hard truths before she takes action since the death of vision and infinity war and her one-sided showdown with Thanos and in Game one his lack of confidence may be less of an issue we'll have to wait and see unfortunately Quicksilver didn't live long enough to get an extended look at what he would have been like as an Avenger but during his time an age of Ultron it's clear the speedster was usually governed by one thing his rage its Pietro's anger at Tony Stark that pits him against the Avengers and it's eventually what puts him in Ultron's camp we've seen that fury start to boil up a couple of times first against Captain America and then against Hawkeye when the Archer incapacitates Wanda in the comics quicksilver's anger leads him to actually betray the Avengers a number of times we'll never know if the same would have been true in the films he's seemed to have mellowed out at least a little considering both his sacrifice to save Hawkeye and a young sokovia boy and his willingness to take a little friendly fire in the arm from ASA Kofi and cop without punching him in the throat for it tony stark says vision might become the most powerful of the Avengers before the Android comes to life an age of Ultron envisions entrance into the airport battle in Berlin certainly makes him seem like the most powerful hero there but in the end the mind stone that was the key to bringing him to life proves his undoing in more ways than one maybe I am a monster I don't think I'd know if I were one first there's the obvious way when Thanos rips the gem from the androids had an infinity war it kills vision instantly since he isn't one of the victims of panasas fateful snap his death isn't reversed in endgame but we see some other ways visions reliance on the mine stone makes him vulnerable earlier in civil war the fact that Wanda's powers come from the mine stone is what allows her to overpower vision when Hawkeye comes to rescue her from house arrest later is over reliance on the stone plus his worry for Wanda's injuries forced him to miss his target and blast war machine nearly killing him while James Rhodes years in the war machine suit have made him an accomplished Avenger there is at least one way in which he'll never be Iron Man's equal he may have a similar suit but he doesn't have the mine that created them Rhodey skills are nothing to sneeze at even without the suit as we see an Iron Man 3 his cunning courage and marksmanship helped him survive fights with multiple extremists fueled bad guys the problem is that when he's in the suit and the suit fails him he doesn't have the technical know-how to compensate take his fall in Civil War Tony Stark finds himself in a similar situation an iron man when his pushed towards the upper atmosphere freezes his suit and causes it to temporarily lose power because Tony is an engineer and he knows what the suit can do he's able to get the armor working again before he's a skid mark Rhodes doesn't have the same capacity when vision accidentally blasts him in Civil War and he falls his fate is sealed ever since he was introduced in Captain America the Winter Soldier Falcon has proven himself to be a fierce fighter in Civil War he goes toe-to-toe with several Avengers and he makes short work of crossbones mercenaries in an endgame he takes down alien monsters twice his size but without his wings Sam Wilson is still an accomplished professional soldier whether he can take to the sky or not but from what we've seen of him so far his hand-to-hand skills need some work he isn't much help against the Winter Soldier without his wings and in his clash with Brock rumlow the villains as it best you're out of your depth while he could probably knock your average person on there but without his wings he can barely keep up in some ways when Tony Stark barged into Peter Parker's life in civil war it was a gift in other ways it's been a burden while stark helps to enable Peter to become the best hero he can be he also imposes a large shadow over spider-man's life that the younger hero constantly feels pressured to live up to what is he your ward no I'm Peter by the way dr. strange all your made-up names um I'm spider-man then he wants to do nothing but impress his mentor and prove his worthiness as an Avenger after iron man's death Peter feels the responsibility to fill the void Tony left behind it's this drive to live up to the legend of Iron Man that leads him to make some questionable decisions it pushes him to do a lot more than web them up and keep his distance like Tony tells him to and Civil War it gets him in a number of fights that don't end well in homecoming and it drives him to intervene in the arm sail that leads to the Staten Island Ferry being blasted in half and him far from home his feelings of inadequacy make him an easy target for Quentin Beck's manipulations imagine the level of distrust you must have toward yourself to not only insist you be stored in cryo freeze but to agree that your caretaker will be the guy who until a few days ago blamed you for his father's death that's the situation in which Bucky finds himself in the mid credits scene of Civil War sure about this I can't trust my own mind Bucky doesn't trust himself and with good reason in spite of being free of hydras control and living incognito for two years a man he's never met is able to find the code that unlocks the assassin living in his brain and unleashes him on innocence we don't even know if she really one else in Wakanda was able to cure Bucky of his Hydra conditioning as it hasn't been mentioned since civil war we've mostly only seen Bucky as part of battles with huge opposing armies what's going to happen when he has to deal with the smaller scale domestic situation is he going to be able to trust himself knowing the damage he's capable of Scott Lang has a massive inferiority complex when it comes to other more experienced superheroes we see it as early as his fistfight with Falcon what we do see if I'm in civil war makes it clear that he's utterly starstruck by Captain America Captain America mr. Lang it's an honor I'm shaking your hand too long ah this is awesome Captain America but his feelings of inferiority are most clear in endgame we're his team mates enjoy picking on him because of it and even though everyone else seems to be embarrassed to even be in the same room as the diminished bro Thor when the Thunder God talks Scott grins and nods like a little kid listening to his favorite baseball player tell a story what's so sad about it is how often Scott proves himself to be equal to his teammates he kicks Falcons butt and ant-man does some serious damage in civil war and he's one of the most pivotal heroes an end game regardless of how the other Avengers talk to him he's the one who comes up with the idea of using the quantum realm to travel through time he saves a number of Avengers from drowning when Thanos attacks he takes out a Chitauri Leviathan by punching it in the face and he kills call obsidian by stepping on him so come on Avengers give this guy a break caring about your family should hardly be seen as a weakness but the sad truth is when you want Black Panther to make mistakes the clear route seems to be to attack his family the first mistake we see to chaol up Mayock is when he dedicates himself to killing Bucky and Civil War the reason of course is because he incorrectly believes Bucky planted the bomb that killed his father T'Challa fails in his quest for revenge but it's not for lack of trying so I ask you it's both warrior and King how long do you think you can keep our friend safe from me in black panther kill mongers initial victory over to Chawla at warrior Falls is only possible because of the very notion of family the revelation that T'Challa father killed his own brother and abandoned the young kill monger in America leads black panther to make the bad choice of accepting kill mongers challenge which ends with an epic beatdown some may argue the point the sorcerer himself would probably take issue with it but Stephen strange is penchant for keeping his own counsel is something that's bound to betray him one of these days strange makes a lot of pivotal decisions that seem and explicable to his allies and more often than not he does it without bothering to explain himself in Doctor Strange Mordo and Wong both think he's abandoned them when he actually has a plan to trick Dormammu in infinity war he surrenders the time stone to Thanos without letting anyone else in on the reason why there was no other way of course in those instances things ultimately worked out although not without cost the Avengers were left dumbfounded for years about his decision on Titan and things haven't always worked out like when he transported everyone into the mirror dimension and Doctor Strange where he made things worse he and Mordo eventually escaped but ultimately it leads to the death of the ancient one we haven't seen Captain Marvel's confidence backfire on her yet but it's a good bet were bound to in the beginning of endgame Carol Danvers is convinced that the only reason the Avengers weren't able to defeat Thanos is because she wasn't with them her comments rubbed the group the wrong way but she doesn't back down it seems likely that confidence in part is what helps keep her a loner perhaps one of the biggest differences between the Carol Danvers of the comics and the screen is that so far the Captain Marvel of the MCU doesn't seem like much of a team player when she returns to earth at the end of the movie she gets some more fuel for her confidence Danis is strongest blow barely phases her and he's only able to throw her aside because of the Infinity stones from what we've seen of her interacting with other heroes she doesn't seem to like asking for help eventually that's going to get her into trouble rocket has some fairly significant character flaws he's rude he pushes people away and he's got an ego the size of egos planet but at the end of the day Rockets biggest weakness is simply that he's small rocket can be a terrible opponent he takes on almost all of yondu's Ravagers and guardians of the galaxy - by himself he's a terror with a gun in his hand and given the right tools and materials he can make you a high-tech super weapon faster than you can say MacGyver but catch him without a gun a high tech gadget or at the controls of a spaceship he's helpless when he attacks Ronan at the end of guardians of the galaxy the Kree barely has to even move to knock rocket in the next week he's almost completely useless against Gamora early in the movie when they're fighting over quill we wouldn't want to make him mad if there's so much as a butter knife nearby but Marvel's favorite trash Bandar is in the end the size of a build-a-bear and it can be a huge disadvantage honestly it does exact second I thought you were built maybe I am shortly after endgame opens we find nebula playing paper football with tony stark on board the Benatar when she shakes Tony's hand after her victory this is about the most cordial and social we've seen er she also practically looks like a starving dog trying to decide whether or not a concerned human handing her food was trustworthy like Gamora nebula has spent most of her adult life as an assassin under Thanos his thumb now that she's free of him she's going to find herself in something of a new life and a lot of it will be challenging when quill comments on how bad nebula is lying in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 it's more than a joke of course she's bad at lying she spent her whole life outside anything approaching a normal social situation assuming nebula is planning on becoming a regular member of the Guardians she'll likely find it difficult to figure out how or who to be check out one of our newest videos right here plus even more looper videos about the MCU are coming soon subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the bell so you don't miss a single one [Music]
Channel: Looper
Views: 3,019,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: looper, looper movies, avengers, avengers mcu, avengers biggest weakness, avengers mcu biggest weakness, iron man biggest weakness, hulk biggest weakness, thor biggest weakness, captain america biggest weakness, spider-man biggest weakness, spiderman biggest weakness, black panther biggest weakness, hawkeye biggest weakness, scarlet witch biggest weakness, rocket raccoon biggest weakness, nebula biggest weakness
Id: plRER8tLCo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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