Avengers: Endgame Did The Impossible And We Failed To Realize It

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[Music] Avengers Assemble all right Lads so it's been 5 years since the release of endgame and I'm going to say it out loud Avengers endgame is the best comic book movie of all time I just watched the movie again and I thought I have to make this video because what this movie did 5 years ago was actually quite an impossible task I mean think about it some of the recent Marvel shows like secret Invasion She-Hulk or Thor love and thunder didn't stick The Landing at all while endgame was a culmination of 22 movies now if endgame had an existed Infinity War would have been the best comic book movie of all time but all of the efforts of infinity War would have gone into vain if endgame hadn't stick The Landing so you're not just tasked with writing a finale to 22 movies but you're tasked with writing a finale to Infinity war and that in and of itself should seem impossible every dialogue Thanos said in endgame sounds like a quote for example this one and as long as there are those that remember what was there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be they will resist and this goes to show how well written the villain of this movie was now I'm going to point out five important reasons why Avengers endgame is probably the greatest comic book movie of all time and let's see if you and I agree on it number one the film took itself seriously okay so there are a few jokes here and there as there is in every Marvel movie but this movie knew exactly when to be serious and when to be funny for instance in the opening we see Tony and napula playing paper football in the moments of Despair but only 3 minutes later nebula sits Tony up in the chair because Tony is moments away from dying and nebula does not want to see a hero die on the floor another example could be this scene Are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is based on Back to the Future is it no here Tony makes a joke about Scott's plan being based on the movie Back to the Future but notice it only takes about 10 seconds for the movie to get serious again but I lost someone very important to me a lot of people did and now now we have a chance to bring her back to bring everyone back and you're telling me that you won't even that's right Scott I won't even and this is one of the biggest reasons this movie connected with the audience because the characters that we saw on the screen were taking themselves seriously it doesn't mean there won't be any jokes or laughter in between but endgame does a fantastic job of balancing it out number two the film took 30 minutes to address the consequences of infinity War okay so the ending of infinity War pretty much sent shock waves across the world because nobody thought Marvel was really going to let Thanos win by eliminating half the universe so to reestablish that shock and show us the consequences Marvel took a good half an hour to let the audience feel what's at stake here you see had they only shown us the beginning of the movie where Hawkeye loses his family to the snap and then move on to the scene where Scott Lang shows up at the Avengers HQ then this is what we would have missed Tony having a resentment towards Steve because from Tony's perspective cap didn't do enough Tony's guilt of losing Peter Parker Thor saying his first lines at the 15th minute mark because that's how much of a shock he received after failing to go for the head Captain America entering into space for the first time because for a guy out of time who saw almost everything happening in the world witnessing space was the only thing left for him and we saw him doing that too we learn about thanos's true purpose which was bringing balance to the universe Steve doing therapy sessions with SNAP survivors to overcome their trauma Scott Lang finding out what happened in his absence and lastly Black Widow revealing what the Avengers truly mean to her now all of the scenarios are consequences of thanos's snap so had Marvel thought about trimming the duration of the movie and cut out these crucial scenes yes the movie would still be enjoyable but wouldn't connect with the audience as much as it did keep in mind there was a whole year between the release of infinity war and endgame so the movie needed to lay the foundation once again for what's at stake here you can't just expect the audience to do their homework and come prepared sometimes you got to prep the audience yourself and then blow them up with twists and turns and that's exactly what endgame did number three authentic character development now endgame had over 30 characters playing a crucial role in the film and at least 20 of them were major characters but the surprising part is all of them got their moment to shine with impactful and impressive actions remarkably every character remained true to their established personalities and continued their development seamlessly let me give you one major example of this the snap changes everyone after 5 years except for Steve Rogers we see Tony now living his normal life with the daughter and a wife Hawkeye who has chosen a darker path Black Widow now took on the responsibilities of taking care of the Avengers Thor has gone in full depression and banner well well he got the most positive outcome from the snap where he finally found the balance between Banner and the Hulk but Captain America is still Captain America decent and kind the snap hasn't significantly changed him at all the first time we see him after the 5 years time Jump we find him leading discussions to help fellow survivors process their trauma continuing to offer hope and optimism so why does Steve remain unchanged While others evolve it's because cap has done this all before when cap went under the ice he lost everyone he knew yes some were still physically around but they weren't the same people after 70 years like Peggy wasn't the same young Peggy anymore Steve knows what it feels like to have lost it all that's why he was trying to look at the brighter side you know I saw a pot of whales when I was coming over the bridge in the Hudson it's fewer ships cleaner water you know if you're about to tell me to look on the bright side I'm about to hit you in the head with a peanut butter sandwich sorry of course a have it and this is what I mean by authentic character development Christopher Marcus and Steven McFly wrote Infinity war and endgame super so beautifully that it's almost impossible to find a better ending than this they made our favorite characters go through so much trauma and shock and yet came up with solutions that fits with the character's personalities number four giving us a proper Thor I know a lot of people didn't like the fact that the russos made Thor into a fat depressed and apathetic type of a character but you have to understand that they still showed him as the strongest Avenger how let me just show you one detail in this scene where Thanos was giving his Godlike villain speech as soon soon as he stands up notice Iron Man and Captain America both take a step backwards but Thor is the only one who takes a step forward you think this happened randomly no it's because the russer brothers and the writers deliberately wrote this scene to show us that this Thor may be fat but he still one of the greatest warriors and don't forget Infinity War literally gave us the best Thor in the MCU until now and I just absolutely love this detail Tony and Steve take a step back because they want to be cautious they don't want to be making mistakes but Thor is just Fearless he has had enough another example could be this scene where the MCU Trinity stand side by side against Thanos and notice even before cap and Tony arrived here Thor was already standing alone staring at Thanos which is why Tony literally asks him this what's you been doing absolutely nothing so while Tony was Reviving cap telling him to get up Thor was standing here all alone against Thanos and then cap and Tony joined him this again shows that that Thor doesn't wait for help he genuinely believes he must fight Thanos himself cap gets all the credits where he stood up against Thanos and his entire Army which in and of itself is one of the best cinematic scenes in the MCU but if you think deeply Thor did it as well perhaps not as much cinematic that's all so if you're mad that they made Thor fat then you should also be happy that they made Thor one of the strongest Avengers in this movie not just with dialogues but with actual visual scenes number five endgame ends exactly the way Infinity War Began now to explain this I have to take you all the way back to Infinity War the very first line by Thanos and infinity war was this I know what it's like to lose feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail nonetheless frightening turns the legs to jelly if I ask you to what end dread it run from it Destiny arrives all the same and what happens at the end of endgame Thanos loses he felt so desperate that he was right only to fail all the same so what does he do well you can't run from your destiny and Thanos knows this so he sits down and accepts it so the very first line by Thanos in Infinity War foreshadowed the ending of Avengers endgame and don't forget these two movies were written and filmed back to back it's not like they wrote Infinity War saw which part the audience liked and then started writing endgame no they wrote both of them together as one big peace and that's why I believe Avengers endgame did The Impossible and we only realize it now
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 950,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avengers: Endgame, Endgame, Avengers, Avengers: Endgame Did The Impossible and We Failed To Realize It, Avengers Endgame, Avengers Endgame Final Battle, Best Marvel Movie, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers Endgame Explained, Avengers Endgame Movie, Endgame Hidden Details, Avengers Endgame Explanation, Endgame New Easter Eggs, Endgame Explained, Thanos, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, The Canadian Lad, TCL
Id: 436L25rB5Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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