15 Jokes In Avengers Endgame That Flew Over Your Head

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Avengers end game did a lot of things right and one of them was blending moments of humor with moments that ripped our hearts out and stomped all over um yeah Marvel Studios is really really good at that there were plenty of pop-culture references and obvious jokes but there were also some subtle Easter eggs and references that you might have missed in this video we're gonna go over some of the funniest endgame moments that some fans didn't notice okay so maybe the gada thunder spent most of avengers endgame looking slightly less than majestic but let's not forget that Thor is a character straight out of Norse mythology which was why it was so hilarious to see him interacting with another mythological creature although we didn't see it on the big screen following the destruction of Asgard and Thor Ragnarok and Thanos in the black order claiming so many Asgardian lives and Avengers infinity war Thor was feeling a little bit down to put it mildly an Avengers endgame we learned he had settled into a town called New Asgard but that his own people rarely saw him instead he sequestered himself inside with Corrigan to meek to drink beer and apparently play fortnight May he's clearly on a journey to find himself and sometimes that looks kind of strange to outsiders but when cork has to deal with someone rude while playing Thor takes his headset and delivers a verbal lashing worthy of a true Norse God yes ladies and gentlemen we got to see Thor fight patrol only instead of the rude unhelpful bridge dwelling kind from Norse mythology this was a more modern version of the story this was honestly one of the greatest moments of the whole movie and nobody throw any punches activated any technology or decapitated anyone who is a moment that both Marvel movie fans and comic-book buffs enjoyed but was really the best for people who loved bull after journeying back to the Battle of New York along with Tony Stark Scott Lang and Bruce Banner Steve Rogers ended up in an elevator in a scene which looked incredibly familiar mostly because it was nearly exactly the same as the infamous scene from Captain America the Winter Soldier that scene was one of the greatest Marvel movie moments of all time but this one involved a lot less fighting in a lot more comic book references he first tries to bluff the secret Hydra agents to get them to hand over the Infinity stones but that doesn't work so Steve shows his allegiance by uttering the words hail Hydra this was a reference to an extremely controversial Marvel Comics story line called secret Empire it revealed that Steve Rogers was a devoted Hydra agent until Allied forces manipulated his mind with a device called the Cosmic Cube Maitlis to save fans were livid to see the great hero Captain America proclaim his allegiance to the evil organization Hydra this one may not be as deep of a call back as hail Hydra but it definitely still made us laugh we know that the character Tony Stark has changed as a result of events which occurred in the MCU after the Battle of New York he was driven to create Ultron after realizing his greatest fear and he became Iron Man after seeing the destruction his weapons had caused then there are the more mundane changes like giving up dairy but according to Tony Stark this change was made all the more difficult by the fact that beloved ice cream brand Ben & Jerry's had created a flavor in his honor called stark raving hazelnuts but Tony wasn't the only member of the Avengers to be honoured by Ben & Jerry's in infinity war Wong states that there's also a flavor called Hulka Hulka burning fudge and it wasn't an especially important plot point but in avengers endgame we actually got to see Bruce Banner chowing down on a container of venom cherries and we can only assume it was the flavor created in his honor Plus although it looked like a normal pint sized container at first glance to fit into his Hulk size hand it had to have been a gallon of Ben and Jerry's talk about expensive this Marvel movie moment brings up more questions than it answers but we're not complainin honestly sometimes it seems like Scott Lang is speaking for the audience anything prefaced with the word quantum flies right over his head and he struggles to understand the intricacies of how time-travel could actually work and like a whole lot of us he tries to substitute his lack of scientific knowledge with movie references while he's trying to wrap his mind around the whole time travel thing and how the rules work in the MCU he mentions many movies which have to do with time travel interestingly enough a couple of these movies involved actors who are also members of the MCU Michael Pina plays the role of Luis and he's also in a wrinkle in time and of course Sebastian's stand for trays Bucky Barnes in the MCU and is in the hot tub time machine do michael pina and sebastian stan exist in the MCU or to Lisa and Bucky have suffered careers as actors these are the real hard-hitting Marvel questions that we want to know the answer is - it's not easy to take note of every single tiny detail or easter egg that gets packed into a Marvel movie especially considering the movie theater employees get irritated when you ask them to rewind the movie a little bit and then pause so you can examine something in Avengers end game we learned that Lewis's van had ended up inside of a storage facility which was overseen by a security guard played by Ken Jong it's no secret that the Russo brothers love community and they also love to include references to the show whenever possible he might have also spotted actress Yvette Nicole Brown in an elevator with a security badge at some point and endgame but let's get back to Ken Jong who we saw reading a book for a brief second before attending to Scott Lang if you missed it the name of the book was terminal breached by JG Ballard and it's a collection of short stories including one entitled endgame there's also a book with the same name written by Steve Bradshaw which tells the story of a president who has to make a difficult choice which could result in millions of lives lost when the country's threatened not only do we pretty much have to love Morgan Stark because she's the daughter of our beloved Tony Stark may he rest in peace but there's no denying she's just a really cute kid so it's not surprising that wall attending Tony's funeral happy Hogan vowed to do whatever he could for little Morgan but she had a request which might have seemed a bit strange at first and without the proper context Morgan tells happy that she's hungry and she wants cheeseburgers happy declares that he'll ensure Morgan has all the cheeseburgers she could ever want but there's a reason she named that specific food in Ironman a cheeseburger is what Tony wanted the most when he escaped from the cave and made it back to safety and even that was a joke based on a real incident from Robert Downey jr. 'he's life prior to getting cast as Iron Man he struggled with addiction but says he had a moment of clarity while eating a fast food burger from Burger King according to him the burger was so gross that it caused him to re-evaluate his life and clean up his act there was a lot going on in Avengers endgame so if you weren't paying attention to all of the numbers that popped up don't worry we'll fill you in we admit to being as confused as Scott Lang when Bruce Banner uses his various scientific instruments but we did see a familiar number displayed while he was running some tests that number was a 1 1 3 which is familiar to Disney and Pixar fans it shows up in pretty much every single Pixar movie and it's a reference to a classroom at the California Institute of Arts when listening to the message Tony Stark leaves for Pepper Potts you might get hung up on the whole imminent death thing but he does mention how long he's been floating through space he says 21 and then corrects himself and says 22 that's because endgame is the 22nd movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and when Thanos goes to the garden we learn it's called Planet o 2 v 9s the name doesn't really roll off the tongue but it's a reference to the Avengers vol 1 edition 259 which featured nebula and Captain America then we have the fact that Scott Lang's van ends up in a storage area labeled 6-1-6 which is a significant number to comic book fans it's a nod to the earth-616 comic book universe poor Black Widow and we're not just saying that because she ended up falling to her doom off clip on Vermeer at the beginning of the MCU her character was often underutilized and it seemed like nobody could agree on how she should be portrayed at first it seemed like she had a thing with Clint Barton until it was revealed that he had a secret family then there was the totally shoehorned in romance between her and Bruce Banner which we saw in Avengers age of Ultron she was able to calm him down and get him to transform from Hulk to Bruce Banner and she also suggests the two of them run away together despite the fact that they don't even seem to know each other particularly well in Avengers end game Bruce visits Thor who's in something of a funk to put it mildly he tells the god of thunder that he's been in a tough spot before and that someone helped him out of it Thor jokingly asks if it was Natasha and that he didn't find their romance any more convincing than the rest of us did right before Avengers end game hit theaters it seemed like all anybody could talk about was the idea that Scott Lang would shrink down crawl inside a very uncomfortable part of Thanos and know we're not talking about the back seat of a Volkswagen and then grow large but before that fans were talking about the rear end of a different Marvel character Captain America actor Chris Evans shared a poster which showed his posterior ingredie tell when he posted it on Twitter the website cropped the picture to give fans an even better look at this lovingly detailed area so needless to say an end game there were a lot of jokes about Captain America's rear end while those were great we think Marvel was trying to tell us something at the end of the movie we see old caps sitting down so we can't see if the Super Soldier Serum prevented his butt from aging like the rest of us now remember during Jurassic Park when samuel l.jackson 's character says hold on to your butt's samuel l.jackson also plays Nick Fury who showed up near the finale of endgame clearly Marvel Studios is trying to tell us to hold on to our butts and appreciate them while we still have them pull her rocket he's had a rough life and it hasn't been any easier considering people constantly mistake him for different creatures at the beginning of Avengers endgame Tony Stark even admits he thought rocket was a build-a-bear until he started talking in Tony's defense he was having some health issues at the time but later on an endgame when he was feeling better he called rocket ratchet it could have been because rocket was using tools but it seemed more likely to be a reference to the Ratchet and Clank videogame series and before you google what kind of animal is ratchet we'll save you some time he's a fictional animal called a Lombax even in guardians of the galaxy star-lord called Rocket a raccoon and we learned Rocket doesn't even know what a raccoon is but at least star-lord was closer than Thor who called Rocket a rabbit now we're left wondering about the flora and fauna of the original Asgard after this joke from endgame when Thor and rocket traveled back in time to retrieve the reality stone from Asgard the Asgardian soldiers also call Rocket a rabbit what to the rabbits on Asgard even look like if you're particularly observant or just a big fan of the Star Wars franchise you may have noticed a strange trend that took place during Marvel's second phase of movies Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige is admittedly a huge Star Wars fan and decided to pay tribute to the classic movie The Empire Strikes Back as a result every movie released during phase 2 involves a character losing either a hand or an arm and loving memory of Luke Skywalker in Iron Man 3 aldrich killian loses his arm while fighting against tony stark and in thor the dark world thor momentarily loses his hand when loki pretends to chop it off Bucky loses his arm during a flashback in the Winter Soldier and Gamora rips groots arms off and guardians of the galaxy there was also a great Star Wars tribute in Avengers end game when nebula sacrificed her robot arm by reaching into the orbs container it was a great movie moment combining two of our favorite fantasy franchises although he wasn't in Avengers end game long enough to make his usual jokes and pop-culture references we did get to have a few smiles involving Peter Parker they didn't quite balance out all the crying we did on his behalf but we'll take what we can get at this point and spider-man homecoming Ned helps Peter disable the training wheels protocol in a spider-man costume this unlocks an enhanced combat mode which features an instant kill ability needless to say Peter is horrified and deactivates it immediately however when he's overwhelmed by Chitauri an end game we saw him resort to the very same setting this was also a cute callback to Captain America Civil War when Peter and Captain America met Peter told cap he was from Queens and asked where he was from an end game Captain America calls Peter Queens to get his attention when he throws mule near this is a fun moment of levity during a terrifying and epic battle and it's definitely a more dignified name than underoos apparently cap was paying attention while characters like Peter Parker and Scott Lang could barely contain their hero-worship one of the great debates following Avengers infinity war was who should we be the angriest at Peter quill for lunging at Thanos after he learned Kimura was gone and ruining the plan for for not aiming for the head with Stormbreaker which would have meant the decimation never happened ourselves for being so emotionally invested in a superhero movie no definitely definitely not that last one but as angry as we were at the god of thunder 4 majorly bungling this battle it paled in comparison to how angry he was at himself at the beginning of avengers endgame Thor was positively sulking and mired and regret for his actions in infinity war while we don't blame him for feeling bad a depressed Thor is a pretty sad sight so obviously he's excited when the group heads out to find Thanos and he has a chance to make up for his previous blunder after learning vanos already destroyed the Infinity stones and seemingly their only chance at undoing the decimation he immediately chops his head off with Stormbreaker it was definitely shocking especially considering that this is a Disney movie when asked what he was doing or replies he aimed for the head this time earlier we talked about the many many many jokes and Avengers endgame about how Captain America's but now America's bunch of simply refuses to quit but that wasn't the only thing Steve Rogers just wouldn't quit during the movie he also made a ton of references to past Marvel movies and we have to admit we loved every last one of them when he encounters his past self after the Battle of New York that Steve tells him I can do this all day this is the same thing a young Steve Rogers told a bully in the First Avenger and what he told Tony Stark during civil war apparently he doesn't enjoy being on the receiving end of that statement and it's not hard to see why at least he got to look at his own but after the fight and only see the touching goodbyes between Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers they default back to their old don't do anything stupid exchange we might not know Clint Barton's family particularly well mostly because they totally came out in nowhere but we do know that Clint is quite fond of them in fact he even retires from being a superhero so he can spend more time with them and presumably reduces chances of dying young of course he went back to his old ways when his team needed him in Captain America Civil War a movie which ended up with him under house arrest we wondered where Clint was an Avengers infinity war and the answer was apparently out in the middle of nowhere hanging out with his family of course we see him training his daughter Lila Barton who's totally not being set up to be the next Hawkeye or anything it's an idyllic moment before the wife asks him a profoundly disturbing question and wonders if he would like mayonnaise or mustard on his hotdogs Flynn should definitely have known a terrible cosmic force was about to be unleashed because who puts mayo on a hot dog to make matters worse one of his kids asks for ketchup on his hot dog clearly the joke is that Clint's family has terrible taste in hotdogs toppings was this included to make us feel less sad about the mall being decimated you decide what was your favorite joke that took place in Avengers endgame did it make our list or did another moment to make you laugh out loud share your favorite endgame joke with us in the comments section below and then click on that subscribe button for more videos from us here at CBR bye for now [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 3,930,209
Rating: 4.5179729 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers Endgame, Easter Eggs, best jokes, Thor God of Thunder, Tony Stark, time travel, Bruce Banner, Ben & Jerry’s, movie references, hail Hydra, Steve Rogers, Captain America, Mad Titan Thanos, Avengers Infinity War, CBR, Terminal Breach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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