How The Final Boss of Classic WoW Hardcore Was Defeated

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this was a pretty big event that happened a guild recently ended up actually defeating Kel thead on Hardcore we're going to watch a couple of the fights and just see kind of how this happened there was no fifth Horsemen they actually beat the game so this is saffron here saffron is one of the biggest [ __ ] in the game I would say it is the hardest boss in KNX All Things Considered especially for damage outtake or sorry in take so let's go ahead and let's watch it happen Z should be doing one and two Synergy 3 and four grimel wait [Music] who oh my God I taught zlex had a ninja Loop 10 years ago and I remember he graduated high school and I remember he went to the Marines and he came back I I swear to God no way oh my God for groups Yes Trade TR for chops so zpx should be doing one and two Synergy 3 and four grimel 56 puberty 78 cuz hype to have some other stuff right wait is there a warlock in group two oh my God to online on let's go we already popped sh thank you um I'm going to keep you in the first group um I don't even know what to say okay yeah I have B on I don't need you die took you on a trip yeah I was trying to think been cataclysm Pandaria question we for in 10 minutes so long ago please can someone trade more green pots open trade brother I already told you okay I'm not doing for last are people still offline okay never mind mind you guys should not be defening during this prog [ __ ] just take your headphones off not be defening during prog [ __ ] yet true who doesn't have a Titan you want us to REM magic resist pop because it's going to fall off in 45 sure repop it Jesus bro look at all these consumes and everything he's got fire like a frost runes look at this oh my God they are stacked 45 minutes it's your gfpp should be first Frost phase which is 45 seconds into the fight it's fine okay we're not waiting for r no it's okay we can wreck KT we're just going to lose momentum there it is it's not going to make a break this is our full-timer this will give people gfpp 20 second P Tim holy [ __ ] everyone has a house done okay priests and two through two through eight are marked and wind force is marked where's he's group one now put your T macro also have it on your bar good walk okay all the way through let's go okay respect die respect to P up don't 1 through four left 5 through eight right one through four left okay 5 through eight right get to your sides no blood rage nothing no blood rage every cursor on the same that way nobody gets Auto attacked uh group four and swap s s s seven s 7 s look at all these Buffs man it's actually insane whenever you look at how much prep goes into raiding in classic wow it is nuts oh he was getting parried a little bit there I need wave over here please now obviously nobody's going to be taking Dam here until all of their uh their potions wear off and then they're going to start needing to get a lot of heals pop your tows guys you're going to need a lot of heals and so like look at dude look at that Health Management nobody's even going under like 80% Health it's actually insane how good they are at this melee careful look at that nobody is losing any [ __ ] health yeah I will those are all one side is this hardcore yeah this is the world first hardcore Knack okay go towards the throne towards the throne towards the throne should Frost pot now should Frost pot now stay rela so using Frost pot because obviously whenever it hits you with the with the uh the attack people are spreading out three surprised it didn't hit multiple people there four one more there's one more there it is it's got it they got it they got it hide now hide now hide now hide now press Escape press Escape you can Auto attack the boss through this and it will break your uh line of sight get hont get out of the [ __ ] front watch for the blizzards look at that movement everybody's doing what they need to do you see that de curse this guy got a curse on him and then a mage took the curse off of him isn't that crazy more that doesn't happen in classic wow holy [ __ ] can't believe that getting there line one yes probably can let's go 10% so saffron once it reaches low Health it doesn't go back up I think it's 10% 15% or so so if they can push him to that percentage they skip the air phase because this right here is literally just a Target and that's it just fire the mares at the we watch The Four Horseman fight I will train get your towels [Music] ready okay they're doing really really well and they are going to be able to push it I'm pretty sure they'll push F we might have to get this no I think they're they're going to miss it they're going to miss it we're going to we're going to get this pH yeah they're going to miss it frost pot now if you can top off top off the raid top off the raid we're getting it nobody towards Throne towards thr not a single person has died Frost pot now if you need spread out more guys spread out top off people that are low now that's one and we have to wait for four here two don't be so stacked guys a little more pre- Shield people that are in in Block escap Escape Escape bu's one's get your group good tapped on distilled okay group two needs help it's fine open trade with me let's go open TR us I got him too we're good next marble max range M oh so uh you might not know what that is so the bag of marbles is actually a specific item that you're able to get from a quest in elwin forest and it decreases your enemy hit Chance by about 10% I believe so it's used and you can it's a bagam mors you get it at level like 10 or something like that gold Shire yes you get it at level 10 is it it's 25 holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] 25% it's a level six Quest and so I didn't I thought it was only 10 anyway 25% is even more the case uh and they were rotating the bags of marbles that you get from a level six Quest on Patchwork and they are now using it on saffron in KNX Ras 25 man and you know what I remember the reason I know that is because this is going to sound [ __ ] stupid but we used it on brutalis in sunwell pre-nerf back in burning Crusade yes did I say 25 man sorry I've been playing I was playing wrath last time so yeah uh next 40 Man Excuse me yes is a [ __ ] monster he was disgusting okay here we go finish this let's go you can just Boon you could just Boon everyone should have Bo Slayers CR holy [ __ ] hell yeah oh man and the call is to Bo correct you can Bo yeah's no reason not to I am out of Boons I need yeah me too has one SP holy [ __ ] what a clean I think that's probably the cleanest saffron kill I've ever seen that was so well done that was really [ __ ] impressive man good for them now we also have you remember the last time we were here right there were five of them last time okay so uh no no no chicken okay uh un booon unb everything with wind Forest just one shot one shot only okay he's I don't think he's shooting at so what I think they're probably going to do is they're probably going to try to burn down thing have a tank swap on rivendare have everybody run over to rivendare and then half and half blo and zelc that's what I think they'll do that's the smartest thing to do yeah they are that is the correct it's the safest option yep I want to remind everybody in case anybody forgot classic World of Warcraft is the greatest MMO that's ever been made okay um everybody make sure you're in the room it's just how it is cool you can pop a frost yeah that's that's all there is to it all right timer is going up can you kind he got yes I can he got a lot of Health you should have already been oh they're using Shadow resistance potions because the auras around each of these Monsters uh the the horsemen does Shadow damage you need are you you need a CD ma tab no okay okay okay okay okay pulling in 10 you guys can inch up a little bit more we pulled early o that's kind of a problematic pull usually you're supposed to have people in a different position here now this shouldn't really be a big deal but this isn't a great situation it's it's not it's actually not a big deal you've got about 30 seconds or so which sounds like a long time but in classic wow things take longer you've got about like let's say 15 to 30 seconds probably about probably about more like 15 closer to rec to get this back under control shoot skull shoot skull there it is DoD on see look at that bro this guy fix literal [ __ ] god this dude shot thing coras to pull aggro on him with Arcane shot which turned him round and he moved away he's right there now to pull him over to the tank that he knew because they play together that the tank would taunt if the tank didn't taunt to be honest thing doesn't have a secondary attack the same way as uh uh mgrain does MRA does have a secondary attack that deals a holy damage f i don't believe does so it probably wouldn't have on shot fix but a crushing blow might have especially if it was a thrash attack considered ing that the boss hadn't had been in combat and hadn't meleed for a while the taunt resist it doesn't matter if there's a taunt resist there's multiple other Warriors that would be able to taunt as well any Warrior can take a hit from them they actually don't do like four horsemen is a numerically extremely easy fight it is just an extremely hard it's extremely difficult in terms of logistics okay you can see here oh amp's got it right here like you look like I me he's hitting for a thousand right it's not that much damage I think Ser DC okay you can see they have the positioning here the reason why is because as soon as one of these uh Horsemen die this is a difference between 25man knacks and 40 Man Knack or like wrath Knack and and and uh original Knack is that in original Knack the horsemen actually leave ghosts behind after they die that will continue applying the debuff one mark one pop CDs pop CDs there it is you see he is already at half now they also Shield wall whenever they get lower Health this isn't really a big deal but it just exists Mark two that's Mark two healer move mark five and six are the ones where it's problematic you can see obviously it's not a big deal and shield wall is about to go away here not even getting hit no R oh yeah there we go yeah it's gone Mark three move and now he's going to die really fast's dying even four is not a big going middle first go middle first red I got it okay on my way mark one that's mark one so now they're having everybody again attack mgrain the reason why they had them go at an angle here is because this is the hypotenuse from that that is closest or farthest away away from having th that way they wouldn't have anybody accidentally incur a fourth debuff because if somebody accidentally occurred incurred a fourth debuff that would reduce their damage or their health and it could also clear a shadow Resistance potion that is a fail safe for a later part in the fight that's why they went One Direction and then that way coming here how many do you have and this is and so you see the taunt right there so obviously aamp did this taunt wind fce windforce here was tanking the whole time and you can see windforce has five Stacks again he's totally fine uh this debuff right here that ampi and windforce both have does uh holy damage over time so obviously it's not a big deal because they have pretty good gear and you know this this is a good team with WHL Buffs but windforce is going to run out and clear those debuffs and he's probably also going to offer relief to other tanks after uh after his health is recovered two five okay I'm going Z like at three it would be Rush War wreck now I can come in the somewhere I know I'm I'm going to go no I'm going to do Z Mark three that's Mark three there it is Gordon watch your feet here yeah might have to take it to that there you go you see Last Stand going off this is the only point in time where he can die MRA has the highest damage to tank outside of blo but the blo tank damage is primarily due to the tanks not knowing what the [ __ ] they're doing because they're standing in the uh the the the void Zone where it I thought that's how I said it because it's French is that not how you say it two seconds X is dead twoes got yeah I was about to say I have huge threat on Blow so the reason why you have no melee on zelc is that remember that chain lightning thing that happened in uh in in aq20 and like it killed all those people well zelc has the exact same mechanic except for obviously it does even more damage so it can kill people even faster so you're going to have obviously the range here they're going to be moving in and fighting zelc while all the melee rotate in and kill buo mark two that's Mark two that's Mark two okay go car wind Force I'll need a relief I'm at three sacks by the time come and this is the safe spot by the way and people did this even in original Knack back in the day is like what my guild did I was not in the guild okay at the time uh but they told me a lot about it and I saw their their kill videos and um this was the place that even back in the day you would stand to avoid the debuffs from all the different L of locations I'm good on blo Mark three coming in hick you cannot take another mark get the [ __ ] out so you can see Hicks the reason why he said that is Hicks took five stacks and Hicks did that because he was trying to heal and now obviously since everybody else is there it won't be a problem Pai get the [ __ ] out can someone take blow me off it is Yo top off very friend and you can see obviously the tank that was doing blo very smart because he started tanking In This Very Corner because that way he could Max the real estate because blo puts the uh the void Zone underneath an agro Target underneath a player so because obviously the tank is like one of the only people that are in range she's going to be putting it under him and so it minimizes the amount of space that's wasted whenever we actually need to kill her or they actually need to kill her I mean to say good I never I actually never did this back in the day yeah this is actually smart I I never needed to do this so it's actually really interesting to see people that are like they have like planned this out and like min max this to like an insane degree mark one mark one do you do you me a reli wind force and again you can see the shield wall they all Shield wall whenever they get lower health I think that the reason why they Shield wall is because blizzard didn't want people to AOE them down I going to heal move out move out if you move out if you're low move out if you're move out what bro look at this guy look at look at the pet Awareness on this guy right here this K super guy give me a Rel wind force can I get a heal on you can see the void zone out move out if you if you're low move out if the guy actually moves his bird out he actually moves his bird out there you go Sur offline yeah not good for him he yeah this gu's doing work you have him he's dialed in and they only Shield wall one time during the fight transition so they can kill ay can probably finish tanking this it looks like they're going to be overly safe uh and not have anything bad happen oh I guess wait do they Shield twice wait really what the [ __ ] I've never seen that on move away at 20% and 20 really oh [ __ ] two people died oh my God moveo away move away to the wall good getting hit by the all the way I go to you guys are in the wrong spot dud I see you can see what happened right so so they had the debuff I think this is the debuff from um what do you call it from MRA so this is the MRA debuff and Jay W and life moved back too much and they backpedal into the position that they were in range of again the ghost what I was talking about the ghost of high Lord mgrain who still applies the debuffs so because they moved back too much they moved into his range and because their Stacks hadn't set the fifth stack because they both have four it killed both of them because they were too far back watch see look how look how close he is you see that he's like right there all the he's dead you guys are in the wrong spot dude yeah he should have not been there mark two yeah come Middle come middle M Mark is still hitting people guys go to the [ __ ] safe spot it's in the middle don't go back it's pretty easy isn't it yeah it's it's pretty easy right that you just don't stand there I'm I need ta you can see obviously a is going over there taunting off and he had he had to go by himself this by the way will probably take a little bit of time because of how uh finicky the zelc uh chain lightning you can't stand there totally fine you forg things in the moment next is three it's Mark oh this is Mark one this is Mark one yeah I don't does anyone need Rel on ziac this is Mark two I I'll take zelc from him when he's from AIO okay chef chef need I'm going to take it okay we're transitioning in one more mark this is a tank transition so you can see obviously in this fight by by the way this fight can go on as long as you want it to like I I don't even know if it has an enrage timer it's like 20 minutes or something like that J was the biggest pumper was in all the raids since rag yeah I know like I mean I remember J from uh like Original Classic tank tanks and then there's the first shield wall right there running through purple if you're a tank you'll chain us yeah just letting the Mages do this in casters I'm coming in for Mark two the mes all right some for and you can see what they might be doing here is they might be trying a buddy strategy to like reduce the chances of having like a massive like massive chain they might have two people stacking on each other to take uh predictable manageable damage instead of potentially unpredictable unmanageable damage leaving three of them together that's very interesting I I I think that's a risk but I'm sure they did the math and they think it's fine we can go to the right these people are not in the [ __ ] safe Zone man yeah he should have done that like if you look right here coming to the wall like this guy like he should not be moving that way now it doesn't probably matter that he's moving this way because this point his debuffs from thing or sorry from uh MRA are gone so if he gets one stack it doesn't make a difference but it definitely isn't the ideal movement just trying not chain The Raid yeah actually I I really actually don't think that's a problem cuz like let's say he gets one stack from this who cares all the stacks are independent not in the [ __ ] safe zone manters go to the right follow puber you need to eat this uh never mind never mind you're fine one safe or not group yeah that's what I was thinking yeah like actually on the right want it's about to yeah good Rel I he's chilling I'm getting next I'm getting next you still yours is dropping soon yeah you got 10 seconds you have 10 seconds op I see drop that was a pretty big risk to go in there with the debuff your left okay let Mark one Mages can go in in 10 seconds Hunters need to get out in 10 seconds Shield walls down SM get up man you're good he might need one more tank swap but just depends yeah I Mark three that's tank T SW don't run through purple do not run through purple I I will come I am coming should be CD here I need to get a relief where the [ __ ] is okay we're chilling we're chilling you had four marks man you get to Seven yo I'm chilling man good there it is they killed it holy [ __ ] there some of you guys with the comms on this fight man you need to shut the hell up dude like if you can't if you needed a heal you should have left y stop [ __ ] screaming some [ __ ] like literally made a bunch of people freak out and die cuz you're just being dumb yeah half HP have three marks just leave like it's not that [ __ ] hard apocalypse we got what do you have people to can in for those two yeah yeah M oh [ __ ] those legs dude those legs are [ __ ] disgusting should we pour it and log out look how good those are it's insane this Warrior legs yeah they're actually even better than of Carnage drop it's it's they're [ __ ] insane can we out first FR and out okay I'm going to go ahead and move into KT all right so this is it it all comes down to Kel isad the final boss and classic W not watching saf I already did I watched it sorry I I I didn't know that they did I thought they did four horsemen another day to be honest so I didn't think it was in this VOD so I watched saffron then I watched h four horsemen kind of awkward but yeah we should Bo your stuff um Ry and mag tab are just staying out if there's a death you can take that spot I'll swap you yeah um two you can see everybody logging in right here I'm might just skip ahead logging off to keep their debuffs or their Buffs we need uh we need our Buffs too now Kel isad in my opinion isn't really a hard fight I think that Kel isad is one of the fights however that something can go wrong really really fast it's RNG yeah I shadowed the entire there's two massive levels of RNG that happen on Kel isad the first level of RNG is getting ice tombed and the second level of RNG is who gets mine controlled everything else is pretty much controllable we shackle as soon as they come out or yes okay perfect so we'll shackle the first three why is my HP so low depending on Portal move to the center or the [ __ ] [ __ ] blows us up I don't think he has Kings does he have Kings no he does have Kings the [ __ ] yeah it's CU I don't have fully buff first yeah send Buffs everybody should be oh he does yeah he does have zg it's zg do don't go up there just let us buff back here bro I hate people like that I actually [ __ ] hate them so much like did they have to get oh I'm going to get up really close oh why do you [ __ ] get that close why you why you even thinking about that why you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] why would you do that like it just makes me so mad just stay with the [ __ ] group don't get too close to the boss we don't need anybody ever does that my raids I kick them out someone if someone DC it's better to be like here everybody move forward just least right here please at least right here get out of the cubby yeah be in the cubby is bad like you don't you don't want to you don't want to don't want to up there all right it's been fun boys wait wait wa wait wait I need to Uno still make sure you're uned make sure un boed the Boon for anybody again who's uh unfamiliar with classic wow is uh basically it allows you to hold all of your most powerful Buffs it's like a a pause button on your most powerful Buffs guys between phase one and phase two just make sure no ay got the Slayer Crest we don't have many Casters in here and if we have a bunch of the mobs before we transition we need to kill those cuz the melee aren't going to be killing them y he's got some pretty good gear three sometimes if priest will help with uh banshees I dou cheing we're group two right now on the he ninj that [ __ ] yeah I mean honestly it's not really a big pop a chop last chance to pop a chop pop a chop boys they're talking about der's kicking kimok chops which is a special recipe that's only available after you complete the scepter of the the shifting Sands quest line that will give you the highest stamina food in the entire gamee and it requires kimuro meat that's only available and obtainable from a special Island in feralas that has Elite level 60 Chimas you have to farm and the Chimas are yeah they Elites not that hard to kill make sure you're next to your groups please no pets here no pets no pets want me to go on that both of us will I'm going to cover this side okay see where I you're going to cover the other side it gives a huge amount it's better than any other in the game on it is the food now there's going to be three different types of mobs that they're going to have to fight here first you have the soldiers of the Frozen Wast these are the smaller ones let them get very easy to kill but melee cannot hit them because they will do an AOE for shadow damage on everybody else if they get hit I think it is right G1 is and you can see also all the pets are on passive so nothing else is accidentally aggroed no chain Lightnings the Abominations do a debuff on tanks that reduces their healing taken it's a mortal strike so they need to be stunned and killed very quickly so they don't insta give a tank yeah we've been wand into the truth is that this first phase is very easy this is wands this is a very easy phase there's like almost nothing that can go wrong whenever something does go wrong there are two ways that something can go wrong number one is somebody multishots or gets too close to like this whole group of mobs and then they aggro the entire group and like even that if that happened to this group they could handle it it wouldn't be a problem it would [ __ ] them up but they could recover from it uh because they know what they're doing like multi-shot uh you know Hunter pet assist stuff like that skull for casters and then obviously like the soul Weavers can get too close and they do a massive AOE frontal cone that does huge damage and also does a knock back the meta is that melee kill Abominations casters kill Soul Weavers and the soldiers of the Frozen waste that's the meta of this of this this part I've already used it I can I can 30 the CH the CH won't break C it will I'll click it off yeah we need a JuJu chill I'll get okay I gotell this is Toki Toki to Toki I got really shouldn't even be burning min's priest except for smiing so I'm not sure why he took off dragon breath Chile maybe he's concerned that the AOE from dragon breath Chili's breath could potentially aggro the other mobs back there it's hard to say guys go guys yeah you see there's a um a hammer of Justice on every single Abomination so the Abominations never actually cast anything skull for casters it breaks CC in phase two oh that makes a lot of sense hick stun hick stun dragon breath chili is another consumable that you can eat it does it gives you a chance to randomly do 50 damage to enemies in front of you and of of course if you're doing damage randomly you could break the aggro on something or break CC on something I mean next stun is going to be Siri you're going to take them in the end Caster skull yeah so you see they have like four paladins so each time one of these guys comes out they stun it and then everybody kills it before it even casts anything can be 10 yard and you even see like that Rogue follows up with a kidney shot to make sure it stays stunned be fine you guess hod and kidney don't Dr each other I I I thought they did too okay there's ANB this is 2 key the only hard part of phase one is towards the very end of phase one you will have to deal with usually if you don't have like a good a good group Soul Weavers at the same time while the ranged also have to group up or sorry spread out because Keel isod also as soon as he says um we've got skellies coming in a bit heav kead says something like uh you know oh Hick's not in your group Frost some sort of like [ __ ] he does a voice line I forgot what what he says and it despawns all the other mobs and that's whenever the group can spread out next is surri I think mix Pi okay does it need to be dark Runing geming potting everything guys careful SK careful don't Multi Shot the reason why they want a dark Rune now is so they can maintain High Mana uh because there's like never a chance anybody's going to take damage we're the biggest threats in phase two everything so like the phase one to two transition can be problematic because of dealing with the soul Weavers this one is Siri Siri because uh range need to be spread out in Phase 2 because of something called Mana bomb Mana bomb obviously just and it a them so all range need to be spread out all the time Frozen waste making it to the ra come on this is walkus oh it's okay yeah yeah they're kind of [ __ ] up here clears pleas help on the skellies priests yeah Skelly should not make it that close this one is uh or Hicks Hicks on this one hick is the Paladin for stunning it this is the last one I'm thinking always yeah I'll grab the last one I'll grab the last one this one is hick okay I got this one yeah when Force says breathe your dying breath or something like that kelad says that and then he despawns everything so you have like one you see what I'm saying right about how there's like as soon as he says that there's still a soul Weaver so it makes it hard for range to go to their designated locations and then kill the soul Weaver out the middle get to your spots get away from the bus get away from the yeah this is very awkward also melee need to be in different piles for an ability called ice tomb ice tomb does I think 26% of your total health every second for 4 seconds or every half second so it's like the biggest healing check in the game basically because the healers have to make sure nobody dies from it and it stuns you so like if and you can chain it so like one person who's in the wrong spot if it goes on them they can hit two other piles of people it's really bad like that's what kills people all the time you have kelad there also kelad does huge Frost bolts that needs to be interrupted now they have so many melee it shouldn't be a problem but yeah get to the back please let the healers take the middle you can see they're they're making a group of four here so each person usually we used to do three I didn't even know you could do four but um I've never seen somebody do this before but I guess that makes sense uh and so this is to minimize raid damage which Camp should he also does AE Frost bolt which does a lot of damage ay didn't take damage from it because he has Frost Resistance potion here yours fears now send it so the reason why they're asking everybody to use their fears is so whenever Kel isad does the mind control that the mind control for the Warriors that goes on them won't uh it basically causes you to cast random abilities so if Warriors use their fear now the Mind controlled Warrior won't be able to use it and CC the other people in the raid so it's on cool down yeah you should remove your pets you're going to chain us no pets FR pot Frost pot I didn't know pets can be a target of uh that or not don't worry about over potting and doing stuff bolts are going to come out it's fine s we have priest you can see like interupts are going to have to go out all the time everybody's staying up just focus on your see look at that that's my boy right there see he was low Health look watch he was low Health get ready don't worry about over potting and doing stuff bolts are going to come out his health gets really low here sorryi you're ready it'll come back up if you use it now see that massive you know what he does he [ __ ] bandages himself there it is just focus on your own groups please back m oh he's in chat yo there he is yeah he streams I think he streamed his whole thing it might be a threat to quite soon there he is what's up man one next kick we're good I had no [ __ ] idea you were doing this Mele like max range a little bit make sure you're Max ranging me why please get over threat reset threat reset threat reset oo oh this is bad bro so you saw ampy was the target actually it might have been somebody here so he ran forward to try to pick up the boss right because he's one of the tanks you saw it go on the Rogue um and so now he got stunned and he's going to be taking again a percentage of his health here and this is at the same time as the MC you can have your main tank just get MC stun St St stun stun stun keep amp up okay why please get over threat reset reset th reset stun stun stun stun stun stun stun keep amp up no no that wasn't his fault no no bro like the so like there's bro there were like multiple counter spells multiple interrupts that could have happened the reason why ay died he died to a [ __ ] fro to an actual like direct cast frostbolt that shouldn't have happened that should have never happened somebody [ __ ] up there there should have been a kick heers dropped the ball no it wouldn't have mattered he was overkilled by like 5,000 damage so even if he he would have had to been lay on hands okay we need to slams grab this Shield wall 19 turn it around 19 turn it around there it is mother [ __ ] heels man then a in on me move away from again it was a it was not the like the heels if the heals had been better he wouldn't have died but the truth is that I think that the real fault was on the uh was on the DPS the DPS should have counter spelled that or interrupted it or something it's on 19 I can't see threat back up more melee keep kicking so they lost six people no five force will get next now this fight actually gets easier with less people I know it might sound weird but it gets easier to manage because less people are able to take damage usually you have the stacks of people die you have more space and everything like that next time you can go inat we need more M on Circle I'm Mele can come in need one person to come Circle melee I'm going I'm going I'm like not even getting full value of my he people need to be other group so he's moving people around into different groups to keep all the dead people in one group so you can maintain the party Buffs for as many people as possible yeah and you can see obviously like what he was doing here is he moved the priest in there for Prayer of Healing and he was doing that even while he was dead I'm like not even getting full value sorry Circle that's why he moved pretty specifically inter yeah pop C is yeah send it pop C's pop C's I'm not back out that was a really bad decision by the way for the melee here they they he should not they should not have moved that way this is the only guy I think who did it right uh however at 40% Kel isad starts summoning ads that have to be tanked and they just do more and more damage throughout the entire fight it's like a soft enrage okay slams slams slams go left rushy right slams left rushy right I'm going to over 19 here that's fine not a big deal Shack seconds you can CC some of them but you can only CC a certain amount you cannot CC every single one you have to tank some of them no CLE no two next kick good job no more shackles no more shackles frostt Frost pot don't break the shackle right there this is a very very frustrating situation they just had this go off and now everybody is like what the [ __ ] right good if you can for us don't break the shle right thereat drop threat drop threat drop threat drop wow bro look at that guy's health I guess that must have been turkey here good job no more shackles no more shackles bro look at look at Turkey cuz his lay on hands reduces all your Mana bro turkey saved his [ __ ] life watch windforce goes down to like 10% Health turkey you see has no Mana lay on handsome Mana goes down within literally 0.1 Second Wind force would have died actual ridiculous [ __ ] lay on hands turkey saved his ass 100% good lay wall if you can win force that is nuts get these under his Shack's free his Shack's free turn on you can see how this uh this fight is kind of a [ __ ] show okay no more no more CC stop CC and this is like this is the part where like in this fight like obviously you have to CC mobs but like this is the part where like everybody just this is you everybody does their own job and the boss dies like you can't think about how chaotic it is you just keep attacking the boss until it's dead just focus boss execute phas Warriors I need my groups near your priest get people topped keep going for yeah they've got it by the way I got the free one they they got through that last part they're they're fine go finish this they're totally fine a swap Frost bolt good job that's why uh I'd even said it before and two good job uh double MC is going to hit both of you and going to [ __ ] that's why you need right there okay whoever did whoever did that was [ __ ] go yeah you can PayPal me that was me for the BL godamn I mean true like bro so [ __ ] true because also keep in mind that like turkey probably has improved lay on hands which increases the total armor that you have by 30% improved lay on hands is [ __ ] insane so like not only did it reduce the D did he prevent him from dying but it made it so he didn't die for the entire rest of the fight because he had 30% increased armor so sorry I don't know what happened I just didn't get healed I got tombed I I ran through right to turn it around the [ __ ] frost bolt he wouldn't have died he was at 5.4k the frost uh the frost Nova thing did 3.4k he wouldn't have died it was the the interrupt didn't happen it wasn't the Healer so it was a DPS I Liv the ultimate sacrifice winforce you are about to pop the heers there I mean that that's the whole thing with like 7,4 man swapping the grps mid combat really [ __ ] me because hit for 7K yeah that's the frost it Wasing a completely different every that's a lot yeah Jesus holy yeah I mean I don't know what that must have been a frost must have on a bol or something it was a frost bolt there was no kick actually it was insane that lay but also that you had one 5% oh my God I should have died too walk laid me when I took over threat I got frost to the face but we got it that's all that matters good [ __ ] job guys hey oh yeah world first it is what it is to die to KT is the ultimate honor so thank you for everything normally we take the screenshot on the yeah they can't get everybody to the throne yeah there he is he's in chat absolute honor to win with these Champions there it is bro holy [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] that is nuts wow dude I just got banned from World chat what the [ __ ] let's let's let's let's take a screenshot where the dead people are in the front now yeah but like line up nicely I think we just NE bro I think let's all take a neing screenshot can we all take a Neil right now for ay 07 for ay concert araj wave Bev voral jaylaw uh who else died guys he died inredible incredible raid all of you guys well done sitting here watching it uh I'm jealous I couldn't be in there but guys you guys [ __ ] held it down super proud of all of you that was really impressive you guys we did it Frontier number one ay you're the greatest raid leader of all time I cannot believe you died holy [ __ ] boys that was epic Iron Forge after this and let's do a little celebration party yep they should have interrupted thank you tips hey oh man yeah that was a that was a fun ride boys we uh yeah KT could be a little there a frost man [ __ ] my buff didn't get cleansed this is bull it's it's almost biblical that ay dies on the last I think that my gosh lit on the it shut up shut up no it doesn't it's it's all good you said that you would say something you said that say something bro spe shut the [ __ ] up you owe us dad give us a you guys owe me you didn't kick that [ __ ] good job true true okay it doesn't matter this set out to do this and we did it that's all that matters man so many people died [ __ ] we how many deaths did we have 50 deaths over the last like couple weeks easily I'm surprised we made it I'm not going to lie we [ __ ] did you guys but a I was the chosen one I was meant to die let him you were supposed to take I should have t first man yeah we swapped hold up but what dropped oh my God hold up what drop where's the loot where is it where the loot though fingery died with my pants I did actually yeah I died with yours of apocal dagger you're it's tradable wait oh close Mitch oh my God dagg that was the shortest live the harbinger of the that was the shortest slayer's Crest it didn't even make one boss did not unlucky but no that was [ __ ] sick guys good job we expect you at 60 and ready to go next week C 19 he MVP for the boss r that is amazing that is absolutely [ __ ] amazing I'll link you guys' uh his channel uh he's he's the raid leader as well it's the best ending yeah there it is
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,125,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: 023jLQJT1SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 22sec (3202 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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