Season of Discovery Has Problems, Let's Talk About Them | Season of Discovery | Classic WoW

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season of Discovery so far has been one of the best times I've had in World of Warcraft in a long time seeing vanilla content but with some adjustments really has made it into a whole new experience be that through the elab cap at 25 the new content or of course the Rune system it for sure has been an overwhelmingly positive season so far but not without issues and these aren't just issues that exist because we are level 25 either in fact I believe in most cases these will continue to things that we see reoccur throughout the season I also think we have giving feedback and players hopes and wishes to thank for blizzard really committing to this season in the first place so why not carry on doing that now let's go over the problems season of Discovery currently has and what can possibly be done about them but first a quick word from today's sponsor Aon classic as a channel that's focused pretty much entirely around the re-release of an MMO I can certainly say that having the chance to go back and re-experience games you grew up with is a rare opportunity to have releasing earlier this year Aon classic recaptures how this old school MMO started but with certain quality of life features now such as faster progression or UI changes Aon classic has a classes and an involved combat system in which both skills and crafting mechanics matter including cooking tailoring weapon smithing and more as any MMO should Aon classic features tons of endgame content such as raids and dungeons as well as open world and instanced PVP so whichever style of gameplay you prefer you should be able to find something here on top of that there are constant updates to the world and even completely new exclusive content that's never been seen before in Aon such as new classes zones and dungeons so whether it's to check back on something you used to play or to try something new you can download Aon classic for free by clicking my link in the description you can also use my code to get additional gifts in game and new players will get a starter package including 7 Days of membership and other in-game items many thanks to Aaron classic for the sponsor today let's get back to ow so I want to start on the PVP side of things it's an area of the game that's designed to cause friction between players just not in the way that it's happening at the moment first up I have to talk about just how the battle for Ashen Vil has worked so far this season it has not been great and that's if I'm being nice blizzard have already said they're planning on making the strangle for Vil PVP experience completely different in Phase 2 and taking as many learning points as possible from the Battle for ashenvale but I still feel as though we are getting an update every single day on how they're fixing it next first of all we could just stack raids on the enemy leader and the event ended within the space of 30 seconds then the percentage on battle started randomly going down so you would sit there for 20 minutes waiting for it to start then the bosses would bug out and either become untargetable or the game would not register them as having been defeated this made the last boss impossible then the percentage progress of the battle would reset to Zero from about 50/50 because the battle on the bug ler had finally ended oh and aside from that there isn't really any PVP in this event either people just gather up in one big death ball Zerg and run from one boss to the next is that everything did I cover all the bugs so far I mean I do appreciate blizzard trying to fix this up and getting it working but man this must be eating into so much of the development time I wish they could focus on more class balancing and make the best content possible and runes for the next phase not having to fix an event that might not even be relevant in 2 months several times per day the battle for Ashen Vil did sound super cool and maybe it can be redeemed and show what it should have been from the start but so far it is really not been a high point of the season and what's happened to this event is pretty much because of how predisposed people are to Min maxing and doing whatever yields the best rewards as soon as possible for the battle frash and Vil it's very much a race against against the enemy faction you want to defeat all of the bosses as soon as possible to get the best reputation gains and then people go on to use those rep gains to buy the Ashen Vil Mount and tons of really powerful gear some people have even carried on doing this to rever so far but speaking of PVP and Min maxing this gets me on to my next point pread in Battlegrounds you know I made a video back during classic going over this exact topic I thought it was a mist stake then I have not changed my opinion in short for Warson gch at the moment you can cure up as 10 players with full consumes a stack comp amazing gear and be matched against 10 randoms with whatever gear they have who might not even have a Healer between them vanilla was made before the time when it was super common to minmax and it really does show sometimes I do get the upside of pre-mades though it's a social game you're grouping and playing with others that's fine and it gets you towards your goal faster but the overarch Maring problem with it is just fun if in order for you to have fun somebody else has to not have fun you've got a problem on your hands there and being matched as randoms into pre-mades it's just game over when the gates open it's not fun at all you get rolled in the first fight in mid and then you get graveyard camps until they decide to cap three times so why not join or make your own pre-made that is the obvious answer and pre-made versus pre-made is actually fun well time is usually the answer right now we have a really casual friendly version of World of Warcraft with a level cap of 25 you'll have people who could never make the grinds of 60 seeing the endgame content now because things have been slowed down so much and saying if you want any semi decent PVP you need to assemble a group just is not realistic in my opinion in fact as we go on I bet you'll be seeing more and more complaints over the state of pre-made versus pug also worth a mention that ranking has changed how it works too the whole concept of needing to to grind so high you could fix your own honor cap bracket breaking bracket stacking that's all gone in short there is a max number of Honor you can gain per week that will advance your rank and you can only go up a certain number of ranks per week too it's not like you can go from six to 14 or something they explained all of this in a blue post here unfortunately I am lacking in a degree in mathematics so as usual the vanilla ranking system is completely mystifying I did find an add-on however called ranker which pretty clearly displays where you are at as well as what you need to grind to hit the next rank it also has a whatif mode so you can look at your future grinds too so to be honest I just use the add-on instead of trying to get your head around how the maths actually works I also you can't drop ranks through Decay anymore but to reminder the rank cap is three at the moment and we already have complaints of pre-made versus pug when you can get to rank three in 2 weeks with not a very large amount of effort so this will become more noticeable as the season progress the level cap goes up you can gain more ranks and people need to grind more for those ranks so what should change well the obvious answer is splitting the que into pre-made versus pre-made and Solo versus solo now honestly I'm not sure if I like this you see most prades are not in it for the PVP if blizzard removed the cape reward from rank three the number of prades you would run into would half overnight if not more than that I believe the majority of premades are goal oriented players looking to hit their objective as soon as possible in which case preading gets you the most honor so it's the best way but that's coming at the expense of other players experience within Battlegrounds in other words pre-made versus pre-made is only for people who actually enjoy PVP believe it or not and I think if this existed it would only pop at peak times the rest of the time it would be kind of dead and even then what does pre-made versus pre-made imply one if I C is three players and I get matched with another pre-made of two and then five versus a 10 stack the three pre-mades that might make up my group are more organized than your usual pug sure but it's unlikely we are as organized as the 10 players together I think the way to do it if they were to truly change anything would be to limit how many players can pre-made into a Battleground you'd probably also have to put in a randomized delay for the que to pop and to prefer matchmaking groups from different Realms too as there are still some creative ways to pre-made across different groups which used to exist in classic and if you still don't want your 10 versus 10 war games exist right I seem to remember them putting them in the game at some point I'm not sure if they're actually in vanilla but maybe that's an option so what would be the downsides to splitting it in a way where you can only CU as a certain number of people well you could get somebody who might as well be a bot on your team or an actual bot for that matter in which case I have to say welcome to random matchmaking for online games first time also it would drastically increase the time you need to rank and it would be far less efficient than being able to fully pre-made I know having to actually play the game for your new purple items what a horrible thought it's not as though you can Decay ranks anymore though you just need to play more in the week when you decide to push but those are my thoughts on pre-made versus solo Q we'll see if anything changes next up I have casters and runes scaling so I touched on this in a recent video and there was some huge Buffs that went out to the likes of Shadow priest and Boomin as well but after having monitored Warcraft logs for data changes it's pretty much confirmed what I thought if you are a caster and you can't do the majority of your healing or damage through runes you're just going to underperform in raids for the whole season things may get better after 60 but let me explain what's up here so in vanilla we have spell ranks at certain levels you go back to your trainer and buy them for physical damage dealing classes the increase in power on spell ranks is pretty minor your heroic strike or Sinister strike May gain a few extra points of damage this is because the majority of your ability scaling in many cases is time to your weapons damage or your attack power now physical classes can already access weapons which are far and Way Beyond the power curve for us being level 25 notable examples are aran's fist for paladins from that class Quest faven blade and of course the new epic sword and many physical damage dealing runes are again centered around weapon damage or attack power so this is why physical classes are looking pretty good at the moment but casters however going from one spell rank to the next can increase an ability's damage by upwards of 50% in some cases and these level caps can put us in very awkward positions for example I believe all of frost bolt lightning bolt and Shadow bolt are ranks learned at level 20 at the moment which is making specs that use those abilities very weak when compared to others but wait if we go to Warcraft logs warlock is the top performing Caster how can that be if shadowbolt is garbage at level 25 well the simple answer is nobody's using shadow bolt all the locks and raid are playing destruction using incinerates and Chaos bolt for their damage and the real key to their damage is that they're able to use these two runes almost entirely for their through part runes are far far better than any of your class abilities for two reasons one is they cost a base Mana not a flat amount incinerate costs about half what shadowbolt does and it does more damage the second reason is runes are scaled to your level you'll notice when you get a rune you don't have to go and learn ranks it just gets more powerful as you level up so warlocks are able to use two abilities with a reasonable Mana cost which is scaled to deal damage as if they were level 25 and this idea of how dependent casters are on spell ranks is very consistent fire mes get rank five of Fireball at level 24 that's nearly as good as that ability can be as a result to they're doing pretty well for Arcane Arcane blast that's a rune so it's scaled to 25 and even if we go and look at healers for both rest Resto Druid and priest they are both doing amazingly why Resto Druids vast majority of healing is done through wild growth and priest have prayer of mending Penance and circle of healing whereas Shaman and Paladin are stuck casting vanilla spells for the most part and those spells are just weaker and even when we're 60 and we have all our spell ranks runes are still just going to be better because of their Mana cost and if we go back to looking at the recently buffed moonkin or Shadow priests they're still low down on damage because even their runes got a buff triple damage in some cases by the way they still have to rely on casting vanilla spells so what is the fix to this then well um we could delete spell ranks and make every single spell based off of your level instead that's what they didn't in cataclysm by the way and I know that ain't about to happen more realistic is make future runes or existing ones alter vanilla spells to bring them up a little notch in some way here's a few modifications I can think of that could be used to improve a whole variet iety of vanilla spells allowing damage over time effects to crit making abilities deal more damage based off an enemy's Health direct damage spells are leaving a DOT behind straight up reducing Mana cost maybe even cast times in certain cases and using existing runes to buff certain desired class identities a great example that's already been done in the game was the changes to deadly Brew for Rogues this fixed issues around poisons having charges as well as sharing certain buff slots now you just put this Rune on and you're good to go you don't have to worry about poisons anymore for damage another example which isn't in the game but I thought up imagine if for shadowbolt volley it also made shadowball restore some of its Mana cost when it crit either way I think there's room for improvements on casters as a whole because I'm just saying if Warriors are doing this well at 25 already oh boy it's going to be vanilla All Over Again by the time we're 60 next is something you probably seen start to take off on your server and with such a low level cap they're even more visible and normal Bots it's an unfortunate thing that happens to each and every MMO that we have to deal with Bots and their side effects on wild growth EU I've seen a number of bots set up either farming low-level merlocks for pears in the wetlands or especially in duskwood just doing skinning and if you were to do a slash show on your server for the stockades you may just see a whole bunch of level 16 Rogues that's the level that they get pickpocket by the way no coincidence and you're not going to be able to pickpocket usually because mobs in their starter around level 25 so whatever they're doing is combined with some kind of abuse equally the Scarlet Monastery dungeons are open and I found that there's often a bunch of hunters in there too farming something or other probably abusing some pathing bug there isn't too much as a player base we can do about the Bots inside dungeons as whilst there is a report feature you can only report their name not for botting but in the open world Bots are really not too difficult to spot whether they have a nonsensical name full be OE gear or they're just making strange movements you should be able to see them and do make sure you report them that's the biggest thing we can do and it does work I've already had some of those Mals coming through saying that aot has been banned because of your report finally I've got one or two quality of life things which I wouldn't be opposed to it's not 2019 vanilla anymore the literal purpose of this season is to change stuff and see what's well received and what isn't and you can put some stuff into the game without making it into retail and you know I wish people would stop saying adding certain things into the game makes it into retail because it really doesn't these two games are so different in almost every way possible if instead people said it makes it too different from vanilla yeah okay I can get behind that that's fair enough anyways three main things for me I don't know how possible these are but I figured I'd just throw them out there in the video number one is instant male at least between characters on the same account the biggest benefit you'll get get out of this by far will be when you get one of those Supply crates you can hop over to your bank alt buy whatever you need send it to your main get your main to a mailbox fill a supply box and then carry on with your day and it's a whole lot easier to get to a mailbox than all the way back to an auction house and they did make the filled Supply boxes nonunique too in case you didn't know so this seems like a bit of a no-brainer other big benefits include being able to send items for professions to your main for leveling consumes for pvping or raiding if you're in a pinch for time and so on the downside is uh it wasn't like that in vanilla I suppose that's pretty much it the next one is 41 yard name plates look I don't know if I missed an interview or something but if it's not possible can we just say it's not possible so we know but at the moment when you see a mob's name plates you're also in their aggro radius on top of that trying to multi- do stuff from distance or living bomb anything like that it's just kind of hard to see what's going on over there because the bars are not visible are there downsides yes Die Hard pvpers will tell you you there are downsides such as being able to see name plates through solid walls from far away that's kind of it though I think the final one which I can kind of do without for phase one but I think it will become noticeably better in phase two is Jewel spec it's season of Discovery your Talons make up for a big chunk of your power mixing and matching stuff is a lot of fun and I think it should be encouraged now at the moment we are level 25 and we really can't get that far into our talent trees for a bunch of classes you could pretty much randomly assign your talents put your runes on for the spec you're playing and you're probably about at 70 to 80% of your normal Power that you would have been with proper talents because runes are op but by level 40 we can go all the way down our talent tree and grab that last Talent this will make talents way more impactful than they are at the moment and I think having two talent trees to play around with is better than one and I know they reduce the gold cost for resps and if you didn't know about this it's 10 silver per resp capped at one gold and I can get over one gold from doing a single Quest at 25 the issue really isn't with the cost of it it's just having to make your way all the way back to the class trainer each time you want to change things out and yes I agree it's vanilla travel is a big part of that and everything but um I want to try the new Rune and talent combos out on the seasonal server so yeah can we change it I mean if you want to put a flat gold cost on un locking Jewel spec maybe even a quest that's all good too there are other ways to do this too maybe even more thematic ways you could put a resp consumable profession item in the game a potion of forgetfulness from Alchemy a prototype mind alteration device from engineering that's a helmet with a cooldown on and I think if you're worried about class spec and identity the runes are kind of already pushing people into one play style with the ability to Respec the most common uses I think will be a Healer to swap to DPS for a certain raid boss or vice versa or just people wanting to PVP putting on a proper spec but that is all I have at the moment feedback and just asking for Stuff got us to where we are at the moment so I thought I'd just throw in a few thoughts here today let me know your thoughts on the video on the issues I've gone over here do you agree with them do you think we should hold tight a bit and see how things are at level 40 drop it in the comments down below and as always thank you all so much for watching and listening in and I'll see you on the next one very soon
Channel: WillE
Views: 105,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: season of discovery, seasonal wow, classic wow season, sod runes, sod runes guide, wow classic runes, new season wow, wow season, classic hardcore, hardcore wow, wow hardcore, hardcore deaths, wille, paladin, warrior, warlock, mage, priest, rogue, druid, hunter, shaman, icc, dragonflight, wow, warcraft, mmorpg, mmo, best mmo, free mmo 2023, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2023, mmo 2023, eso, gw2, ff14, osrs, ashes of creation, riot mmo, role playing game, rpg, gaming, pc, console
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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