The Worst Pickup Artist on Tik Tok

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so there's this awesome new format on tick tock where guys will film themselves pov style approaching women and hitting on them with a whopping zero percent success rate you ever been told you look like you have been told like hi what you have been told you look like chris's wife chris's wife i don't know my name is chris oh yeah what's your name yeah what's your name hannah what you're doing hat name is christopher nice to meet you how are you doing good that's good that's good you what brings you out here what just hiking yeah you like hiking yeah this is like my first time here what do you think of it i come here all the time oh yeah i mean where do we even begin with this really had his username let's start at his username his username is confident chris because i guess that's what he's trying to do here is like blow you away with his confidence but i feel like a better one would have been confident cringe maybe because that's really all i did while i was watching this train wreck of a conversation let's watch it again and analyze this shall we you ever been told you look like you have been told like hi what you have been told i mean rough start rough start right off the bat oh what what rough if somebody has air pods in especially if they're working out they don't want to talk to anyone i mean nothing in this video should have happened at all but if you're gonna film a video like this and your and the sole purpose is is to impress people with your pickup and conversation skills why would you pick somebody with airpods in that'd be like doing a tech review video but spilling water on your pc before you review it yeah it's got four core processors and you know i'd show you but i can't turn it on because the [ __ ] thing's broken 10 times out of 10 that's not going to work but something tells me that social cues isn't really this guy's strong point yeah what's your name hannah what you're doing hat name is chris nice to meet you how are you doing good that's good that's great i love that she's like doing the bare minimum like she she so clearly just does not want to be part of this at all but yet she's still trying to be as nice as she can which is like [ __ ] up it's like not fair to her you know what i mean oh what chris's wife oh huh oh yeah she's like slowly just trying to yeah okay good one i'm gonna keep nikki okay yeah yeah for sure yep okay like it's just like that's why this [ __ ] is so unfair because it's like there are unspoken social normalities that are just there for a reason you know don't talk to somebody with airpods and that's working out that's a simple unspoken rule you know that you that you should know but he broke that rule so now she's not only forced to like engage this random dude and get hit on by the way but she's also trying to not be mean about it it's just like ah it's like hitting somebody with your car and then just like expecting them to fix the dent you know it's like well your [ __ ] big-ass head left a giant dent in my thing so fix it now what brings you out here that was slick that was a slick line dude that was smooth what brings you out here i don't know maybe she's [ __ ] taking soil samples for her biology lab dude or maybe she's hiking like the 400 other people on the [ __ ] runyon canyon trail yeah you like hiking even her even her she was like hiking and then his next line was you like hiking smooth dude we got a [ __ ] what is this who is this guy jack arlo you got some smooth moves brother guys today's video is sponsored by sea geek and if you don't already know sea geek makes buying tickets super simple i've got the app right here on my phone and it really is by far the easiest way to buy tickets i'll show you there it is uh what do we got here um harry styles uh yes please whether it's concerts basketball baseball football festivals or whatever you want to go to seek puts tickets from all over the web in one place and they want to make sure that you're getting a good deal so let's look for the green dots green means good means you're getting a good deal and red means bad and don't worry i've got the hook hookup all right use code codyco for 20 off tickets at ziki that's 20 off your first purchase with promo code codyco so make sure you click the link in the description and download the app and now back to the video my first time here what do you think of it i come here all the time oh yeah this guy's as smooth as sandpaper jesus i love that the video just stopped mid conversation like he was editing this and he was like that's pretty good it's a positive place to leave it that was a pretty good conversation right i'm not ashamed to post this at all makes me think that whatever happened like after he cut it off was just even worse i don't know how it could get worse than that well maybe i spoke too soon let's check out the next one i was just in the other aisle so we're kind of like neighbors i just thought you were like too cute not to say hi to so you know want to say what up what's your name what's your name you're really gonna eat that that's kind of unhealthy oh [ __ ] i can't even i can't even yeah we can finish it let's go wow it's like for kids are you a kid oh it hurts it hurts i'm getting full body chills right now and not the good kind how is this not satire or maybe that's the point like he never claimed to be good at picking up women he just claimed that he was confident i mean he's not even really that confident like he's clearly so nervous all of his responses are just like knee-jerk reactions because he's nervous you know like the the line oh my god the i was in the next aisle i i thought that we were neighbors what what doesn't even make sense as a joke so i saw you getting some stuff from the freezer aisle i i wish i i wish i could have you in my freezer shouldn't eat those nuggets fatty oh god i'm sorry dino nuggets hey pterodactyl i'd like to tear you a new [ __ ] no no no sorry you can tell that every single girl just immediately feels like a hostage he approaches and they're like oh god and there's they're just like looking for the nearest exit excuse me hey you're like my target crush i just want to let you know i'm sorry you like my target crush like i just i just thought you're like cute as well oh thank you i appreciate it what's your name can i like um i'm married oh bro yeah damn how long um three years damn is he treating you like what the [ __ ] that's how he's filming these he's got a nanny like teddy bear cam oh what the [ __ ] and i know i know that he thinks that's like a confident thing to do you know yeah i just tossed that nanny cam right on my head i don't give a care i don't give a single fudge it's called peacocking my guy learn about it it's creepy you're like real well of course oh that's good marry them no but i mean sometimes it goes bad you know like no definitely not oh god she said i'm married and he was like yeah but you know sometimes sometimes it goes bad is that your idea of flirting is that what you think flirting is this guy's idea of flirting is telling this woman that her marriage might fail yeah well you know statistically like 50 of marriages end in divorce so that could happen to you what if he cheats on you no for real though like what if he develops like a super bad drinking problem or like worse yet what if he's in a horrible accident and is just like mangled and disfigured or what if he dies what if he leaves you a widow it could happen if you died then i guess your husband would be single tell him i say what's up huh this guy needs to retire he needs to retire you know i don't think this is your i don't think this kind of content is your thing you didn't good yeah what were you for halloween um many things what's the like your favorite one um this guy immediately is like oh my god i have to save this girl a fairy yeah how many did you do holy [ __ ] what are you doing right now then i'm going home to do homework goddamn look at her face look at her face in the beginning look at how concerned she is look at this he just said you doing good and she's thinking in her head are you doing good dude are you okay you have a teddy bear on your head and you're just in public talking to randos like are you good are you having a psychotic break right now because i can take you to like you need help i can take you there hey one second you look like my future wife i just i just stopped you know oh sorry i'm talking in the water but what's your name i just want to say hi that's all hi chris nice to meet you are you like in a relationship that's cool have a lovely day i just i just want to do some some crazy for you you know but i'm good though i'm good yeah oh oh i mean that one was another level of uncomfortable he's so nervous why is he posting these like first of all quit don't film these videos but if you insist like before you post like practice a little bit do you think he thinks that like just this is flirting like all flirting ends in the girl saying i have a boyfriend like he's a walking version of one of those tick tocks where it's like leaving the party what are my numbers you know but his is like 1.4 beers crushed seven i have a boyfriend those are pretty good numbers like late for work but i just thought you were i love how like half of these start and the girls going what because he's just like too fast he's like nervous so he's just like i'm late for work but like and they're like wait what slow down what what the [ __ ] is happening oh thanks yeah what's your name uh rebecca rebecca what are you reading you're like a pregnancy book are you praying i am no [ __ ] way look what are you doing don't what are you doing don't hate on women in the pregnancy book aisle what are you doing that's final boss of pickup picking up pregnant chicks that's only for dudes who have read the game 17 times and who go to those like weird pickup conventions in vegas you know leave that to them you are not at that level yet brother you're still doing bodyweight pull-ups you can't add hanging weights on yet all right you're an amateur hey excuse me hey you're like real cute i'm like i'll buy you i buy you a big mac all right that was a rejection speed run right there that might be a world record brother love the caption if she in a rush go to the next one king inspiring you didn't you didn't even have time to say the pickup line you got rejected before you were able to deliver the worst pickup line i've ever heard that's like i'm just impressed truly he just walked up and was like yo and she's like i have a boyfriend sorry hey you on the phone huh you on the phone yeah can you call me later i mean at this point it's just like performance art really this dude is just voluntarily getting violently dunked on for our amusement so i'm gonna revise my original opinion and i'm gonna say just keep making these videos like i don't think i've cringed this hard since like the original girl defined video i'm having a blast i feel really bad for the women in these videos but if more of them are just like i know no dude it's not gonna happen sorry then i would keep watching these videos if anything i don't think i don't think he's being nervous enough i think he needs to be more nervous here i'll show you how it's done hey welcome to cody's self-conscious prank show um we're going to be talking to some people and picking up some ladies so you don't have to watch if you don't want but you can watch okay excuse me uh never mind okay that's it for this one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,181,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: ER_iMoidyyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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