What you DIDN'T KNOW about Dill / fermenting zucchini relish

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okay picking up where we left off the chin in the outdoor kitchen yes I'm a genius this is our nemesis right here this is the door that goes in and out of the outdoor kitchen and you know we had the screen door not on here the dogs tore it off the cat stored up the cats are going in and out of it we put some makeshift boards up front you got to prep and following along with us as we've been patching and boarding up this door and out for a while so I think I've come up with a smart solution that will permanently fix this and I was thinking about getting rid of the door or doing something to the door we'd be able to just keep the door so that's better for everybody so I can recycle reuse and we don't even have to try to recycle it or reuse it it's just sitting right here all right let me get this junky old screen off here that we've stuffed and stapled on and be quite the battle but today we win I mean duct tape who doesn't have Duncan duct tape on here all right you guys try making the haymakers punch love the haymakers punch especially good when it's like a day or two old out of the fridge and you're coming in on that hot day man that is a thirst quencher and yes it's also called ass Witzel Swisher Switzer what is that switch off switch hole yeah they call whistle to some other spots for the super tasty and it's really easy to make and today Stacy's gonna ferment with you guys so don't go anywhere don't leave me so you can go watch Stacey we're gonna get this on here and I'm going to show you guys the progression of how the ten looks inside the building fantastic I'm getting some husband brownie points up in here all right look at that huh come on now tell me out what tell me how good it is come on drop the comment down below so now I'm knocking off all my little issues here right I have this little breakdown here in the door but I want to fix so I'm gonna fix that so the toad can't get back in here we have a little toes it comes in and that's the way he gets in is down there we're gonna be able to cover that up just touch and get this door button up and we're going to do this on both sides to look really nice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there you go out with the old painted nasty board covering up the screen and destruction and then with the galvalume some of you guys caught that in the last video it's not ten this is actually called galvalume there's a difference between the two and the galvalume just to hack a lot cheaper all rights get back inside another question you guys had yesterday when you saw the video why I didn't put in the insulation behind the tin here first up I got about an inch and a half you know what I'm working with here that's all the space that's between this and the exterior board okay so there's really no space to put insulation one thing the second thing is it's this outdoor kitchen so there's no reason to waste the money of putting insulation in here there's no reason to retain heat or anything in here everything in here is wide open these screens are wide open this is a outdoor kitchen and then finally the third reason would be that I want to be able to if any moisture gets behind here and hits this board I want to make sure that this has a chance to wick itself dry but if I put anything up against it it'll trap that moisture and that's what we don't want so that creates a drying plane if you will and there's just no reason for it but everything is looking really good here I'm just about done and I know Stacy's gonna be out there getting some dill I believe for this ferment coming up today so here we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] did in that kitchen turn out amazing I am in love with it you know when you look out I spent a lot of time there you know when you look outside I have a beautiful view looking at all the animals in the trees about halfway up but then below I had that old plywood it didn't look very good and now I walk in there and it's like wow it's like I'm in a brand new place so I'm really excited it turned out good what do you guys think I think it turned out really good so give us a thumbs up on that one if you think it looks great but right now I'm out here with my dill we've had a lot of thunderstorms and rain and as you can see one of my zil's has kind of fallen over so this is the one I think I'm gonna harvest today we are gonna do a recipe with dill and I have to tell you dill is probably one of my favorite herbs that I grow here because it is very versatile and it goes so good and everything because you know when you eat fresh dill the flavor is just so robust it tastes amazing compared to when you dry it out so I try to do as much as I can with the fresh dill now for some of you guys that say that you don't have a green thumb this might be something you might want to try because it is so easy to grow it is not particular at all about the soil at Rosen so it's very simple and basically I can grow this all throughout the season I planted these very very early spring and then now it's starting to mature as you can see it's getting the flower heads on here I'll let some of these dry out and when they dry out they turn to seed and then I will just go ahead and pull the plan out and keep these seeds for next year generally a lot of people if you have maybe a dill bed you could just let them stay here and then in wherever your vet is and then they'll reseed itself but what I do is I just keep the whole flower head and then I go ahead and put it where I want to put it because it grows so easy and it's not very particular these seeds I just went ahead and just planted I threw them wherever just put a little dirt over them and they grow they just like Sun make sure they get plenty of sunshine and you'll have your new best friend look at this I'm liking my dill Forest smells so good it brings all the pollinators it is deaf one of my favorite herbs to grow and it makes my food taste amazing well I had brought my scissors out to cut some dill out to do this ferment with you guys and we had a storm and a lot of wind and look what happens I pulled it out so I guess I have a lot of fermenting to do so I could use this all this dill up so come on let's go oh boy did you guys see when I was harvesting this dill I accidentally popped out one of my onions and as you can see it is going to seed here so I love to eat these they taste amazing people are like really cuz generally if you just let it go it's gonna turn to seed and when it dries out this is what you would use to grow onions again but what I do is when they're young because sometimes I'll have quite a few of them I like to cut the tops off and then you just pull them apart and I sprinkle in my salad so tonight we're gonna have this on our salad because I'm not gonna let this go to waste and then I'm gonna cut these up in little bitty pieces all the way down sautee them in a little butter or some ghee and then I'm gonna take this golden zucchini and then I'll slice this up and then we'll have that together tonight with our hamburgers that we're gonna have but today I'm gonna give you a recipe I know you guys have zucchinis coming out of your ears this time of year so today I'm gonna use some of my cauliflower zucchini and show you a really easy easy simple recipe for today's Fermin we are going to be making zucchini relish from my garden and if you guys don't have a garden you can easily do this from farmers market or get it from the grocery store it'll all work and all you're gonna need is some fresh dill you're gonna need 2 or 3 big zucchini weights to keep the ferment down something to let the gas out some red pepper flakes sterilized quart jars you can use pipe too if you want and salt unrefined for me sterilizing a jar is I get boiling water and then I have the jar like this and I just pour boiling water all over it in the pan and then I flip it upside down and put it in there and that's how i sterilize it for you guys at home if you have a dishwasher just you know you don't even to put soap in it just put it on the hot water cycle and then that way you sterilize it because you want to make sure that your your ferment is free from any contaminants so you have a good ferment first thing you're gonna do is peel my zucchini so I'm gonna get all the skin off of it and I really like zucchini this time of year zucchini is loaded with water so you're gonna see if we do this ferment how simple this is so it's loaded with water and that means that I'm not gonna need to make a brine for this and for some of you guys that don't know what Brian is it's just basically salt and water salt and water and that's what helps preserve your ferment so now that I have it all peeled I'm just gonna cut it in big chunks and this is a fun part I'll get my work out now so I'm gonna use my little slicer Dicer here on the bigger setting I don't want to shred it really little so I'm gonna just shred it in here and I'm gonna go as close as I can I don't want to see so I go to about where the seeds are and so here this is what it looks like I kind of went down to where the seeds are and like a little cup of seeds here don't forget save your seeds we have our food this year but this is your insurance to have food for next year so make sure you can take these seeds out kind of rinse them off with some water spread them on a paper towel let them dry and there you go you have your zucchini seeds for next year so I'm done got my work out I got three big zucchinis I put in the bowl here so now what I'm gonna do is go ahead and I had washed off some of my dough pieces here and let's talk about Dell because I love dill dill have the compound in it when activated it produces something called glutathione and glutathione is what we might call the like the master antioxidant of our body and what it does is it gives you like chemo protective abilities it's like a superhero in your body where goes after and neutralizes free radicals and like toxins and carcinogens so when you eat this just think you have something that will help help to heal your body to help produce that lunes iona in the body besides that it's just like antibacterial it's even has a property similar to like garlic so I love to put this in all our salads and I just like to put it in sandwiches and just use it in my food last night we had quinoa and I put it in our quinoa with some lemons and attends some raisins it turned out really good so you could use your your herbs for lots of fun things so what I'm gonna do is take some of the little sprigs and I'm gonna put it in with my shredded relish that I made oh and it smells so good I always tell you guys that I love the smell of the Dell it is and if you want to if you're not growing it maybe try to get some seeds and plant it because you got plenty of time I just plan it throughout the summer and it'll do pretty good through when it gets cooler in the fall well weather all right so I'm gonna put that in there and I'll get my quart jars ready in my opinion the more dill the better just really adds such wonderful flavor to it and I'm gonna use these little umbrellas I'm gonna put in the bottom of my jar so the next ingredient is some red pepper flakes now a lot of people may not like spicy it really if you just would even put a little bit in there it's not gonna make it really spicy if you want it spicier put more in it so it's up to your discretion I'm just gonna sprinkle some of this on here just like this really good it's like playing with play-doh [Applause] all right so now all that's mixed up here comes the fun part I'm gonna get my flower stick them in the bottom they're so big now the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm only gonna put in a little bit in my jar like a little pinch like so and then I'm just gonna sprinkle a little salt over the top just a little just like that and I'm just gonna continually do that to the top [Music] so I'm going to use my acacia wood Packer and just kind of push it a little bit down getting close so I don't want to make sure I have about an inch and a half headspace so an initiative headspace means I want to have the relish here at the neck I need about an inch and a half from where the ferment is to the top where there's nothing there because what's gonna happen it's gonna produce liquid because the zucchini is full of water so you don't need a brine this is gonna make its own brine all right let's do the second one so I just do a little pinch it's about like a half a cup or so if you guys measure so I do a half a cup or so or a nice pinch of my relish and then I sprinkle it on top [Music] I know you guys are looking behind me and look how cool my wall looks cuz I love it I keep looking at it it looks so good [Applause] [Music] fermenting that's about six months to a year easy when you put it in cold storage so that'll get us from one season to the next that's the whole thing of salt let's talk about salt you guys can see here guys I have a huge container on your home or your homestead wherever you are you know be prepared you never know in this day and age what's going on we use salt for everything because you know it's the spice of life it adds a flavor to our food so I get it involved because I use it a lot because when you buy it in smaller portions it gets expensive but when you do get it in bulk it's great I get it in twenty five pound bags and then I also get this tub how many pounds is this one yeah this is $10 because I love it and then I can refill my salt shakers and the things that I need with my bigger containers and I really do like the Redman salt because it is local it's from the United States and in the United States it's in Utah and it's from an agency bed so there's no risk of plastics or anything in it and it has a great very mild flavor and I just love it so I've been using it for years and now we're all done with this and I'm gonna show you two ways that you guys can go ahead and finish up this ferment now I'm gonna give you two different options when we go ahead to let it ferment for the next few days what you can do I like to use the Mason tops the glass tops here so you can put that over your ferment just like this and as you can see it's already developed there's water table covering it right now so this is good and then I'm gonna use my fermenting top and I'm gonna make sure that I have the ring here around the top nice and clean place it on top and then I put a ring over it so that so there's air lock let's the gas is out and then no oxygen in because we know what the oxygen in our ferment so then I can just set this in my pantry for about five to seven days this one's a little shorter ferment five to seven days and then by then I will have a ferment and let me show you the other option so let's say you don't have the pickle pipe or you don't have the glass puck you can use an onion see how I have the onion skin and all you do is put it over the top like so and then that way that is your weight to kind of keep it down underneath the liquid because we don't want any air to get into our ferment so that'll keep it underneath the brine that it's making itself so you guys didn't have to make a brine alright so I'm gonna put a flat on this one this one will be a little bit more work and then the ring so when you do it this way you're gonna need a plate that you're gonna set your ferment on top of just like this because you might have a little leakage but what you're gonna do is every day you're gonna need to burp it so you don't want to take the top off you're just gonna gently open it a little bit and you'll hear the air kind of escaping from it but don't take the lid off and then just kind of close it and you're gonna need to do that every day for your five to seven days or so if your house is really hot the ferment may take five days if your house is kind of regular room temperature like you know 7075 something like that then I would probably go seven days and then when you're done and you've put it in your pantry in a dark place after that five to seven days if you're using the maids and tops after your five to seven days because I have several several ferments going at one time and I don't have time to remember the burp mine that's why I like to use these so after your time then you're gonna go ahead and take off the pickle pipe and your puck like so and then you can taste it to see if it tastes good and if you want to maybe let it set another day or so go ahead and then I wipe you know lid down if I'm gonna taste it and then I put the lid on it the flat and then the ring and then you could put it in your refrigerator and then you can enjoy it on hamburgers or you can just eat it as a relish on something or just put it on the side and just have a tablespoon or two a day now here's a ferment that has it's been about a week or so and it's ready to go and here is you guys can see I have an onion on top of it so this is an example I used the pickle pipe and then I did an onion on this one and see so this one it was the one that I used basil with so I did basil the red pepper flakes and the zucchini and the salt and it's really good so now all I do is put my flat on top like so my ring then I'll put this down in a root cellar or you can put in your refrigerator so this is something that I want to eat the next couple weeks then I'll keep a new refrigerator here and then that's it so simple and easy it's a live food I didn't cook it and kill a lot of the enzymes it's a nice raw food to keep you healthy like your lolly so you guys saw the finished product of the outdoor kitchen and I think that the kitchen turned out awesome I'm so excited Rambo loves his dill leave a comment below if you guys love them and I gave you a couple options as you guys can make a zucchini relish and leave a comment if you're gonna try that too because it is really simple and easy and it tastes great so you want them well Molly likes her dill do you're gonna take it here that's enough good girl come on your gets a big hog well I hope you guys are having a great day and I look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 100,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living
Id: kWykXWoH68Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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