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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] small office in lab that was so funny but you know it's been so muddy here hopefully we'll get a few dry days and it'll kind of dry it all up but in the meantime I'm gonna go into the greenhouse in the guard and do a few things and I'm gonna meet Doug up at the woodlot and we'll do some work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I have our next work station all lined up right now I'll Stacy's over in the garden and then she's gonna meet me over here so but I thought today we talked a little bit about how living off-grid for the last ten years how it's affected our marriage so a lot of times we get questions from people they email us and they ask us you know maybe their spouse isn't on board right like how do I get them on board and you know just stuff like that you know like and how do you do it spending so much time with each other and so we'll just talk about it here at the end of the video but we do have to get these torrents done I'm gonna get back up here and get everything ready and you guys go check out stacy at the garden see what she's doing [Music] [Music] [Music] well I did a little piddling in the garden I can't wait to get in here and being here full time how many of you guys are totally excited to get in the garden because I know every day I try to get in here a few times a day just kind of pulling some weeds checking the soil getting ready for it check it in the greenhouse but I'm ready so leave a comment if you're ready to and then I'm gonna go up and help dug up at the woodlot [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so let me give you guys a real quick tip you saw at the beginning of the video that we unloaded that hay from the trunk so that's power last twenty bales for this year you guys are going to notice if you're new to this homesteading life and that your grass is going to turn green outside but that doesn't mean that your animals are going to be able to live on the pasture 100% you have to give it some time to let the enzymes and the grass become alive or wake up so if you'll provide the nutrients that your livestock needs so you want to keep putting that payout there and you'll notice that don't get away from it get away from it get away from it and then pretty soon they'll never I don't want any and it's good to leave it out there free choice for them because it's a good transition you actually don't want to have your livestock go from hardcore hey hey hey to spring grass you know it could cause a little stomach issues there so there's your nugget as far as the hay goes but we worked real hard and we put we're able to put up a quart of wood up front there before we came down here and shoot the rest of this video for y'all yeah it was pretty windy up there and it was the first time that I was working the log splitter with Doug and I'm telling you it's like my new favorite thing to do it was so like relaxing and very zen and I really really enjoy it so I'm going to be helping evolve over clean all the time I love it it was really you can kind of get into the zone it was really relaxing and it was like my new favorite thing to do so anyways a lot of you guys are always saying why do you get a log splitter why are you getting along splitter because there's some kind of litmus test to being off grid that you can't have a log splitter I've had split logs and wood up here for our heat for 10 years now and we recently picked up that log splitter from swisher it's a made in America right here in Missouri company with made in America steel they do a good job but I got that on the homestead what if something happens to me you know Stacy can't go out and buck for cords of wood that we need all by herself with cutting and splitting and everything else right so we put in these little creature comforts I teach her how to use them and then I keep a supply of wood up there so no matter what happens we can always just kind of peck away at the wood pile because we need the wood to survive the winter we live in a Four Seasons very cold climate winter here in the Midwest yeah just get the rounds and I could do it myself so it was really cool I mean I felt very empowered and it was really fun I thought cuz you know you know you hear it and the motor and all that good stuff it would be too loud or weather but it was really so I kind of get it you guys that you guys like to chop wood it wasn't really fun I enjoyed it and so for 10 years now we've lived off-grid with no solar power wind turbines electricity we basically have used a generator we live in this log cabin it's a little under 600 square feet and we grow and harvest most of our own food so what we want to do right now is share how it's been for the 10 years because we've been first we were living in the city a lot like a lot of you all without a watching our show watching our videos and we were always gone to work you leave in the morning yeah you do your thing you've gone all day long and then you come and you meet at night right and so this is a lot different when you move on grid you're together all the time not necessarily like you guys could live off-grid and still have that same kind of work set up but we decided that I'm retired and we were going to make this a hundred percent cut all of our bills out and you'll be amazed at if you don't have a lot of bills you'll be able to have a lot of freedom because you don't have to worry about going to the job you hate to make the check to pay those bills see how that vicious cycle starts so once we freed ourselves from that made a hundred percent commitment to it you know we were able to spend more time together and then she was working five days a week in town then dwindled it down to just two days a week so we're together five days a week all year well know now especially 24 hours a day but we've learned to rely on each other a lot more and to trust each other a lot more yeah I think the thing that I'll have to say throughout your you know and whoever you know your relationship that you have your partner's you evolve so I look at from the time we moved out from near one right and every year just like things that need to be done just for to have a roof over our head to have water and to have food we've had a work for all this you know our sewage our sanitation and I mean all that kind of stuff everything I mean we are all those people so we really had to work together and I can just see how over the years it's evolved into something really kind of cool I mean it we're kind of like a fine-tuned machine right now yeah but it took time and you know you learn to work together and I think it's our relationship has gotten so much stronger because we meet each other and each one of us has our part you know like I do my part he does his part and then we come together so it really has worked out really well yeah I think it exposes your weaknesses and your strengths and then you're able because you're with each other a lot more you're able to pile onto those and really exploit them for what they are and then the other person becomes a little stronger and weaker areas and so you're you're constantly growing and getting stronger as a team as a unit that's what I really like about it too so we've been putting up our own wood we don't really cut our own hay here but we do bucket we've been out in the fields bucking hay together a couple hundred miles it's like the Hans Day and we've done you know our water situation you know that was a trial for a while because it took us a little bit to figure out on how we were actually gonna do our water was it going to be well a cistern by the house with a hand palm and then we did some more investigations and then we were able to put together the gravity fed water system but the other thing is you know you you the human spirit you know from us doing this especially with the water you know we hauled water for four years four or five years and you just know I mean the determination of you wanting to get this done you know I know that I can handle like almost anything because we have been through a lot you know and it showed you know I think people get too comfortable in life and then when situations get bad then people just freak out and so things happen now and it's just like you know I can I can do it baby because you've been do these these things so it's just like we talked about air conditioning you don't want to be used to the same temperature all the time the body is meant to have highs and lows and having kind of not constant stress but like when your body is taxed like if you would exercise or do something you know working stress a little bit and then come back down and relax I value all the host of things that you have figure out off-grid but the thing is we're out in nature so we have the time to listen to our our sheep and our turkeys and listen to the birds and hang out go for walks so we have the Uptown yeah we have enough times down times and it all kind of like works very well and it worked like a good team now yeah so I think overall for the last ten years of us being around each other all the time they rely on each other for implementing our systems and keeping the place running I think it's really made of bond with us that I mean I don't want to say it wasn't there before but I think it's just more magnified I don't know how to say it really I mean we were totally never having any problems and we were getting along fine but I think this really put like a perspective on it it's just a different kind of perspective you know right and Psyche I think we're really really tight now I much more tight well it's sort of like you know you'd have like a knot in a bowl and then that involved yeah a little ooh well now I mean it's really tight word it's not gonna come apart at all all right so all in all over the last decade of us living off-grid and what it's done to our marriage I would say that it's strengthened it it's helped us become a stronger unit right it's taught us our weaknesses and our strengths and we've been able to build on it and actually you know flourish I think as a couple like I I don't know it's like deep down and you have this feeling like this is like what it's meant to be you know what I mean like before we were just kind of going through the motions we our relationship yeah I think our relationship as a married couple now I can really feel like that's there's that you know what I mean about that bond like before we had it and we had all the feelings and you know we were living in the city and busy life and so I think once we slow down I think it's just much more of a magnifying now it just I know we needed to have more of that Bob yeah well and here's the other thing and I know a lot of you guys are probably thinking like oh that's how so wonderful they're doing so good but you know what we find yeah don't you know we don't have our moments I mean believe me we have them sometimes I'm snappy sometimes she's snappy sometimes we have our little things one thing if you guys are in a relationship that one advice thing that we could give you guys that will help you stand the test of time is never to go to bed angry okay always be forgiving before you lay your head on the pillow make sure it's all aired out and out of the way yeah and Express you know what's your feeling because when you hold it in a long time but then it bottles up and then you explode something she always says to the kids and at the Montessori use your words so make sure you communicate for sure yeah I mean that's huge but you know you do you have your things and then you kind of learn I think from this I've learned a lot more about him and what may be triggers him more upset no I mean just on things on work and things that so you just kind of learned you know it's just really this has been a really great thing for our relationship and and it really has helped a lot that's been awesome yeah so hopefully this was some kind of something for you guys if anything you saw kind of how our work day flows on a normal kind of windy day around the homestead we're rainy days but spring is in the air so hopefully you guys are moving and shaking get your garden is going and all that stuff thanks for stopping by the homestead and you know what leave a comment below on something that you enjoy doing around your home or your homestead with your your husband or wife Ann Arbor nothing that you do really good together yeah I order you can leave a comment you could say the one thing that you can't figure out together that one thing that you and God you guys just try to work together doing but you just can't work it out I'd like to see some of those comments as well I have what I can say I but I will comment I would not be doing adding editing and video oh my goodness man barely make the videos yeah alright you guys so thanks for stopping by the homestead again hopefully you guys got a little tip from this hopefully that a tip was pretty good for you have a great day and thanks always for stopping by we love you guys see you later see you later [Music]
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 108,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living
Id: ZY1o0jLtkQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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