Defending Our Controversial Opinions - The TryPod Ep. 110

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They talked wayyyyyy too much in the beginning about boring topics.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/annethbeth 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

This one took a while to get into for sure and it didn’t really go anywhere

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/hananahbanana27 📅︎︎ May 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
ramble thank you to best fiends raycon and ritual for sponsoring today's episode i woke up with a hang i woke up in the middle of night my hangnail was so bad and i woke up and it just was so painful it kept me up i think it like when your feet swell when you're sleeping because your blood flow's different is that a thing i don't know yeah yeah i made it up but yeah confidently i'm into it i said it you better hurt a lot that sucks how's your toe doing now now i put a little neosporin on it and it's feeling a little bit better but it did keep me up it was what what was the beginning of your nail this can't be the beginning yeah no this is a cold open oh i don't i don't like this guy did you snag it or what about it i was kind of like you know messing with my toes as i want to do oh so you brought this on i brought it on myself well now it's gross yeah and i deserve it now it's a grocery yeah if it just if you if you're like why is this the opening well you know when i had the toe issue earlier i diagnosed why it happened i was jumping rope so i had started jumping rope like at that month and i was jumping rope like every day as part of my workout and i was like trying to challenge myself to like jump up like a thousand jumps like 1500 jumps and that much sudden jumping on my toes uh i gave me like an ingrown toenail because you can't just jump on your toes all day long apparently but i was i was it was something i was used to do as a child i forgot that i was on the jump rope the jump rope club in elementary school and i did jump rope for high i'm sorry jump rope closer yeah we did a little show we would like to do jump roping shows to music in the gym what kind of song oh i'm sure it was like everybody get up it's time to slam down the song that elementary school students at the time wanted to jump rope to but you go out and you jump and then people would like like me me and four people go out we do crisscrosses for like 20 jumps was this like double dutch did you have the whole like two so yeah so the show would start with everybody kind of jumping together so you'd have like 20 kids jumping hopefully in sync and then like like they kind of spread out and some people wait on the side and then some people do some cool tricks that they've been assigned and then it moves in just like the big one jump and people are doing tricks in one job and then it moves into people doing double dutch i i feel a little betrayed right now because all of our relationship i thought that you were like an unathletic child like me and now the more i know you the more i realized that you were just great at all of the weird things what no one else wanted to do you juggle you jump rope what the [ __ ] he's actually very coordinated yeah these are all athletics presented as performances i have to see that i was driven by performance so i would zach is still betrayed though it was about athleticism i like performing i just can't be coordinated you know you just jump over the rope i'm very good at jumping rope i think it's awesome keith thanks yeah i i can jump up like three hundred times in a row wow now like missing a lot i find that very impressive yeah do you think that if you uh made like soccer juggling as a performance that you would really dedicate yourself and and be like very good at it that's why i got into soccer at all really i would get juggling our like coach would give us like okay when you come back if you can you know keep it juggling for 10 this week uh you'll be the best juggler and then 20 and then it was like if you can juggle 50 times in a row i'll buy the team of pizza so that was my goal it's like okay now i got a goal did you buy the team of pizza no i don't think i ever got to 15 years of like 30 or something a row yeah and i was pretty good at it when you got done with the performance would you feel like hot as [ __ ] you'd be like [ __ ] yeah after the jump rope yeah you'd be like in like you're like sweating and you're like yeah all right yeah because i was like i was definitely one of the better jumpers i'm hearing you i don't think i've ever seen anyone jump the way that you're describing no one at my school i'm gonna tell you right now you would have been the best jump roper in heathcote regional you'd win regionals you know like i haven't dipped into this much but you should if anyone has an interest in seeing dope jump roping there is a jump roping tick tock like vertical and there are amazing jump ropers oh yeah like amazing jump ropers what is it you know maggie recently decided that she was going to jump rope too and i wonder if it was a conversation maybe but she bought a jump rope and instead of just buying a jump rope she bought a smart jump rope what it has a counter in it no where it counts how many jumps never seen you jump rope ever you don't she jumps straight to the smart jump rope smart room she's like it literally costs two dollars more and i'm like oh all right that's pretty good well that's worth it good value but but like in principle no what come on yeah becky bought a jump rope i think because she thought like that would be a good exercise but she bought one that was too big so i was like okay well it's not the right size for you but it is the right size for me so i'll jump rope and i tried to show her how she could hold it too it would be the right size and then she just brought herself a jump rope and then i got an ingrown toe now now i don't jump rope anymore because i'm afraid of getting another and going towards double unders yeah like yeah yeah i can't do those forever but if i like practice at them i could start doing them more forever because i used to be able to go wow what what else is there crisscross okay okay and then there's a bunch of tricks that like you should be watching on youtube because they aren't hard you like and this is like given to some of the children who maybe weren't as coordinated you put both handles in your hand and you just go whoop you're just basically drawing swoops on each side of your body but if you're really good you go swoop swoop jump swoop swoop jump swoop swoop jump and then there's like doing like little foot tricks like making your feet go like this as you jump so like you're going heel toe so you're making your feet look cool uh and then there's jumping backwards so you like can't see it coming so it's a little trickier coordination well welcome to tripod we're gonna stay here jump roping right after this i you're giving me a flood of nostalgia for all of like the the games yeah playground games you guys [ __ ] with foursquare oh you guys don't yeah know how important foursquare was in my life it was big on the off chance people don't know four square you want to take it sure foursquare is game where there's four squares one two three four five you you want to be in square five you counted to five i have a three-year-old he loves counting to five it's a force of habit everything's five with that kid one two three four you don't wanna be a square four you want to be in square one square how do you get there you work your way to the top work your way to the top you you grind you yeah you gotta hit the ball and bounce it in someone else's square and then once it bounces then they have to hit it into someone else's squares and if they don't hit it and it bounces again anywhere they're out and everybody rotates up a square depending on who got out so yeah the fourth square then just a new person comes in yeah or if you need more people they say the same they suck in college the isu theater department had has a four square court outside of it and like there's constantly foursquare it is like the sport of the theater department at illinois st university i mean it's very yeah intense and every and it's like the one place where like all the tech theater students all the educational theater students all the active students came together and we everyone bonded over this such a diverse group of theaters if someone hits it and then you hit it before it hits the ground then you're out right that's okay oh but then it has to go in it has to stay in yes if it goes out of bounds then it's on you so it's the ways to get out our last one to touch it before it goes out of bounds it hitting your square and then bouncing again without anyone touching it so you can also be like a dick and just like let somebody get out like you could have saved them but you decided not to because it like hit the corner and then went into your square but if you let it bounce in your square they're out not you i love the psychology of foursquare too because there's cooperation and betrayal right so because there's four people you're all trying to get to the top it doesn't if if keith is in the four does me no good it doesn't mean no good to get him out so we're working together yeah but he could turn on me at any second because i'm above him yeah we're all trying to get the king out but then when there's a new king in town oh oh oh and isu there were themed uh rounds and the king got to decide the rules for that round so they might be like all only feet so you can only kick the ball or just no hands which means you can use your chest and your head and like your butt and your feet then there was there was one-handed square uh there's uh we also had there's a head banger square where you can only use it that's so funny so most of these novel squares they don't last very long yeah and they're almost a guaranteed way for the king to just get themselves out and it'll be hilarious uh but uh then there's like it was just such a big thing there was a four square marathon fundraiser where for four days there would constantly have to be a game of four square happening so overnight so people like would stay overnight what would happen well it would be over the marathon has been like fundraiser so you have to give all the money back actually yeah yeah the charities i ended up being one of the the long haulers so someone who would come in and do the night shift and you come in and you just play from like 10 p.m i'm not surprised and then somebody comes in and relieves you and then at some point you have lazy square where everybody's just sitting so athletic am i crazy he was playing a sport all night long he's a jock yeah i guess so jockey keith but it was so fun i love it it's like uh it's kind of like spike ball is the uh you know the more like elevated version of foursquare yeah you guys played spike so fun oh it's great i got a little a smaller ball right a little small ball maybe of its size with the trampoline in the middle yeah there's a little the baby trampoline a little baby trampoline it's really like a a net that has some give to it but it's played in teams a newer game right it is a new game yeah a shark take game no way somebody pitched it to shark tank and became quite popular and there's spike ball tick tock that's pretty impressive [Music] hey miles did you know that uh zach has a photo of me at 3am shirtless eating dumplings but you know zach and i share some things that yeah there's don't anyways it's nice to have friends you know because your closest friends they're always there when you need the most good times bad times between times they've got you like how best fiends always has a new puzzle to keep your brain feeling refreshingly challenged you guys i love best fiends i love playing it on the toilet i love playing it in the car as a passenger if you like solving fun puzzles best fiends is for you best fiends has literally thousands of levels to solve i am on a quest to find the super rare fiend he's a little caterpillar named miles miles i do it for you there's always something new to play these adorable collectible characters they just keep coming it's gonna be hard to choose your favorite so if you're itching for a game that's got your back you gotta try best fiends download the five-star rated puzzle game best fiends free today on the apple app store or google play that's friends without the r best fiends tic tac looks like it's like people nailing spike ball yeah for sure it's made its way into my feed you know it's like people can dive because you can also like hit it way way up and then like you know bop it and then like volleyball rules where you can hit a three three between your two partners yeah yeah yeah oh i'm gonna hit you with another one you guys ever play gaga yo my god what is gaga all right gaga you're playing like a gazebo for some hexagon or octagon and i feel like like very few places had they had to have been built for gaga or did they just take over gazebos so when i ever played gaga it was actually people made a gaga court and they would put mate build a wooden hexagon that was like a foot and a half tall so they just took pieces of wood you've never heard it so here's what it is you know those really soft like plushy dodge balls that you play in in elementary school that have a lot of give to them yeah so you basically you just underhand roll them as fast as you [ __ ] can and try and peg people's feet and everyone's just jumping so it's dodgeball on the ground dodgeball meets bowling yeah yeah pretty much actually where i played it you couldn't pick up the ball it was everyone you had to have your hands and fists and you could only hit the ball oh so you couldn't stop the gameplay the get the ball is always moving and you can like dribble it like so you can move around cool and basically the regulation you're trying to hit someone from below the knees and that gets them out and is there just one person or is it a team no there's like 10 people in it and it's every man for themselves oh so you someone can hit you from behind yes yeah and it's only one ball so you're like oh there's only one but you're trying to use the angle of the hexagon or octagon to bounce it in a certain way to hit someone behind them my memory of it was only playing when i was like 10 and under and just two camp counselors wrecking kids and they had like just going as hard as they could have special courts for this in my memory yeah yeah i remember i played at 4-h camp no way and look at this it's like kids with like these little things set up with like they look like it's a horse carrier it's amazing how children's games pass from community to community because we played gaga we played foursquare like who's who's is it camp that brings all these games together definitely they're camp games i remember like we got so into a forage game that everyone had like nicknames like there was a kid named grasshopper because he always jumped over the ball like that was his method of dodging his nickname went it followed him everywhere yeah he was grasshopper he was grasshopper is like one week long yeah and on the first two days we all realized gaga was the best game ever and then we all just gave ourselves total aliases only related to that uh i i think i was i think they just called me habs because like that was just yeah the cool nickname but it was grasshoppers there was cat eyes there's just a girl who we called cat eyes she was really hot did you have any childhood nicknames childhood nicknames yeah what'd they call you what'd they call you ned on the playground they um they called me neticus really yeah oh that's why it was oh yeah your twitter name for so long yeah neticus like spartacus but ned nice so it also reminds me of an abacus math i i called what i always thought it was an abacus because no no it was like a gladiator thing nebuchadnezzar because you were like kicking kids off of the uh playground no i think just one kid that was a friend of mine had watched spartacus like way too young and then you know that was like a nickname and i liked it too i was like that sounds cool they go to pick the baseball teams and ned starts to rise but then someone else rises and goes i am netique yeah i am not a kiss and then it's like well guys we need one person to be netiquette should have been netiken easier that one also would have worked that would have been cool as a child yeah but i don't know if i had any like nicknames that were related to my prowess at a certain thing like seldemar they're they're usually grasshopper yeah wow yeah cool kids they call me the girth in high school no i'm sorry what no why what i don't know please no miles i think that somebody made a joke about my yeah there's only one thing that is referred to in terms of girls my penis being girthy and so no one's like look at my girthy but it wasn't it was look at that dirty water bottle the earth is an incredible word that is reserved it is an adjective exclusively about dicks it was not based on the size or girth of my actual wiener but it was just a rumor that got spread perceived like that's like a good thing though i guess i felt good about it then they call people call me bones in college that makes sense that's cool i love the hit emily deschanel show yeah i love emily de chanel the validation old family honestly bones well that brings us on to our next segment oh it does yeah apparently once you hear emily deschanel it's time to move on she's pretty though yeah her eyes your eyes are so captivating as an actress um so uh this morning i tried to pick up charlie cold foams for everybody but duncan was too busy charlie what charlie cold foam what the [ __ ] that it's charlie demilio's drink at duncan oh oh that would have been a good segment in this audio only medium well slurping people like but uh duncan was too busy so therefore we're doing another segment called minute to win it [Applause] based on the popular tv show you kind of oh not really but uh this week we're gonna be given a single minute to pitch our most niche hobbies and or slash opinions right give the people hey this is what this is and then everyone else gets to discuss it for a few minutes without that person talking or being able to defend it i like that okay we're trying to convince each other that in one minute yeah that what we think is pretty cool yeah pretty much yeah it's a cool contest okay i got one you got one keith let me set the timer hang on here uh oh i don't think i'll need to film a minute oh wow oh it's just a sentence and keith your minute starts now you know in life we are so often not challenged enough in terms of like our own internal growth and i suggest to everyone who wants to grow their brain and grow their skills and grow their confidence learn an instrument find an instrument you've always wanted to play and uh maybe it's a band instrument maybe it's a guitar but you can actually rent instruments for very cheap from music stores guitar center etc you can rent it for a month some of them for like 40 bucks some some are like more like 100 but for a month that's incredible give yourself a beginner book and just learn an instrument and then you'll have that confidence in the skill that's going to teach you secretly it's going to teach you math secretly it's going to teach you just about music theory you're going to understand the the staff you're gonna understand what notes are you're finally gonna be like oh i get music oh i get chords ten seconds left it's just gonna teach you so much and also at some point if you get really good you'll be able to whip out that skill at a party huh and that's the time so now we get to discuss yeah keith just has to sit there and we can call on him if needed if needed okay are we buying me uh you're learning an instrument that's like this [ __ ] trying to give me homework yeah here's the thing it's a lot of practice i mean i'm on board in theory but when i think about me actually going to a music store picking out an instrument getting a beginner book and then flailing around uh and he's trying to sell it by saying you get to do math well that part supposed to get me excited that part does get me excited yeah music theory and math have many many intricate parallels which are fascinating um that said the the beginning of learning an instrument doesn't sound great for anyone involved yourself especially i played instruments oh i mean sure me too that's why i'm speaking from experience no i i did not picked up and quit qatar several times i still know a couple songs i i gave up on trumpet as soon as i could in school um [ __ ] around with a little prakash i'm gonna say a piccolo that's cool [Music] it's almost summer and your girl is waxed waxed and ready to party look a lot of us are going to be on the move this summer so my advice to you is take your raycons with you whether you're flying on a plane you're riding in a car you're jogging down the beach get those raycons plugged into your ears and listen to your favorite podcast you can sit with us a pair wake on wireless earbuds in your ears can make all the difference you get crisp powerful beats at half the price of other premium audio brands they come in a range of cool colors with customizable gel tips included for comfortable in-ear fit i've been running around bumping jams on these things and let me tell you they slap listen up raycon's offering 15 off all their products for our listeners here's what you gotta do go to buy recon dot com slash tripod there you'll get 50 off your entire recon order and that's such a good deal you'll want to grab a pair and a spare that's 15 off at tripod by tripod i play violin for like nine years but again suzuki you're doing the songs that are boring you don't get to do the real cool stuff till later and then i learned piano but it was just so i could play songs from grey's anatomy wow that the fray how to save a life where did i go wrong but yeah i knew how to play that on piano so that was pretty cool but a piano is a huge instrument it's a big one it's like a set piece here's the things that i have problem with i don't like doing homework uh i don't think anyone likes that person at a party uh no ever never uh and i love music well unless it's like organized if someone is like oh i'm freaking out my wedding's on thursday but my bassoonist cancelled can you help me you would just like crush it just and i guess that person good graces forever with mediocre bassoon play yeah and then you could just be at a party and you're like the moment i wake up and then everyone's singing along and really wow but that was here's the thing though it's something that if you work at it over time it's it's probably pretty rewarding to get better at so i'm i love that for keith do i like it for me i think i'd rather spend my time differently yeah i feel like the game is making me want to pick apart his argument because he's not allowed to talk like normally i'd be like that's a great idea what a great hobby but i'm like nah here's another reason why it could be good it's like we're in a culture where everything's like a quick hit of dope mean smash that like button swipe for that tick tock to really be fulfilled and satisfied and rewarded by learning an instrument you're going to have to work at it and it's going to take time which is precisely why keith what do you have to say about the uh the long-term satisfaction of earning your joy through hard work is the best part that's enough keith life's all about growth baby will you play will you and becky sit down and you'll be like let me play you a song and you'll play a song for becky no but i bought her uh euphonium and i got myself a trombone and she was the other day she was like we should learn to play some duets and i was like and she's like but i can't really read music while i was like it's okay baby i got essential elements book one it's for fifth graders it teaches you how to play every note one at a time very slowly it's it's the perfect book to learn i just remembered that my dream last night which everyone loves hearing about other people's dreams we love it it's crazy they make yourself alert i was moving into a new college dorm but my room was shitty like someone else had a double decker room and i was in like this little shitty room but in the corner they had like packed all this stuff and there was a miniature organ and i had an organ and i was playing organs i owned it was an old electric organ you plugged into the wall it had a fan when you turned it on and it was just like it sounded like an accordion there was no way to change the how loud it was it was only or silent but it was also like [Music] you could just hear the fan all the time but it was a cool little weird thing that i had it was like two octaves it was just a fun toy i know your answer's gonna be hell yeah ned are you gonna make your kids learn an instrument oh wow i haven't really thought about this he's shown interest in the recorder i gave him a recorder one day he loved it you know i think when you say make my kids learn an instrument i'm a little less interested but if they you know showed like interest i think i would i would certainly drive them to music lessons so i never got to take piano lessons i think that i totally understand why parents make their kids do piano lessons the piano is the most challenging thing but also it's because you literally learn everything about music all at once so right you're reading two different clefs at once treble clef and bass clef you're understanding how to build chords and how to how to do melodies it is all of music theory is in the piano like it is such if you learn the piano you can read everything well keith you had one minute to win it what say the judges miles are you learning an instrument no who's got the time matt are you gonna learn an intro like me personally in this moment as a 33 year old with two children no thank you that makes sense yeah zach that's going to be a no from me dawg maybe someday i can see myself like midlife crisis getting a little electric guitar and like there's a lot of instruments mm-hmm you know you don't have to learn the heart like the hardest one or the weirdest one but maybe there's one that you're drawn to it's like learning a language i it is i would be happy to continue talking at parties how i would love to learn guitar but realistically i'm okay with never actually putting in the work to learn it i want to i've thought about it'd be fun i like making music made the miles nation theme song made a couple other dumb themes right so i enjoy making music but i don't know if i want to learn an instrument i think i want like somebody who's talented to make me songs and i can like i don't know sing over them or steal the instruments the voice is an instrument that's right that's why you also take lessons and you get out of it wow nothing else you could take singing lessons that's that would be fun i would actually love to i've never taken singing lessons i think it would be very very useful for me i would love to do that let's do it together that would be cute too we'll make a new band called two-tailed boys [Laughter] i took some music lessons some singing lessons in high school really and uh my teacher said that my facial expressions masked my tonal inadequacies and i was thrilled i was so honored it was the biggest compliment in the world she said i was hilarious uh and it goes a long way you know put adding some character into your musical theater musicality obviously i wasn't the best singer she was also trying to say that but yeah i focus on the bright side yeah i heard what i liked all right let's get 60 seconds on the clock and i will pitch you my minute tomorrow long division for fun have children here we go now that's 60 seconds on the clock and here we go do you want to go into a world of fantasy and adventure do you want to connect with your friends have fun and discover new things do you want to learn rudimentary counting and be surprised at every turn you're losing me take up magic the gathering oh yeah it has become one of my favorite games as an adult i slept on it all through middle school but you have an infinite amount of spells characters beautiful artwork there's game play that can be surprising with instant spells that will come out of nowhere and it's surprisingly easy to learn but impossibly difficult to master always always a surprise in any new set and as an adult you can afford the four dollars to buy a new pack which is cardboard crack open mystery adventure awaits magic the gathering that's a minute what do you say keith you play magic so not only do i play i played it keith has stopped playing magic sorry sorry but i was very quiet you're right i used to play matches gathering played it all through middle school and high school it was very very fun but if we're talking about something that takes up your time now that because building a deck that's good is literally you look like the most boring man alive you have to like look at your cards you have to start putting a pile of cards you like that work together then you have to go through that pile and whittle it down to more cards you like that work together then you take that pile and whittle it down to more cards you like to work together then you have to do the math of like well how many lands do i need and then you have to build it and then you have to test it so you have to sort of play mock games with yourself to see if it has the correct pull rates to do what you need to do i would say to build a good deck takes a week yeah because at some point you're playing with people and then you might change that deck but i think it takes too long at least takes a day to build a deck that you think is going to be worthwhile so that you're just alone yeah for several hours looking at pictures of you know like aaron the great or zai dawned uh and you know you're trying to balance how much they cost it's a lot of math you know what i'll say though so will and i pre pandemic would go to drafts at the local card shops and they were really fun because it's an even playing field you all open a bunch of packs together and you make a deck like right there and uh then you play against like total strangers and they destroy they destroy you because that's what they do that's why it's an even playing field yeah exactly it's an even playing field in that we have the same cards but they're way better yeah uh but i found it really fun so i enjoyed that element of it the drafting draft draft tournaments are probably the most fun version of magic together because it does feel like we all have at least the same opportunity but then the skills certainly divide for sure to the players i also i remember going to a drafts as a kid and i would be like i don't know i just played 10 and i went and there was like a guy who was 35 who destroyed me like humiliated me made me upset they called me stupid like we were like did a draft and he was just like yeah like obviously that's a dumb move and like destroyed me so bad at like a local mall and uh yeah and i think i didn't play that much magic after that but it's a fun game i i think it's good yeah exactly somebody's never played it what's your take yeah so one i'm just i'm recovering from the pang of disappointment i wanted something new on this pod and i feel like i'm being sold a rerun over here i've heard the sale for magic the gathering so i'm shaking that off well maybe you shouldn't have given the prize i like this this is fun hold your tongue i don't have many passions we've had passions like children magic so i i love i love games and i love a game that that has some rules that you got to learn like i'm i'm not above watching a 30-minute youtube video on how to play a game but magic to me seems like a game that we can't just all get together in one night and be like hey you want to try out this new board game like i can invite you over and we can learn ticket to ride we could learn settlers at catan we could try it out maybe we'll have a great time we're definitely gonna have a great time maybe we won't you're definitely gonna have a great time but magic as you're describing like i can't just be like hey maggie you want to invite a friend over and try it out she's gonna be like i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing i don't have my own pack i don't know xyz and that to me it feels like a barrier of entry that i personally am unlikely to overcome yeah it's a culture yeah it's not just a game yeah and that's and that also by the way that's very appealing right i see the appeal but i'm not being told or sold why that culture is for me [Music] do you ever want to be a big strong person but without all the gunky stuff we deserve to know what we're putting in our bodies and why especially when it comes to something we take every day i'm talking about the vitamins y'all rituals clean vegan friendly multivitamin is formulated with high quality nutrients well you won't find sugars gmos major allergens synthetic fillers and artificial colorants i should just take ritual because i've never been a big vitamin guy but i figured you know ariel's taking all these prenatals like maybe i'm missing out i've made it part of my daily ritual get it still not convinced well rituals delayed release capsule design delivers high quality nutrients including vitamin d3 in just two daily pills your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping always get key nutrients without the bs rituals offering our listeners 10 off during your first three months visit try guys to start your ritual today that's try guys so ned you just have like a bunch of buddies that play that so this is really it's like you're tethered to relationships yes that's lovely okay i'm back on male friendships and i'll say that like the culture for a while i was getting really into like going to hobby shops and picking up cards and you're like oh look at those d days it's like like it's i don't know hobby shops and car chops and game shops are a whole vibe in and of themselves and that can feel very cool and comforting some guy's got a zelda shirt on yeah and you're like sick dude what is it that's cool triforce right yeah awesome and then you're like maybe i'll buy a freaking i don't know black panther figurine that's in there and you're like do i need that i don't know and then you get home and you're like well if i open the black panther figure we'll lose the value but am i really ever going to resell it if i don't take it out of its packaging then how am i going to fully enjoy it i guess yeah i'll just keep it in a box and put it away so it doesn't get damaged by the sun and then in 10 years i'll remember i own this and be sad also i think one of the reasons that ned really likes magic the gathering is ned has like really good luck with pulls of carts when we were both pulling at the same time he would pull way better cards than i would ever pull we would both go to like cvs buy some [ __ ] cards we'd get back to the office at buzzfeed we'd open them and ned would be pulling gold and i'd be pulling garbage so i was always like why ned why did you just pull that 80 card i pulled nothing i bought way more bags than you pull nothing so you are very unlucky with pulling i'm very unlucky with pulling it's so fun what a great character trait yeah you know it's fun well judges what do you what's your verdict keith you're gonna keep playing magic yeah i'll probably get back into it again it's easy for me to get in and out of those kinds of games because they're fun and i do like the building of the deck but it does take too much time and that's so it's like a well they won't they with me zach someday we will be shooting something away from our homes for a month and we will be in a hotel room and i'll play with you i want us to do i love you silently reacting over here i want to do a video where ned tries to go like into a tournament yeah like like we'll train and we'll all train like alongside him and we'll all enter the tournament but it's really we're hoping that ned picks it up well i'll be playing magic again i got into it deeply like maybe a year or two ago and then i stopped playing but me and will play sometimes we played online a little bit well we're moving on it's minute to win it [ __ ] and zach you've got something special that you're gonna be bitching to the crane yeah i was thinking about this and i'm like i wanna i wanna come with something new that i believe oh new okay yeah i think this would be a talk again thank god yeah ned can talk again all right here we go zach we got 60 seconds on the clock for you to pitch your druthers here we go one two three don't watch trending shows you dingus here's the thing our entire culture is like what's trending on netflix i get what's number one i have to watch it and then every time we come home we're trying to watch a new show and maggie's like i heard from my uh nail lady's best friend sister that this show is worth and i'm like okay cool let's watch it and then it's [ __ ] garbage you know what i haven't watched the wire you know what we haven't re-watched the sopranos there are incorrect right now you have access to every show that has ever been made ever in the history of the world but what are you watching the thing that one person told you was good or the thing that an algorithm told you was good have a goddamn backbone watch quality and here's what you can do wait for the season to end and then see if people actually [ __ ] liked it instead of just being like oh i heard this new thing was on no watch good stuff that is vetted don't waste your time have higher standards for yourself and zach that's time uh wow a lot of opinions here to unpack here yeah it seems like sort of uh very passionate very passionate i have a feeling maggie wanted to watch cool summer and zach watched an episode of it and was like this is garbage it's confusing because i said me and becky said to watch it yesterday i'm interested to watch it because it is so confusing he's like talking about no no no get out of here we all kept our goddamn mouth shut uh i i i agree and i don't agree because you've also been a member of the oh you gotta watch this show that's on right now and then it ended really poorly and now you're like oh we shouldn't have watched this show and i now is like okay well i was right that i shouldn't have watched it which then says that zach's new argument is correct but at the same time [ __ ] when stranger things first aired right when uh like other shows first air and you find out and you get in it is f something fun about being on the ride watercolor conversation yeah to get something to talk about because how often have we been on this podcast here and one person hasn't watched the show and we're like oh but i want to talk about the show i want to talk about the show what a vision yeah and i'll say zach likes um and ned taking the page out of your book zach likes thinky television and i you really think i'm going to want to try and uh do shakespeare over here i love shakespeare don't get me wrong i love shakespeare but it takes me a good solid 30 30 30 seconds to understand what they're saying uh i i think that you can watch whatever you want sure but i in general disagree with zach's point of view the the whole point of watching tv for me is to have a communal experience to talk about things with your friends notice the two shows of quality that he talked about the wire and the sopranos are like things you could then talk about if you haven't watched the sopranos what are you doing watch the spanish having out watch the wire you gotta be able to talk about the wire with people at parties sure watch it uh but it's not so much that it's quality it's that it's quality and pop culture and that's what you're trying to find when you listen to people's recommendations sure sometimes they miss the mark sure sometimes you watch all of emily in paris and think to yourself what have i done with my life but also kind of enjoyed it no i can talk to talk walk the walk that's nice um if zach had mentioned a show that like is like some like pillar of quality that nobody has seen nobody cares about we would all be like you're a pretentious snob what do you mean i need to watch this german show that no one's ever cared about i don't think that's a dark i don't think that's a good way to to spend your time i think that you should strive for things that are quality but also things that help you connect with other people water cooler conversation about tv is probably one of my favorite things and i feel like really left out when i am not watching the trending show that's true you know what i'll say i think that like at the end of a long day you know i'm not always looking to watch tv that i'm gonna shut up about and watch it like yeah sometimes i wanna watch cool summer and just like talk with my lovely fiance through it or be like this is a blast wow this is crazy 13 reasons why you know shows like that that are dumb and bad and fine and i like that element of it i actually like watching dumb bad fine shows but like really glued in talk during tv shows i'm a little bit like well i'm i could just be babe the circle's on that's enough um but i will say i think i also people talk about like hype things and like oh this show got overhyped and you watched it and like everyone's talking about it i enjoy that i think it's kind of fun it also gives you like if you're in like you know a dunkin donuts looking for a charlie cold foam and uh you're like man do you see that episode of whatever trending show and it's like you have something to talk about with everybody i also like what a [ __ ] hypocrite one division this man like made me what forced me to watch i watched the first episode of one division because like i don't know one person talked about it and i got halfway through i was like i don't understand this i don't think it's that funny i don't get it it's a terrible job other things terrible comedy what is it it was sold to me as a comedy like a you know 1950s watch the godfather wasn't that funny okay well one division was sold me as like a kind of a weird new sitcom yeah yeah yeah right uh and then zach like forced me to watch he was like you gotta give it until at least episode three and then i was hooked and then we talked about it like right freaking every single week what you should do is hear about a trending show yeah watch the first episode if you like it awesome you're in if you don't like it wait and find out until the season ends if it was good so here i am and here's a good situation this [ __ ] captain america [ __ ] that came on on the disney plus first episode horrible awful so slow and boring second episode also boring as [ __ ] but apparently halfway through the show it is good disney plus thing with the marvel yes and then the last apparently the last episode some parts of it are amazing some parts of it are horrible so like i haven't watched it yet but i plan to only watch it on like a big laundry day you know so that i can like find out before oh episode four is the good one great well let's put episode two and three on while we're doing [ __ ] and then four let's play let's pay attention i will say here's the one nugget of truth that i don't even think zach meant to say but i think is actually something that people should listen to is to not always let the an algorithm pick a show for you because and it's no it's not related to your main point zach because don't cheer baby i i i watched it was the one on netflix it just kind of got served to me i thought i would like it and i did like it it was fine but then looking back on it i watched the whole season this thing i haven't talked to anyone about it nobody it wasn't water cooler show you know like you guys barely even know what i'm talking about i watched like two episodes right it was good um and i was like hmm was that should i i mean maybe at my i time would have been better spent re-watching classic or no don't just it's not crossfade here because obviously my time is always better spent playing magic the gathering yeah hence why i brought it up to try and make friends like you to play with me um but you know like maybe the algorithm isn't always best to watch it's true exactly sometimes it's showing you straight hot garbage and you know it you can smell it out sometimes may i please well well we have to give her verdict first i will deny this because i think it's dumb because i love watching the new dumb hot [ __ ] and then talking about it and people are tweeting about it and it's like what's a funny take i can do it's like an opportunity to create community and everyone's like you know trending topic and it's fun but uh yeah so i'll continue watching cool summer even those techniques it's bad i'll give zach a half no half yes because the takes were a little too strong for me and two like like definitive and i think so like i think there's like oh yeah well sometimes yes sometimes no so i i'm sort of middling on this so it's going to be a tiebreaker from net uh strong no for me i think yeah although i did have that one caveat about algorithmic stuff in general i think the reason that we watch great tv is also so that we can talk about it storytelling story sharing but i think keith is right i went with a strong rhetoric because i want to shake people from the the prison that they're all in but i'm not talking about trending like i'm not talking about zeitgeist shows right i'm watching the circle season two i [ __ ] love it and you can only talk about that right now you can only watch that surprise i mean it's the same show but a little more cutthroat right it's fun but like there are certain shows that you can only watch in the context of when the release one division was like that's like a rebuttal so that to me is really fun but what i am more talking about is is really like the recommendation you know what it really is it's maggie's nail lady who gives us some garbage recommendations and maggie's name what did you watch we watched [ __ ] waco which was like not even a new show it was uh yeah this was an old show that just got put on netflix and it was bad and i we were halfway through and i'm like who [ __ ] told you about this and then i found out i'm like why are we watching this garbage just because it's new on netflix well she's probably got to you know share some nice moments with her lady yeah so it's like if you're going to go if you're going to start on a new show because look a lot of times they're the zeitgeist shows and everyone's talking about but then sometimes you're like oh we should start a new show what's new and you go for what's new instead of going for that thing that you know is phenomenal that is sitting there waiting for you just because we all are attracted to what's new and i ain't talking about the zeitgeist i'm talking about just oh there's a new show we should check it out no i just like that when there's a new sandwich when there's a new sandwich at kfc you're like well let's have the new sandwich but you really should just get the bone in fried chicken you know it's the best thing they've got but maybe you've never even tried the bone marrow that would be that that would be that's the crime i would be furious oh wait wait wait so so you're not talking about the zeitgeist you're just saying if someone gives you a recommendation double check to make sure it's a good one essentially yeah i mean we i'm not going to watch that because i haven't watched killing eve yet right i know killing eve is going to be a better show yeah look i guess when maggie comes home and says we should watch this show or the flight attendant that's a crazy show yeah see that was a stupid show i watched it but there are better shows up let me tell you this zach uh actually cause it was new okay how long has the pandemic been pandemics just ending too long okay right a year you're not gonna watch killing you it's been too long it's feeling eve's already been out it's at this point if you haven't watched the stuff you can you can write it out keith you're not gonna watch the soprano yeah it's better to dig in your heels and say it's probably bad but i'm not gonna watch the show because there's like oh but there's this new show we should watch the flight attendant people are watching it it wasn't that good well it was fun it was fun actually i enjoyed myself he's actually good at acting yeah also i'm just gonna add on everybody netflix has a really good amount of great international shows so if you are looking for something that you've never seen before with great storytelling you should just look up top like korean shows top like german shows and just look at some of them you're gonna read some subtitles it's gonna be okay you're gonna you're gonna be smarter for it but there's great shows on netflix or just these international titles like i what was the one that i watched that i loved that was korean is the the one we made like eugene's birthday party i don't know with like different puzzles yeah it was alice in borderline alice in borderlands holy cow it's it's intense it's wild it's a great show all right well it's a minute to win it and uh really the reason that we came up with the segments was i could hear about mechanical keyboards from me so let's do it we're gonna do a single minute decided i'm on board okay here we go and before miles even speaks boom mechanical keyboards are a fantastic idea and here is why if you're gonna spend if you're gonna spend your entire day at your computer type in on your little type b don't use a [ __ ] track pad and your little flat little app laptop keyboard thing get a real mouse like an adult and get a mechanical keyboard you can customize when you touch it it feels so good it's like you're groping a boob but it's a keyboard and what i'll say what is it though okay so a mechanical keyboard is a keyboard that doesn't have like um essentially when you push down on it there's pressure and a release whereas a membrane keyboard is like you kind of just tap and it goes down so there's more give to it what's great about it is uh you're customizing the feel of the keys and how they go down you're also customizing the key cap so it's something aesthetic and pleasing to touch and feel and it looks good on your desk it's a blast i pre-ordered [ __ ] last year that doesn't ship until four months from now because it's such a artisan market that this [ __ ] doesn't even come out you got to pre-order it directly from the artist and it doesn't come out forever it's very expensive and crazy that's it that's my time so do you guys know about mechanical keyboards somewhat from like gamer stuff yeah they're like yeah i don't i just know that they're normally like backlit yeah and they're and they're man i'm sorry about them if miles is saying no to backlit that's like 40 of the reason i want one they have cool colors everybody who's got there they got their matching headphones and they're playing and playing the game and they're clickity-clacking yeah yeah it's like yeah mlg stuff yeah originally i was i was out on mechanical keyboards i'm like i don't want to replace my a key with like a batman symbol and then i'm like because like people like replace the symbols and it's like an alien completely misunderstanding i don't want yeah if we're not understanding that's on your minute bro um but then you didn't take the time to explain it well enough this weekend uh we we went to maggie's mom's house we find like you know she's vaccinated we got to go see her for the first time so exciting and maggie's sister has two mechanical keepers and so i was like holy [ __ ] and you know here's really what it is i've been i just moved so i'm reorganizing my office and my office has just my home office has been a place that doesn't inspire me doesn't make me happy and i'm spending so much time on my computer and i'm like if i could have that fun clickity clack if i could look at my keyboard and it's got that dope backlight miles i want my my digital space to be a happy space i wanna i wanna invest into it i wanna i want that to to make me happy to the touch that's why i'm i'm i'm i'm interested i want to know more i clearly don't understand what keyboards are because of the way miles attracting so i'm just going to quickly google mechanical does it feel like a typewriter with a spring behind it you know what it is i think it's closer to the keyboards that we had growing up like the dell keyboard like like yeah but you know how those like why don't you want to go back to that a lot of these are backlit i'm the first the first one is baglet the third one is baglet fifth one is backwards sixth one is bagley seventh eighth why are you so against back okay no should we ask him why he's not looks cool look at that all that yellow that's cool so you can like really customize whatever you want yeah i mean that sounds neat you can get it more ergonomic they have the the split keyboards which seem crazy that sounds neat too um backlights sound neat sound cool i don't like the expensive part no what about what do we think about this pink one but i mean my keyboard right now popping it's a little sticky so you know i would probably be getting a new one anyways because right now i have the um the wireless keyboard that i stole from buzzfeed uh that was like okay i could use that one but that's like it's not cool it doesn't make me happy doesn't inspire me to touch miles why why are you so anti-backlight okay backlight's fine but i'm saying that like when you think about keyboards he's probably looking a lot of gamer [ __ ] looks like crazy transformers so big brands make mechanical keyboards but they're like four gamers and they're like very specific so this is an example of like a mechanical keyboard that is like an artisan custom one so like you can get the key caps and stuff like that that one's ugly this one's ugly time's up miles that one's ugly all right i think that this is just like miles is a hundred dollar coffee mug uh i feel like excited about it feel like we're school we're paying for the packaging over here this is a a hobby or a you know a niche thing that you're passionate about which i guess miles is fine oh i'm not kidding there are like youtube there's a whole youtube sub section on i bet i was looking forward to pop out their keys and put in different different keys i don't have a page for that yeah i was researching like office feng shui stuff this weekend and i got recommended into the mechanical keyboard sub world i'd rather be collecting planeswalkers what's going on there i like that one actually miles how much is the mechanical keyboard that you purchased okay so it is i i look i am i'm all in give us one number real quick just for context i'm going to look up how much is a normal wireless keyboard there's three parts to a mechanical keyboard uh there is the case the switches and the keycaps my case which i and i built my keyboard so my case was i think it was 300 bucks and the keycaps were 120 and the switches were maybe like 70. so it's a really expensive thing jesus but what i'll say what are you driving ned yeah it's all expensive it's all expensive but it's like right obviously you don't need it it's like a luxury thing you know what i mean so i like it because it's like a very specific so i spent all my day my computer my computer there's an interesting combo there like what we decide is money and what isn't right like if i'm like if i told you like hey i got yeah i was about to bring up [ __ ] if i was like hey i gotta everything that's a sixty thousand dollar card you'd be like are you out of your [ __ ] mind whoa that's crazy but if i got two thousand dollar trombone all right what are you gonna do but if but if you got a two thousand dollar bed people would be like oh mr big spender over there right but like you spend way more time in your bed wait a two thousand dollar bed a lot of people that's really expensive for a lot of people that's that's true that's pretty pretty mid-range i know well his beds can go beds can go dude that's like a little bit above average i would say like if you get a 700 bed you are you are doing great wow that's like that that's that's valuable but one to two is like very standard yeah right no for sure those are expensive there are people out here listening you aren't even conscious when you're enjoying it right and i'll say the main thing reason i like about it is it's like it's got the hobby factor where i can like oh this is cute oh it's all custom oh what if i look at this it's got like a uh it takes up space in my mind so i can enjoy perusing parts and perusing cute little things it's just your customization i've spent 500 on magic i know that's expensive yeah no it's definitely a pricey hobby for sure is this gonna last you forever yeah no i'll have this forever it will not break down do you want to make me yes a mechanical keyboard keyboard i could tell you what to buy it would be a whole lot i don't want to buy it myself yeah will you pay for it will it work for this match i'll pay for it but i want you to do all the hardware yeah 100 miles and then if it doesn't work i'm gonna just give it back that's fine yeah miles you are sanctioned oh [ __ ] yeah dude and by the way you can i spend a ton of money i can i can make you one for like a hundred and fifty bucks it would be really how backlit well i want the 500 one thank you very much if i'm gonna go for it i wanna go for it if people are interested in the hobby i will say teja types he's like a huge he's awesome and he loves track guys by the way taha does like he builds mechanical keyboards for youtubers and big influencers and stuff he's like oh [ __ ] well why the [ __ ] i want him i know i would be bad at it he used to make one he should customize all the keyboards in our office holy [ __ ] it'd be so exciting if you're listening i want a cool keyboard because i look i really i'm trying to set this office on the right foot because the office in my the home office of my old place never was a happy place yeah it had a box corner my desk was a mess the feng shui was off even after the entire try diy episode working it over so i moved even after that unfortunately it fell apart uh but yeah then i moved upstairs and so like i kind of ported it over but it just there weren't good systems in place yeah yeah i uh the room that's supposed to be the office in our house it's just the box room it's just where like if boxes come in because becky gets a lot of cool things in the mail because she's a better influencer than me she gets she gets all sorts of beauty products and there's just a mountain of cardboard in there nothing i can do to stop it i go i open the door like jesus where all these boxes come from oh my god and they're all from like various makeup companies i recently did a cute upgrade to my home office i have a little like desk corner it's kind of like a carol almost it's a closet that we turn into a desk but it actually feels carol carol it's like a you know a library thing i'm gonna get myself a nice whiteboard and i'm gonna get a whiteboard calendar and then i'm gonna get some photos that inspire me that's nice you know in our new office we have a a black white board i love that it's so serious you don't get one of those too black white well we're gonna talk i'm all about the new office we got a little design sneak preview on the after pod today check it out at try guys but now it's time for our final segment we're the youngest and least experienced of us except when it comes to mechanical keyboards yeah will give us some advice this is advice that'll go for miles [Music] buy a whole chicken and take it apart into pieces into pieces yes that's so shocking i did that yeah that's right everyone's expecting oh it's gonna be relaxed and i'd already like to go to the bathroom like buy a whole chicken and cut it up into pieces i did this the other day i saw a tick tock where somebody did a yakitori uh like breakdown of the whole chicken i was like i could do that that's cool it's like way cheaper you could save like 15 yeah it's way cheaper just getting an owning a knife and knowing where the parts chop apart exactly and it was really fun it made me feel like i had more ownership over like the meat that i was doing i was like oh i really understand how this like works it definitely is like like my my roommate is like i like meat but i don't like to like you know i don't like icky you know it's definitely not for that type of person chicken is icky exactly that's for sure but um jesus is it's gross it's really crazy but um i was thinking on the theme song to give me time to pee i think this is great advice miles yeah chicken buy chicken i appreciate the directness home [ __ ] pull chickens are trending right now spatchcocking is having its moment yeah i'm not kidding what is that word spatchcocking if you've never done it it's it's surprisingly easy it's not dirty we've done that in my bedroom no no no you haven't guys i hope not we have to bleep smash cocking no no just the first of the beeps you got a whole chicken and then you use butcher shears and you cut a like cut the spine out and then you lay the chicken flat and you cook it like flat and it cooks a lot more even that's awesome great if you've ever been to el pollo loco and you've looked at the chickens laid out on their grill they're normally halved right they're halved chicken spatchcocking is making a half chicken but keeping them together you're almost like it's like a it becomes a butterfly yeah pretty much it's like the legs are it's beautiful i think everyone should learn how to break down the animals that they eat uh especially chickens because when you know how to break down a chicken with a draw you know how to cut apart a turkey when it's whole because the the bone you're just knowing where the bone hinges giving all-stars yeah you get to be like like a champion when you know like if i because you hand me a chicken and be like tell me what piece you want i can isolate that piece and cut it out for you perfectly and then you can get you can have a thought you can have a leg and you just have to know where the joints are you just hack it right in the middle of that joint right off i think it is generally good advice for people who eat meat to stop being so disassociated yeah from the food that they eat uh so if you're eating meat [ __ ] know what you're doing yeah and respect the animal that you're eating and use all the meat or else you're being wasteful plus that's no good when you buy a whole chicken you got that whole chicken carcass you can make broth that's right you can you can make a bra you can get you get so much more longitude out of your food if you really think about like even when you're grilling if you just made grilled chicken and you like were to take the bones and if it was your family and it's like all your own germs that you already have you can just take all the bones and just make chicken stock out of that for sure they don't have doesn't have to be a whole carcass it can be like a couple bones and it'll give you some amount of flavor it's awesome yeah keith is real good at keeping all of the the discard from vegetables that you don't eat like the bottom of asparagus and the stock of the broccoli the skin of the onions that's the most important one no kidding that gives you the most flavor and you make vegetable stock out of it oh yeah in fact if you only have onion skin you'll you'll get a delicious stock out of basically just onions that's what are you doing with the stock are you making like soup the best things to keep would be onion skin carrot shards uh celery tops cucumber butts things that like are those like things that are already in like a chicken soup right right but if you have belt bell pepper stems other things those will also be good yeah too much broccoli tastes terrific yeah don't just make a broccoli stalk it's not good yeah it's crazy but mostly you just keep your bra butts you put it in a ziplock bag put in the freezer when it's full you take it out you pour it all into water you fill the pot to the top wait so the pot gets about half full you drain out all the vegetables now you have a vegetable stock that's awesome you don't even heat it no yeah you heat you boil it i don't know what you thought happened to make it go in half volume but i assumed people understood it was cooking no wow that's just you put you just pour water over it and you got stuck kind of you boil it and then you strain it and then you have veggie stock and it and if you could freeze it again and have it for soups later i normally always just make a soup with that stock so i make like a pizzoli or something you can also also throw in your bones in that stock and make it a a very very rich stock a chicken and veggie stock which is lamb stew lightly yeah it's just a good hack you're throwing it away anyway why not throw it into a different bag freeze it boil it drink it and if you like that tip then rate us five stars on itunes and subscribe to the show people discover the show and also check out the new merch at and what are you doing always listening to the newest episode of the tripod you sheeple we got old episodes that are big find the ones that are the best listen to those that's my advice yeah ask people on twitter they know i wonder is that a thing like are they like oh episode 34. i got one people that go back and listen to specific episodes yeah i do that yeah with other podcasts not with ours no no no i already listened to it twice live and editing it we got guilty pleasures we got baby steps and we have you can sit with i wanted to give a shout out to another show but it's too late but it's the end of the episode so if you're still listening that means you care i was recently on a show called depressed mode with john moe it's a really great show about mental health right now it's may is mental health awareness month so uh check in with your friends but it's an episode about my mental health journey and the coolest part about it is that i talked to him about my love for this ira glass quote and so ira glass the host of this american life on npr and so he this american life to me and he interviewed ira glass about me what about my love well about this quote and about my love of this quote the gap anyone who's heard me at any talk i've talked about my love for this quote so he in like i talked about this thing and how it changed my life then he talked to ira glass about the phenomenon of this quote and then like asked him about me it's pretty crazy and very fun uh and produced my favorite quote of the year which is uh what does that mean the try guys who has no idea who we are try guys what about that what is that what does this mean the try guys they try things super fun so depression it's a great show i highly recommend phil keith yes with the official tripod theme [Music] song what an instrument the tripod until next time stay beautiful you
Channel: TryPods
Views: 174,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tryguys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, podcast, advice, miles, miles nation, secrets, show, talkshow, behind the scenes, youtubers, ramble, audio, video podcast, clip, segment, silly, becky, maggie, you can sit with us, try wives, girls, female, women, hot takes, drama, controversial, controversy, music, mtg, mechanical keyboards
Id: AcHcekFEP5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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