How Addicts Lie

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down the front there you're you who's 20. are you is your life better are you happier is everything better now that you're slightly smaller than you were before absolutely and I'm not a little bit smaller I'm a lot smaller and I did I did do research into everything I can still have kids and that may not have happened if I had a stayed the size I was like my question to you is can you honestly say that you are 100 happy and healthy like you have no medical conditions whatsoever you have no problems at all with your health um I think it's really interesting that I feel like I need to justify my existence in this room just answer the question you asked her a very condescending question and now you're trying to avoid the backlash you can't just throw sand in a kid's face and then cry to the teacher when they defend themselves shockingly the host doesn't let her get out of it and pressures her to respond no but hang on a minute you asked her to justify her decision and she's just happy I didn't actually justify what her health issues now or if there is any have you got any health issues no I'm perfectly happy I'd love to know like what do you see is healthy with eating um yeah it's interesting that you've just assumed that I eat bad food because no no I'd love to know it's not an assumption all the evidence of your behavior is there it's like telling people that you didn't eat little Timmy's birthday cake when they're still frosting on your mouth that you forgot to clean off but all right let's hear her defense for why she's healthy because if you're really healthy if you have any joint Ed I swim two and a half kilometers a day I walk I exercise all the time I am in a synchronized swimming team and I really resent the fact that I have to actually justify my existence and my ability to live in the world in a bigger body okay but you said nothing about what you eat you shifted the exercise so you could avoid that question why would you be avoiding it if you ate healthy if she actually ate healthy she would be jumping to answer that question to dunk on anyone who doubts her then of course she says I swim you know what that's like the easiest form of exercise for obese people because there's less gravity to deal with and excess fat makes you float better by the way I don't believe it all that she swims 2.5 kilometers a day I don't even think she's accomplished that once I'm not a swimmer but according to Google that's like an hour straight of swimming for an average person if she had the kind of discipline that it takes to do that daily then she wouldn't have trouble losing weight but if you were so healthy then why don't you like run for Fitness do you even walk for Fitness you cut yourself off when you said that word almost as if it was a lie you wouldn't lie to us with would you Kelly Jean drink water wait Kelly Jean drink water oh my God her stage name is drink water it's always the fat acceptance Advocates who feel the need to constantly virtue signal about drinking water to pretend that they're healthy what I eat in a day is a fat person I then had some more water because I'm skinny and hungover [Music] a sun-kissed peach packet and then I'm doing three pumps of cherry I feel like all gummies have some kind of vanilla aspect so I added one and a half pumps of vanilla almond overall this water was really good so like seven out of ten thin people never have to prove themselves by saying hey guys I just wanted you to know that I drink water I don't only drink soda all day but anyway these clips of Kelly Jean drink water are from a 2013 Australian broadcast called fat fighters that time period appears to be a wonderful moment in TV history where a mainstream media host actually pushed back on some of the very dumb things that fat acceptance Advocates say dumb things like this I just think that the the this is a this otherwise the discussion is running is very indicative of the general prevailing attitude towards fatness and the refusal to even accept that potentially there can be other ways of living yeah except that scientifically undrew sure you can live in a bigger body when you're under 40 as far as I can Google she was around 400 pounds when this was filmed but was in her early 30s so of course she's okay however the actual problem is that you don't live nearly as long as a thin person when you're 400 pounds and you're cutting your life in half so you can eat more poorly made hamburgers from McDonald's pathological behavior is the proclivity to gain in the short term but lose in the medium to long run right that's a simple definition of pathological Behavior it's sacrificing your future for instant gratification or a short-term win now I'm not exactly sure what happened to Kelly because she's been out of the media for a number of years but eventually she does mention her diet I just want to know what what are you what are you eating like I just want to know and I'll tell you what I eat and we can so that's what it comes down to like what you're saying incredibly like it's it's such a small equation that you want to know what I eat I eat salad I ate me I don't eat carbs because I don't agree with me um you know I ate a lot of fruit and vegetables I'm primarily vegetarian she says I don't eat carbs because they don't agree with me and then proceeds to a virtue signal about how she eats fruits and vegetables which are full of carbs oh my gosh you know so little about food that she thinks the only things that have carbs in them are bread and pasta and then she calls herself a vegetarian after saying that she eats meat there's no primarily a vegetarian you either are a vegetarian or you aren't just like with the exercise I don't believe anything you're saying at all I've shown plenty of examples on this channel of people her size claiming to eat salad but they dump like 500 calories of butter or mayonnaise all over it I mean she's obviously pretending because she only mentions eating things that people perceive to be healthy I eat salad but not bread because bread is bad also I watched Forks Over Knives on Netflix last week so I'm going to say that I'm a vegetarian because that documentary made it sound healthy no one eats as flawlessly as she pretends to she's such a bad liar personally though I would rather pressure her on exercise because it's a lot easier to prove that she's lacking in physical fitness by throwing her against an average thin person in a one mile run than it is to monitor everything she eats but I cannot stress enough that when fat acceptance Advocates say that they don't eat that much or they say they exclusively eat healthy foods they are lying which brings me to my new favorite Obsession a show called secret eaters I can't believe I only learned about this show recently because in my opinion it does an even better job at exposing how much these people eat than my 600 pound life does the way they do that is by putting cameras all around the house of the people on the show have private investigators follow them everywhere and recruit their family to tattle on them for five days and then when they've told the people being filmed that they stop recording they continue to record them to see if they were cheating during the time that they knew they were being filmed let's see a little bit from an episode with Tracy and Kelly a different Kelly this time I'm on my way to visit two lovebirds from home 38 year old Tracy Williams and 27 year old Kelly Kane who met two years ago at the local Cake Factory where they both work you've both put on four Stones yeah yeah two Stone a year you've put on yeah wow two Stone in a year holy crap that's like 28 pounds or 12.7 kilograms in a year let me put that in perspective for you of how much food it takes to gain that kind of weight in such a short amount of time for the past nine months I've been bodybuilding I started out with what's called recomposition which is a method of gaining muscle that allows you to make gains while you're losing weight or maintaining your weight but honestly I was already thin and recomposition took too much discipline so I switched to bulking and cutting for probably eight months of that many times a week I was absolutely eating way more calories than I needed even more than the 500 calorie or so daily Surplus that's recommended for bulking some days I completely stuff my face particularly if it was the day where I accidentally waited too long to eat I put on about 15 pounds in that eight months which would be roughly 22 pounds in a year I'm cutting that weight now and I've already lost about six pounds of it but holy crap to gain the kind of weight that they gained they must have been stuffing their faces constantly however that's not what they report they said they eat healthy in like healthy cereal sometimes strawberry granola sometimes muesli eating more salads I get like the light mayonnaise well it's actually extra Light extra extra light mayonnaise it doesn't sound like you're eating that much when you look at it we do it just it's like why am I so big if I'm not eating that much see I don't eat that bad I have Total cereal for breakfast well first of all I don't think cereal is healthy at all most cereals contain a lot of added sugar and even if they don't at best you're eating flavorless processed wheat instead of a natural food she said her cereal was strawberry flavored so it probably has added sugar also like I said earlier she throws mayonnaise on her salad which destroys the point of eating a salad I in no way believe that she uses the low calorie Mayo every time she eats salad second it was revealed at the end of the episode that she never actually eats the cereal she just had it as an option to eat but actually it's junk food instead which means how do we even know that she eats the salad now while they're filming they ask the people on the show to make a food diary to get a baseline of how much they think they're eating let's see how much Tracy thinks she eats we asked the girls to complete a food diary and according to Tracy's diary it's a mystery why she's not losing weight she claims a lean average of just over 1500 calories per day and now you might see why I never believe it when obese people report that they don't eat that much Tracy recorded that she eats 1500 calories in a day which cannot be true because that puts her at a four to five hundred calorie deficit meaning that she would be thin if this number was accurate however what typically happens is that these people often have no idea how many calories their meals are and I think that a different episode of secret eater shows that best when they discuss how many calories this girl's Chili Dog meal had Cory started a hot dog chili meal with two Jumbo hot dog rolls 404 calories she then added four hot dogs 188 calories on top of that she added some tinned chili con carne two tablespoons of salads cream 113 calories reduced fat grated mature cheddar cheese 211 calories that brought the total mail to 1428 calories obese people will often eat these super calorie dense meals as a snack and have no idea of how much they're actually eating but when they ask the person who made this meal how she eats she reports that she eats super healthy she cooks her own food she told me she always Cooks healthy home-cooked meals most of the stuff I eat is quite fresh like I love cooking yeah she eats those hot dogs and chili fresh out of the can again can you see why I don't trust anything obese people say when they report how healthy they eat you have missed drink water from earlier who has no idea what carbohydrates are and this girl here who calls pouring things out of a can cooking you didn't make that chili someone else did and put it in the can for you the ridiculous part is that chili isn't even that hard to make all you have to do is throw ingredients into a crock pot and wait for a few hours so she basically has no cooking skill getting back to the original episode of secret eaters Tracy reported that she eats 1500 calories in a day how much does her partner Kelly say she eats Kelly's diary shows a calorific intake of almost 2 300 calories a day which is more than the typical daily average but still doesn't explain her huge weight gain that's probably a little bit more accurate than her counterpart but there is no way she gained 28 pounds in a year from eating at a slight calorie Surplus there's information all over this show that suggests that their food Diaries are incorrect like shots of them eating candy bars Donuts or eclairs and drinking sugary orange juice now I've said before that it is possible to lose weight while eating junk food but because the sugar in candy bars and donuts is so addictive it is very unlikely that you'll actually be able to eat at a calorie deficit while eating processed sugar I think one of the best ways to control Cravings while you're losing weight is to check the ingredients labels on your food and cut out all processed sugar and maybe mix that with a probiotic that will make it way easier to resist overeating or binging alright let's hear how many calories they actually ate you thought you were getting through around 1 560 calories day we recorded you getting through nearly 3 000 calories a day Kelly from your food Diaries you thought you were getting through around 2280 calories a day we recorded you getting through 3650 calories 1500 calories a day Tracy actually ate double that and her counterpart Kelly ate more than one and a half times what she said she ate they also caught Kelly drinking two and a half liters of energy drinks in a four to five day period this is the reality of how much obese people eat and they were probably still on their best behavior for the show with that in mind let's get back to the Australian show and move on to another fat acceptance Advocate Jennifer Lee now allow me to apologize before I show this next clip because I've shown this kind of thing a lot on my channel but I just want to further stress how often this nonsense is sad um Julius you're a fitness trainer what do you think of Jenny and Dorothy being happy with their bodies um I think that's that's fantastic are you healthy as have you been to the doctors and they've told you that you're healthy well I think that's quite a loaded question because I don't think anyone here who's then was is going to be asked that so I I guess that's what I would say to that answer that we have to look as well at the assumptions that are made uh and I would say you can't actually tell someone's lifestyle or health by looking at them yes you can that is precisely why you guys don't like people asking questions about your health or poking around your lifestyle choices it's because we can physically see that you aren't healthy plus a major part of doctors assessing someone's health is by looking for what are called signs and symptoms doctors are taught to assess your health by looking at you on top of that you can absolutely determine things about people's lifestyle based on the way they look here's a picture of a guy who has a lot of muscle the only way he can achieve this is if he exercises which means I can look at him and determine that he does resistance training solely based on his appearance so just know that fat acceptance Advocates have been repeating this nonsense since at least 2013 and we know it's nonsense because Jennifer flat out refuses to talk about what she eats Julie says you before Jenny what you ate and you avoided the answer no I answered the question differently you're saying you're healthy I want to know like I said that I wouldn't answer that question because I felt that a lot of thin people would not be asked that question we're being asked to justify an existence whether a fat person's healthy or not is is not necessarily the primary question that I think we should focus on the whole time here spoken like a true addict addicts are excellent at dodging questions and shifting people's Focus so that people don't question them on uncomfortable topics so know that when you're dealing with any kind of addict and trying to get them help it is important to stay focused on the main topic and not let them distract you with an irrelevant issue the only real information we have on Jennifer's diet is this have you tried to lose weight oh I tried for 20 years I I started formal dieting at 16 with Herbalife and then on to calorie counting like an easy Weight Watchers all of those Herbalife the pyramid scheme I don't know if Herbalife still does this but back when I was in school and during the time that this TV special was filmed Herbalife was one of those scams where they pretend they are selling the product to the customer but they're actually selling their product to the salesman and tricking those sales people into thinking that they're entrepreneurs when in actuality they are the customer it's the kind of company that It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia parodied a bunch of years ago with their invigoron episode so sign up for the invigoron system today and take the first step s toward obtaining Financial Freedom in vigoron a business opportunity as rare as the avani berries themselves now Charlie and I have recently come into a rare business opportunity and we were hoping you could clear a couple things up for us can you look at that it's a pyramid scheme that being said you can tell that Jennifer Lee really does her research when it comes to learning how to eat healthy she thinks that drinking a protein shake will make her thin that's not what protein shakes are for protein shakes are to help you get your optimal protein intake when you're building muscle without getting a bunch of unwanted calories from fat and carbohydrates if you aren't bodybuilding you don't need protein shakes also notice that they Gaslight people by saying things like I don't care about being in a bigger body why do you care no clearly you do care because you're using euphemisms and you said you spent 20 years trying to lose weight you also said this well thinking back to then I I was beginning to get those feelings that I was disgusting and ugly and I write in my journal when I was 16 that I feared that I had the most disgusting body in the world okay so if you're overweight and don't like it then the correct answer is to learn how to get healthy not find excuses for why it's impossible to change I think this guy says it best I wonder whether you think people shouldn't be big as big as some of the people in this room are do you think that's the case I think it's up to everybody to be as big as they want to be but if you're not happy with your size um don't don't um make try and make excuses and reasons as to why you are happy with your size when you clearly in your head you're definitely not happy right stop looking for reasons to not achieve the lifestyle that you clearly desire but I think this next part is probably the highlight of all the nonsense that Jennifer says which is where she tries to lie about the cost that obesity morbid obesity and severe morbid obesity have on the medical system particularly in countries where the medical industry is completely socialized and everyone else is paying for the consequences of you eating fast food every day I think it frames fresh as a drain on society and my response is a lot of us work a lot of us pay taxes uh you know we're not just a drain on society wait shouldn't it be all of your work she's like we are an adrenaline Society a handful of us have jobs and pay taxes is now excluding the people who eat so much that they can't leave their house understand how this trick works Jennifer is not a tax burden yet because she's still in her 30s however if she continues this pattern of unhealthy Behavior then she could easily cost the tax system 10 times what she put into it as she nears the end of her shortened life now every society is going to have some number of people who are dependents and simply can't do for themselves for example people with severe mental or physical disabilities a healthy Society will work to do what it can to decrease the number of people who can't fend for themselves the issue is though that fat acceptance as well as all the other woke is taken perfectly capable people and turning them into expensive dependents that put a heavy drain on the system I didn't show it but the host of this show rightfully points out that it's okay for us to publicly shame smokers for their costs on the medical care system and it's even appropriate for insurance companies to charge them more but the second you bring up weight that's when you're out of line everyone can lose weight is a simple equation it's called energy out if you're fat you exercise that's the energy out and the energy in as the fat that you carry on your body everyone can lose weight I know it's hard but the question was are there people that can't lose weight and the answer to that is no that's actually okay oh no how dare he say something true did you hear all the Gasping in the audience when you said that as I've said before it's hard to fully blame these people especially when there are a ton of health professionals like this next person who are out there not doing their job by teaching people proper weight loss technique or they will just flat out lie to people about how unhealthy being obese is and I think you know the message that's not getting out is that we actually don't need to lose weight to become healthy you know I think we need to be focusing much more on health behaviors and helping people to have self-care so can you be fat and healthy absolutely absolutely absolutely I mean self-care like not binge eating every day because if you're 500 pounds you need to lose weight to be healthy at the very least you have to admit that this is a matter of scale and no one who has 500 600 or a thousand pounds is healthy at that weight maybe you can Gaslight people about 300 pounds but certainly not a thousand pounds this psychologist has a number of horrible takes during the show and this is why and I think everybody should be careful about this but this is why I personally am incredibly picky about who I allow to teach me or influence me with information because if you let the wrong people influence you in the case of fat acceptance it could easily cost you your life outside of that acceptance Bad Teachers will very often teach you the wrong information and when it comes to skills You're Building especially job related skills a bad teacher can waste years of your time and really hurt your lifetime salary always be picky about who you allow to teach you ultimately there are tons of people out there who have information about health or dieting that is flat out wrong because they get their health advice from mainstream news the same mainstream news that is so bad at fact checking that they will tell you dumb stuff like eating chocolate every day will make you lose weight also another thing that's pointed out here and I hope that more people learn this in the future is that weight loss surgeries don't actually work I had a gastric band in 2007 and over the next two and a half years I lost around 50 kilos probably 55 kilos um then mine just basically stopped working and I think I'd figured it out as well I'd work how would you figure it out what do you mean well I'd worked it out I'd worked what helped how I could get food in um that I wasn't meant to yep eventually most people who get weight loss surgery will figure out how to eat around the surgery at that point they will either gain weight back or Plateau permanently the doctors will even tell you that when you get things like gastric bypass so weight loss surgery doesn't really solve the underlying problem of addiction it just sort of treats one of the symptoms very invasively and the problem with stuff like this is that when you lie to people about how unhealthy obesity is or when you teach them ineffective management techniques that end up not working what you will eventually do is teach them to be helpless realistically you only have so many attempts at losing weight before your plane just give up and get the idea in your head that you'll never be able to lose weight like this person here Dorothy describe your body for me curvy voluptuous Carefree and just big and beautiful have you always felt that way about it not really um because I've always been quite thin but I've just accepted the fact that this is my body now what she said there was really depressing she was rightfully unhappy about the weight gain but eventually gave up because it was too hard to lose weight she tried everything except for the things that work and because she failed after a number of attempts she decided to accept that she's a failure instead of continuing to try to fix her health this learned helplessness is one of the unfortunate realities of psychological well-being and self-improvement if you fail too many times you will give your brain all the evidence it needs to determine that you're a loser and you'll stop trying this applies to all skills fortunately the flip side of this is true as well and if you succeed a lot you'll think you're unstoppable and it doesn't matter how small the success is you'll still get the psychological benefits of the victory so it's very important that you do two things when you're new to anything first spend a lot of time researching and learning new information that's easy because it's all on YouTube now second and most importantly keep your expectations low when you're new to something you have no idea what a reasonable amount of improvement is you need experience to figure that out and very often people's expectations are outrageous when they're new like thinking they should be able to lose 50 pounds in one month and when they inevitably don't achieve that goal because it's not possible they'll feel like failures and give up keep your goals small when you start out like so small that maybe for the first week of fixing your eating habits you simply try to not gain weight or maybe you just try to go one week without binge eating keep the goal small and after you succeed and better know what expectations to have you can make the goal progressively more difficult so if you try to lose weight over and over and failed every time or if you felt at learning any other skill after lots of attempts know that it's still possible to succeed if other people have done it so can you figure out what they know most importantly slow everything down do not go fast with this small changes over a long period of time is what will actually end up working anyway thanks for watching follow me on Twitter and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Think Before You Sleep
Views: 2,254,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insight, Fat Fighters, Jordan Peterson, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Secret Eaters
Id: fsl6oId3YGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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